| ///<reference path="../../../node_modules/cypress/types/index.d.ts"/> |
| /// <reference types="Cypress" /> |
| |
| import {JsonBuilder} from '../../support/jsonBuilders/jsonBuilder'; |
| import {AsyncInstantiationModel} from '../../support/jsonBuilders/models/asyncInstantiation.model'; |
| |
| describe('Error message popup', function () { |
| describe('show error on status 500', () => { |
| var jsonBuilderInstantiationBuilder : JsonBuilder<AsyncInstantiationModel> = new JsonBuilder<AsyncInstantiationModel>(); |
| beforeEach(() => { |
| cy.clearSessionStorage(); |
| cy.setReduxState(); |
| cy.preventErrorsOnLoading(); |
| cy.initAAIMock(); |
| cy.initVidMock(); |
| cy.login(); |
| }); |
| |
| afterEach(() => { |
| cy.screenshot(); |
| }); |
| |
| it('error should display on api error', function () { |
| // adding call with delay of 2000 sec |
| cy.readFile('cypress/support/jsonBuilders/mocks/jsons/asyncInstantiation.json').then((res) => { |
| jsonBuilderInstantiationBuilder.basicJson(res, Cypress.config('baseUrl') + "/asyncInstantiation**", 500,0, "error 500 asyncInstantiation"); |
| |
| cy.openIframe('app/ui/#/instantiationStatus'); |
| cy.get('div.title') |
| .contains('Server not available'); |
| |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |