| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # ============LICENSE_START=============================================== |
| # Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved. |
| # ======================================================================== |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # ============LICENSE_END================================================= |
| # |
| |
| # This is a script that contains all the common functions needed for auto test. |
| # Specific test function are defined in scripts XXXX_functions.sh |
| |
| . ../common/api_curl.sh |
| . ../common/testengine_config.sh |
| |
| __print_args() { |
| echo "Args: remote|remote-remove docker|kube --env-file <environment-filename> [release] [auto-clean] [--stop-at-error] " |
| echo " [--ricsim-prefix <prefix> ] [--use-local-image <app-nam>+] [--use-snapshot-image <app-nam>+]" |
| echo " [--use-staging-image <app-nam>+] [--use-release-image <app-nam>+] [--image-repo <repo-address>]" |
| echo " [--repo-policy local|remote] [--cluster-timeout <timeout-in seconds>] [--print-stats]" |
| echo " [--override <override-environment-filename>] [--pre-clean] [--gen-stats] [--delete-namespaces]" |
| echo " [--delete-containers] [--endpoint-stats] [--kubeconfig <config-file>] [--host-path-dir <local-host-dir>]" |
| echo " [--kubecontext <context-name>] [--docker-host <docker-host-url>] [--docker-proxy <host-or-ip>]" |
| } |
| |
| if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" == "help" ]; then |
| |
| if [ ! -z "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" ]; then |
| echo "Test script description:" |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| __print_args |
| echo "" |
| echo "remote - Use images from remote repositories. Can be overridden for individual images using the '--use_xxx' flags" |
| echo "remote-remove - Same as 'remote' but will also try to pull fresh images from remote repositories" |
| echo "docker - Test executed in docker environment" |
| echo "kube - Test executed in kubernetes environment - requires an already started kubernetes environment" |
| echo "--env-file <file> - The script will use the supplied file to read environment variables from" |
| echo "release - If this flag is given the script will use release version of the images" |
| echo "auto-clean - If the function 'auto_clean_containers' is present in the end of the test script then all containers will be stopped and removed. If 'auto-clean' is not given then the function has no effect." |
| echo "--stop-at-error - The script will stop when the first failed test or configuration" |
| echo "--ricsim-prefix - The a1 simulator will use the supplied string as container prefix instead of 'ricsim'" |
| echo "--use-local-image - The script will use local images for the supplied apps, space separated list of app short names" |
| echo "--use-snapshot-image - The script will use images from the nexus snapshot repo for the supplied apps, space separated list of app short names" |
| echo "--use-staging-image - The script will use images from the nexus staging repo for the supplied apps, space separated list of app short names" |
| echo "--use-release-image - The script will use images from the nexus release repo for the supplied apps, space separated list of app short names" |
| echo "--image-repo - Url to optional image repo. Only locally built images will be re-tagged and pushed to this repo" |
| echo "--repo-policy - Policy controlling which images to re-tag and push if param --image-repo is set. Default is 'local'" |
| echo "--cluster-timeout - Optional timeout for cluster where it takes time to obtain external ip/host-name. Timeout in seconds. " |
| echo "--print-stats - Print current test stats after each test." |
| echo "--override <file> - Override setting from the file supplied by --env-file" |
| echo "--pre-clean - Will clean kube resouces when running docker and vice versa" |
| echo "--gen-stats - Collect container/pod runtime statistics" |
| echo "--delete-namespaces - Delete kubernetes namespaces before starting tests - but only those created by the test scripts. Kube mode only. Ignored if running with prestarted apps." |
| echo "--delete-containers - Delete docker containers before starting tests - but only those created by the test scripts. Docker mode only." |
| echo "--endpoint-stats - Collect endpoint statistics" |
| echo "--kubeconfig - Configure kubectl to use cluster specific cluster config file" |
| echo "--host-path-dir - (Base-)path on local-hostmounted to all VMs (nodes), for hostpath volumes in kube" |
| echo "--kubecontext - Configure kubectl to use a certain context, e.g 'minikube'" |
| echo "--docker-host - Configure docker to use docker in e.g. a VM" |
| echo "--docker-proxy - Configure ip/host to docker when docker is running in a VM" |
| echo "" |
| echo "List of app short names supported: "$APP_SHORT_NAMES |
| exit 0 |
| fi |
| |
| # Create a test case id, ATC (Auto Test Case), from the name of the test case script. |
| # FTC1.sh -> ATC == FTC1 |
| ATC=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]}" .sh) |
| |
| #Create result file (containing '1' for error) for this test case |
| #Will be replaced with a file containing '0' if all test cases pass |
| echo "1" > "$PWD/.result$ATC.txt" |
| |
| #Formatting for 'echo' cmd |
| BOLD="\033[1m" |
| EBOLD="\033[0m" |
| RED="\033[31m\033[1m" |
| ERED="\033[0m" |
| GREEN="\033[32m\033[1m" |
| EGREEN="\033[0m" |
| YELLOW="\033[33m\033[1m" |
| EYELLOW="\033[0m" |
| SAMELINE="\033[0K\r" |
| |
| # Just resetting any previous echo formatting... |
| echo -ne $EBOLD |
| |
| # default test environment variables |
| #Override env file, will be added on top of the above file |
| |
| echo "Test case started as: ${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]} "$@ |
| |
| # Var to hold 'auto' in case containers shall be stopped when test case ends |
| |
| # Var to indicate pre clean, if flag --pre-clean is set the script will clean kube resouces when running docker and vice versa |
| PRE_CLEAN="0" |
| |
| # Var to hold the app names to use local images for |
| |
| # Var to hold the app names to use remote snapshot images for |
| |
| # Var to hold the app names to use remote staging images for |
| |
| # Var to hold the app names to use remote release images for |
| |
| |
| # Use this var (STOP_AT_ERROR=1 in the test script) for debugging/trouble shooting to take all logs and exit at first FAIL test case |
| |
| # The default value "DEV" indicate that development image tags (SNAPSHOT) and nexus repos (nexus port 10002) are used. |
| # The value "RELEASE" indicate that relase image tag and nexus repos (nexus port) are used |
| # Applies only to images defined in the test-env files with image names and tags defined as XXXX_RELEASE |
| |
| #Var to indicate docker-compose version, V1 or V2 |
| #V1 names replicated containers <proj-name>_<service-name>_<index> |
| #V2 names replicated containers <proj-name>-<service-name>-<index> |
| |
| # Function to indent cmd output with one space |
| indent1() { sed 's/^/ /'; } |
| |
| # Function to indent cmd output with two spaces |
| indent2() { sed 's/^/ /'; } |
| |
| # Set a description string for the test case |
| if [ -z "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" ]; then |
| TC_ONELINE_DESCR="<no-description>" |
| echo "No test case description found, TC_ONELINE_DESCR should be set on in the test script , using "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR |
| fi |
| |
| # Counter for test suites |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_ctr ]; then |
| tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_ctr) |
| ((tmpval++)) |
| echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_ctr |
| fi |
| |
| # Create the logs dir if not already created in the current dir |
| if [ ! -d "logs" ]; then |
| mkdir logs |
| fi |
| TESTLOGS=$PWD/logs |
| |
| # Create the tmp dir for temporary files that is not needed after the test |
| # hidden files for the test env is still stored in the current dir |
| # files in the ./tmp is moved to ./tmp/prev when a new test is started |
| if [ ! -d "tmp" ]; then |
| mkdir tmp |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "Cannot create dir for temp files, $PWD/tmp" |
| echo "Exiting...." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd tmp |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "Cannot cd to $PWD/tmp" |
| echo "Exiting...." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| |
| if [ ! -d "prev" ]; then |
| mkdir prev |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "Cannot create dir for previous temp files, $PWD/prev" |
| echo "Exiting...." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| TMPFILES=$(ls -A | grep -vw prev) |
| if [ ! -z "$TMPFILES" ]; then |
| cp -r $TMPFILES prev #Move all temp files to prev dir |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "Cannot move temp files in $PWD to previous temp files in, $PWD/prev" |
| echo "Exiting...." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| if [ $(pwd | xargs basename) == "tmp" ]; then #Check that current dir is tmp...for safety |
| |
| rm -rf $TMPFILES # Remove all temp files |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| cd $curdir |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "Cannot cd to $curdir" |
| echo "Exiting...." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| |
| # Create a http message log for this testcase |
| HTTPLOG=$PWD"/.httplog_"$ATC".txt" |
| echo "" > $HTTPLOG |
| |
| # Create a log dir for the test case |
| mkdir -p $TESTLOGS/$ATC |
| |
| # Save create for current logs |
| mkdir -p $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous |
| |
| rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous/*.log &> /dev/null |
| rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous/*.txt &> /dev/null |
| rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous/*.json &> /dev/null |
| |
| mv $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.log $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous &> /dev/null |
| mv $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.txt $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous &> /dev/null |
| mv $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.txt $TESTLOGS/$ATC/previous &> /dev/null |
| |
| # Clear the log dir for the test case |
| rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.log &> /dev/null |
| rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.txt &> /dev/null |
| rm $TESTLOGS/$ATC/*.json &> /dev/null |
| |
| #Create result file in the log dir |
| echo "1" > "$TESTLOGS/$ATC/.result$ATC.txt" |
| |
| # Log all output from the test case to a TC log |
| exec &> >(tee ${TCLOG}) |
| |
| #Variables for counting tests as well as passed and failed tests |
| RES_TEST=0 |
| RES_PASS=0 |
| RES_FAIL=0 |
| |
| #Var to control if current stats shall be printed |
| |
| #Var to control if container/pod runtim statistics shall be collected |
| |
| #Var to control if endpoint statistics shall be collected |
| |
| #Var to control if namespaces shall be delete before test setup |
| |
| #Var to control if containers shall be delete before test setup |
| |
| #Var to configure kubectl from a config file or context |
| |
| #Localhost, may be set to another host/ip by cmd parameter |
| LOCALHOST_NAME="localhost" |
| |
| #Reseting vars related to token/keys used by kubeproxy when istio is enabled |
| #The vars are populated if istio is used in the testcase |
| |
| #Var pointing to dir mounted to each kubernetes node (master and workers) |
| #Persistent volumes using "hostpath" are allocated beneath the point. |
| #Typically it is a dir on local host mounted to each VM running the master and worker. |
| #So the intention is make this dir available so the PODs can be restarted on any |
| #node and still access the persistent data |
| #If not set from cmd line, the path is defaults to "/tmp" |
| |
| #File to keep deviation messages |
| DEVIATION_FILE=".tmp_deviations" |
| rm $DEVIATION_FILE &> /dev/null |
| |
| # Trap "command not found" and make the script fail |
| trap_fnc() { |
| |
| if [ $? -eq 127 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Function not found, setting script to FAIL"$ERED |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| fi |
| } |
| trap trap_fnc ERR |
| |
| # Trap to kill subprocess for stats collection (if running) |
| trap_fnc2() { |
| if [ $COLLECT_RUNTIME_STATS_PID -ne 0 ]; then |
| fi |
| } |
| trap trap_fnc2 EXIT |
| |
| # Counter for tests |
| |
| # Function to log the start of a test case |
| __log_test_start() { |
| TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
| ((RES_TEST++)) |
| } |
| |
| # Function to print current statistics |
| __print_current_stats() { |
| if [ $PRINT_CURRENT_STATS -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo " Current stats - exe-time, tests, passes, fails, conf fails, deviations: $(($SECONDS-$TCTEST_START)), $RES_TEST, $RES_PASS, $RES_FAIL, $RES_CONF_FAIL, $RES_DEVIATION" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # General function to log a failed test case |
| __log_test_fail_general() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL."$1 $ERED |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a test case failed due to incorrect response code |
| __log_test_fail_status_code() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL. Exepected status "$1", got "$2 $3 $ERED |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a test case failed due to incorrect response body |
| __log_test_fail_body() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL, returned body not correct"$ERED |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a test case that is not supported |
| __log_test_fail_not_supported() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL, function not supported"$ERED |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # General function to log a passed test case |
| __log_test_pass() { |
| if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then |
| echo $@ |
| fi |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS"$EGREEN |
| __print_current_stats |
| } |
| |
| #Counter for configurations |
| |
| # Function to log the start of a configuration setup |
| __log_conf_start() { |
| TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a failed configuration setup |
| __log_conf_fail_general() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL."$1 $ERED |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a failed configuration setup due to incorrect response code |
| __log_conf_fail_status_code() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL. Exepected status "$1", got "$2 $3 $ERED |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a failed configuration setup due to incorrect response body |
| __log_conf_fail_body() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL, returned body not correct"$ERED |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a configuration that is not supported |
| __log_conf_fail_not_supported() { |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL, function not supported"$ERED$@ |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to log a passed configuration setup |
| __log_conf_ok() { |
| if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then |
| echo $@ |
| fi |
| echo -e $GREEN" OK"$EGREEN |
| __print_current_stats |
| } |
| |
| # Function to collect stats on endpoints |
| # args: <app-id> <end-point-no> <http-operation> <end-point-url> <http-status> [<count>] |
| __collect_endpoint_stats() { |
| if [ $COLLECT_ENDPOINT_STATS -eq 0 ]; then |
| return |
| fi |
| if [ $# -gt 5 ]; then |
| fi |
| ENDPOINT_STAT_FILE=$TESTLOGS/$ATC/endpoint_$ATC_$1_$2".log" |
| if [ -f $ENDPOINT_STAT_FILE ]; then |
| ENDPOINT_POS=$(echo $ENDPOINT_VAL | cut -f4 -d ' ' | cut -f1 -d '/') |
| ENDPOINT_NEG=$(echo $ENDPOINT_VAL | cut -f5 -d ' ' | cut -f1 -d '/') |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $5 -ge 200 ] && [ $5 -lt 300 ]; then |
| else |
| fi |
| |
| printf '%-2s %-10s %-45s %-16s %-16s' "#" "$3" "$4" "$ENDPOINT_POS/$ENDPOINT_POS" "$ENDPOINT_NEG/$ENDPOINT_NEG" > $ENDPOINT_STAT_FILE |
| } |
| |
| # Function to collect stats on endpoints |
| # args: <app-id> <image-info> |
| __collect_endpoint_stats_image_info() { |
| if [ $COLLECT_ENDPOINT_STATS -eq 0 ]; then |
| return |
| fi |
| ENDPOINT_STAT_FILE=$TESTLOGS/$ATC/imageinfo_$ATC_$1".log" |
| } |
| |
| #Var for measuring execution time |
| |
| #Vars to hold the start time and timer text for a custom timer |
| TC_TIMER_CURRENT_FAILS="" # Then numer of failed test when timer starts. |
| # Compared with the current number of fails at timer stop |
| # to judge the measurement reliability |
| |
| #File to save timer measurement results |
| TIMER_MEASUREMENTS=".timer_measurement.txt" |
| echo -e "Activity \t Duration \t Info" > $TIMER_MEASUREMENTS |
| |
| # If this is set, some images (controlled by the parameter repo-policy) will be re-tagged and pushed to this repo before any |
| |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "----------------------------------- Test case: "$ATC |
| echo "----------------------------------- Started: "$(date) |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "-- Description: "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "----------------------------------- Test case setup -----------------------------------" |
| |
| START_ARG=$1 |
| paramerror=0 |
| paramerror_str="" |
| if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" != "remote" ] && [ "$1" != "remote-remove" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="First arg shall be 'remote' or 'remote-remove'" |
| fi |
| else |
| shift; |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" != "docker" ] && [ "$1" != "kube" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="Second arg shall be 'docker' or 'kube'" |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ $1 == "docker" ]; then |
| echo "Setting RUNMODE=DOCKER" |
| fi |
| if [ $1 == "kube" ]; then |
| echo "Setting RUNMODE=KUBE" |
| fi |
| shift; |
| fi |
| fi |
| foundparm=0 |
| while [ $paramerror -eq 0 ] && [ $foundparm -eq 0 ]; do |
| foundparm=1 |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "release" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Release image tags used for applicable images " |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "auto-clean" ]; then |
| AUTO_CLEAN="auto" |
| echo "Option set - Auto clean at end of test script" |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--stop-at-error" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Stop at first error" |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--ricsim-prefix" ]; then |
| shift; |
| TMP_RIC_SIM_PREFIX=$1 #RIC_SIM_PREFIX need to be updated after sourcing of the env file |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No prefix found for flag: '--ricsim-prefix'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Overriding RIC_SIM_PREFIX with: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--env-file" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No env file found for flag: '--env-file'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Reading test env from: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--use-local-image" ]; then |
| shift |
| while [ $# -gt 0 ] && [[ "$1" != "--"* ]]; do |
| if [[ "$AVAILABLE_IMAGES_OVERRIDE" != *"$1"* ]]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="App name $1 is not available for local override for flag: '--use-local-image'" |
| fi |
| fi |
| shift; |
| done |
| foundparm=0 |
| if [ -z "$USE_LOCAL_IMAGES" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No app name found for flag: '--use-local-image'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Overriding with local images for app(s):"$USE_LOCAL_IMAGES |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--use-snapshot-image" ]; then |
| shift |
| while [ $# -gt 0 ] && [[ "$1" != "--"* ]]; do |
| if [[ "$AVAILABLE_IMAGES_OVERRIDE" != *"$1"* ]]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="App name $1 is not available for snapshot override for flag: '--use-snapshot-image'" |
| fi |
| fi |
| shift; |
| done |
| foundparm=0 |
| if [ -z "$USE_SNAPSHOT_IMAGES" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No app name found for flag: '--use-snapshot-image'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Overriding with snapshot images for app(s):"$USE_SNAPSHOT_IMAGES |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--use-staging-image" ]; then |
| shift |
| while [ $# -gt 0 ] && [[ "$1" != "--"* ]]; do |
| if [[ "$AVAILABLE_IMAGES_OVERRIDE" != *"$1"* ]]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="App name $1 is not available for staging override for flag: '--use-staging-image'" |
| fi |
| fi |
| shift; |
| done |
| foundparm=0 |
| if [ -z "$USE_STAGING_IMAGES" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No app name found for flag: '--use-staging-image'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Overriding with staging images for app(s):"$USE_STAGING_IMAGES |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--use-release-image" ]; then |
| shift |
| while [ $# -gt 0 ] && [[ "$1" != "--"* ]]; do |
| if [[ "$AVAILABLE_IMAGES_OVERRIDE" != *"$1"* ]]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="App name $1 is not available for release override for flag: '--use-release-image'" |
| fi |
| fi |
| shift; |
| done |
| foundparm=0 |
| if [ -z "$USE_RELEASE_IMAGES" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No app name found for flag: '--use-release-image'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Overriding with release images for app(s):"$USE_RELEASE_IMAGES |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--image-repo" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No image repo url found for : '--image-repo'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Image repo url: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--repo-policy" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No policy found for : '--repo-policy'" |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ "$1" == "local" ] || [ "$1" == "remote" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Image repo policy: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| else |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="Repo policy shall be 'local' or 'remote'" |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--cluster-timeout" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No timeout value found for : '--cluster-timeout'" |
| fi |
| else |
| #Check if positive int |
| case ${CLUSTER_TIME_OUT#[+]} in |
| *[!0-9]* | '') |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="Value for '--cluster-timeout' not an int : "$CLUSTER_TIME_OUT |
| fi |
| ;; |
| * ) ;; # Ok |
| esac |
| echo "Option set - Cluster timeout: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--override" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No env file found for flag: '--override'" |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ ! -f $TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE_OVERRIDE ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="File for '--override' does not exist : "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE_OVERRIDE |
| fi |
| fi |
| echo "Option set - Override env from: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--pre-clean" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Pre-clean of kube/docker resouces" |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--print-stats" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Print stats after every test-case and config" |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--gen-stats" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Collect runtime statistics" |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--delete-namespaces" ]; then |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "DOCKER" ]; then |
| echo "Option ignored - Delete namespaces (ignored when running docker)" |
| else |
| if [ -z "KUBE_PRESTARTED_IMAGES" ]; then |
| echo "Option ignored - Delete namespaces (ignored when using prestarted apps)" |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Delete namespaces" |
| fi |
| fi |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--delete-containers" ]; then |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "DOCKER" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Delete containers started by previous test(s)" |
| else |
| echo "Option ignored - Delete containers (ignored when running kube)" |
| fi |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--endpoint-stats" ]; then |
| echo "Option set - Collect endpoint statistics" |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--kubeconfig" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No path found for : '--kubeconfig'" |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ -f $1 ]; then |
| if [ ! -z "$KUBECONF" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="Only one of --kubeconfig/--kubecontext can be set" |
| fi |
| else |
| KUBECONF="--kubeconfig $1" |
| echo "Option set - Kubeconfig path: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| else |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="File $1 for --kubeconfig not found" |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--kubecontext" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No context-name found for : '--kubecontext'" |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ ! -z "$KUBECONF" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="Only one of --kubeconfig or --kubecontext can be set" |
| fi |
| else |
| KUBECONF="--context $1" |
| echo "Option set - Kubecontext name: "$1 |
| shift; |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--host-path-dir" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No path found for : '--host-path-dir'" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Option set - Host path for kube set to: "$1 |
| shift |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--docker-host" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No url found for : '--docker-host'" |
| fi |
| else |
| export DOCKER_HOST="$1" |
| echo "Option set - DOCKER_HOST set to: "$1 |
| shift |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--docker-host" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No url found for : '--docker-host'" |
| fi |
| else |
| export DOCKER_HOST="$1" |
| echo "Option set - DOCKER_HOST set to: "$1 |
| shift |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ "$1" == "--docker-proxy" ]; then |
| shift; |
| if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="No ip/host found for : '--docker-proxy'" |
| fi |
| else |
| export LOCALHOST_NAME=$1 |
| echo "Option set - docker proxy set to: "$1 |
| shift |
| foundparm=0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| echo "" |
| |
| #Still params left? |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 0 ] && [ $# -gt 0 ]; then |
| paramerror=1 |
| if [ -z "$paramerror_str" ]; then |
| paramerror_str="Unknown parameter(s): "$@ |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $paramerror -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Incorrect arg list: "$paramerror_str$ERED |
| __print_args |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| |
| # sourcing the selected env variables for the test case |
| if [ -f "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE" ]; then |
| echo -e $BOLD"Sourcing env vars from: "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE$EBOLD |
| if [ ! -z "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE_OVERRIDE" ]; then |
| echo -e $BOLD"Sourcing override env vars from: "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE_OVERRIDE$EBOLD |
| fi |
| |
| if [ -z "$TEST_ENV_PROFILE" ] || [ -z "$SUPPORTED_PROFILES" ]; then |
| echo -e $YELLOW"This test case may not work with selected test env file. TEST_ENV_PROFILE is missing in test_env file or SUPPORTED_PROFILES is missing in test case file"$EYELLOW |
| else |
| found_profile=0 |
| for prof in $SUPPORTED_PROFILES; do |
| if [ "$TEST_ENV_PROFILE" == "$prof" ]; then |
| echo -e $GREEN"Test case supports the selected test env file"$EGREEN |
| found_profile=1 |
| fi |
| done |
| if [ $found_profile -ne 1 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Test case does not support the selected test env file"$ERED |
| echo "Profile: "$TEST_ENV_PROFILE" Supported profiles: "$SUPPORTED_PROFILES |
| echo -e $RED"Exiting...."$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e $RED"Selected env var file does not exist: "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE$ERED |
| echo " Select one of following env var file matching the intended target of the test" |
| echo " Restart the test using the flag '--env-file <path-to-env-file>" |
| ls $AUTOTEST_HOME/../common/test_env* | indent1 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| #This var need be preserved from the command line option, if set, when env var is sourced. |
| if [ ! -z "$TMP_RIC_SIM_PREFIX" ]; then |
| fi |
| |
| if [ -z "$PROJECT_IMAGES_APP_NAMES" ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Var PROJECT_IMAGES_APP_NAMES must be defined in: "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE $ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ $SUPPORTED_RUNMODES != *"$RUNMODE"* ]]; then |
| echo -e $RED"This test script does not support RUNMODE $RUNMODE"$ERED |
| echo "Supported RUNMODEs: "$SUPPORTED_RUNMODES |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Choose list of included apps depending on run-mode |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| else |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| # auto adding system apps |
| __added_apps="" |
| echo -e $BOLD"Auto adding system apps"$EBOLD |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| else |
| fi |
| if [ ! -z "$TMP_APPS" ]; then |
| for iapp in "$TMP_APPS"; do |
| file_pointer=$(echo $iapp | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
| file_pointer="../common/"$file_pointer"_api_functions.sh" |
| padded_iapp=$iapp |
| while [ ${#padded_iapp} -lt 16 ]; do |
| padded_iapp=$padded_iapp" " |
| done |
| echo " Auto-adding system app $padded_iapp Sourcing $file_pointer" |
| . $file_pointer |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo " Include file $file_pointer contain errors. Exiting..." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| __added_apps=" $iapp "$__added_apps |
| done |
| else |
| echo " None" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| else |
| fi |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Auto adding included apps"$EBOLD |
| for iapp in $TMP_APPS; do |
| if [[ "$__added_apps" != *"$iapp"* ]]; then |
| file_pointer=$(echo $iapp | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
| file_pointer="../common/"$file_pointer"_api_functions.sh" |
| padded_iapp=$iapp |
| while [ ${#padded_iapp} -lt 16 ]; do |
| padded_iapp=$padded_iapp" " |
| done |
| echo " Auto-adding included app $padded_iapp Sourcing $file_pointer" |
| if [ ! -f "$file_pointer" ]; then |
| echo " Include file $file_pointer for app $iapp does not exist" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| . $file_pointer |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo " Include file $file_pointer contain errors. Exiting..." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| echo "" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Test environment info"$EBOLD |
| |
| # Check needed installed sw |
| |
| tmp=$(which bash) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$tmp" ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"bash is required to run the test environment, pls install"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo " bash is installed and using version:" |
| echo "$(bash --version)" | indent2 |
| |
| tmp=$(which python3) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$tmp" ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"python3 is required to run the test environment, pls install"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo " python3 is installed and using version: $(python3 --version)" |
| |
| tmp=$(which docker) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$tmp" ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"docker is required to run the test environment, pls install"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo " docker is installed and using versions:" |
| echo " $(docker version --format 'Client version {{.Client.Version}} Server version {{.Server.Version}}')" |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "DOCKER" ]; then |
| tmp=$(which docker-compose) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$tmp" ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"docker-compose is required to run the test environment, pls install"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| tmp=$(docker-compose version) |
| echo " docker-compose installed and using version $tmp" |
| if [[ "$tmp" == *'v2'* ]]; then |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| tmp=$(which kubectl) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z tmp ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"kubectl is required to run the test environment in kubernetes mode, pls install"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo " kubectl is installed and using versions:" |
| echo $(kubectl $KUBECONF version --short=true) | indent2 |
| res=$(kubectl $KUBECONF cluster-info 2>&1) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e "$BOLD$RED############################################# $ERED$EBOLD" |
| echo -e $BOLD$RED"Command 'kubectl '$KUBECONF' cluster-info' returned error $ERED$EBOLD" |
| echo -e "$BOLD$RED############################################# $ERED$EBOLD" |
| echo " " |
| echo "kubectl response:" |
| echo $res |
| echo " " |
| echo "This script may have been started with user with no permission to run kubectl" |
| echo "Try running with 'sudo', set env KUBECONFIG or set '--kubeconfig' parameter" |
| echo "Do either 1, 2 or 3 " |
| echo " " |
| echo "1" |
| echo "Run with sudo" |
| echo -e $BOLD"sudo <test-script-and-parameters>"$EBOLD |
| echo " " |
| echo "2" |
| echo "Export KUBECONFIG and pass env to sudo - (replace user)" |
| echo -e $BOLD"export KUBECONFIG='/home/<user>/.kube/config'"$EBOLD |
| echo -e $BOLD"sudo -E <test-script-and-parameters>"$EBOLD |
| echo " " |
| echo "3" |
| echo "Set KUBECONFIG via script parameter" |
| echo -e $BOLD"sudo ... --kubeconfig /home/<user>/.kube/<config-file> ...."$EBOLD |
| echo "The config file need to downloaded from the cluster" |
| |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo " Node(s) and container runtime config" |
| kubectl $KUBECONF get nodes -o wide | indent2 |
| echo "" |
| if [ -z "$HOST_PATH_BASE_DIR" ]; then |
| echo " Persistent volumes will be mounted to $HOST_PATH_BASE_DIR on applicable node" |
| echo " No guarantee that persistent volume data is available on all nodes in the cluster" |
| else |
| echo "Persistent volumes will be mounted to base dir: $HOST_PATH_BASE_DIR" |
| echo "Assuming this dir is mounted from each node to a dir on the localhost or other" |
| echo "file system available to all nodes" |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Checking configured image setting for this test case"$EBOLD |
| |
| #Temp var to check for image variable name errors |
| #Create a file with image info for later printing as a table |
| image_list_file="./tmp/.image-list" |
| echo -e "Application\tApp short name\tImage\ttag\ttag-switch" > $image_list_file |
| |
| # Check if image env var is set and if so export the env var with image to use (used by docker compose files) |
| # arg: <app-short-name> <target-variable-name> <image-variable-name> <image-tag-variable-name> <tag-suffix> <image name> |
| __check_and_create_image_var() { |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 6 ]; then |
| echo "Expected arg: <app-short-name> <target-variable-name> <image-variable-name> <image-tag-variable-name> <tag-suffix> <image name>" |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| return |
| fi |
| |
| __check_included_image $1 |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e "$6\t$1\t<image-excluded>\t<no-tag>" >> $image_list_file |
| # Image is excluded since the corresponding app is not used in this test |
| return |
| fi |
| tmp=${6}"\t"${1}"\t" |
| #Create var from the input var names |
| image="${!3}" |
| tmptag=$4"_"$5 |
| tag="${!tmptag}" |
| |
| optional_image_repo_target="" |
| |
| if [ -z $image ]; then |
| __check_ignore_image $1 |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| app_ds=$6 |
| if [ -z "$6" ]; then |
| app_ds="<app ignored>" |
| fi |
| echo -e "$app_ds\t$1\t<image-ignored>\t<no-tag>" >> $image_list_file |
| # Image is ignored since the corresponding the images is not set in the env file |
| __remove_included_image $1 # Remove the image from the list of included images |
| return |
| fi |
| echo -e $RED"\$"$3" not set in $TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE"$ERED |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo "" |
| tmp=$tmp"<no-image>\t" |
| else |
| |
| optional_image_repo_target=$image |
| |
| #Add repo depending on image type |
| if [ "$5" == "REMOTE_RELEASE" ]; then |
| image=$NEXUS_RELEASE_REPO$image |
| fi |
| if [ "$5" == "REMOTE" ]; then |
| image=$NEXUS_STAGING_REPO$image |
| fi |
| if [ "$5" == "REMOTE_SNAPSHOT" ]; then |
| image=$NEXUS_SNAPSHOT_REPO$image |
| fi |
| if [ "$5" == "REMOTE_PROXY" ]; then |
| image=$NEXUS_PROXY_REPO$image |
| fi |
| if [ "$5" == "REMOTE_RELEASE_ONAP" ]; then |
| image=$NEXUS_RELEASE_REPO_ONAP$image |
| fi |
| if [ "$5" == "REMOTE_RELEASE_ORAN" ]; then |
| image=$NEXUS_RELEASE_REPO_ORAN$image |
| fi |
| #No nexus repo added for local images, tag: LOCAL |
| tmp=$tmp$image"\t" |
| fi |
| if [ -z $tag ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"\$"$tmptag" not set in $TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE"$ERED |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo "" |
| tmp=$tmp"<no-tag>\t" |
| else |
| tmp=$tmp$tag |
| fi |
| tmp=$tmp"\t"$5 |
| echo -e "$tmp" >> $image_list_file |
| #Export the env var |
| export "${2}"=$image":"$tag #Note, this var may be set to the value of the target value below in __check_and_pull_image |
| |
| remote_or_local_push=false |
| if [ ! -z "$IMAGE_REPO_ADR" ] && [[ $5 != *"PROXY"* ]]; then |
| if [ $5 == "LOCAL" ]; then |
| remote_or_local_push=true |
| fi |
| if [[ $5 == *"REMOTE"* ]]; then |
| if [ "$IMAGE_REPO_POLICY" == "remote" ]; then |
| remote_or_local_push=true |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| if $remote_or_local_push; then # Only re-tag and push images according to policy, if repo is given |
| export "${2}_SOURCE"=$image":"$tag #Var to keep the actual source image |
| if [[ $optional_image_repo_target == *"/"* ]]; then # Replace all / with _ for images to push to external repo |
| optional_image_repo_target_tmp=${optional_image_repo_target//\//_} |
| optional_image_repo_target=$optional_image_repo_target_tmp |
| fi |
| export "${2}_TARGET"=$IMAGE_REPO_ADR"/"$optional_image_repo_target":"$tag #Create image + tag for optional image repo - pushed later if needed |
| else |
| export "${2}_SOURCE"="" |
| export "${2}_TARGET"="" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Check if app uses image included in this test run |
| # Returns 0 if image is included, 1 if not |
| __check_included_image() { |
| for im in $INCLUDED_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Check if app uses a project image |
| # Returns 0 if image is included, 1 if not |
| __check_project_image() { |
| for im in $PROJECT_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Check if app uses image built by the test script |
| # Returns 0 if image is included, 1 if not |
| __check_image_local_build() { |
| for im in $LOCAL_IMAGE_BUILD; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Check if app image is conditionally ignored in this test run |
| # Returns 0 if image is conditionally ignored, 1 if not |
| __check_ignore_image() { |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Removed image from included list of included images |
| # Used when an image is marked as conditionally ignored |
| __remove_included_image() { |
| tmp_img_rem_list="" |
| for im in $INCLUDED_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" != "$im" ]; then |
| tmp_img_rem_list=$tmp_img_rem_list" "$im |
| fi |
| done |
| INCLUDED_IMAGES=$tmp_img_rem_list |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Check if app is included in the prestarted set of apps |
| # Returns 0 if image is included, 1 if not |
| __check_prestarted_image() { |
| for im in $KUBE_PRESTARTED_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Check if an app shall use a local image, based on the cmd parameters |
| __check_image_local_override() { |
| for im in $USE_LOCAL_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Check if app uses image override |
| # Returns the image/tag suffix LOCAL for local image or REMOTE/REMOTE_RELEASE/REMOTE_SNAPSHOT for staging/release/snapshot image |
| __check_image_override() { |
| |
| for im in $ORAN_IMAGES_APP_NAMES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| for im in $ONAP_IMAGES_APP_NAMES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| found=0 |
| for im in $PROJECT_IMAGES_APP_NAMES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| found=1 |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "REMOTE_PROXY" |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| |
| suffix="" |
| if [ $IMAGE_CATEGORY == "RELEASE" ]; then |
| suffix="REMOTE_RELEASE" |
| fi |
| if [ $IMAGE_CATEGORY == "DEV" ]; then |
| suffix="REMOTE" |
| fi |
| CTR=0 |
| for im in $USE_STAGING_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| suffix="REMOTE" |
| ((CTR++)) |
| fi |
| done |
| for im in $USE_RELEASE_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| suffix="REMOTE_RELEASE" |
| ((CTR++)) |
| fi |
| done |
| for im in $USE_SNAPSHOT_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| suffix="REMOTE_SNAPSHOT" |
| ((CTR++)) |
| fi |
| done |
| for im in $USE_LOCAL_IMAGES; do |
| if [ "$1" == "$im" ]; then |
| suffix="LOCAL" |
| ((CTR++)) |
| fi |
| done |
| echo $suffix |
| if [ $CTR -gt 1 ]; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Function to re-tag and image and push to another image repo |
| __retag_and_push_image() { |
| if [ ! -z "$IMAGE_REPO_ADR" ]; then |
| source_image="${!1}" |
| trg_var_name=$1_"TARGET" # This var is created in func __check_and_create_image_var |
| target_image="${!trg_var_name}" |
| |
| if [ -z $target_image ]; then |
| return 0 # Image with no target shall not be pushed |
| fi |
| |
| echo -ne " Attempt to re-tag image to: ${BOLD}${target_image}${EBOLD}${SAMELINE}" |
| tmp=$(docker image tag $source_image ${target_image} ) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| docker stop $tmp &> ./tmp/.dockererr |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo "" |
| echo -e " Attempt to re-tag image to: ${BOLD}${target_image}${EBOLD} - ${RED}Failed${ERED}" |
| cat ./tmp/.dockererr |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e " Attempt to re-tag image to: ${BOLD}${target_image}${EBOLD} - ${GREEN}OK${EGREEN}" |
| fi |
| echo -ne " Attempt to push re-tagged image: ${BOLD}${target_image}${EBOLD}${SAMELINE}" |
| tmp=$(docker push ${target_image} ) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| docker stop $tmp &> ./tmp/.dockererr |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo "" |
| echo -e " Attempt to push re-tagged image: ${BOLD}${target_image}${EBOLD} - ${RED}Failed${ERED}" |
| cat ./tmp/.dockererr |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e " Attempt to push re-tagged image: ${BOLD}${target_image}${EBOLD} - ${GREEN}OK${EGREEN}" |
| fi |
| export "${1}"=$target_image |
| fi |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| #Function to check if image exist and stop+remove the container+pull new images as needed |
| #args <script-start-arg> <descriptive-image-name> <container-base-name> <image-with-tag-var-name> |
| __check_and_pull_image() { |
| |
| source_image="${!4}" |
| |
| echo -e " Checking $BOLD$2$EBOLD container(s) with basename: $BOLD$3$EBOLD using image: $BOLD$source_image$EBOLD" |
| format_string="\"{{.Repository}}\\t{{.Tag}}\\t{{.CreatedSince}}\\t{{.Size}}\"" |
| tmp_im=$(docker images --format $format_string $source_image) |
| |
| if [ $1 == "local" ]; then |
| if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then |
| echo -e " "$2" (local image): \033[1m"$source_image"\033[0m $RED does not exist in local registry, need to be built (or manually pulled)"$ERED |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e " "$2" (local image): \033[1m"$source_image"\033[0m "$GREEN"OK"$EGREEN |
| fi |
| elif [ $1 == "remote" ] || [ $1 == "remote-remove" ]; then |
| if [ $1 == "remote-remove" ]; then |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "DOCKER" ]; then |
| echo -ne " Attempt to stop and remove container(s), if running - ${SAMELINE}" |
| tmp=$(docker ps -aq --filter name=${3} --filter network=${DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME}) |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$tmp" ]; then |
| docker stop $tmp &> ./tmp/.dockererr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo "" |
| echo -e $RED" Container(s) could not be stopped - try manual stopping the container(s)"$ERED |
| cat ./tmp/.dockererr |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| echo -ne " Attempt to stop and remove container(s), if running - "$GREEN"stopped"$EGREEN"${SAMELINE}" |
| tmp=$(docker ps -aq --filter name=${3} --filter network=${DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME}) &> /dev/null |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$tmp" ]; then |
| docker rm $tmp &> ./tmp/.dockererr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo "" |
| echo -e $RED" Container(s) could not be removed - try manual removal of the container(s)"$ERED |
| cat ./tmp/.dockererr |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| echo -e " Attempt to stop and remove container(s), if running - "$GREEN"stopped removed"$EGREEN |
| tmp_im="" |
| else |
| tmp_im="" |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then |
| echo -ne " Pulling image${SAMELINE}" |
| out=$(docker pull $source_image) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "" |
| echo -e " Pulling image -$RED could not be pulled"$ERED |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| echo $out > ./tmp/.dockererr |
| echo $out |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| echo $out > ./tmp/.dockererr |
| if [[ $out == *"up to date"* ]]; then |
| echo -e " Pulling image -$GREEN Image is up to date $EGREEN" |
| elif [[ $out == *"Downloaded newer image"* ]]; then |
| echo -e " Pulling image -$GREEN Newer image pulled $EGREEN" |
| else |
| echo -e " Pulling image -$GREEN Pulled $EGREEN" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e " Pulling image -$GREEN OK $EGREEN(exists in local repository)" |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| __retag_and_push_image $4 |
| |
| return $? |
| } |
| |
| setup_testenvironment() { |
| # Check that image env setting are available |
| echo "" |
| |
| # Image var setup for all project images included in the test |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| incl=$? |
| __check_project_image $imagename |
| proj=$? |
| if [ $incl -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ $proj -eq 0 ]; then |
| IMAGE_SUFFIX=$(__check_image_override $imagename) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Image setting from cmd line not consistent for $imagename."$ERED |
| ((IMAGE_ERR++)) |
| fi |
| else |
| IMAGE_SUFFIX="none" |
| fi |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'ICS' -> produce the function |
| # name __ICS_imagesetup |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the ics test functions |
| # The resulting function impl will call '__check_and_create_image_var' function |
| # with appropriate parameters |
| # If the image suffix is none, then the component decides the suffix |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_imagesetup" |
| $function_pointer $IMAGE_SUFFIX |
| |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_test_requirements" |
| $function_pointer |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| #Errors in image setting - exit |
| if [ $IMAGE_ERR -ne 0 ]; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| #Print a tables of the image settings |
| echo -e $BOLD"Images configured for start arg: "$START_ARG $EBOLD |
| column -t -s $'\t' $image_list_file | indent1 |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| #Set the SIM_GROUP var |
| echo -e $BOLD"Setting var to main dir of all container/simulator scripts"$EBOLD |
| if [ -z "$SIM_GROUP" ]; then |
| SIM_GROUP=$AUTOTEST_HOME/../simulator-group |
| if [ ! -d $SIM_GROUP ]; then |
| echo "Trying to set env var SIM_GROUP to dir 'simulator-group' in the nontrtric repo, but failed." |
| echo -e $RED"Please set the SIM_GROUP manually in the applicable $TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo " SIM_GROUP auto set to: " $SIM_GROUP |
| fi |
| elif [ $SIM_GROUP = *simulator_group ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Env var SIM_GROUP does not seem to point to dir 'simulator-group' in the repo, check $TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo " SIM_GROUP env var already set to: " $SIM_GROUP |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| #Temp var to check for image pull errors |
| |
| # Delete namespaces |
| echo -e $BOLD"Deleting namespaces"$EBOLD |
| |
| |
| if [ "$DELETE_KUBE_NAMESPACES" -eq 1 ]; then |
| test_env_namespaces=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get ns --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" -l autotest=engine) #Get list of ns created by the test env |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo " Cannot get list of namespaces...ignoring delete" |
| else |
| for test_env_ns in $test_env_namespaces; do |
| __kube_delete_namespace $test_env_ns |
| done |
| fi |
| else |
| echo " Namespace delete option not set or ignored" |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| |
| # Delete containers |
| echo -e $BOLD"Deleting containers"$EBOLD |
| |
| if [ "$DELETE_CONTAINERS" -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo " Stopping containers label 'nrttest_app'..." |
| docker stop $(docker ps -qa --filter "label=nrttest_app") 2> /dev/null |
| echo " Removing stopped containers..." |
| docker rm $(docker ps -qa --filter "label=nrttest_app") 2> /dev/null |
| else |
| echo " Contatiner delete option not set or ignored" |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| |
| # The following sequence pull the configured images |
| echo -e $BOLD"Pulling configured images, if needed"$EBOLD |
| if [ ! -z "$IMAGE_REPO_ADR" ] && [ $IMAGE_REPO_POLICY == "local" ]; then |
| echo -e $YELLOW" Excluding all remote image check/pull when running with image repo: $IMAGE_REPO_ADR and image policy $IMAGE_REPO_POLICY"$EYELLOW |
| else |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| incl=$? |
| __check_project_image $imagename |
| proj=$? |
| if [ $incl -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ $proj -eq 0 ]; then |
| __check_image_local_override $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then |
| START_ARG_MOD="local" |
| fi |
| else |
| fi |
| __check_image_local_build $imagename |
| #No pull of images built locally |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'HTTPPROXY' -> produce the function |
| # name __HTTPPROXY_imagesetup |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the httpproxy test functions |
| # The resulting function impl will call '__check_and_pull_image' function |
| # with appropriate parameters |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_imagepull" |
| $function_pointer $START_ARG_MOD $START_ARG |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e $YELLOW" Excluding $imagename image from image check/pull"$EYELLOW |
| fi |
| done |
| fi |
| |
| #Errors in image setting - exit |
| if [ $IMAGE_ERR -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "" |
| echo "#################################################################################################" |
| echo -e $RED"One or more images could not be pulled or containers using the images could not be stopped/removed"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"Or local image, overriding remote image, does not exist"$ERED |
| if [ $IMAGE_CATEGORY == "DEV" ]; then |
| echo "" |
| echo -e $RED"Note that SNAPSHOT and staging images may be purged from nexus after a certain period."$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"In addition, the image may not have been updated in the current release so no SNAPSHOT or staging image exists"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"In these cases, switch to use a released image instead, use the flag '--use-release-image <App-short-name>'"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"Use the 'App-short-name' for the applicable image from the above table: 'Images configured for start arg'."$ERED |
| fi |
| echo "#################################################################################################" |
| echo "" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Building images needed for test"$EBOLD |
| |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| cd $AUTOTEST_HOME #Always reset to orig dir |
| __check_image_local_build $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'MR' -> produce the function |
| # name __MR_imagebuild |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the mr test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall build the imagee |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_imagebuild" |
| $function_pointer |
| |
| else |
| echo -e $YELLOW" Excluding image for app $imagename from image build"$EYELLOW |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| cd $AUTOTEST_HOME # Just to make sure... |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| # Create a table of the images used in the script - from local repo |
| echo -e $BOLD"Local docker registry images used in this test script"$EBOLD |
| |
| docker_tmp_file=./tmp/.docker-images-table |
| format_string="{{.Repository}}\\t{{.Tag}}\\t{{.CreatedSince}}\\t{{.Size}}\\t{{.CreatedAt}}" |
| echo -e "Application\tRepository\tTag\tCreated since\tSize\tCreated at" > $docker_tmp_file |
| |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| # Only print image data if image repo is null, or if image repo is set and image is local |
| print_image_data=0 |
| if [ -z "$IMAGE_REPO_ADR" ]; then |
| print_image_data=1 |
| else |
| __check_image_local_build $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| print_image_data=1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| if [ $print_image_data -eq 1 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'MR' -> produce the function |
| # name __MR_imagebuild |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the mr test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall build the imagee |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_image_data" |
| $function_pointer "$format_string" $docker_tmp_file |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| column -t -s $'\t' $docker_tmp_file | indent1 |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| if [ ! -z "$IMAGE_REPO_ADR" ]; then |
| |
| # Create a table of the images used in the script - from remote repo |
| echo -e $BOLD"Remote repo images used in this test script"$EBOLD |
| echo -e $YELLOW"-- Note: These image will be pulled when the container starts. Images not managed by the test engine --"$EYELLOW |
| |
| docker_tmp_file=./tmp/.docker-images-table |
| format_string="{{.Repository}}\\t{{.Tag}}" |
| echo -e "Application\tRepository\tTag" > $docker_tmp_file |
| |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| # Only print image data if image repo is null, or if image repo is set and image is local |
| __check_image_local_build $imagename |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'MR' -> produce the function |
| # name __MR_imagebuild |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the mr test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall build the imagee |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_image_data" |
| $function_pointer "$format_string" $docker_tmp_file |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| column -t -s $'\t' $docker_tmp_file | indent1 |
| |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| |
| echo "=================================================================================" |
| echo "=================================================================================" |
| |
| if [ -z "$IMAGE_REPO_ADR" ]; then |
| echo -e $YELLOW" The image pull policy is set to 'Never' - assuming a local image repo is available for all images"$EYELLOW |
| echo -e " This setting only works on single node clusters on the local machine" |
| echo -e " It does not work with multi-node clusters or remote clusters. " |
| export KUBE_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY="Never" |
| else |
| echo -e $YELLOW" The image pull policy is set to 'Always'"$EYELLOW |
| echo -e " This setting work on local clusters, multi-node clusters and remote cluster. " |
| echo -e " Only locally built images are managed. Remote images are always pulled from remote repos" |
| echo -e " Pulling remote snapshot or staging images my in some case result in pulling newer image versions outside the control of the test engine" |
| export KUBE_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY="Always" |
| fi |
| #CLUSTER_IP=$(kubectl $KUBECONF config view -o jsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server} | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}') |
| #echo -e $YELLOW" The cluster hostname/ip is: $CLUSTER_IP"$EYELLOW |
| |
| echo "=================================================================================" |
| echo "=================================================================================" |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"======================================================="$EBOLD |
| echo -e $BOLD"== Common test setup completed - test script begins =="$EBOLD |
| echo -e $BOLD"======================================================="$EBOLD |
| echo "" |
| |
| |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| retcode_i=$? |
| __check_prestarted_image $imagename |
| retcode_p=$? |
| if [ $retcode_i -eq 0 ] || [ $retcode_p -eq 0 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'RICMSIM' -> produce the function |
| # name __RICSIM__initial_setup |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the ricsim test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall perform initial setup of port, host etc |
| |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_initial_setup" |
| $function_pointer |
| |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_statisics_setup" |
| LOG_STAT_ARGS=$LOG_STAT_ARGS" "$($function_pointer) |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| if [ $COLLECT_RUNTIME_STATS -eq 1 ]; then |
| ../common/genstat.sh $RUNMODE $SECONDS $TESTLOGS/$ATC/stat_data.csv $LOG_STAT_ARGS & |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| # Function to print the test result, shall be the last cmd in a test script |
| # args: - |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| print_result() { |
| |
| duration=$((TCTEST_END-TCTEST_START)) |
| |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "------------------------------------- Test case: "$ATC |
| echo "------------------------------------- Ended: "$(date) |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "-- Description: "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR |
| echo "-- Execution time: " $duration " seconds" |
| echo "-- Used env file: "$TEST_ENV_VAR_FILE |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "------------------------------------- RESULTS" |
| echo "" |
| |
| |
| if [ $RES_DEVIATION -gt 0 ]; then |
| echo "Test case deviations" |
| echo "====================================" |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| echo "Timer measurement in the test script" |
| echo "====================================" |
| column -t -s $'\t' $TIMER_MEASUREMENTS |
| if [ $RES_PASS != $RES_TEST ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Measurement may not be reliable when there are failed test - failures may cause long measurement values due to timeouts etc."$ERED |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| |
| if [ $COLLECT_RUNTIME_STATS -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo "Runtime statistics collected in file: "$TESTLOGS/$ATC/stat_data.csv |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| |
| total=$((RES_PASS+RES_FAIL)) |
| if [ $RES_TEST -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -e "\033[1mNo tests seem to have been executed. Check the script....\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m/ __|/ __| _ \_ _| _ \_ _| | __/_\ |_ _| | | | | | _ \ __|\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m\__ \ (__| /| || _/ | | | _/ _ \ | || |_| |_| | / _| \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m|___/\___|_|_\___|_| |_| |_/_/ \_\___|____\___/|_|_\___|\033[0m" |
| elif [ $total != $RES_TEST ]; then |
| echo -e "\033[1mTotal number of tests does not match the sum of passed and failed tests. Check the script....\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m/ __|/ __| _ \_ _| _ \_ _| | __/_\ |_ _| | | | | | _ \ __|\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m\__ \ (__| /| || _/ | | | _/ _ \ | || |_| |_| | / _| \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m|___/\___|_|_\___|_| |_| |_/_/ \_\___|____\___/|_|_\___|\033[0m" |
| elif [ $RES_CONF_FAIL -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e "\033[1mOne or more configurations has failed. Check the script log....\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m/ __|/ __| _ \_ _| _ \_ _| | __/_\ |_ _| | | | | | _ \ __|\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m\__ \ (__| /| || _/ | | | _/ _ \ | || |_| |_| | / _| \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m|___/\___|_|_\___|_| |_| |_/_/ \_\___|____\___/|_|_\___|\033[0m" |
| elif [ $RES_PASS = $RES_TEST ]; then |
| echo -e "All tests \033[32m\033[1mPASS\033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m ___ _ ___ ___ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m | _ \/_\ / __/ __| \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m | _/ _ \\__ \__ \\ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[32m\033[1m |_|/_/ \_\___/___/ \033[0m" |
| echo "" |
| |
| # Update test suite counter |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_pass_ctr ]; then |
| tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_pass_ctr) |
| ((tmpval++)) |
| echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_pass_ctr |
| fi |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_pass ]; then |
| echo " - "$ATC " -- "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" Execution time: "$duration" seconds" >> .tmp_tcsuite_pass |
| fi |
| #Create file with OK exit code |
| echo "0" > "$AUTOTEST_HOME/.result$ATC.txt" |
| echo "0" > "$TESTLOGS/$ATC/.result$ATC.txt" |
| else |
| echo -e "One or more tests with status \033[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m " |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m ___ _ ___ _ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m | __/_\ |_ _| | \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m | _/ _ \ | || |__ \033[0m" |
| echo -e "\033[31m\033[1m |_/_/ \_\___|____|\033[0m" |
| echo "" |
| # Update test suite counter |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr ]; then |
| tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr) |
| ((tmpval++)) |
| echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr |
| fi |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_fail ]; then |
| echo " - "$ATC " -- "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" Execution time: "$duration" seconds" >> .tmp_tcsuite_fail |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| echo "++++ Number of tests: "$RES_TEST |
| echo "++++ Number of passed tests: "$RES_PASS |
| echo "++++ Number of failed tests: "$RES_FAIL |
| echo "" |
| echo "++++ Number of failed configs: "$RES_CONF_FAIL |
| echo "" |
| echo "++++ Number of test case deviations: "$RES_DEVIATION |
| echo "" |
| echo "------------------------------------- Test case complete ---------------------------------" |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| ##################################################################### |
| ###### Functions for start, configuring, stoping, cleaning etc ###### |
| ##################################################################### |
| |
| # Start timer for time measurement |
| # args: <timer message to print> - timer value and message will be printed both on screen |
| # and in the timer measurement report - if at least one "print_timer is called" |
| start_timer() { |
| echo -e $BOLD"INFO(${BASH_LINENO[0]}): "${FUNCNAME[0]}"," $@ $EBOLD |
| TC_TIMER_TIMER_TEXT="${@:1}" |
| if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then |
| __print_err "need 1 arg, <timer message to print>" $@ |
| echo " Assigning timer name: "$TC_TIMER_TIMER_TEXT |
| fi |
| echo " Timer started: $(date)" |
| } |
| |
| # Print the running timer the value of the time (in seconds) |
| # Timer value and message will be printed both on screen and in the timer measurement report |
| print_timer() { |
| if [ -z "$TC_TIMER_STARTTIME" ]; then |
| __print_err "timer not started" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| duration=$(($SECONDS-$TC_TIMER_STARTTIME)) |
| if [ $duration -eq 0 ]; then |
| duration="<1 second" |
| else |
| duration=$duration" seconds" |
| fi |
| echo " Timer duration :" $duration |
| res="-" |
| if [ $(($RES_FAIL+$RES_CONF_FAIL)) -ne $TC_TIMER_CURRENT_FAILS ]; then |
| res="Failures occured during test - timer not reliabled" |
| fi |
| |
| echo -e "$TC_TIMER_TIMER_TEXT \t $duration \t $res" >> $TIMER_MEASUREMENTS |
| } |
| |
| # Print info about a deviations from intended tests |
| # Each deviation counted is also printed in the testreport |
| # args <deviation message to print> |
| deviation() { |
| if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need 1 or more args, <deviation message to print>" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo -e $BOLD$YELLOW" Test case deviation: ${@:1}"$EYELLOW$EBOLD |
| echo "Line: ${BASH_LINENO[0]} - ${@:1}" >> $DEVIATION_FILE |
| __print_current_stats |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| # Stop at first FAIL test case and take all logs - only for debugging/trouble shooting |
| __check_stop_at_error() { |
| if [ $STOP_AT_ERROR -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Test script configured to stop at first FAIL, taking all logs and stops"$ERED |
| store_logs "STOP_AT_ERROR" |
| |
| # Update test suite counter |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr ]; then |
| tmpval=$(< .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr) |
| ((tmpval++)) |
| echo $tmpval > .tmp_tcsuite_fail_ctr |
| fi |
| if [ -f .tmp_tcsuite_fail ]; then |
| echo " - "$ATC " -- "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" Execution stopped due to error" >> .tmp_tcsuite_fail |
| fi |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Stop and remove all containers |
| # args: - |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __clean_containers() { |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Docker clean and stopping and removing all running containers, by container name"$EBOLD |
| |
| #Create empty file |
| running_contr_file="./tmp/running_contr.txt" |
| > $running_contr_file |
| |
| # Get list of all containers started by the test script |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| docker ps -a --filter "label=nrttest_app=$imagename" --filter "network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME" --format ' {{.Label "nrttest_dp"}}\n{{.Label "nrttest_app"}}\n{{.Names}}' >> $running_contr_file |
| done |
| running_contr_file_empty="No docker containers running, started by previous test execution" |
| if [ -s $running_contr_file ]; then |
| running_contr_file_empty="" |
| fi |
| |
| # Kill all containers started by the test env - to speed up shut down |
| docker kill $(docker ps -a --filter "label=nrttest_app" --format '{{.Names}}') &> /dev/null |
| |
| tab_heading1="App display name" |
| tab_heading2="App short name" |
| tab_heading3="Container name" |
| |
| tab_heading1_len=${#tab_heading1} |
| tab_heading2_len=${#tab_heading2} |
| tab_heading3_len=${#tab_heading3} |
| cntr=0 |
| #Calc field lengths of each item in the list of containers |
| while read p; do |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 0 ));then |
| if [ ${#p} -gt $tab_heading1_len ]; then |
| tab_heading1_len=${#p} |
| fi |
| fi |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 1));then |
| if [ ${#p} -gt $tab_heading2_len ]; then |
| tab_heading2_len=${#p} |
| fi |
| fi |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 2));then |
| if [ ${#p} -gt $tab_heading3_len ]; then |
| tab_heading3_len=${#p} |
| fi |
| fi |
| let cntr=cntr+1 |
| done <$running_contr_file |
| |
| let tab_heading1_len=tab_heading1_len+2 |
| while (( ${#tab_heading1} < $tab_heading1_len)); do |
| tab_heading1="$tab_heading1"" " |
| done |
| |
| let tab_heading2_len=tab_heading2_len+2 |
| while (( ${#tab_heading2} < $tab_heading2_len)); do |
| tab_heading2="$tab_heading2"" " |
| done |
| |
| let tab_heading3_len=tab_heading3_len+2 |
| while (( ${#tab_heading3} < $tab_heading3_len)); do |
| tab_heading3="$tab_heading3"" " |
| done |
| |
| if [ ! -z "$running_contr_file_empty" ]; then |
| echo $running_contr_file_empty | indent1 |
| else |
| echo " $tab_heading1$tab_heading2$tab_heading3"" Actions" |
| cntr=0 |
| while read p; do |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 0 ));then |
| row="" |
| heading=$p |
| heading_len=$tab_heading1_len |
| fi |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 1));then |
| heading=$p |
| heading_len=$tab_heading2_len |
| fi |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 2));then |
| contr=$p |
| heading=$p |
| heading_len=$tab_heading3_len |
| fi |
| while (( ${#heading} < $heading_len)); do |
| heading="$heading"" " |
| done |
| row=$row$heading |
| if (( $cntr % 3 == 2));then |
| echo -ne $row$SAMELINE |
| echo -ne " $row ${GREEN}stopping...${EGREEN}${SAMELINE}" |
| docker stop $(docker ps -qa --filter name=${contr} --filter network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME) &> /dev/null |
| echo -ne " $row ${GREEN}stopped removing...${EGREEN}${SAMELINE}" |
| docker rm --force $(docker ps -qa --filter name=${contr} --filter network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME) &> /dev/null |
| echo -e " $row ${GREEN}stopped removed ${EGREEN}" |
| fi |
| let cntr=cntr+1 |
| done <$running_contr_file |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD" Removing docker network"$EBOLD |
| TMP=$(docker network ls -q --filter name=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME) |
| if [ "$TMP" == $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME ]; then |
| docker network rm $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME | indent2 |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED" Cannot remove docker network. Manually remove or disconnect containers from $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| echo -e "$GREEN Done$EGREEN" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD" Removing all unused docker neworks"$EBOLD |
| docker network prune --force | indent2 |
| echo -e "$GREEN Done$EGREEN" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD" Removing all unused docker volumes"$EBOLD |
| docker volume prune --force | indent2 |
| echo -e "$GREEN Done$EGREEN" |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD" Removing all dangling/untagged docker images"$EBOLD |
| docker rmi --force $(docker images -q -f dangling=true) &> /dev/null |
| echo -e "$GREEN Done$EGREEN" |
| echo "" |
| |
| CONTRS=$(docker ps | awk '$1 != "CONTAINER" { n++ }; END { print n+0 }') |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ $CONTRS -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Containers running, may cause distubance to the test case"$ERED |
| docker ps -a | indent1 |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| ################################### |
| ### Functions for kube management |
| ################################### |
| |
| # Get resource type for scaling |
| # args: <resource-name> <namespace> |
| __kube_get_resource_type() { |
| kubectl $KUBECONF get deployment $1 -n $2 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "deployment" |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| kubectl $KUBECONF get sts $1 -n $2 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "sts" |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| echo "unknown-resource-type" |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Scale a kube resource to a specific count |
| # args: <resource-type> <resource-name> <namespace> <target-count> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_scale() { |
| echo -ne " Setting $1 $2 replicas=$4 in namespace $3"$SAMELINE |
| kubectl $KUBECONF scale $1 $2 -n $3 --replicas=$4 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Setting $1 $2 replicas=$4 in namespace $3 $RED Failed $ERED" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo " Message: $(<./tmp/kubeerr)" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e " Setting $1 $2 replicas=$4 in namespace $3 $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| fi |
| |
| |
| for i in {1..500}; do |
| count=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $1/$2 -n $3 -o jsonpath='{.status.replicas}' 2> /dev/null) |
| retcode=$? |
| if [ -z "$count" ]; then |
| #No value is sometimes returned for some reason, in case the resource has replica 0 |
| count=0 |
| fi |
| if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e "$RED Cannot fetch current replica count for $1 $2 in namespace $3 $ERED" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| #echo "" |
| if [ $count -ne $4 ]; then |
| echo -ne " Waiting for $1 $2 replicas=$4 in namespace $3. Replicas=$count after $(($SECONDS-$TSTART)) seconds $SAMELINE" |
| sleep $i |
| else |
| echo -e " Waiting for $1 $2 replicas=$4 in namespace $3. Replicas=$count after $(($SECONDS-$TSTART)) seconds" |
| echo -e " Replicas=$4 after $(($SECONDS-$TSTART)) seconds $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| echo "" |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| echo "" |
| echo -e "$RED Replica count did not reach target replicas=$4. Failed with replicas=$count $ERED" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Scale all kube resource sets to 0 in a namespace for resources having a certain lable and label-id |
| # This function does not wait for the resource to reach 0 |
| # args: <namespace> <label-name> <label-id> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_scale_all_resources() { |
| namespace=$1 |
| labelname=$2 |
| labelid=$3 |
| resources="deployment replicaset statefulset" |
| for restype in $resources; do |
| result=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.'$labelname'=="'$labelid'")].metadata.name}') |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$result" ]; then |
| for resid in $result; do |
| echo -ne " Ordered caling $restype $resid in namespace $namespace with label $labelname=$labelid to 0"$SAMELINE |
| kubectl $KUBECONF scale $restype $resid -n $namespace --replicas=0 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| echo -e " Ordered scaling $restype $resid in namespace $namespace with label $labelname=$labelid to 0 $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| done |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # Scale all kube resource sets to 0 in a namespace for resources having a certain lable and an optional label-id |
| # This function do wait for the resource to reach 0 |
| # args: <namespace> <label-name> [ <label-id> ] |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_scale_and_wait_all_resources() { |
| namespace=$1 |
| labelname=$2 |
| labelid=$3 |
| if [ -z "$3" ]; then |
| echo " Attempt to scale - deployment replicaset statefulset - in namespace $namespace with label $labelname" |
| else |
| echo " Attempt to scale - deployment replicaset statefulset - in namespace $namespace with label $labelname=$labelid" |
| fi |
| resources="deployment replicaset statefulset" |
| scaled_all=1 |
| while [ $scaled_all -ne 0 ]; do |
| scaled_all=0 |
| for restype in $resources; do |
| if [ -z "$3" ]; then |
| result=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.'$labelname')].metadata.name}') |
| else |
| result=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.'$labelname'=="'$labelid'")].metadata.name}') |
| fi |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$result" ]; then |
| for resid in $result; do |
| echo -e " Ordered scaling $restype $resid in namespace $namespace with label $labelname=$labelid to 0" |
| kubectl $KUBECONF scale $restype $resid -n $namespace --replicas=0 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| count=1 |
| while [ $count -ne 0 ]; do |
| count=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype $resid -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{.status.replicas}' 2> /dev/null) |
| echo -ne " Scaling $restype $resid in namespace $namespace with label $labelname=$labelid to 0, current count=$count"$SAMELINE |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$count" ]; then |
| sleep 0.5 |
| else |
| count=0 |
| fi |
| duration=$(($SECONDS-$T_START)) |
| if [ $duration -gt 100 ]; then |
| #Forcring count 0, to avoid hanging for failed scaling |
| scaled_all=1 |
| count=0 |
| fi |
| done |
| echo -e " Scaled $restype $resid in namespace $namespace with label $labelname=$labelid to 0, current count=$count $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| done |
| fi |
| done |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # Remove all kube resources in a namespace for resources having a certain label and label-id |
| # This function wait until the resources are gone. Scaling to 0 must have been ordered previously |
| # args: <namespace> <label-name> <label-id> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_delete_all_resources() { |
| namespace=$1 |
| labelname=$2 |
| labelid=$3 |
| resources="deployments replicaset statefulset services pods configmaps persistentvolumeclaims persistentvolumes serviceaccounts clusterrolebindings secrets authorizationpolicies requestauthentications" |
| deleted_resourcetypes="" |
| for restype in $resources; do |
| ns_flag="-n $namespace" |
| ns_text="in namespace $namespace" |
| if [ $restype == "persistentvolumes" ]; then |
| ns_flag="" |
| ns_text="" |
| fi |
| if [ $restype == "clusterrolebindings" ]; then |
| ns_flag="" |
| ns_text="" |
| fi |
| result=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype $ns_flag -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.'$labelname'=="'$labelid'")].metadata.name}' 2> /dev/null) |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$result" ]; then |
| deleted_resourcetypes=$deleted_resourcetypes" "$restype |
| for resid in $result; do |
| if [ $restype == "replicaset" ] || [ $restype == "statefulset" ]; then |
| count=1 |
| while [ $count -ne 0 ]; do |
| count=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype $resid $ns_flag -o jsonpath='{.status.replicas}' 2> /dev/null) |
| echo -ne " Scaling $restype $resid $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid to 0, current count=$count"$SAMELINE |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$count" ]; then |
| sleep 0.5 |
| else |
| count=0 |
| fi |
| done |
| echo -e " Scaled $restype $resid $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid to 0, current count=$count $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| fi |
| echo -ne " Deleting $restype $resid $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid "$SAMELINE |
| kubectl $KUBECONF delete --grace-period=1 $restype $resid $ns_flag 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Deleted $restype $resid $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| else |
| echo -e " Deleted $restype $resid $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid $GREEN Does not exist - OK $EGREEN" |
| fi |
| #fi |
| done |
| fi |
| done |
| if [ ! -z "$deleted_resourcetypes" ]; then |
| for restype in $deleted_resources; do |
| ns_flag="-n $namespace" |
| ns_text="in namespace $namespace" |
| if [ $restype == "persistentvolumes" ]; then |
| ns_flag="" |
| ns_text="" |
| fi |
| echo -ne " Waiting for $restype $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid to be deleted..."$SAMELINE |
| result="dummy" |
| while [ ! -z "$result" ]; do |
| sleep 0.5 |
| result=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get $restype $ns_flag -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.'$labelname'=="'$labelid'")].metadata.name}') |
| echo -ne " Waiting for $restype $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid to be deleted...$(($SECONDS-$T_START)) seconds "$SAMELINE |
| if [ -z "$result" ]; then |
| echo -e " Waiting for $restype $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid to be deleted...$(($SECONDS-$T_START)) seconds $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| elif [ $(($SECONDS-$T_START)) -gt 300 ]; then |
| echo -e " Waiting for $restype $ns_text with label $labelname=$labelid to be deleted...$(($SECONDS-$T_START)) seconds $RED Failed $ERED" |
| result="" |
| fi |
| done |
| done |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Creates a namespace if it does not exists |
| # args: <namespace> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_create_namespace() { |
| |
| #Check if test namespace exists, if not create it |
| kubectl $KUBECONF get namespace $1 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -ne " Creating namespace "$1 $SAMELINE |
| kubectl $KUBECONF create namespace $1 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Creating namespace $1 $RED$BOLD FAILED $EBOLD$ERED" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo " Message: $(<./tmp/kubeerr)" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| kubectl $KUBECONF label ns $1 autotest=engine > /dev/null |
| echo -e " Creating namespace $1 $GREEN$BOLD OK $EBOLD$EGREEN" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e " Creating namespace $1 $GREEN$BOLD Already exists, OK $EBOLD$EGREEN" |
| fi |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Removes a namespace if it exists |
| # args: <namespace> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_delete_namespace() { |
| |
| #Check if test namespace exists, if so remove it |
| kubectl $KUBECONF get namespace $1 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -ne " Removing namespace "$1 $SAMELINE |
| kubectl $KUBECONF delete namespace $1 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Removing namespace $1 $RED$BOLD FAILED $EBOLD$ERED" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo " Message: $(<./tmp/kubeerr)" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e " Removing namespace $1 $GREEN$BOLD OK $EBOLD$EGREEN" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e " Namespace $1 $GREEN$BOLD does not exist, OK $EBOLD$EGREEN" |
| fi |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Removes and re-create a namespace |
| # args: <namespace> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| clean_and_create_namespace() { |
| __log_conf_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then |
| __print_err "<namespace>" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| __kube_delete_namespace $1 |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| __kube_create_namespace $1 |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Add/remove label on non-namespaced kube object |
| # args: <api> <instance> <label> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_label_non_ns_instance() { |
| kubectl $KUBECONF label $1 $2 "$3" 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| return $? |
| } |
| |
| # Add/remove label on namespaced kube object |
| # args: <api> <instance> <namespace> <label> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_label_ns_instance() { |
| kubectl $KUBECONF label $1 $2 -n $3 "$4" 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| return $? |
| } |
| |
| # Find the host ip of an app (using the service resource) |
| # args: <app-name> <namespace> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_get_service_host() { |
| if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need 2 args, <app-name> <namespace>" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| for timeout in {1..60}; do |
| host=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get svc $1 -n $2 -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}') |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ ! -z "$host" ]; then |
| echo $host |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| sleep 0.5 |
| done |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo "host-not-found-fatal-error" |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Find the named port to an app (using the service resource) |
| # args: <app-name> <namespace> <port-name> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_get_service_port() { |
| if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need 3 args, <app-name> <namespace> <port-name>" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| for timeout in {1..60}; do |
| port=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get svc $1 -n $2 -o jsonpath='{...ports[?(@.name=="'$3'")].port}') |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ ! -z "$port" ]; then |
| echo $port |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| sleep 0.5 |
| done |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo "0" |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Find the named node port to an app (using the service resource) |
| # args: <app-name> <namespace> <port-name> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_get_service_nodeport() { |
| if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need 3 args, <app-name> <namespace> <port-name>" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| for timeout in {1..60}; do |
| port=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get svc $1 -n $2 -o jsonpath='{...ports[?(@.name=="'$3'")].nodePort}') |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ ! -z "$port" ]; then |
| echo $port |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| sleep 0.5 |
| done |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo "0" |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Create a kube resource from a yaml template |
| # args: <resource-type> <resource-name> <template-yaml> <output-yaml> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_create_instance() { |
| echo -ne " Creating $1 $2"$SAMELINE |
| envsubst < $3 > $4 |
| kubectl $KUBECONF apply -f $4 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo -e " Creating $1 $2 $RED Failed $ERED" |
| echo " Message: $(<./tmp/kubeerr)" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e " Creating $1 $2 $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Function to create a configmap in kubernetes |
| # args: <configmap-name> <namespace> <labelname> <labelid> <path-to-data-file> <path-to-output-yaml> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_create_configmap() { |
| echo -ne " Creating configmap $1 "$SAMELINE |
| envsubst < $5 > $5"_tmp" |
| cp $5"_tmp" $5 #Need to copy back to orig file name since create configmap neeed the original file name |
| kubectl $KUBECONF create configmap $1 -n $2 --from-file=$5 --dry-run=client -o yaml > $6 |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Creating configmap $1 $RED Failed $ERED" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| kubectl $KUBECONF apply -f $6 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Creating configmap $1 $RED Apply failed $ERED" |
| echo " Message: $(<./tmp/kubeerr)" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| kubectl $KUBECONF label configmap $1 -n $2 $3"="$4 --overwrite 1> /dev/null 2> ./tmp/kubeerr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Creating configmap $1 $RED Labeling failed $ERED" |
| echo " Message: $(<./tmp/kubeerr)" |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| # Log the resulting map |
| kubectl $KUBECONF get configmap $1 -n $2 -o yaml > $6 |
| |
| echo -e " Creating configmap $1 $GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # This function runs a kubectl cmd where a single output value is expected, for example get ip with jsonpath filter. |
| # The function retries up to the timeout given in the cmd flag '--cluster-timeout' |
| # args: <full kubectl cmd with parameters> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_cmd_with_timeout() { |
| |
| while true; do |
| kube_cmd_result=$($@) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| kube_cmd_result="" |
| fi |
| if [ $SECONDS -ge $TS_TMP ] || [ ! -z "$kube_cmd_result" ] ; then |
| echo $kube_cmd_result |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| sleep 1 |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # This function starts a pod that cleans a the contents of a path mounted as a pvc |
| # After this action the pod should terminate |
| # This should only be executed when the pod owning the pvc is not running |
| # args: <appname> <namespace> <pvc-name> <path-to remove> |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __kube_clean_pvc() { |
| |
| #using env vars setup in pvccleaner_api_functions.sh |
| |
| export PVC_CLEANER_RM_PATH=$4 |
| input_yaml=$SIM_GROUP"/"$PVC_CLEANER_COMPOSE_DIR"/"pvc-cleaner.yaml |
| output_yaml=$PWD/tmp/$2-pvc-cleaner.yaml |
| |
| envsubst < $input_yaml > $output_yaml |
| |
| kubectl $KUBECONF delete -f $output_yaml 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null # Delete the previous terminated pod - if existing |
| |
| __kube_create_instance pod $PVC_CLEANER_APP_NAME $input_yaml $output_yaml |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo $YELLOW" Could not clean pvc for app: $1 - persistent storage not clean - tests may not work" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| term_ts=$(($SECONDS+30)) |
| while [ $term_ts -gt $SECONDS ]; do |
| pod_status=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get pod pvc-cleaner -n $PVC_CLEANER_NAMESPACE --no-headers -o custom-columns=":status.phase") |
| if [ "$pod_status" == "Succeeded" ]; then |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| done |
| return 1 |
| } |
| |
| # This function scales or deletes all resources for app selected by the testcase. |
| # args: - |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __clean_kube() { |
| echo -e $BOLD"Initialize kube pods/statefulsets/replicaset to initial state"$EBOLD |
| |
| # Scale prestarted or managed apps |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'RICMSIM' -> produce the function |
| # name __RICSIM_kube_scale_zero or __RICSIM_kube_scale_zero_and_wait |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the ricsim test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall scale the resources to 0 |
| # For prestarted apps, the function waits until the resources are 0 |
| # For included (not prestated) apps, the scaling is just ordered |
| __check_prestarted_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_kube_scale_zero_and_wait" |
| echo -e " Scaling all kube resources for app $BOLD $imagename $EBOLD to 0" |
| $function_pointer |
| else |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_kube_scale_zero" |
| echo -e " Scaling all kube resources for app $BOLD $imagename $EBOLD to 0" |
| $function_pointer |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| # Delete managed apps |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| __check_prestarted_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'RICMSIM' -> produce the function |
| # name __RICSIM__kube_delete_all |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the ricsim test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall delete all its resources |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_kube_delete_all" |
| echo -e " Deleting all kube resources for app $BOLD $imagename $EBOLD" |
| $function_pointer |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| # Remove istio label on namespaces |
| test_env_namespaces=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get ns --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" -l autotest=engine -l istio-injection=enabled) #Get list of ns created by the test env |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo " Cannot get list of namespaces...continues.." |
| else |
| for test_env_ns in $test_env_namespaces; do |
| echo " Removing istio label on ns: "$test_env_ns |
| __kube_label_non_ns_instance ns $test_env_ns "istio-injection-" |
| done |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| # Function stop and remove all containers (docker) and services/deployments etc(kube) |
| # args: - |
| # Function for test script |
| clean_environment() { |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| __clean_kube |
| if [ $PRE_CLEAN -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo " Cleaning docker resouces to free up resources, may take time..." |
| ../common/clean_docker.sh 2>&1 > /dev/null |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| else |
| __clean_containers |
| if [ $PRE_CLEAN -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo " Cleaning kubernetes resouces to free up resources, may take time..." |
| ../common/clean_kube.sh $KUBECONF 2>&1 > /dev/null |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Function stop and remove all containers (docker) and services/deployments etc(kube) in the end of the test script, if the arg 'auto-clean' is given at test script start |
| # args: - |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| auto_clean_environment() { |
| echo |
| if [ "$AUTO_CLEAN" == "auto" ]; then |
| echo -e $BOLD"Initiating automatic cleaning of environment"$EBOLD |
| clean_environment |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Function to sleep a test case for a numner of seconds. Prints the optional text args as info |
| # args: <sleep-time-in-sec> [any-text-in-quotes-to-be-printed] |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| sleep_wait() { |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"INFO(${BASH_LINENO[0]}): "${FUNCNAME[0]}"," $@ $EBOLD |
| if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need at least one arg, <sleep-time-in-sec> [any-text-to-printed]" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| #echo "---- Sleep for " $1 " seconds ---- "$2 |
| start=$SECONDS |
| duration=$((SECONDS-start)) |
| while [ $duration -lt $1 ]; do |
| echo -ne " Slept for ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| sleep 1 |
| duration=$((SECONDS-start)) |
| done |
| echo -ne " Slept for ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| # Print error info for the call in the parent script (test case). Arg: <error-message-to-print> |
| # Not to be called from the test script itself. |
| __print_err() { |
| echo -e $RED ${FUNCNAME[1]} " "$1" " ${BASH_SOURCE[2]} " line" ${BASH_LINENO[1]} $ERED |
| if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED" Got: "${FUNCNAME[1]} ${@:2} $ERED |
| fi |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| } |
| |
| # Function to create the docker network for the test |
| # Not to be called from the test script itself. |
| __create_docker_network() { |
| tmp=$(docker network ls --format={{.Name}} --filter name=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED" Could not check if docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME exists"$ERED |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| if [ "$tmp" != $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME ]; then |
| echo -e " Creating docker network:$BOLD $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME $EBOLD" |
| docker network create $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME | indent2 |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED" Could not create docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME"$ERED |
| return 1 |
| else |
| echo -e "$GREEN Done$EGREEN" |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e " Docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME already exists$GREEN OK $EGREEN" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Function to start container with docker-compose and wait until all are in state running. |
| # If the <docker-compose-file> is empty, the default 'docker-compose.yml' is assumed. |
| #args: <docker-compose-dir> <docker-compose-file> <docker-compose-arg>|NODOCKERARGS <count> <app-name>+ |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __start_container() { |
| |
| if [ $# -lt 5 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need 5 or more args, <docker-compose-dir> <docker-compose-file> <docker-compose-arg>|NODOCKERARGS <count> <app-name>+" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __create_docker_network |
| |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd $SIM_GROUP |
| compose_dir=$1 |
| cd $1 |
| shift |
| compose_file=$1 |
| if [ -z "$compose_file" ]; then |
| compose_file="docker-compose.yml" |
| fi |
| shift |
| compose_args=$1 |
| shift |
| appcount=$1 |
| shift |
| |
| envsubst < $compose_file > "gen_"$compose_file |
| compose_file="gen_"$compose_file |
| if [ $DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION == "V1" ]; then |
| docker_compose_cmd="docker-compose" |
| else |
| docker_compose_cmd="docker compose" |
| fi |
| |
| if [ "$compose_args" == "NODOCKERARGS" ]; then |
| $docker_compose_cmd -f $compose_file up -d &> .dockererr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Problem to launch container(s) with docker-compose"$ERED |
| cat .dockererr |
| echo -e $RED"Stopping script...."$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| else |
| $docker_compose_cmd -f $compose_file up -d $compose_args &> .dockererr |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"Problem to launch container(s) with docker-compose"$ERED |
| cat .dockererr |
| echo -e $RED"Stopping script...."$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| cd $curdir |
| |
| appindex=0 |
| while [ $appindex -lt $appcount ]; do |
| appname=$1 |
| shift |
| app_started=0 |
| for i in {1..10}; do |
| if [ "$(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Running }}' $appname)" == "true" ]; then |
| echo -e " Container $BOLD${appname}$EBOLD$GREEN running$EGREEN on$BOLD image $(docker inspect --format '{{ .Config.Image }}' ${appname}) $EBOLD" |
| app_started=1 |
| break |
| else |
| sleep $i |
| fi |
| done |
| if [ $app_started -eq 0 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo "" |
| echo -e $RED" Container $BOLD${appname}$EBOLD could not be started"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED" Stopping script..."$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| let appindex=appindex+1 |
| done |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Function to check if container/service is responding to http/https |
| # args: <container-name>|<service-name> url |
| # (Not for test scripts) |
| __check_service_start() { |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need 2 args, <container-name>|<service-name> url" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| ENTITY="service/set/deployment" |
| else |
| ENTITY="container" |
| fi |
| appname=$1 |
| url=$2 |
| echo -ne " Container $BOLD${appname}$EBOLD starting${SAMELINE}" |
| |
| |
| a1pmsst=false |
| echo -ne " Waiting for ${ENTITY} ${appname} service status...${SAMELINE}" |
| loop_ctr=0 |
| while (( $TSTART+600 > $SECONDS )); do |
| result="$(__do_curl -m 10 $url)" |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| if [ ${#result} -gt 15 ]; then |
| #If response is too long, truncate |
| result="...response text too long, omitted" |
| fi |
| echo -ne " Waiting for {ENTITY} $BOLD${appname}$EBOLD service status on ${3}, result: $result${SAMELINE}" |
| echo -ne " The ${ENTITY} $BOLD${appname}$EBOLD$GREEN is alive$EGREEN, responds to service status:$GREEN $result $EGREEN on ${url} after $(($SECONDS-$TSTART)) seconds" |
| a1pmsst=true |
| break |
| else |
| TS_OFFSET=$loop_ctr |
| if (( $TS_OFFSET > 5 )); then |
| fi |
| while [ $(($TS_TMP+$TS_OFFSET)) -gt $SECONDS ]; do |
| echo -ne " Waiting for ${ENTITY} ${appname} service status on ${url}...$(($SECONDS-$TSTART)) seconds, retrying in $(($TS_TMP+$TS_OFFSET-$SECONDS)) seconds ${SAMELINE}" |
| sleep 1 |
| done |
| fi |
| let loop_ctr=loop_ctr+1 |
| done |
| |
| if [ "$a1pmsst" = "false" ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| echo -e $RED" The ${ENTITY} ${appname} did not respond to service status on ${url} in $(($SECONDS-$TSTART)) seconds"$ERED |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| |
| ################# |
| ### Log functions |
| ################# |
| |
| __check_container_logs() { |
| |
| dispname=$1 |
| appname=$2 |
| logpath=$3 |
| warning=$4 |
| error=$5 |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Checking $dispname container $appname log ($logpath) for WARNINGs and ERRORs"$EBOLD |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| echo -e $YELLOW" Internal log for $dispname not checked in kube"$EYELLOW |
| return |
| fi |
| |
| #tmp=$(docker ps | grep $appname) |
| tmp=$(docker ps -q --filter name=$appname) #get the container id |
| if [ -z "$tmp" ]; then #Only check logs for running A1PMS apps |
| echo " "$dispname" is not running, no check made" |
| return |
| fi |
| foundentries="$(docker exec -t $tmp grep $warning $logpath | wc -l)" |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ];then |
| echo " Problem to search $appname log $logpath" |
| else |
| if [ $foundentries -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo " No WARN entries found in $appname log $logpath" |
| else |
| echo -e " Found \033[1m"$foundentries"\033[0m WARN entries in $appname log $logpath" |
| fi |
| fi |
| foundentries="$(docker exec -t $tmp grep $error $logpath | wc -l)" |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ];then |
| echo " Problem to search $appname log $logpath" |
| else |
| if [ $foundentries -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo " No ERR entries found in $appname log $logpath" |
| else |
| echo -e $RED" Found \033[1m"$foundentries"\033[0m"$RED" ERR entries in $appname log $logpath"$ERED |
| fi |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| # Store all container logs and other logs in the log dir for the script |
| # Logs are stored with a prefix in case logs should be stored several times during a test |
| # args: <logfile-prefix> |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| store_logs() { |
| if [ $# != 1 ]; then |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| __print_err "need one arg, <file-prefix>" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo -e $BOLD"Storing all docker/kube container logs and other test logs in $TESTLOGS/$ATC using prefix: "$1$EBOLD |
| |
| docker stats --no-stream > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_docker_stats.log 2>&1 |
| |
| docker ps -a > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_docker_ps.log 2>&1 |
| |
| cp .httplog_${ATC}.txt $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_httplog_${ATC}.txt 2>&1 |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "DOCKER" ]; then |
| |
| # Store docker logs for all container |
| for imagename in $APP_SHORT_NAMES; do |
| __check_included_image $imagename |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| # A function name is created from the app short name |
| # for example app short name 'RICMSIM' -> produce the function |
| # name __RICSIM__store_docker_logs |
| # This function is called and is expected to exist in the imported |
| # file for the ricsim test functions |
| # The resulting function impl shall store the docker logs for each container |
| function_pointer="__"$imagename"_store_docker_logs" |
| $function_pointer "$TESTLOGS/$ATC/" $1 |
| fi |
| done |
| fi |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| namespaces=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get namespaces -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.name)].metadata.name}') |
| for nsid in $namespaces; do |
| pods=$(kubectl $KUBECONF get pods -n $nsid -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.autotest)].metadata.name}') |
| for podid in $pods; do |
| kubectl $KUBECONF logs -n $nsid $podid > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_${podid}.log |
| done |
| done |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| ############### |
| ## Generic curl |
| ############### |
| # Generic curl function, assumes all 200-codes are ok |
| # Used proxy, set |
| # args: <valid-curl-args-including full url> |
| # returns: <returned response (without respose code)> or "<no-response-from-server>" or "<not found, <http-code>>"" |
| # returns: The return code is 0 for ok and 1 for not ok |
| __do_curl() { |
| echo ${FUNCNAME[1]} "line: "${BASH_LINENO[1]} >> $HTTPLOG |
| proxyflag="" |
| if [ ! -z "$KUBE_PROXY_PATH" ]; then |
| if [ $KUBE_PROXY_HTTPX == "http" ]; then |
| proxyflag=" --proxy $KUBE_PROXY_PATH" |
| else |
| proxyflag=" --proxy-insecure --proxy $KUBE_PROXY_PATH" |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ! -z "$KUBE_PROXY_CURL_JWT" ]; then |
| jwt="-H "\""Authorization: Bearer $KUBE_PROXY_CURL_JWT"\" |
| curlString="curl -skw %{http_code} $proxyflag $@" |
| echo " CMD: $curlString $jwt" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$($curlString -H "Authorization: Bearer $KUBE_PROXY_CURL_JWT") |
| retcode=$? |
| else |
| curlString="curl -skw %{http_code} $proxyflag $@" |
| echo " CMD: $curlString" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$($curlString) |
| retcode=$? |
| fi |
| echo " RESP: $res" >> $HTTPLOG |
| echo " RETCODE: $retcode" >> $HTTPLOG |
| if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "<no-response-from-server>" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| http_code="${res:${#res}-3}" |
| if [ ${#res} -eq 3 ]; then |
| if [ $http_code -lt 200 ] || [ $http_code -gt 299 ]; then |
| echo "<no-response-from-server>" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ $http_code -lt 200 ] || [ $http_code -gt 299 ]; then |
| echo "<not found, resp:${http_code}>" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then |
| echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" | xargs |
| else |
| echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" |
| fi |
| |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| # Generic curl function, assumes all 200-codes are ok |
| # Uses no proxy, even if it is set |
| # args: <valid-curl-args-including full url> |
| # returns: <returned response (without respose code)> or "<no-response-from-server>" or "<not found, <http-code>>"" |
| # returns: The return code is 0 for ok and 1 for not ok |
| __do_curl_no_proxy() { |
| echo ${FUNCNAME[1]} "line: "${BASH_LINENO[1]} >> $HTTPLOG |
| curlString="curl -skw %{http_code} $@" |
| echo " CMD: $curlString" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$($curlString) |
| retcode=$? |
| echo " RESP: $res" >> $HTTPLOG |
| echo " RETCODE: $retcode" >> $HTTPLOG |
| if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo "<no-response-from-server>" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| http_code="${res:${#res}-3}" |
| if [ ${#res} -eq 3 ]; then |
| if [ $http_code -lt 200 ] || [ $http_code -gt 299 ]; then |
| echo "<no-response-from-server>" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| else |
| if [ $http_code -lt 200 ] || [ $http_code -gt 299 ]; then |
| echo "<not found, resp:${http_code}>" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then |
| echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" | xargs |
| else |
| echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" |
| fi |
| |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| ####################################### |
| ### Basic helper function for test cases |
| ####################################### |
| |
| # Test a simulator container variable value towards target value using an condition operator with an optional timeout. |
| # Arg: <simulator-name> <host> <variable-name> <condition-operator> <target-value> - This test is done |
| # immediately and sets pass or fail depending on the result of comparing variable and target using the operator. |
| # Arg: <simulator-name> <host> <variable-name> <condition-operator> <target-value> <timeout> - This test waits up to the timeout |
| # before setting pass or fail depending on the result of comparing variable and target using the operator. |
| # If the <variable-name> has the 'json:' prefix, the the variable will be used as url and the <target-value> will be compared towards the length of the json array in the response. |
| # Not to be called from test script. |
| |
| __var_test() { |
| checkjsonarraycount=0 |
| TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") |
| if [ $# -eq 6 ]; then |
| if [[ $3 == "json:"* ]]; then |
| checkjsonarraycount=1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"TEST $TEST_SEQUENCE_NR (${BASH_LINENO[1]}): ${1}, ${3} ${4} ${5} within ${6} seconds"$EBOLD |
| echo "TEST $TEST_SEQUENCE_NR - ${TIMESTAMP}: (${BASH_LINENO[1]}): ${1}, ${3} ${4} ${5} within ${6} seconds" >> $HTTPLOG |
| |
| ((RES_TEST++)) |
| start=$SECONDS |
| ctr=0 |
| for (( ; ; )); do |
| if [ $checkjsonarraycount -eq 0 ]; then |
| result="$(__do_curl $2$3)" |
| retcode=$? |
| result=${result//[[:blank:]]/} #Strip blanks |
| else |
| path=${3:5} |
| result="$(__do_curl $2$path)" |
| retcode=$? |
| echo "$result" > ./tmp/.tmp.curl.json |
| result=$(python3 ../common/count_json_elements.py "./tmp/.tmp.curl.json") |
| fi |
| duration=$((SECONDS-start)) |
| echo -ne " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| let ctr=ctr+1 |
| if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then |
| if [ $duration -gt $6 ]; then |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL${ERED} - ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached in ${6} seconds, result = ${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| return |
| fi |
| elif [ "$4" == "=" ] && [ "$result" -eq $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds" |
| __print_current_stats |
| return |
| elif [ "$4" == ">" ] && [ "$result" -gt $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds" |
| __print_current_stats |
| return |
| elif [ "$4" == "<" ] && [ "$result" -lt $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds" |
| __print_current_stats |
| return |
| elif [ "$4" == ">=" ] && [ "$result" -ge $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds" |
| __print_current_stats |
| return |
| elif [ "$4" == "contain_str" ] && [[ $result =~ $5 ]]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e " Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds${SAMELINE}" |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result} after ${duration} seconds" |
| __print_current_stats |
| return |
| else |
| if [ $duration -gt $6 ]; then |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL${ERED} - ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached in ${6} seconds, result = ${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| return |
| fi |
| fi |
| sleep 1 |
| done |
| elif [ $# -eq 5 ]; then |
| if [[ $3 == "json:"* ]]; then |
| checkjsonarraycount=1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"TEST $TEST_SEQUENCE_NR (${BASH_LINENO[1]}): ${1}, ${3} ${4} ${5}"$EBOLD |
| echo "TEST $TEST_SEQUENCE_NR - ${TIMESTAMP}: (${BASH_LINENO[1]}): ${1}, ${3} ${4} ${5}" >> $HTTPLOG |
| ((RES_TEST++)) |
| if [ $checkjsonarraycount -eq 0 ]; then |
| result="$(__do_curl $2$3)" |
| retcode=$? |
| result=${result//[[:blank:]]/} #Strip blanks |
| else |
| path=${3:5} |
| result="$(__do_curl $2$path)" |
| retcode=$? |
| echo "$result" > ./tmp/.tmp.curl.json |
| result=$(python3 ../common/count_json_elements.py "./tmp/.tmp.curl.json") |
| fi |
| if [ $retcode -ne 0 ]; then |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL ${ERED}- ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached, result = ${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| elif [ "$4" == "=" ] && [ "$result" -eq $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| elif [ "$4" == ">" ] && [ "$result" -gt $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| elif [ "$4" == "<" ] && [ "$result" -lt $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| elif [ "$4" == ">=" ] && [ "$result" -ge $5 ]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| elif [ "$4" == "contain_str" ] && [[ $result =~ $5 ]]; then |
| ((RES_PASS++)) |
| echo -e $GREEN" PASS${EGREEN} - Result=${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| else |
| ((RES_FAIL++)) |
| echo -e $RED" FAIL${ERED} - ${3} ${4} ${5} not reached, result = ${result}" |
| __print_current_stats |
| __check_stop_at_error |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Wrong args to __var_test, needs five or six args: <simulator-name> <host> <variable-name> <condition-operator> <target-value> [ <timeout> ]" |
| echo "Got:" $@ |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |