blob: 4ffb522987ec5058507045812aa418a853f43f7d [file] [log] [blame]
# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
# ========================================================================
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
# This is a script that contains container/service management functions
################ Test engine functions ################
# Create the image var used during the test
# arg: <image-tag-suffix> (selects staging, snapshot, release etc)
# <image-tag-suffix> is present only for images with staging, snapshot,release tags
__PVCCLEANER_imagesetup() {
# Pull image from remote repo or use locally built image
# arg: <pull-policy-override> <pull-policy-original>
# <pull-policy-override> Shall be used for images allowing overriding. For example use a local image when test is started to use released images
# <pull-policy-original> Shall be used for images that does not allow overriding
# Both var may contain: 'remote', 'remote-remove' or 'local'
__PVCCLEANER_imagepull() {
# Build image (only for simulator or interfaces stubs owned by the test environment)
# arg: <image-tag-suffix> (selects staging, snapshot, release etc)
# <image-tag-suffix> is present only for images with staging, snapshot,release tags
__PVCCLEANER_imagebuild() {
echo -e $RED"Image for app PVCCLEANER shall never be built"$ERED
# Generate a string for each included image using the app display name and a docker images format string
# If a custom image repo is used then also the source image from the local repo is listed
# arg: <docker-images-format-string> <file-to-append>
__PVCCLEANER_image_data() {
echo -e "$PVC_CLEANER_DISPLAY_NAME\t$(docker images --format $1 $PVC_CLEANER_IMAGE)" >> $2
if [ ! -z "$PVC_CLEANER_IMAGE_SOURCE" ]; then
echo -e "-- source image --\t$(docker images --format $1 $PVC_CLEANER_IMAGE_SOURCE)" >> $2
# Scale kubernetes resources to zero
# All resources shall be ordered to be scaled to 0, if relevant. If not relevant to scale, then do no action.
# This function is called for apps fully managed by the test script
__PVCCLEANER_kube_scale_zero() {
# Scale kubernetes resources to zero and wait until this has been accomplished, if relevant. If not relevant to scale, then do no action.
# This function is called for prestarted apps not managed by the test script.
__PVCCLEANER_kube_scale_zero_and_wait() {
# Delete all kube resouces for the app
# This function is called for apps managed by the test script.
__PVCCLEANER_kube_delete_all() {
# Store docker logs
# This function is called for apps managed by the test script.
# args: <log-dir> <file-prexix>
__PVCCLEANER_store_docker_logs() {
if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then
kubectl $KUBECONF logs -l "autotest=PVCCLEANER" -A --tail=-1 > $1$2_pvs_cleaner.log 2>&1
# Initial setup of protocol, host and ports
# This function is called for apps managed by the test script.
# args: -
__PVCCLEANER_initial_setup() {
# Set app short-name, app name and namespace for logging runtime statistics of kubernets pods or docker containers
# For docker, the namespace shall be excluded
# This function is called for apps managed by the test script as well as for prestarted apps.
# args: -
__PVCCLEANER_statisics_setup() {
echo ""
# Check application requirements, e.g. helm, the the test needs. Exit 1 if req not satisfied
# args: -
__PVCCLEANER_test_requirements() {
# This is a system app, all usage in