blob: 19205fd5840f8fbc2cae001580570f8564cd3cfe [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Where to Access Log Information
| Location | Type | Description |
| /usr/local/tomcat/logs/catalina.YYYY-MM-DD.log | Jetty server log | Tomcat server information |
| /opt/app/vid/logs/vid/audit.log | Application audit | An audit record is created in response to code transactions/operations taking place in VID. For instance "start logging". |
| /opt/app/vid/logs/vid/application.log | Application logging | This log describes internal flows within VID. |
| /opt/app/vid/logs/vid/debug.log | Application logging | Higher level logging can be enabled on demand by editing the logback.xml inside the server docker. |
| | | The file is located under: WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml. |
| | | This log holds the application's debug and trace level output. |
| /opt/app/vid/logs/vid/error.log | Application logging | This log holds the application's exceptions info and error level output. |
| /opt/app/vid/logs/vid/metrics.log | Application logging | This log holds the metrics info on application's transactions. |
How to create error report
In case of error appearance a red button with "Create report" on it, will show up.
.. image:: ./images/VID_errorReportButton.png
.. image:: ./images/VID_errorReportSDC.png
Pressing that button will show window with data collected from GUI and fetched from API.
.. image:: ./images/VID_errorReportDownloading.png
That data may be download by pressing "download" button.
**After closing the report window, data may not be available.**