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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix
Use Cases
To support the use cases defined for the Non-RT RIC, there are implementations provided in the nonrtric repo, see:
Health Check
The Health Check use case for the Non-RT RIC is a python script that regularly creates, reads, updates, and deletes a
policy in all Near-RT RICs that support the type used by the script. A self refreshing web page provides a view of
statistics for these regular checks.
For more information about it, see the README file in the use case's folder.
.. image:: ./images/healthcheck.png
O-RU closed loop recovery
This use case is a non-real-world closed-loop use case to demonstrate automated recovery when the front-haul connection between and O-DU and O-RU is reset.
An application in the NONRTRIC sense the fault from the O-RU (O1-FM) and initiates a NETCONF reset operation (O1-CM) using the OAM controller.
More details about the use case can be found on the O-RAN SC wiki: `(RSAC) <>`_ and `(OAM) <>`_.
Non-RT RIC provides two implementation versions of the recovery part of the use case. One in the form of a python
script, and one utilizing the ONAP Policy Framework.
Standalone Script Solution
The script version consists of a python script that performs the tasks needed for the use case. There are also two
simulators. One message generator that generates alarm messages, and one SDN-R simulator that receives the config
change messages sent from the script and responds with alarm cleared messages to MR.
All parts are Dockerized and can be started as individual containers, in the same network, in Docker.
ONAP Policy Solution