# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. # | |
# # | |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # | |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # | |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at # | |
# # | |
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # | |
# # | |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # | |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # | |
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # | |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # | |
# limitations under the License. # | |
################################################################################ | |
from flask import Flask, request, make_response, jsonify, g | |
import json | |
import uuid | |
import traceback | |
import pyping | |
import paramiko | |
import socket | |
import os | |
import subprocess | |
import datetime | |
import logging | |
from logging import FileHandler | |
#redirect http to https | |
app = Flask(__name__) | |
# Prevents print statement every time an endpoint is triggered. | |
logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.WARNING) | |
def unix_time_millis(dt): | |
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) | |
return (dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0 | |
def pingServer(targetHost): | |
try: | |
response = subprocess.check_output( | |
['ping', '-c', '1', targetHost], # execute the ping command | |
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, # retrieve all the output | |
universal_newlines = True # return as string | |
) | |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: | |
app.logger.error(e) | |
app.logger.error('failed getting response from ' + str(targetHost)) | |
response = None | |
return response | |
@app.route("/otf/vth/ping/v1/health", methods = ['GET']) | |
def getHealth(): | |
return "UP" | |
@app.route('/otf/vth/sample/v1', methods = ['POST']) | |
def sample(): | |
startTime = unix_time_millis(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
responseData = { | |
"vthResponse": { | |
"testDurationMS": "", | |
"dateTimeUTC": "", | |
"abstractMessage": "Success", | |
"resultData": {} | |
} | |
} | |
responseData['vthResponse']['dateTimeUTC'] = str(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
endTime = unix_time_millis(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
responseData['vthResponse']['testDurationMS'] = endTime - startTime | |
responseData['vthResponse']['resultData']['result'] = "Executed test successfully in " + str(responseData['vthResponse']['testDurationMS']) + " milliseconds." | |
app.logger.info('hit sample endpoint. response: ' + str(responseData)) | |
return jsonify(responseData) | |
@app.route('/otf/vth/ping/v1', methods = ['POST']) | |
def testHead(): | |
responseData = { | |
"vthResponse": { | |
"testDurationMS": "", | |
"dateTimeUTC": "", | |
"abstractMessage": "", | |
"resultData": {} | |
} | |
} | |
responseData['vthResponse']['dateTimeUTC'] = str(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
startTime = unix_time_millis(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
try: | |
if not request.is_json: | |
raise ValueError('Request must be a valid JSON object.') | |
requestData = request.get_json() | |
app.logger.info('ping endpoint. request: ' + str(requestData)) | |
if 'vthInput' in requestData: | |
vthInput = requestData['vthInput'] | |
expectedKeys = ['vthName', 'testConfig', 'testData'] | |
receivedKeys = vthInput.keys(); | |
testData = "" | |
testConfig = "" | |
if sorted(expectedKeys) == sorted(receivedKeys): | |
testData = vthInput['testData'] | |
# Check if a target host is provided. | |
if 'targetHost' not in testData: | |
raise KeyError('targetHost is required to ping server.') | |
# Check if the target host IP address is in the correct format. | |
# This excludes IPv6. Use IPy to check both IPv6/IPv4. | |
try: | |
socket.inet_aton(testData['targetHost']) | |
except socket.error: | |
raise ValueError('Invalid IP address assigned to targetHost') | |
# Don't use a jump server by default. | |
if 'useJumpServer' not in testData: | |
testData['useJumpServer'] = False | |
else: | |
raise ValueError('Missing one or more expected keys: {expectedKeys}.'.format(expectedKeys = expectedKeys)) | |
if testData['useJumpServer'] == False: | |
responseData['vthResponse']['resultData']['result'] = pingServer(testData['targetHost']) | |
else: | |
testConfig = vthInput['testConfig'] | |
if 'jumpServer' not in testConfig: | |
raise KeyError('Cannot use jump server when jumpServer key is missing.') | |
jumpServer = testConfig['jumpServer'] | |
if 'host' not in testConfig['jumpServer']: | |
raise KeyError('Missing host value in jumpServer.') | |
host = testConfig['jumpServer']['host'] | |
if 'credentials' not in jumpServer: | |
raise KeyError('Missing credentials in jumpServer.') | |
credentials = jumpServer['credentials'] | |
if 'username' not in credentials: | |
raise KeyError('Missing username in credentials.') | |
username = credentials['username'] | |
if 'password' not in credentials: | |
raise KeyError('Missing password in credentials.') | |
password = credentials['password'] | |
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() | |
ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) | |
ssh.connect(host, username = username, password = password) | |
command = "ping -c 1 " + testData['targetHost'] | |
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) | |
output = ssh_stdout.read() | |
error = ssh_stderr.read() | |
responseData['vthResponse']['resultData']['result'] = output | |
else: | |
raise KeyError('Missing vthInput parameter(s)') | |
# record the end time of the test | |
endTime = unix_time_millis(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
# Calculate the total duration of the test | |
totalTime = endTime - startTime | |
# Set the test duration in the result | |
responseData['vthResponse']['testDurationMS'] = totalTime | |
responseData['vthResponse']['abstractMessage'] = 'Result from pinging {host}'.format(host = testData['targetHost']) | |
app.logger.info('ping endpoint. response: ' + str(responseData)) | |
return jsonify(responseData) | |
except Exception as e: | |
app.logger.info(e) | |
responseData['vthResponse']['abstractMessage'] = str(e) | |
resp = make_response(json.dumps(responseData)) | |
endTime = unix_time_millis(datetime.datetime.now()) | |
totalTime = endTime - startTime | |
return resp | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
logHandler = FileHandler('otf/logs/pingVTH.log', mode='a') | |
# logHandler = FileHandler('pingVTH.log', mode='a') | |
logHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) | |
app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) | |
app.logger.addHandler(logHandler) | |
context = ('opt/cert/otf.pem', 'opt/cert/privateKey.pem') | |
app.run(debug = False, host = '', port = 5000, ssl_context = context) | |
# app.run(debug = False, host = '', port = 5000) |