| <script src="app/vid/external/multiselect/angular-bootstrap-multiselect.min.js"></script> |
| <h1 class="heading1">ONAP</h1> |
| <h1 class="heading1"><u>Welcome to VID</u></h1> |
| The Virtual Infrastructure Deployment (VID) application allows infrastructure service deployment operators |
| to instantiate service instances and their constituent parts for Distributed service models required by the |
| ONAP service operations that manage them, such as Mobility Network Services, etc. |
| The models are defined by ONAP component SDC. The service |
| deployment operator selects the service operations owner and model that they wish to instantiate. After |
| entry of appropriate data, the operator instructs VID to direct another ONAP component, MSO, to instantiate |
| the selected service model. Once the service instance has been instantiated, the service operator can instruct |
| VID to direct MSO to instantiate the service instance's component VNFs, VF Modules, Networks and Volume Groups. |
| The VID user can also search for, and display, existing service instances and direct the instantiation of |
| subsequent instance components. |
| <h1 class="heading1"><a href="mailto:portal@lists.onap.org" target="_top">Contact Us</a></h1> |
| <a href="mailto:portal@lists.onap.org" target="_top">Please click here to contact us.</a> |
| <!-- Temporary solution for footer overlapping the men after talking to EComp SDK developer on 06/16/2016 --> |