| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # ============LICENSE_START=============================================== |
| # Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved. |
| # ======================================================================== |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # ============LICENSE_END================================================= |
| # |
| |
| # This is a script that contains container/service managemnt functions test functions for the Callback Reciver |
| |
| |
| ################ Test engine functions ################ |
| |
| # Create the image var used during the test |
| # arg: <image-tag-suffix> (selects staging, snapshot, release etc) |
| # <image-tag-suffix> is present only for images with staging, snapshot,release tags |
| __CR_imagesetup() { |
| __check_and_create_image_var CR "CR_IMAGE" "CR_IMAGE_BASE" "CR_IMAGE_TAG" LOCAL "$CR_DISPLAY_NAME" |
| } |
| |
| # Pull image from remote repo or use locally built image |
| # arg: <pull-policy-override> <pull-policy-original> |
| # <pull-policy-override> Shall be used for images allowing overriding. For example use a local image when test is started to use released images |
| # <pull-policy-original> Shall be used for images that does not allow overriding |
| # Both var may contain: 'remote', 'remote-remove' or 'local' |
| __CR_imagepull() { |
| echo -e $RED" Image for app CR shall never be pulled from remote repo"$ERED |
| } |
| |
| # Build image (only for simulator or interfaces stubs owned by the test environment) |
| # arg: <image-tag-suffix> (selects staging, snapshot, release etc) |
| # <image-tag-suffix> is present only for images with staging, snapshot,release tags |
| __CR_imagebuild() { |
| cd ../cr |
| echo " Building CR - $CR_DISPLAY_NAME - image: $CR_IMAGE" |
| docker build --build-arg NEXUS_PROXY_REPO=$NEXUS_PROXY_REPO -t $CR_IMAGE . &> .dockererr |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $GREEN" Build Ok"$EGREEN |
| __retag_and_push_image CR_IMAGE |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| else |
| echo -e $RED" Build Failed"$ERED |
| ((RES_CONF_FAIL++)) |
| cat .dockererr |
| echo -e $RED"Exiting...."$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Generate a string for each included image using the app display name and a docker images format string |
| # If a custom image repo is used then also the source image from the local repo is listed |
| # arg: <docker-images-format-string> <file-to-append> |
| __CR_image_data() { |
| echo -e "$CR_DISPLAY_NAME\t$(docker images --format $1 $CR_IMAGE)" >> $2 |
| if [ ! -z "$CR_IMAGE_SOURCE" ]; then |
| echo -e "-- source image --\t$(docker images --format $1 $CR_IMAGE_SOURCE)" >> $2 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Scale kubernetes resources to zero |
| # All resources shall be ordered to be scaled to 0, if relevant. If not relevant to scale, then do no action. |
| # This function is called for apps fully managed by the test script |
| __CR_kube_scale_zero() { |
| __kube_scale_all_resources $KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE autotest CR |
| } |
| |
| # Scale kubernetes resources to zero and wait until this has been accomplished, if relevant. If not relevant to scale, then do no action. |
| # This function is called for prestarted apps not managed by the test script. |
| __CR_kube_scale_zero_and_wait() { |
| echo -e $RED" CR app is not scaled in this state"$ERED |
| } |
| |
| # Delete all kube resouces for the app |
| # This function is called for apps managed by the test script. |
| __CR_kube_delete_all() { |
| __kube_delete_all_resources $KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE autotest CR |
| } |
| |
| # Store docker logs |
| # This function is called for apps managed by the test script. |
| # args: <log-dir> <file-prexix> |
| __CR_store_docker_logs() { |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| for podname in $(kubectl get pods -n $KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE -l "autotest=CR" -o custom-columns=":metadata.name"); do |
| kubectl logs -n $KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE $podname --tail=-1 > $1$2_$podname.log 2>&1 |
| done |
| else |
| crs=$(docker ps --filter "name=$CR_APP_NAME" --filter "network=$DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME" --filter "status=running" --format {{.Names}}) |
| for crid in $crs; do |
| docker logs $crid > $1$2_$crid.log 2>&1 |
| done |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Initial setup of protocol, host and ports |
| # This function is called for apps managed by the test script. |
| # args: - |
| __CR_initial_setup() { |
| use_cr_http |
| } |
| |
| # Set app short-name, app name and namespace for logging runtime statistics of kubernets pods or docker containers |
| # For docker, the namespace shall be excluded |
| # This function is called for apps managed by the test script as well as for prestarted apps. |
| # args: - |
| __CR_statisics_setup() { |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| else |
| if [ $DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERION == "V1" ]; then |
| echo -n " CR_$CR_INSTANCE ${CR_APP_NAME}_cr_$CR_INSTANCE " |
| else |
| echo -n " CR_$CR_INSTANCE ${CR_APP_NAME}-cr-$CR_INSTANCE " |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| } |
| |
| ####################################################### |
| |
| ################ |
| ### CR functions |
| ################ |
| |
| #Var to hold the current number of CR instances |
| |
| # Set http as the protocol to use for all communication to the Dmaap adapter |
| # args: - |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| use_cr_http() { |
| __cr_set_protocoll "http" $CR_INTERNAL_PORT $CR_EXTERNAL_PORT |
| } |
| |
| # Set https as the protocol to use for all communication to the Dmaap adapter |
| # args: - |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| use_cr_https() { |
| __cr_set_protocoll "https" $CR_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT $CR_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT |
| } |
| |
| # Setup paths to svc/container for internal and external access |
| # args: <protocol> <internal-port> <external-port> |
| __cr_set_protocoll() { |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"$CR_DISPLAY_NAME protocol setting"$EBOLD |
| echo -e " Using $BOLD $1 $EBOLD towards $CR_DISPLAY_NAME" |
| ## Access to Dmaap adapter |
| # CR_SERVICE_PATH is the base path to cr |
| if [ $DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERION == "V1" ]; then |
| __CR_SERVICE_PATH=$1"://"$CR_APP_NAME"_cr_"${CR_DOCKER_INSTANCE}":"$2 # docker access, container->container and script->container via proxy |
| else |
| __CR_SERVICE_PATH=$1"://"$CR_APP_NAME"-cr-"${CR_DOCKER_INSTANCE}":"$2 # docker access, container->container and script->container via proxy |
| fi |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| __CR_SERVICE_PATH=$1"://"$CR_APP_NAME"-"$CR_INSTANCE.$CR_APP_NAME"."$KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE":"$3 # kube access, pod->svc and script->svc via proxy |
| fi |
| # Service paths are used in test script to provide callbacck urls to app |
| export CR_SERVICE_MR_PATH"_"${CR_INSTANCE}=$__CR_SERVICE_PATH$CR_APP_CALLBACK_MR #Only for messages from dmaap adapter/mediator |
| export CR_SERVICE_TEXT_PATH"_"${CR_INSTANCE}=$__CR_SERVICE_PATH$CR_APP_CALLBACK_TEXT #Callbacks for text payload |
| export CR_SERVICE_APP_PATH"_"${CR_INSTANCE}=$__CR_SERVICE_PATH$CR_APP_CALLBACK #For general callbacks from apps |
| |
| if [ $CR_INSTANCE -eq 0 ]; then |
| # CR_ADAPTER used for switching between REST and DMAAP (only REST supported currently) |
| # CR_ADDAPTER need to be set before each call to CR....only set for instance 0 here |
| fi |
| done |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| # Export env vars for config files, docker compose and kube resources |
| # args: <proxy-flag> |
| __cr_export_vars() { |
| export CR_APP_NAME |
| export CR_DISPLAY_NAME |
| |
| |
| export CR_IMAGE |
| |
| |
| export CR_APP_COUNT |
| } |
| |
| # Start the Callback reciver in the simulator group |
| # args: <app-count> |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| start_cr() { |
| |
| echo -e $BOLD"Starting $CR_DISPLAY_NAME"$EBOLD |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED" Number of CR instances missing, usage: start_cr <app-count>"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| if [ $1 -lt 1 ] || [ $1 -gt 10 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED" Number of CR shall be 1...10, usage: start_cr <app-count>"$ERED |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| export CR_APP_COUNT=$1 |
| |
| if [ $RUNMODE == "KUBE" ]; then |
| |
| # Check if app shall be fully managed by the test script |
| __check_included_image "CR" |
| retcode_i=$? |
| |
| # Check if app shall only be used by the testscipt |
| __check_prestarted_image "CR" |
| retcode_p=$? |
| |
| if [ $retcode_i -ne 0 ] && [ $retcode_p -ne 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"The $CR_APP_NAME app is not included as managed nor prestarted in this test script"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"The $CR_APP_NAME will not be started"$ERED |
| exit |
| fi |
| if [ $retcode_i -eq 0 ] && [ $retcode_p -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"The $CR_APP_NAME app is included both as managed and prestarted in this test script"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"The $CR_APP_NAME will not be started"$ERED |
| exit |
| fi |
| |
| # Check if app shall be used - not managed - by the test script |
| if [ $retcode_p -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Using existing $CR_APP_NAME deployment and service" |
| echo " Setting CR replicas=1" |
| __kube_scale deployment $CR_APP_NAME $KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $retcode_i -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo -e " Creating $CR_APP_NAME deployment and service" |
| |
| __cr_export_vars |
| |
| __kube_create_namespace $KUBE_SIM_NAMESPACE |
| |
| # Create service |
| input_yaml=$SIM_GROUP"/"$CR_COMPOSE_DIR"/"svc.yaml |
| output_yaml=$PWD/tmp/cr_svc.yaml |
| __kube_create_instance service $CR_APP_NAME $input_yaml $output_yaml |
| |
| # Create app |
| input_yaml=$SIM_GROUP"/"$CR_COMPOSE_DIR"/"app.yaml |
| output_yaml=$PWD/tmp/cr_app.yaml |
| __kube_create_instance app $CR_APP_NAME $input_yaml $output_yaml |
| |
| fi |
| |
| __cr_app_name=$CR_APP_NAME"-"$CR_INSTANCE |
| __check_service_start $__cr_app_name ${!__dynvar}$CR_ALIVE_URL |
| result=$(__do_curl ${!__dynvar}/reset) |
| done |
| |
| else |
| # Check if docker app shall be fully managed by the test script |
| __check_included_image 'CR' |
| if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then |
| echo -e $RED"The Callback Receiver app is not included in this test script"$ERED |
| echo -e $RED"The Callback Receiver will not be started"$ERED |
| exit |
| fi |
| |
| __cr_export_vars |
| |
| app_data="" |
| cntr=1 |
| while [ $cntr -le $CR_APP_COUNT ]; do |
| if [ $DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERION == "V1" ]; then |
| app=$CR_APP_NAME"_cr_"$cntr |
| else |
| app=$CR_APP_NAME"-cr-"$cntr |
| fi |
| app_data="$app_data $app" |
| let cntr=cntr+1 |
| done |
| |
| |
| __start_container $CR_COMPOSE_DIR "" NODOCKERARGS $CR_APP_COUNT $app_data |
| |
| cntr=1 #Counter for docker instance, starts on 1 |
| cntr2=0 #Couter for env var name, starts with 0 to be compablible with kube |
| while [ $cntr -le $CR_APP_COUNT ]; do |
| if [ $DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERION == "V1" ]; then |
| app=$CR_APP_NAME"_cr_"$cntr |
| else |
| app=$CR_APP_NAME"-cr-"$cntr |
| fi |
| __dynvar="CR_SERVICE_PATH_"$cntr2 |
| __check_service_start $app ${!__dynvar}$CR_ALIVE_URL |
| let cntr=cntr+1 |
| let cntr2=cntr2+1 |
| done |
| fi |
| echo "" |
| } |
| |
| #Convert a cr path id to the value of the environment var holding the url |
| # arg: <cr-path-id> |
| # returns: <base-url-to-the-app> |
| __cr_get_service_path(){ |
| if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then |
| echo "DUMMY" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| if [ $1 -lt 0 ] || [ $1 -ge $MAX_CR_APP_COUNT ]; then |
| echo "DUMMY" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| __dynvar="CR_SERVICE_PATH_"$1 |
| echo ${!__dynvar} |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # Tests if a variable value in the CR is equal to a target value and and optional timeout. |
| # Arg: <variable-name> <target-value> - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable is |
| # equal to the target or not. |
| # Arg: <cr-path-id> <variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec> - This test waits up to the timeout seconds |
| # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value becomes equal to the target |
| # value or not. |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_equal() { |
| if [ $# -eq 3 ] || [ $# -eq 4 ]; then |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $1) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| __var_test "CR" "$CR_SERVICE_PATH/counter/" $2 "=" $3 $4 |
| else |
| __print_err "Wrong args to cr_equal, needs three or four args: <cr-path-id> <variable-name> <target-value> [ timeout ]" $@ |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Tests if a variable value in the CR contains the target string and and optional timeout |
| # Arg: <variable-name> <target-value> - This test set pass or fail depending on if the variable contains |
| # the target or not. |
| # Arg: <cr-path-id> <variable-name> <target-value> <timeout-in-sec> - This test waits up to the timeout seconds |
| # before setting pass or fail depending on if the variable value contains the target |
| # value or not. |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_contains_str() { |
| |
| if [ $# -eq 3 ] || [ $# -eq 4 ]; then |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $1) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| __var_test "CR" "$CR_SERVICE_PATH/counter/" $2 "contain_str" $3 $4 |
| return 0 |
| else |
| __print_err "needs two or three args: <cr-path-id> <variable-name> <target-value> [ timeout ]" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Read a variable value from CR sim and send to stdout. Arg: <variable-name> |
| cr_read() { |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $1) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| echo "$(__do_curl $CR_SERVICE_PATH/counter/$1)" |
| } |
| |
| # Function to configure write delay on callbacks |
| # Delay given in seconds. |
| # arg <response-code> <cr-path-id> <delay-in-sec> |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_delay_callback() { |
| __log_conf_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <delay-in-sec>]" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR POST /forcedelay?delay=$3)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne 200 ]; then |
| __log_conf_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __log_conf_ok |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # CR API: Check the contents of all current ric sync events for one id from PMS |
| # <response-code> <cr-path-id> <id> [ EMPTY | ( <ric-id> )+ ] |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_all_sync_events() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| if [ "$PMS_VERSION" != "V2" ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_not_supported |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <id> [ EMPTY | ( <ric-id> )+ ]" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-all-events/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| if [ $# -eq 4 ] && [ $4 == "EMPTY" ]; then |
| targetJson="[" |
| else |
| targetJson="[" |
| arr=(${@:4}) |
| |
| for ((i=0; i<$(($#-3)); i=i+1)); do |
| |
| if [ "$targetJson" != "[" ]; then |
| targetJson=$targetJson"," |
| fi |
| targetJson=$targetJson"{\"ric_id\":\"${arr[$i]}\",\"event_type\":\"AVAILABLE\"}" |
| done |
| fi |
| |
| targetJson=$targetJson"]" |
| echo "TARGET JSON: $targetJson" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$(python3 ../common/compare_json.py "$targetJson" "$body") |
| |
| if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # CR API: Check the contents of all current status events for one id from ICS |
| # <response-code> <cr-path-id> <id> [ EMPTY | ( <status> )+ ] |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_all_ics_events() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <id> [ EMPTY | ( <status> )+ ]" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-all-events/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| if [ $# -eq 4 ] && [ $4 == "EMPTY" ]; then |
| targetJson="[" |
| else |
| targetJson="[" |
| arr=(${@:4}) |
| |
| for ((i=0; i<$(($#-3)); i=i+1)); do |
| |
| if [ "$targetJson" != "[" ]; then |
| targetJson=$targetJson"," |
| fi |
| targetJson=$targetJson"{\"eiJobStatus\":\"${arr[$i]}\"}" |
| done |
| fi |
| |
| targetJson=$targetJson"]" |
| echo "TARGET JSON: $targetJson" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$(python3 ../common/compare_json.py "$targetJson" "$body") |
| |
| if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # CR API: Check the contents of all current type subscription events for one id from ICS |
| # <response-code> <cr-path-id> <id> [ EMPTY | ( <type-id> <schema> <registration-status> )+ ] |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_all_ics_subscription_events() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| #Valid number of parameter 3,4,8,12 |
| paramError=1 |
| if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then |
| paramError=0 |
| fi |
| if [ $# -eq 4 ] && [ "$4" == "EMPTY" ]; then |
| paramError=0 |
| fi |
| variablecount=$(($#-3)) |
| if [ $# -gt 4 ] && [ $(($variablecount%3)) -eq 0 ]; then |
| paramError=0 |
| fi |
| if [ $paramError -eq 1 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <id> [ EMPTY | ( <type-id> <schema> <registration-status> )+ ]" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-all-events/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| targetJson="[" |
| if [ $# -gt 4 ]; then |
| arr=(${@:4}) |
| for ((i=0; i<$(($#-4)); i=i+3)); do |
| if [ "$targetJson" != "[" ]; then |
| targetJson=$targetJson"," |
| fi |
| if [ -f ${arr[$i+1]} ]; then |
| jobfile=$(cat ${arr[$i+1]}) |
| else |
| __log_test_fail_general "Job schema file "${arr[$i+1]}", does not exist" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| targetJson=$targetJson"{\"info_type_id\":\"${arr[$i]}\",\"job_data_schema\":$jobfile,\"status\":\"${arr[$i+2]}\"}" |
| done |
| fi |
| targetJson=$targetJson"]" |
| |
| echo " TARGET JSON: $targetJson" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$(python3 ../common/compare_json.py "$targetJson" "$body") |
| |
| if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| |
| # CR API: Reset all events and counters |
| # Arg: <cr-path-id> |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_reset() { |
| __log_conf_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id>" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $1) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET /reset)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne 200 ]; then |
| __log_conf_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __log_conf_ok |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| |
| # CR API: Check the contents of all json events for path |
| # <response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <json-msg>+ ) |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_all_genric_json_events() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <json-msg>+ )" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-all-events/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| targetJson="[" |
| |
| if [ $4 != "EMPTY" ]; then |
| shift |
| shift |
| shift |
| while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do |
| if [ "$targetJson" != "[" ]; then |
| targetJson=$targetJson"," |
| fi |
| targetJson=$targetJson$1 |
| shift |
| done |
| fi |
| targetJson=$targetJson"]" |
| |
| echo " TARGET JSON: $targetJson" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$(python3 ../common/compare_json.py "$targetJson" "$body") |
| |
| if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| |
| # CR API: Check a single (oldest) json event (or none if empty) for path |
| # <response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <json-msg> ) |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_single_genric_json_event() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <json-msg> )" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-event/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| targetJson=$4 |
| |
| if [ $targetJson == "EMPTY" ] && [ ${#body} -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| echo " TARGET JSON: $targetJson" >> $HTTPLOG |
| res=$(python3 ../common/compare_json.py "$targetJson" "$body") |
| |
| if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # CR API: Check a single (oldest) json in md5 format (or none if empty) for path. |
| # Note that if a json message is given, it shall be compact, no ws except inside string. |
| # The MD5 will generate different hash if ws is present or not in otherwise equivalent json |
| # arg: <response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <data-msg> ) |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_single_genric_event_md5() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <data-msg> )" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-event/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| if [ $4 == "EMPTY" ]; then |
| if [ ${#body} -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| else |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| command -v md5 > /dev/null # Mac |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| targetMd5=$(echo -n "$4" | md5) |
| else |
| command -v md5sum > /dev/null # Linux |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| targetMd5=$(echo -n "$4" | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f 1) # Need to cut additional info printed by cmd |
| else |
| __log_test_fail_general "Command md5 nor md5sum is available" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| targetMd5="\""$targetMd5"\"" #Quotes needed |
| |
| echo " TARGET MD5 hash: $targetMd5" >> $HTTPLOG |
| |
| if [ "$body" != "$targetMd5" ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |
| |
| # CR API: Check a single (oldest) event in md5 format (or none if empty) for path. |
| # Note that if a file with json message is given, the json shall be compact, no ws except inside string and not newlines. |
| # The MD5 will generate different hash if ws/newlines is present or not in otherwise equivalent json |
| # arg: <response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <data-file> ) |
| # (Function for test scripts) |
| cr_api_check_single_genric_event_md5_file() { |
| __log_test_start $@ |
| |
| if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then |
| __print_err "<response-code> <cr-path-id> <topic-url> (EMPTY | <data-file> )" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| CR_SERVICE_PATH=$(__cr_get_service_path $2) |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
| __print_err "<cr-path-id> missing or incorrect" $@ |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| query="/get-event/"$3 |
| res="$(__do_curl_to_api CR GET $query)" |
| status=${res:${#res}-3} |
| |
| if [ $status -ne $1 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_status_code $1 $status |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| body=${res:0:${#res}-3} |
| if [ $4 == "EMPTY" ]; then |
| if [ ${#body} -ne 0 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| else |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ! -f $4 ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_general "File $3 does not exist" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| filedata=$(cat $4) |
| |
| command -v md5 > /dev/null # Mac |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| targetMd5=$(echo -n "$filedata" | md5) |
| else |
| command -v md5sum > /dev/null # Linux |
| if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
| targetMd5=$(echo -n "$filedata" | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f 1) # Need to cut additional info printed by cmd |
| else |
| __log_test_fail_general "Command md5 nor md5sum is available" |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| targetMd5="\""$targetMd5"\"" #Quotes needed |
| |
| echo " TARGET MD5 hash: $targetMd5" >> $HTTPLOG |
| |
| if [ "$body" != "$targetMd5" ]; then |
| __log_test_fail_body |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| |
| __log_test_pass |
| return 0 |
| } |