| #!/usr/bin/env bash |
| |
| . ../common/test_env.sh |
| |
| echo "Test case started as: ${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]} "$1 $2 $3 |
| echo "Numbers of ric simulator started" $2 |
| |
| # This is a script that contains all the functions needed for auto test |
| # Arg: local | remote (1, 2, 3, 4....) |
| |
| STARTED_POLICY_AGENT="" #Policy agent app names added to this var to keep track of started container in the script |
| START_ARG=$1 |
| IMAGE_TAG_REMOTE="latest" |
| SDNC=$3 |
| |
| if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 4 ]; then |
| echo "Expected arg: local | remote and numbers of the rics and SDNC " |
| exit 1 |
| elif [ $1 == "local" ]; then |
| if [ -z $POLICY_AGENT_LOCAL_IMAGE ]; then |
| echo "POLICY_AGENT_LOCAL_IMAGE not set in test_env" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| elif [ $1 == "remote" ]; then |
| if [ -z $POLICY_AGENT_REMOTE_IMAGE ]; then |
| echo "POLICY_AGENT_REMOTE_IMAGE not set in test_env" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| # Set a description string for the test case |
| if [ -z "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR" ]; then |
| TC_ONELINE_DESCR="<no-description>" |
| echo "No test case description found, TC_ONELINE_DESCR should be set on in the test script , using "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR |
| fi |
| |
| ATC=$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[$i+1]}" .sh) |
| |
| |
| # Create the logs dir if not already created in the current dir |
| if [ ! -d "logs" ]; then |
| mkdir logs |
| fi |
| |
| TESTLOGS=$PWD/logs |
| |
| mkdir -p $TESTLOGS/$ATC |
| |
| exec &> >(tee ${TCLOG}) |
| |
| #Variables for counting tests as well as passed and failed tests |
| RES_TEST=0 |
| RES_PASS=0 |
| RES_FAIL=0 |
| |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "----------------------------------- Test case: "$ATC |
| echo "----------------------------------- Started: "$(date) |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "-- Description: "$TC_ONELINE_DESCR |
| echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" |
| echo "----------------------------------- Test case setup -----------------------------------" |
| |
| |
| if [ -z "$SIM_GROUP" ]; then |
| SIM_GROUP=$PWD/../simulator-group |
| if [ ! -d $SIM_GROUP ]; then |
| echo "Trying to set env var SIM_GROUP to dir 'simulator-group' in the integration repo, but failed." |
| echo "Please set the SIM_GROUP manually in the test_env.sh" |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo "SIM_GROUP auto set to: " $SIM_GROUP |
| fi |
| elif [ $SIM_GROUP = *simulator_group ]; then |
| echo "Env var SIM_GROUP does not seem to point to dir 'simulator-group' in the integration repo, check test_env.sh" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| if [ $1 != "manual-container" ] && [ $1 != "manual-app" ]; then |
| #echo -e "Policy agent image tag set to: \033[1m" $IMAGE_TAG"\033[0m" |
| echo "Configured image for policy agent app(s) (${1}): "$POLICY_AGENT_IMAGE |
| tmp_im=$(docker images ${POLICY_AGENT_IMAGE} | grep -v REPOSITORY) |
| |
| if [ $1 == "local" ]; then |
| if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then |
| echo "Local image (non nexus) "$POLICY_AGENT_IMAGE" does not exist in local registry, need to be built" |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo -e "Policy agent local image: \033[1m"$tmp_im"\033[0m" |
| echo "If the policy agent image seem outdated, rebuild the image and run the test again." |
| fi |
| elif [ $1 == "remote" ]; then |
| if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then |
| echo "Pulling policy agent image from nexus: "$POLICY_AGENT_IMAGE |
| docker pull $POLICY_AGENT_IMAGE > /dev/null |
| tmp_im=$(docker images ${POLICY_AGENT_IMAGE} | grep -v REPOSITORY) |
| if [ -z "$tmp_im" ]; then |
| echo "Image could not be pulled" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo -e "Policy Agent image: \033[1m"$tmp_im"\033[0m" |
| else |
| echo -e "Policy Agent image: \033[1m"$tmp_im"\033[0m" |
| echo "!! If the Policy agent image seem outdated, consider removing it from your docker registry and run the test again." |
| fi |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| echo "Building images for the simulators" |
| if [ -z "$SIM_DIR" ]; then |
| SIM_DIR=$(find . -type d -path "*a1-interface/near-rt-ric-simulator/scripts*" 2>/dev/null -print -quit) |
| if [ ! -d $SIM_DIR ]; then |
| echo "Trying to set env var SIM_DIR to dir 'a1-interface/near-rt-ric-simulator/scripts' in the sim repo, but failed." |
| echo "It might be that you did not download the repository of the near-rt-ric simulator.In that case, run the command:" |
| echo "git clone 'https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/oransc/sim/a1-interface'" |
| echo "Otherwise, please set the SIM_DIR manually in the test_env.sh" |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| echo "SIM_DIR auto set to: " $SIM_DIR |
| fi |
| fi |
| cd $SIM_DIR |
| docker build -t ric-simulator:latest . &> /dev/null |
| cd $curdir |
| |
| echo "" |
| |
| echo "Local registry images for simulators:" |
| echo "Consul: " $(docker images | grep consul) |
| echo "CBS: " $(docker images | grep platform.configbinding.app) |
| echo "RIC: " $(docker images | grep ric-simulator) |
| echo "" |
| |
| |
| __consul_config() { |
| |
| appname=$PA_APP_BASE |
| |
| echo "Configuring consul for " $appname " from " $1 |
| curl -s${CONSUL_PORT}/v1/kv/${appname}?dc=dc1 -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data-binary "@"$1 >/dev/null |
| } |
| |
| |
| consul_config_app() { |
| |
| __consul_config $1 |
| |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| start_ric_simulator() { |
| |
| DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME="nonrtric-docker-net" |
| echo "Creating docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME, if needed" |
| docker network ls| grep $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME > /dev/null || docker network create $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME |
| |
| echo "start ric simulator" |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd $SIM_GROUP |
| cd ric/ |
| |
| docker-compose up --scale ric-simulator=$RIC_NUMBER -d |
| |
| cd $curdir |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| start_dashboard() { |
| |
| DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME="nonrtric-docker-net" |
| echo "Creating docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME, if needed" |
| docker network ls| grep $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME > /dev/null || docker network create $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME |
| |
| echo "start dashboard" |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd $SIM_GROUP |
| cd dashboard/ |
| |
| docker-compose up -d |
| |
| cd $curdir |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| start_sdnc() { |
| |
| if [ $SDNC == "sdnc" ]; then |
| DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME="nonrtric-docker-net" |
| echo "Creating docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME, if needed" |
| docker network ls| grep $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME > /dev/null || docker network create $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME |
| |
| echo "start sdnc" |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd $SIM_GROUP |
| cd sdnc/ |
| |
| docker-compose up -d a1-controller |
| |
| cd $curdir |
| echo "" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| prepare_consul_config() { |
| echo "prepare consul config" |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd $SIM_GROUP |
| cd ric/ |
| |
| python3 cleanConsul.py |
| python3 prepareConsul.py |
| |
| cd $curdir |
| echo "" |
| |
| |
| } |
| |
| |
| # Start all simulators in the simulator group |
| start_simulators() { |
| |
| echo "Starting all simulators" |
| curdir=$PWD |
| cd $SIM_GROUP |
| |
| $SIM_GROUP/simulators-start.sh |
| cd $curdir |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| clean_containers() { |
| echo "Stopping all containers, policy agent app(s) and simulators with name prefix 'policy_agent'" |
| docker stop $(docker ps -q --filter name=/policy-agent) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'policy_agent'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=/policy-agent) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Stopping all containers, policy agent app(s) and simulators with name prefix 'ric-simulator'" |
| docker stop $(docker ps -q --filter name=ric-simulator) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'ric-simulator'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=ric-simulator) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'dashboard'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=dashboard) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'a1-controller'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=a1-controller) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'sdnc_db_container'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=sdnc_db_container) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'cbs'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=polman_cbs) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing all containers, policy agent app and simulators with name prefix 'consul'" |
| docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter name=polman_consul) &> /dev/null |
| echo "Removing unused docker networks with substring 'policy agent' in network name" |
| docker network rm $(docker network ls -q --filter name=nonrtric) |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| start_policy_agent() { |
| |
| appname=$PA_APP_BASE |
| |
| if [ $START_ARG == "local" ] || [ $START_ARG == "remote" ]; then |
| __start_policy_agent_image $appname |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| __start_policy_agent_image() { |
| |
| appname=$1 |
| localport=$POLICY_AGENT_PORT |
| |
| echo "Creating docker network $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME, if needed" |
| |
| docker network ls| grep $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME > /dev/null || docker network create $DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME |
| |
| echo "Starting policy agent: " $appname " with ports mapped to " $localport " in docker network "$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME |
| #docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --network=nonrtric-docker-net -e CONSUL_HOST=CONSUL_HOST=$CONSUL_HOST -e CONSUL_PORT=$CONSUL_PORT -e CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE=$CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE -e HOSTNAME=policy-agent |
| sleep 3 |
| set +x |
| pa_started=false |
| for i in {1..10}; do |
| if [ $(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Running }}' $appname) ] |
| then |
| echo " Image: $(docker inspect --format '{{ .Config.Image }}' ${appname})" |
| echo "Policy Agent container ${appname} running" |
| pa_started=true |
| break |
| else |
| sleep $i |
| fi |
| done |
| if ! [ $pa_started ]; then |
| echo "Policy Agent container ${appname} could not be started" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| pa_st=false |
| echo "Waiting for Policy Agent ${appname} service status..." |
| for i in {1..10}; do |
| result="$(__do_curl${localport}/status)" |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "Policy Agent ${appname} responds to service status: " $result |
| echo "Policy Agent is alive." |
| pa_st=true |
| break |
| else |
| sleep $i |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| if [ "$pa_st" = "false" ]; then |
| echo "Policy Agent ${appname} did not respond to service status" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| check_policy_agent_logs() { |
| |
| appname=$PA_APP_BASE |
| tmp=$(docker ps | grep $appname) |
| if ! [ -z "$tmp" ]; then #Only check logs for running policy agent apps |
| __check_policy_agent_log $appname |
| fi |
| |
| } |
| |
| __check_policy_agent_log() { |
| echo "Checking $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH for WARNINGs and ERRORs" |
| foundentries=$(docker exec -it $1 grep WARN /var/log/policy-agent/application.log | wc -l) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ];then |
| echo " Problem to search $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH" |
| else |
| if [ $foundentries -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo " No WARN entries found in $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH" |
| else |
| echo -e " Found \033[1m"$foundentries"\033[0m WARN entries in $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH" |
| fi |
| fi |
| foundentries=$(docker exec -it $1 grep ERR $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH | wc -l) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ];then |
| echo " Problem to search $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH" |
| else |
| if [ $foundentries -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo " No ERR entries found in $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH" |
| else |
| echo -e " Found \033[1m"$foundentries"\033[0m ERR entries in $1 log $POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH" |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| store_logs() { |
| if [ $# != 1 ]; then |
| __print_err "need one arg, <file-prefix>" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo "Storing all container logs and policy agent app log using prefix: "$1 |
| |
| docker logs polman_consul > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_consul.log 2>&1 |
| docker logs polman_cbs > $TESTLOGS/$ATC/$1_cbs.log 2>&1 |
| } |
| |
| __do_curl() { |
| res=$(curl -skw "%{http_code}" $1) |
| http_code="${res:${#res}-3}" |
| if [ ${#res} -eq 3 ]; then |
| echo "<no-response-from-server>" |
| return 1 |
| else |
| if [ $http_code -lt 200 ] && [ $http_code -gt 299]; then |
| echo "<not found, resp:${http_code}>" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then |
| echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" | xargs |
| else |
| echo "${res:0:${#res}-3}" |
| fi |
| |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| } |
| |