blob: 2d30aa1b1fb44a5390961e0caab062951cc79b73 [file] [log] [blame]
import Chainable = Cypress.Chainable;
declare namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
isElementContainsAttr : typeof isElementContainsAttr;
isElementDisabled : typeof isElementDisabled;
isElementEnabled : typeof isElementEnabled;
hasClass : typeof hasClass;
getElementByDataTestsId : typeof getElementByDataTestsId;
isElementContainsAttr : check if element with id contains some attribute
function isElementContainsAttr(id : string, attr: string) : void {
cy.get("[data-tests-id='" + id +"']")
.should('have.attr', attr);
isElementDisabled : check if element with id is disabled
function isElementDisabled(id : string) : void {
cy.get( "[data-tests-id='" + id +"']").should('be:disabled');
function isElementEnabled(id : string) : void {
cy.get( "button[data-tests-id='" + id +"']").should('be:enabled');
hasClass : check if element with id contains some class name
function hasClass(id : string, className : string) : void {
cy.get( "[data-tests-id='" + id +"']")
.should('have.class', className);
function getElementByDataTestsId(dataTestsId : string) : Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>> {
return cy.get( "[data-tests-id='" + dataTestsId +"']");
Cypress.Commands.add('isElementContainsAttr', isElementContainsAttr);
Cypress.Commands.add('isElementDisabled', isElementDisabled);
Cypress.Commands.add('isElementEnabled', isElementEnabled);
Cypress.Commands.add('hasClass', hasClass);
Cypress.Commands.add('getElementByDataTestsId', getElementByDataTestsId);