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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
.. _instantiatemacro:
Instantiate Service, "Macro" mode (PNF example)
Using VID with Macro method means that all the service model resources are deployed in a single SO API call.
Macro orchestration model can be used to orchestrate service models, which contain PNFs and VNFs.
.. note::
To be able to orchestrate services in "Macro" mode, the VID ModernUI needs to be enabled.
Review settings in VID container`s /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/vid/WEB-INF/conf/ file.
Flags below must be set to "true":
.. _Pre-requisites:
`Access to VID portal`_
.. _Access to VID portal:
Instantiate Service in "Macro" mode
A Service Model, which contains a PNF resource will be used to demonstrate the "Macro" orchestration mode.
Click "Browse SDC Service Models" and search for the service to instantiate.
The view show only service models in the DISTRIBUTED state.
.. figure:: images/browse-service-models-pnf.png
:align: center
Select a service and click Deploy.
Complete the mandatory fields indicated by the red star and click "Set".
.. figure:: images/new-service-instance-popup-pnf.png
:align: center
Add a new object to the service instance.
.. note::
The blue button for adding objects to the service instance appears when you hover over the object model.
.. figure:: images/service-instance-pnf.png
:align: center
Complete the mandatory fields indicated by the red star and click "Set".
.. note::
The PNF instance name must be unique
.. figure:: images/new-pnf-instance.png
:align: center
To deploy the selected configuration, click "DEPLOY" button in the top right corner.
.. figure:: images/service-instance-pnf-deploy.png
:align: center
If the service instance with selected objects is deployed correctly, you will be redirected to the page where you can check the instantiation status.
.. figure:: images/instantiation-status.png
:align: center
.. note::
In case of Service Models, which contain PNF resources, to complete the deployment of the service instance with PNF object, send a "pnfRegistration" event to VES.
No additional actions are needed for VNFs/CNFs.
Instantiation Status
The "Instantiation Status" contains information about all deployed service instances.
To check detailed information, click the ellipsis on the right side of the selected service instance.
.. figure:: images/instantiation-status-complete.png
:align: center
.. figure:: images/service-information.png
:align: center
Deleting Service Instances previous orchestrated in "macro" model
To delete a previously created "Macro" instance using VID, the entire service instance must be deleted.
To proceed with a service instance removal, from VID Home screen:
- search for existing service instance
- edit/view the service instance you want to delete
- click on red button with white cross
- confirm deletion of the service instance