| import {ComponentFixture, TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing'; |
| import {ContextMenuModule, ContextMenuService} from 'ngx-contextmenu'; |
| import {CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA} from '@angular/core'; |
| import {AuditInfoModalComponent} from "./auditInfoModal.component"; |
| import {NgRedux} from "@angular-redux/store"; |
| import {FeatureFlagsService} from "../../services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service"; |
| import {AaiService} from "../../services/aaiService/aai.service"; |
| import {HttpClientTestingModule} from "@angular/common/http/testing"; |
| import {ScrollToModule} from "@nicky-lenaers/ngx-scroll-to"; |
| import {RouterTestingModule} from "@angular/router/testing"; |
| import {ModalModule} from "ngx-bootstrap"; |
| import {CapitalizeAndFormatPipe} from "../../pipes/capitalize/capitalize-and-format.pipe"; |
| import {ServiceInfoService} from "../../server/serviceInfo/serviceInfo.service"; |
| import {IframeService} from "../../utils/iframe.service"; |
| import {AuditInfoModalComponentService} from "./auditInfoModal.component.service"; |
| import {ServiceInfoModel} from "../../server/serviceInfo/serviceInfo.model"; |
| import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http'; |
| import {getTestBed} from "@angular/core/testing"; |
| import {of} from 'rxjs'; |
| import {NodeInstance} from "../../models/nodeInstance"; |
| |
| class MockAppStore<T> { |
| getState() { |
| return { |
| global: { |
| flags: { |
| 'FLAG_1902_NEW_VIEW_EDIT': true |
| } |
| }, |
| service: { |
| serviceInstance: {} |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dispatch() { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| describe('Audit Info Modal Component_serviceInfoService', () => { |
| let component: AuditInfoModalComponent; |
| let fixture: ComponentFixture<AuditInfoModalComponent>; |
| let _serviceInfoService: ServiceInfoService; |
| let injector; |
| beforeAll(done => (async () => { |
| |
| TestBed.configureTestingModule({ |
| imports: [ |
| HttpClientTestingModule, |
| ContextMenuModule, |
| ScrollToModule.forRoot(), |
| RouterTestingModule, |
| ModalModule.forRoot() |
| ], |
| providers: [ |
| ServiceInfoService, |
| AaiService, |
| IframeService, |
| AuditInfoModalComponentService, |
| ContextMenuService, |
| FeatureFlagsService, |
| {provide: NgRedux, useClass: MockAppStore} |
| ], |
| declarations: [AuditInfoModalComponent, CapitalizeAndFormatPipe], |
| }); |
| await TestBed.compileComponents(); |
| |
| injector = getTestBed(); |
| _serviceInfoService = injector.get(ServiceInfoService); |
| fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AuditInfoModalComponent); |
| component = fixture.componentInstance; |
| fixture.detectChanges(); |
| })().then(done).catch(done.fail)); |
| |
| |
| test('component should be defined', () => { |
| expect(component).toBeDefined(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('setModalTitles should set modal title according to type', () => { |
| component.setModalTitles('VNF'); |
| expect(component.type).toEqual('VNF'); |
| expect(component.title).toEqual('VNF Instantiation Information'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('initializeProperties should init some component properties', () => { |
| component.initializeProperties(); |
| expect(component.modelInfoItems).toBeNull(); |
| expect(component.vidInfoData).toEqual([]); |
| expect(component.msoInfoData).toEqual([]); |
| expect(component.isLoading).toEqual(true); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openAuditInfoModal', () => { |
| const jobData: ServiceInfoModel = new ServiceInfoModel(); |
| spyOn(AuditInfoModalComponentService, 'createModelInformationItemsJob'); |
| spyOn(component, 'initAuditInfoData'); |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModal, 'show'); |
| component.openAuditInfoModal(jobData); |
| |
| expect(AuditInfoModalComponentService.createModelInformationItemsJob).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jobData); |
| expect(component.initAuditInfoData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jobData); |
| expect(component.auditInfoModal.show).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('onCancelClick', () => { |
| spyOn(component, 'initializeProperties'); |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModal, 'hide'); |
| component.onCancelClick(); |
| |
| expect(component.initializeProperties).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); |
| expect(component.auditInfoModal.hide).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openInstanceAuditInfoModal calls to getAuditStatusForRetry function', () => { |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModalComponentService, 'getModelInfo').and.returnValue([]); |
| spyOn(component, 'initializeProperties'); |
| spyOn(component, 'setModalTitles'); |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModal, 'show'); |
| spyOn(_serviceInfoService, 'getAuditStatusForRetry'); |
| jest.spyOn(_serviceInfoService, 'getAuditStatusForRetry').mockReturnValue(of([])) |
| |
| spyOn(AuditInfoModalComponentService, 'getInstanceModelName'); |
| const instanceId: string = "instanceID"; |
| const type: string = 'VNF'; |
| const model = {}; |
| const instance: NodeInstance = new NodeInstance(); |
| instance.trackById = 'trackById'; |
| instance.isFailed= true; |
| |
| AuditInfoModalComponent.openInstanceAuditInfoModal.next({ |
| instanceId: instanceId, |
| type: type, |
| model: model, |
| instance: instance |
| }); |
| |
| expect(component.showVidStatus).toEqual(false); |
| expect(component.initializeProperties).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(component.setModalTitles).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(_serviceInfoService.getAuditStatusForRetry).toHaveBeenCalledWith(instance.trackById); |
| expect(component.auditInfoModal.show).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(AuditInfoModalComponentService.getInstanceModelName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(model); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openInstanceAuditInfoModal calls to getInstanceAuditStatus function', () => { |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModalComponentService, 'getModelInfo').and.returnValue([]); |
| spyOn(component, 'initializeProperties'); |
| spyOn(component, 'setModalTitles'); |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModal, 'show'); |
| spyOn(_serviceInfoService, 'getAuditStatusForRetry'); |
| jest.spyOn(_serviceInfoService, 'getInstanceAuditStatus').mockReturnValue(of([])) |
| |
| spyOn(AuditInfoModalComponentService, 'getInstanceModelName'); |
| const instanceId: string = "instanceID"; |
| const type: string = 'VNF'; |
| const model = {}; |
| const instance = {}; |
| |
| AuditInfoModalComponent.openInstanceAuditInfoModal.next({ |
| instanceId: instanceId, |
| type: type, |
| model: model, |
| instance: instance |
| }); |
| |
| expect(component.showVidStatus).toEqual(false); |
| expect(component.initializeProperties).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(component.setModalTitles).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(_serviceInfoService.getInstanceAuditStatus).toHaveBeenCalledWith(instanceId, type); |
| expect(component.auditInfoModal.show).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(AuditInfoModalComponentService.getInstanceModelName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(model); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openInstanceAuditInfoModal : openModal : with job data', () => { |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModalComponentService, 'getModelInfo').and.returnValue([]); |
| spyOn(component, 'initializeProperties'); |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModal, 'show'); |
| spyOn(AuditInfoModalComponentService, 'getInstanceModelName'); |
| const jobData: ServiceInfoModel = new ServiceInfoModel(); |
| jobData.aLaCarte = true; |
| AuditInfoModalComponent.openModal.next(jobData); |
| |
| expect(component.showVidStatus).toEqual(true); |
| expect(component.initializeProperties).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| expect(component.auditInfoModal.show).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openInstanceAuditInfoModal : openModal : without job data', () => { |
| spyOn(component.auditInfoModal, 'hide'); |
| const jobData: ServiceInfoModel = null; |
| AuditInfoModalComponent.openModal.next(jobData); |
| expect(component.auditInfoModal.hide).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
| }); |
| }); |