| import {DuplicateService} from './duplicate.service'; |
| import {LogService} from '../../../shared/utils/log/log.service'; |
| import {NgRedux} from '@angular-redux/store'; |
| import {ITreeNode} from "angular-tree-component/dist/defs/api"; |
| import {AppState} from "../../../shared/store/reducers"; |
| import {getTestBed, TestBed} from "@angular/core/testing"; |
| import {FeatureFlagsService} from "../../../shared/services/featureFlag/feature-flags.service"; |
| import {SharedTreeService} from "../objectsToTree/shared.tree.service"; |
| import {IModalConfig} from "../../../shared/components/customModal/models/modal.model"; |
| import {ModalService} from "../../../shared/components/customModal/services/modal.service"; |
| |
| class MockAppStore<T> { |
| getState(){ |
| return { |
| getState() { |
| return { |
| service : { |
| serviceHierarchy: { |
| "serviceId" : { |
| vnfs : { |
| "vnfModelName" : { |
| properties : { |
| max_instances : 2 |
| } |
| }, |
| "vnfModelName2" : { |
| properties : { |
| max_instances : 2 |
| } |
| }, |
| "vnfModelName3" : { |
| properties : { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| serviceInstance : { |
| "serviceId" : { |
| existingVNFCounterMap : { |
| "vnfModelId" : 1, |
| "vnfModelId2" : 2, |
| "vnfModelId3" : 0 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class MockModalService<T> {} |
| |
| class MockFeatureFlagsService extends FeatureFlagsService{ |
| getAllFlags(): { [p: string]: boolean } { |
| return {}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| describe('Drawing board tree service', () => { |
| let injector; |
| let service: DuplicateService; |
| let store : NgRedux<AppState>; |
| let featureFlagsService : FeatureFlagsService; |
| beforeAll(done => (async () => { |
| TestBed.configureTestingModule({ |
| providers : [ |
| DuplicateService, |
| SharedTreeService, |
| LogService, |
| {provide: FeatureFlagsService, useClass: MockFeatureFlagsService}, |
| {provide: NgRedux, useClass: MockAppStore}, |
| {provide: ModalService, useClass: MockModalService} |
| ] |
| }); |
| await TestBed.compileComponents(); |
| |
| injector = getTestBed(); |
| service = injector.get(DuplicateService); |
| store = injector.get(NgRedux); |
| featureFlagsService = injector.get(FeatureFlagsService); |
| |
| })().then(done).catch(done.fail)); |
| |
| |
| test('setNumberOfDuplicates should set number of duplicates', ()=>{ |
| service.setNumberOfDuplicates(10); |
| expect(service.numberOfDuplicates).toEqual(10); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isEnabled should return false if type is VNF and has missing data', ()=>{ |
| let node = { |
| data : { |
| type : 'VF', |
| menuActions : { |
| duplicate : () => { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| spyOn(node.data.menuActions, 'duplicate').and.returnValue(true); |
| spyOn(service, 'hasMissingData').and.returnValue(true); |
| let result : boolean = service.isEnabled(<any>node, null, null); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openDuplicateModal', ()=>{ |
| spyOn(service, 'getRemainsInstance').and.returnValue(1); |
| let result : IModalConfig = service.openDuplicateModal( |
| 'currentServiceId', |
| 'currentServiceId', |
| 'currentId', |
| 'storeKey', |
| 2, |
| null,null); |
| expect(result.title).toEqual('Duplicate Node'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('openDuplicateModal should call getRemainsInstance with correct parameters', ()=>{ |
| spyOn(service, 'getRemainsInstance'); |
| service.openDuplicateModal( |
| 'currentServiceId', |
| 'currentServiceId', |
| 'currentId', |
| 'storeKey', |
| 2, |
| null,null); |
| expect(service.getRemainsInstance).toHaveBeenCalledWith('currentServiceId', 'currentId', 'currentServiceId', null, null); |
| }); |
| |
| test('canDuplicate VNF should return true', () => { |
| let node : ITreeNode = <any> {data : {type : 'VF'}}; |
| |
| let result = service.canDuplicate(node); |
| expect(result).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('canDuplicate Network should return true', () => { |
| let node : ITreeNode = <any> {data : {type : 'VL'}}; |
| |
| let result = service.canDuplicate(node); |
| expect(result).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('canDuplicate VFModule should return false', () => { |
| let node : ITreeNode = <any> {data : {type : 'VFModule'}}; |
| |
| let result = service.canDuplicate(node); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('Drawing board tree service should be defined', () => { |
| expect(service).toBeDefined(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('DrawingBoardDuplicateService should be defined', () => { |
| expect(service).toBeDefined(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('Duplicate multi vnfs should save multi vnfs in redux', () => { |
| service.existingNames = { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe": "", |
| "rrr": "", |
| "ttt": "" |
| }; |
| let newVnfs = service.cloneVnf(<any>{ |
| "vfModules": { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2": { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2mtlfi": { |
| "instanceName": "rrr", |
| "volumeGroupName": "ttt" |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| "originalName": null, |
| "trackById": "pfs1f0len3", |
| "instanceName": "2017488_PASQUALEvPE" |
| }, "2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0"); |
| |
| expect(newVnfs.instanceName).toBe("2017488_PASQUALEvPE_001"); |
| expect(newVnfs.vfModules['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2']['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2mtlfi'].instanceName).toBe("rrr_001"); |
| expect(newVnfs.vfModules['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2']['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2mtlfi'].volumeGroupName).toBe("ttt_001"); |
| |
| newVnfs = service.cloneVnf(<any>{ |
| "vfModules": { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2": { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2mtlfi": { |
| "instanceName": "rrr", |
| "volumeGroupName": "ttt" |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| "originalName": null, |
| "trackById": "pfs1f0len3", |
| "instanceName": "2017488_PASQUALEvPE" |
| }, "2017-488_PASQUALE-vPE 0"); |
| |
| expect(newVnfs.instanceName).toBe("2017488_PASQUALEvPE_002"); |
| expect(newVnfs.vfModules['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2']['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2mtlfi'].instanceName).toBe("rrr_002"); |
| expect(newVnfs.vfModules['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2']['2017488_pasqualevpe0..2017488PasqualeVpe..PASQUALE_vPFE_BV..module-2mtlfi'].volumeGroupName).toBe("ttt_002"); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ensure name is unique - send new name - shouldn\'t change name', () => { |
| service.existingNames = { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe": "", |
| "uniqueinstancename": "" |
| }; |
| const name = "uniqueInstanceName-1"; |
| let uniqueName: string = service.ensureUniqueNameOrGenerateOne(name); |
| expect(uniqueName).toEqual(name); |
| }); |
| |
| test('ensure name is unique send existing name should change name', () => { |
| service.existingNames = { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe": "", |
| "uniqueinstancename-1": "" |
| }; |
| const name = "uniqueInstanceName-1"; |
| let uniqueName: string = service.ensureUniqueNameOrGenerateOne(name); |
| expect(uniqueName).toEqual(name + "_001"); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isAlreadyExist - send new name should return false', () => { |
| service.existingNames = { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe": "", |
| "uniqueinstancename": "" |
| }; |
| const name = "uniqueinstancename-1"; |
| let isExist: boolean = service.isAlreadyExists(name, service.existingNames); |
| expect(isExist).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isAlreadyExist - send existing name should return true', () => { |
| service.existingNames = { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe": "", |
| "uniqueinstancename-1": "" |
| }; |
| const name = "uniqueinstancename-1"; |
| let isExist: boolean = service.isAlreadyExists(name, service.existingNames); |
| expect(isExist).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isAlreadyExist - send existing name case insensitive should return true', () => { |
| service.existingNames = { |
| "2017488_pasqualevpe": "", |
| "uniqueinstancename-1": "" |
| }; |
| const name = "uniqueInstanceName-1"; |
| let isExist: boolean = service.isAlreadyExists(name, service.existingNames); |
| expect(isExist).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getNumberAsPaddingString should return 001 if padding is 000 and val is 1 string', () => { |
| let paddingNumber: string = service.getNumberAsPaddingString(1, '0000'); |
| expect(paddingNumber).toEqual('0001'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getNumberAsPaddingString should return 010 if padding is 000 and val is 10 string', () => { |
| let paddingNumber: string = service.getNumberAsPaddingString(10, '0000'); |
| expect(paddingNumber).toEqual('0010'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('generateVNFUniqueName should return the next free number', () => { |
| const vnfName: string = "VF_vGeraldine 0"; |
| let result: string = service.generateUniqueStoreKey( |
| "6e59c5de-f052-46fa-aa7e-2fca9d674c44", |
| vnfName, |
| getExistingVNFs(), |
| {} |
| ); |
| |
| expect(result).toEqual(vnfName + ":0003"); |
| }); |
| |
| test('generateVNFUniqueName on duplicate multi vnfs should return the next free number', () => { |
| spyOn(service, 'openDuplicateModal'); |
| service.openDuplicateModal(null, null, null,null, 2, null, null); |
| |
| expect(service.openDuplicateModal).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null, null, null,null, 2, null, null); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| test('isEnabled should return false if node has missing data', () => { |
| let node = { |
| data : { |
| missingData: true, |
| menuActions : { |
| duplicate : () => { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| let result : boolean = service.isEnabled(<any>node, null, null); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isEnabled should return true if not reach to max', () => { |
| let node = { |
| data : { |
| missingData: false, modelName : "vnfModelName" , modelId : "vnfModelId", type : "VF", children: [], modelCustomizationId : "vnfModelId",modelUniqueId: "vnfModelId", |
| menuActions : { |
| duplicate : () => { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| let result : boolean = service.isEnabled(<any>node, <any>getStoreState(), "serviceId"); |
| expect(result).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isEnabled should return false if reach to max', () => { |
| let node = { |
| data : { |
| missingData: false, modelName : "vnfModelName2" , modelId : "vnfModelId2", type : "VF" ,children: [], |
| menuActions : { |
| duplicate : () => { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| let result : boolean = service.isEnabled(<any>node, <any>getStoreState(), "serviceId"); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isEnabled should return true if max is null', () => { |
| let node = { |
| data : { |
| missingData: false, modelName : "vnfModelName3" , modelId : "vnfModelId3",type : "VF", children: [], modelUniqueId: "vnfModelId3", |
| menuActions : { |
| duplicate : () => { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| let result : boolean = service.isEnabled(<any>node, <any>getStoreState(), "serviceId"); |
| expect(result).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isEnabled should return false if type is vf module', () => { |
| let node = { |
| data : { |
| missingData: false, modelName : "vnfModelName3" , modelId : "vnfModelId3",type : "VFModule", children: [], |
| menuActions : { |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| let result : boolean = service.isEnabled(<any>node, <any>getStoreState(), "serviceId"); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getRemainsVNFinstance should return the remains 1 VNF', () => { |
| let result : number = service.getRemainsInstance("vnfModelId", "vnfModelName" , "serviceId" , <any>getStoreState(), <any>{data : {type : 'VF'}}); |
| expect(result).toBe(1); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getRemainsVNFinstance should return the remains 0 VNF', () => { |
| let result : number = service.getRemainsInstance("vnfModelId2", "vnfModelName2" , "serviceId" , <any>getStoreState(),<any>{data : {type : 'VF'}}); |
| expect(result).toBe(0); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isVNFChildrensHasMissingData should return true if vnf missing data = true', () => { |
| let result : boolean = service.hasMissingData(<any>getTreeNode(true,false)); |
| expect(result).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isVNFChildrensHasMissingData return should false if vnf missing data = false', () => { |
| let result : boolean = service.hasMissingData(<any>getTreeNode(false,false)); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isVNFChildrensHasMissingData should return true if vfModule missing data = true', () => { |
| let result : boolean = service.hasMissingData(<any>getTreeNode(false,true)); |
| expect(result).toBeTruthy(); |
| }); |
| |
| test('isVNFChildrensHasMissingData should return false if no children and vfModule missing data = false', () => { |
| let node = <any>getTreeNode(false,false); |
| node.data.children = []; |
| let result : boolean = service.hasMissingData(node); |
| expect(result).toBeFalsy(); |
| }); |
| |
| function getExistingVNFs(){ |
| return {"VF_vGeraldine 0":{"rollbackOnFailure":"true","vfModules":{"vf_vgeraldine0..VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1":{"vf_vgeraldine0..VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1dgbxq":{"modelInfo":{"modelInvariantId":"98a7c88b-b577-476a-90e4-e25a5871e02b","modelVersionId":"522159d5-d6e0-4c2a-aa44-5a542a12a830","modelName":"VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1","modelVersion":"2","modelCustomizationId":"55b1be94-671a-403e-a26c-667e9c47d091","modelCustomizationName":"VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1"},"instanceParams":[{}]}}},"productFamilyId":"17cc1042-527b-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77","lcpCloudRegionId":"hvf6","tenantId":"bae71557c5bb4d5aac6743a4e5f1d054","lineOfBusiness":"ONAP","platformName":"platform","modelInfo":{"modelInvariantId":"4160458e-f648-4b30-a176-43881ffffe9e","modelVersionId":"d6557200-ecf2-4641-8094-5393ae3aae60","modelName":"VF_vGeraldine","modelVersion":"2.0","modelCustomizationId":"91415b44-753d-494c-926a-456a9172bbb9","modelCustomizationName":"VF_vGeraldine 0"}},"VF_vGeraldine 0:0001":{"rollbackOnFailure":"true","vfModules":{"vf_vgeraldine0..VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1":{"vf_vgeraldine0..VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1dgbxq":{"modelInfo":{"modelInvariantId":"98a7c88b-b577-476a-90e4-e25a5871e02b","modelVersionId":"522159d5-d6e0-4c2a-aa44-5a542a12a830","modelName":"VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1","modelVersion":"2","modelCustomizationId":"55b1be94-671a-403e-a26c-667e9c47d091","modelCustomizationName":"VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1"},"instanceParams":[{}]}}},"productFamilyId":"17cc1042-527b-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77","lcpCloudRegionId":"hvf6","tenantId":"bae71557c5bb4d5aac6743a4e5f1d054","lineOfBusiness":"ONAP","platformName":"platform","modelInfo":{"modelInvariantId":"4160458e-f648-4b30-a176-43881ffffe9e","modelVersionId":"d6557200-ecf2-4641-8094-5393ae3aae60","modelName":"VF_vGeraldine","modelVersion":"2.0","modelCustomizationId":"91415b44-753d-494c-926a-456a9172bbb9","modelCustomizationName":"VF_vGeraldine 0"},"originalName":"VF_vGeraldine 0"},"VF_vGeraldine 0:0002":{"rollbackOnFailure":"true","vfModules":{"vf_vgeraldine0..VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1":{"vf_vgeraldine0..VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1dgbxq":{"modelInfo":{"modelInvariantId":"98a7c88b-b577-476a-90e4-e25a5871e02b","modelVersionId":"522159d5-d6e0-4c2a-aa44-5a542a12a830","modelName":"VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1","modelVersion":"2","modelCustomizationId":"55b1be94-671a-403e-a26c-667e9c47d091","modelCustomizationName":"VfVgeraldine..vflorence_vlc..module-1"},"instanceParams":[{}]}}},"productFamilyId":"17cc1042-527b-11e6-beb8-9e71128cae77","lcpCloudRegionId":"hvf6","tenantId":"bae71557c5bb4d5aac6743a4e5f1d054","lineOfBusiness":"ONAP","platformName":"platform","modelInfo":{"modelInvariantId":"4160458e-f648-4b30-a176-43881ffffe9e","modelVersionId":"d6557200-ecf2-4641-8094-5393ae3aae60","modelName":"VF_vGeraldine","modelVersion":"2.0","modelCustomizationId":"91415b44-753d-494c-926a-456a9172bbb9","modelCustomizationName":"VF_vGeraldine 0"},"originalName":"VF_vGeraldine 0"}} |
| } |
| |
| function getStoreState(){ |
| return { |
| getState() { |
| return { |
| service : { |
| serviceHierarchy: { |
| "serviceId" : { |
| vnfs : { |
| "vnfModelName" : { |
| properties : { |
| ecomp_generated_naming: "false", |
| max_instances : 2 |
| } |
| }, |
| "vnfModelName2" : { |
| properties : { |
| ecomp_generated_naming: "false", |
| max_instances : 2 |
| } |
| }, |
| "vnfModelName3" : { |
| properties : { |
| ecomp_generated_naming: "false", |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| serviceInstance : { |
| "serviceId" : { |
| existingVNFCounterMap : { |
| "vnfModelId" : 1, |
| "vnfModelId2" : 2, |
| "vnfModelId3" : 0 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } |
| }, |
| global : { |
| flags : { |
| |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| function getTreeNode(VNfMissingData : boolean, vfModuleMissingData : boolean){ |
| return { |
| data : { |
| children : vfModuleMissingData ? |
| [{ |
| missingData : true |
| }] : |
| [{ |
| missingData : false |
| } |
| ], |
| missingData : VNfMissingData |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| |
| |