blob: f45b7778fb5cc90c19ae0007d98f8775207c603f [file] [log] [blame]
- project:
name: it-test-project-view
project-name: it-test
- project-view
- project:
name: it-test-info
project: it/test
project-name: it-test
build-node: centos7-builder-1c-1g
- gerrit-info-yaml-verify
- it_test_common: &it_test_common
# values apply to all it/test docker projects
name: it-test-docker-common
# git repo
project: it/test
# jenkins job name prefix
project-name: it-test
# source of docker tag
container-tag-method: yaml-file
# use host network to clone from our gerrit
docker-build-args: '--network=host'
# maven settings file has docker credentials
mvn-settings: it-test-settings
- '{project-name}-gerrit-docker-jobs'
- master:
branch: master
- project:
<<: *it_test_common
name: it-test-nanobot
# jenkins job name prefix
project-name: '{name}'
# image name
docker-name: 'o-ran-sc/{name}'
# start in parent directory with shared files
docker-root: ric_robot_suite
# dockerfile is in subdir of docker root
docker-build-args: '--network=host -f docker/nanobot/Dockerfile'
# tag file is in subdir
container-tag-yaml-dir: ric_robot_suite/docker/nanobot
# build only on relevant changes
- compare-type: REG_EXP
pattern: '{docker-root}/.*'
- project:
<<: *it_test_common
name: it-test-ric-robot
# jenkins job name prefix
project-name: '{name}'
# image name
docker-name: 'o-ran-sc/{name}'
# start in parent directory with shared files
docker-root: ric_robot_suite
# dockerfile is in subdir of docker root
docker-build-args: '--network=host -f docker/ric-robot/Dockerfile'
# tag file is in subdir
container-tag-yaml-dir: ric_robot_suite/docker/ric-robot
# build only on relevant changes
- compare-type: REG_EXP
pattern: '{docker-root}/.*'
- project:
<<: *it_test_common
name: it-test-release
branch: master
# maven release requires sigul which requires centos
# container release requires docker
build-node: centos7-docker-2c-8g
- '{project-name}-gerrit-release-jobs'