| # Properties read by ECOMP Core library, epsdk-core.jar |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # The following properties should NOT be changed by partner applications. |
| ########################################################################## |
| |
| application_user_id = 30000 |
| post_default_role_id = 16 |
| clustered = true |
| |
| #Enable Fusion Mobile capabilities for the application |
| mobile_enable = false |
| |
| # Cache config file is needed on the classpath |
| cache_config_file_path = /WEB-INF/classes/cache.ccf |
| cache_switch = 199 |
| cache_load_on_startup = false |
| |
| user_name = fullName |
| decryption_key = AGLDdG4D04BKm2IxIWEr8o== |
| #db.userName=XXXX |
| #db.password=XXXX |
| #db.connectionURL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@XXXX/XX |
| #db.hib.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect |
| #db.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver |
| #Hibernate |
| #hb.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect |
| #hb.show_sql=true |
| |
| #Postgre |
| #db.userName=XXXX |
| #db.password=XXXX |
| #db.connectionURL=jdbc:postgresql://XXXX/XX |
| #db.hib.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect |
| #db.driver=org.postgresql.Driver |
| #hb.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect |
| #hb.show_sql=true |
| |
| #Mysql |
| db.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver |
| #db.connectionURL = jdbc:mysql://demeter.homer.att.com:3306/ecomp_sdk_1707_att |
| db.connectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/vid_portal |
| db.userName = euser |
| db.password = euser |
| db.hib.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect |
| db.min_pool_size = 5 |
| db.max_pool_size = 10 |
| hb.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect |
| # SQL statements are logged to stdout |
| hb.show_sql = true |
| hb.idle_connection_test_period = 3600 |
| app_display_name = VID |
| files_path = /opt/app/vid/license |
| |
| # menu settings |
| #menu_query_name = menuData |
| #menu_properties_file_location = /WEB-INF/fusion/menu/ |
| #application_menu_set_name = APP |
| #application_menu_attribute_name = applicationMenuData |
| #application_menu_properties_name = menu.properties |
| #business_direct_menu_set_name = BD |
| #business_direct_menu_properties_name = bd.menu.properties |
| #business_direct_menu_attribute_name = businessDirectMenuData |
| |
| application_name = Virtual Infrastructure Deployment |
| |
| |
| #element map files |
| #element_map_file_path = /tmp |
| #element_map_icon_path = app/vid/icons/ |
| element_map_file_path = app/fusionapp/files/ |
| element_map_icon_path = app/fusionapp/icons/ |
| |
| #aai related properties |
| #dev server |
| #aai.server.url.base=https://mtanjv9aaas40.aic.cip.att.com:8443/aai/ |
| #aai.server.url=https://mtanjv9aaas40.aic.cip.att.com:8443/aai/v10/ |
| #aai.oldserver.url.base=https://mtanjv9aaas40.aic.cip.att.com:8443/aai/servers/ |
| #aai.oldserver.url=https://mtanjv9aaas40.aic.cip.att.com:8443/aai/servers/v3/ |
| #ist servers |
| aai.server.url.base=https://aai-ext1.test.att.com:8443/aai/ |
| #aai.server.url=https://aai-ext1.test.att.com:8443/aai/v12/ |
| aai.server.url=http://localhost:8080/vidSimulator/aai/v12/ |
| #aai.server.url=http://localhost:1080/aai |
| #aai.server.url=https://aai-int2.test.att.com:8443/aai/v12/ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| aai.oldserver.url.base=https://aai-ext1.test.att.com:8443/aai/servers/ |
| aai.oldserver.url=https://aai-ext1.test.att.com:8443/aai/servers/v3/ |
| aai.truststore.filename=tomcat_keystore |
| aai.truststore.passwd.x=OBF:1i9a1u2a1unz1lr61wn51wn11lss1unz1u301i6o |
| aai.keystore.filename=aai-client-cert.p12 |
| aai.keystore.passwd.x=OBF:1i9a1u2a1unz1lr61wn51wn11lss1unz1u301i6o |
| aai.use.client.cert=false |
| aai.vnf.provstatus=PREPROV,NVTPROV,PROV,CAPPED |
| |
| #Cron Schedules have 6 required fields and 1 optional field: |
| # Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-Month Month Day-of-Week Year |
| log_cron = 0 0/1 * * * ?; |
| mylogins_feed_cron = 0 0/60 * * * ?; |
| #sessiontimeout_feed_cron = 0 * * * * ? * |
| my_login_feed_output_dir = /tmp/MyLogins |
| |
| # ECOMP Portal Shared Context REST API URL |
| ecomp_shared_context_rest_url= https://www.ecomp.att.com:8080/ecompportal/context |
| |
| # Link shown in Help menu |
| contact_us_link = https://wiki.web.att.com/display/EcompPortal/ECOMP+Portal+Home |
| |
| # Camunda cockpit link |
| camunda_cockpit_link = https://cloopwf.client.research.att.com:8443/camunda/app/cockpit/default/#/dashboard |
| # An Unique 128-bit value defined to identify a specific version |
| # of an application deployed on a specific virtual machine. |
| # This value must be generated and updated by the application |
| # which is using the ECOMP SDK at the time of its deployment. |
| # Online Unique UUID generator - https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ |
| instance_uuid=8da691c9-987d-43ed-a358-00ac2f35685d |
| |
| # R Cloud feature |
| guard_notebook_url=https://rcloud.research.att.com/mini.html?notebook=a06a9cf14211012e221bf842c168849d& |
| |
| #ECOMP redirect url |
| #ecomp_redirect_url = https://webtest.csp.att.com/ecomp_portal_dev_n1/ecompui/process_csp |
| #ecomp_rest_url = https://webtest.csp.att.com/ecomp_portal_dev_n1/ecompui/auxapi |
| # Replace these default values with the ones for your specific App. Ecomp Portal admin obtains from EP website. |
| #ueb_app_mailbox_name = ECOMP-PORTAL-OUTBOX-90 |
| #ueb_app_key = sYH0NJnsKmJC1B2A |
| #ueb_app_secret = YOtknsT2wVFz9WISlSPDaAtd |
| |
| #MSO related properties |
| #simulator |
| #mso.server.url=http://localhost:8089 |
| #mso.server.url=https://msoapih-app.mtsnj.aic.cip.att.com:8443/ecomp/mso/infra |
| #dev2dev |
| #good |
| #dev |
| #mso.server.url=http://mtanjv9moah10-eth0.aic.cip.att.com:8080/ecomp/mso/infra |
| #istScrum-Master |
| mso.client.type=LOCAL |
| mso.server.url=http://vm1.mso.simpledemo.openecomp.org:8080 |
| mso.polling.interval.msecs=10000 |
| mso.max.polls=10 |
| mso.user.name=infraportal |
| mso.password.x=OBF:1ghz1kfx1j1w1m7w1i271e8q1eas1hzj1m4i1iyy1kch1gdz |
| mso.restapi.svc.instance=/serviceInstances/v5 |
| mso.restapi.vnf.instance=/serviceInstances/v5/<service_instance_id>/vnfs |
| mso.restapi.vnf.changemanagement.instance=/serviceInstances/v5/<service_instance_id>/vnfs/<vnf_instance_id>/<request_type> |
| mso.restapi.network.instance=/serviceInstances/v5/<service_instance_id>/networks |
| mso.restapi.vf.module.instance=/serviceInstances/v5/<service_instance_id>/vnfs/<vnf_instance_id>/vfModules |
| mso.restapi.volume.group.instance=/serviceInstances/v5/<service_instance_id>/vnfs/<vnf_instance_id>/volumeGroups |
| mso.restapi.get.orc.req=/orchestrationRequests/v5 |
| mso.restapi.get.orc.reqs=/orchestrationRequests/v5? |
| mso.restapi.get.man.tasks=/tasks/v1 |
| mso.restapi.configurations=/serviceInstances/v6/<service_instance_id>/configurations |
| mso.restapi.configuration.instance=${mso.restapi.configurations}<configuration_id> |
| |
| vid.truststore.filename=/opt/app/vid/etc/vid_keystore.jks |
| mso.dme2.client.timeout=30000 |
| mso.dme2.client.read.timeout=120000 |
| |
| scheduler.server.url=http://mtanjv9sdlg10.aic.cip.att.com:8989/scheduler |
| scheduler.create.new.vnf.change.instance=/v1/ChangeManagement/schedules/ |
| scheduler.get.time.slots=/v1/ChangeManagement/schedules/ |
| scheduler.get.schedules=/v1/ChangeManagement/schedules/scheduleDetails/ |
| |
| |
| #vid.truststore.filename=/Users/Oren/Downloads/vid_keystore2.jks |
| |
| vid.truststore.passwd.x=OBF:1wgg1wfq1uus1uui1x131x0r1x1v1x1j1uvo1uve1wg81wfi |
| #mso.dme2.server.url=http://mso-api-handler-anap-v1.mso.ecomp.att.com/services/ecomp/mso? |
| mso.dme2.server.url=http://mso-api-handler-anap-v1.mso.ecomp.att.com/services/ecomp/mso?version=1607&envContext=TEST&routeOffer=st_mtsnj |
| #mso.dme2.server.url=https://ActiveAndAvailableInventory-CloudNetwork-v1.aai.att.com/aai?version=1&envContext=DEV&routeOffer=devINT1 |
| mso.dme2.enabled=false |
| asdc.model.namespace=org.openecomp. |
| sdc.svc.api.path=sdc/v1/catalog/services |
| sdc.resource.api.path=sdc/v1/catalog/resource |
| |
| # Application base URL has the host and app context only; a proper prefix of the on-boarded URL. |
| # Only required for applications using WebJunction or FE/BE separation. For example: |
| # app_base_url = https://www.e-access.att.com/app_junction/app_context/ |
| |