blob: 83df2bbe04d2606124e9bc632b221e393ac08ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. Copyright 2017-2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
VNF Package Tool
Provided tools
* VNF Package Builder - creates a CSAR file based on inputs provided by the VNF
product DevOps engineer
* VNF Package Validator - validates the content of the VNF packages to ensure
that everything has been built correctly
* VNF Package Extractor - extracts VNF product model and executables from the
CSAR file
* VNF Package Parser - translates VNF product blueprint into a format
consumable by ONAP components
The tools are provided in a form of a shared library (Python module) that can
be used in other projects. A CLI is also provided out-of-the box for DevOps to
use the library with their scripts and automation framework.
Repository Name: vnfsdk/pkgtools
Clone command: git clone
Python module with CLI is installed by Python pip command. It is possible to
install into a virtual environment (virtualenv).
To install the vnfsdk package tool from source, run the following commands
in the cloned repository directory:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install .
To install the vnfsdk pkgtools from onap hosted pypi repository, run the
following commands in a python virtual environment:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -i vnfsdk
Use VNF SDK package tools
* Create CSAR by specifying a directory
.. code-block:: bash
vnfsdk [-v] csar-create [-h] -d DESTINATION [--manifest MANIFEST] [--history HISTORY]
[--tests TESTS] [--licenses LICENSES] [--digest {SHA256,SHA512}]
[--certificate CERTIFICATE] [--privkey PRIVKEY] source entry
.. code-block:: bash
$ vnfsdk csar-create -d /tmp/helloworld.csar --manifest --history ChangeLog.txt
--tests Tests --licenses Licenses --certificate test.crt --privkey test.key --digest SHA256
./hello-world/ helloworld.yaml
* Extract CSAR content
.. code-block:: bash
vnfsdk -v csar-open [-h] -d DESTINATION [--no-verify-cert] source
.. code-block:: bash
$ vnfsdk csar-open -d /tmp/helloworld --no-verify-cert /tmp/helloworld.csar
* Validate CSAR content
.. code-block:: bash
vnfsdk -v csar-validate [-h] source
.. code-block:: bash
$ vnfsdk csar-validate /tmp/helloworld.csar
All commands have -h switch which displays help and description of all parameters.