blob: f40437b72e30ffea2f970aa403802e42cf486256 [file] [log] [blame]
docker login
docker | docker
APP PORT MAPPINGS Internal-k8s External-k8s Docker
otf-frontend 443 32524 8082
otf-service-api 8443 32303 8081
otf-camunda 8443 31313 8080
otf-ping-test-head 5000 32223 5001
otf-ssh-test-head 5000 32222 5002
otf-robot-test-head 5000 32224 5003
comment for ssl
uncomment without ssl
change port if needed
docker build -t otf-ping-test-head:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT .
docker run -d --network="host" otf-ping-test-head:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
comment for ssl
uncomment without ssl
change port if needed
docker build -t otf-ssh-test-head:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT .
docker run -d --network="host" otf-ssh-test-head:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
comment for ssl
uncomment without ssl
change port if needed
docker build -t otf-robot-test-head:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT .
docker run -d --network="host" otf-robot-test-head:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Modify src/main/resources/ according to needs (disable aaf/ssl, set ports)
Add settings.xml from onap website and add profile to use maven default repository and add settings.xml to ~/.m2/ if missing
mvn clean install (add flag -DskipTests if it causes the build to fail)
navigate to target folder and run "docker build -t otf-service-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ."
docker run -d --network="host" otf-service-api:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Modify src/main/resources/application.yaml according to needs, and validate the yaml is correct format (disable aaf/ssl, set ports)
Add settings.xml from onap website and add profile to use maven default repository and add settings.xml to ~/.m2/ if missing
mvn clean install (add flag -DskipTests if it causes the build to fail)
navigate to target folder and run "docker build -t otf-camunda:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT ."
docker run -d --network="host" otf-camunda:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Database Notes
run sudo and export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH to add mysql commands to path
run sudo
edit mongo to create a replica set by modifying replication and net fields on file /etc/mongod.conf
add security: authorization: 'enabled'
after script is ran mysql should be able to be used, connect to mysql using the password set by script and mysql command and
alter the root password
alter user 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'new_password'
grant root ability to connect remotely
grant all on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by 'password'
create db and exit mysql shell
create database 'new_db'
create tables using mysql scripts
mysql -u root -p db < engine.sql
mysql -u root -p db < identity.sql