| *** Settings *** |
| Documentation Validate A&AI Serivce Instance |
| ... |
| ... Validate A&AI Serivce Instance |
| |
| Resource aai_interface.robot |
| Library Collections |
| Library OperatingSystem |
| Library RequestsLibrary |
| Library ONAPLibrary.JSON |
| Library ONAPLibrary.Templating |
| Resource ../stack_validation/validate_vlb.robot |
| Resource ../stack_validation/validate_vfw.robot |
| Resource ../stack_validation/validate_vvg.robot |
| Resource ../aai/aai_interface.robot |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${INDEX PATH} /aai/v11 |
| ${GENERIC_QUERY_PATH} /search/generic-query? |
| ${SYSTEM USER} robot-ete |
| ${CUSTOMER SPEC PATH} /business/customers/customer/ |
| ${SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS} /service-subscriptions/service-subscription/ |
| ${SERVICE INSTANCE} /service-instances?service-instance-id= |
| ${SERVCE INSTANCE TEMPLATE} aai/service_subscription.jinja |
| |
| ${GENERIC_VNF_PATH_TEMPLATE} /network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/\${vnf_id}/vf-modules/vf-module/\${vf_module_id} |
| ${GENERIC_VNF_QUERY_TEMPLATE} /network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/\${vnf_id}/vf-modules/vf-module?vf-module-name=\${vf_module_name} |
| ${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_HACK_BODY} aai/vlb_closed_loop_hack.jinja |
| |
| #*************** Test Case Variables ************* |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Validate Service Instance |
| [Documentation] Query and Validates A&AI Service Instance |
| [Arguments] ${service_instance_name} ${service_type} ${customer_name} |
| ${cust_resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX PATH}/business/customers?subscriber-name=${customer_name} |
| ${resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX PATH}${CUSTOMER SPEC PATH}${cust_resp.json()['customer'][0]['global-customer-id']}${SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS}${service_type}${SERVICE INSTANCE}${service_instance_name} |
| Dictionary Should Contain Value ${resp.json()['service-instance'][0]} ${service_instance_name} |
| |
| Validate Generic VNF |
| [Documentation] Query and Validates A&AI Service Instance |
| [Arguments] ${vnf_name} ${vnf_type} ${service_instance_id} |
| ${generic_vnf}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf?vnf-name=${vnf_name} |
| Dictionary Should Contain Value ${generic_vnf.json()} ${vnf_name} |
| ${returned_vnf_type}= Get From Dictionary ${generic_vnf.json()} vnf-type |
| Should Contain ${returned_vnf_type} ${vnf_type} |
| ${vnf_id}= Get From Dictionary ${generic_vnf.json()} vnf-id |
| ${generic_vnf}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX PATH}/network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/${vnf_id}?depth=all |
| [Return] ${generic_vnf.json()} |
| |
| VLB Closed Loop Hack |
| [Arguments] ${service} ${generic_vnf} ${closedloop_vf_module} |
| Return From Keyword If '${service}' != 'vLB' |
| ${vnf_id}= Get From Dictionary ${generic_vnf} vnf-id |
| ${vf_modules}= Get From Dictionary ${generic_vnf} vf-modules |
| ${list}= Get From Dictionary ${vf_modules} vf-module |
| ${vfmodule}= Get From List ${list} 0 |
| ${persona_model_id}= Get From Dictionary ${closedloop_vf_module} invariantUUID |
| ${persona_model_version}= Get From Dictionary ${closedloop_vf_module} version |
| ${dummy}= Catenate dummy_${vnf_id} |
| ${dict}= Create Dictionary vnf_id=${vnf_id} vf_module_id=${dummy} persona_model_id=${persona_model_id} persona_model_version=${persona_model_version} |
| ${datapath}= Template String ${GENERIC_VNF_PATH_TEMPLATE} ${dict} |
| Create Environment aai ${GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_FOLDER} |
| ${data}= Apply Template aai ${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_HACK_BODY} ${dict} |
| ${put_resp}= Run A&AI Put Request ${INDEX PATH}${datapath} ${data} |
| ${status_string}= Convert To String ${put_resp.status_code} |
| Should Match Regexp ${status_string} ^(201|412)$ |
| Set Test Variable ${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_DELETE} ${datapath} |
| Set Test Variable ${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_VNF_ID} ${vnf_id} |
| |
| |
| VLB Closed Loop Hack Update |
| [Documentation] Update the A&AI vDNS scaling vf module to have persona-model-version 1 rather than 1.0 |
| [Arguments] ${stack_name} |
| ${dict}= Create Dictionary vnf_id=${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_VNF_ID} vf_module_name=${stack_name} |
| ${query}= Template String ${GENERIC_VNF_QUERY_TEMPLATE} ${dict} |
| ${get_resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX_PATH}${query} |
| ${json}= Set Variable ${get_resp.json()} |
| Set to Dictionary ${json} persona-model-version 1 |
| ${vf_module_id}= Get From Dictionary ${json} vf-module-id |
| Set to Dictionary ${dict} vf_module_id=${vf_module_id} |
| ${uri}= Template String ${GENERIC_VNF_PATH_TEMPLATE} ${dict} |
| ${resp}= Run A&AI Put Request ${INDEX_PATH}${uri} ${json} |
| ${get_resp}= Run A&AI Get Request ${INDEX_PATH}${query} |
| |
| |
| Teardown VLB Closed Loop Hack |
| Return From Keyword If ' ${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_DELETE}' == '' |
| Delete A&AI Entity ${VLB_CLOSED_LOOP_DELETE} |
| |
| |
| Validate VF Module |
| [Documentation] Query and Validates A&AI Service Instance |
| [Arguments] ${vf_module_name} ${stack_type} |
| Run Keyword If '${stack_type}'=='vLB' Validate vLB Stack ${vf_module_name} |
| Run Keyword If '${stack_type}'=='vFW' Validate Firewall Stack ${vf_module_name} |
| Run Keyword If '${stack_type}'=='vVG' Validate vVG Stack ${vf_module_name} |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Create AAI Service Instance |
| [Documentation] Query and Validates A&AI Service Instance |
| [Arguments] ${customer_id} ${service_type} ${service_instance_id} ${service_instance_name} |
| ${json_string}= Catenate { "service-type": "VDNS" , "service-subscriptions":[{"service-instance-id":"instanceid123","service-instance-name":"VDNS"}]} |
| ${put_resp}= Run A&AI Put Request ${INDEX PATH}${CUSTOMER SPEC PATH}${CUSTOMER ID}${SERVICE SUBSCRIPTIONS}/{service_type} ${json_string} |
| Should Be Equal As Strings ${put_resp.status_code} 201 |
| [Return] ${put_resp.status_code} |
| |