| ############################################################################## |
| # Copyright 2018 EuropeanSoftwareMarketingLtd. |
| # =================================================================== |
| # Licensed under the ApacheLicense, Version2.0 (the"License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under |
| # the License |
| ############################################################################## |
| # vnftest comment: this is a modified copy of |
| # yardstick/requirements.py |
| |
| Babel==2.3.4 # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| Jinja2==2.9.6 # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| SQLAlchemy==1.1.12 # MIT License; OSI Approved MIT License |
| PTable==0.9.2 # BSD (3 clause); OSI Approved BSD License |
| backport-ipaddress==0.1; python_version <= "2.7" # OSI Approved Python Software Foundation License |
| chainmap==1.0.2 # Python Software Foundation License; OSI Approved Python Software Foundation License |
| django==1.8.17 # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| # NOTE(ralonsoh): django must be bumped to 1.11.8; consider the migration notes [1] |
| # [1] https://docs.djangoproject.com/ja/1.11/ref/templates/upgrading/ |
| docker-py==1.10.6 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| extras==1.0.0 # OSI Approved MIT License |
| flasgger==0.5.13 # MIT |
| flask-restful-swagger==0.19 # MIT |
| flask-restful==0.3.5 # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| flask==0.11.1 # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| functools32==3.2.3.post2; python_version <= "2.7" # PSF license |
| futures==3.1.1;python_version=='2.7' # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| influxdb==4.1.1 # MIT License; OSI Approved MIT License |
| jinja2schema==0.1.4 # OSI Approved BSD License |
| keystoneauth1==3.1.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| mock==2.0.0 # OSI Approved BSD License; `BSD License`_; http://github.com/testing-cabal/mock/blob/master/LICENSE.txt |
| msgpack-python==0.4.8 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| netaddr==0.7.19 # BSD License; OSI Approved BSD License; OSI Approved MIT License |
| os-client-config==1.28.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| osc-lib==1.7.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| oslo.config==4.11.1 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| oslo.i18n==3.17.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| oslo.serialization==2.20.1 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| oslo.utils==3.28.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| paramiko==2.2.1 # LGPL; OSI Approved GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) |
| pbr==3.1.1 # OSI Approved Apache Software License; Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| pika==0.10.0 # BSD; OSI Approved BSD License |
| positional==1.1.2 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| pycrypto==2.6.1 # Public Domain |
| pyparsing==2.2.0 # MIT License; OSI Approved MIT License |
| pyroute2==0.4.21 # dual license GPLv2+ and Apache v2; OSI Approved GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+); OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| pyrsistent==0.14.1 # LICENSE.mit; OSI Approved MIT License |
| python-cinderclient==3.1.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| python-glanceclient==2.8.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| python-heatclient==1.11.1 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| python-keystoneclient==3.13.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| python-neutronclient==6.5.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| python-novaclient==9.1.1 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| pyzmq==16.0.2 # LGPL+BSD; OSI Approved GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL); OSI Approved BSD License |
| requests==2.18.2 # Apache 2.0; OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| requestsexceptions==1.3.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| scp==0.10.2 # LGPL |
| shade==1.22.2 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| simplejson==3.13.2 # MIT License; OSI Approved MIT License; OSI Approved Academic Free License (AFL) |
| six==1.10.0 # MIT; OSI Approved MIT License |
| stevedore==1.25.0 # OSI Approved Apache Software License |
| traceback2==1.4.0 # OSI Approved Python Software Foundation License |
| unicodecsv==0.14.1 # BSD License; OSI Approved BSD License |
| wrapt==1.10.10 # BSD |