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r,i,o=[E,f];if(n){while(e=e[s])if((1===e.nodeType||c)&&a(e,t,n))return!0}else while(e=e[s])if(1===e.nodeType||c)if(i=e[S]||(e[S]={}),u&&fe(e,u))e=e[s]||e;else{if((r=i[l])&&r[0]===E&&r[1]===f)return o[2]=r[2];if((i[l]=o)[2]=a(e,t,n))return!0}return!1}}function K(i){return 1<i.length?function(e,t,n){var r=i.length;while(r--)if(!i[r](e,t,n))return!1;return!0}:i[0]}function Z(e,t,n,r,i){for(var o,a=[],s=0,u=e.length,l=null!=t;s<u;s++)(o=e[s])&&(n&&!n(o,r,i)||(a.push(o),l&&t.push(s)));return a}function ee(d,h,g,v,y,e){return v&&!v[S]&&(v=ee(v)),y&&!y[S]&&(y=ee(y,e)),F(function(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,u=[],l=[],c=t.length,f=e||function(e,t,n){for(var r=0,i=t.length;r<i;r++)I(e,t[r],n);return n}(h||"*",n.nodeType?[n]:n,[]),p=!d||!e&&h?f:Z(f,u,d,n,r);if(g?g(p,s=y||(e?d:c||v)?[]:t,n,r):s=p,v){i=Z(s,l),v(i,[],n,r),o=i.length;while(o--)(a=i[o])&&(s[l[o]]=!(p[l[o]]=a))}if(e){if(y||d){if(y){i=[],o=s.length;while(o--)(a=s[o])&&i.push(p[o]=a);y(null,s=[],i,r)}o=s.length;while(o--)(a=s[o])&&-1<(i=y?,a):u[o])&&(e[i]=!(t[i]=a))}}else s=Z(s===t?s.splice(c,s.length):s),y?y(null,t,s,r):k.apply(t,s)})}function te(e){for(var i,t,n,r=e.length,o=b.relative[e[0].type],a=o||b.relative[" "],s=o?1:0,u=J(function(e){return e===i},a,!0),l=J(function(e){return-1<,e)},a,!0),c=[function(e,t,n){var r=!o&&(n||t!=w)||((i=t).nodeType?u(e,t,n):l(e,t,n));return i=null,r}];s<r;s++)if(t=b.relative[e[s].type])c=[J(K(c),t)];else{if((t=b.filter[e[s].type].apply(null,e[s].matches))[S]){for(n=++s;n<r;n++)if(b.relative[e[n].type])break;return ee(1<s&&K(c),1<s&&Q(e.slice(0,s-1).concat({value:" "===e[s-2].type?"*":""})).replace(ve,"$1"),t,s<n&&te(e.slice(s,n)),n<r&&te(e=e.slice(n)),n<r&&Q(e))}c.push(t)}return 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p{margin-bottom:0}.hero-unit{padding:60px;margin-bottom:30px;font-size:18px;font-weight:200;line-height:30px;color:inherit;background-color:#eee;-webkit-border-radius:6px;-moz-border-radius:6px;border-radius:6px}.hero-unit h1{margin-bottom:0;font-size:60px;line-height:1;letter-spacing:-1px;color:inherit}.hero-unit li{line-height:30px}.pull-right{float:right}.pull-left{float:left}.hide{display:none}.show{display:block}.invisible{visibility:hidden}.affix{position:fixed} |
| 200 | |
| 201 | /* Pretty printing styles. Used with prettify.js. */ |
| 202 | /* Vim sunburst theme by David Leibovic */ |
| 203 | pre .str { |
| 204 | color: #65B042; |
| 205 | } |
| 206 | /* string - green */ |
| 207 | pre .kwd { |
| 208 | color: #E28964; |
| 209 | } |
| 210 | /* keyword - dark pink */ |
| 211 | pre .com { |
| 212 | color: #AEAEAE; |
| 213 | font-style: italic; |
| 214 | } |
| 215 | /* comment - gray */ |
| 216 | pre .typ { |
| 217 | color: #89bdff; |
| 218 | } |
| 219 | /* type - light blue */ |
| 220 | pre .lit { |
| 221 | color: #3387CC; |
| 222 | } |
| 223 | /* literal - blue */ |
| 224 | pre .pun { |
| 225 | color: #fff; |
| 226 | } |
| 227 | /* punctuation - white */ |
| 228 | pre .pln { |
| 229 | color: #fff; |
| 230 | } |
| 231 | /* plaintext - white */ |
| 232 | pre .tag { |
| 233 | color: #89bdff; |
| 234 | } |
| 235 | /* html/xml tag - light blue */ |
| 236 | pre .atn { |
| 237 | color: #bdb76b; |
| 238 | } |
| 239 | /* html/xml attribute name - khaki */ |
| 240 | pre .atv { |
| 241 | color: #65B042; |
| 242 | } |
| 243 | /* html/xml attribute value - green */ |
| 244 | pre .dec { |
| 245 | color: #3387CC; |
| 246 | } |
| 247 | /* decimal - blue */ |
| 248 | /* Specify class=linenums on a pre to get line numbering */ |
| 249 | ol.linenums { |
| 250 | margin-top: 0; |
| 251 | margin-bottom: 0; |
| 252 | color: #AEAEAE; |
| 253 | } |
| 254 | /* IE indents via margin-left */ |
| 255 | li.L0, |
| 256 | li.L1, |
| 257 | li.L2, |
| 258 | li.L3, |
| 259 | li.L5, |
| 260 | li.L6, |
| 261 | li.L7, |
| 262 | li.L8 { |
| 263 | list-style-type: none; |
| 264 | } |
| 265 | /* Alternate shading for lines */ |
| 266 | @media print { |
| 267 | pre .str { |
| 268 | color: #060; |
| 269 | } |
| 270 | pre .kwd { |
| 271 | color: #006; |
| 272 | font-weight: bold; |
| 273 | } |
| 274 | pre .com { |
| 275 | color: #600; |
| 276 | font-style: italic; |
| 277 | } |
| 278 | pre .typ { |
| 279 | color: #404; |
| 280 | font-weight: bold; |
| 281 | } |
| 282 | pre .lit { |
| 283 | color: #044; |
| 284 | } |
| 285 | pre .pun { |
| 286 | color: #440; |
| 287 | } |
| 288 | pre .pln { |
| 289 | color: #000; |
| 290 | } |
| 291 | pre .tag { |
| 292 | color: #006; |
| 293 | font-weight: bold; |
| 294 | } |
| 295 | pre .atn { |
| 296 | color: #404; |
| 297 | } |
| 298 | pre .atv { |
| 299 | color: #060; |
| 300 | } |
| 301 | } |
| 302 | |
| 303 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 304 | * Content |
| 305 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 306 | |
| 307 | |
| 308 | * { |
| 309 | font-family: 'Source Code Pro', sans-serif; |
| 310 | } |
| 311 | body { |
| 312 | min-width: 980px; |
| 313 | } |
| 314 | |
| 315 | .app-desc { |
| 316 | color: #808080 |
| 317 | } |
| 318 | |
| 319 | body, p, a, div, th, td, li { |
| 320 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 321 | font-weight: 400; |
| 322 | font-size: 16px; |
| 323 | text-shadow: none !important; |
| 324 | } |
| 325 | |
| 326 | td.code { |
| 327 | font-size: 14px; |
| 328 | font-family: "Source Code Pro", monospace; |
| 329 | font-style: normal; |
| 330 | font-weight: 400; |
| 331 | } |
| 332 | |
| 333 | #content { |
| 334 | padding-top: 16px; |
| 335 | z-Index: -1; |
| 336 | margin-left: 270px; |
| 337 | } |
| 338 | |
| 339 | p { |
| 340 | color: #808080; |
| 341 | } |
| 342 | |
| 343 | h1 { |
| 344 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro Semibold", sans-serif; |
| 345 | font-weight: normal; |
| 346 | font-size: 44px; |
| 347 | line-height: 50px; |
| 348 | margin: 0 0 10px 0; |
| 349 | padding: 0; |
| 350 | } |
| 351 | |
| 352 | h2 { |
| 353 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 354 | font-weight: normal; |
| 355 | font-size: 24px; |
| 356 | line-height: 40px; |
| 357 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 358 | padding: 0; |
| 359 | } |
| 360 | |
| 361 | section { |
| 362 | border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb; |
| 363 | padding: 30px 0; |
| 364 | } |
| 365 | |
| 366 | section h1 { |
| 367 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 368 | font-weight: 700; |
| 369 | font-size: 32px; |
| 370 | line-height: 40px; |
| 371 | padding-bottom: 14px; |
| 372 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 373 | padding: 0; |
| 374 | } |
| 375 | |
| 376 | article { |
| 377 | padding: 14px 0 30px 0; |
| 378 | } |
| 379 | |
| 380 | article h1 { |
| 381 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro Bold", sans-serif; |
| 382 | font-weight: 600; |
| 383 | font-size: 24px; |
| 384 | line-height: 26px; |
| 385 | } |
| 386 | |
| 387 | article h2 { |
| 388 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 389 | font-weight: 600; |
| 390 | font-size: 18px; |
| 391 | line-height: 24px; |
| 392 | margin: 0 0 10px 0; |
| 393 | } |
| 394 | |
| 395 | article h3 { |
| 396 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 397 | font-weight: 600; |
| 398 | font-size: 16px; |
| 399 | line-height: 18px; |
| 400 | margin: 0 0 10px 0; |
| 401 | } |
| 402 | |
| 403 | article h4 { |
| 404 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 405 | font-weight: 600; |
| 406 | font-size: 14px; |
| 407 | line-height: 16px; |
| 408 | margin: 0 0 8px 0; |
| 409 | } |
| 410 | |
| 411 | table { |
| 412 | border-collapse: collapse; |
| 413 | width: 100%; |
| 414 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 415 | } |
| 416 | |
| 417 | th { |
| 418 | background-color: #f5f5f5; |
| 419 | text-align: left; |
| 420 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 421 | font-weight: 700; |
| 422 | padding: 4px 8px; |
| 423 | border: #e0e0e0 1px solid; |
| 424 | } |
| 425 | |
| 426 | td { |
| 427 | vertical-align: top; |
| 428 | padding: 2px 8px; |
| 429 | border: #e0e0e0 1px solid; |
| 430 | } |
| 431 | |
| 432 | #generator .content { |
| 433 | color: #b0b0b0; |
| 434 | border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb; |
| 435 | padding: 10px 0; |
| 436 | } |
| 437 | |
| 438 | .label-optional { |
| 439 | float: right; |
| 440 | } |
| 441 | |
| 442 | .open-left { |
| 443 | right: 0; |
| 444 | left: auto; |
| 445 | } |
| 446 | |
| 447 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 448 | * apidoc - intro |
| 449 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 450 | |
| 451 | #apidoc .apidoc { |
| 452 | border-top: 1px solid #ebebeb; |
| 453 | padding: 30px 0; |
| 454 | } |
| 455 | |
| 456 | #apidoc h1 { |
| 457 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 458 | font-weight: 700; |
| 459 | font-size: 32px; |
| 460 | line-height: 40px; |
| 461 | padding-bottom: 14px; |
| 462 | margin: 0 0 20px 0; |
| 463 | padding: 0; |
| 464 | } |
| 465 | |
| 466 | #apidoc h2 { |
| 467 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro Bold", sans-serif; |
| 468 | font-weight: 600; |
| 469 | font-size: 22px; |
| 470 | line-height: 26px; |
| 471 | padding-top: 14px; |
| 472 | } |
| 473 | |
| 474 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 475 | * pre / code |
| 476 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 477 | pre { |
| 478 | background-color: #292b36; |
| 479 | color: #ffffff; |
| 480 | padding: 10px; |
| 481 | border-radius: 6px; |
| 482 | position: relative; |
| 483 | margin: 10px 0 20px 0; |
| 484 | } |
| 485 | |
| 486 | code.language-text { |
| 487 | word-wrap: break-word; |
| 488 | } |
| 489 | |
| 490 | pre.language-json { |
| 491 | overflow: auto; |
| 492 | } |
| 493 | |
| 494 | pre.language-html { |
| 495 | margin: 40px 0 20px 0; |
| 496 | } |
| 497 | |
| 498 | pre.language-html:before { |
| 499 | content: attr(data-type); |
| 500 | position: absolute; |
| 501 | top: -30px; |
| 502 | left: 0; |
| 503 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 504 | font-weight: 600; |
| 505 | font-size: 15px; |
| 506 | display: inline-block; |
| 507 | padding: 2px 5px; |
| 508 | border-radius: 6px; |
| 509 | text-transform: uppercase; |
| 510 | background-color: #3387CC; |
| 511 | color: #ffffff; |
| 512 | } |
| 513 | |
| 514 | pre.language-html[data-type="get"]:before { |
| 515 | background-color: green; |
| 516 | } |
| 517 | |
| 518 | pre.language-html[data-type="put"]:before { |
| 519 | background-color: #e5c500; |
| 520 | } |
| 521 | |
| 522 | pre.language-html[data-type="post"]:before { |
| 523 | background-color: #4070ec; |
| 524 | } |
| 525 | |
| 526 | pre.language-html[data-type="delete"]:before { |
| 527 | background-color: #ed0039; |
| 528 | } |
| 529 | |
| 530 | pre.language-api .str { |
| 531 | color: #ffffff; |
| 532 | } |
| 533 | |
| 534 | pre.language-api .pln, |
| 535 | pre.language-api .pun { |
| 536 | color: #65B042; |
| 537 | } |
| 538 | |
| 539 | pre code { |
| 540 | display: block; |
| 541 | font-size: 14px; |
| 542 | font-family: "Source Code Pro", monospace; |
| 543 | font-style: normal; |
| 544 | font-weight: 400; |
| 545 | } |
| 546 | |
| 547 | pre code.sample-request-response-json { |
| 548 | white-space: pre-wrap; |
| 549 | max-height: 500px; |
| 550 | overflow: auto; |
| 551 | } |
| 552 | |
| 553 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 554 | * Sidenav |
| 555 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 556 | .sidenav { |
| 557 | width: 228px; |
| 558 | margin: 0; |
| 559 | padding: 20px; |
| 560 | position: fixed; |
| 561 | top: 0; |
| 562 | left: 0; |
| 563 | bottom: 0; |
| 564 | overflow-x: hidden; |
| 565 | overflow-y: auto; |
| 566 | background-color: #f5f5f5; |
| 567 | z-index: 10; |
| 568 | } |
| 569 | |
| 570 | .sidenav > li > a { |
| 571 | display: block; |
| 572 | width: 192px; |
| 573 | margin: 0; |
| 574 | padding: 2px 11px; |
| 575 | border: 0; |
| 576 | border-left: transparent 4px solid; |
| 577 | border-right: transparent 4px solid; |
| 578 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 579 | font-weight: 400; |
| 580 | font-size: 14px; |
| 581 | } |
| 582 | |
| 583 | .sidenav > li.nav-header > a { |
| 584 | padding: 5px 15px; |
| 585 | border: 1px solid #e5e5e5; |
| 586 | width: 190px; |
| 587 | font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif; |
| 588 | font-weight: 700; |
| 589 | font-size: 16px; |
| 590 | background-color: #4c8eca; |
| 591 | color: #fff; |
| 592 | } |
| 593 | |
| 594 | .sidenav > > a { |
| 595 | background-color: #4c8eca; |
| 596 | color: #fff; |
| 597 | } |
| 598 | |
| 599 | |
| 600 | 00427D |
| 601 | |
| 602 | .sidenav > .active > a { |
| 603 | position: relative; |
| 604 | z-index: 2; |
| 605 | } |
| 606 | |
| 607 | .sidenav > li > a:hover { |
| 608 | background-color: #ffffff; |
| 609 | } |
| 610 | |
| 611 | .sidenav > li.has-modifications a { |
| 612 | border-right: #60d060 4px solid; |
| 613 | } |
| 614 | |
| 615 | .sidenav > a { |
| 616 | border-left: #e5e5e5 4px solid; |
| 617 | } |
| 618 | |
| 619 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 620 | * Tabs |
| 621 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 622 | ul.nav-tabs { |
| 623 | margin: 0; |
| 624 | } |
| 625 | |
| 626 | /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 627 | * Print |
| 628 | * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ |
| 629 | |
| 630 | @media print { |
| 631 | |
| 632 | #sidenav, |
| 633 | #version, |
| 634 | #versions, |
| 635 | section .version, |
| 636 | section .versions { |
| 637 | display: none; |
| 638 | } |
| 639 | |
| 640 | #content { |
| 641 | margin-left: 0; |
| 642 | } |
| 643 | |
| 644 | a { |
| 645 | text-decoration: none; |
| 646 | color: inherit; |
| 647 | } |
| 648 | |
| 649 | a:after { |
| 650 | content: " [" attr(href) "] "; |
| 651 | } |
| 652 | |
| 653 | p { |
| 654 | color: #000000 |
| 655 | } |
| 656 | |
| 657 | pre { |
| 658 | background-color: #ffffff; |
| 659 | color: #000000; |
| 660 | padding: 10px; |
| 661 | border: #808080 1px solid; |
| 662 | border-radius: 6px; |
| 663 | position: relative; |
| 664 | margin: 10px 0 20px 0; |
| 665 | } |
| 666 | |
| 667 | } /* /@media print */ |
| 668 | |
| 669 | .doc-chapter { |
| 670 | display: none; |
| 671 | background-color: #eee; |
| 672 | border-radius: 1px; |
| 673 | padding: 10px; |
| 674 | margin-bottom: 20px; |
| 675 | } |
| 676 | |
| 677 | /*! |
| 678 | * json-schema-view-js |
| 679 | * |
| 680 | * Version: 0.4.1 - 2015-11-12T17:19:27.615Z |
| 681 | * License: MIT |
| 682 | */ |
| 683 | |
| 684 | .json-schema-view .toggle-handle:after, .json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .toggle-handle:after, json-schema-view .toggle-handle:after, json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .toggle-handle:after { |
| 685 | content: "\25BC" |
| 686 | } |
| 687 | .json-schema-view .title, .json-schema-view.json-schema-view-dark .title, json-schema-view .title, json-schema-view[json-schema-view-dark] .title { |
| 688 | font-weight: 700; |
| 689 | cursor: pointer |
| 690 | } |
| 691 | .json-schema-view, json-schema-view { |
| 692 | font-family: monospace; |
| 693 | font-size: 0; |
| 694 | display: table-cell |
| 695 | } |
| 696 | .json-schema-view>*, json-schema-view>* { |
| 697 | font-size: 14px |
| 698 | } |
| 699 | .json-schema-view .toggle-handle, json-schema-view .toggle-handle { |
| 700 | cursor: pointer; |
| 701 | margin: auto .3em; |
| 702 | font-size: 10px; |
| 703 | display: inline-block; |
| 704 | transform-origin: 50% 40%; |
| 705 | transition: transform 150ms ease-in |
| 706 | } |
| 707 | .json-schema-view .toggle-handle, .json-schema-view .toggle-handle:hover, json-schema-view .toggle-handle, json-schema-view .toggle-handle:hover { |
| 708 | text-decoration: none; |
| 709 | color: #333 |
| 710 | } |
| 711 | .json-schema-view .description, json-schema-view .description { |
| 712 | color: gray; |
| 713 | font-style: italic |
| 714 | } |
| 715 | .json-schema-view .readOnly, json-schema-view .readOnly { |
| 716 | color: gray; |
| 717 | font-style: italic |
| 718 | } |
| 719 | .json-schema-view .nullable, json-schema-view .nullable { |
| 720 | color: gray; |
| 721 | font-style: italic |
| 722 | } |
| 723 | .pattern, .example { |
| 724 | color: blue; |
| 725 | } |
| 726 | .default { |
| 727 | color: black; |
| 728 | } |
| 729 | .required { |
| 730 | color: black; |
| 731 | } |
| 732 | .json-schema-view .title, .json-schema-view .title:hover, json-schema-view .title, json-schema-view .title:hover { |
| 733 | text-decoration: none; |
| 734 | color: #333 |
| 735 | } |
| 736 | .json-schema-view .brace, .json-schema-view .bracket, .json-schema-view .title, json-schema-view .brace, json-schema-view .bracket, json-schema-view .title { |
| 737 | color: #333 |
| 738 | } |
| 739 | .json-schema-view .property, json-schema-view .property { |
| 740 | font-size: 0; |
| 741 | display: table-row |
| 742 | } |
| 743 | .json-schema-view .property>*, json-schema-view .property>* { |
| 744 | font-size: 14px; |
| 745 | padding: .2em |
| 746 | } |
| 747 | .json-schema-view .name, json-schema-view .name { |
| 748 | color: #00f; |
| 749 | display: table-cell; |
| 750 | vertical-align: top |
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| 843 | <body> |
| 844 | <script> |
| 845 | // Script section to load models into a JS Var |
| 846 | var defs = {} |
| 847 | defs["AefLocation"] = { |
| 848 | "type" : "object", |
| 849 | "properties" : { |
| 850 | "civicAddr" : { |
| 851 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/CivicAddress" |
| 852 | }, |
| 853 | "dcId" : { |
| 854 | "type" : "string", |
| 855 | "description" : "Identifies the data center where the AEF providing the service API is located.\n" |
| 856 | }, |
| 857 | "geoArea" : { |
| 858 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicArea" |
| 859 | } |
| 860 | }, |
| 861 | "description" : "The location information (e.g. civic address, GPS coordinates, data center ID) where the AEF providing the service API is located.\n" |
| 862 | }; |
| 863 | defs["AefProfile"] = { |
| 864 | "required" : [ "aefId", "versions" ], |
| 865 | "type" : "object", |
| 866 | "properties" : { |
| 867 | "aefId" : { |
| 868 | "type" : "string", |
| 869 | "description" : "Identifier of the API exposing function" |
| 870 | }, |
| 871 | "aefLocation" : { |
| 872 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AefLocation" |
| 873 | }, |
| 874 | "dataFormat" : { |
| 875 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/DataFormat" |
| 876 | }, |
| 877 | "domainName" : { |
| 878 | "type" : "string", |
| 879 | "description" : "Domain to which API belongs to" |
| 880 | }, |
| 881 | "interfaceDescriptions" : { |
| 882 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 883 | "type" : "array", |
| 884 | "description" : "Interface details", |
| 885 | "items" : { |
| 886 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/InterfaceDescription" |
| 887 | } |
| 888 | }, |
| 889 | "protocol" : { |
| 890 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Protocol" |
| 891 | }, |
| 892 | "securityMethods" : { |
| 893 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 894 | "type" : "array", |
| 895 | "description" : "Security methods supported by the AEF", |
| 896 | "items" : { |
| 897 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SecurityMethod" |
| 898 | } |
| 899 | }, |
| 900 | "versions" : { |
| 901 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 902 | "type" : "array", |
| 903 | "description" : "API version", |
| 904 | "items" : { |
| 905 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Version" |
| 906 | } |
| 907 | } |
| 908 | }, |
| 909 | "description" : "Represents the AEF profile data." |
| 910 | }; |
| 911 | defs["CivicAddress"] = { |
| 912 | "type" : "object", |
| 913 | "properties" : { |
| 914 | "A1" : { |
| 915 | "type" : "string" |
| 916 | }, |
| 917 | "A2" : { |
| 918 | "type" : "string" |
| 919 | }, |
| 920 | "A3" : { |
| 921 | "type" : "string" |
| 922 | }, |
| 923 | "A4" : { |
| 924 | "type" : "string" |
| 925 | }, |
| 926 | "A5" : { |
| 927 | "type" : "string" |
| 928 | }, |
| 929 | "A6" : { |
| 930 | "type" : "string" |
| 931 | }, |
| 932 | "ADDCODE" : { |
| 933 | "type" : "string" |
| 934 | }, |
| 935 | "BLD" : { |
| 936 | "type" : "string" |
| 937 | }, |
| 938 | "FLR" : { |
| 939 | "type" : "string" |
| 940 | }, |
| 941 | "HNO" : { |
| 942 | "type" : "string" |
| 943 | }, |
| 944 | "HNS" : { |
| 945 | "type" : "string" |
| 946 | }, |
| 947 | "LMK" : { |
| 948 | "type" : "string" |
| 949 | }, |
| 950 | "LOC" : { |
| 951 | "type" : "string" |
| 952 | }, |
| 953 | "NAM" : { |
| 954 | "type" : "string" |
| 955 | }, |
| 956 | "PC" : { |
| 957 | "type" : "string" |
| 958 | }, |
| 959 | "PCN" : { |
| 960 | "type" : "string" |
| 961 | }, |
| 962 | "PLC" : { |
| 963 | "type" : "string" |
| 964 | }, |
| 965 | "POBOX" : { |
| 966 | "type" : "string" |
| 967 | }, |
| 968 | "POD" : { |
| 969 | "type" : "string" |
| 970 | }, |
| 971 | "POM" : { |
| 972 | "type" : "string" |
| 973 | }, |
| 974 | "PRD" : { |
| 975 | "type" : "string" |
| 976 | }, |
| 977 | "PRM" : { |
| 978 | "type" : "string" |
| 979 | }, |
| 980 | "RD" : { |
| 981 | "type" : "string" |
| 982 | }, |
| 983 | "RDBR" : { |
| 984 | "type" : "string" |
| 985 | }, |
| 986 | "RDSEC" : { |
| 987 | "type" : "string" |
| 988 | }, |
| 989 | "RDSUBBR" : { |
| 990 | "type" : "string" |
| 991 | }, |
| 992 | "ROOM" : { |
| 993 | "type" : "string" |
| 994 | }, |
| 995 | "SEAT" : { |
| 996 | "type" : "string" |
| 997 | }, |
| 998 | "STS" : { |
| 999 | "type" : "string" |
| 1000 | }, |
| 1001 | "UNIT" : { |
| 1002 | "type" : "string" |
| 1003 | }, |
| 1004 | "country" : { |
| 1005 | "type" : "string" |
| 1006 | }, |
| 1007 | "method" : { |
| 1008 | "type" : "string" |
| 1009 | }, |
| 1010 | "providedBy" : { |
| 1011 | "type" : "string" |
| 1012 | }, |
| 1013 | "usageRules" : { |
| 1014 | "type" : "string" |
| 1015 | } |
| 1016 | }, |
| 1017 | "description" : "Indicates a Civic address." |
| 1018 | }; |
| 1019 | defs["CommunicationType"] = { |
| 1020 | "type" : "string", |
| 1021 | "description" : "Possible values are:\n- REQUEST_RESPONSE: The communication is of the type request-response\n- SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY: The communication is of the type subscribe-notify\n", |
| 1022 | "enum" : [ "REQUEST_RESPONSE", "SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY" ] |
| 1023 | }; |
| 1024 | defs["CustomOperation"] = { |
| 1025 | "required" : [ "commType", "custOpName" ], |
| 1026 | "type" : "object", |
| 1027 | "properties" : { |
| 1028 | "commType" : { |
| 1029 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/CommunicationType" |
| 1030 | }, |
| 1031 | "custOpName" : { |
| 1032 | "type" : "string", |
| 1033 | "description" : "it is set as {custOpName} part of the URI structure for a custom operation without resource association as defined in clause 5.2.4 of 3GPP TS 29.122.\n" |
| 1034 | }, |
| 1035 | "description" : { |
| 1036 | "type" : "string", |
| 1037 | "description" : "Text description of the custom operation" |
| 1038 | }, |
| 1039 | "operations" : { |
| 1040 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1041 | "type" : "array", |
| 1042 | "description" : "Supported HTTP methods for the API resource. Only applicable when the protocol in AefProfile indicates HTTP.\n", |
| 1043 | "items" : { |
| 1044 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Operation" |
| 1045 | } |
| 1046 | } |
| 1047 | }, |
| 1048 | "description" : "Represents the description of a custom operation." |
| 1049 | }; |
| 1050 | defs["DataFormat"] = { |
| 1051 | "type" : "string", |
| 1052 | "description" : "Possible values are:\n- JSON: JavaScript Object Notation\n", |
| 1053 | "enum" : [ "JSON" ] |
| 1054 | }; |
| 1055 | defs["EllipsoidArc"] = { |
| 1056 | "description" : "Ellipsoid Arc.", |
| 1057 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1058 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1059 | }, { |
| 1060 | "required" : [ "confidence", "includedAngle", "innerRadius", "offsetAngle", "point", "uncertaintyRadius" ], |
| 1061 | "type" : "object", |
| 1062 | "properties" : { |
| 1063 | "confidence" : { |
| 1064 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Confidence" |
| 1065 | }, |
| 1066 | "includedAngle" : { |
| 1067 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Angle" |
| 1068 | }, |
| 1069 | "innerRadius" : { |
| 1070 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/InnerRadius" |
| 1071 | }, |
| 1072 | "offsetAngle" : { |
| 1073 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Angle" |
| 1074 | }, |
| 1075 | "point" : { |
| 1076 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1077 | }, |
| 1078 | "uncertaintyRadius" : { |
| 1079 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1080 | } |
| 1081 | } |
| 1082 | } ] |
| 1083 | }; |
| 1084 | defs["GADShape"] = { |
| 1085 | "required" : [ "shape" ], |
| 1086 | "type" : "object", |
| 1087 | "properties" : { |
| 1088 | "shape" : { |
| 1089 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SupportedGADShapes" |
| 1090 | } |
| 1091 | }, |
| 1092 | "description" : "Common base type for GAD shapes.", |
| 1093 | "discriminator" : { |
| 1094 | "propertyName" : "shape", |
| 1095 | "mapping" : { |
| 1096 | "ELLIPSOID_ARC" : "#/components/schemas/EllipsoidArc", |
| 1097 | "LOCAL_2D_POINT_UNCERTAINTY_ELLIPSE" : "#/components/schemas/Local2dPointUncertaintyEllipse", |
| 1098 | "LOCAL_3D_POINT_UNCERTAINTY_ELLIPSOID" : "#/components/schemas/Local3dPointUncertaintyEllipsoid", |
| 1099 | "POINT" : "#/components/schemas/Point", |
| 1100 | "POINT_ALTITUDE" : "#/components/schemas/PointAltitude", |
| 1101 | "POINT_ALTITUDE_UNCERTAINTY" : "#/components/schemas/PointAltitudeUncertainty", |
| 1102 | "POINT_UNCERTAINTY_CIRCLE" : "#/components/schemas/PointUncertaintyCircle", |
| 1103 | "POINT_UNCERTAINTY_ELLIPSE" : "#/components/schemas/PointUncertaintyEllipse", |
| 1104 | "POLYGON" : "#/components/schemas/Polygon" |
| 1105 | } |
| 1106 | } |
| 1107 | }; |
| 1108 | defs["GeographicArea"] = { |
| 1109 | "description" : "Geographic area specified by different shape.", |
| 1110 | "anyOf" : [ { |
| 1111 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Point" |
| 1112 | }, { |
| 1113 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PointUncertaintyCircle" |
| 1114 | }, { |
| 1115 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PointUncertaintyEllipse" |
| 1116 | }, { |
| 1117 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Polygon" |
| 1118 | }, { |
| 1119 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PointAltitude" |
| 1120 | }, { |
| 1121 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PointAltitudeUncertainty" |
| 1122 | }, { |
| 1123 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/EllipsoidArc" |
| 1124 | } ] |
| 1125 | }; |
| 1126 | defs["GeographicalCoordinates"] = { |
| 1127 | "required" : [ "lat", "lon" ], |
| 1128 | "type" : "object", |
| 1129 | "properties" : { |
| 1130 | "lat" : { |
| 1131 | "maximum" : 90, |
| 1132 | "minimum" : -90, |
| 1133 | "type" : "number", |
| 1134 | "format" : "double" |
| 1135 | }, |
| 1136 | "lon" : { |
| 1137 | "maximum" : 180, |
| 1138 | "minimum" : -180, |
| 1139 | "type" : "number", |
| 1140 | "format" : "double" |
| 1141 | } |
| 1142 | }, |
| 1143 | "description" : "Geographical coordinates." |
| 1144 | }; |
| 1145 | defs["InterfaceDescription"] = { |
| 1146 | "type" : "object", |
| 1147 | "properties" : { |
| 1148 | "ipv4Addr" : { |
| 1149 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Ipv4Addr" |
| 1150 | }, |
| 1151 | "ipv6Addr" : { |
| 1152 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Ipv6Addr" |
| 1153 | }, |
| 1154 | "port" : { |
| 1155 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Port" |
| 1156 | }, |
| 1157 | "securityMethods" : { |
| 1158 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1159 | "type" : "array", |
| 1160 | "description" : "Security methods supported by the interface, it take precedence over the security methods provided in AefProfile, for this specific interface.\n", |
| 1161 | "items" : { |
| 1162 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SecurityMethod" |
| 1163 | } |
| 1164 | } |
| 1165 | }, |
| 1166 | "description" : "Represents the description of an API's interface." |
| 1167 | }; |
| 1168 | defs["InvalidParam"] = { |
| 1169 | "required" : [ "param" ], |
| 1170 | "type" : "object", |
| 1171 | "properties" : { |
| 1172 | "param" : { |
| 1173 | "type" : "string", |
| 1174 | "description" : "Attribute's name encoded as a JSON Pointer, or header's name." |
| 1175 | }, |
| 1176 | "reason" : { |
| 1177 | "type" : "string", |
| 1178 | "description" : "A human-readable reason, e.g. \"must be a positive integer\"." |
| 1179 | } |
| 1180 | }, |
| 1181 | "description" : "Represents the description of invalid parameters, for a request rejected due to invalid parameters." |
| 1182 | }; |
| 1183 | defs["Local2dPointUncertaintyEllipse"] = { |
| 1184 | "description" : "Local 2D point with uncertainty ellipse", |
| 1185 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1186 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1187 | }, { |
| 1188 | "required" : [ "confidence", "localOrigin", "point", "uncertaintyEllipse" ], |
| 1189 | "type" : "object", |
| 1190 | "properties" : { |
| 1191 | "confidence" : { |
| 1192 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Confidence" |
| 1193 | }, |
| 1194 | "localOrigin" : { |
| 1195 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/LocalOrigin" |
| 1196 | }, |
| 1197 | "point" : { |
| 1198 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/RelativeCartesianLocation" |
| 1199 | }, |
| 1200 | "uncertaintyEllipse" : { |
| 1201 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/UncertaintyEllipse" |
| 1202 | } |
| 1203 | } |
| 1204 | } ] |
| 1205 | }; |
| 1206 | defs["Local3dPointUncertaintyEllipsoid"] = { |
| 1207 | "description" : "Local 3D point with uncertainty ellipsoid", |
| 1208 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1209 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1210 | }, { |
| 1211 | "required" : [ "confidence", "localOrigin", "point", "uncertaintyEllipsoid" ], |
| 1212 | "type" : "object", |
| 1213 | "properties" : { |
| 1214 | "confidence" : { |
| 1215 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Confidence" |
| 1216 | }, |
| 1217 | "localOrigin" : { |
| 1218 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/LocalOrigin" |
| 1219 | }, |
| 1220 | "point" : { |
| 1221 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/RelativeCartesianLocation" |
| 1222 | }, |
| 1223 | "uncertaintyEllipsoid" : { |
| 1224 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/UncertaintyEllipsoid" |
| 1225 | } |
| 1226 | } |
| 1227 | } ] |
| 1228 | }; |
| 1229 | defs["LocalOrigin"] = { |
| 1230 | "type" : "object", |
| 1231 | "properties" : { |
| 1232 | "coordinateId" : { |
| 1233 | "type" : "string" |
| 1234 | }, |
| 1235 | "point" : { |
| 1236 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1237 | } |
| 1238 | }, |
| 1239 | "description" : "Indicates a Local origin in a reference system" |
| 1240 | }; |
| 1241 | defs["Operation"] = { |
| 1242 | "type" : "string", |
| 1243 | "description" : "Possible values are:\n- GET: HTTP GET method\n- POST: HTTP POST method\n- PUT: HTTP PUT method\n- PATCH: HTTP PATCH method\n- DELETE: HTTP DELETE method\n", |
| 1244 | "enum" : [ "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE" ] |
| 1245 | }; |
| 1246 | defs["Point"] = { |
| 1247 | "description" : "Ellipsoid Point.", |
| 1248 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1249 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1250 | }, { |
| 1251 | "required" : [ "point" ], |
| 1252 | "type" : "object", |
| 1253 | "properties" : { |
| 1254 | "point" : { |
| 1255 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1256 | } |
| 1257 | } |
| 1258 | } ] |
| 1259 | }; |
| 1260 | defs["PointAltitude"] = { |
| 1261 | "description" : "Ellipsoid point with altitude.", |
| 1262 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1263 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1264 | }, { |
| 1265 | "required" : [ "altitude", "point" ], |
| 1266 | "type" : "object", |
| 1267 | "properties" : { |
| 1268 | "altitude" : { |
| 1269 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Altitude" |
| 1270 | }, |
| 1271 | "point" : { |
| 1272 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1273 | } |
| 1274 | } |
| 1275 | } ] |
| 1276 | }; |
| 1277 | defs["PointAltitudeUncertainty"] = { |
| 1278 | "description" : "Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid.", |
| 1279 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1280 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1281 | }, { |
| 1282 | "required" : [ "altitude", "confidence", "point", "uncertaintyAltitude", "uncertaintyEllipse" ], |
| 1283 | "type" : "object", |
| 1284 | "properties" : { |
| 1285 | "altitude" : { |
| 1286 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Altitude" |
| 1287 | }, |
| 1288 | "confidence" : { |
| 1289 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Confidence" |
| 1290 | }, |
| 1291 | "point" : { |
| 1292 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1293 | }, |
| 1294 | "uncertaintyAltitude" : { |
| 1295 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1296 | }, |
| 1297 | "uncertaintyEllipse" : { |
| 1298 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/UncertaintyEllipse" |
| 1299 | } |
| 1300 | } |
| 1301 | } ] |
| 1302 | }; |
| 1303 | defs["PointUncertaintyCircle"] = { |
| 1304 | "description" : "Ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle.", |
| 1305 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1306 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1307 | }, { |
| 1308 | "required" : [ "point", "uncertainty" ], |
| 1309 | "type" : "object", |
| 1310 | "properties" : { |
| 1311 | "point" : { |
| 1312 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1313 | }, |
| 1314 | "uncertainty" : { |
| 1315 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1316 | } |
| 1317 | } |
| 1318 | } ] |
| 1319 | }; |
| 1320 | defs["PointUncertaintyEllipse"] = { |
| 1321 | "description" : "Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse.", |
| 1322 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1323 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1324 | }, { |
| 1325 | "required" : [ "confidence", "point", "uncertaintyEllipse" ], |
| 1326 | "type" : "object", |
| 1327 | "properties" : { |
| 1328 | "confidence" : { |
| 1329 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Confidence" |
| 1330 | }, |
| 1331 | "point" : { |
| 1332 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GeographicalCoordinates" |
| 1333 | }, |
| 1334 | "uncertaintyEllipse" : { |
| 1335 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/UncertaintyEllipse" |
| 1336 | } |
| 1337 | } |
| 1338 | } ] |
| 1339 | }; |
| 1340 | defs["Polygon"] = { |
| 1341 | "description" : "Polygon.", |
| 1342 | "allOf" : [ { |
| 1343 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/GADShape" |
| 1344 | }, { |
| 1345 | "required" : [ "pointList" ], |
| 1346 | "type" : "object", |
| 1347 | "properties" : { |
| 1348 | "pointList" : { |
| 1349 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PointList" |
| 1350 | } |
| 1351 | } |
| 1352 | } ] |
| 1353 | }; |
| 1354 | defs["ProblemDetails"] = { |
| 1355 | "type" : "object", |
| 1356 | "properties" : { |
| 1357 | "cause" : { |
| 1358 | "type" : "string", |
| 1359 | "description" : "A machine-readable application error cause specific to this occurrence of the problem. This IE should be present and provide application-related error information, if available." |
| 1360 | }, |
| 1361 | "detail" : { |
| 1362 | "type" : "string", |
| 1363 | "description" : "A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem." |
| 1364 | }, |
| 1365 | "instance" : { |
| 1366 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uri" |
| 1367 | }, |
| 1368 | "invalidParams" : { |
| 1369 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1370 | "type" : "array", |
| 1371 | "description" : "Description of invalid parameters, for a request rejected due to invalid parameters.", |
| 1372 | "items" : { |
| 1373 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/InvalidParam" |
| 1374 | } |
| 1375 | }, |
| 1376 | "status" : { |
| 1377 | "type" : "integer", |
| 1378 | "description" : "The HTTP status code for this occurrence of the problem." |
| 1379 | }, |
| 1380 | "supportedFeatures" : { |
| 1381 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SupportedFeatures" |
| 1382 | }, |
| 1383 | "title" : { |
| 1384 | "type" : "string", |
| 1385 | "description" : "A short, human-readable summary of the problem type. It should not change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem." |
| 1386 | }, |
| 1387 | "type" : { |
| 1388 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uri" |
| 1389 | } |
| 1390 | }, |
| 1391 | "description" : "Represents additional information and details on an error response." |
| 1392 | }; |
| 1393 | defs["Protocol"] = { |
| 1394 | "type" : "string", |
| 1395 | "description" : "Possible values are:\n- HTTP_1_1: HTTP version 1.1\n- HTTP_2: HTTP version 2\n", |
| 1396 | "enum" : [ "HTTP_1_1", "HTTP_2" ] |
| 1397 | }; |
| 1398 | defs["PublishedApiPath"] = { |
| 1399 | "type" : "object", |
| 1400 | "properties" : { |
| 1401 | "ccfIds" : { |
| 1402 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1403 | "type" : "array", |
| 1404 | "description" : "A list of CCF identifiers where the service API is already published.", |
| 1405 | "items" : { |
| 1406 | "type" : "string" |
| 1407 | } |
| 1408 | } |
| 1409 | }, |
| 1410 | "description" : "Represents the published API path within the same CAPIF provider domain." |
| 1411 | }; |
| 1412 | defs["RelativeCartesianLocation"] = { |
| 1413 | "required" : [ "x" ], |
| 1414 | "type" : "object", |
| 1415 | "properties" : { |
| 1416 | "x" : { |
| 1417 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Float" |
| 1418 | }, |
| 1419 | "z" : { |
| 1420 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Float" |
| 1421 | } |
| 1422 | }, |
| 1423 | "description" : "Relative Cartesian Location" |
| 1424 | }; |
| 1425 | defs["Resource"] = { |
| 1426 | "required" : [ "commType", "resourceName", "uri" ], |
| 1427 | "type" : "object", |
| 1428 | "properties" : { |
| 1429 | "commType" : { |
| 1430 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/CommunicationType" |
| 1431 | }, |
| 1432 | "custOpName" : { |
| 1433 | "type" : "string", |
| 1434 | "description" : "it is set as {custOpName} part of the URI structure for a custom operation associated with a resource as defined in clause 5.2.4 of 3GPP TS 29.122.\n" |
| 1435 | }, |
| 1436 | "description" : { |
| 1437 | "type" : "string", |
| 1438 | "description" : "Text description of the API resource" |
| 1439 | }, |
| 1440 | "operations" : { |
| 1441 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1442 | "type" : "array", |
| 1443 | "description" : "Supported HTTP methods for the API resource. Only applicable when the protocol in AefProfile indicates HTTP.\n", |
| 1444 | "items" : { |
| 1445 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Operation" |
| 1446 | } |
| 1447 | }, |
| 1448 | "resourceName" : { |
| 1449 | "type" : "string", |
| 1450 | "description" : "Resource name" |
| 1451 | }, |
| 1452 | "uri" : { |
| 1453 | "type" : "string", |
| 1454 | "description" : "Relative URI of the API resource, it is set as {apiSpecificSuffixes} part of the URI structure as defined in clause 5.2.4 of 3GPP TS 29.122.\n" |
| 1455 | } |
| 1456 | }, |
| 1457 | "description" : "Represents the API resource data." |
| 1458 | }; |
| 1459 | defs["SecurityMethod"] = { |
| 1460 | "type" : "string", |
| 1461 | "description" : "Possible values are:\n- PSK: Security method 1 (Using TLS-PSK) as described in 3GPP TS 33.122\n- PKI: Security method 2 (Using PKI) as described in 3GPP TS 33.122\n- OAUTH: Security method 3 (TLS with OAuth token) as described in 3GPP TS 33.122\n", |
| 1462 | "enum" : [ "PSK", "PKI", "OAUTH" ] |
| 1463 | }; |
| 1464 | defs["ServiceAPIDescription"] = { |
| 1465 | "required" : [ "apiName" ], |
| 1466 | "type" : "object", |
| 1467 | "properties" : { |
| 1468 | "aefProfiles" : { |
| 1469 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1470 | "type" : "array", |
| 1471 | "description" : "AEF profile information, which includes the exposed API details (e.g. protocol).\n", |
| 1472 | "items" : { |
| 1473 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AefProfile" |
| 1474 | } |
| 1475 | }, |
| 1476 | "apiId" : { |
| 1477 | "type" : "string", |
| 1478 | "description" : "API identifier assigned by the CAPIF core function to the published service API. Shall not be present in the HTTP POST request from the API publishing function to the CAPIF core function. Shall be present in the HTTP POST response from the CAPIF core function to the API publishing function and in the HTTP GET response from the CAPIF core function to the API invoker (discovery API).\n" |
| 1479 | }, |
| 1480 | "apiName" : { |
| 1481 | "type" : "string", |
| 1482 | "description" : "API name, it is set as {apiName} part of the URI structure as defined in clause 5.2.4 of 3GPP TS 29.122." |
| 1483 | }, |
| 1484 | "apiSuppFeats" : { |
| 1485 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SupportedFeatures" |
| 1486 | }, |
| 1487 | "ccfId" : { |
| 1488 | "type" : "string", |
| 1489 | "description" : "CAPIF core function identifier." |
| 1490 | }, |
| 1491 | "description" : { |
| 1492 | "type" : "string", |
| 1493 | "description" : "Text description of the API" |
| 1494 | }, |
| 1495 | "pubApiPath" : { |
| 1496 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PublishedApiPath" |
| 1497 | }, |
| 1498 | "serviceAPICategory" : { |
| 1499 | "type" : "string" |
| 1500 | }, |
| 1501 | "shareableInfo" : { |
| 1502 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ShareableInformation" |
| 1503 | }, |
| 1504 | "supportedFeatures" : { |
| 1505 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SupportedFeatures" |
| 1506 | } |
| 1507 | }, |
| 1508 | "description" : "Represents the description of a service API as published by the APF." |
| 1509 | }; |
| 1510 | defs["ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch"] = { |
| 1511 | "type" : "object", |
| 1512 | "properties" : { |
| 1513 | "aefProfiles" : { |
| 1514 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1515 | "type" : "array", |
| 1516 | "items" : { |
| 1517 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/AefProfile" |
| 1518 | } |
| 1519 | }, |
| 1520 | "apiSuppFeats" : { |
| 1521 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/SupportedFeatures" |
| 1522 | }, |
| 1523 | "ccfId" : { |
| 1524 | "type" : "string", |
| 1525 | "description" : "CAPIF core function identifier." |
| 1526 | }, |
| 1527 | "description" : { |
| 1528 | "type" : "string", |
| 1529 | "description" : "Text description of the API" |
| 1530 | }, |
| 1531 | "pubApiPath" : { |
| 1532 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/PublishedApiPath" |
| 1533 | }, |
| 1534 | "serviceAPICategory" : { |
| 1535 | "type" : "string" |
| 1536 | }, |
| 1537 | "shareableInfo" : { |
| 1538 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ShareableInformation" |
| 1539 | } |
| 1540 | }, |
| 1541 | "description" : "Represents the parameters to request the modification of an APF published API resource.\n" |
| 1542 | }; |
| 1543 | defs["ShareableInformation"] = { |
| 1544 | "required" : [ "isShareable" ], |
| 1545 | "type" : "object", |
| 1546 | "properties" : { |
| 1547 | "capifProvDoms" : { |
| 1548 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1549 | "type" : "array", |
| 1550 | "description" : "List of CAPIF provider domains to which the service API information to be shared.\n", |
| 1551 | "items" : { |
| 1552 | "type" : "string" |
| 1553 | } |
| 1554 | }, |
| 1555 | "isShareable" : { |
| 1556 | "type" : "boolean", |
| 1557 | "description" : "Set to \"true\" indicates that the service API and/or the service API category can be shared to the list of CAPIF provider domain information. Otherwise set to \"false\".\n" |
| 1558 | } |
| 1559 | }, |
| 1560 | "description" : "Indicates whether the service API and/or the service API category can be shared to the list of CAPIF provider domains.\n" |
| 1561 | }; |
| 1562 | defs["SupportedGADShapes"] = { |
| 1563 | "type" : "string", |
| 1564 | "description" : "Indicates supported GAD shapes.", |
| 1566 | }; |
| 1567 | defs["UncertaintyEllipse"] = { |
| 1568 | "required" : [ "orientationMajor", "semiMajor", "semiMinor" ], |
| 1569 | "type" : "object", |
| 1570 | "properties" : { |
| 1571 | "orientationMajor" : { |
| 1572 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Orientation" |
| 1573 | }, |
| 1574 | "semiMajor" : { |
| 1575 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1576 | }, |
| 1577 | "semiMinor" : { |
| 1578 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1579 | } |
| 1580 | }, |
| 1581 | "description" : "Ellipse with uncertainty." |
| 1582 | }; |
| 1583 | defs["UncertaintyEllipsoid"] = { |
| 1584 | "required" : [ "orientationMajor", "semiMajor", "semiMinor", "vertical" ], |
| 1585 | "type" : "object", |
| 1586 | "properties" : { |
| 1587 | "orientationMajor" : { |
| 1588 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Orientation" |
| 1589 | }, |
| 1590 | "semiMajor" : { |
| 1591 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1592 | }, |
| 1593 | "semiMinor" : { |
| 1594 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1595 | }, |
| 1596 | "vertical" : { |
| 1597 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Uncertainty" |
| 1598 | } |
| 1599 | }, |
| 1600 | "description" : "Ellipsoid with uncertainty" |
| 1601 | }; |
| 1602 | defs["Version"] = { |
| 1603 | "required" : [ "apiVersion" ], |
| 1604 | "type" : "object", |
| 1605 | "properties" : { |
| 1606 | "apiVersion" : { |
| 1607 | "type" : "string", |
| 1608 | "description" : "API major version in URI (e.g. v1)" |
| 1609 | }, |
| 1610 | "custOperations" : { |
| 1611 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1612 | "type" : "array", |
| 1613 | "description" : "Custom operations without resource association.", |
| 1614 | "items" : { |
| 1615 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/CustomOperation" |
| 1616 | } |
| 1617 | }, |
| 1618 | "expiry" : { |
| 1619 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/DateTime" |
| 1620 | }, |
| 1621 | "resources" : { |
| 1622 | "minItems" : 1, |
| 1623 | "type" : "array", |
| 1624 | "description" : "Resources supported by the API.", |
| 1625 | "items" : { |
| 1626 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/Resource" |
| 1627 | } |
| 1628 | } |
| 1629 | }, |
| 1630 | "description" : "Represents the API version information." |
| 1631 | }; |
| 1632 | |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 1633 | defs["Altitude"] = { |
| 1634 | "maximum" : 32767, |
| 1635 | "minimum" : -32767, |
| 1636 | "type" : "number", |
| 1637 | "description" : "Indicates value of altitude.", |
| 1638 | "format" : "double" |
| 1639 | }; |
| 1640 | defs["Angle"] = { |
| 1641 | "maximum" : 360, |
| 1642 | "minimum" : 0, |
| 1643 | "type" : "integer", |
| 1644 | "description" : "Indicates value of angle." |
| 1645 | }; |
| 1646 | defs["Confidence"] = { |
| 1647 | "maximum" : 100, |
| 1648 | "minimum" : 0, |
| 1649 | "type" : "integer", |
| 1650 | "description" : "Indicates value of confidence." |
| 1651 | }; |
| 1652 | defs["DateTime"] = { |
| 1653 | "type" : "string", |
| 1654 | "description" : "string with format \"date-time\" as defined in OpenAPI.", |
| 1655 | "format" : "date-time" |
| 1656 | }; |
| 1657 | defs["Float"] = { |
| 1658 | "type" : "number", |
| 1659 | "description" : "string with format 'float' as defined in OpenAPI.", |
| 1660 | "format" : "float" |
| 1661 | }; |
| 1662 | defs["InnerRadius"] = { |
| 1663 | "maximum" : 327675, |
| 1664 | "minimum" : 0, |
| 1665 | "type" : "integer", |
| 1666 | "description" : "Indicates value of the inner radius.", |
| 1667 | "format" : "int32" |
| 1668 | }; |
| 1669 | defs["Ipv4Addr"] = { |
| 1670 | "type" : "string", |
| 1671 | "description" : "string identifying a Ipv4 address formatted in the \"dotted decimal\" notation as defined in IETF RFC 1166." |
| 1672 | }; |
| 1673 | defs["Ipv6Addr"] = { |
| 1674 | "type" : "string", |
| 1675 | "description" : "string identifying a Ipv6 address formatted according to clause 4 in IETF RFC 5952. The mixed Ipv4 Ipv6 notation according to clause 5 of IETF RFC 5952 shall not be used." |
| 1676 | }; |
| 1677 | defs["Orientation"] = { |
| 1678 | "maximum" : 180, |
| 1679 | "minimum" : 0, |
| 1680 | "type" : "integer", |
| 1681 | "description" : "Indicates value of orientation angle." |
| 1682 | }; |
| 1683 | defs["Port"] = { |
| 1684 | "maximum" : 65535, |
| 1685 | "minimum" : 0, |
| 1686 | "type" : "integer", |
| 1687 | "description" : "Unsigned integer with valid values between 0 and 65535." |
| 1688 | }; |
| 1689 | defs["SupportedFeatures"] = { |
| 1690 | "pattern" : "^[A-Fa-f0-9]*$", |
| 1691 | "type" : "string", |
| 1692 | "description" : "A string used to indicate the features supported by an API that is used as defined in clause 6.6 in 3GPP TS 29.500. The string shall contain a bitmask indicating supported features in hexadecimal representation Each character in the string shall take a value of \"0\" to \"9\", \"a\" to \"f\" or \"A\" to \"F\" and shall represent the support of 4 features as described in table 5.2.2-3. The most significant character representing the highest-numbered features shall appear first in the string, and the character representing features 1 to 4 shall appear last in the string. The list of features and their numbering (starting with 1) are defined separately for each API. If the string contains a lower number of characters than there are defined features for an API, all features that would be represented by characters that are not present in the string are not supported.\n" |
| 1693 | }; |
| 1694 | defs["Uncertainty"] = { |
| 1695 | "minimum" : 0, |
| 1696 | "type" : "number", |
| 1697 | "description" : "Indicates value of uncertainty.", |
| 1698 | "format" : "float" |
| 1699 | }; |
| 1700 | defs["Uri"] = { |
| 1701 | "type" : "string", |
| 1702 | "description" : "string providing an URI formatted according to IETF RFC 3986." |
| 1703 | }; |
| 1704 | |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 1705 | var errs = {}; |
| 1706 | </script> |
| 1707 | |
| 1708 | <div class="container-fluid"> |
| 1709 | <div class="row-fluid"> |
| 1710 | <div id="sidenav" class="span2"> |
| 1711 | <nav id="scrollingNav"> |
| 1712 | <ul class="sidenav nav nav-list"> |
| 1713 | <!-- Logo Area --> |
| 1714 | <!--<div style="width: 80%; background-color: #4c8eca; color: white; padding: 20px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; "> |
| 1715 | |
| 1716 | API Docs 2 |
| 1717 | |
| 1718 | </div> |
| 1719 | --> |
| 1720 | <li class="nav-fixed nav-header active" data-group="_"><a href="#api-_">API Summary</a></li> |
| 1721 | |
| 1722 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="Default"><a href="#api-Default">API Methods - Default</a></li> |
| 1723 | <li data-group="Default" data-name="apfIdServiceApisGet" class=""> |
| 1724 | <a href="#api-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet">apfIdServiceApisGet</a> |
| 1725 | </li> |
| 1726 | <li data-group="Default" data-name="apfIdServiceApisPost" class=""> |
| 1727 | <a href="#api-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost">apfIdServiceApisPost</a> |
| 1728 | </li> |
| 1729 | <li data-group="Default" data-name="apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete" class=""> |
| 1730 | <a href="#api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete">apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete</a> |
| 1731 | </li> |
| 1732 | <li data-group="Default" data-name="apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet" class=""> |
| 1733 | <a href="#api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet">apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet</a> |
| 1734 | </li> |
| 1735 | <li data-group="Default" data-name="apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut" class=""> |
| 1736 | <a href="#api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut">apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut</a> |
| 1737 | </li> |
| 1738 | <li class="nav-header" data-group="IndividualAPFPublishedAPI"><a href="#api-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI">API Methods - IndividualAPFPublishedAPI</a></li> |
| 1739 | <li data-group="IndividualAPFPublishedAPI" data-name="modifyIndAPFPubAPI" class=""> |
| 1740 | <a href="#api-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI">modifyIndAPFPubAPI</a> |
| 1741 | </li> |
| 1742 | </ul> |
| 1743 | </nav> |
| 1744 | </div> |
| 1745 | <div id="content"> |
| 1746 | <div id="project"> |
| 1747 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 1748 | <h1>CAPIF_Publish_Service_API</h1> |
| 1749 | </div> |
| 1750 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 1751 | </div> |
| 1752 | <div id="header"> |
| 1753 | <div id="api-_"> |
| 1754 | <h2 id="welcome-to-apidoc">API and SDK Documentation</h2> |
| 1755 | <div class="app-desc">Version: 1.2.1</div> |
| 1756 | <hr> |
| 1757 | <div id="app-description" class="app-desc"> |
| 1758 | API for publishing service APIs.<br /> |
| 1759 | © 2022, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).<br /> |
| 1760 | All rights reserved. |
| 1761 | </div> |
| 1762 | </div> |
| 1763 | </div> |
| 1764 | <div id="sections"> |
| 1765 | <section id="api-Default"> |
| 1766 | <h1>Default</h1> |
| 1767 | <div id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet"> |
| 1768 | <article id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0" data-group="User" data-name="apfIdServiceApisGet" data-version="0"> |
| 1769 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 1770 | <h1>apfIdServiceApisGet</h1> |
| 1771 | <p></p> |
| 1772 | </div> |
| 1773 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 1774 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 1775 | <p></p> |
| 1776 | <p class="marked">Retrieve all published APIs.</p> |
| 1777 | <p></p> |
| 1778 | <br /> |
| 1779 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/{apfId}/service-apis</span></code></pre> |
| 1780 | <p> |
| 1781 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 1782 | </p> |
| 1783 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 1784 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 1785 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 1786 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-dart">Dart</a></li> |
| 1787 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 1788 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 1789 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 1790 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 1791 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 1792 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 1793 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 1794 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 1795 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 1796 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-rust">Rust</a></li> |
| 1797 | </ul> |
| 1798 | |
| 1799 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 1800 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-curl"> |
| 1801 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET \ |
| 1802 | -H "Accept: application/json,application/problem+json" \ |
| 1803 | "{apfId}/service-apis" |
| 1804 | </code></pre> |
| 1805 | </div> |
| 1806 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-java"> |
| 1807 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.*; |
| 1808 | import org.openapitools.client.auth.*; |
| 1809 | import org.openapitools.client.model.*; |
| 1810 | import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 1811 | |
| 1812 | import; |
| 1813 | import java.util.*; |
| 1814 | |
| 1815 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 1816 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 1817 | |
| 1818 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 1819 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 1820 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 1821 | |
| 1822 | try { |
| 1823 | array[ServiceAPIDescription] result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId); |
| 1824 | System.out.println(result); |
| 1825 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 1826 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisGet"); |
| 1827 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 1828 | } |
| 1829 | } |
| 1830 | } |
| 1831 | </code></pre> |
| 1832 | </div> |
| 1833 | |
| 1834 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-dart"> |
| 1835 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-dart">import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; |
| 1836 | |
| 1837 | final api_instance = DefaultApi(); |
| 1838 | |
| 1839 | final String apfId = new String(); // String | |
| 1840 | |
| 1841 | try { |
| 1842 | final result = await api_instance.apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId); |
| 1843 | print(result); |
| 1844 | } catch (e) { |
| 1845 | print('Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisGet: $e\n'); |
| 1846 | } |
| 1847 | |
| 1848 | </code></pre> |
| 1849 | </div> |
| 1850 | |
| 1851 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-android"> |
| 1852 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 1853 | |
| 1854 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 1855 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 1856 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 1857 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 1858 | |
| 1859 | try { |
| 1860 | array[ServiceAPIDescription] result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId); |
| 1861 | System.out.println(result); |
| 1862 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 1863 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisGet"); |
| 1864 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 1865 | } |
| 1866 | } |
| 1867 | }</code></pre> |
| 1868 | </div> |
| 1869 | <!-- |
| 1870 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-groovy"> |
| 1871 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 1872 | </div> --> |
| 1873 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-objc"> |
| 1874 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 1875 | |
| 1876 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 1877 | DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init]; |
| 1878 | String *apfId = apfId_example; // (default to null) |
| 1879 | |
| 1880 | [apiInstance apfIdServiceApisGetWith:apfId |
| 1881 | completionHandler: ^(array[ServiceAPIDescription] output, NSError* error) { |
| 1882 | if (output) { |
| 1883 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 1884 | } |
| 1885 | if (error) { |
| 1886 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 1887 | } |
| 1888 | }]; |
| 1889 | </code></pre> |
| 1890 | </div> |
| 1891 | |
| 1892 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-javascript"> |
| 1893 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var CapifPublishServiceApi = require('capif_publish_service_api'); |
| 1894 | |
| 1895 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 1896 | var api = new CapifPublishServiceApi.DefaultApi() |
| 1897 | var apfId = apfId_example; // {String} |
| 1898 | |
| 1899 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 1900 | if (error) { |
| 1901 | console.error(error); |
| 1902 | } else { |
| 1903 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 1904 | } |
| 1905 | }; |
| 1906 | api.apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId, callback); |
| 1907 | </code></pre> |
| 1908 | </div> |
| 1909 | |
| 1910 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-angular"> |
| 1911 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 1912 | </div>--> |
| 1913 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-csharp"> |
| 1914 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 1915 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 1916 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Api; |
| 1917 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Client; |
| 1918 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Model; |
| 1919 | |
| 1920 | namespace Example |
| 1921 | { |
| 1922 | public class apfIdServiceApisGetExample |
| 1923 | { |
| 1924 | public void main() |
| 1925 | { |
| 1926 | |
| 1927 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 1928 | var apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 1929 | var apfId = apfId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 1930 | |
| 1931 | try { |
| 1932 | array[ServiceAPIDescription] result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId); |
| 1933 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 1934 | } catch (Exception e) { |
| 1935 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.apfIdServiceApisGet: " + e.Message ); |
| 1936 | } |
| 1937 | } |
| 1938 | } |
| 1939 | } |
| 1940 | </code></pre> |
| 1941 | </div> |
| 1942 | |
| 1943 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-php"> |
| 1944 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 1945 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 1946 | |
| 1947 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 1948 | $api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\DefaultApi(); |
| 1949 | $apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 1950 | |
| 1951 | try { |
| 1952 | $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisGet($apfId); |
| 1953 | print_r($result); |
| 1954 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 1955 | echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 1956 | } |
| 1957 | ?></code></pre> |
| 1958 | </div> |
| 1959 | |
| 1960 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-perl"> |
| 1961 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 1962 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration; |
| 1963 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi; |
| 1964 | |
| 1965 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 1966 | my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi->new(); |
| 1967 | my $apfId = apfId_example; # String | |
| 1968 | |
| 1969 | eval { |
| 1970 | my $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId => $apfId); |
| 1971 | print Dumper($result); |
| 1972 | }; |
| 1973 | if ($@) { |
| 1974 | warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisGet: $@\n"; |
| 1975 | }</code></pre> |
| 1976 | </div> |
| 1977 | |
| 1978 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-python"> |
| 1979 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 1980 | import time |
| 1981 | import openapi_client |
| 1982 | from import ApiException |
| 1983 | from pprint import pprint |
| 1984 | |
| 1985 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 1986 | api_instance = openapi_client.DefaultApi() |
| 1987 | apfId = apfId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 1988 | |
| 1989 | try: |
| 1990 | api_response = api_instance.apf_id_service_apis_get(apfId) |
| 1991 | pprint(api_response) |
| 1992 | except ApiException as e: |
| 1993 | print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisGet: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 1994 | </div> |
| 1995 | |
| 1996 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-0-rust"> |
| 1997 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-rust">extern crate DefaultApi; |
| 1998 | |
| 1999 | pub fn main() { |
| 2000 | let apfId = apfId_example; // String |
| 2001 | |
| 2002 | let mut context = DefaultApi::Context::default(); |
| 2003 | let result = client.apfIdServiceApisGet(apfId, &context).wait(); |
| 2004 | |
| 2005 | println!("{:?}", result); |
| 2006 | } |
| 2007 | </code></pre> |
| 2008 | </div> |
| 2009 | </div> |
| 2010 | |
| 2011 | <h2>Scopes</h2> |
| 2012 | <table> |
| 2013 | |
| 2014 | </table> |
| 2015 | |
| 2016 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 2017 | |
| 2018 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 2019 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 2020 | <tr> |
| 2021 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2022 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2023 | </tr> |
| 2024 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">apfId*</td> |
| 2025 | <td> |
| 2026 | |
| 2027 | |
| 2028 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisGet_apfId"> |
| 2029 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 2030 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 2031 | <span class="type"> |
| 2032 | String |
| 2033 | </span> |
| 2034 | |
| 2035 | </div> |
| 2036 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 2037 | Required |
| 2038 | </div> |
| 2039 | </div> |
| 2040 | </div> |
| 2041 | </td> |
| 2042 | </tr> |
| 2043 | |
| 2044 | </table> |
| 2045 | |
| 2046 | |
| 2047 | |
| 2048 | |
| 2049 | |
| 2050 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 2051 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-200"></h3> |
| 2052 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-200" class="marked"></p> |
| 2053 | <script> |
| 2054 | var responseDefault200_description = `Definition of all service API(s) published by the API publishing function.`; |
| 2055 | var responseDefault200_description_break = responseDefault200_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2056 | if (responseDefault200_description_break == -1) { |
| 2057 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseDefault200_description); |
| 2058 | } else { |
| 2059 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseDefault200_description.substring(0, responseDefault200_description_break)); |
| 2060 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-200").html(responseDefault200_description.substring(responseDefault200_description_break)); |
| 2061 | } |
| 2062 | </script> |
| 2063 | |
| 2064 | |
| 2065 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-200" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2066 | <li class="active"> |
| 2067 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-200-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2068 | </li> |
| 2069 | |
| 2070 | |
| 2071 | |
| 2072 | |
| 2073 | </ul> |
| 2074 | |
| 2075 | |
| 2076 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-200-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2077 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-200-schema"> |
| 2078 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-200" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2079 | <script> |
| 2080 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2081 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2082 | "description" : "Definition of all service API(s) published by the API publishing function.", |
| 2083 | "content" : { |
| 2084 | "application/json" : { |
| 2085 | "schema" : { |
| 2086 | "minItems" : 0, |
| 2087 | "type" : "array", |
| 2088 | "items" : { |
| 2089 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 2090 | } |
| 2091 | } |
| 2092 | } |
| 2093 | } |
| 2094 | }; |
| 2095 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2096 | if (!schema) { |
| 2097 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2098 | } |
| 2099 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2100 | return; |
| 2101 | } |
| 2102 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2103 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2104 | if ( != null) { |
| 2105 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2106 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2107 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2108 | } |
| 2109 | }); |
| 2110 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2111 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2112 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2113 | } else { |
| 2114 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2115 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2116 | console.log(err); |
| 2117 | }); |
| 2118 | } |
| 2119 | |
| 2120 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2121 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-200-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2122 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-200'); |
| 2123 | result.empty(); |
| 2124 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2125 | }); |
| 2126 | </script> |
| 2127 | </div> |
| 2128 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-200-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2129 | </div> |
| 2130 | </div> |
| 2131 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-307"></h3> |
| 2132 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-307" class="marked"></p> |
| 2133 | <script> |
| 2134 | var responseDefault307_description = `Temporary Redirect`; |
| 2135 | var responseDefault307_description_break = responseDefault307_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2136 | if (responseDefault307_description_break == -1) { |
| 2137 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description); |
| 2138 | } else { |
| 2139 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description.substring(0, responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 2140 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-307").html(responseDefault307_description.substring(responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 2141 | } |
| 2142 | </script> |
| 2143 | |
| 2144 | |
| 2145 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-307" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2146 | |
| 2147 | <li class=""> |
| 2148 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisGet-307-headers">Headers</a> |
| 2149 | </li> |
| 2150 | |
| 2151 | </ul> |
| 2152 | |
| 2153 | |
| 2154 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-307-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2155 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-307-schema"> |
| 2156 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-307" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2157 | <script> |
| 2158 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2159 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2160 | "description" : "Temporary Redirect", |
| 2161 | "headers" : { |
| 2162 | "Location" : { |
| 2163 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 2164 | "required" : true, |
| 2165 | "schema" : { |
| 2166 | "type" : "string" |
| 2167 | } |
| 2168 | } |
| 2169 | } |
| 2170 | }; |
| 2171 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2172 | if (!schema) { |
| 2173 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2174 | } |
| 2175 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2176 | return; |
| 2177 | } |
| 2178 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2179 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2180 | if ( != null) { |
| 2181 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2182 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2183 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2184 | } |
| 2185 | }); |
| 2186 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2187 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2188 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2189 | } else { |
| 2190 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2191 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2192 | console.log(err); |
| 2193 | }); |
| 2194 | } |
| 2195 | |
| 2196 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2197 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-307-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2198 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-307'); |
| 2199 | result.empty(); |
| 2200 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2201 | }); |
| 2202 | </script> |
| 2203 | </div> |
| 2204 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-307-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2205 | </div> |
| 2206 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisGet-307-headers"> |
| 2207 | <table> |
| 2208 | <tr> |
| 2209 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2210 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 2211 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 2212 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2213 | </tr> |
| 2214 | <tr> |
| 2215 | <td>Location</td> |
| 2216 | <td>String</td> |
| 2217 | <td></td> |
| 2218 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 2219 | </tr> |
| 2220 | </table> |
| 2221 | </div> |
| 2222 | </div> |
| 2223 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-308"></h3> |
| 2224 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-308" class="marked"></p> |
| 2225 | <script> |
| 2226 | var responseDefault308_description = `Permanent Redirect`; |
| 2227 | var responseDefault308_description_break = responseDefault308_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2228 | if (responseDefault308_description_break == -1) { |
| 2229 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description); |
| 2230 | } else { |
| 2231 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description.substring(0, responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 2232 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-308").html(responseDefault308_description.substring(responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 2233 | } |
| 2234 | </script> |
| 2235 | |
| 2236 | |
| 2237 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-308" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2238 | |
| 2239 | <li class=""> |
| 2240 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisGet-308-headers">Headers</a> |
| 2241 | </li> |
| 2242 | |
| 2243 | </ul> |
| 2244 | |
| 2245 | |
| 2246 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-308-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2247 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-308-schema"> |
| 2248 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-308" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2249 | <script> |
| 2250 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2251 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2252 | "description" : "Permanent Redirect", |
| 2253 | "headers" : { |
| 2254 | "Location" : { |
| 2255 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 2256 | "required" : true, |
| 2257 | "schema" : { |
| 2258 | "type" : "string" |
| 2259 | } |
| 2260 | } |
| 2261 | } |
| 2262 | }; |
| 2263 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2264 | if (!schema) { |
| 2265 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2266 | } |
| 2267 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2268 | return; |
| 2269 | } |
| 2270 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2271 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2272 | if ( != null) { |
| 2273 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2274 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2275 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2276 | } |
| 2277 | }); |
| 2278 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2279 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2280 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2281 | } else { |
| 2282 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2283 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2284 | console.log(err); |
| 2285 | }); |
| 2286 | } |
| 2287 | |
| 2288 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2289 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-308-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2290 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-308'); |
| 2291 | result.empty(); |
| 2292 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2293 | }); |
| 2294 | </script> |
| 2295 | </div> |
| 2296 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-308-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2297 | </div> |
| 2298 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisGet-308-headers"> |
| 2299 | <table> |
| 2300 | <tr> |
| 2301 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 2302 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 2303 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 2304 | <th>Description</th> |
| 2305 | </tr> |
| 2306 | <tr> |
| 2307 | <td>Location</td> |
| 2308 | <td>String</td> |
| 2309 | <td></td> |
| 2310 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 2311 | </tr> |
| 2312 | </table> |
| 2313 | </div> |
| 2314 | </div> |
| 2315 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-400"></h3> |
| 2316 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-400" class="marked"></p> |
| 2317 | <script> |
| 2318 | var responseDefault400_description = `Bad request`; |
| 2319 | var responseDefault400_description_break = responseDefault400_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2320 | if (responseDefault400_description_break == -1) { |
| 2321 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description); |
| 2322 | } else { |
| 2323 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description.substring(0, responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 2324 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-400").html(responseDefault400_description.substring(responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 2325 | } |
| 2326 | </script> |
| 2327 | |
| 2328 | |
| 2329 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-400" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2330 | <li class="active"> |
| 2331 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-400-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2332 | </li> |
| 2333 | |
| 2334 | |
| 2335 | |
| 2336 | |
| 2337 | </ul> |
| 2338 | |
| 2339 | |
| 2340 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-400-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2341 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-400-schema"> |
| 2342 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-400" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2343 | <script> |
| 2344 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2345 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2346 | "description" : "Bad request", |
| 2347 | "content" : { |
| 2348 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2349 | "schema" : { |
| 2350 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2351 | } |
| 2352 | } |
| 2353 | } |
| 2354 | }; |
| 2355 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2356 | if (!schema) { |
| 2357 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2358 | } |
| 2359 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2360 | return; |
| 2361 | } |
| 2362 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2363 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2364 | if ( != null) { |
| 2365 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2366 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2367 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2368 | } |
| 2369 | }); |
| 2370 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2371 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2372 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2373 | } else { |
| 2374 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2375 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2376 | console.log(err); |
| 2377 | }); |
| 2378 | } |
| 2379 | |
| 2380 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2381 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-400-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2382 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-400'); |
| 2383 | result.empty(); |
| 2384 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2385 | }); |
| 2386 | </script> |
| 2387 | </div> |
| 2388 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-400-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2389 | </div> |
| 2390 | </div> |
| 2391 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-401"></h3> |
| 2392 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-401" class="marked"></p> |
| 2393 | <script> |
| 2394 | var responseDefault401_description = `Unauthorized`; |
| 2395 | var responseDefault401_description_break = responseDefault401_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2396 | if (responseDefault401_description_break == -1) { |
| 2397 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description); |
| 2398 | } else { |
| 2399 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description.substring(0, responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 2400 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-401").html(responseDefault401_description.substring(responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 2401 | } |
| 2402 | </script> |
| 2403 | |
| 2404 | |
| 2405 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-401" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2406 | <li class="active"> |
| 2407 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-401-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2408 | </li> |
| 2409 | |
| 2410 | |
| 2411 | |
| 2412 | |
| 2413 | </ul> |
| 2414 | |
| 2415 | |
| 2416 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-401-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2417 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-401-schema"> |
| 2418 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-401" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2419 | <script> |
| 2420 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2421 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2422 | "description" : "Unauthorized", |
| 2423 | "content" : { |
| 2424 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2425 | "schema" : { |
| 2426 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2427 | } |
| 2428 | } |
| 2429 | } |
| 2430 | }; |
| 2431 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2432 | if (!schema) { |
| 2433 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2434 | } |
| 2435 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2436 | return; |
| 2437 | } |
| 2438 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2439 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2440 | if ( != null) { |
| 2441 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2442 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2443 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2444 | } |
| 2445 | }); |
| 2446 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2447 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2448 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2449 | } else { |
| 2450 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2451 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2452 | console.log(err); |
| 2453 | }); |
| 2454 | } |
| 2455 | |
| 2456 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2457 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-401-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2458 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-401'); |
| 2459 | result.empty(); |
| 2460 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2461 | }); |
| 2462 | </script> |
| 2463 | </div> |
| 2464 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-401-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2465 | </div> |
| 2466 | </div> |
| 2467 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-403"></h3> |
| 2468 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-403" class="marked"></p> |
| 2469 | <script> |
| 2470 | var responseDefault403_description = `Forbidden`; |
| 2471 | var responseDefault403_description_break = responseDefault403_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2472 | if (responseDefault403_description_break == -1) { |
| 2473 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description); |
| 2474 | } else { |
| 2475 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description.substring(0, responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 2476 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-403").html(responseDefault403_description.substring(responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 2477 | } |
| 2478 | </script> |
| 2479 | |
| 2480 | |
| 2481 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-403" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2482 | <li class="active"> |
| 2483 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-403-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2484 | </li> |
| 2485 | |
| 2486 | |
| 2487 | |
| 2488 | |
| 2489 | </ul> |
| 2490 | |
| 2491 | |
| 2492 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-403-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2493 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-403-schema"> |
| 2494 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-403" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2495 | <script> |
| 2496 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2497 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2498 | "description" : "Forbidden", |
| 2499 | "content" : { |
| 2500 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2501 | "schema" : { |
| 2502 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2503 | } |
| 2504 | } |
| 2505 | } |
| 2506 | }; |
| 2507 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2508 | if (!schema) { |
| 2509 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2510 | } |
| 2511 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2512 | return; |
| 2513 | } |
| 2514 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2515 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2516 | if ( != null) { |
| 2517 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2518 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2519 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2520 | } |
| 2521 | }); |
| 2522 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2523 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2524 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2525 | } else { |
| 2526 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2527 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2528 | console.log(err); |
| 2529 | }); |
| 2530 | } |
| 2531 | |
| 2532 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2533 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-403-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2534 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-403'); |
| 2535 | result.empty(); |
| 2536 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2537 | }); |
| 2538 | </script> |
| 2539 | </div> |
| 2540 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-403-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2541 | </div> |
| 2542 | </div> |
| 2543 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-404"></h3> |
| 2544 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-404" class="marked"></p> |
| 2545 | <script> |
| 2546 | var responseDefault404_description = `Not Found`; |
| 2547 | var responseDefault404_description_break = responseDefault404_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2548 | if (responseDefault404_description_break == -1) { |
| 2549 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description); |
| 2550 | } else { |
| 2551 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description.substring(0, responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 2552 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-404").html(responseDefault404_description.substring(responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 2553 | } |
| 2554 | </script> |
| 2555 | |
| 2556 | |
| 2557 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-404" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2558 | <li class="active"> |
| 2559 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-404-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2560 | </li> |
| 2561 | |
| 2562 | |
| 2563 | |
| 2564 | |
| 2565 | </ul> |
| 2566 | |
| 2567 | |
| 2568 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-404-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2569 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-404-schema"> |
| 2570 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-404" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2571 | <script> |
| 2572 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2573 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2574 | "description" : "Not Found", |
| 2575 | "content" : { |
| 2576 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2577 | "schema" : { |
| 2578 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2579 | } |
| 2580 | } |
| 2581 | } |
| 2582 | }; |
| 2583 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2584 | if (!schema) { |
| 2585 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2586 | } |
| 2587 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2588 | return; |
| 2589 | } |
| 2590 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2591 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2592 | if ( != null) { |
| 2593 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2594 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2595 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2596 | } |
| 2597 | }); |
| 2598 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2599 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2600 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2601 | } else { |
| 2602 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2603 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2604 | console.log(err); |
| 2605 | }); |
| 2606 | } |
| 2607 | |
| 2608 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2609 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-404-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2610 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-404'); |
| 2611 | result.empty(); |
| 2612 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2613 | }); |
| 2614 | </script> |
| 2615 | </div> |
| 2616 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-404-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2617 | </div> |
| 2618 | </div> |
| 2619 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-406"></h3> |
| 2620 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-406" class="marked"></p> |
| 2621 | <script> |
| 2622 | var responseDefault406_description = `Not Acceptable`; |
| 2623 | var responseDefault406_description_break = responseDefault406_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2624 | if (responseDefault406_description_break == -1) { |
| 2625 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-406").text("Status: 406 - " + responseDefault406_description); |
| 2626 | } else { |
| 2627 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-406").text("Status: 406 - " + responseDefault406_description.substring(0, responseDefault406_description_break)); |
| 2628 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-406").html(responseDefault406_description.substring(responseDefault406_description_break)); |
| 2629 | } |
| 2630 | </script> |
| 2631 | |
| 2632 | |
| 2633 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-406" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2634 | <li class="active"> |
| 2635 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-406-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2636 | </li> |
| 2637 | |
| 2638 | |
| 2639 | |
| 2640 | |
| 2641 | </ul> |
| 2642 | |
| 2643 | |
| 2644 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-406-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2645 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-406-schema"> |
| 2646 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-406" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2647 | <script> |
| 2648 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2649 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2650 | "description" : "Not Acceptable", |
| 2651 | "content" : { |
| 2652 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2653 | "schema" : { |
| 2654 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2655 | } |
| 2656 | } |
| 2657 | } |
| 2658 | }; |
| 2659 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2660 | if (!schema) { |
| 2661 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2662 | } |
| 2663 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2664 | return; |
| 2665 | } |
| 2666 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2667 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2668 | if ( != null) { |
| 2669 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2670 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2671 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2672 | } |
| 2673 | }); |
| 2674 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2675 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2676 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2677 | } else { |
| 2678 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2679 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2680 | console.log(err); |
| 2681 | }); |
| 2682 | } |
| 2683 | |
| 2684 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2685 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-406-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2686 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-406'); |
| 2687 | result.empty(); |
| 2688 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2689 | }); |
| 2690 | </script> |
| 2691 | </div> |
| 2692 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-406-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2693 | </div> |
| 2694 | </div> |
| 2695 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-429"></h3> |
| 2696 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-429" class="marked"></p> |
| 2697 | <script> |
| 2698 | var responseDefault429_description = `Too Many Requests`; |
| 2699 | var responseDefault429_description_break = responseDefault429_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2700 | if (responseDefault429_description_break == -1) { |
| 2701 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description); |
| 2702 | } else { |
| 2703 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description.substring(0, responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 2704 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-429").html(responseDefault429_description.substring(responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 2705 | } |
| 2706 | </script> |
| 2707 | |
| 2708 | |
| 2709 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-429" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2710 | <li class="active"> |
| 2711 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-429-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2712 | </li> |
| 2713 | |
| 2714 | |
| 2715 | |
| 2716 | |
| 2717 | </ul> |
| 2718 | |
| 2719 | |
| 2720 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-429-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2721 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-429-schema"> |
| 2722 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-429" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2723 | <script> |
| 2724 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2725 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2726 | "description" : "Too Many Requests", |
| 2727 | "content" : { |
| 2728 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2729 | "schema" : { |
| 2730 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2731 | } |
| 2732 | } |
| 2733 | } |
| 2734 | }; |
| 2735 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2736 | if (!schema) { |
| 2737 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2738 | } |
| 2739 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2740 | return; |
| 2741 | } |
| 2742 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2743 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2744 | if ( != null) { |
| 2745 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2746 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2747 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2748 | } |
| 2749 | }); |
| 2750 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2751 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2752 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2753 | } else { |
| 2754 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2755 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2756 | console.log(err); |
| 2757 | }); |
| 2758 | } |
| 2759 | |
| 2760 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2761 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-429-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2762 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-429'); |
| 2763 | result.empty(); |
| 2764 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2765 | }); |
| 2766 | </script> |
| 2767 | </div> |
| 2768 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-429-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2769 | </div> |
| 2770 | </div> |
| 2771 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-500"></h3> |
| 2772 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-500" class="marked"></p> |
| 2773 | <script> |
| 2774 | var responseDefault500_description = `Internal Server Error`; |
| 2775 | var responseDefault500_description_break = responseDefault500_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2776 | if (responseDefault500_description_break == -1) { |
| 2777 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description); |
| 2778 | } else { |
| 2779 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description.substring(0, responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 2780 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-500").html(responseDefault500_description.substring(responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 2781 | } |
| 2782 | </script> |
| 2783 | |
| 2784 | |
| 2785 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-500" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2786 | <li class="active"> |
| 2787 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-500-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2788 | </li> |
| 2789 | |
| 2790 | |
| 2791 | |
| 2792 | |
| 2793 | </ul> |
| 2794 | |
| 2795 | |
| 2796 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-500-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2797 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-500-schema"> |
| 2798 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-500" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2799 | <script> |
| 2800 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2801 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2802 | "description" : "Internal Server Error", |
| 2803 | "content" : { |
| 2804 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2805 | "schema" : { |
| 2806 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2807 | } |
| 2808 | } |
| 2809 | } |
| 2810 | }; |
| 2811 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2812 | if (!schema) { |
| 2813 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2814 | } |
| 2815 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2816 | return; |
| 2817 | } |
| 2818 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2819 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2820 | if ( != null) { |
| 2821 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2822 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2823 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2824 | } |
| 2825 | }); |
| 2826 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2827 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2828 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2829 | } else { |
| 2830 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2831 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2832 | console.log(err); |
| 2833 | }); |
| 2834 | } |
| 2835 | |
| 2836 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2837 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-500-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2838 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-500'); |
| 2839 | result.empty(); |
| 2840 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2841 | }); |
| 2842 | </script> |
| 2843 | </div> |
| 2844 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-500-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2845 | </div> |
| 2846 | </div> |
| 2847 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-503"></h3> |
| 2848 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-503" class="marked"></p> |
| 2849 | <script> |
| 2850 | var responseDefault503_description = `Service Unavailable`; |
| 2851 | var responseDefault503_description_break = responseDefault503_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2852 | if (responseDefault503_description_break == -1) { |
| 2853 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description); |
| 2854 | } else { |
| 2855 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description.substring(0, responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 2856 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-503").html(responseDefault503_description.substring(responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 2857 | } |
| 2858 | </script> |
| 2859 | |
| 2860 | |
| 2861 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-503" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2862 | <li class="active"> |
| 2863 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-503-schema">Schema</a> |
| 2864 | </li> |
| 2865 | |
| 2866 | |
| 2867 | |
| 2868 | |
| 2869 | </ul> |
| 2870 | |
| 2871 | |
| 2872 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-503-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2873 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-503-schema"> |
| 2874 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-503" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2875 | <script> |
| 2876 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2877 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2878 | "description" : "Service Unavailable", |
| 2879 | "content" : { |
| 2880 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 2881 | "schema" : { |
| 2882 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 2883 | } |
| 2884 | } |
| 2885 | } |
| 2886 | }; |
| 2887 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2888 | if (!schema) { |
| 2889 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2890 | } |
| 2891 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2892 | return; |
| 2893 | } |
| 2894 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2895 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2896 | if ( != null) { |
| 2897 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2898 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2899 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2900 | } |
| 2901 | }); |
| 2902 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2903 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2904 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2905 | } else { |
| 2906 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2907 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2908 | console.log(err); |
| 2909 | }); |
| 2910 | } |
| 2911 | |
| 2912 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2913 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-503-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2914 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-503'); |
| 2915 | result.empty(); |
| 2916 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2917 | }); |
| 2918 | </script> |
| 2919 | </div> |
| 2920 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-503-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2921 | </div> |
| 2922 | </div> |
| 2923 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-default"></h3> |
| 2924 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-default" class="marked"></p> |
| 2925 | <script> |
| 2926 | var responseDefaultdefault_description = `Generic Error`; |
| 2927 | var responseDefaultdefault_description_break = responseDefaultdefault_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 2928 | if (responseDefaultdefault_description_break == -1) { |
| 2929 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description); |
| 2930 | } else { |
| 2931 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(0, responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 2932 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-description-default").html(responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 2933 | } |
| 2934 | </script> |
| 2935 | |
| 2936 | |
| 2937 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-default" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 2938 | |
| 2939 | |
| 2940 | </ul> |
| 2941 | |
| 2942 | |
| 2943 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-default-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 2944 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-default-schema"> |
| 2945 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-default" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 2946 | <script> |
| 2947 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 2948 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 2949 | "description" : "Generic Error" |
| 2950 | }; |
| 2951 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 2952 | if (!schema) { |
| 2953 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 2954 | } |
| 2955 | if (schema == null) { |
| 2956 | return; |
| 2957 | } |
| 2958 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 2959 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 2960 | if ( != null) { |
| 2961 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 2962 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 2963 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 2964 | } |
| 2965 | }); |
| 2966 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 2967 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 2968 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 2969 | } else { |
| 2970 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 2971 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 2972 | console.log(err); |
| 2973 | }); |
| 2974 | } |
| 2975 | |
| 2976 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 2977 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-default-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 2978 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-schema-default'); |
| 2979 | result.empty(); |
| 2980 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 2981 | }); |
| 2982 | </script> |
| 2983 | </div> |
| 2984 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisGet-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 2985 | </div> |
| 2986 | </div> |
| 2987 | </article> |
| 2988 | </div> |
| 2989 | <hr> |
| 2990 | <div id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost"> |
| 2991 | <article id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0" data-group="User" data-name="apfIdServiceApisPost" data-version="0"> |
| 2992 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 2993 | <h1>apfIdServiceApisPost</h1> |
| 2994 | <p></p> |
| 2995 | </div> |
| 2996 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 2997 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 2998 | <p></p> |
| 2999 | <p class="marked">Publish a new API.</p> |
| 3000 | <p></p> |
| 3001 | <br /> |
| 3002 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="post"><code><span class="pln">/{apfId}/service-apis</span></code></pre> |
| 3003 | <p> |
| 3004 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 3005 | </p> |
| 3006 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 3007 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 3008 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 3009 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-dart">Dart</a></li> |
| 3010 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 3011 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 3012 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 3013 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 3014 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 3015 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 3016 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 3017 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 3018 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 3019 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-rust">Rust</a></li> |
| 3020 | </ul> |
| 3021 | |
| 3022 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 3023 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-curl"> |
| 3024 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X POST \ |
| 3025 | -H "Accept: application/json,application/problem+json" \ |
| 3026 | -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ |
| 3027 | "{apfId}/service-apis" \ |
| 3028 | -d '{ |
| 3029 | "ccfId" : "ccfId", |
| 3030 | "serviceAPICategory" : "serviceAPICategory", |
| 3031 | "apiName" : "apiName", |
| 3032 | "shareableInfo" : { |
| 3033 | "capifProvDoms" : [ "capifProvDoms", "capifProvDoms" ], |
| 3034 | "isShareable" : true |
| 3035 | }, |
| 3036 | "supportedFeatures" : "supportedFeatures", |
| 3037 | "description" : "description", |
| 3038 | "apiSuppFeats" : "apiSuppFeats", |
| 3039 | "aefProfiles" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3040 | "protocol" : "HTTP_1_1", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3041 | "securityMethods" : [ null, null ], |
| 3042 | "versions" : [ { |
| 3043 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 3044 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3045 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3046 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3047 | "description" : "description", |
| 3048 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3049 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3050 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3051 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3052 | "description" : "description", |
| 3053 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3054 | } ], |
| 3055 | "resources" : [ { |
| 3056 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3057 | "description" : "description", |
| 3058 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3059 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3060 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3061 | }, { |
| 3062 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3063 | "description" : "description", |
| 3064 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3065 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3066 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3067 | } ], |
| 3068 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 3069 | }, { |
| 3070 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 3071 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3072 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3073 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3074 | "description" : "description", |
| 3075 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3076 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3077 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3078 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3079 | "description" : "description", |
| 3080 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3081 | } ], |
| 3082 | "resources" : [ { |
| 3083 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3084 | "description" : "description", |
| 3085 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3086 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3087 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3088 | }, { |
| 3089 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3090 | "description" : "description", |
| 3091 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3092 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3093 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3094 | } ], |
| 3095 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 3096 | } ], |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3097 | "dataFormat" : "JSON", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3098 | "domainName" : "domainName", |
| 3099 | "aefLocation" : { |
| 3100 | "dcId" : "dcId", |
| 3101 | "geoArea" : { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3102 | "shape" : "POINT", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3103 | "point" : { |
| 3104 | "lon" : 36.988422590534526, |
| 3105 | "lat" : -75.5850925717018 |
| 3106 | } |
| 3107 | }, |
| 3108 | "civicAddr" : { |
| 3109 | "POBOX" : "POBOX", |
| 3110 | "usageRules" : "usageRules", |
| 3111 | "country" : "country", |
| 3112 | "PRD" : "PRD", |
| 3113 | "PLC" : "PLC", |
| 3114 | "HNO" : "HNO", |
| 3115 | "PRM" : "PRM", |
| 3116 | "HNS" : "HNS", |
| 3117 | "FLR" : "FLR", |
| 3118 | "A1" : "A1", |
| 3119 | "A2" : "A2", |
| 3120 | "A3" : "A3", |
| 3121 | "A4" : "A4", |
| 3122 | "STS" : "STS", |
| 3123 | "A5" : "A5", |
| 3124 | "A6" : "A6", |
| 3125 | "RDSEC" : "RDSEC", |
| 3126 | "providedBy" : "providedBy", |
| 3127 | "LOC" : "LOC", |
| 3128 | "SEAT" : "SEAT", |
| 3129 | "UNIT" : "UNIT", |
| 3130 | "POD" : "POD", |
| 3131 | "RDBR" : "RDBR", |
| 3132 | "method" : "method", |
| 3133 | "LMK" : "LMK", |
| 3134 | "POM" : "POM", |
| 3135 | "ADDCODE" : "ADDCODE", |
| 3136 | "RD" : "RD", |
| 3137 | "PC" : "PC", |
| 3138 | "PCN" : "PCN", |
| 3139 | "BLD" : "BLD", |
| 3140 | "NAM" : "NAM", |
| 3141 | "ROOM" : "ROOM", |
| 3142 | "RDSUBBR" : "RDSUBBR" |
| 3143 | } |
| 3144 | }, |
| 3145 | "aefId" : "aefId", |
| 3146 | "interfaceDescriptions" : [ { |
| 3147 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3148 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3149 | "port" : 9606, |
| 3150 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 3151 | }, { |
| 3152 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3153 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3154 | "port" : 9606, |
| 3155 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 3156 | } ] |
| 3157 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3158 | "protocol" : "HTTP_1_1", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3159 | "securityMethods" : [ null, null ], |
| 3160 | "versions" : [ { |
| 3161 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 3162 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3163 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3164 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3165 | "description" : "description", |
| 3166 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3167 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3168 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3169 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3170 | "description" : "description", |
| 3171 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3172 | } ], |
| 3173 | "resources" : [ { |
| 3174 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3175 | "description" : "description", |
| 3176 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3177 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3178 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3179 | }, { |
| 3180 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3181 | "description" : "description", |
| 3182 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3183 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3184 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3185 | } ], |
| 3186 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 3187 | }, { |
| 3188 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 3189 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3190 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3191 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3192 | "description" : "description", |
| 3193 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3194 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3195 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 3196 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3197 | "description" : "description", |
| 3198 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 3199 | } ], |
| 3200 | "resources" : [ { |
| 3201 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3202 | "description" : "description", |
| 3203 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3204 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3205 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3206 | }, { |
| 3207 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 3208 | "description" : "description", |
| 3209 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 3210 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 3211 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 3212 | } ], |
| 3213 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 3214 | } ], |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3215 | "dataFormat" : "JSON", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3216 | "domainName" : "domainName", |
| 3217 | "aefLocation" : { |
| 3218 | "dcId" : "dcId", |
| 3219 | "geoArea" : { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3220 | "shape" : "POINT", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3221 | "point" : { |
| 3222 | "lon" : 36.988422590534526, |
| 3223 | "lat" : -75.5850925717018 |
| 3224 | } |
| 3225 | }, |
| 3226 | "civicAddr" : { |
| 3227 | "POBOX" : "POBOX", |
| 3228 | "usageRules" : "usageRules", |
| 3229 | "country" : "country", |
| 3230 | "PRD" : "PRD", |
| 3231 | "PLC" : "PLC", |
| 3232 | "HNO" : "HNO", |
| 3233 | "PRM" : "PRM", |
| 3234 | "HNS" : "HNS", |
| 3235 | "FLR" : "FLR", |
| 3236 | "A1" : "A1", |
| 3237 | "A2" : "A2", |
| 3238 | "A3" : "A3", |
| 3239 | "A4" : "A4", |
| 3240 | "STS" : "STS", |
| 3241 | "A5" : "A5", |
| 3242 | "A6" : "A6", |
| 3243 | "RDSEC" : "RDSEC", |
| 3244 | "providedBy" : "providedBy", |
| 3245 | "LOC" : "LOC", |
| 3246 | "SEAT" : "SEAT", |
| 3247 | "UNIT" : "UNIT", |
| 3248 | "POD" : "POD", |
| 3249 | "RDBR" : "RDBR", |
| 3250 | "method" : "method", |
| 3251 | "LMK" : "LMK", |
| 3252 | "POM" : "POM", |
| 3253 | "ADDCODE" : "ADDCODE", |
| 3254 | "RD" : "RD", |
| 3255 | "PC" : "PC", |
| 3256 | "PCN" : "PCN", |
| 3257 | "BLD" : "BLD", |
| 3258 | "NAM" : "NAM", |
| 3259 | "ROOM" : "ROOM", |
| 3260 | "RDSUBBR" : "RDSUBBR" |
| 3261 | } |
| 3262 | }, |
| 3263 | "aefId" : "aefId", |
| 3264 | "interfaceDescriptions" : [ { |
| 3265 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3266 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3267 | "port" : 9606, |
| 3268 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 3269 | }, { |
| 3270 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3271 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3272 | "port" : 9606, |
| 3273 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 3274 | } ] |
| 3275 | } ], |
| 3276 | "apiId" : "apiId", |
| 3277 | "pubApiPath" : { |
| 3278 | "ccfIds" : [ "ccfIds", "ccfIds" ] |
| 3279 | } |
| 3280 | }' |
| 3281 | </code></pre> |
| 3282 | </div> |
| 3283 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-java"> |
| 3284 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.*; |
| 3285 | import org.openapitools.client.auth.*; |
| 3286 | import org.openapitools.client.model.*; |
| 3287 | import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 3288 | |
| 3289 | import; |
| 3290 | import java.util.*; |
| 3291 | |
| 3292 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 3293 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3294 | |
| 3295 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 3296 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 3297 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 3298 | ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3299 | |
| 3300 | try { |
| 3301 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 3302 | System.out.println(result); |
| 3303 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3304 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisPost"); |
| 3305 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3306 | } |
| 3307 | } |
| 3308 | } |
| 3309 | </code></pre> |
| 3310 | </div> |
| 3311 | |
| 3312 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-dart"> |
| 3313 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-dart">import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; |
| 3314 | |
| 3315 | final api_instance = DefaultApi(); |
| 3316 | |
| 3317 | final String apfId = new String(); // String | |
| 3318 | final ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescription = new ServiceAPIDescription(); // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3319 | |
| 3320 | try { |
| 3321 | final result = await api_instance.apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 3322 | print(result); |
| 3323 | } catch (e) { |
| 3324 | print('Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisPost: $e\n'); |
| 3325 | } |
| 3326 | |
| 3327 | </code></pre> |
| 3328 | </div> |
| 3329 | |
| 3330 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-android"> |
| 3331 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 3332 | |
| 3333 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 3334 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 3335 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 3336 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 3337 | ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3338 | |
| 3339 | try { |
| 3340 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 3341 | System.out.println(result); |
| 3342 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 3343 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisPost"); |
| 3344 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 3345 | } |
| 3346 | } |
| 3347 | }</code></pre> |
| 3348 | </div> |
| 3349 | <!-- |
| 3350 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-groovy"> |
| 3351 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3352 | </div> --> |
| 3353 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-objc"> |
| 3354 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 3355 | |
| 3356 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 3357 | DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init]; |
| 3358 | String *apfId = apfId_example; // (default to null) |
| 3359 | ServiceAPIDescription *serviceAPIDescription = ; // |
| 3360 | |
| 3361 | [apiInstance apfIdServiceApisPostWith:apfId |
| 3362 | serviceAPIDescription:serviceAPIDescription |
| 3363 | completionHandler: ^(ServiceAPIDescription output, NSError* error) { |
| 3364 | if (output) { |
| 3365 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 3366 | } |
| 3367 | if (error) { |
| 3368 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 3369 | } |
| 3370 | }]; |
| 3371 | </code></pre> |
| 3372 | </div> |
| 3373 | |
| 3374 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-javascript"> |
| 3375 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var CapifPublishServiceApi = require('capif_publish_service_api'); |
| 3376 | |
| 3377 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 3378 | var api = new CapifPublishServiceApi.DefaultApi() |
| 3379 | var apfId = apfId_example; // {String} |
| 3380 | var serviceAPIDescription = ; // {ServiceAPIDescription} |
| 3381 | |
| 3382 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 3383 | if (error) { |
| 3384 | console.error(error); |
| 3385 | } else { |
| 3386 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 3387 | } |
| 3388 | }; |
| 3389 | api.apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId, serviceAPIDescription, callback); |
| 3390 | </code></pre> |
| 3391 | </div> |
| 3392 | |
| 3393 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-angular"> |
| 3394 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 3395 | </div>--> |
| 3396 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-csharp"> |
| 3397 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 3398 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 3399 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Api; |
| 3400 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Client; |
| 3401 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Model; |
| 3402 | |
| 3403 | namespace Example |
| 3404 | { |
| 3405 | public class apfIdServiceApisPostExample |
| 3406 | { |
| 3407 | public void main() |
| 3408 | { |
| 3409 | |
| 3410 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 3411 | var apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 3412 | var apfId = apfId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 3413 | var serviceAPIDescription = new ServiceAPIDescription(); // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3414 | |
| 3415 | try { |
| 3416 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 3417 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 3418 | } catch (Exception e) { |
| 3419 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.apfIdServiceApisPost: " + e.Message ); |
| 3420 | } |
| 3421 | } |
| 3422 | } |
| 3423 | } |
| 3424 | </code></pre> |
| 3425 | </div> |
| 3426 | |
| 3427 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-php"> |
| 3428 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 3429 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 3430 | |
| 3431 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 3432 | $api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\DefaultApi(); |
| 3433 | $apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 3434 | $serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3435 | |
| 3436 | try { |
| 3437 | $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisPost($apfId, $serviceAPIDescription); |
| 3438 | print_r($result); |
| 3439 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 3440 | echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 3441 | } |
| 3442 | ?></code></pre> |
| 3443 | </div> |
| 3444 | |
| 3445 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-perl"> |
| 3446 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 3447 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration; |
| 3448 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi; |
| 3449 | |
| 3450 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 3451 | my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi->new(); |
| 3452 | my $apfId = apfId_example; # String | |
| 3453 | my $serviceAPIDescription = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::ServiceAPIDescription->new(); # ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3454 | |
| 3455 | eval { |
| 3456 | my $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId => $apfId, serviceAPIDescription => $serviceAPIDescription); |
| 3457 | print Dumper($result); |
| 3458 | }; |
| 3459 | if ($@) { |
| 3460 | warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisPost: $@\n"; |
| 3461 | }</code></pre> |
| 3462 | </div> |
| 3463 | |
| 3464 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-python"> |
| 3465 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 3466 | import time |
| 3467 | import openapi_client |
| 3468 | from import ApiException |
| 3469 | from pprint import pprint |
| 3470 | |
| 3471 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 3472 | api_instance = openapi_client.DefaultApi() |
| 3473 | apfId = apfId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 3474 | serviceAPIDescription = # ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 3475 | |
| 3476 | try: |
| 3477 | api_response = api_instance.apf_id_service_apis_post(apfId, serviceAPIDescription) |
| 3478 | pprint(api_response) |
| 3479 | except ApiException as e: |
| 3480 | print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisPost: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 3481 | </div> |
| 3482 | |
| 3483 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-0-rust"> |
| 3484 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-rust">extern crate DefaultApi; |
| 3485 | |
| 3486 | pub fn main() { |
| 3487 | let apfId = apfId_example; // String |
| 3488 | let serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription |
| 3489 | |
| 3490 | let mut context = DefaultApi::Context::default(); |
| 3491 | let result = client.apfIdServiceApisPost(apfId, serviceAPIDescription, &context).wait(); |
| 3492 | |
| 3493 | println!("{:?}", result); |
| 3494 | } |
| 3495 | </code></pre> |
| 3496 | </div> |
| 3497 | </div> |
| 3498 | |
| 3499 | <h2>Scopes</h2> |
| 3500 | <table> |
| 3501 | |
| 3502 | </table> |
| 3503 | |
| 3504 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 3505 | |
| 3506 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 3507 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3508 | <tr> |
| 3509 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3510 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3511 | </tr> |
| 3512 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">apfId*</td> |
| 3513 | <td> |
| 3514 | |
| 3515 | |
| 3516 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisPost_apfId"> |
| 3517 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 3518 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 3519 | <span class="type"> |
| 3520 | String |
| 3521 | </span> |
| 3522 | |
| 3523 | </div> |
| 3524 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 3525 | Required |
| 3526 | </div> |
| 3527 | </div> |
| 3528 | </div> |
| 3529 | </td> |
| 3530 | </tr> |
| 3531 | |
| 3532 | </table> |
| 3533 | |
| 3534 | |
| 3535 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 3536 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 3537 | <tr> |
| 3538 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3539 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3540 | </tr> |
| 3541 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceAPIDescription <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 3542 | <td> |
| 3543 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 3544 | <script> |
| 3545 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3546 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3547 | "content" : { |
| 3548 | "application/json" : { |
| 3549 | "schema" : { |
| 3550 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 3551 | } |
| 3552 | } |
| 3553 | }, |
| 3554 | "required" : true |
| 3555 | }; |
| 3556 | |
| 3557 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 3558 | if (!schema) { |
| 3559 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3560 | } |
| 3561 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3562 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3563 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 3564 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3565 | } else { |
| 3566 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3567 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3568 | console.log(err); |
| 3569 | }); |
| 3570 | } |
| 3571 | |
| 3572 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 3573 | var result = $('#d2e199_apfIdServiceApisPost_serviceAPIDescription'); |
| 3574 | result.empty(); |
| 3575 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3576 | }); |
| 3577 | </script> |
| 3578 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisPost_serviceAPIDescription"></div> |
| 3579 | </td> |
| 3580 | </tr> |
| 3581 | |
| 3582 | </table> |
| 3583 | |
| 3584 | |
| 3585 | |
| 3586 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 3587 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-201"></h3> |
| 3588 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-201" class="marked"></p> |
| 3589 | <script> |
| 3590 | var responseDefault201_description = `Service API published successfully The URI of the created resource shall be returned in the "Location" HTTP header. |
| 3591 | `; |
| 3592 | var responseDefault201_description_break = responseDefault201_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 3593 | if (responseDefault201_description_break == -1) { |
| 3594 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-201").text("Status: 201 - " + responseDefault201_description); |
| 3595 | } else { |
| 3596 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-201").text("Status: 201 - " + responseDefault201_description.substring(0, responseDefault201_description_break)); |
| 3597 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-201").html(responseDefault201_description.substring(responseDefault201_description_break)); |
| 3598 | } |
| 3599 | </script> |
| 3600 | |
| 3601 | |
| 3602 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-201" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3603 | <li class="active"> |
| 3604 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-schema">Schema</a> |
| 3605 | </li> |
| 3606 | |
| 3607 | |
| 3608 | |
| 3609 | <li class=""> |
| 3610 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-headers">Headers</a> |
| 3611 | </li> |
| 3612 | |
| 3613 | </ul> |
| 3614 | |
| 3615 | |
| 3616 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3617 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-schema"> |
| 3618 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-201" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 3619 | <script> |
| 3620 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3621 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3622 | "description" : "Service API published successfully The URI of the created resource shall be returned in the \"Location\" HTTP header.\n", |
| 3623 | "headers" : { |
| 3624 | "Location" : { |
| 3625 | "description" : "Contains the URI of the newly created resource, according to the structure {apiRoot}/published-apis/v1/{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}\n", |
| 3626 | "required" : true, |
| 3627 | "style" : "simple", |
| 3628 | "explode" : false, |
| 3629 | "schema" : { |
| 3630 | "type" : "string" |
| 3631 | } |
| 3632 | } |
| 3633 | }, |
| 3634 | "content" : { |
| 3635 | "application/json" : { |
| 3636 | "schema" : { |
| 3637 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 3638 | } |
| 3639 | } |
| 3640 | } |
| 3641 | }; |
| 3642 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 3643 | if (!schema) { |
| 3644 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3645 | } |
| 3646 | if (schema == null) { |
| 3647 | return; |
| 3648 | } |
| 3649 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3650 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3651 | if ( != null) { |
| 3652 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 3653 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 3654 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 3655 | } |
| 3656 | }); |
| 3657 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3658 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 3659 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 3660 | } else { |
| 3661 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3662 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3663 | console.log(err); |
| 3664 | }); |
| 3665 | } |
| 3666 | |
| 3667 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 3668 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 3669 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-201'); |
| 3670 | result.empty(); |
| 3671 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3672 | }); |
| 3673 | </script> |
| 3674 | </div> |
| 3675 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 3676 | </div> |
| 3677 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisPost-201-headers"> |
| 3678 | <table> |
| 3679 | <tr> |
| 3680 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 3681 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 3682 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 3683 | <th>Description</th> |
| 3684 | </tr> |
| 3685 | <tr> |
| 3686 | <td>Location</td> |
| 3687 | <td>String</td> |
| 3688 | <td></td> |
| 3689 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 3690 | </tr> |
| 3691 | </table> |
| 3692 | </div> |
| 3693 | </div> |
| 3694 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-400"></h3> |
| 3695 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-400" class="marked"></p> |
| 3696 | <script> |
| 3697 | var responseDefault400_description = `Bad request`; |
| 3698 | var responseDefault400_description_break = responseDefault400_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 3699 | if (responseDefault400_description_break == -1) { |
| 3700 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description); |
| 3701 | } else { |
| 3702 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description.substring(0, responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 3703 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-400").html(responseDefault400_description.substring(responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 3704 | } |
| 3705 | </script> |
| 3706 | |
| 3707 | |
| 3708 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-400" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3709 | <li class="active"> |
| 3710 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-400-schema">Schema</a> |
| 3711 | </li> |
| 3712 | |
| 3713 | |
| 3714 | |
| 3715 | |
| 3716 | </ul> |
| 3717 | |
| 3718 | |
| 3719 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-400-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3720 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-400-schema"> |
| 3721 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-400" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 3722 | <script> |
| 3723 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3724 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3725 | "description" : "Bad request", |
| 3726 | "content" : { |
| 3727 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 3728 | "schema" : { |
| 3729 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 3730 | } |
| 3731 | } |
| 3732 | } |
| 3733 | }; |
| 3734 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 3735 | if (!schema) { |
| 3736 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3737 | } |
| 3738 | if (schema == null) { |
| 3739 | return; |
| 3740 | } |
| 3741 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3742 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3743 | if ( != null) { |
| 3744 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 3745 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 3746 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 3747 | } |
| 3748 | }); |
| 3749 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3750 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 3751 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 3752 | } else { |
| 3753 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3754 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3755 | console.log(err); |
| 3756 | }); |
| 3757 | } |
| 3758 | |
| 3759 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 3760 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-400-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 3761 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-400'); |
| 3762 | result.empty(); |
| 3763 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3764 | }); |
| 3765 | </script> |
| 3766 | </div> |
| 3767 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-400-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 3768 | </div> |
| 3769 | </div> |
| 3770 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-401"></h3> |
| 3771 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-401" class="marked"></p> |
| 3772 | <script> |
| 3773 | var responseDefault401_description = `Unauthorized`; |
| 3774 | var responseDefault401_description_break = responseDefault401_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 3775 | if (responseDefault401_description_break == -1) { |
| 3776 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description); |
| 3777 | } else { |
| 3778 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description.substring(0, responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 3779 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-401").html(responseDefault401_description.substring(responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 3780 | } |
| 3781 | </script> |
| 3782 | |
| 3783 | |
| 3784 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-401" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3785 | <li class="active"> |
| 3786 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-401-schema">Schema</a> |
| 3787 | </li> |
| 3788 | |
| 3789 | |
| 3790 | |
| 3791 | |
| 3792 | </ul> |
| 3793 | |
| 3794 | |
| 3795 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-401-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3796 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-401-schema"> |
| 3797 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-401" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 3798 | <script> |
| 3799 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3800 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3801 | "description" : "Unauthorized", |
| 3802 | "content" : { |
| 3803 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 3804 | "schema" : { |
| 3805 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 3806 | } |
| 3807 | } |
| 3808 | } |
| 3809 | }; |
| 3810 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 3811 | if (!schema) { |
| 3812 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3813 | } |
| 3814 | if (schema == null) { |
| 3815 | return; |
| 3816 | } |
| 3817 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3818 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3819 | if ( != null) { |
| 3820 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 3821 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 3822 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 3823 | } |
| 3824 | }); |
| 3825 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3826 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 3827 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 3828 | } else { |
| 3829 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3830 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3831 | console.log(err); |
| 3832 | }); |
| 3833 | } |
| 3834 | |
| 3835 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 3836 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-401-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 3837 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-401'); |
| 3838 | result.empty(); |
| 3839 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3840 | }); |
| 3841 | </script> |
| 3842 | </div> |
| 3843 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-401-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 3844 | </div> |
| 3845 | </div> |
| 3846 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-403"></h3> |
| 3847 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-403" class="marked"></p> |
| 3848 | <script> |
| 3849 | var responseDefault403_description = `Forbidden`; |
| 3850 | var responseDefault403_description_break = responseDefault403_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 3851 | if (responseDefault403_description_break == -1) { |
| 3852 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description); |
| 3853 | } else { |
| 3854 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description.substring(0, responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 3855 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-403").html(responseDefault403_description.substring(responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 3856 | } |
| 3857 | </script> |
| 3858 | |
| 3859 | |
| 3860 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-403" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3861 | <li class="active"> |
| 3862 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-403-schema">Schema</a> |
| 3863 | </li> |
| 3864 | |
| 3865 | |
| 3866 | |
| 3867 | |
| 3868 | </ul> |
| 3869 | |
| 3870 | |
| 3871 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-403-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3872 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-403-schema"> |
| 3873 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-403" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 3874 | <script> |
| 3875 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3876 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3877 | "description" : "Forbidden", |
| 3878 | "content" : { |
| 3879 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 3880 | "schema" : { |
| 3881 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 3882 | } |
| 3883 | } |
| 3884 | } |
| 3885 | }; |
| 3886 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 3887 | if (!schema) { |
| 3888 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3889 | } |
| 3890 | if (schema == null) { |
| 3891 | return; |
| 3892 | } |
| 3893 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3894 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3895 | if ( != null) { |
| 3896 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 3897 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 3898 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 3899 | } |
| 3900 | }); |
| 3901 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3902 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 3903 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 3904 | } else { |
| 3905 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3906 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3907 | console.log(err); |
| 3908 | }); |
| 3909 | } |
| 3910 | |
| 3911 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 3912 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-403-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 3913 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-403'); |
| 3914 | result.empty(); |
| 3915 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3916 | }); |
| 3917 | </script> |
| 3918 | </div> |
| 3919 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-403-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 3920 | </div> |
| 3921 | </div> |
| 3922 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-404"></h3> |
| 3923 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-404" class="marked"></p> |
| 3924 | <script> |
| 3925 | var responseDefault404_description = `Not Found`; |
| 3926 | var responseDefault404_description_break = responseDefault404_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 3927 | if (responseDefault404_description_break == -1) { |
| 3928 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description); |
| 3929 | } else { |
| 3930 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description.substring(0, responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 3931 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-404").html(responseDefault404_description.substring(responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 3932 | } |
| 3933 | </script> |
| 3934 | |
| 3935 | |
| 3936 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-404" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 3937 | <li class="active"> |
| 3938 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-404-schema">Schema</a> |
| 3939 | </li> |
| 3940 | |
| 3941 | |
| 3942 | |
| 3943 | |
| 3944 | </ul> |
| 3945 | |
| 3946 | |
| 3947 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-404-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 3948 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-404-schema"> |
| 3949 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-404" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 3950 | <script> |
| 3951 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 3952 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 3953 | "description" : "Not Found", |
| 3954 | "content" : { |
| 3955 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 3956 | "schema" : { |
| 3957 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 3958 | } |
| 3959 | } |
| 3960 | } |
| 3961 | }; |
| 3962 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 3963 | if (!schema) { |
| 3964 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 3965 | } |
| 3966 | if (schema == null) { |
| 3967 | return; |
| 3968 | } |
| 3969 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 3970 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 3971 | if ( != null) { |
| 3972 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 3973 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 3974 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 3975 | } |
| 3976 | }); |
| 3977 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 3978 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 3979 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 3980 | } else { |
| 3981 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 3982 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 3983 | console.log(err); |
| 3984 | }); |
| 3985 | } |
| 3986 | |
| 3987 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 3988 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-404-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 3989 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-404'); |
| 3990 | result.empty(); |
| 3991 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 3992 | }); |
| 3993 | </script> |
| 3994 | </div> |
| 3995 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-404-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 3996 | </div> |
| 3997 | </div> |
| 3998 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-411"></h3> |
| 3999 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-411" class="marked"></p> |
| 4000 | <script> |
| 4001 | var responseDefault411_description = `Length Required`; |
| 4002 | var responseDefault411_description_break = responseDefault411_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4003 | if (responseDefault411_description_break == -1) { |
| 4004 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-411").text("Status: 411 - " + responseDefault411_description); |
| 4005 | } else { |
| 4006 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-411").text("Status: 411 - " + responseDefault411_description.substring(0, responseDefault411_description_break)); |
| 4007 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-411").html(responseDefault411_description.substring(responseDefault411_description_break)); |
| 4008 | } |
| 4009 | </script> |
| 4010 | |
| 4011 | |
| 4012 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-411" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4013 | <li class="active"> |
| 4014 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-411-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4015 | </li> |
| 4016 | |
| 4017 | |
| 4018 | |
| 4019 | |
| 4020 | </ul> |
| 4021 | |
| 4022 | |
| 4023 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-411-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4024 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-411-schema"> |
| 4025 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-411" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4026 | <script> |
| 4027 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4028 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4029 | "description" : "Length Required", |
| 4030 | "content" : { |
| 4031 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 4032 | "schema" : { |
| 4033 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 4034 | } |
| 4035 | } |
| 4036 | } |
| 4037 | }; |
| 4038 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4039 | if (!schema) { |
| 4040 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4041 | } |
| 4042 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4043 | return; |
| 4044 | } |
| 4045 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4046 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4047 | if ( != null) { |
| 4048 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4049 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4050 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4051 | } |
| 4052 | }); |
| 4053 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4054 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4055 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4056 | } else { |
| 4057 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4058 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4059 | console.log(err); |
| 4060 | }); |
| 4061 | } |
| 4062 | |
| 4063 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4064 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-411-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4065 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-411'); |
| 4066 | result.empty(); |
| 4067 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4068 | }); |
| 4069 | </script> |
| 4070 | </div> |
| 4071 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-411-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4072 | </div> |
| 4073 | </div> |
| 4074 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-413"></h3> |
| 4075 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-413" class="marked"></p> |
| 4076 | <script> |
| 4077 | var responseDefault413_description = `Payload Too Large`; |
| 4078 | var responseDefault413_description_break = responseDefault413_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4079 | if (responseDefault413_description_break == -1) { |
| 4080 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-413").text("Status: 413 - " + responseDefault413_description); |
| 4081 | } else { |
| 4082 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-413").text("Status: 413 - " + responseDefault413_description.substring(0, responseDefault413_description_break)); |
| 4083 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-413").html(responseDefault413_description.substring(responseDefault413_description_break)); |
| 4084 | } |
| 4085 | </script> |
| 4086 | |
| 4087 | |
| 4088 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-413" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4089 | <li class="active"> |
| 4090 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-413-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4091 | </li> |
| 4092 | |
| 4093 | |
| 4094 | |
| 4095 | |
| 4096 | </ul> |
| 4097 | |
| 4098 | |
| 4099 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-413-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4100 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-413-schema"> |
| 4101 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-413" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4102 | <script> |
| 4103 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4104 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4105 | "description" : "Payload Too Large", |
| 4106 | "content" : { |
| 4107 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 4108 | "schema" : { |
| 4109 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 4110 | } |
| 4111 | } |
| 4112 | } |
| 4113 | }; |
| 4114 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4115 | if (!schema) { |
| 4116 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4117 | } |
| 4118 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4119 | return; |
| 4120 | } |
| 4121 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4122 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4123 | if ( != null) { |
| 4124 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4125 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4126 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4127 | } |
| 4128 | }); |
| 4129 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4130 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4131 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4132 | } else { |
| 4133 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4134 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4135 | console.log(err); |
| 4136 | }); |
| 4137 | } |
| 4138 | |
| 4139 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4140 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-413-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4141 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-413'); |
| 4142 | result.empty(); |
| 4143 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4144 | }); |
| 4145 | </script> |
| 4146 | </div> |
| 4147 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-413-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4148 | </div> |
| 4149 | </div> |
| 4150 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-415"></h3> |
| 4151 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-415" class="marked"></p> |
| 4152 | <script> |
| 4153 | var responseDefault415_description = `Unsupported Media Type`; |
| 4154 | var responseDefault415_description_break = responseDefault415_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4155 | if (responseDefault415_description_break == -1) { |
| 4156 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-415").text("Status: 415 - " + responseDefault415_description); |
| 4157 | } else { |
| 4158 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-415").text("Status: 415 - " + responseDefault415_description.substring(0, responseDefault415_description_break)); |
| 4159 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-415").html(responseDefault415_description.substring(responseDefault415_description_break)); |
| 4160 | } |
| 4161 | </script> |
| 4162 | |
| 4163 | |
| 4164 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-415" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4165 | <li class="active"> |
| 4166 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-415-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4167 | </li> |
| 4168 | |
| 4169 | |
| 4170 | |
| 4171 | |
| 4172 | </ul> |
| 4173 | |
| 4174 | |
| 4175 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-415-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4176 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-415-schema"> |
| 4177 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-415" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4178 | <script> |
| 4179 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4180 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4181 | "description" : "Unsupported Media Type", |
| 4182 | "content" : { |
| 4183 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 4184 | "schema" : { |
| 4185 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 4186 | } |
| 4187 | } |
| 4188 | } |
| 4189 | }; |
| 4190 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4191 | if (!schema) { |
| 4192 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4193 | } |
| 4194 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4195 | return; |
| 4196 | } |
| 4197 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4198 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4199 | if ( != null) { |
| 4200 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4201 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4202 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4203 | } |
| 4204 | }); |
| 4205 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4206 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4207 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4208 | } else { |
| 4209 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4210 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4211 | console.log(err); |
| 4212 | }); |
| 4213 | } |
| 4214 | |
| 4215 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4216 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-415-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4217 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-415'); |
| 4218 | result.empty(); |
| 4219 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4220 | }); |
| 4221 | </script> |
| 4222 | </div> |
| 4223 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-415-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4224 | </div> |
| 4225 | </div> |
| 4226 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-429"></h3> |
| 4227 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-429" class="marked"></p> |
| 4228 | <script> |
| 4229 | var responseDefault429_description = `Too Many Requests`; |
| 4230 | var responseDefault429_description_break = responseDefault429_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4231 | if (responseDefault429_description_break == -1) { |
| 4232 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description); |
| 4233 | } else { |
| 4234 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description.substring(0, responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 4235 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-429").html(responseDefault429_description.substring(responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 4236 | } |
| 4237 | </script> |
| 4238 | |
| 4239 | |
| 4240 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-429" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4241 | <li class="active"> |
| 4242 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-429-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4243 | </li> |
| 4244 | |
| 4245 | |
| 4246 | |
| 4247 | |
| 4248 | </ul> |
| 4249 | |
| 4250 | |
| 4251 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-429-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4252 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-429-schema"> |
| 4253 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-429" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4254 | <script> |
| 4255 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4256 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4257 | "description" : "Too Many Requests", |
| 4258 | "content" : { |
| 4259 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 4260 | "schema" : { |
| 4261 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 4262 | } |
| 4263 | } |
| 4264 | } |
| 4265 | }; |
| 4266 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4267 | if (!schema) { |
| 4268 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4269 | } |
| 4270 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4271 | return; |
| 4272 | } |
| 4273 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4274 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4275 | if ( != null) { |
| 4276 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4277 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4278 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4279 | } |
| 4280 | }); |
| 4281 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4282 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4283 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4284 | } else { |
| 4285 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4286 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4287 | console.log(err); |
| 4288 | }); |
| 4289 | } |
| 4290 | |
| 4291 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4292 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-429-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4293 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-429'); |
| 4294 | result.empty(); |
| 4295 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4296 | }); |
| 4297 | </script> |
| 4298 | </div> |
| 4299 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-429-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4300 | </div> |
| 4301 | </div> |
| 4302 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-500"></h3> |
| 4303 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-500" class="marked"></p> |
| 4304 | <script> |
| 4305 | var responseDefault500_description = `Internal Server Error`; |
| 4306 | var responseDefault500_description_break = responseDefault500_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4307 | if (responseDefault500_description_break == -1) { |
| 4308 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description); |
| 4309 | } else { |
| 4310 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description.substring(0, responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 4311 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-500").html(responseDefault500_description.substring(responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 4312 | } |
| 4313 | </script> |
| 4314 | |
| 4315 | |
| 4316 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-500" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4317 | <li class="active"> |
| 4318 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-500-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4319 | </li> |
| 4320 | |
| 4321 | |
| 4322 | |
| 4323 | |
| 4324 | </ul> |
| 4325 | |
| 4326 | |
| 4327 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-500-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4328 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-500-schema"> |
| 4329 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-500" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4330 | <script> |
| 4331 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4332 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4333 | "description" : "Internal Server Error", |
| 4334 | "content" : { |
| 4335 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 4336 | "schema" : { |
| 4337 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 4338 | } |
| 4339 | } |
| 4340 | } |
| 4341 | }; |
| 4342 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4343 | if (!schema) { |
| 4344 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4345 | } |
| 4346 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4347 | return; |
| 4348 | } |
| 4349 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4350 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4351 | if ( != null) { |
| 4352 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4353 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4354 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4355 | } |
| 4356 | }); |
| 4357 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4358 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4359 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4360 | } else { |
| 4361 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4362 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4363 | console.log(err); |
| 4364 | }); |
| 4365 | } |
| 4366 | |
| 4367 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4368 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-500-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4369 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-500'); |
| 4370 | result.empty(); |
| 4371 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4372 | }); |
| 4373 | </script> |
| 4374 | </div> |
| 4375 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-500-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4376 | </div> |
| 4377 | </div> |
| 4378 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-503"></h3> |
| 4379 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-503" class="marked"></p> |
| 4380 | <script> |
| 4381 | var responseDefault503_description = `Service Unavailable`; |
| 4382 | var responseDefault503_description_break = responseDefault503_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4383 | if (responseDefault503_description_break == -1) { |
| 4384 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description); |
| 4385 | } else { |
| 4386 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description.substring(0, responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 4387 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-503").html(responseDefault503_description.substring(responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 4388 | } |
| 4389 | </script> |
| 4390 | |
| 4391 | |
| 4392 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-503" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4393 | <li class="active"> |
| 4394 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-503-schema">Schema</a> |
| 4395 | </li> |
| 4396 | |
| 4397 | |
| 4398 | |
| 4399 | |
| 4400 | </ul> |
| 4401 | |
| 4402 | |
| 4403 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-503-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4404 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-503-schema"> |
| 4405 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-503" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4406 | <script> |
| 4407 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4408 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4409 | "description" : "Service Unavailable", |
| 4410 | "content" : { |
| 4411 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 4412 | "schema" : { |
| 4413 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 4414 | } |
| 4415 | } |
| 4416 | } |
| 4417 | }; |
| 4418 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4419 | if (!schema) { |
| 4420 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4421 | } |
| 4422 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4423 | return; |
| 4424 | } |
| 4425 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4426 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4427 | if ( != null) { |
| 4428 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4429 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4430 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4431 | } |
| 4432 | }); |
| 4433 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4434 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4435 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4436 | } else { |
| 4437 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4438 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4439 | console.log(err); |
| 4440 | }); |
| 4441 | } |
| 4442 | |
| 4443 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4444 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-503-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4445 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-503'); |
| 4446 | result.empty(); |
| 4447 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4448 | }); |
| 4449 | </script> |
| 4450 | </div> |
| 4451 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-503-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4452 | </div> |
| 4453 | </div> |
| 4454 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-default"></h3> |
| 4455 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-default" class="marked"></p> |
| 4456 | <script> |
| 4457 | var responseDefaultdefault_description = `Generic Error`; |
| 4458 | var responseDefaultdefault_description_break = responseDefaultdefault_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4459 | if (responseDefaultdefault_description_break == -1) { |
| 4460 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description); |
| 4461 | } else { |
| 4462 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(0, responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 4463 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-description-default").html(responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 4464 | } |
| 4465 | </script> |
| 4466 | |
| 4467 | |
| 4468 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-default" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4469 | |
| 4470 | |
| 4471 | </ul> |
| 4472 | |
| 4473 | |
| 4474 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-default-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4475 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-default-schema"> |
| 4476 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-default" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4477 | <script> |
| 4478 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4479 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4480 | "description" : "Generic Error" |
| 4481 | }; |
| 4482 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4483 | if (!schema) { |
| 4484 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4485 | } |
| 4486 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4487 | return; |
| 4488 | } |
| 4489 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4490 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4491 | if ( != null) { |
| 4492 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4493 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4494 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4495 | } |
| 4496 | }); |
| 4497 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4498 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4499 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4500 | } else { |
| 4501 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4502 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4503 | console.log(err); |
| 4504 | }); |
| 4505 | } |
| 4506 | |
| 4507 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4508 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-default-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4509 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-schema-default'); |
| 4510 | result.empty(); |
| 4511 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4512 | }); |
| 4513 | </script> |
| 4514 | </div> |
| 4515 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisPost-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4516 | </div> |
| 4517 | </div> |
| 4518 | </article> |
| 4519 | </div> |
| 4520 | <hr> |
| 4521 | <div id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete"> |
| 4522 | <article id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0" data-group="User" data-name="apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete" data-version="0"> |
| 4523 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 4524 | <h1>apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete</h1> |
| 4525 | <p></p> |
| 4526 | </div> |
| 4527 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 4528 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 4529 | <p></p> |
| 4530 | <p class="marked">Unpublish a published service API.</p> |
| 4531 | <p></p> |
| 4532 | <br /> |
| 4533 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="delete"><code><span class="pln">/{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}</span></code></pre> |
| 4534 | <p> |
| 4535 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 4536 | </p> |
| 4537 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 4538 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 4539 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 4540 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-dart">Dart</a></li> |
| 4541 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 4542 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 4543 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 4544 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 4545 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 4546 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 4547 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 4548 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 4549 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 4550 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-rust">Rust</a></li> |
| 4551 | </ul> |
| 4552 | |
| 4553 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 4554 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-curl"> |
| 4555 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X DELETE \ |
| 4556 | -H "Accept: application/problem+json" \ |
| 4557 | "{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}" |
| 4558 | </code></pre> |
| 4559 | </div> |
| 4560 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-java"> |
| 4561 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.*; |
| 4562 | import org.openapitools.client.auth.*; |
| 4563 | import org.openapitools.client.model.*; |
| 4564 | import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 4565 | |
| 4566 | import; |
| 4567 | import java.util.*; |
| 4568 | |
| 4569 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 4570 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4571 | |
| 4572 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 4573 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 4574 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 4575 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 4576 | |
| 4577 | try { |
| 4578 | apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 4579 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4580 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete"); |
| 4581 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4582 | } |
| 4583 | } |
| 4584 | } |
| 4585 | </code></pre> |
| 4586 | </div> |
| 4587 | |
| 4588 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-dart"> |
| 4589 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-dart">import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; |
| 4590 | |
| 4591 | final api_instance = DefaultApi(); |
| 4592 | |
| 4593 | final String serviceApiId = new String(); // String | |
| 4594 | final String apfId = new String(); // String | |
| 4595 | |
| 4596 | try { |
| 4597 | final result = await api_instance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 4598 | print(result); |
| 4599 | } catch (e) { |
| 4600 | print('Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete: $e\n'); |
| 4601 | } |
| 4602 | |
| 4603 | </code></pre> |
| 4604 | </div> |
| 4605 | |
| 4606 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-android"> |
| 4607 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 4608 | |
| 4609 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 4610 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 4611 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 4612 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 4613 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 4614 | |
| 4615 | try { |
| 4616 | apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 4617 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 4618 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete"); |
| 4619 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 4620 | } |
| 4621 | } |
| 4622 | }</code></pre> |
| 4623 | </div> |
| 4624 | <!-- |
| 4625 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-groovy"> |
| 4626 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4627 | </div> --> |
| 4628 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-objc"> |
| 4629 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 4630 | |
| 4631 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 4632 | DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init]; |
| 4633 | String *serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // (default to null) |
| 4634 | String *apfId = apfId_example; // (default to null) |
| 4635 | |
| 4636 | [apiInstance apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDeleteWith:serviceApiId |
| 4637 | apfId:apfId |
| 4638 | completionHandler: ^(NSError* error) { |
| 4639 | if (error) { |
| 4640 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 4641 | } |
| 4642 | }]; |
| 4643 | </code></pre> |
| 4644 | </div> |
| 4645 | |
| 4646 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-javascript"> |
| 4647 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var CapifPublishServiceApi = require('capif_publish_service_api'); |
| 4648 | |
| 4649 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 4650 | var api = new CapifPublishServiceApi.DefaultApi() |
| 4651 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // {String} |
| 4652 | var apfId = apfId_example; // {String} |
| 4653 | |
| 4654 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 4655 | if (error) { |
| 4656 | console.error(error); |
| 4657 | } else { |
| 4658 | console.log('API called successfully.'); |
| 4659 | } |
| 4660 | }; |
| 4661 | api.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId, apfId, callback); |
| 4662 | </code></pre> |
| 4663 | </div> |
| 4664 | |
| 4665 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-angular"> |
| 4666 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 4667 | </div>--> |
| 4668 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-csharp"> |
| 4669 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 4670 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 4671 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Api; |
| 4672 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Client; |
| 4673 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Model; |
| 4674 | |
| 4675 | namespace Example |
| 4676 | { |
| 4677 | public class apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDeleteExample |
| 4678 | { |
| 4679 | public void main() |
| 4680 | { |
| 4681 | |
| 4682 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 4683 | var apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 4684 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 4685 | var apfId = apfId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 4686 | |
| 4687 | try { |
| 4688 | apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 4689 | } catch (Exception e) { |
| 4690 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete: " + e.Message ); |
| 4691 | } |
| 4692 | } |
| 4693 | } |
| 4694 | } |
| 4695 | </code></pre> |
| 4696 | </div> |
| 4697 | |
| 4698 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-php"> |
| 4699 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 4700 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 4701 | |
| 4702 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 4703 | $api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\DefaultApi(); |
| 4704 | $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 4705 | $apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 4706 | |
| 4707 | try { |
| 4708 | $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete($serviceApiId, $apfId); |
| 4709 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 4710 | echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 4711 | } |
| 4712 | ?></code></pre> |
| 4713 | </div> |
| 4714 | |
| 4715 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-perl"> |
| 4716 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 4717 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration; |
| 4718 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi; |
| 4719 | |
| 4720 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 4721 | my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi->new(); |
| 4722 | my $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; # String | |
| 4723 | my $apfId = apfId_example; # String | |
| 4724 | |
| 4725 | eval { |
| 4726 | $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId => $serviceApiId, apfId => $apfId); |
| 4727 | }; |
| 4728 | if ($@) { |
| 4729 | warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete: $@\n"; |
| 4730 | }</code></pre> |
| 4731 | </div> |
| 4732 | |
| 4733 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-python"> |
| 4734 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 4735 | import time |
| 4736 | import openapi_client |
| 4737 | from import ApiException |
| 4738 | from pprint import pprint |
| 4739 | |
| 4740 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 4741 | api_instance = openapi_client.DefaultApi() |
| 4742 | serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 4743 | apfId = apfId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 4744 | |
| 4745 | try: |
| 4746 | api_instance.apf_id_service_apis_service_api_id_delete(serviceApiId, apfId) |
| 4747 | except ApiException as e: |
| 4748 | print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 4749 | </div> |
| 4750 | |
| 4751 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-0-rust"> |
| 4752 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-rust">extern crate DefaultApi; |
| 4753 | |
| 4754 | pub fn main() { |
| 4755 | let serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String |
| 4756 | let apfId = apfId_example; // String |
| 4757 | |
| 4758 | let mut context = DefaultApi::Context::default(); |
| 4759 | let result = client.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete(serviceApiId, apfId, &context).wait(); |
| 4760 | |
| 4761 | println!("{:?}", result); |
| 4762 | } |
| 4763 | </code></pre> |
| 4764 | </div> |
| 4765 | </div> |
| 4766 | |
| 4767 | <h2>Scopes</h2> |
| 4768 | <table> |
| 4769 | |
| 4770 | </table> |
| 4771 | |
| 4772 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 4773 | |
| 4774 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 4775 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 4776 | <tr> |
| 4777 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4778 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4779 | </tr> |
| 4780 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceApiId*</td> |
| 4781 | <td> |
| 4782 | |
| 4783 | |
| 4784 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete_serviceApiId"> |
| 4785 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 4786 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 4787 | <span class="type"> |
| 4788 | String |
| 4789 | </span> |
| 4790 | |
| 4791 | </div> |
| 4792 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 4793 | Required |
| 4794 | </div> |
| 4795 | </div> |
| 4796 | </div> |
| 4797 | </td> |
| 4798 | </tr> |
| 4799 | |
| 4800 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">apfId*</td> |
| 4801 | <td> |
| 4802 | |
| 4803 | |
| 4804 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete_apfId"> |
| 4805 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 4806 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 4807 | <span class="type"> |
| 4808 | String |
| 4809 | </span> |
| 4810 | |
| 4811 | </div> |
| 4812 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 4813 | Required |
| 4814 | </div> |
| 4815 | </div> |
| 4816 | </div> |
| 4817 | </td> |
| 4818 | </tr> |
| 4819 | |
| 4820 | </table> |
| 4821 | |
| 4822 | |
| 4823 | |
| 4824 | |
| 4825 | |
| 4826 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 4827 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-204"></h3> |
| 4828 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-204" class="marked"></p> |
| 4829 | <script> |
| 4830 | var responseDefault204_description = `The individual published service API matching the serviceAPiId is deleted.`; |
| 4831 | var responseDefault204_description_break = responseDefault204_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4832 | if (responseDefault204_description_break == -1) { |
| 4833 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-204").text("Status: 204 - " + responseDefault204_description); |
| 4834 | } else { |
| 4835 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-204").text("Status: 204 - " + responseDefault204_description.substring(0, responseDefault204_description_break)); |
| 4836 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-204").html(responseDefault204_description.substring(responseDefault204_description_break)); |
| 4837 | } |
| 4838 | </script> |
| 4839 | |
| 4840 | |
| 4841 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-204" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4842 | |
| 4843 | |
| 4844 | </ul> |
| 4845 | |
| 4846 | |
| 4847 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-204-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4848 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-204-schema"> |
| 4849 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-204" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4850 | <script> |
| 4851 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4852 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4853 | "description" : "The individual published service API matching the serviceAPiId is deleted." |
| 4854 | }; |
| 4855 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4856 | if (!schema) { |
| 4857 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4858 | } |
| 4859 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4860 | return; |
| 4861 | } |
| 4862 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4863 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4864 | if ( != null) { |
| 4865 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4866 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4867 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4868 | } |
| 4869 | }); |
| 4870 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4871 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4872 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4873 | } else { |
| 4874 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4875 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4876 | console.log(err); |
| 4877 | }); |
| 4878 | } |
| 4879 | |
| 4880 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4881 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-204-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4882 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-204'); |
| 4883 | result.empty(); |
| 4884 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4885 | }); |
| 4886 | </script> |
| 4887 | </div> |
| 4888 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-204-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4889 | </div> |
| 4890 | </div> |
| 4891 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-307"></h3> |
| 4892 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-307" class="marked"></p> |
| 4893 | <script> |
| 4894 | var responseDefault307_description = `Temporary Redirect`; |
| 4895 | var responseDefault307_description_break = responseDefault307_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4896 | if (responseDefault307_description_break == -1) { |
| 4897 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description); |
| 4898 | } else { |
| 4899 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description.substring(0, responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 4900 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-307").html(responseDefault307_description.substring(responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 4901 | } |
| 4902 | </script> |
| 4903 | |
| 4904 | |
| 4905 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4906 | |
| 4907 | <li class=""> |
| 4908 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307-headers">Headers</a> |
| 4909 | </li> |
| 4910 | |
| 4911 | </ul> |
| 4912 | |
| 4913 | |
| 4914 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 4915 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307-schema"> |
| 4916 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-307" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 4917 | <script> |
| 4918 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 4919 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 4920 | "description" : "Temporary Redirect", |
| 4921 | "headers" : { |
| 4922 | "Location" : { |
| 4923 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 4924 | "required" : true, |
| 4925 | "schema" : { |
| 4926 | "type" : "string" |
| 4927 | } |
| 4928 | } |
| 4929 | } |
| 4930 | }; |
| 4931 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 4932 | if (!schema) { |
| 4933 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 4934 | } |
| 4935 | if (schema == null) { |
| 4936 | return; |
| 4937 | } |
| 4938 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 4939 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 4940 | if ( != null) { |
| 4941 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 4942 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 4943 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 4944 | } |
| 4945 | }); |
| 4946 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 4947 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 4948 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 4949 | } else { |
| 4950 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 4951 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 4952 | console.log(err); |
| 4953 | }); |
| 4954 | } |
| 4955 | |
| 4956 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 4957 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 4958 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-307'); |
| 4959 | result.empty(); |
| 4960 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 4961 | }); |
| 4962 | </script> |
| 4963 | </div> |
| 4964 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 4965 | </div> |
| 4966 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-307-headers"> |
| 4967 | <table> |
| 4968 | <tr> |
| 4969 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 4970 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 4971 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 4972 | <th>Description</th> |
| 4973 | </tr> |
| 4974 | <tr> |
| 4975 | <td>Location</td> |
| 4976 | <td>String</td> |
| 4977 | <td></td> |
| 4978 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 4979 | </tr> |
| 4980 | </table> |
| 4981 | </div> |
| 4982 | </div> |
| 4983 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-308"></h3> |
| 4984 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-308" class="marked"></p> |
| 4985 | <script> |
| 4986 | var responseDefault308_description = `Permanent Redirect`; |
| 4987 | var responseDefault308_description_break = responseDefault308_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 4988 | if (responseDefault308_description_break == -1) { |
| 4989 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description); |
| 4990 | } else { |
| 4991 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description.substring(0, responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 4992 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-308").html(responseDefault308_description.substring(responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 4993 | } |
| 4994 | </script> |
| 4995 | |
| 4996 | |
| 4997 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 4998 | |
| 4999 | <li class=""> |
| 5000 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308-headers">Headers</a> |
| 5001 | </li> |
| 5002 | |
| 5003 | </ul> |
| 5004 | |
| 5005 | |
| 5006 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5007 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308-schema"> |
| 5008 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-308" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5009 | <script> |
| 5010 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5011 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5012 | "description" : "Permanent Redirect", |
| 5013 | "headers" : { |
| 5014 | "Location" : { |
| 5015 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 5016 | "required" : true, |
| 5017 | "schema" : { |
| 5018 | "type" : "string" |
| 5019 | } |
| 5020 | } |
| 5021 | } |
| 5022 | }; |
| 5023 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5024 | if (!schema) { |
| 5025 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5026 | } |
| 5027 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5028 | return; |
| 5029 | } |
| 5030 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5031 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5032 | if ( != null) { |
| 5033 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5034 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5035 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5036 | } |
| 5037 | }); |
| 5038 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5039 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5040 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5041 | } else { |
| 5042 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5043 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5044 | console.log(err); |
| 5045 | }); |
| 5046 | } |
| 5047 | |
| 5048 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5049 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5050 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-308'); |
| 5051 | result.empty(); |
| 5052 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5053 | }); |
| 5054 | </script> |
| 5055 | </div> |
| 5056 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5057 | </div> |
| 5058 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-308-headers"> |
| 5059 | <table> |
| 5060 | <tr> |
| 5061 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5062 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 5063 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 5064 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5065 | </tr> |
| 5066 | <tr> |
| 5067 | <td>Location</td> |
| 5068 | <td>String</td> |
| 5069 | <td></td> |
| 5070 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 5071 | </tr> |
| 5072 | </table> |
| 5073 | </div> |
| 5074 | </div> |
| 5075 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-400"></h3> |
| 5076 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-400" class="marked"></p> |
| 5077 | <script> |
| 5078 | var responseDefault400_description = `Bad request`; |
| 5079 | var responseDefault400_description_break = responseDefault400_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5080 | if (responseDefault400_description_break == -1) { |
| 5081 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description); |
| 5082 | } else { |
| 5083 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description.substring(0, responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 5084 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-400").html(responseDefault400_description.substring(responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 5085 | } |
| 5086 | </script> |
| 5087 | |
| 5088 | |
| 5089 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-400" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5090 | <li class="active"> |
| 5091 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-400-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5092 | </li> |
| 5093 | |
| 5094 | |
| 5095 | |
| 5096 | |
| 5097 | </ul> |
| 5098 | |
| 5099 | |
| 5100 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-400-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5101 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-400-schema"> |
| 5102 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-400" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5103 | <script> |
| 5104 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5105 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5106 | "description" : "Bad request", |
| 5107 | "content" : { |
| 5108 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5109 | "schema" : { |
| 5110 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5111 | } |
| 5112 | } |
| 5113 | } |
| 5114 | }; |
| 5115 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5116 | if (!schema) { |
| 5117 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5118 | } |
| 5119 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5120 | return; |
| 5121 | } |
| 5122 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5123 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5124 | if ( != null) { |
| 5125 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5126 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5127 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5128 | } |
| 5129 | }); |
| 5130 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5131 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5132 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5133 | } else { |
| 5134 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5135 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5136 | console.log(err); |
| 5137 | }); |
| 5138 | } |
| 5139 | |
| 5140 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5141 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-400-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5142 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-400'); |
| 5143 | result.empty(); |
| 5144 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5145 | }); |
| 5146 | </script> |
| 5147 | </div> |
| 5148 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-400-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5149 | </div> |
| 5150 | </div> |
| 5151 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-401"></h3> |
| 5152 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-401" class="marked"></p> |
| 5153 | <script> |
| 5154 | var responseDefault401_description = `Unauthorized`; |
| 5155 | var responseDefault401_description_break = responseDefault401_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5156 | if (responseDefault401_description_break == -1) { |
| 5157 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description); |
| 5158 | } else { |
| 5159 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description.substring(0, responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 5160 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-401").html(responseDefault401_description.substring(responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 5161 | } |
| 5162 | </script> |
| 5163 | |
| 5164 | |
| 5165 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-401" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5166 | <li class="active"> |
| 5167 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-401-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5168 | </li> |
| 5169 | |
| 5170 | |
| 5171 | |
| 5172 | |
| 5173 | </ul> |
| 5174 | |
| 5175 | |
| 5176 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-401-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5177 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-401-schema"> |
| 5178 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-401" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5179 | <script> |
| 5180 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5181 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5182 | "description" : "Unauthorized", |
| 5183 | "content" : { |
| 5184 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5185 | "schema" : { |
| 5186 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5187 | } |
| 5188 | } |
| 5189 | } |
| 5190 | }; |
| 5191 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5192 | if (!schema) { |
| 5193 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5194 | } |
| 5195 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5196 | return; |
| 5197 | } |
| 5198 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5199 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5200 | if ( != null) { |
| 5201 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5202 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5203 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5204 | } |
| 5205 | }); |
| 5206 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5207 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5208 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5209 | } else { |
| 5210 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5211 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5212 | console.log(err); |
| 5213 | }); |
| 5214 | } |
| 5215 | |
| 5216 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5217 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-401-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5218 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-401'); |
| 5219 | result.empty(); |
| 5220 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5221 | }); |
| 5222 | </script> |
| 5223 | </div> |
| 5224 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-401-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5225 | </div> |
| 5226 | </div> |
| 5227 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-403"></h3> |
| 5228 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-403" class="marked"></p> |
| 5229 | <script> |
| 5230 | var responseDefault403_description = `Forbidden`; |
| 5231 | var responseDefault403_description_break = responseDefault403_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5232 | if (responseDefault403_description_break == -1) { |
| 5233 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description); |
| 5234 | } else { |
| 5235 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description.substring(0, responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 5236 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-403").html(responseDefault403_description.substring(responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 5237 | } |
| 5238 | </script> |
| 5239 | |
| 5240 | |
| 5241 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-403" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5242 | <li class="active"> |
| 5243 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-403-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5244 | </li> |
| 5245 | |
| 5246 | |
| 5247 | |
| 5248 | |
| 5249 | </ul> |
| 5250 | |
| 5251 | |
| 5252 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-403-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5253 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-403-schema"> |
| 5254 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-403" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5255 | <script> |
| 5256 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5257 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5258 | "description" : "Forbidden", |
| 5259 | "content" : { |
| 5260 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5261 | "schema" : { |
| 5262 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5263 | } |
| 5264 | } |
| 5265 | } |
| 5266 | }; |
| 5267 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5268 | if (!schema) { |
| 5269 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5270 | } |
| 5271 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5272 | return; |
| 5273 | } |
| 5274 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5275 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5276 | if ( != null) { |
| 5277 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5278 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5279 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5280 | } |
| 5281 | }); |
| 5282 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5283 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5284 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5285 | } else { |
| 5286 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5287 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5288 | console.log(err); |
| 5289 | }); |
| 5290 | } |
| 5291 | |
| 5292 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5293 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-403-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5294 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-403'); |
| 5295 | result.empty(); |
| 5296 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5297 | }); |
| 5298 | </script> |
| 5299 | </div> |
| 5300 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-403-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5301 | </div> |
| 5302 | </div> |
| 5303 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-404"></h3> |
| 5304 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-404" class="marked"></p> |
| 5305 | <script> |
| 5306 | var responseDefault404_description = `Not Found`; |
| 5307 | var responseDefault404_description_break = responseDefault404_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5308 | if (responseDefault404_description_break == -1) { |
| 5309 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description); |
| 5310 | } else { |
| 5311 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description.substring(0, responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 5312 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-404").html(responseDefault404_description.substring(responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 5313 | } |
| 5314 | </script> |
| 5315 | |
| 5316 | |
| 5317 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-404" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5318 | <li class="active"> |
| 5319 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-404-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5320 | </li> |
| 5321 | |
| 5322 | |
| 5323 | |
| 5324 | |
| 5325 | </ul> |
| 5326 | |
| 5327 | |
| 5328 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-404-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5329 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-404-schema"> |
| 5330 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-404" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5331 | <script> |
| 5332 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5333 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5334 | "description" : "Not Found", |
| 5335 | "content" : { |
| 5336 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5337 | "schema" : { |
| 5338 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5339 | } |
| 5340 | } |
| 5341 | } |
| 5342 | }; |
| 5343 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5344 | if (!schema) { |
| 5345 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5346 | } |
| 5347 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5348 | return; |
| 5349 | } |
| 5350 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5351 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5352 | if ( != null) { |
| 5353 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5354 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5355 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5356 | } |
| 5357 | }); |
| 5358 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5359 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5360 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5361 | } else { |
| 5362 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5363 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5364 | console.log(err); |
| 5365 | }); |
| 5366 | } |
| 5367 | |
| 5368 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5369 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-404-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5370 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-404'); |
| 5371 | result.empty(); |
| 5372 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5373 | }); |
| 5374 | </script> |
| 5375 | </div> |
| 5376 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-404-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5377 | </div> |
| 5378 | </div> |
| 5379 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-429"></h3> |
| 5380 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-429" class="marked"></p> |
| 5381 | <script> |
| 5382 | var responseDefault429_description = `Too Many Requests`; |
| 5383 | var responseDefault429_description_break = responseDefault429_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5384 | if (responseDefault429_description_break == -1) { |
| 5385 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description); |
| 5386 | } else { |
| 5387 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description.substring(0, responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 5388 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-429").html(responseDefault429_description.substring(responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 5389 | } |
| 5390 | </script> |
| 5391 | |
| 5392 | |
| 5393 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-429" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5394 | <li class="active"> |
| 5395 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-429-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5396 | </li> |
| 5397 | |
| 5398 | |
| 5399 | |
| 5400 | |
| 5401 | </ul> |
| 5402 | |
| 5403 | |
| 5404 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-429-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5405 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-429-schema"> |
| 5406 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-429" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5407 | <script> |
| 5408 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5409 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5410 | "description" : "Too Many Requests", |
| 5411 | "content" : { |
| 5412 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5413 | "schema" : { |
| 5414 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5415 | } |
| 5416 | } |
| 5417 | } |
| 5418 | }; |
| 5419 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5420 | if (!schema) { |
| 5421 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5422 | } |
| 5423 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5424 | return; |
| 5425 | } |
| 5426 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5427 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5428 | if ( != null) { |
| 5429 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5430 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5431 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5432 | } |
| 5433 | }); |
| 5434 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5435 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5436 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5437 | } else { |
| 5438 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5439 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5440 | console.log(err); |
| 5441 | }); |
| 5442 | } |
| 5443 | |
| 5444 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5445 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-429-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5446 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-429'); |
| 5447 | result.empty(); |
| 5448 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5449 | }); |
| 5450 | </script> |
| 5451 | </div> |
| 5452 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-429-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5453 | </div> |
| 5454 | </div> |
| 5455 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-500"></h3> |
| 5456 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-500" class="marked"></p> |
| 5457 | <script> |
| 5458 | var responseDefault500_description = `Internal Server Error`; |
| 5459 | var responseDefault500_description_break = responseDefault500_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5460 | if (responseDefault500_description_break == -1) { |
| 5461 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description); |
| 5462 | } else { |
| 5463 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description.substring(0, responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 5464 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-500").html(responseDefault500_description.substring(responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 5465 | } |
| 5466 | </script> |
| 5467 | |
| 5468 | |
| 5469 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-500" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5470 | <li class="active"> |
| 5471 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-500-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5472 | </li> |
| 5473 | |
| 5474 | |
| 5475 | |
| 5476 | |
| 5477 | </ul> |
| 5478 | |
| 5479 | |
| 5480 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-500-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5481 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-500-schema"> |
| 5482 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-500" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5483 | <script> |
| 5484 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5485 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5486 | "description" : "Internal Server Error", |
| 5487 | "content" : { |
| 5488 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5489 | "schema" : { |
| 5490 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5491 | } |
| 5492 | } |
| 5493 | } |
| 5494 | }; |
| 5495 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5496 | if (!schema) { |
| 5497 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5498 | } |
| 5499 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5500 | return; |
| 5501 | } |
| 5502 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5503 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5504 | if ( != null) { |
| 5505 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5506 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5507 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5508 | } |
| 5509 | }); |
| 5510 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5511 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5512 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5513 | } else { |
| 5514 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5515 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5516 | console.log(err); |
| 5517 | }); |
| 5518 | } |
| 5519 | |
| 5520 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5521 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-500-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5522 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-500'); |
| 5523 | result.empty(); |
| 5524 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5525 | }); |
| 5526 | </script> |
| 5527 | </div> |
| 5528 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-500-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5529 | </div> |
| 5530 | </div> |
| 5531 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-503"></h3> |
| 5532 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-503" class="marked"></p> |
| 5533 | <script> |
| 5534 | var responseDefault503_description = `Service Unavailable`; |
| 5535 | var responseDefault503_description_break = responseDefault503_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5536 | if (responseDefault503_description_break == -1) { |
| 5537 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description); |
| 5538 | } else { |
| 5539 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description.substring(0, responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 5540 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-503").html(responseDefault503_description.substring(responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 5541 | } |
| 5542 | </script> |
| 5543 | |
| 5544 | |
| 5545 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-503" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5546 | <li class="active"> |
| 5547 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-503-schema">Schema</a> |
| 5548 | </li> |
| 5549 | |
| 5550 | |
| 5551 | |
| 5552 | |
| 5553 | </ul> |
| 5554 | |
| 5555 | |
| 5556 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-503-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5557 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-503-schema"> |
| 5558 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-503" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5559 | <script> |
| 5560 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5561 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5562 | "description" : "Service Unavailable", |
| 5563 | "content" : { |
| 5564 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 5565 | "schema" : { |
| 5566 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 5567 | } |
| 5568 | } |
| 5569 | } |
| 5570 | }; |
| 5571 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5572 | if (!schema) { |
| 5573 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5574 | } |
| 5575 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5576 | return; |
| 5577 | } |
| 5578 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5579 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5580 | if ( != null) { |
| 5581 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5582 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5583 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5584 | } |
| 5585 | }); |
| 5586 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5587 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5588 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5589 | } else { |
| 5590 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5591 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5592 | console.log(err); |
| 5593 | }); |
| 5594 | } |
| 5595 | |
| 5596 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5597 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-503-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5598 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-503'); |
| 5599 | result.empty(); |
| 5600 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5601 | }); |
| 5602 | </script> |
| 5603 | </div> |
| 5604 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-503-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5605 | </div> |
| 5606 | </div> |
| 5607 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-default"></h3> |
| 5608 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-default" class="marked"></p> |
| 5609 | <script> |
| 5610 | var responseDefaultdefault_description = `Generic Error`; |
| 5611 | var responseDefaultdefault_description_break = responseDefaultdefault_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5612 | if (responseDefaultdefault_description_break == -1) { |
| 5613 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description); |
| 5614 | } else { |
| 5615 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(0, responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 5616 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-description-default").html(responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 5617 | } |
| 5618 | </script> |
| 5619 | |
| 5620 | |
| 5621 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-default" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 5622 | |
| 5623 | |
| 5624 | </ul> |
| 5625 | |
| 5626 | |
| 5627 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-default-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 5628 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-default-schema"> |
| 5629 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-default" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 5630 | <script> |
| 5631 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 5632 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 5633 | "description" : "Generic Error" |
| 5634 | }; |
| 5635 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 5636 | if (!schema) { |
| 5637 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 5638 | } |
| 5639 | if (schema == null) { |
| 5640 | return; |
| 5641 | } |
| 5642 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 5643 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 5644 | if ( != null) { |
| 5645 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 5646 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 5647 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 5648 | } |
| 5649 | }); |
| 5650 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 5651 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 5652 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 5653 | } else { |
| 5654 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 5655 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 5656 | console.log(err); |
| 5657 | }); |
| 5658 | } |
| 5659 | |
| 5660 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 5661 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-default-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 5662 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-schema-default'); |
| 5663 | result.empty(); |
| 5664 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 5665 | }); |
| 5666 | </script> |
| 5667 | </div> |
| 5668 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdDelete-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 5669 | </div> |
| 5670 | </div> |
| 5671 | </article> |
| 5672 | </div> |
| 5673 | <hr> |
| 5674 | <div id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet"> |
| 5675 | <article id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0" data-group="User" data-name="apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet" data-version="0"> |
| 5676 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 5677 | <h1>apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet</h1> |
| 5678 | <p></p> |
| 5679 | </div> |
| 5680 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 5681 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 5682 | <p></p> |
| 5683 | <p class="marked">Retrieve a published service API.</p> |
| 5684 | <p></p> |
| 5685 | <br /> |
| 5686 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="get"><code><span class="pln">/{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}</span></code></pre> |
| 5687 | <p> |
| 5688 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 5689 | </p> |
| 5690 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 5691 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 5692 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 5693 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-dart">Dart</a></li> |
| 5694 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 5695 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 5696 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 5697 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 5698 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 5699 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 5700 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 5701 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 5702 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 5703 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-rust">Rust</a></li> |
| 5704 | </ul> |
| 5705 | |
| 5706 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 5707 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-curl"> |
| 5708 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X GET \ |
| 5709 | -H "Accept: application/json,application/problem+json" \ |
| 5710 | "{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}" |
| 5711 | </code></pre> |
| 5712 | </div> |
| 5713 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-java"> |
| 5714 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.*; |
| 5715 | import org.openapitools.client.auth.*; |
| 5716 | import org.openapitools.client.model.*; |
| 5717 | import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 5718 | |
| 5719 | import; |
| 5720 | import java.util.*; |
| 5721 | |
| 5722 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 5723 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5724 | |
| 5725 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 5726 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 5727 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 5728 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 5729 | |
| 5730 | try { |
| 5731 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 5732 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5733 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5734 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet"); |
| 5735 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5736 | } |
| 5737 | } |
| 5738 | } |
| 5739 | </code></pre> |
| 5740 | </div> |
| 5741 | |
| 5742 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-dart"> |
| 5743 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-dart">import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; |
| 5744 | |
| 5745 | final api_instance = DefaultApi(); |
| 5746 | |
| 5747 | final String serviceApiId = new String(); // String | |
| 5748 | final String apfId = new String(); // String | |
| 5749 | |
| 5750 | try { |
| 5751 | final result = await api_instance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 5752 | print(result); |
| 5753 | } catch (e) { |
| 5754 | print('Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet: $e\n'); |
| 5755 | } |
| 5756 | |
| 5757 | </code></pre> |
| 5758 | </div> |
| 5759 | |
| 5760 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-android"> |
| 5761 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 5762 | |
| 5763 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 5764 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 5765 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 5766 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 5767 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 5768 | |
| 5769 | try { |
| 5770 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 5771 | System.out.println(result); |
| 5772 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 5773 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet"); |
| 5774 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 5775 | } |
| 5776 | } |
| 5777 | }</code></pre> |
| 5778 | </div> |
| 5779 | <!-- |
| 5780 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-groovy"> |
| 5781 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5782 | </div> --> |
| 5783 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-objc"> |
| 5784 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 5785 | |
| 5786 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 5787 | DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init]; |
| 5788 | String *serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // (default to null) |
| 5789 | String *apfId = apfId_example; // (default to null) |
| 5790 | |
| 5791 | [apiInstance apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGetWith:serviceApiId |
| 5792 | apfId:apfId |
| 5793 | completionHandler: ^(ServiceAPIDescription output, NSError* error) { |
| 5794 | if (output) { |
| 5795 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 5796 | } |
| 5797 | if (error) { |
| 5798 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 5799 | } |
| 5800 | }]; |
| 5801 | </code></pre> |
| 5802 | </div> |
| 5803 | |
| 5804 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-javascript"> |
| 5805 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var CapifPublishServiceApi = require('capif_publish_service_api'); |
| 5806 | |
| 5807 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 5808 | var api = new CapifPublishServiceApi.DefaultApi() |
| 5809 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // {String} |
| 5810 | var apfId = apfId_example; // {String} |
| 5811 | |
| 5812 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 5813 | if (error) { |
| 5814 | console.error(error); |
| 5815 | } else { |
| 5816 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 5817 | } |
| 5818 | }; |
| 5819 | api.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId, apfId, callback); |
| 5820 | </code></pre> |
| 5821 | </div> |
| 5822 | |
| 5823 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-angular"> |
| 5824 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 5825 | </div>--> |
| 5826 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-csharp"> |
| 5827 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 5828 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 5829 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Api; |
| 5830 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Client; |
| 5831 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Model; |
| 5832 | |
| 5833 | namespace Example |
| 5834 | { |
| 5835 | public class apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGetExample |
| 5836 | { |
| 5837 | public void main() |
| 5838 | { |
| 5839 | |
| 5840 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 5841 | var apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 5842 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 5843 | var apfId = apfId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 5844 | |
| 5845 | try { |
| 5846 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId, apfId); |
| 5847 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 5848 | } catch (Exception e) { |
| 5849 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet: " + e.Message ); |
| 5850 | } |
| 5851 | } |
| 5852 | } |
| 5853 | } |
| 5854 | </code></pre> |
| 5855 | </div> |
| 5856 | |
| 5857 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-php"> |
| 5858 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 5859 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 5860 | |
| 5861 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 5862 | $api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\DefaultApi(); |
| 5863 | $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 5864 | $apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 5865 | |
| 5866 | try { |
| 5867 | $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet($serviceApiId, $apfId); |
| 5868 | print_r($result); |
| 5869 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 5870 | echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 5871 | } |
| 5872 | ?></code></pre> |
| 5873 | </div> |
| 5874 | |
| 5875 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-perl"> |
| 5876 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 5877 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration; |
| 5878 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi; |
| 5879 | |
| 5880 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 5881 | my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi->new(); |
| 5882 | my $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; # String | |
| 5883 | my $apfId = apfId_example; # String | |
| 5884 | |
| 5885 | eval { |
| 5886 | my $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId => $serviceApiId, apfId => $apfId); |
| 5887 | print Dumper($result); |
| 5888 | }; |
| 5889 | if ($@) { |
| 5890 | warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet: $@\n"; |
| 5891 | }</code></pre> |
| 5892 | </div> |
| 5893 | |
| 5894 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-python"> |
| 5895 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 5896 | import time |
| 5897 | import openapi_client |
| 5898 | from import ApiException |
| 5899 | from pprint import pprint |
| 5900 | |
| 5901 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 5902 | api_instance = openapi_client.DefaultApi() |
| 5903 | serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 5904 | apfId = apfId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 5905 | |
| 5906 | try: |
| 5907 | api_response = api_instance.apf_id_service_apis_service_api_id_get(serviceApiId, apfId) |
| 5908 | pprint(api_response) |
| 5909 | except ApiException as e: |
| 5910 | print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 5911 | </div> |
| 5912 | |
| 5913 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-0-rust"> |
| 5914 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-rust">extern crate DefaultApi; |
| 5915 | |
| 5916 | pub fn main() { |
| 5917 | let serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String |
| 5918 | let apfId = apfId_example; // String |
| 5919 | |
| 5920 | let mut context = DefaultApi::Context::default(); |
| 5921 | let result = client.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet(serviceApiId, apfId, &context).wait(); |
| 5922 | |
| 5923 | println!("{:?}", result); |
| 5924 | } |
| 5925 | </code></pre> |
| 5926 | </div> |
| 5927 | </div> |
| 5928 | |
| 5929 | <h2>Scopes</h2> |
| 5930 | <table> |
| 5931 | |
| 5932 | </table> |
| 5933 | |
| 5934 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 5935 | |
| 5936 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 5937 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 5938 | <tr> |
| 5939 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 5940 | <th>Description</th> |
| 5941 | </tr> |
| 5942 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceApiId*</td> |
| 5943 | <td> |
| 5944 | |
| 5945 | |
| 5946 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet_serviceApiId"> |
| 5947 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 5948 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 5949 | <span class="type"> |
| 5950 | String |
| 5951 | </span> |
| 5952 | |
| 5953 | </div> |
| 5954 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 5955 | Required |
| 5956 | </div> |
| 5957 | </div> |
| 5958 | </div> |
| 5959 | </td> |
| 5960 | </tr> |
| 5961 | |
| 5962 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">apfId*</td> |
| 5963 | <td> |
| 5964 | |
| 5965 | |
| 5966 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet_apfId"> |
| 5967 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 5968 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 5969 | <span class="type"> |
| 5970 | String |
| 5971 | </span> |
| 5972 | |
| 5973 | </div> |
| 5974 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 5975 | Required |
| 5976 | </div> |
| 5977 | </div> |
| 5978 | </div> |
| 5979 | </td> |
| 5980 | </tr> |
| 5981 | |
| 5982 | </table> |
| 5983 | |
| 5984 | |
| 5985 | |
| 5986 | |
| 5987 | |
| 5988 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 5989 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-200"></h3> |
| 5990 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-200" class="marked"></p> |
| 5991 | <script> |
| 5992 | var responseDefault200_description = `Definition of individual service API published by the API publishing function. |
| 5993 | `; |
| 5994 | var responseDefault200_description_break = responseDefault200_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 5995 | if (responseDefault200_description_break == -1) { |
| 5996 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseDefault200_description); |
| 5997 | } else { |
| 5998 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseDefault200_description.substring(0, responseDefault200_description_break)); |
| 5999 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-200").html(responseDefault200_description.substring(responseDefault200_description_break)); |
| 6000 | } |
| 6001 | </script> |
| 6002 | |
| 6003 | |
| 6004 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-200" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6005 | <li class="active"> |
| 6006 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-200-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6007 | </li> |
| 6008 | |
| 6009 | |
| 6010 | |
| 6011 | |
| 6012 | </ul> |
| 6013 | |
| 6014 | |
| 6015 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-200-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6016 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-200-schema"> |
| 6017 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-200" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6018 | <script> |
| 6019 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6020 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6021 | "description" : "Definition of individual service API published by the API publishing function.\n", |
| 6022 | "content" : { |
| 6023 | "application/json" : { |
| 6024 | "schema" : { |
| 6025 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 6026 | } |
| 6027 | } |
| 6028 | } |
| 6029 | }; |
| 6030 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6031 | if (!schema) { |
| 6032 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6033 | } |
| 6034 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6035 | return; |
| 6036 | } |
| 6037 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6038 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6039 | if ( != null) { |
| 6040 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6041 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6042 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6043 | } |
| 6044 | }); |
| 6045 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6046 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6047 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6048 | } else { |
| 6049 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6050 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6051 | console.log(err); |
| 6052 | }); |
| 6053 | } |
| 6054 | |
| 6055 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6056 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-200-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6057 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-200'); |
| 6058 | result.empty(); |
| 6059 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6060 | }); |
| 6061 | </script> |
| 6062 | </div> |
| 6063 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-200-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6064 | </div> |
| 6065 | </div> |
| 6066 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-307"></h3> |
| 6067 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-307" class="marked"></p> |
| 6068 | <script> |
| 6069 | var responseDefault307_description = `Temporary Redirect`; |
| 6070 | var responseDefault307_description_break = responseDefault307_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6071 | if (responseDefault307_description_break == -1) { |
| 6072 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description); |
| 6073 | } else { |
| 6074 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description.substring(0, responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 6075 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-307").html(responseDefault307_description.substring(responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 6076 | } |
| 6077 | </script> |
| 6078 | |
| 6079 | |
| 6080 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6081 | |
| 6082 | <li class=""> |
| 6083 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307-headers">Headers</a> |
| 6084 | </li> |
| 6085 | |
| 6086 | </ul> |
| 6087 | |
| 6088 | |
| 6089 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6090 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307-schema"> |
| 6091 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-307" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6092 | <script> |
| 6093 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6094 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6095 | "description" : "Temporary Redirect", |
| 6096 | "headers" : { |
| 6097 | "Location" : { |
| 6098 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 6099 | "required" : true, |
| 6100 | "schema" : { |
| 6101 | "type" : "string" |
| 6102 | } |
| 6103 | } |
| 6104 | } |
| 6105 | }; |
| 6106 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6107 | if (!schema) { |
| 6108 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6109 | } |
| 6110 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6111 | return; |
| 6112 | } |
| 6113 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6114 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6115 | if ( != null) { |
| 6116 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6117 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6118 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6119 | } |
| 6120 | }); |
| 6121 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6122 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6123 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6124 | } else { |
| 6125 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6126 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6127 | console.log(err); |
| 6128 | }); |
| 6129 | } |
| 6130 | |
| 6131 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6132 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6133 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-307'); |
| 6134 | result.empty(); |
| 6135 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6136 | }); |
| 6137 | </script> |
| 6138 | </div> |
| 6139 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6140 | </div> |
| 6141 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-307-headers"> |
| 6142 | <table> |
| 6143 | <tr> |
| 6144 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6145 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 6146 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 6147 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6148 | </tr> |
| 6149 | <tr> |
| 6150 | <td>Location</td> |
| 6151 | <td>String</td> |
| 6152 | <td></td> |
| 6153 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 6154 | </tr> |
| 6155 | </table> |
| 6156 | </div> |
| 6157 | </div> |
| 6158 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-308"></h3> |
| 6159 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-308" class="marked"></p> |
| 6160 | <script> |
| 6161 | var responseDefault308_description = `Permanent Redirect`; |
| 6162 | var responseDefault308_description_break = responseDefault308_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6163 | if (responseDefault308_description_break == -1) { |
| 6164 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description); |
| 6165 | } else { |
| 6166 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description.substring(0, responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 6167 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-308").html(responseDefault308_description.substring(responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 6168 | } |
| 6169 | </script> |
| 6170 | |
| 6171 | |
| 6172 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6173 | |
| 6174 | <li class=""> |
| 6175 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308-headers">Headers</a> |
| 6176 | </li> |
| 6177 | |
| 6178 | </ul> |
| 6179 | |
| 6180 | |
| 6181 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6182 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308-schema"> |
| 6183 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-308" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6184 | <script> |
| 6185 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6186 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6187 | "description" : "Permanent Redirect", |
| 6188 | "headers" : { |
| 6189 | "Location" : { |
| 6190 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 6191 | "required" : true, |
| 6192 | "schema" : { |
| 6193 | "type" : "string" |
| 6194 | } |
| 6195 | } |
| 6196 | } |
| 6197 | }; |
| 6198 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6199 | if (!schema) { |
| 6200 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6201 | } |
| 6202 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6203 | return; |
| 6204 | } |
| 6205 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6206 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6207 | if ( != null) { |
| 6208 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6209 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6210 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6211 | } |
| 6212 | }); |
| 6213 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6214 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6215 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6216 | } else { |
| 6217 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6218 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6219 | console.log(err); |
| 6220 | }); |
| 6221 | } |
| 6222 | |
| 6223 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6224 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6225 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-308'); |
| 6226 | result.empty(); |
| 6227 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6228 | }); |
| 6229 | </script> |
| 6230 | </div> |
| 6231 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6232 | </div> |
| 6233 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-308-headers"> |
| 6234 | <table> |
| 6235 | <tr> |
| 6236 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 6237 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 6238 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 6239 | <th>Description</th> |
| 6240 | </tr> |
| 6241 | <tr> |
| 6242 | <td>Location</td> |
| 6243 | <td>String</td> |
| 6244 | <td></td> |
| 6245 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 6246 | </tr> |
| 6247 | </table> |
| 6248 | </div> |
| 6249 | </div> |
| 6250 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-400"></h3> |
| 6251 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-400" class="marked"></p> |
| 6252 | <script> |
| 6253 | var responseDefault400_description = `Bad request`; |
| 6254 | var responseDefault400_description_break = responseDefault400_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6255 | if (responseDefault400_description_break == -1) { |
| 6256 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description); |
| 6257 | } else { |
| 6258 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description.substring(0, responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 6259 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-400").html(responseDefault400_description.substring(responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 6260 | } |
| 6261 | </script> |
| 6262 | |
| 6263 | |
| 6264 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-400" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6265 | <li class="active"> |
| 6266 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-400-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6267 | </li> |
| 6268 | |
| 6269 | |
| 6270 | |
| 6271 | |
| 6272 | </ul> |
| 6273 | |
| 6274 | |
| 6275 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-400-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6276 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-400-schema"> |
| 6277 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-400" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6278 | <script> |
| 6279 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6280 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6281 | "description" : "Bad request", |
| 6282 | "content" : { |
| 6283 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6284 | "schema" : { |
| 6285 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6286 | } |
| 6287 | } |
| 6288 | } |
| 6289 | }; |
| 6290 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6291 | if (!schema) { |
| 6292 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6293 | } |
| 6294 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6295 | return; |
| 6296 | } |
| 6297 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6298 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6299 | if ( != null) { |
| 6300 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6301 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6302 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6303 | } |
| 6304 | }); |
| 6305 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6306 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6307 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6308 | } else { |
| 6309 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6310 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6311 | console.log(err); |
| 6312 | }); |
| 6313 | } |
| 6314 | |
| 6315 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6316 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-400-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6317 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-400'); |
| 6318 | result.empty(); |
| 6319 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6320 | }); |
| 6321 | </script> |
| 6322 | </div> |
| 6323 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-400-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6324 | </div> |
| 6325 | </div> |
| 6326 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-401"></h3> |
| 6327 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-401" class="marked"></p> |
| 6328 | <script> |
| 6329 | var responseDefault401_description = `Unauthorized`; |
| 6330 | var responseDefault401_description_break = responseDefault401_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6331 | if (responseDefault401_description_break == -1) { |
| 6332 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description); |
| 6333 | } else { |
| 6334 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description.substring(0, responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 6335 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-401").html(responseDefault401_description.substring(responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 6336 | } |
| 6337 | </script> |
| 6338 | |
| 6339 | |
| 6340 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-401" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6341 | <li class="active"> |
| 6342 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-401-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6343 | </li> |
| 6344 | |
| 6345 | |
| 6346 | |
| 6347 | |
| 6348 | </ul> |
| 6349 | |
| 6350 | |
| 6351 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-401-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6352 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-401-schema"> |
| 6353 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-401" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6354 | <script> |
| 6355 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6356 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6357 | "description" : "Unauthorized", |
| 6358 | "content" : { |
| 6359 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6360 | "schema" : { |
| 6361 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6362 | } |
| 6363 | } |
| 6364 | } |
| 6365 | }; |
| 6366 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6367 | if (!schema) { |
| 6368 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6369 | } |
| 6370 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6371 | return; |
| 6372 | } |
| 6373 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6374 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6375 | if ( != null) { |
| 6376 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6377 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6378 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6379 | } |
| 6380 | }); |
| 6381 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6382 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6383 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6384 | } else { |
| 6385 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6386 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6387 | console.log(err); |
| 6388 | }); |
| 6389 | } |
| 6390 | |
| 6391 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6392 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-401-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6393 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-401'); |
| 6394 | result.empty(); |
| 6395 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6396 | }); |
| 6397 | </script> |
| 6398 | </div> |
| 6399 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-401-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6400 | </div> |
| 6401 | </div> |
| 6402 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-403"></h3> |
| 6403 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-403" class="marked"></p> |
| 6404 | <script> |
| 6405 | var responseDefault403_description = `Forbidden`; |
| 6406 | var responseDefault403_description_break = responseDefault403_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6407 | if (responseDefault403_description_break == -1) { |
| 6408 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description); |
| 6409 | } else { |
| 6410 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description.substring(0, responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 6411 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-403").html(responseDefault403_description.substring(responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 6412 | } |
| 6413 | </script> |
| 6414 | |
| 6415 | |
| 6416 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-403" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6417 | <li class="active"> |
| 6418 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-403-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6419 | </li> |
| 6420 | |
| 6421 | |
| 6422 | |
| 6423 | |
| 6424 | </ul> |
| 6425 | |
| 6426 | |
| 6427 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-403-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6428 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-403-schema"> |
| 6429 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-403" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6430 | <script> |
| 6431 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6432 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6433 | "description" : "Forbidden", |
| 6434 | "content" : { |
| 6435 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6436 | "schema" : { |
| 6437 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6438 | } |
| 6439 | } |
| 6440 | } |
| 6441 | }; |
| 6442 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6443 | if (!schema) { |
| 6444 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6445 | } |
| 6446 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6447 | return; |
| 6448 | } |
| 6449 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6450 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6451 | if ( != null) { |
| 6452 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6453 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6454 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6455 | } |
| 6456 | }); |
| 6457 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6458 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6459 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6460 | } else { |
| 6461 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6462 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6463 | console.log(err); |
| 6464 | }); |
| 6465 | } |
| 6466 | |
| 6467 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6468 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-403-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6469 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-403'); |
| 6470 | result.empty(); |
| 6471 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6472 | }); |
| 6473 | </script> |
| 6474 | </div> |
| 6475 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-403-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6476 | </div> |
| 6477 | </div> |
| 6478 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-404"></h3> |
| 6479 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-404" class="marked"></p> |
| 6480 | <script> |
| 6481 | var responseDefault404_description = `Not Found`; |
| 6482 | var responseDefault404_description_break = responseDefault404_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6483 | if (responseDefault404_description_break == -1) { |
| 6484 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description); |
| 6485 | } else { |
| 6486 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description.substring(0, responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 6487 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-404").html(responseDefault404_description.substring(responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 6488 | } |
| 6489 | </script> |
| 6490 | |
| 6491 | |
| 6492 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-404" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6493 | <li class="active"> |
| 6494 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-404-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6495 | </li> |
| 6496 | |
| 6497 | |
| 6498 | |
| 6499 | |
| 6500 | </ul> |
| 6501 | |
| 6502 | |
| 6503 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-404-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6504 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-404-schema"> |
| 6505 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-404" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6506 | <script> |
| 6507 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6508 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6509 | "description" : "Not Found", |
| 6510 | "content" : { |
| 6511 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6512 | "schema" : { |
| 6513 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6514 | } |
| 6515 | } |
| 6516 | } |
| 6517 | }; |
| 6518 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6519 | if (!schema) { |
| 6520 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6521 | } |
| 6522 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6523 | return; |
| 6524 | } |
| 6525 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6526 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6527 | if ( != null) { |
| 6528 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6529 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6530 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6531 | } |
| 6532 | }); |
| 6533 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6534 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6535 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6536 | } else { |
| 6537 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6538 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6539 | console.log(err); |
| 6540 | }); |
| 6541 | } |
| 6542 | |
| 6543 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6544 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-404-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6545 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-404'); |
| 6546 | result.empty(); |
| 6547 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6548 | }); |
| 6549 | </script> |
| 6550 | </div> |
| 6551 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-404-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6552 | </div> |
| 6553 | </div> |
| 6554 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-406"></h3> |
| 6555 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-406" class="marked"></p> |
| 6556 | <script> |
| 6557 | var responseDefault406_description = `Not Acceptable`; |
| 6558 | var responseDefault406_description_break = responseDefault406_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6559 | if (responseDefault406_description_break == -1) { |
| 6560 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-406").text("Status: 406 - " + responseDefault406_description); |
| 6561 | } else { |
| 6562 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-406").text("Status: 406 - " + responseDefault406_description.substring(0, responseDefault406_description_break)); |
| 6563 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-406").html(responseDefault406_description.substring(responseDefault406_description_break)); |
| 6564 | } |
| 6565 | </script> |
| 6566 | |
| 6567 | |
| 6568 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-406" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6569 | <li class="active"> |
| 6570 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-406-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6571 | </li> |
| 6572 | |
| 6573 | |
| 6574 | |
| 6575 | |
| 6576 | </ul> |
| 6577 | |
| 6578 | |
| 6579 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-406-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6580 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-406-schema"> |
| 6581 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-406" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6582 | <script> |
| 6583 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6584 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6585 | "description" : "Not Acceptable", |
| 6586 | "content" : { |
| 6587 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6588 | "schema" : { |
| 6589 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6590 | } |
| 6591 | } |
| 6592 | } |
| 6593 | }; |
| 6594 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6595 | if (!schema) { |
| 6596 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6597 | } |
| 6598 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6599 | return; |
| 6600 | } |
| 6601 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6602 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6603 | if ( != null) { |
| 6604 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6605 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6606 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6607 | } |
| 6608 | }); |
| 6609 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6610 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6611 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6612 | } else { |
| 6613 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6614 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6615 | console.log(err); |
| 6616 | }); |
| 6617 | } |
| 6618 | |
| 6619 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6620 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-406-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6621 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-406'); |
| 6622 | result.empty(); |
| 6623 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6624 | }); |
| 6625 | </script> |
| 6626 | </div> |
| 6627 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-406-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6628 | </div> |
| 6629 | </div> |
| 6630 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-429"></h3> |
| 6631 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-429" class="marked"></p> |
| 6632 | <script> |
| 6633 | var responseDefault429_description = `Too Many Requests`; |
| 6634 | var responseDefault429_description_break = responseDefault429_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6635 | if (responseDefault429_description_break == -1) { |
| 6636 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description); |
| 6637 | } else { |
| 6638 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description.substring(0, responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 6639 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-429").html(responseDefault429_description.substring(responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 6640 | } |
| 6641 | </script> |
| 6642 | |
| 6643 | |
| 6644 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-429" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6645 | <li class="active"> |
| 6646 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-429-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6647 | </li> |
| 6648 | |
| 6649 | |
| 6650 | |
| 6651 | |
| 6652 | </ul> |
| 6653 | |
| 6654 | |
| 6655 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-429-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6656 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-429-schema"> |
| 6657 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-429" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6658 | <script> |
| 6659 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6660 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6661 | "description" : "Too Many Requests", |
| 6662 | "content" : { |
| 6663 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6664 | "schema" : { |
| 6665 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6666 | } |
| 6667 | } |
| 6668 | } |
| 6669 | }; |
| 6670 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6671 | if (!schema) { |
| 6672 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6673 | } |
| 6674 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6675 | return; |
| 6676 | } |
| 6677 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6678 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6679 | if ( != null) { |
| 6680 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6681 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6682 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6683 | } |
| 6684 | }); |
| 6685 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6686 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6687 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6688 | } else { |
| 6689 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6690 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6691 | console.log(err); |
| 6692 | }); |
| 6693 | } |
| 6694 | |
| 6695 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6696 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-429-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6697 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-429'); |
| 6698 | result.empty(); |
| 6699 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6700 | }); |
| 6701 | </script> |
| 6702 | </div> |
| 6703 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-429-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6704 | </div> |
| 6705 | </div> |
| 6706 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-500"></h3> |
| 6707 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-500" class="marked"></p> |
| 6708 | <script> |
| 6709 | var responseDefault500_description = `Internal Server Error`; |
| 6710 | var responseDefault500_description_break = responseDefault500_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6711 | if (responseDefault500_description_break == -1) { |
| 6712 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description); |
| 6713 | } else { |
| 6714 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description.substring(0, responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 6715 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-500").html(responseDefault500_description.substring(responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 6716 | } |
| 6717 | </script> |
| 6718 | |
| 6719 | |
| 6720 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-500" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6721 | <li class="active"> |
| 6722 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-500-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6723 | </li> |
| 6724 | |
| 6725 | |
| 6726 | |
| 6727 | |
| 6728 | </ul> |
| 6729 | |
| 6730 | |
| 6731 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-500-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6732 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-500-schema"> |
| 6733 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-500" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6734 | <script> |
| 6735 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6736 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6737 | "description" : "Internal Server Error", |
| 6738 | "content" : { |
| 6739 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6740 | "schema" : { |
| 6741 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6742 | } |
| 6743 | } |
| 6744 | } |
| 6745 | }; |
| 6746 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6747 | if (!schema) { |
| 6748 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6749 | } |
| 6750 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6751 | return; |
| 6752 | } |
| 6753 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6754 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6755 | if ( != null) { |
| 6756 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6757 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6758 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6759 | } |
| 6760 | }); |
| 6761 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6762 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6763 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6764 | } else { |
| 6765 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6766 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6767 | console.log(err); |
| 6768 | }); |
| 6769 | } |
| 6770 | |
| 6771 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6772 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-500-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6773 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-500'); |
| 6774 | result.empty(); |
| 6775 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6776 | }); |
| 6777 | </script> |
| 6778 | </div> |
| 6779 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-500-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6780 | </div> |
| 6781 | </div> |
| 6782 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-503"></h3> |
| 6783 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-503" class="marked"></p> |
| 6784 | <script> |
| 6785 | var responseDefault503_description = `Service Unavailable`; |
| 6786 | var responseDefault503_description_break = responseDefault503_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6787 | if (responseDefault503_description_break == -1) { |
| 6788 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description); |
| 6789 | } else { |
| 6790 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description.substring(0, responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 6791 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-503").html(responseDefault503_description.substring(responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 6792 | } |
| 6793 | </script> |
| 6794 | |
| 6795 | |
| 6796 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-503" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6797 | <li class="active"> |
| 6798 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-503-schema">Schema</a> |
| 6799 | </li> |
| 6800 | |
| 6801 | |
| 6802 | |
| 6803 | |
| 6804 | </ul> |
| 6805 | |
| 6806 | |
| 6807 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-503-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6808 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-503-schema"> |
| 6809 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-503" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6810 | <script> |
| 6811 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6812 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6813 | "description" : "Service Unavailable", |
| 6814 | "content" : { |
| 6815 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 6816 | "schema" : { |
| 6817 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 6818 | } |
| 6819 | } |
| 6820 | } |
| 6821 | }; |
| 6822 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6823 | if (!schema) { |
| 6824 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6825 | } |
| 6826 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6827 | return; |
| 6828 | } |
| 6829 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6830 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6831 | if ( != null) { |
| 6832 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6833 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6834 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6835 | } |
| 6836 | }); |
| 6837 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6838 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6839 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6840 | } else { |
| 6841 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6842 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6843 | console.log(err); |
| 6844 | }); |
| 6845 | } |
| 6846 | |
| 6847 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6848 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-503-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6849 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-503'); |
| 6850 | result.empty(); |
| 6851 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6852 | }); |
| 6853 | </script> |
| 6854 | </div> |
| 6855 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-503-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6856 | </div> |
| 6857 | </div> |
| 6858 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-default"></h3> |
| 6859 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-default" class="marked"></p> |
| 6860 | <script> |
| 6861 | var responseDefaultdefault_description = `Generic Error`; |
| 6862 | var responseDefaultdefault_description_break = responseDefaultdefault_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 6863 | if (responseDefaultdefault_description_break == -1) { |
| 6864 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description); |
| 6865 | } else { |
| 6866 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(0, responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 6867 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-description-default").html(responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 6868 | } |
| 6869 | </script> |
| 6870 | |
| 6871 | |
| 6872 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-default" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 6873 | |
| 6874 | |
| 6875 | </ul> |
| 6876 | |
| 6877 | |
| 6878 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-default-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 6879 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-default-schema"> |
| 6880 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-default" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 6881 | <script> |
| 6882 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 6883 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 6884 | "description" : "Generic Error" |
| 6885 | }; |
| 6886 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 6887 | if (!schema) { |
| 6888 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 6889 | } |
| 6890 | if (schema == null) { |
| 6891 | return; |
| 6892 | } |
| 6893 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 6894 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6895 | if ( != null) { |
| 6896 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 6897 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 6898 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 6899 | } |
| 6900 | }); |
| 6901 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6902 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 6903 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 6904 | } else { |
| 6905 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 6906 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 6907 | console.log(err); |
| 6908 | }); |
| 6909 | } |
| 6910 | |
| 6911 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 6912 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-default-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 6913 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-schema-default'); |
| 6914 | result.empty(); |
| 6915 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 6916 | }); |
| 6917 | </script> |
| 6918 | </div> |
| 6919 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdGet-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 6920 | </div> |
| 6921 | </div> |
| 6922 | </article> |
| 6923 | </div> |
| 6924 | <hr> |
| 6925 | <div id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut"> |
| 6926 | <article id="api-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0" data-group="User" data-name="apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut" data-version="0"> |
| 6927 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 6928 | <h1>apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut</h1> |
| 6929 | <p></p> |
| 6930 | </div> |
| 6931 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 6932 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 6933 | <p></p> |
| 6934 | <p class="marked">Update a published service API.</p> |
| 6935 | <p></p> |
| 6936 | <br /> |
| 6937 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="put"><code><span class="pln">/{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}</span></code></pre> |
| 6938 | <p> |
| 6939 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 6940 | </p> |
| 6941 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 6942 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 6943 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 6944 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-dart">Dart</a></li> |
| 6945 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 6946 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 6947 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 6948 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 6949 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 6950 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 6951 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 6952 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 6953 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 6954 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-rust">Rust</a></li> |
| 6955 | </ul> |
| 6956 | |
| 6957 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 6958 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-curl"> |
| 6959 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PUT \ |
| 6960 | -H "Accept: application/json,application/problem+json" \ |
| 6961 | -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ |
| 6962 | "{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}" \ |
| 6963 | -d '{ |
| 6964 | "ccfId" : "ccfId", |
| 6965 | "serviceAPICategory" : "serviceAPICategory", |
| 6966 | "apiName" : "apiName", |
| 6967 | "shareableInfo" : { |
| 6968 | "capifProvDoms" : [ "capifProvDoms", "capifProvDoms" ], |
| 6969 | "isShareable" : true |
| 6970 | }, |
| 6971 | "supportedFeatures" : "supportedFeatures", |
| 6972 | "description" : "description", |
| 6973 | "apiSuppFeats" : "apiSuppFeats", |
| 6974 | "aefProfiles" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6975 | "protocol" : "HTTP_1_1", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6976 | "securityMethods" : [ null, null ], |
| 6977 | "versions" : [ { |
| 6978 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 6979 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6980 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 6981 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6982 | "description" : "description", |
| 6983 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 6984 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 6985 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 6986 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 6987 | "description" : "description", |
| 6988 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 6989 | } ], |
| 6990 | "resources" : [ { |
| 6991 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 6992 | "description" : "description", |
| 6993 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 6994 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 6995 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 6996 | }, { |
| 6997 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 6998 | "description" : "description", |
| 6999 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7000 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7001 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7002 | } ], |
| 7003 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 7004 | }, { |
| 7005 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 7006 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7007 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 7008 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7009 | "description" : "description", |
| 7010 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 7011 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7012 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 7013 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7014 | "description" : "description", |
| 7015 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 7016 | } ], |
| 7017 | "resources" : [ { |
| 7018 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 7019 | "description" : "description", |
| 7020 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7021 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7022 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7023 | }, { |
| 7024 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 7025 | "description" : "description", |
| 7026 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7027 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7028 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7029 | } ], |
| 7030 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 7031 | } ], |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7032 | "dataFormat" : "JSON", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7033 | "domainName" : "domainName", |
| 7034 | "aefLocation" : { |
| 7035 | "dcId" : "dcId", |
| 7036 | "geoArea" : { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7037 | "shape" : "POINT", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7038 | "point" : { |
| 7039 | "lon" : 36.988422590534526, |
| 7040 | "lat" : -75.5850925717018 |
| 7041 | } |
| 7042 | }, |
| 7043 | "civicAddr" : { |
| 7044 | "POBOX" : "POBOX", |
| 7045 | "usageRules" : "usageRules", |
| 7046 | "country" : "country", |
| 7047 | "PRD" : "PRD", |
| 7048 | "PLC" : "PLC", |
| 7049 | "HNO" : "HNO", |
| 7050 | "PRM" : "PRM", |
| 7051 | "HNS" : "HNS", |
| 7052 | "FLR" : "FLR", |
| 7053 | "A1" : "A1", |
| 7054 | "A2" : "A2", |
| 7055 | "A3" : "A3", |
| 7056 | "A4" : "A4", |
| 7057 | "STS" : "STS", |
| 7058 | "A5" : "A5", |
| 7059 | "A6" : "A6", |
| 7060 | "RDSEC" : "RDSEC", |
| 7061 | "providedBy" : "providedBy", |
| 7062 | "LOC" : "LOC", |
| 7063 | "SEAT" : "SEAT", |
| 7064 | "UNIT" : "UNIT", |
| 7065 | "POD" : "POD", |
| 7066 | "RDBR" : "RDBR", |
| 7067 | "method" : "method", |
| 7068 | "LMK" : "LMK", |
| 7069 | "POM" : "POM", |
| 7070 | "ADDCODE" : "ADDCODE", |
| 7071 | "RD" : "RD", |
| 7072 | "PC" : "PC", |
| 7073 | "PCN" : "PCN", |
| 7074 | "BLD" : "BLD", |
| 7075 | "NAM" : "NAM", |
| 7076 | "ROOM" : "ROOM", |
| 7077 | "RDSUBBR" : "RDSUBBR" |
| 7078 | } |
| 7079 | }, |
| 7080 | "aefId" : "aefId", |
| 7081 | "interfaceDescriptions" : [ { |
| 7082 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7083 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7084 | "port" : 9606, |
| 7085 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 7086 | }, { |
| 7087 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7088 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7089 | "port" : 9606, |
| 7090 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 7091 | } ] |
| 7092 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7093 | "protocol" : "HTTP_1_1", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7094 | "securityMethods" : [ null, null ], |
| 7095 | "versions" : [ { |
| 7096 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 7097 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7098 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 7099 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7100 | "description" : "description", |
| 7101 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 7102 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7103 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 7104 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7105 | "description" : "description", |
| 7106 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 7107 | } ], |
| 7108 | "resources" : [ { |
| 7109 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 7110 | "description" : "description", |
| 7111 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7112 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7113 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7114 | }, { |
| 7115 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 7116 | "description" : "description", |
| 7117 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7118 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7119 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7120 | } ], |
| 7121 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 7122 | }, { |
| 7123 | "apiVersion" : "apiVersion", |
| 7124 | "custOperations" : [ { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7125 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 7126 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7127 | "description" : "description", |
| 7128 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 7129 | }, { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7130 | "operations" : [ "GET", "GET" ], |
| 7131 | "commType" : "REQUEST_RESPONSE", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7132 | "description" : "description", |
| 7133 | "custOpName" : "custOpName" |
| 7134 | } ], |
| 7135 | "resources" : [ { |
| 7136 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 7137 | "description" : "description", |
| 7138 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7139 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7140 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7141 | }, { |
| 7142 | "operations" : [ null, null ], |
| 7143 | "description" : "description", |
| 7144 | "custOpName" : "custOpName", |
| 7145 | "resourceName" : "resourceName", |
| 7146 | "uri" : "uri" |
| 7147 | } ], |
| 7148 | "expiry" : "2000-01-23T04:56:07.000+00:00" |
| 7149 | } ], |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7150 | "dataFormat" : "JSON", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7151 | "domainName" : "domainName", |
| 7152 | "aefLocation" : { |
| 7153 | "dcId" : "dcId", |
| 7154 | "geoArea" : { |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7155 | "shape" : "POINT", |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7156 | "point" : { |
| 7157 | "lon" : 36.988422590534526, |
| 7158 | "lat" : -75.5850925717018 |
| 7159 | } |
| 7160 | }, |
| 7161 | "civicAddr" : { |
| 7162 | "POBOX" : "POBOX", |
| 7163 | "usageRules" : "usageRules", |
| 7164 | "country" : "country", |
| 7165 | "PRD" : "PRD", |
| 7166 | "PLC" : "PLC", |
| 7167 | "HNO" : "HNO", |
| 7168 | "PRM" : "PRM", |
| 7169 | "HNS" : "HNS", |
| 7170 | "FLR" : "FLR", |
| 7171 | "A1" : "A1", |
| 7172 | "A2" : "A2", |
| 7173 | "A3" : "A3", |
| 7174 | "A4" : "A4", |
| 7175 | "STS" : "STS", |
| 7176 | "A5" : "A5", |
| 7177 | "A6" : "A6", |
| 7178 | "RDSEC" : "RDSEC", |
| 7179 | "providedBy" : "providedBy", |
| 7180 | "LOC" : "LOC", |
| 7181 | "SEAT" : "SEAT", |
| 7182 | "UNIT" : "UNIT", |
| 7183 | "POD" : "POD", |
| 7184 | "RDBR" : "RDBR", |
| 7185 | "method" : "method", |
| 7186 | "LMK" : "LMK", |
| 7187 | "POM" : "POM", |
| 7188 | "ADDCODE" : "ADDCODE", |
| 7189 | "RD" : "RD", |
| 7190 | "PC" : "PC", |
| 7191 | "PCN" : "PCN", |
| 7192 | "BLD" : "BLD", |
| 7193 | "NAM" : "NAM", |
| 7194 | "ROOM" : "ROOM", |
| 7195 | "RDSUBBR" : "RDSUBBR" |
| 7196 | } |
| 7197 | }, |
| 7198 | "aefId" : "aefId", |
| 7199 | "interfaceDescriptions" : [ { |
| 7200 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7201 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7202 | "port" : 9606, |
| 7203 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 7204 | }, { |
| 7205 | "ipv6Addr" : "ipv6Addr", |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7206 | "securityMethods" : [ "PSK", "PSK" ], |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7207 | "port" : 9606, |
| 7208 | "ipv4Addr" : "ipv4Addr" |
| 7209 | } ] |
| 7210 | } ], |
| 7211 | "apiId" : "apiId", |
| 7212 | "pubApiPath" : { |
| 7213 | "ccfIds" : [ "ccfIds", "ccfIds" ] |
| 7214 | } |
| 7215 | }' |
| 7216 | </code></pre> |
| 7217 | </div> |
| 7218 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-java"> |
| 7219 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.*; |
| 7220 | import org.openapitools.client.auth.*; |
| 7221 | import org.openapitools.client.model.*; |
| 7222 | import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 7223 | |
| 7224 | import; |
| 7225 | import java.util.*; |
| 7226 | |
| 7227 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 7228 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7229 | |
| 7230 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 7231 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 7232 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 7233 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 7234 | ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7235 | |
| 7236 | try { |
| 7237 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 7238 | System.out.println(result); |
| 7239 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7240 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut"); |
| 7241 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7242 | } |
| 7243 | } |
| 7244 | } |
| 7245 | </code></pre> |
| 7246 | </div> |
| 7247 | |
| 7248 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-dart"> |
| 7249 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-dart">import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; |
| 7250 | |
| 7251 | final api_instance = DefaultApi(); |
| 7252 | |
| 7253 | final String serviceApiId = new String(); // String | |
| 7254 | final String apfId = new String(); // String | |
| 7255 | final ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescription = new ServiceAPIDescription(); // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7256 | |
| 7257 | try { |
| 7258 | final result = await api_instance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 7259 | print(result); |
| 7260 | } catch (e) { |
| 7261 | print('Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut: $e\n'); |
| 7262 | } |
| 7263 | |
| 7264 | </code></pre> |
| 7265 | </div> |
| 7266 | |
| 7267 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-android"> |
| 7268 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.api.DefaultApi; |
| 7269 | |
| 7270 | public class DefaultApiExample { |
| 7271 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 7272 | DefaultApi apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 7273 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 7274 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 7275 | ServiceAPIDescription serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7276 | |
| 7277 | try { |
| 7278 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 7279 | System.out.println(result); |
| 7280 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 7281 | System.err.println("Exception when calling DefaultApi#apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut"); |
| 7282 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 7283 | } |
| 7284 | } |
| 7285 | }</code></pre> |
| 7286 | </div> |
| 7287 | <!-- |
| 7288 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-groovy"> |
| 7289 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7290 | </div> --> |
| 7291 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-objc"> |
| 7292 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 7293 | |
| 7294 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 7295 | DefaultApi *apiInstance = [[DefaultApi alloc] init]; |
| 7296 | String *serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // (default to null) |
| 7297 | String *apfId = apfId_example; // (default to null) |
| 7298 | ServiceAPIDescription *serviceAPIDescription = ; // |
| 7299 | |
| 7300 | [apiInstance apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPutWith:serviceApiId |
| 7301 | apfId:apfId |
| 7302 | serviceAPIDescription:serviceAPIDescription |
| 7303 | completionHandler: ^(ServiceAPIDescription output, NSError* error) { |
| 7304 | if (output) { |
| 7305 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 7306 | } |
| 7307 | if (error) { |
| 7308 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 7309 | } |
| 7310 | }]; |
| 7311 | </code></pre> |
| 7312 | </div> |
| 7313 | |
| 7314 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-javascript"> |
| 7315 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var CapifPublishServiceApi = require('capif_publish_service_api'); |
| 7316 | |
| 7317 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 7318 | var api = new CapifPublishServiceApi.DefaultApi() |
| 7319 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // {String} |
| 7320 | var apfId = apfId_example; // {String} |
| 7321 | var serviceAPIDescription = ; // {ServiceAPIDescription} |
| 7322 | |
| 7323 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 7324 | if (error) { |
| 7325 | console.error(error); |
| 7326 | } else { |
| 7327 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 7328 | } |
| 7329 | }; |
| 7330 | api.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription, callback); |
| 7331 | </code></pre> |
| 7332 | </div> |
| 7333 | |
| 7334 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-angular"> |
| 7335 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 7336 | </div>--> |
| 7337 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-csharp"> |
| 7338 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 7339 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 7340 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Api; |
| 7341 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Client; |
| 7342 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Model; |
| 7343 | |
| 7344 | namespace Example |
| 7345 | { |
| 7346 | public class apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPutExample |
| 7347 | { |
| 7348 | public void main() |
| 7349 | { |
| 7350 | |
| 7351 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 7352 | var apiInstance = new DefaultApi(); |
| 7353 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 7354 | var apfId = apfId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 7355 | var serviceAPIDescription = new ServiceAPIDescription(); // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7356 | |
| 7357 | try { |
| 7358 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription); |
| 7359 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 7360 | } catch (Exception e) { |
| 7361 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling DefaultApi.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut: " + e.Message ); |
| 7362 | } |
| 7363 | } |
| 7364 | } |
| 7365 | } |
| 7366 | </code></pre> |
| 7367 | </div> |
| 7368 | |
| 7369 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-php"> |
| 7370 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 7371 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 7372 | |
| 7373 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 7374 | $api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\DefaultApi(); |
| 7375 | $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 7376 | $apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 7377 | $serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7378 | |
| 7379 | try { |
| 7380 | $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut($serviceApiId, $apfId, $serviceAPIDescription); |
| 7381 | print_r($result); |
| 7382 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 7383 | echo 'Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 7384 | } |
| 7385 | ?></code></pre> |
| 7386 | </div> |
| 7387 | |
| 7388 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-perl"> |
| 7389 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 7390 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration; |
| 7391 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi; |
| 7392 | |
| 7393 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 7394 | my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::DefaultApi->new(); |
| 7395 | my $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; # String | |
| 7396 | my $apfId = apfId_example; # String | |
| 7397 | my $serviceAPIDescription = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::ServiceAPIDescription->new(); # ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7398 | |
| 7399 | eval { |
| 7400 | my $result = $api_instance->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId => $serviceApiId, apfId => $apfId, serviceAPIDescription => $serviceAPIDescription); |
| 7401 | print Dumper($result); |
| 7402 | }; |
| 7403 | if ($@) { |
| 7404 | warn "Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut: $@\n"; |
| 7405 | }</code></pre> |
| 7406 | </div> |
| 7407 | |
| 7408 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-python"> |
| 7409 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 7410 | import time |
| 7411 | import openapi_client |
| 7412 | from import ApiException |
| 7413 | from pprint import pprint |
| 7414 | |
| 7415 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 7416 | api_instance = openapi_client.DefaultApi() |
| 7417 | serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 7418 | apfId = apfId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 7419 | serviceAPIDescription = # ServiceAPIDescription | |
| 7420 | |
| 7421 | try: |
| 7422 | api_response = api_instance.apf_id_service_apis_service_api_id_put(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription) |
| 7423 | pprint(api_response) |
| 7424 | except ApiException as e: |
| 7425 | print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 7426 | </div> |
| 7427 | |
| 7428 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-0-rust"> |
| 7429 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-rust">extern crate DefaultApi; |
| 7430 | |
| 7431 | pub fn main() { |
| 7432 | let serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String |
| 7433 | let apfId = apfId_example; // String |
| 7434 | let serviceAPIDescription = ; // ServiceAPIDescription |
| 7435 | |
| 7436 | let mut context = DefaultApi::Context::default(); |
| 7437 | let result = client.apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescription, &context).wait(); |
| 7438 | |
| 7439 | println!("{:?}", result); |
| 7440 | } |
| 7441 | </code></pre> |
| 7442 | </div> |
| 7443 | </div> |
| 7444 | |
| 7445 | <h2>Scopes</h2> |
| 7446 | <table> |
| 7447 | |
| 7448 | </table> |
| 7449 | |
| 7450 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 7451 | |
| 7452 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 7453 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7454 | <tr> |
| 7455 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7456 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7457 | </tr> |
| 7458 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceApiId*</td> |
| 7459 | <td> |
| 7460 | |
| 7461 | |
| 7462 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut_serviceApiId"> |
| 7463 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7464 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7465 | <span class="type"> |
| 7466 | String |
| 7467 | </span> |
| 7468 | |
| 7469 | </div> |
| 7470 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7471 | Required |
| 7472 | </div> |
| 7473 | </div> |
| 7474 | </div> |
| 7475 | </td> |
| 7476 | </tr> |
| 7477 | |
| 7478 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">apfId*</td> |
| 7479 | <td> |
| 7480 | |
| 7481 | |
| 7482 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut_apfId"> |
| 7483 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 7484 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 7485 | <span class="type"> |
| 7486 | String |
| 7487 | </span> |
| 7488 | |
| 7489 | </div> |
| 7490 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 7491 | Required |
| 7492 | </div> |
| 7493 | </div> |
| 7494 | </div> |
| 7495 | </td> |
| 7496 | </tr> |
| 7497 | |
| 7498 | </table> |
| 7499 | |
| 7500 | |
| 7501 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 7502 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 7503 | <tr> |
| 7504 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7505 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7506 | </tr> |
| 7507 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceAPIDescription <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 7508 | <td> |
| 7509 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 7510 | <script> |
| 7511 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7512 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7513 | "content" : { |
| 7514 | "application/json" : { |
| 7515 | "schema" : { |
| 7516 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 7517 | } |
| 7518 | } |
| 7519 | }, |
| 7520 | "required" : true |
| 7521 | }; |
| 7522 | |
| 7523 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7524 | if (!schema) { |
| 7525 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7526 | } |
| 7527 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7528 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7529 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 7530 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7531 | } else { |
| 7532 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7533 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7534 | console.log(err); |
| 7535 | }); |
| 7536 | } |
| 7537 | |
| 7538 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 7539 | var result = $('#d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut_serviceAPIDescription'); |
| 7540 | result.empty(); |
| 7541 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7542 | }); |
| 7543 | </script> |
| 7544 | <div id="d2e199_apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut_serviceAPIDescription"></div> |
| 7545 | </td> |
| 7546 | </tr> |
| 7547 | |
| 7548 | </table> |
| 7549 | |
| 7550 | |
| 7551 | |
| 7552 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 7553 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-200"></h3> |
| 7554 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-200" class="marked"></p> |
| 7555 | <script> |
| 7556 | var responseDefault200_description = `Definition of service API updated successfully.`; |
| 7557 | var responseDefault200_description_break = responseDefault200_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 7558 | if (responseDefault200_description_break == -1) { |
| 7559 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseDefault200_description); |
| 7560 | } else { |
| 7561 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseDefault200_description.substring(0, responseDefault200_description_break)); |
| 7562 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-200").html(responseDefault200_description.substring(responseDefault200_description_break)); |
| 7563 | } |
| 7564 | </script> |
| 7565 | |
| 7566 | |
| 7567 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-200" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7568 | <li class="active"> |
| 7569 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-200-schema">Schema</a> |
| 7570 | </li> |
| 7571 | |
| 7572 | |
| 7573 | |
| 7574 | |
| 7575 | </ul> |
| 7576 | |
| 7577 | |
| 7578 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-200-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7579 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-200-schema"> |
| 7580 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-200" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 7581 | <script> |
| 7582 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7583 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7584 | "description" : "Definition of service API updated successfully.", |
| 7585 | "content" : { |
| 7586 | "application/json" : { |
| 7587 | "schema" : { |
| 7588 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 7589 | } |
| 7590 | } |
| 7591 | } |
| 7592 | }; |
| 7593 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7594 | if (!schema) { |
| 7595 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7596 | } |
| 7597 | if (schema == null) { |
| 7598 | return; |
| 7599 | } |
| 7600 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7601 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7602 | if ( != null) { |
| 7603 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 7604 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 7605 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 7606 | } |
| 7607 | }); |
| 7608 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7609 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 7610 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 7611 | } else { |
| 7612 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7613 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7614 | console.log(err); |
| 7615 | }); |
| 7616 | } |
| 7617 | |
| 7618 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 7619 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-200-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 7620 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-200'); |
| 7621 | result.empty(); |
| 7622 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7623 | }); |
| 7624 | </script> |
| 7625 | </div> |
| 7626 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-200-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 7627 | </div> |
| 7628 | </div> |
| 7629 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-204"></h3> |
| 7630 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-204" class="marked"></p> |
| 7631 | <script> |
| 7632 | var responseDefault204_description = `No Content`; |
| 7633 | var responseDefault204_description_break = responseDefault204_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 7634 | if (responseDefault204_description_break == -1) { |
| 7635 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-204").text("Status: 204 - " + responseDefault204_description); |
| 7636 | } else { |
| 7637 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-204").text("Status: 204 - " + responseDefault204_description.substring(0, responseDefault204_description_break)); |
| 7638 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-204").html(responseDefault204_description.substring(responseDefault204_description_break)); |
| 7639 | } |
| 7640 | </script> |
| 7641 | |
| 7642 | |
| 7643 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-204" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7644 | |
| 7645 | |
| 7646 | </ul> |
| 7647 | |
| 7648 | |
| 7649 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-204-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7650 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-204-schema"> |
| 7651 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-204" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 7652 | <script> |
| 7653 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7654 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7655 | "description" : "No Content" |
| 7656 | }; |
| 7657 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7658 | if (!schema) { |
| 7659 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7660 | } |
| 7661 | if (schema == null) { |
| 7662 | return; |
| 7663 | } |
| 7664 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7665 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7666 | if ( != null) { |
| 7667 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 7668 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 7669 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 7670 | } |
| 7671 | }); |
| 7672 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7673 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 7674 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 7675 | } else { |
| 7676 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7677 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7678 | console.log(err); |
| 7679 | }); |
| 7680 | } |
| 7681 | |
| 7682 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 7683 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-204-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 7684 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-204'); |
| 7685 | result.empty(); |
| 7686 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7687 | }); |
| 7688 | </script> |
| 7689 | </div> |
| 7690 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-204-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 7691 | </div> |
| 7692 | </div> |
| 7693 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-307"></h3> |
| 7694 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-307" class="marked"></p> |
| 7695 | <script> |
| 7696 | var responseDefault307_description = `Temporary Redirect`; |
| 7697 | var responseDefault307_description_break = responseDefault307_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 7698 | if (responseDefault307_description_break == -1) { |
| 7699 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description); |
| 7700 | } else { |
| 7701 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseDefault307_description.substring(0, responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 7702 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-307").html(responseDefault307_description.substring(responseDefault307_description_break)); |
| 7703 | } |
| 7704 | </script> |
| 7705 | |
| 7706 | |
| 7707 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7708 | |
| 7709 | <li class=""> |
| 7710 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307-headers">Headers</a> |
| 7711 | </li> |
| 7712 | |
| 7713 | </ul> |
| 7714 | |
| 7715 | |
| 7716 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7717 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307-schema"> |
| 7718 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-307" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 7719 | <script> |
| 7720 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7721 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7722 | "description" : "Temporary Redirect", |
| 7723 | "headers" : { |
| 7724 | "Location" : { |
| 7725 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 7726 | "required" : true, |
| 7727 | "schema" : { |
| 7728 | "type" : "string" |
| 7729 | } |
| 7730 | } |
| 7731 | } |
| 7732 | }; |
| 7733 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7734 | if (!schema) { |
| 7735 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7736 | } |
| 7737 | if (schema == null) { |
| 7738 | return; |
| 7739 | } |
| 7740 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7741 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7742 | if ( != null) { |
| 7743 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 7744 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 7745 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 7746 | } |
| 7747 | }); |
| 7748 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7749 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 7750 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 7751 | } else { |
| 7752 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7753 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7754 | console.log(err); |
| 7755 | }); |
| 7756 | } |
| 7757 | |
| 7758 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 7759 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 7760 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-307'); |
| 7761 | result.empty(); |
| 7762 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7763 | }); |
| 7764 | </script> |
| 7765 | </div> |
| 7766 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 7767 | </div> |
| 7768 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-307-headers"> |
| 7769 | <table> |
| 7770 | <tr> |
| 7771 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7772 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 7773 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 7774 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7775 | </tr> |
| 7776 | <tr> |
| 7777 | <td>Location</td> |
| 7778 | <td>String</td> |
| 7779 | <td></td> |
| 7780 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 7781 | </tr> |
| 7782 | </table> |
| 7783 | </div> |
| 7784 | </div> |
| 7785 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-308"></h3> |
| 7786 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-308" class="marked"></p> |
| 7787 | <script> |
| 7788 | var responseDefault308_description = `Permanent Redirect`; |
| 7789 | var responseDefault308_description_break = responseDefault308_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 7790 | if (responseDefault308_description_break == -1) { |
| 7791 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description); |
| 7792 | } else { |
| 7793 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseDefault308_description.substring(0, responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 7794 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-308").html(responseDefault308_description.substring(responseDefault308_description_break)); |
| 7795 | } |
| 7796 | </script> |
| 7797 | |
| 7798 | |
| 7799 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7800 | |
| 7801 | <li class=""> |
| 7802 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308-headers">Headers</a> |
| 7803 | </li> |
| 7804 | |
| 7805 | </ul> |
| 7806 | |
| 7807 | |
| 7808 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7809 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308-schema"> |
| 7810 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-308" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 7811 | <script> |
| 7812 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7813 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7814 | "description" : "Permanent Redirect", |
| 7815 | "headers" : { |
| 7816 | "Location" : { |
| 7817 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 7818 | "required" : true, |
| 7819 | "schema" : { |
| 7820 | "type" : "string" |
| 7821 | } |
| 7822 | } |
| 7823 | } |
| 7824 | }; |
| 7825 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7826 | if (!schema) { |
| 7827 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7828 | } |
| 7829 | if (schema == null) { |
| 7830 | return; |
| 7831 | } |
| 7832 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7833 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7834 | if ( != null) { |
| 7835 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 7836 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 7837 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 7838 | } |
| 7839 | }); |
| 7840 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7841 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 7842 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 7843 | } else { |
| 7844 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7845 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7846 | console.log(err); |
| 7847 | }); |
| 7848 | } |
| 7849 | |
| 7850 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 7851 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 7852 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-308'); |
| 7853 | result.empty(); |
| 7854 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7855 | }); |
| 7856 | </script> |
| 7857 | </div> |
| 7858 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 7859 | </div> |
| 7860 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-308-headers"> |
| 7861 | <table> |
| 7862 | <tr> |
| 7863 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 7864 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 7865 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 7866 | <th>Description</th> |
| 7867 | </tr> |
| 7868 | <tr> |
| 7869 | <td>Location</td> |
| 7870 | <td>String</td> |
| 7871 | <td></td> |
| 7872 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 7873 | </tr> |
| 7874 | </table> |
| 7875 | </div> |
| 7876 | </div> |
| 7877 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-400"></h3> |
| 7878 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-400" class="marked"></p> |
| 7879 | <script> |
| 7880 | var responseDefault400_description = `Bad request`; |
| 7881 | var responseDefault400_description_break = responseDefault400_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 7882 | if (responseDefault400_description_break == -1) { |
| 7883 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description); |
| 7884 | } else { |
| 7885 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseDefault400_description.substring(0, responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 7886 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-400").html(responseDefault400_description.substring(responseDefault400_description_break)); |
| 7887 | } |
| 7888 | </script> |
| 7889 | |
| 7890 | |
| 7891 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-400" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7892 | <li class="active"> |
| 7893 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-400-schema">Schema</a> |
| 7894 | </li> |
| 7895 | |
| 7896 | |
| 7897 | |
| 7898 | |
| 7899 | </ul> |
| 7900 | |
| 7901 | |
| 7902 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-400-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7903 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-400-schema"> |
| 7904 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-400" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 7905 | <script> |
| 7906 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7907 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7908 | "description" : "Bad request", |
| 7909 | "content" : { |
| 7910 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 7911 | "schema" : { |
| 7912 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 7913 | } |
| 7914 | } |
| 7915 | } |
| 7916 | }; |
| 7917 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7918 | if (!schema) { |
| 7919 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7920 | } |
| 7921 | if (schema == null) { |
| 7922 | return; |
| 7923 | } |
| 7924 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 7925 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 7926 | if ( != null) { |
| 7927 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 7928 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 7929 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 7930 | } |
| 7931 | }); |
| 7932 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 7933 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 7934 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 7935 | } else { |
| 7936 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 7937 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 7938 | console.log(err); |
| 7939 | }); |
| 7940 | } |
| 7941 | |
| 7942 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 7943 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-400-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 7944 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-400'); |
| 7945 | result.empty(); |
| 7946 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 7947 | }); |
| 7948 | </script> |
| 7949 | </div> |
| 7950 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-400-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 7951 | </div> |
| 7952 | </div> |
| 7953 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-401"></h3> |
| 7954 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-401" class="marked"></p> |
| 7955 | <script> |
| 7956 | var responseDefault401_description = `Unauthorized`; |
| 7957 | var responseDefault401_description_break = responseDefault401_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 7958 | if (responseDefault401_description_break == -1) { |
| 7959 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description); |
| 7960 | } else { |
| 7961 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseDefault401_description.substring(0, responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 7962 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-401").html(responseDefault401_description.substring(responseDefault401_description_break)); |
| 7963 | } |
| 7964 | </script> |
| 7965 | |
| 7966 | |
| 7967 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-401" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 7968 | <li class="active"> |
| 7969 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-401-schema">Schema</a> |
| 7970 | </li> |
| 7971 | |
| 7972 | |
| 7973 | |
| 7974 | |
| 7975 | </ul> |
| 7976 | |
| 7977 | |
| 7978 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-401-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 7979 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-401-schema"> |
| 7980 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-401" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 7981 | <script> |
| 7982 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 7983 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 7984 | "description" : "Unauthorized", |
| 7985 | "content" : { |
| 7986 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 7987 | "schema" : { |
| 7988 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 7989 | } |
| 7990 | } |
| 7991 | } |
| 7992 | }; |
| 7993 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 7994 | if (!schema) { |
| 7995 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 7996 | } |
| 7997 | if (schema == null) { |
| 7998 | return; |
| 7999 | } |
| 8000 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8001 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8002 | if ( != null) { |
| 8003 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8004 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8005 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8006 | } |
| 8007 | }); |
| 8008 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8009 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8010 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8011 | } else { |
| 8012 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8013 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8014 | console.log(err); |
| 8015 | }); |
| 8016 | } |
| 8017 | |
| 8018 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8019 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-401-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8020 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-401'); |
| 8021 | result.empty(); |
| 8022 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8023 | }); |
| 8024 | </script> |
| 8025 | </div> |
| 8026 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-401-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8027 | </div> |
| 8028 | </div> |
| 8029 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-403"></h3> |
| 8030 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-403" class="marked"></p> |
| 8031 | <script> |
| 8032 | var responseDefault403_description = `Forbidden`; |
| 8033 | var responseDefault403_description_break = responseDefault403_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8034 | if (responseDefault403_description_break == -1) { |
| 8035 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description); |
| 8036 | } else { |
| 8037 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseDefault403_description.substring(0, responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 8038 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-403").html(responseDefault403_description.substring(responseDefault403_description_break)); |
| 8039 | } |
| 8040 | </script> |
| 8041 | |
| 8042 | |
| 8043 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-403" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8044 | <li class="active"> |
| 8045 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-403-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8046 | </li> |
| 8047 | |
| 8048 | |
| 8049 | |
| 8050 | |
| 8051 | </ul> |
| 8052 | |
| 8053 | |
| 8054 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-403-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8055 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-403-schema"> |
| 8056 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-403" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8057 | <script> |
| 8058 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8059 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8060 | "description" : "Forbidden", |
| 8061 | "content" : { |
| 8062 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8063 | "schema" : { |
| 8064 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8065 | } |
| 8066 | } |
| 8067 | } |
| 8068 | }; |
| 8069 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8070 | if (!schema) { |
| 8071 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8072 | } |
| 8073 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8074 | return; |
| 8075 | } |
| 8076 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8077 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8078 | if ( != null) { |
| 8079 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8080 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8081 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8082 | } |
| 8083 | }); |
| 8084 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8085 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8086 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8087 | } else { |
| 8088 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8089 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8090 | console.log(err); |
| 8091 | }); |
| 8092 | } |
| 8093 | |
| 8094 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8095 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-403-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8096 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-403'); |
| 8097 | result.empty(); |
| 8098 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8099 | }); |
| 8100 | </script> |
| 8101 | </div> |
| 8102 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-403-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8103 | </div> |
| 8104 | </div> |
| 8105 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-404"></h3> |
| 8106 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-404" class="marked"></p> |
| 8107 | <script> |
| 8108 | var responseDefault404_description = `Not Found`; |
| 8109 | var responseDefault404_description_break = responseDefault404_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8110 | if (responseDefault404_description_break == -1) { |
| 8111 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description); |
| 8112 | } else { |
| 8113 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseDefault404_description.substring(0, responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 8114 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-404").html(responseDefault404_description.substring(responseDefault404_description_break)); |
| 8115 | } |
| 8116 | </script> |
| 8117 | |
| 8118 | |
| 8119 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-404" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8120 | <li class="active"> |
| 8121 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-404-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8122 | </li> |
| 8123 | |
| 8124 | |
| 8125 | |
| 8126 | |
| 8127 | </ul> |
| 8128 | |
| 8129 | |
| 8130 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-404-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8131 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-404-schema"> |
| 8132 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-404" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8133 | <script> |
| 8134 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8135 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8136 | "description" : "Not Found", |
| 8137 | "content" : { |
| 8138 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8139 | "schema" : { |
| 8140 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8141 | } |
| 8142 | } |
| 8143 | } |
| 8144 | }; |
| 8145 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8146 | if (!schema) { |
| 8147 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8148 | } |
| 8149 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8150 | return; |
| 8151 | } |
| 8152 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8153 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8154 | if ( != null) { |
| 8155 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8156 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8157 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8158 | } |
| 8159 | }); |
| 8160 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8161 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8162 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8163 | } else { |
| 8164 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8165 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8166 | console.log(err); |
| 8167 | }); |
| 8168 | } |
| 8169 | |
| 8170 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8171 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-404-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8172 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-404'); |
| 8173 | result.empty(); |
| 8174 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8175 | }); |
| 8176 | </script> |
| 8177 | </div> |
| 8178 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-404-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8179 | </div> |
| 8180 | </div> |
| 8181 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-411"></h3> |
| 8182 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-411" class="marked"></p> |
| 8183 | <script> |
| 8184 | var responseDefault411_description = `Length Required`; |
| 8185 | var responseDefault411_description_break = responseDefault411_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8186 | if (responseDefault411_description_break == -1) { |
| 8187 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-411").text("Status: 411 - " + responseDefault411_description); |
| 8188 | } else { |
| 8189 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-411").text("Status: 411 - " + responseDefault411_description.substring(0, responseDefault411_description_break)); |
| 8190 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-411").html(responseDefault411_description.substring(responseDefault411_description_break)); |
| 8191 | } |
| 8192 | </script> |
| 8193 | |
| 8194 | |
| 8195 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-411" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8196 | <li class="active"> |
| 8197 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-411-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8198 | </li> |
| 8199 | |
| 8200 | |
| 8201 | |
| 8202 | |
| 8203 | </ul> |
| 8204 | |
| 8205 | |
| 8206 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-411-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8207 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-411-schema"> |
| 8208 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-411" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8209 | <script> |
| 8210 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8211 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8212 | "description" : "Length Required", |
| 8213 | "content" : { |
| 8214 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8215 | "schema" : { |
| 8216 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8217 | } |
| 8218 | } |
| 8219 | } |
| 8220 | }; |
| 8221 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8222 | if (!schema) { |
| 8223 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8224 | } |
| 8225 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8226 | return; |
| 8227 | } |
| 8228 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8229 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8230 | if ( != null) { |
| 8231 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8232 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8233 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8234 | } |
| 8235 | }); |
| 8236 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8237 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8238 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8239 | } else { |
| 8240 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8241 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8242 | console.log(err); |
| 8243 | }); |
| 8244 | } |
| 8245 | |
| 8246 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8247 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-411-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8248 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-411'); |
| 8249 | result.empty(); |
| 8250 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8251 | }); |
| 8252 | </script> |
| 8253 | </div> |
| 8254 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-411-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8255 | </div> |
| 8256 | </div> |
| 8257 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-413"></h3> |
| 8258 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-413" class="marked"></p> |
| 8259 | <script> |
| 8260 | var responseDefault413_description = `Payload Too Large`; |
| 8261 | var responseDefault413_description_break = responseDefault413_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8262 | if (responseDefault413_description_break == -1) { |
| 8263 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-413").text("Status: 413 - " + responseDefault413_description); |
| 8264 | } else { |
| 8265 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-413").text("Status: 413 - " + responseDefault413_description.substring(0, responseDefault413_description_break)); |
| 8266 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-413").html(responseDefault413_description.substring(responseDefault413_description_break)); |
| 8267 | } |
| 8268 | </script> |
| 8269 | |
| 8270 | |
| 8271 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-413" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8272 | <li class="active"> |
| 8273 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-413-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8274 | </li> |
| 8275 | |
| 8276 | |
| 8277 | |
| 8278 | |
| 8279 | </ul> |
| 8280 | |
| 8281 | |
| 8282 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-413-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8283 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-413-schema"> |
| 8284 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-413" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8285 | <script> |
| 8286 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8287 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8288 | "description" : "Payload Too Large", |
| 8289 | "content" : { |
| 8290 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8291 | "schema" : { |
| 8292 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8293 | } |
| 8294 | } |
| 8295 | } |
| 8296 | }; |
| 8297 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8298 | if (!schema) { |
| 8299 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8300 | } |
| 8301 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8302 | return; |
| 8303 | } |
| 8304 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8305 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8306 | if ( != null) { |
| 8307 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8308 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8309 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8310 | } |
| 8311 | }); |
| 8312 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8313 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8314 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8315 | } else { |
| 8316 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8317 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8318 | console.log(err); |
| 8319 | }); |
| 8320 | } |
| 8321 | |
| 8322 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8323 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-413-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8324 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-413'); |
| 8325 | result.empty(); |
| 8326 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8327 | }); |
| 8328 | </script> |
| 8329 | </div> |
| 8330 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-413-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8331 | </div> |
| 8332 | </div> |
| 8333 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-415"></h3> |
| 8334 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-415" class="marked"></p> |
| 8335 | <script> |
| 8336 | var responseDefault415_description = `Unsupported Media Type`; |
| 8337 | var responseDefault415_description_break = responseDefault415_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8338 | if (responseDefault415_description_break == -1) { |
| 8339 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-415").text("Status: 415 - " + responseDefault415_description); |
| 8340 | } else { |
| 8341 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-415").text("Status: 415 - " + responseDefault415_description.substring(0, responseDefault415_description_break)); |
| 8342 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-415").html(responseDefault415_description.substring(responseDefault415_description_break)); |
| 8343 | } |
| 8344 | </script> |
| 8345 | |
| 8346 | |
| 8347 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-415" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8348 | <li class="active"> |
| 8349 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-415-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8350 | </li> |
| 8351 | |
| 8352 | |
| 8353 | |
| 8354 | |
| 8355 | </ul> |
| 8356 | |
| 8357 | |
| 8358 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-415-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8359 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-415-schema"> |
| 8360 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-415" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8361 | <script> |
| 8362 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8363 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8364 | "description" : "Unsupported Media Type", |
| 8365 | "content" : { |
| 8366 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8367 | "schema" : { |
| 8368 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8369 | } |
| 8370 | } |
| 8371 | } |
| 8372 | }; |
| 8373 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8374 | if (!schema) { |
| 8375 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8376 | } |
| 8377 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8378 | return; |
| 8379 | } |
| 8380 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8381 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8382 | if ( != null) { |
| 8383 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8384 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8385 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8386 | } |
| 8387 | }); |
| 8388 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8389 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8390 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8391 | } else { |
| 8392 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8393 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8394 | console.log(err); |
| 8395 | }); |
| 8396 | } |
| 8397 | |
| 8398 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8399 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-415-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8400 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-415'); |
| 8401 | result.empty(); |
| 8402 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8403 | }); |
| 8404 | </script> |
| 8405 | </div> |
| 8406 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-415-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8407 | </div> |
| 8408 | </div> |
| 8409 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-429"></h3> |
| 8410 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-429" class="marked"></p> |
| 8411 | <script> |
| 8412 | var responseDefault429_description = `Too Many Requests`; |
| 8413 | var responseDefault429_description_break = responseDefault429_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8414 | if (responseDefault429_description_break == -1) { |
| 8415 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description); |
| 8416 | } else { |
| 8417 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseDefault429_description.substring(0, responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 8418 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-429").html(responseDefault429_description.substring(responseDefault429_description_break)); |
| 8419 | } |
| 8420 | </script> |
| 8421 | |
| 8422 | |
| 8423 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-429" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8424 | <li class="active"> |
| 8425 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-429-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8426 | </li> |
| 8427 | |
| 8428 | |
| 8429 | |
| 8430 | |
| 8431 | </ul> |
| 8432 | |
| 8433 | |
| 8434 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-429-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8435 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-429-schema"> |
| 8436 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-429" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8437 | <script> |
| 8438 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8439 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8440 | "description" : "Too Many Requests", |
| 8441 | "content" : { |
| 8442 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8443 | "schema" : { |
| 8444 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8445 | } |
| 8446 | } |
| 8447 | } |
| 8448 | }; |
| 8449 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8450 | if (!schema) { |
| 8451 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8452 | } |
| 8453 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8454 | return; |
| 8455 | } |
| 8456 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8457 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8458 | if ( != null) { |
| 8459 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8460 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8461 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8462 | } |
| 8463 | }); |
| 8464 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8465 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8466 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8467 | } else { |
| 8468 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8469 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8470 | console.log(err); |
| 8471 | }); |
| 8472 | } |
| 8473 | |
| 8474 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8475 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-429-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8476 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-429'); |
| 8477 | result.empty(); |
| 8478 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8479 | }); |
| 8480 | </script> |
| 8481 | </div> |
| 8482 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-429-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8483 | </div> |
| 8484 | </div> |
| 8485 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-500"></h3> |
| 8486 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-500" class="marked"></p> |
| 8487 | <script> |
| 8488 | var responseDefault500_description = `Internal Server Error`; |
| 8489 | var responseDefault500_description_break = responseDefault500_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8490 | if (responseDefault500_description_break == -1) { |
| 8491 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description); |
| 8492 | } else { |
| 8493 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseDefault500_description.substring(0, responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 8494 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-500").html(responseDefault500_description.substring(responseDefault500_description_break)); |
| 8495 | } |
| 8496 | </script> |
| 8497 | |
| 8498 | |
| 8499 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-500" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8500 | <li class="active"> |
| 8501 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-500-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8502 | </li> |
| 8503 | |
| 8504 | |
| 8505 | |
| 8506 | |
| 8507 | </ul> |
| 8508 | |
| 8509 | |
| 8510 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-500-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8511 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-500-schema"> |
| 8512 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-500" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8513 | <script> |
| 8514 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8515 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8516 | "description" : "Internal Server Error", |
| 8517 | "content" : { |
| 8518 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8519 | "schema" : { |
| 8520 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8521 | } |
| 8522 | } |
| 8523 | } |
| 8524 | }; |
| 8525 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8526 | if (!schema) { |
| 8527 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8528 | } |
| 8529 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8530 | return; |
| 8531 | } |
| 8532 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8533 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8534 | if ( != null) { |
| 8535 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8536 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8537 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8538 | } |
| 8539 | }); |
| 8540 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8541 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8542 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8543 | } else { |
| 8544 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8545 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8546 | console.log(err); |
| 8547 | }); |
| 8548 | } |
| 8549 | |
| 8550 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8551 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-500-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8552 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-500'); |
| 8553 | result.empty(); |
| 8554 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8555 | }); |
| 8556 | </script> |
| 8557 | </div> |
| 8558 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-500-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8559 | </div> |
| 8560 | </div> |
| 8561 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-503"></h3> |
| 8562 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-503" class="marked"></p> |
| 8563 | <script> |
| 8564 | var responseDefault503_description = `Service Unavailable`; |
| 8565 | var responseDefault503_description_break = responseDefault503_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8566 | if (responseDefault503_description_break == -1) { |
| 8567 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description); |
| 8568 | } else { |
| 8569 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseDefault503_description.substring(0, responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 8570 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-503").html(responseDefault503_description.substring(responseDefault503_description_break)); |
| 8571 | } |
| 8572 | </script> |
| 8573 | |
| 8574 | |
| 8575 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-503" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8576 | <li class="active"> |
| 8577 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-503-schema">Schema</a> |
| 8578 | </li> |
| 8579 | |
| 8580 | |
| 8581 | |
| 8582 | |
| 8583 | </ul> |
| 8584 | |
| 8585 | |
| 8586 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-503-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8587 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-503-schema"> |
| 8588 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-503" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8589 | <script> |
| 8590 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8591 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8592 | "description" : "Service Unavailable", |
| 8593 | "content" : { |
| 8594 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 8595 | "schema" : { |
| 8596 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 8597 | } |
| 8598 | } |
| 8599 | } |
| 8600 | }; |
| 8601 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8602 | if (!schema) { |
| 8603 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8604 | } |
| 8605 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8606 | return; |
| 8607 | } |
| 8608 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8609 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8610 | if ( != null) { |
| 8611 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8612 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8613 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8614 | } |
| 8615 | }); |
| 8616 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8617 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8618 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8619 | } else { |
| 8620 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8621 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8622 | console.log(err); |
| 8623 | }); |
| 8624 | } |
| 8625 | |
| 8626 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8627 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-503-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8628 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-503'); |
| 8629 | result.empty(); |
| 8630 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8631 | }); |
| 8632 | </script> |
| 8633 | </div> |
| 8634 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-503-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8635 | </div> |
| 8636 | </div> |
| 8637 | <h3 id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-default"></h3> |
| 8638 | <p id="examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-default" class="marked"></p> |
| 8639 | <script> |
| 8640 | var responseDefaultdefault_description = `Generic Error`; |
| 8641 | var responseDefaultdefault_description_break = responseDefaultdefault_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 8642 | if (responseDefaultdefault_description_break == -1) { |
| 8643 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description); |
| 8644 | } else { |
| 8645 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(0, responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 8646 | $("#examples-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-description-default").html(responseDefaultdefault_description.substring(responseDefaultdefault_description_break)); |
| 8647 | } |
| 8648 | </script> |
| 8649 | |
| 8650 | |
| 8651 | <ul id="responses-detail-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-default" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 8652 | |
| 8653 | |
| 8654 | </ul> |
| 8655 | |
| 8656 | |
| 8657 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-default-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 8658 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-default-schema"> |
| 8659 | <div id="responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-default" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 8660 | <script> |
| 8661 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 8662 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 8663 | "description" : "Generic Error" |
| 8664 | }; |
| 8665 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 8666 | if (!schema) { |
| 8667 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 8668 | } |
| 8669 | if (schema == null) { |
| 8670 | return; |
| 8671 | } |
| 8672 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 8673 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 8674 | if ( != null) { |
| 8675 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 8676 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 8677 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 8678 | } |
| 8679 | }); |
| 8680 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 8681 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 8682 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 8683 | } else { |
| 8684 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 8685 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 8686 | console.log(err); |
| 8687 | }); |
| 8688 | } |
| 8689 | |
| 8690 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 8691 | $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-default-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 8692 | var result = $('#responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-schema-default'); |
| 8693 | result.empty(); |
| 8694 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 8695 | }); |
| 8696 | </script> |
| 8697 | </div> |
| 8698 | <input id='responses-Default-apfIdServiceApisServiceApiIdPut-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 8699 | </div> |
| 8700 | </div> |
| 8701 | </article> |
| 8702 | </div> |
| 8703 | <hr> |
| 8704 | </section> |
| 8705 | <section id="api-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI"> |
| 8706 | <h1>IndividualAPFPublishedAPI</h1> |
| 8707 | <div id="api-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI"> |
| 8708 | <article id="api-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0" data-group="User" data-name="modifyIndAPFPubAPI" data-version="0"> |
| 8709 | <div class="pull-left"> |
| 8710 | <h1>modifyIndAPFPubAPI</h1> |
| 8711 | <p></p> |
| 8712 | </div> |
| 8713 | <div class="pull-right"></div> |
| 8714 | <div class="clearfix"></div> |
| 8715 | <p></p> |
| 8716 | <p class="marked">Modify an existing published service API.</p> |
| 8717 | <p></p> |
| 8718 | <br /> |
| 8719 | <pre class="prettyprint language-html prettyprinted" data-type="patch"><code><span class="pln">/{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}</span></code></pre> |
| 8720 | <p> |
| 8721 | <h3>Usage and SDK Samples</h3> |
| 8722 | </p> |
| 8723 | <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples"> |
| 8724 | <li class="active"><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-curl">Curl</a></li> |
| 8725 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-java">Java</a></li> |
| 8726 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-dart">Dart</a></li> |
| 8727 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-android">Android</a></li> |
| 8728 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-groovy">Groovy</a></li>--> |
| 8729 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-objc">Obj-C</a></li> |
| 8730 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-javascript">JavaScript</a></li> |
| 8731 | <!--<li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-angular">Angular</a></li>--> |
| 8732 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-csharp">C#</a></li> |
| 8733 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-php">PHP</a></li> |
| 8734 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-perl">Perl</a></li> |
| 8735 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-python">Python</a></li> |
| 8736 | <li class=""><a href="#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-rust">Rust</a></li> |
| 8737 | </ul> |
| 8738 | |
| 8739 | <div class="tab-content"> |
| 8740 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-curl"> |
| 8741 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-bsh">curl -X PATCH \ |
| 8742 | -H "Accept: application/json,application/problem+json" \ |
| 8743 | -H "Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json" \ |
| 8744 | "{apfId}/service-apis/{serviceApiId}" \ |
| 8745 | -d 'Custom MIME type example not yet supported: application/merge-patch+json' |
| 8746 | </code></pre> |
| 8747 | </div> |
| 8748 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-java"> |
| 8749 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.*; |
| 8750 | import org.openapitools.client.auth.*; |
| 8751 | import org.openapitools.client.model.*; |
| 8752 | import org.openapitools.client.api.IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi; |
| 8753 | |
| 8754 | import; |
| 8755 | import java.util.*; |
| 8756 | |
| 8757 | public class IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApiExample { |
| 8758 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8759 | |
| 8760 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 8761 | IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi apiInstance = new IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi(); |
| 8762 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 8763 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 8764 | ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = ; // ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8765 | |
| 8766 | try { |
| 8767 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch); |
| 8768 | System.out.println(result); |
| 8769 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8770 | System.err.println("Exception when calling IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi#modifyIndAPFPubAPI"); |
| 8771 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8772 | } |
| 8773 | } |
| 8774 | } |
| 8775 | </code></pre> |
| 8776 | </div> |
| 8777 | |
| 8778 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-dart"> |
| 8779 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-dart">import 'package:openapi/api.dart'; |
| 8780 | |
| 8781 | final api_instance = DefaultApi(); |
| 8782 | |
| 8783 | final String serviceApiId = new String(); // String | |
| 8784 | final String apfId = new String(); // String | |
| 8785 | final ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = new ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch(); // ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8786 | |
| 8787 | try { |
| 8788 | final result = await api_instance.modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch); |
| 8789 | print(result); |
| 8790 | } catch (e) { |
| 8791 | print('Exception when calling DefaultApi->modifyIndAPFPubAPI: $e\n'); |
| 8792 | } |
| 8793 | |
| 8794 | </code></pre> |
| 8795 | </div> |
| 8796 | |
| 8797 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-android"> |
| 8798 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-java">import org.openapitools.client.api.IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi; |
| 8799 | |
| 8800 | public class IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApiExample { |
| 8801 | public static void main(String[] args) { |
| 8802 | IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi apiInstance = new IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi(); |
| 8803 | String serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 8804 | String apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 8805 | ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = ; // ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8806 | |
| 8807 | try { |
| 8808 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch); |
| 8809 | System.out.println(result); |
| 8810 | } catch (ApiException e) { |
| 8811 | System.err.println("Exception when calling IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi#modifyIndAPFPubAPI"); |
| 8812 | e.printStackTrace(); |
| 8813 | } |
| 8814 | } |
| 8815 | }</code></pre> |
| 8816 | </div> |
| 8817 | <!-- |
| 8818 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-groovy"> |
| 8819 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8820 | </div> --> |
| 8821 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-objc"> |
| 8822 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cpp"> |
| 8823 | |
| 8824 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 8825 | IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi *apiInstance = [[IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi alloc] init]; |
| 8826 | String *serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // (default to null) |
| 8827 | String *apfId = apfId_example; // (default to null) |
| 8828 | ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch *serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = ; // |
| 8829 | |
| 8830 | [apiInstance modifyIndAPFPubAPIWith:serviceApiId |
| 8831 | apfId:apfId |
| 8832 | serviceAPIDescriptionPatch:serviceAPIDescriptionPatch |
| 8833 | completionHandler: ^(ServiceAPIDescription output, NSError* error) { |
| 8834 | if (output) { |
| 8835 | NSLog(@"%@", output); |
| 8836 | } |
| 8837 | if (error) { |
| 8838 | NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); |
| 8839 | } |
| 8840 | }]; |
| 8841 | </code></pre> |
| 8842 | </div> |
| 8843 | |
| 8844 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-javascript"> |
| 8845 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-js">var CapifPublishServiceApi = require('capif_publish_service_api'); |
| 8846 | |
| 8847 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 8848 | var api = new CapifPublishServiceApi.IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi() |
| 8849 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // {String} |
| 8850 | var apfId = apfId_example; // {String} |
| 8851 | var serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = ; // {ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch} |
| 8852 | |
| 8853 | var callback = function(error, data, response) { |
| 8854 | if (error) { |
| 8855 | console.error(error); |
| 8856 | } else { |
| 8857 | console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data); |
| 8858 | } |
| 8859 | }; |
| 8860 | api.modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch, callback); |
| 8861 | </code></pre> |
| 8862 | </div> |
| 8863 | |
| 8864 | <!--<div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-angular"> |
| 8865 | <pre class="prettyprint language-json prettyprinted" data-type="json"><code>Coming Soon!</code></pre> |
| 8866 | </div>--> |
| 8867 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-csharp"> |
| 8868 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-cs">using System; |
| 8869 | using System.Diagnostics; |
| 8870 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Api; |
| 8871 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Client; |
| 8872 | using Org.OpenAPITools.Model; |
| 8873 | |
| 8874 | namespace Example |
| 8875 | { |
| 8876 | public class modifyIndAPFPubAPIExample |
| 8877 | { |
| 8878 | public void main() |
| 8879 | { |
| 8880 | |
| 8881 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 8882 | var apiInstance = new IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi(); |
| 8883 | var serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 8884 | var apfId = apfId_example; // String | (default to null) |
| 8885 | var serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = new ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch(); // ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8886 | |
| 8887 | try { |
| 8888 | ServiceAPIDescription result = apiInstance.modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch); |
| 8889 | Debug.WriteLine(result); |
| 8890 | } catch (Exception e) { |
| 8891 | Debug.Print("Exception when calling IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi.modifyIndAPFPubAPI: " + e.Message ); |
| 8892 | } |
| 8893 | } |
| 8894 | } |
| 8895 | } |
| 8896 | </code></pre> |
| 8897 | </div> |
| 8898 | |
| 8899 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-php"> |
| 8900 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-php"><?php |
| 8901 | require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); |
| 8902 | |
| 8903 | // Create an instance of the API class |
| 8904 | $api_instance = new OpenAPITools\Client\Api\IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi(); |
| 8905 | $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String | |
| 8906 | $apfId = apfId_example; // String | |
| 8907 | $serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = ; // ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8908 | |
| 8909 | try { |
| 8910 | $result = $api_instance->modifyIndAPFPubAPI($serviceApiId, $apfId, $serviceAPIDescriptionPatch); |
| 8911 | print_r($result); |
| 8912 | } catch (Exception $e) { |
| 8913 | echo 'Exception when calling IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi->modifyIndAPFPubAPI: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; |
| 8914 | } |
| 8915 | ?></code></pre> |
| 8916 | </div> |
| 8917 | |
| 8918 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-perl"> |
| 8919 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-perl">use Data::Dumper; |
| 8920 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::Configuration; |
| 8921 | use WWW::OPenAPIClient::IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi; |
| 8922 | |
| 8923 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 8924 | my $api_instance = WWW::OPenAPIClient::IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi->new(); |
| 8925 | my $serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; # String | |
| 8926 | my $apfId = apfId_example; # String | |
| 8927 | my $serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = WWW::OPenAPIClient::Object::ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch->new(); # ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8928 | |
| 8929 | eval { |
| 8930 | my $result = $api_instance->modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId => $serviceApiId, apfId => $apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch => $serviceAPIDescriptionPatch); |
| 8931 | print Dumper($result); |
| 8932 | }; |
| 8933 | if ($@) { |
| 8934 | warn "Exception when calling IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi->modifyIndAPFPubAPI: $@\n"; |
| 8935 | }</code></pre> |
| 8936 | </div> |
| 8937 | |
| 8938 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-python"> |
| 8939 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-python">from __future__ import print_statement |
| 8940 | import time |
| 8941 | import openapi_client |
| 8942 | from import ApiException |
| 8943 | from pprint import pprint |
| 8944 | |
| 8945 | # Create an instance of the API class |
| 8946 | api_instance = openapi_client.IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi() |
| 8947 | serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 8948 | apfId = apfId_example # String | (default to null) |
| 8949 | serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = # ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch | |
| 8950 | |
| 8951 | try: |
| 8952 | api_response = api_instance.modify_ind_apf_pub_api(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch) |
| 8953 | pprint(api_response) |
| 8954 | except ApiException as e: |
| 8955 | print("Exception when calling IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi->modifyIndAPFPubAPI: %s\n" % e)</code></pre> |
| 8956 | </div> |
| 8957 | |
| 8958 | <div class="tab-pane" id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-0-rust"> |
| 8959 | <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-rust">extern crate IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi; |
| 8960 | |
| 8961 | pub fn main() { |
| 8962 | let serviceApiId = serviceApiId_example; // String |
| 8963 | let apfId = apfId_example; // String |
| 8964 | let serviceAPIDescriptionPatch = ; // ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch |
| 8965 | |
| 8966 | let mut context = IndividualAPFPublishedAPIApi::Context::default(); |
| 8967 | let result = client.modifyIndAPFPubAPI(serviceApiId, apfId, serviceAPIDescriptionPatch, &context).wait(); |
| 8968 | |
| 8969 | println!("{:?}", result); |
| 8970 | } |
| 8971 | </code></pre> |
| 8972 | </div> |
| 8973 | </div> |
| 8974 | |
| 8975 | <h2>Scopes</h2> |
| 8976 | <table> |
| 8977 | |
| 8978 | </table> |
| 8979 | |
| 8980 | <h2>Parameters</h2> |
| 8981 | |
| 8982 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Path parameters</div> |
| 8983 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 8984 | <tr> |
| 8985 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 8986 | <th>Description</th> |
| 8987 | </tr> |
| 8988 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceApiId*</td> |
| 8989 | <td> |
| 8990 | |
| 8991 | |
| 8992 | <div id="d2e199_modifyIndAPFPubAPI_serviceApiId"> |
| 8993 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 8994 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 8995 | <span class="type"> |
| 8996 | String |
| 8997 | </span> |
| 8998 | |
| 8999 | </div> |
| 9000 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9001 | Required |
| 9002 | </div> |
| 9003 | </div> |
| 9004 | </div> |
| 9005 | </td> |
| 9006 | </tr> |
| 9007 | |
| 9008 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">apfId*</td> |
| 9009 | <td> |
| 9010 | |
| 9011 | |
| 9012 | <div id="d2e199_modifyIndAPFPubAPI_apfId"> |
| 9013 | <div class="json-schema-view"> |
| 9014 | <div class="primitive"> |
| 9015 | <span class="type"> |
| 9016 | String |
| 9017 | </span> |
| 9018 | |
| 9019 | </div> |
| 9020 | <div class="inner required"> |
| 9021 | Required |
| 9022 | </div> |
| 9023 | </div> |
| 9024 | </div> |
| 9025 | </td> |
| 9026 | </tr> |
| 9027 | |
| 9028 | </table> |
| 9029 | |
| 9030 | |
| 9031 | <div class="methodsubtabletitle">Body parameters</div> |
| 9032 | <table id="methodsubtable"> |
| 9033 | <tr> |
| 9034 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9035 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9036 | </tr> |
| 9037 | <tr><td style="width:150px;">serviceAPIDescriptionPatch <span style="color:red;">*</span></td> |
| 9038 | <td> |
| 9039 | <p class="marked"></p> |
| 9040 | <script> |
| 9041 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9042 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9043 | "content" : { |
| 9044 | "application/merge-patch+json" : { |
| 9045 | "schema" : { |
| 9046 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescriptionPatch" |
| 9047 | } |
| 9048 | } |
| 9049 | }, |
| 9050 | "required" : true |
| 9051 | }; |
| 9052 | |
| 9053 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9054 | if (!schema) { |
| 9055 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9056 | } |
| 9057 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9058 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9059 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9060 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9061 | } else { |
| 9062 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9063 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9064 | console.log(err); |
| 9065 | }); |
| 9066 | } |
| 9067 | |
| 9068 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema,2,{isBodyParam: true}); |
| 9069 | var result = $('#d2e199_modifyIndAPFPubAPI_serviceAPIDescriptionPatch'); |
| 9070 | result.empty(); |
| 9071 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9072 | }); |
| 9073 | </script> |
| 9074 | <div id="d2e199_modifyIndAPFPubAPI_serviceAPIDescriptionPatch"></div> |
| 9075 | </td> |
| 9076 | </tr> |
| 9077 | |
| 9078 | </table> |
| 9079 | |
| 9080 | |
| 9081 | |
| 9082 | <h2>Responses</h2> |
| 9083 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-200"></h3> |
| 9084 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-200" class="marked"></p> |
| 9085 | <script> |
| 9086 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description = `The definition of the service API is modified successfully and a representation of the updated service API is returned in the request body. |
| 9087 | `; |
| 9088 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9089 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description_break == -1) { |
| 9090 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description); |
| 9091 | } else { |
| 9092 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-200").text("Status: 200 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description_break)); |
| 9093 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-200").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI200_description_break)); |
| 9094 | } |
| 9095 | </script> |
| 9096 | |
| 9097 | |
| 9098 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-200" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9099 | <li class="active"> |
| 9100 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-200-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9101 | </li> |
| 9102 | |
| 9103 | |
| 9104 | |
| 9105 | |
| 9106 | </ul> |
| 9107 | |
| 9108 | |
| 9109 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-200-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9110 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-200-schema"> |
| 9111 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-200" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9112 | <script> |
| 9113 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9114 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9115 | "description" : "The definition of the service API is modified successfully and a representation of the updated service API is returned in the request body.\n", |
| 9116 | "content" : { |
| 9117 | "application/json" : { |
| 9118 | "schema" : { |
| 9119 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ServiceAPIDescription" |
| 9120 | } |
| 9121 | } |
| 9122 | } |
| 9123 | }; |
| 9124 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9125 | if (!schema) { |
| 9126 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9127 | } |
| 9128 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9129 | return; |
| 9130 | } |
| 9131 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9132 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9133 | if ( != null) { |
| 9134 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9135 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9136 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9137 | } |
| 9138 | }); |
| 9139 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9140 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9141 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9142 | } else { |
| 9143 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9144 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9145 | console.log(err); |
| 9146 | }); |
| 9147 | } |
| 9148 | |
| 9149 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9150 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-200-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9151 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-200'); |
| 9152 | result.empty(); |
| 9153 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9154 | }); |
| 9155 | </script> |
| 9156 | </div> |
| 9157 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-200-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9158 | </div> |
| 9159 | </div> |
| 9160 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-204"></h3> |
| 9161 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-204" class="marked"></p> |
| 9162 | <script> |
| 9163 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description = `No Content. The definition of the service API is modified successfully.`; |
| 9164 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9165 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description_break == -1) { |
| 9166 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-204").text("Status: 204 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description); |
| 9167 | } else { |
| 9168 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-204").text("Status: 204 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description_break)); |
| 9169 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-204").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI204_description_break)); |
| 9170 | } |
| 9171 | </script> |
| 9172 | |
| 9173 | |
| 9174 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-204" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9175 | |
| 9176 | |
| 9177 | </ul> |
| 9178 | |
| 9179 | |
| 9180 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-204-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9181 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-204-schema"> |
| 9182 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-204" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9183 | <script> |
| 9184 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9185 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9186 | "description" : "No Content. The definition of the service API is modified successfully." |
| 9187 | }; |
| 9188 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9189 | if (!schema) { |
| 9190 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9191 | } |
| 9192 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9193 | return; |
| 9194 | } |
| 9195 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9196 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9197 | if ( != null) { |
| 9198 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9199 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9200 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9201 | } |
| 9202 | }); |
| 9203 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9204 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9205 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9206 | } else { |
| 9207 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9208 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9209 | console.log(err); |
| 9210 | }); |
| 9211 | } |
| 9212 | |
| 9213 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9214 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-204-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9215 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-204'); |
| 9216 | result.empty(); |
| 9217 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9218 | }); |
| 9219 | </script> |
| 9220 | </div> |
| 9221 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-204-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9222 | </div> |
| 9223 | </div> |
| 9224 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-307"></h3> |
| 9225 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-307" class="marked"></p> |
| 9226 | <script> |
| 9227 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description = `Temporary Redirect`; |
| 9228 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9229 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description_break == -1) { |
| 9230 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description); |
| 9231 | } else { |
| 9232 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-307").text("Status: 307 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description_break)); |
| 9233 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-307").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI307_description_break)); |
| 9234 | } |
| 9235 | </script> |
| 9236 | |
| 9237 | |
| 9238 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9239 | |
| 9240 | <li class=""> |
| 9241 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307-headers">Headers</a> |
| 9242 | </li> |
| 9243 | |
| 9244 | </ul> |
| 9245 | |
| 9246 | |
| 9247 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9248 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307-schema"> |
| 9249 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-307" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9250 | <script> |
| 9251 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9252 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9253 | "description" : "Temporary Redirect", |
| 9254 | "headers" : { |
| 9255 | "Location" : { |
| 9256 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 9257 | "required" : true, |
| 9258 | "schema" : { |
| 9259 | "type" : "string" |
| 9260 | } |
| 9261 | } |
| 9262 | } |
| 9263 | }; |
| 9264 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9265 | if (!schema) { |
| 9266 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9267 | } |
| 9268 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9269 | return; |
| 9270 | } |
| 9271 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9272 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9273 | if ( != null) { |
| 9274 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9275 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9276 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9277 | } |
| 9278 | }); |
| 9279 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9280 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9281 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9282 | } else { |
| 9283 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9284 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9285 | console.log(err); |
| 9286 | }); |
| 9287 | } |
| 9288 | |
| 9289 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9290 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9291 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-307'); |
| 9292 | result.empty(); |
| 9293 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9294 | }); |
| 9295 | </script> |
| 9296 | </div> |
| 9297 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9298 | </div> |
| 9299 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-307-headers"> |
| 9300 | <table> |
| 9301 | <tr> |
| 9302 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9303 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 9304 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 9305 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9306 | </tr> |
| 9307 | <tr> |
| 9308 | <td>Location</td> |
| 9309 | <td>String</td> |
| 9310 | <td></td> |
| 9311 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 9312 | </tr> |
| 9313 | </table> |
| 9314 | </div> |
| 9315 | </div> |
| 9316 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-308"></h3> |
| 9317 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-308" class="marked"></p> |
| 9318 | <script> |
| 9319 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description = `Permanent Redirect`; |
| 9320 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9321 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description_break == -1) { |
| 9322 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description); |
| 9323 | } else { |
| 9324 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-308").text("Status: 308 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description_break)); |
| 9325 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-308").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI308_description_break)); |
| 9326 | } |
| 9327 | </script> |
| 9328 | |
| 9329 | |
| 9330 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9331 | |
| 9332 | <li class=""> |
| 9333 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308-headers">Headers</a> |
| 9334 | </li> |
| 9335 | |
| 9336 | </ul> |
| 9337 | |
| 9338 | |
| 9339 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9340 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308-schema"> |
| 9341 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-308" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9342 | <script> |
| 9343 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9344 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9345 | "description" : "Permanent Redirect", |
| 9346 | "headers" : { |
| 9347 | "Location" : { |
| 9348 | "description" : "An alternative URI of the resource.", |
| 9349 | "required" : true, |
| 9350 | "schema" : { |
| 9351 | "type" : "string" |
| 9352 | } |
| 9353 | } |
| 9354 | } |
| 9355 | }; |
| 9356 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9357 | if (!schema) { |
| 9358 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9359 | } |
| 9360 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9361 | return; |
| 9362 | } |
| 9363 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9364 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9365 | if ( != null) { |
| 9366 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9367 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9368 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9369 | } |
| 9370 | }); |
| 9371 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9372 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9373 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9374 | } else { |
| 9375 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9376 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9377 | console.log(err); |
| 9378 | }); |
| 9379 | } |
| 9380 | |
| 9381 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9382 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9383 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-308'); |
| 9384 | result.empty(); |
| 9385 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9386 | }); |
| 9387 | </script> |
| 9388 | </div> |
| 9389 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9390 | </div> |
| 9391 | <div class="tab-pane" id="responses-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-308-headers"> |
| 9392 | <table> |
| 9393 | <tr> |
| 9394 | <th width="150px">Name</th> |
| 9395 | <th width="100px">Type</th> |
| 9396 | <th width="100px">Format</th> |
| 9397 | <th>Description</th> |
| 9398 | </tr> |
| 9399 | <tr> |
| 9400 | <td>Location</td> |
| 9401 | <td>String</td> |
| 9402 | <td></td> |
| 9403 | <td>An alternative URI of the resource.</td> |
| 9404 | </tr> |
| 9405 | </table> |
| 9406 | </div> |
| 9407 | </div> |
| 9408 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-400"></h3> |
| 9409 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-400" class="marked"></p> |
| 9410 | <script> |
| 9411 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description = `Bad request`; |
| 9412 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9413 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description_break == -1) { |
| 9414 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description); |
| 9415 | } else { |
| 9416 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-400").text("Status: 400 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description_break)); |
| 9417 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-400").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI400_description_break)); |
| 9418 | } |
| 9419 | </script> |
| 9420 | |
| 9421 | |
| 9422 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-400" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9423 | <li class="active"> |
| 9424 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-400-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9425 | </li> |
| 9426 | |
| 9427 | |
| 9428 | |
| 9429 | |
| 9430 | </ul> |
| 9431 | |
| 9432 | |
| 9433 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-400-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9434 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-400-schema"> |
| 9435 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-400" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9436 | <script> |
| 9437 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9438 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9439 | "description" : "Bad request", |
| 9440 | "content" : { |
| 9441 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9442 | "schema" : { |
| 9443 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9444 | } |
| 9445 | } |
| 9446 | } |
| 9447 | }; |
| 9448 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9449 | if (!schema) { |
| 9450 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9451 | } |
| 9452 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9453 | return; |
| 9454 | } |
| 9455 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9456 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9457 | if ( != null) { |
| 9458 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9459 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9460 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9461 | } |
| 9462 | }); |
| 9463 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9464 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9465 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9466 | } else { |
| 9467 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9468 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9469 | console.log(err); |
| 9470 | }); |
| 9471 | } |
| 9472 | |
| 9473 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9474 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-400-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9475 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-400'); |
| 9476 | result.empty(); |
| 9477 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9478 | }); |
| 9479 | </script> |
| 9480 | </div> |
| 9481 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-400-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9482 | </div> |
| 9483 | </div> |
| 9484 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-401"></h3> |
| 9485 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-401" class="marked"></p> |
| 9486 | <script> |
| 9487 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description = `Unauthorized`; |
| 9488 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9489 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description_break == -1) { |
| 9490 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description); |
| 9491 | } else { |
| 9492 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-401").text("Status: 401 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description_break)); |
| 9493 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-401").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI401_description_break)); |
| 9494 | } |
| 9495 | </script> |
| 9496 | |
| 9497 | |
| 9498 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-401" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9499 | <li class="active"> |
| 9500 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-401-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9501 | </li> |
| 9502 | |
| 9503 | |
| 9504 | |
| 9505 | |
| 9506 | </ul> |
| 9507 | |
| 9508 | |
| 9509 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-401-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9510 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-401-schema"> |
| 9511 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-401" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9512 | <script> |
| 9513 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9514 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9515 | "description" : "Unauthorized", |
| 9516 | "content" : { |
| 9517 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9518 | "schema" : { |
| 9519 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9520 | } |
| 9521 | } |
| 9522 | } |
| 9523 | }; |
| 9524 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9525 | if (!schema) { |
| 9526 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9527 | } |
| 9528 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9529 | return; |
| 9530 | } |
| 9531 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9532 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9533 | if ( != null) { |
| 9534 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9535 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9536 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9537 | } |
| 9538 | }); |
| 9539 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9540 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9541 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9542 | } else { |
| 9543 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9544 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9545 | console.log(err); |
| 9546 | }); |
| 9547 | } |
| 9548 | |
| 9549 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9550 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-401-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9551 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-401'); |
| 9552 | result.empty(); |
| 9553 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9554 | }); |
| 9555 | </script> |
| 9556 | </div> |
| 9557 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-401-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9558 | </div> |
| 9559 | </div> |
| 9560 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-403"></h3> |
| 9561 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-403" class="marked"></p> |
| 9562 | <script> |
| 9563 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description = `Forbidden`; |
| 9564 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9565 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description_break == -1) { |
| 9566 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description); |
| 9567 | } else { |
| 9568 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-403").text("Status: 403 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description_break)); |
| 9569 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-403").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI403_description_break)); |
| 9570 | } |
| 9571 | </script> |
| 9572 | |
| 9573 | |
| 9574 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-403" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9575 | <li class="active"> |
| 9576 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-403-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9577 | </li> |
| 9578 | |
| 9579 | |
| 9580 | |
| 9581 | |
| 9582 | </ul> |
| 9583 | |
| 9584 | |
| 9585 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-403-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9586 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-403-schema"> |
| 9587 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-403" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9588 | <script> |
| 9589 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9590 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9591 | "description" : "Forbidden", |
| 9592 | "content" : { |
| 9593 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9594 | "schema" : { |
| 9595 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9596 | } |
| 9597 | } |
| 9598 | } |
| 9599 | }; |
| 9600 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9601 | if (!schema) { |
| 9602 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9603 | } |
| 9604 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9605 | return; |
| 9606 | } |
| 9607 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9608 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9609 | if ( != null) { |
| 9610 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9611 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9612 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9613 | } |
| 9614 | }); |
| 9615 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9616 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9617 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9618 | } else { |
| 9619 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9620 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9621 | console.log(err); |
| 9622 | }); |
| 9623 | } |
| 9624 | |
| 9625 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9626 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-403-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9627 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-403'); |
| 9628 | result.empty(); |
| 9629 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9630 | }); |
| 9631 | </script> |
| 9632 | </div> |
| 9633 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-403-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9634 | </div> |
| 9635 | </div> |
| 9636 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-404"></h3> |
| 9637 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-404" class="marked"></p> |
| 9638 | <script> |
| 9639 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description = `Not Found`; |
| 9640 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9641 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description_break == -1) { |
| 9642 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description); |
| 9643 | } else { |
| 9644 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-404").text("Status: 404 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description_break)); |
| 9645 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-404").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI404_description_break)); |
| 9646 | } |
| 9647 | </script> |
| 9648 | |
| 9649 | |
| 9650 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-404" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9651 | <li class="active"> |
| 9652 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-404-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9653 | </li> |
| 9654 | |
| 9655 | |
| 9656 | |
| 9657 | |
| 9658 | </ul> |
| 9659 | |
| 9660 | |
| 9661 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-404-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9662 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-404-schema"> |
| 9663 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-404" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9664 | <script> |
| 9665 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9666 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9667 | "description" : "Not Found", |
| 9668 | "content" : { |
| 9669 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9670 | "schema" : { |
| 9671 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9672 | } |
| 9673 | } |
| 9674 | } |
| 9675 | }; |
| 9676 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9677 | if (!schema) { |
| 9678 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9679 | } |
| 9680 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9681 | return; |
| 9682 | } |
| 9683 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9684 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9685 | if ( != null) { |
| 9686 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9687 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9688 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9689 | } |
| 9690 | }); |
| 9691 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9692 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9693 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9694 | } else { |
| 9695 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9696 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9697 | console.log(err); |
| 9698 | }); |
| 9699 | } |
| 9700 | |
| 9701 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9702 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-404-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9703 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-404'); |
| 9704 | result.empty(); |
| 9705 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9706 | }); |
| 9707 | </script> |
| 9708 | </div> |
| 9709 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-404-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9710 | </div> |
| 9711 | </div> |
| 9712 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-411"></h3> |
| 9713 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-411" class="marked"></p> |
| 9714 | <script> |
| 9715 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description = `Length Required`; |
| 9716 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9717 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description_break == -1) { |
| 9718 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-411").text("Status: 411 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description); |
| 9719 | } else { |
| 9720 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-411").text("Status: 411 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description_break)); |
| 9721 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-411").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI411_description_break)); |
| 9722 | } |
| 9723 | </script> |
| 9724 | |
| 9725 | |
| 9726 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-411" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9727 | <li class="active"> |
| 9728 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-411-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9729 | </li> |
| 9730 | |
| 9731 | |
| 9732 | |
| 9733 | |
| 9734 | </ul> |
| 9735 | |
| 9736 | |
| 9737 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-411-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9738 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-411-schema"> |
| 9739 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-411" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9740 | <script> |
| 9741 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9742 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9743 | "description" : "Length Required", |
| 9744 | "content" : { |
| 9745 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9746 | "schema" : { |
| 9747 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9748 | } |
| 9749 | } |
| 9750 | } |
| 9751 | }; |
| 9752 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9753 | if (!schema) { |
| 9754 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9755 | } |
| 9756 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9757 | return; |
| 9758 | } |
| 9759 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9760 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9761 | if ( != null) { |
| 9762 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9763 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9764 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9765 | } |
| 9766 | }); |
| 9767 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9768 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9769 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9770 | } else { |
| 9771 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9772 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9773 | console.log(err); |
| 9774 | }); |
| 9775 | } |
| 9776 | |
| 9777 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9778 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-411-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9779 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-411'); |
| 9780 | result.empty(); |
| 9781 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9782 | }); |
| 9783 | </script> |
| 9784 | </div> |
| 9785 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-411-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9786 | </div> |
| 9787 | </div> |
| 9788 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-413"></h3> |
| 9789 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-413" class="marked"></p> |
| 9790 | <script> |
| 9791 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description = `Payload Too Large`; |
| 9792 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9793 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description_break == -1) { |
| 9794 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-413").text("Status: 413 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description); |
| 9795 | } else { |
| 9796 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-413").text("Status: 413 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description_break)); |
| 9797 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-413").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI413_description_break)); |
| 9798 | } |
| 9799 | </script> |
| 9800 | |
| 9801 | |
| 9802 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-413" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9803 | <li class="active"> |
| 9804 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-413-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9805 | </li> |
| 9806 | |
| 9807 | |
| 9808 | |
| 9809 | |
| 9810 | </ul> |
| 9811 | |
| 9812 | |
| 9813 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-413-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9814 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-413-schema"> |
| 9815 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-413" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9816 | <script> |
| 9817 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9818 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9819 | "description" : "Payload Too Large", |
| 9820 | "content" : { |
| 9821 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9822 | "schema" : { |
| 9823 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9824 | } |
| 9825 | } |
| 9826 | } |
| 9827 | }; |
| 9828 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9829 | if (!schema) { |
| 9830 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9831 | } |
| 9832 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9833 | return; |
| 9834 | } |
| 9835 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9836 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9837 | if ( != null) { |
| 9838 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9839 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9840 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9841 | } |
| 9842 | }); |
| 9843 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9844 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9845 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9846 | } else { |
| 9847 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9848 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9849 | console.log(err); |
| 9850 | }); |
| 9851 | } |
| 9852 | |
| 9853 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9854 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-413-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9855 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-413'); |
| 9856 | result.empty(); |
| 9857 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9858 | }); |
| 9859 | </script> |
| 9860 | </div> |
| 9861 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-413-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9862 | </div> |
| 9863 | </div> |
| 9864 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-415"></h3> |
| 9865 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-415" class="marked"></p> |
| 9866 | <script> |
| 9867 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description = `Unsupported Media Type`; |
| 9868 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9869 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description_break == -1) { |
| 9870 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-415").text("Status: 415 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description); |
| 9871 | } else { |
| 9872 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-415").text("Status: 415 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description_break)); |
| 9873 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-415").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI415_description_break)); |
| 9874 | } |
| 9875 | </script> |
| 9876 | |
| 9877 | |
| 9878 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-415" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9879 | <li class="active"> |
| 9880 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-415-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9881 | </li> |
| 9882 | |
| 9883 | |
| 9884 | |
| 9885 | |
| 9886 | </ul> |
| 9887 | |
| 9888 | |
| 9889 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-415-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9890 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-415-schema"> |
| 9891 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-415" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9892 | <script> |
| 9893 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9894 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9895 | "description" : "Unsupported Media Type", |
| 9896 | "content" : { |
| 9897 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9898 | "schema" : { |
| 9899 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9900 | } |
| 9901 | } |
| 9902 | } |
| 9903 | }; |
| 9904 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9905 | if (!schema) { |
| 9906 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9907 | } |
| 9908 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9909 | return; |
| 9910 | } |
| 9911 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9912 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9913 | if ( != null) { |
| 9914 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9915 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9916 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9917 | } |
| 9918 | }); |
| 9919 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9920 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9921 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9922 | } else { |
| 9923 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 9924 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 9925 | console.log(err); |
| 9926 | }); |
| 9927 | } |
| 9928 | |
| 9929 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 9930 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-415-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 9931 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-415'); |
| 9932 | result.empty(); |
| 9933 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 9934 | }); |
| 9935 | </script> |
| 9936 | </div> |
| 9937 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-415-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 9938 | </div> |
| 9939 | </div> |
| 9940 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-429"></h3> |
| 9941 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-429" class="marked"></p> |
| 9942 | <script> |
| 9943 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description = `Too Many Requests`; |
| 9944 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 9945 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description_break == -1) { |
| 9946 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description); |
| 9947 | } else { |
| 9948 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-429").text("Status: 429 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description_break)); |
| 9949 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-429").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI429_description_break)); |
| 9950 | } |
| 9951 | </script> |
| 9952 | |
| 9953 | |
| 9954 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-429" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 9955 | <li class="active"> |
| 9956 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-429-schema">Schema</a> |
| 9957 | </li> |
| 9958 | |
| 9959 | |
| 9960 | |
| 9961 | |
| 9962 | </ul> |
| 9963 | |
| 9964 | |
| 9965 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-429-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 9966 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-429-schema"> |
| 9967 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-429" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 9968 | <script> |
| 9969 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 9970 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 9971 | "description" : "Too Many Requests", |
| 9972 | "content" : { |
| 9973 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 9974 | "schema" : { |
| 9975 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 9976 | } |
| 9977 | } |
| 9978 | } |
| 9979 | }; |
| 9980 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 9981 | if (!schema) { |
| 9982 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 9983 | } |
| 9984 | if (schema == null) { |
| 9985 | return; |
| 9986 | } |
| 9987 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 9988 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 9989 | if ( != null) { |
| 9990 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 9991 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 9992 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 9993 | } |
| 9994 | }); |
| 9995 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 9996 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 9997 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 9998 | } else { |
| 9999 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 10000 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 10001 | console.log(err); |
| 10002 | }); |
| 10003 | } |
| 10004 | |
| 10005 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 10006 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-429-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 10007 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-429'); |
| 10008 | result.empty(); |
| 10009 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 10010 | }); |
| 10011 | </script> |
| 10012 | </div> |
| 10013 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-429-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 10014 | </div> |
| 10015 | </div> |
| 10016 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-500"></h3> |
| 10017 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-500" class="marked"></p> |
| 10018 | <script> |
| 10019 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description = `Internal Server Error`; |
| 10020 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 10021 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description_break == -1) { |
| 10022 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description); |
| 10023 | } else { |
| 10024 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-500").text("Status: 500 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description_break)); |
| 10025 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-500").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI500_description_break)); |
| 10026 | } |
| 10027 | </script> |
| 10028 | |
| 10029 | |
| 10030 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-500" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10031 | <li class="active"> |
| 10032 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-500-schema">Schema</a> |
| 10033 | </li> |
| 10034 | |
| 10035 | |
| 10036 | |
| 10037 | |
| 10038 | </ul> |
| 10039 | |
| 10040 | |
| 10041 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-500-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10042 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-500-schema"> |
| 10043 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-500" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 10044 | <script> |
| 10045 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 10046 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 10047 | "description" : "Internal Server Error", |
| 10048 | "content" : { |
| 10049 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 10050 | "schema" : { |
| 10051 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 10052 | } |
| 10053 | } |
| 10054 | } |
| 10055 | }; |
| 10056 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 10057 | if (!schema) { |
| 10058 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 10059 | } |
| 10060 | if (schema == null) { |
| 10061 | return; |
| 10062 | } |
| 10063 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 10064 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 10065 | if ( != null) { |
| 10066 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 10067 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 10068 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 10069 | } |
| 10070 | }); |
| 10071 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 10072 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 10073 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 10074 | } else { |
| 10075 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 10076 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 10077 | console.log(err); |
| 10078 | }); |
| 10079 | } |
| 10080 | |
| 10081 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 10082 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-500-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 10083 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-500'); |
| 10084 | result.empty(); |
| 10085 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 10086 | }); |
| 10087 | </script> |
| 10088 | </div> |
| 10089 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-500-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 10090 | </div> |
| 10091 | </div> |
| 10092 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-503"></h3> |
| 10093 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-503" class="marked"></p> |
| 10094 | <script> |
| 10095 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description = `Service Unavailable`; |
| 10096 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 10097 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description_break == -1) { |
| 10098 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description); |
| 10099 | } else { |
| 10100 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-503").text("Status: 503 - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description_break)); |
| 10101 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-503").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPI503_description_break)); |
| 10102 | } |
| 10103 | </script> |
| 10104 | |
| 10105 | |
| 10106 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-503" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10107 | <li class="active"> |
| 10108 | <a data-toggle="tab" href="#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-503-schema">Schema</a> |
| 10109 | </li> |
| 10110 | |
| 10111 | |
| 10112 | |
| 10113 | |
| 10114 | </ul> |
| 10115 | |
| 10116 | |
| 10117 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-503-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10118 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-503-schema"> |
| 10119 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-503" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 10120 | <script> |
| 10121 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 10122 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 10123 | "description" : "Service Unavailable", |
| 10124 | "content" : { |
| 10125 | "application/problem+json" : { |
| 10126 | "schema" : { |
| 10127 | "$ref" : "#/components/schemas/ProblemDetails" |
| 10128 | } |
| 10129 | } |
| 10130 | } |
| 10131 | }; |
| 10132 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 10133 | if (!schema) { |
| 10134 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 10135 | } |
| 10136 | if (schema == null) { |
| 10137 | return; |
| 10138 | } |
| 10139 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 10140 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 10141 | if ( != null) { |
| 10142 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 10143 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 10144 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 10145 | } |
| 10146 | }); |
| 10147 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 10148 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 10149 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 10150 | } else { |
| 10151 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 10152 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 10153 | console.log(err); |
| 10154 | }); |
| 10155 | } |
| 10156 | |
| 10157 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 10158 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-503-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 10159 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-503'); |
| 10160 | result.empty(); |
| 10161 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 10162 | }); |
| 10163 | </script> |
| 10164 | </div> |
| 10165 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-503-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 10166 | </div> |
| 10167 | </div> |
| 10168 | <h3 id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-default"></h3> |
| 10169 | <p id="examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-default" class="marked"></p> |
| 10170 | <script> |
| 10171 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description = `Generic Error`; |
| 10172 | var responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description_break = responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description.indexOf('\n'); |
| 10173 | if (responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description_break == -1) { |
| 10174 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description); |
| 10175 | } else { |
| 10176 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-title-default").text("Status: default - " + responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description.substring(0, responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description_break)); |
| 10177 | $("#examples-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-description-default").html(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description.substring(responseIndividualAPFPublishedAPIdefault_description_break)); |
| 10178 | } |
| 10179 | </script> |
| 10180 | |
| 10181 | |
| 10182 | <ul id="responses-detail-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-default" class="nav nav-tabs nav-tabs-examples" > |
| 10183 | |
| 10184 | |
| 10185 | </ul> |
| 10186 | |
| 10187 | |
| 10188 | <div class="tab-content" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-default-wrapper" style='margin-bottom: 10px;'> |
| 10189 | <div class="tab-pane active" id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-default-schema"> |
| 10190 | <div id="responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-default" class="exampleStyle"> |
| 10191 | <script> |
| 10192 | $(document).ready(function() { |
| 10193 | var schemaWrapper = { |
| 10194 | "description" : "Generic Error" |
| 10195 | }; |
| 10196 | var schema = findNode('schema',schemaWrapper).schema; |
| 10197 | if (!schema) { |
| 10198 | schema = schemaWrapper.schema; |
| 10199 | } |
| 10200 | if (schema == null) { |
| 10201 | return; |
| 10202 | } |
| 10203 | if (schema.$ref != null) { |
| 10204 | schema = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.$ref); |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 10205 | if ( != null) { |
| 10206 | Object.keys( (item) => { |
| 10207 | if ([item].$ref != null) { |
| 10208 |[item] = defsParser.$refs.get([item].$ref); |
| 10209 | } |
| 10210 | }); |
| 10211 | } |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 10212 | } else if (schema.items != null && schema.items.$ref != null) { |
| 10213 | schema.items = defsParser.$refs.get(schema.items.$ref); |
| 10214 | } else { |
| 10215 | schemaWrapper.definitions = Object.assign({}, defs); |
| 10216 | $RefParser.dereference(schemaWrapper).catch(function(err) { |
| 10217 | console.log(err); |
| 10218 | }); |
| 10219 | } |
| 10220 | |
| 10221 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, 3); |
| 10222 | $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-default-schema-data').val(JSON.stringify(schema)); |
| 10223 | var result = $('#responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-schema-default'); |
| 10224 | result.empty(); |
| 10225 | result.append(view.render()); |
| 10226 | }); |
| 10227 | </script> |
| 10228 | </div> |
| 10229 | <input id='responses-IndividualAPFPublishedAPI-modifyIndAPFPubAPI-default-schema-data' type='hidden' value=''></input> |
| 10230 | </div> |
| 10231 | </div> |
| 10232 | </article> |
| 10233 | </div> |
| 10234 | <hr> |
| 10235 | </section> |
| 10236 | </div> |
| 10237 | <div id="footer"> |
| 10238 | <div id="api-_footer"> |
| 10239 | <p>Suggestions, contact, support and error reporting; |
| 10240 | <div class="app-desc">Information URL: <a href=""></a></div> |
| 10241 | <div class="app-desc">Contact Info: <a href=""></a></div> |
| 10242 | </p> |
| 10243 | <div class="license-info">All rights reserved</div> |
| 10244 | <div class="license-url"></div> |
| 10245 | </div> |
| 10246 | </div> |
| 10247 | </div> |
| 10248 | </div> |
| 10249 | </div> |
| 10250 | <script> |
| 10251 | (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { |
| 10252 | if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') |
| 10253 | module.exports = factory(); |
| 10254 | else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) |
| 10255 | define("JSONFormatter", [], factory); |
| 10256 | else if(typeof exports === 'object') |
| 10257 | exports["JSONFormatter"] = factory(); |
| 10258 | else |
| 10259 | root["JSONFormatter"] = factory(); |
| 10260 | })(this, function() { |
| 10261 | return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap |
| 10262 | /******/ // The module cache |
| 10263 | /******/ var installedModules = {}; |
| 10264 | /******/ |
| 10265 | /******/ // The require function |
| 10266 | /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { |
| 10267 | /******/ |
| 10268 | /******/ // Check if module is in cache |
| 10269 | /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) |
| 10270 | /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; |
| 10271 | /******/ |
| 10272 | /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) |
| 10273 | /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { |
| 10274 | /******/ exports: {}, |
| 10275 | /******/ id: moduleId, |
| 10276 | /******/ loaded: false |
| 10277 | /******/ }; |
| 10278 | /******/ |
| 10279 | /******/ // Execute the module function |
| 10280 | /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); |
| 10281 | /******/ |
| 10282 | /******/ // Flag the module as loaded |
| 10283 | /******/ module.loaded = true; |
| 10284 | /******/ |
| 10285 | /******/ // Return the exports of the module |
| 10286 | /******/ return module.exports; |
| 10287 | /******/ } |
| 10288 | /******/ |
| 10289 | /******/ |
| 10290 | /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) |
| 10291 | /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; |
| 10292 | /******/ |
| 10293 | /******/ // expose the module cache |
| 10294 | /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; |
| 10295 | /******/ |
| 10296 | /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ |
| 10297 | /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "dist"; |
| 10298 | /******/ |
| 10299 | /******/ // Load entry module and return exports |
| 10300 | /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); |
| 10301 | /******/ }) |
| 10302 | /************************************************************************/ |
| 10303 | /******/ ([ |
| 10304 | /* 0 */ |
| 10305 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 10306 | |
| 10307 | module.exports = __webpack_require__(1); |
| 10308 | |
| 10309 | |
| 10310 | /***/ }, |
| 10311 | /* 1 */ |
| 10312 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 10313 | |
| 10314 | "use strict"; |
| 10315 | __webpack_require__(2); |
| 10316 | var helpers_ts_1 = __webpack_require__(6); |
| 10317 | var DATE_STRING_REGEX = /(^\d{1,4}[\.|\\/|-]\d{1,2}[\.|\\/|-]\d{1,4})(\s*(?:0?[1-9]:[0-5]|1(?=[012])\d:[0-5])\d\s*[ap]m)?$/; |
| 10318 | var PARTIAL_DATE_REGEX = /\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} GMT-\d{4}/; |
| 10319 | var JSON_DATE_REGEX = /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z/; |
| 10320 | // When toggling, don't animated removal or addition of more than a few items |
| 10321 | var MAX_ANIMATED_TOGGLE_ITEMS = 10; |
| 10322 | var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function (cb) { cb(); return 0; }; |
| 10323 | ; |
| 10324 | var _defaultConfig = { |
| 10325 | hoverPreviewEnabled: false, |
| 10326 | hoverPreviewArrayCount: 100, |
| 10327 | hoverPreviewFieldCount: 5, |
| 10328 | animateOpen: true, |
| 10329 | animateClose: true, |
| 10330 | theme: null |
| 10331 | }; |
| 10332 | module.exports = (function () { |
| 10333 | /** |
| 10334 | * @param {object} json The JSON object you want to render. It has to be an |
| 10335 | * object or array. Do NOT pass raw JSON string. |
| 10336 | * |
| 10337 | * @param {number} [open=1] his number indicates up to how many levels the |
| 10338 | * rendered tree should expand. Set it to `0` to make the whole tree collapsed |
| 10339 | * or set it to `Infinity` to expand the tree deeply |
| 10340 | * |
| 10341 | * @param {object} [config=defaultConfig] - |
| 10342 | * defaultConfig = { |
| 10343 | * hoverPreviewEnabled: false, |
| 10344 | * hoverPreviewArrayCount: 100, |
| 10345 | * hoverPreviewFieldCount: 5 |
| 10346 | * } |
| 10347 | * |
| 10348 | * Available configurations: |
| 10349 | * #####Hover Preview |
| 10350 | * * `hoverPreviewEnabled`: enable preview on hover |
| 10351 | * * `hoverPreviewArrayCount`: number of array items to show in preview Any |
| 10352 | * array larger than this number will be shown as `Array[XXX]` where `XXX` |
| 10353 | * is length of the array. |
| 10354 | * * `hoverPreviewFieldCount`: number of object properties to show for object |
| 10355 | * preview. Any object with more properties that thin number will be |
| 10356 | * truncated. |
| 10357 | * |
| 10358 | * @param {string} [key=undefined] The key that this object in it's parent |
| 10359 | * context |
| 10360 | */ |
| 10361 | function JSONFormatter(json, open, config, key) { |
| 10362 | if (open === void 0) { open = 1; } |
| 10363 | if (config === void 0) { config = _defaultConfig; } |
| 10364 | this.json = json; |
| 10365 | = open; |
| 10366 | this.config = config; |
| 10367 | this.key = key; |
| 10368 | // Hold the open state after the toggler is used |
| 10369 | this._isOpen = null; |
| 10370 | // Setting default values for config object |
| 10371 | if (this.config.hoverPreviewEnabled === undefined) { |
| 10372 | this.config.hoverPreviewEnabled = _defaultConfig.hoverPreviewEnabled; |
| 10373 | } |
| 10374 | if (this.config.hoverPreviewArrayCount === undefined) { |
| 10375 | this.config.hoverPreviewArrayCount = _defaultConfig.hoverPreviewArrayCount; |
| 10376 | } |
| 10377 | if (this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount === undefined) { |
| 10378 | this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount = _defaultConfig.hoverPreviewFieldCount; |
| 10379 | } |
| 10380 | } |
| 10381 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isOpen", { |
| 10382 | /* |
| 10383 | * is formatter open? |
| 10384 | */ |
| 10385 | get: function () { |
| 10386 | if (this._isOpen !== null) { |
| 10387 | return this._isOpen; |
| 10388 | } |
| 10389 | else { |
| 10390 | return > 0; |
| 10391 | } |
| 10392 | }, |
| 10393 | /* |
| 10394 | * set open state (from toggler) |
| 10395 | */ |
| 10396 | set: function (value) { |
| 10397 | this._isOpen = value; |
| 10398 | }, |
| 10399 | enumerable: true, |
| 10400 | configurable: true |
| 10401 | }); |
| 10402 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isDate", { |
| 10403 | /* |
| 10404 | * is this a date string? |
| 10405 | */ |
| 10406 | get: function () { |
| 10407 | return (this.type === 'string') && |
| 10408 | (DATE_STRING_REGEX.test(this.json) || |
| 10409 | JSON_DATE_REGEX.test(this.json) || |
| 10410 | PARTIAL_DATE_REGEX.test(this.json)); |
| 10411 | }, |
| 10412 | enumerable: true, |
| 10413 | configurable: true |
| 10414 | }); |
| 10415 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isUrl", { |
| 10416 | /* |
| 10417 | * is this a URL string? |
| 10418 | */ |
| 10419 | get: function () { |
| 10420 | return this.type === 'string' && (this.json.indexOf('http') === 0); |
| 10421 | }, |
| 10422 | enumerable: true, |
| 10423 | configurable: true |
| 10424 | }); |
| 10425 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isArray", { |
| 10426 | /* |
| 10427 | * is this an array? |
| 10428 | */ |
| 10429 | get: function () { |
| 10430 | return Array.isArray(this.json); |
| 10431 | }, |
| 10432 | enumerable: true, |
| 10433 | configurable: true |
| 10434 | }); |
| 10435 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isObject", { |
| 10436 | /* |
| 10437 | * is this an object? |
| 10438 | * Note: In this context arrays are object as well |
| 10439 | */ |
| 10440 | get: function () { |
| 10441 | return helpers_ts_1.isObject(this.json); |
| 10442 | }, |
| 10443 | enumerable: true, |
| 10444 | configurable: true |
| 10445 | }); |
| 10446 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isEmptyObject", { |
| 10447 | /* |
| 10448 | * is this an empty object with no properties? |
| 10449 | */ |
| 10450 | get: function () { |
| 10451 | return !this.keys.length && !this.isArray; |
| 10452 | }, |
| 10453 | enumerable: true, |
| 10454 | configurable: true |
| 10455 | }); |
| 10456 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "isEmpty", { |
| 10457 | /* |
| 10458 | * is this an empty object or array? |
| 10459 | */ |
| 10460 | get: function () { |
| 10461 | return this.isEmptyObject || (this.keys && !this.keys.length && this.isArray); |
| 10462 | }, |
| 10463 | enumerable: true, |
| 10464 | configurable: true |
| 10465 | }); |
| 10466 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "hasKey", { |
| 10467 | /* |
| 10468 | * did we receive a key argument? |
| 10469 | * This means that the formatter was called as a sub formatter of a parent formatter |
| 10470 | */ |
| 10471 | get: function () { |
| 10472 | return typeof this.key !== 'undefined'; |
| 10473 | }, |
| 10474 | enumerable: true, |
| 10475 | configurable: true |
| 10476 | }); |
| 10477 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "constructorName", { |
| 10478 | /* |
| 10479 | * if this is an object, get constructor function name |
| 10480 | */ |
| 10481 | get: function () { |
| 10482 | return helpers_ts_1.getObjectName(this.json); |
| 10483 | }, |
| 10484 | enumerable: true, |
| 10485 | configurable: true |
| 10486 | }); |
| 10487 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "type", { |
| 10488 | /* |
| 10489 | * get type of this value |
| 10490 | * Possible values: all JavaScript primitive types plus "array" and "null" |
| 10491 | */ |
| 10492 | get: function () { |
| 10493 | return helpers_ts_1.getType(this.json); |
| 10494 | }, |
| 10495 | enumerable: true, |
| 10496 | configurable: true |
| 10497 | }); |
| 10498 | Object.defineProperty(JSONFormatter.prototype, "keys", { |
| 10499 | /* |
| 10500 | * get object keys |
| 10501 | * If there is an empty key we pad it wit quotes to make it visible |
| 10502 | */ |
| 10503 | get: function () { |
| 10504 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 10505 | return Object.keys(this.json).map(function (key) { return key ? key : '""'; }); |
| 10506 | } |
| 10507 | else { |
| 10508 | return []; |
| 10509 | } |
| 10510 | }, |
| 10511 | enumerable: true, |
| 10512 | configurable: true |
| 10513 | }); |
| 10514 | /** |
| 10515 | * Toggles `isOpen` state |
| 10516 | * |
| 10517 | */ |
| 10518 | JSONFormatter.prototype.toggleOpen = function () { |
| 10519 | this.isOpen = !this.isOpen; |
| 10520 | if (this.element) { |
| 10521 | if (this.isOpen) { |
| 10522 | this.appendChildren(this.config.animateOpen); |
| 10523 | } |
| 10524 | else { |
| 10525 | this.removeChildren(this.config.animateClose); |
| 10526 | } |
| 10527 | this.element.classList.toggle(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 10528 | } |
| 10529 | }; |
| 10530 | /** |
| 10531 | * Open all children up to a certain depth. |
| 10532 | * Allows actions such as expand all/collapse all |
| 10533 | * |
| 10534 | */ |
| 10535 | JSONFormatter.prototype.openAtDepth = function (depth) { |
| 10536 | if (depth === void 0) { depth = 1; } |
| 10537 | if (depth < 0) { |
| 10538 | return; |
| 10539 | } |
| 10540 | = depth; |
| 10541 | this.isOpen = (depth !== 0); |
| 10542 | if (this.element) { |
| 10543 | this.removeChildren(false); |
| 10544 | if (depth === 0) { |
| 10545 | this.element.classList.remove(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 10546 | } |
| 10547 | else { |
| 10548 | this.appendChildren(this.config.animateOpen); |
| 10549 | this.element.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 10550 | } |
| 10551 | } |
| 10552 | }; |
| 10553 | /** |
| 10554 | * Generates inline preview |
| 10555 | * |
| 10556 | * @returns {string} |
| 10557 | */ |
| 10558 | JSONFormatter.prototype.getInlinepreview = function () { |
| 10559 | var _this = this; |
| 10560 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 10561 | // if array length is greater then 100 it shows "Array[101]" |
| 10562 | if (this.json.length > this.config.hoverPreviewArrayCount) { |
| 10563 | return "Array[" + this.json.length + "]"; |
| 10564 | } |
| 10565 | else { |
| 10566 | return "[" +', ') + "]"; |
| 10567 | } |
| 10568 | } |
| 10569 | else { |
| 10570 | var keys = this.keys; |
| 10571 | // the first five keys (like Chrome Developer Tool) |
| 10572 | var narrowKeys = keys.slice(0, this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount); |
| 10573 | // json value schematic information |
| 10574 | var kvs = (key) { return (key + ":" + helpers_ts_1.getPreview(_this.json[key])); }); |
| 10575 | // if keys count greater then 5 then show ellipsis |
| 10576 | var ellipsis = keys.length >= this.config.hoverPreviewFieldCount ? '…' : ''; |
| 10577 | return "{" + kvs.join(', ') + ellipsis + "}"; |
| 10578 | } |
| 10579 | }; |
| 10580 | /** |
| 10581 | * Renders an HTML element and installs event listeners |
| 10582 | * |
| 10583 | * @returns {HTMLDivElement} |
| 10584 | */ |
| 10585 | JSONFormatter.prototype.render = function () { |
| 10586 | // construct the root element and assign it to this.element |
| 10587 | this.element = helpers_ts_1.createElement('div', 'row'); |
| 10588 | // construct the toggler link |
| 10589 | var togglerLink = helpers_ts_1.createElement('a', 'toggler-link'); |
| 10590 | // if this is an object we need a wrapper span (toggler) |
| 10591 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 10592 | togglerLink.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'toggler')); |
| 10593 | } |
| 10594 | // if this is child of a parent formatter we need to append the key |
| 10595 | if (this.hasKey) { |
| 10596 | togglerLink.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'key', this.key + ":")); |
| 10597 | } |
| 10598 | // Value for objects and arrays |
| 10599 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 10600 | // construct the value holder element |
| 10601 | var value = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'value'); |
| 10602 | // we need a wrapper span for objects |
| 10603 | var objectWrapperSpan = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span'); |
| 10604 | // get constructor name and append it to wrapper span |
| 10605 | var constructorName = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'constructor-name', this.constructorName); |
| 10606 | objectWrapperSpan.appendChild(constructorName); |
| 10607 | // if it's an array append the array specific elements like brackets and length |
| 10608 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 10609 | var arrayWrapperSpan = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span'); |
| 10610 | arrayWrapperSpan.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'bracket', '[')); |
| 10611 | arrayWrapperSpan.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'number', (this.json.length))); |
| 10612 | arrayWrapperSpan.appendChild(helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'bracket', ']')); |
| 10613 | objectWrapperSpan.appendChild(arrayWrapperSpan); |
| 10614 | } |
| 10615 | // append object wrapper span to toggler link |
| 10616 | value.appendChild(objectWrapperSpan); |
| 10617 | togglerLink.appendChild(value); |
| 10618 | } |
| 10619 | else { |
| 10620 | // make a value holder element |
| 10621 | var value = this.isUrl ? helpers_ts_1.createElement('a') : helpers_ts_1.createElement('span'); |
| 10622 | // add type and other type related CSS classes |
| 10623 | value.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass(this.type)); |
| 10624 | if (this.isDate) { |
| 10625 | value.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('date')); |
| 10626 | } |
| 10627 | if (this.isUrl) { |
| 10628 | value.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('url')); |
| 10629 | value.setAttribute('href', this.json); |
| 10630 | } |
| 10631 | // Append value content to value element |
| 10632 | var valuePreview = helpers_ts_1.getValuePreview(this.json, this.json); |
| 10633 | value.appendChild(document.createTextNode(valuePreview)); |
| 10634 | // append the value element to toggler link |
| 10635 | togglerLink.appendChild(value); |
| 10636 | } |
| 10637 | // if hover preview is enabled, append the inline preview element |
| 10638 | if (this.isObject && this.config.hoverPreviewEnabled) { |
| 10639 | var preview = helpers_ts_1.createElement('span', 'preview-text'); |
| 10640 | preview.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getInlinepreview())); |
| 10641 | togglerLink.appendChild(preview); |
| 10642 | } |
| 10643 | // construct a children element |
| 10644 | var children = helpers_ts_1.createElement('div', 'children'); |
| 10645 | // set CSS classes for children |
| 10646 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 10647 | children.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('object')); |
| 10648 | } |
| 10649 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 10650 | children.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('array')); |
| 10651 | } |
| 10652 | if (this.isEmpty) { |
| 10653 | children.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('empty')); |
| 10654 | } |
| 10655 | // set CSS classes for root element |
| 10656 | if (this.config && this.config.theme) { |
| 10657 | this.element.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass(this.config.theme)); |
| 10658 | } |
| 10659 | if (this.isOpen) { |
| 10660 | this.element.classList.add(helpers_ts_1.cssClass('open')); |
| 10661 | } |
| 10662 | // append toggler and children elements to root element |
| 10663 | this.element.appendChild(togglerLink); |
| 10664 | this.element.appendChild(children); |
| 10665 | // if formatter is set to be open call appendChildren |
| 10666 | if (this.isObject && this.isOpen) { |
| 10667 | this.appendChildren(); |
| 10668 | } |
| 10669 | // add event listener for toggling |
| 10670 | if (this.isObject) { |
| 10671 | togglerLink.addEventListener('click', this.toggleOpen.bind(this)); |
| 10672 | } |
| 10673 | return this.element; |
| 10674 | }; |
| 10675 | /** |
| 10676 | * Appends all the children to children element |
| 10677 | * Animated option is used when user triggers this via a click |
| 10678 | */ |
| 10679 | JSONFormatter.prototype.appendChildren = function (animated) { |
| 10680 | var _this = this; |
| 10681 | if (animated === void 0) { animated = false; } |
| 10682 | var children = this.element.querySelector("div." + helpers_ts_1.cssClass('children')); |
| 10683 | if (!children || this.isEmpty) { |
| 10684 | return; |
| 10685 | } |
| 10686 | if (animated) { |
| 10687 | var index_1 = 0; |
| 10688 | var addAChild_1 = function () { |
| 10689 | var key = _this.keys[index_1]; |
| 10690 | var formatter = new JSONFormatter(_this.json[key], - 1, _this.config, key); |
| 10691 | children.appendChild(formatter.render()); |
| 10692 | index_1 += 1; |
| 10693 | if (index_1 < _this.keys.length) { |
| 10694 | if (index_1 > MAX_ANIMATED_TOGGLE_ITEMS) { |
| 10695 | addAChild_1(); |
| 10696 | } |
| 10697 | else { |
| 10698 | requestAnimationFrame(addAChild_1); |
| 10699 | } |
| 10700 | } |
| 10701 | }; |
| 10702 | requestAnimationFrame(addAChild_1); |
| 10703 | } |
| 10704 | else { |
| 10705 | this.keys.forEach(function (key) { |
| 10706 | var formatter = new JSONFormatter(_this.json[key], - 1, _this.config, key); |
| 10707 | children.appendChild(formatter.render()); |
| 10708 | }); |
| 10709 | } |
| 10710 | }; |
| 10711 | /** |
| 10712 | * Removes all the children from children element |
| 10713 | * Animated option is used when user triggers this via a click |
| 10714 | */ |
| 10715 | JSONFormatter.prototype.removeChildren = function (animated) { |
| 10716 | if (animated === void 0) { animated = false; } |
| 10717 | var childrenElement = this.element.querySelector("div." + helpers_ts_1.cssClass('children')); |
| 10718 | if (animated) { |
| 10719 | var childrenRemoved_1 = 0; |
| 10720 | var removeAChild_1 = function () { |
| 10721 | if (childrenElement && childrenElement.children.length) { |
| 10722 | childrenElement.removeChild(childrenElement.children[0]); |
| 10723 | childrenRemoved_1 += 1; |
| 10724 | if (childrenRemoved_1 > MAX_ANIMATED_TOGGLE_ITEMS) { |
| 10725 | removeAChild_1(); |
| 10726 | } |
| 10727 | else { |
| 10728 | requestAnimationFrame(removeAChild_1); |
| 10729 | } |
| 10730 | } |
| 10731 | }; |
| 10732 | requestAnimationFrame(removeAChild_1); |
| 10733 | } |
| 10734 | else { |
| 10735 | if (childrenElement) { |
| 10736 | childrenElement.innerHTML = ''; |
| 10737 | } |
| 10738 | } |
| 10739 | }; |
| 10740 | return JSONFormatter; |
| 10741 | }()); |
| 10742 | |
| 10743 | |
| 10744 | /***/ }, |
| 10745 | /* 2 */ |
| 10746 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 10747 | |
| 10748 | // style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag |
| 10749 | |
| 10750 | // load the styles |
| 10751 | var content = __webpack_require__(3); |
| 10752 | if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[, content, '']]; |
| 10753 | // add the styles to the DOM |
| 10754 | var update = __webpack_require__(5)(content, {"sourceMap":true}); |
| 10755 | if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals; |
| 10756 | // Hot Module Replacement |
| 10757 | if(false) { |
| 10758 | // When the styles change, update the <style> tags |
| 10759 | if(!content.locals) { |
| 10760 |"!!./../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./../node_modules/less-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./style.less", function() { |
| 10761 | var newContent = require("!!./../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./../node_modules/less-loader/index.js?sourceMap!./style.less"); |
| 10762 | if(typeof newContent === 'string') newContent = [[, newContent, '']]; |
| 10763 | update(newContent); |
| 10764 | }); |
| 10765 | } |
| 10766 | // When the module is disposed, remove the <style> tags |
| 10767 | { update(); }); |
| 10768 | } |
| 10769 | |
| 10770 | /***/ }, |
| 10771 | /* 3 */ |
| 10772 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 10773 | |
| 10774 | exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(4)(); |
| 10775 | // imports |
| 10776 | |
| 10777 | |
| 10778 | // module |
| 10779 | exports.push([, ".json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: black;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: green;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: red;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #855A00;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ca0b69;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FF20ED;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: blue;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #00008B;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"\\25BA\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: white;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: #31F031;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: #66C2FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: #EC4242;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #EEC97D;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ef8fbe;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FD48CB;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: #027BFF;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: #9494FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #23A0DB;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"\\25BA\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n", "", {"version":3,"sources":["/./src/style.less","/./src/style.less"],"names":[],"mappings":"AA0GA;EA3FE,uBAAA;CCbD;ADcC;;;EACE,aAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCVH;ADkGD;EApFI,kBAAA;CCXH;ADeG;EACE,aAAA;EACA,kBAAA;CCbL;ADeK;EAAU,cAAA;CCZf;ADaK;EAAgC,yBAAA;CCVrC;ADWK;EAA+B,cAAA;CCRpC;ADkFD;EArEI,aAAA;EACA,iBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCVH;AD6ED;EAjE2B,YAAA;CCT1B;AD0ED;EAhE4B,WAAA;CCP3B;ADuED;EA/DyB,eAAA;CCLxB;ADoED;EA9D8B,eAAA;CCH7B;ADiED;EA7D6B,eAAA;CCD5B;AD8DD;EA5DyB,sCAAA;CCCxB;AD2DD;EA1DI,2BAAA;EACA,YAAA;EACA,gBAAA;CCEH;ADsDD;EArD4B,YAAA;CCE3B;ADmDD;EAnDI,eAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCGH;AD8CD;EA9CI,gBAAA;CCGH;AD2CD;EA1CI,oBAAA;EACA,kBAAA;EACA,uBAAA;EACA,aAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCEH;ADAG;EACE,sBAAA;EACA,oCAAA;EACA,iBAAA;CCEL;AD8BD;EA1BI,WAAA;EACA,kCAAA;EACA,mBAAA;CCDH;ADGC;EACE,aAAA;CCDH;ADKC;EAEI,yBAAA;CCJL;ADEC;EAKI,sBAAA;CCJL;ADDC;EAQI,cAAA;CCJL;ADMG;EACE,eAAA;CCJL;ADeD;EAhGE,uBAAA;CCoFD;ADnFC;;;EACE,aAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCuFH;ADMD;EAzFI,kBAAA;CCsFH;ADlFG;EACE,aAAA;EACA,kBAAA;CCoFL;ADlFK;EAAU,cAAA;CCqFf;ADpFK;EAAgC,yBAAA;CCuFrC;ADtFK;EAA+B,cAAA;CCyFpC;ADVD;EA1EI,eAAA;EACA,iBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCuFH;ADfD;EAtE2B,eAAA;CCwF1B;ADlBD;EArE4B,eAAA;CC0F3B;ADrBD;EApEyB,eAAA;CC4FxB;ADxBD;EAnE8B,eAAA;CC8F7B;AD3BD;EAlE6B,eAAA;CCgG5B;AD9BD;EAjEyB,4CAAA;CCkGxB;ADjCD;EA/DI,2BAAA;EACA,eAAA;EACA,gBAAA;CCmGH;ADtCD;EA1D4B,eAAA;CCmG3B;ADzCD;EAxDI,eAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCoGH;AD9CD;EAnDI,gBAAA;CCoGH;ADjDD;EA/CI,oBAAA;EACA,kBAAA;EACA,uBAAA;EACA,aAAA;EACA,gBAAA;EACA,sBAAA;CCmGH;ADjGG;EACE,sBAAA;EACA,oCAAA;EACA,iBAAA;CCmGL;AD9DD;EA/BI,WAAA;EACA,kCAAA;EACA,mBAAA;CCgGH;AD9FC;EACE,aAAA;CCgGH;AD5FC;EAEI,yBAAA;CC6FL;AD/FC;EAKI,sBAAA;CC6FL;ADlGC;EAQI,cAAA;CC6FL;AD3FG;EACE,eAAA;CC6FL","file":"style.less","sourcesContent":[".theme(\n @default-color: black,\n @string-color: green,\n @number-color: blue,\n @boolean-color: red,\n @null-color: #855A00,\n @undefined-color: rgb(202, 11, 105),\n @function-color: #FF20ED,\n @rotate-time: 100ms,\n @toggler-opacity: 0.6,\n @toggler-color: #45376F,\n @bracket-color: blue,\n @key-color: #00008B,\n @url-color: blue ){\n\n font-family: monospace;\n &, a, a:hover {\n color: @default-color;\n text-decoration: none;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-children {\n &.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n\n &:after { display: none; }\n &.json-formatter-object:after { content: \"No properties\"; }\n &.json-formatter-array:after { content: \"[]\"; }\n }\n }\n\n .json-formatter-string {\n color: @string-color;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n }\n .json-formatter-number { color: @number-color; }\n .json-formatter-boolean { color: @boolean-color; }\n .json-formatter-null { color: @null-color; }\n .json-formatter-undefined { color: @undefined-color; }\n .json-formatter-function { color: @function-color; }\n .json-formatter-date { background-color: fade(@default-color, 5%); }\n .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: @url-color;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-bracket { color: @bracket-color; }\n .json-formatter-key {\n color: @key-color;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n }\n .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n\n .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: @toggler-opacity;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n\n &:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform @rotate-time ease-in;\n content: \"►\";\n }\n }\n\n // Inline preview on hover (optional)\n > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity .15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n }\n &:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n }\n\n // Open state\n &.json-formatter-open {\n > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after{\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n }\n > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n }\n > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n }\n &.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Default theme\n.json-formatter-row {\n .theme();\n}\n\n// Dark theme\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row {\n .theme(\n @default-color: white,\n @string-color: #31F031,\n @number-color: #66C2FF,\n @boolean-color: #EC4242,\n @null-color: #EEC97D,\n @undefined-color: rgb(239, 143, 190),\n @function-color: #FD48CB,\n @rotate-time: 100ms,\n @toggler-opacity: 0.6,\n @toggler-color: #45376F,\n @bracket-color: #9494FF,\n @key-color: #23A0DB,\n @url-color: #027BFF);\n}\n",".json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: black;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: green;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: red;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #855A00;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ca0b69;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FF20ED;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: blue;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: blue;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #00008B;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"►\";\n}\n.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row {\n font-family: monospace;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a,\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row a:hover {\n color: white;\n text-decoration: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-row {\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty {\n opacity: 0.5;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-object:after {\n content: \"No properties\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-children.json-formatter-empty.json-formatter-array:after {\n content: \"[]\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-string {\n color: #31F031;\n white-space: pre;\n word-wrap: break-word;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-number {\n color: #66C2FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-boolean {\n color: #EC4242;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-null {\n color: #EEC97D;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-undefined {\n color: #ef8fbe;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-function {\n color: #FD48CB;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-date {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-url {\n text-decoration: underline;\n color: #027BFF;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-bracket {\n color: #9494FF;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-key {\n color: #23A0DB;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-constructor-name {\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler {\n line-height: 1.2rem;\n font-size: 0.7rem;\n vertical-align: middle;\n opacity: 0.6;\n cursor: pointer;\n padding-right: 0.2rem;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n display: inline-block;\n transition: transform 100ms ease-in;\n content: \"►\";\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0;\n transition: opacity 0.15s ease-in;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row:hover > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n opacity: 0.6;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-toggler-link .json-formatter-toggler:after {\n transform: rotate(90deg);\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > .json-formatter-children:after {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open > a > .json-formatter-preview-text {\n display: none;\n}\n.json-formatter-dark.json-formatter-row.json-formatter-open.json-formatter-empty:after {\n display: block;\n}\n"],"sourceRoot":"webpack://"}]); |
| 10780 | |
| 10781 | // exports |
| 10782 | |
| 10783 | |
| 10784 | /***/ }, |
| 10785 | /* 4 */ |
| 10786 | /***/ function(module, exports) { |
| 10787 | |
| 10788 | /* |
| 10789 | MIT License |
| 10790 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra |
| 10791 | */ |
| 10792 | // css base code, injected by the css-loader |
| 10793 | module.exports = function() { |
| 10794 | var list = []; |
| 10795 | |
| 10796 | // return the list of modules as css string |
| 10797 | list.toString = function toString() { |
| 10798 | var result = []; |
| 10799 | for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { |
| 10800 | var item = this[i]; |
| 10801 | if(item[2]) { |
| 10802 | result.push("@media " + item[2] + "{" + item[1] + "}"); |
| 10803 | } else { |
| 10804 | result.push(item[1]); |
| 10805 | } |
| 10806 | } |
| 10807 | return result.join(""); |
| 10808 | }; |
| 10809 | |
| 10810 | // import a list of modules into the list |
| 10811 | list.i = function(modules, mediaQuery) { |
| 10812 | if(typeof modules === "string") |
| 10813 | modules = [[null, modules, ""]]; |
| 10814 | var alreadyImportedModules = {}; |
| 10815 | for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { |
| 10816 | var id = this[i][0]; |
| 10817 | if(typeof id === "number") |
| 10818 | alreadyImportedModules[id] = true; |
| 10819 | } |
| 10820 | for(i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { |
| 10821 | var item = modules[i]; |
| 10822 | // skip already imported module |
| 10823 | // this implementation is not 100% perfect for weird media query combinations |
| 10824 | // when a module is imported multiple times with different media queries. |
| 10825 | // I hope this will never occur (Hey this way we have smaller bundles) |
| 10826 | if(typeof item[0] !== "number" || !alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) { |
| 10827 | if(mediaQuery && !item[2]) { |
| 10828 | item[2] = mediaQuery; |
| 10829 | } else if(mediaQuery) { |
| 10830 | item[2] = "(" + item[2] + ") and (" + mediaQuery + ")"; |
| 10831 | } |
| 10832 | list.push(item); |
| 10833 | } |
| 10834 | } |
| 10835 | }; |
| 10836 | return list; |
| 10837 | }; |
| 10838 | |
| 10839 | |
| 10840 | /***/ }, |
| 10841 | /* 5 */ |
| 10842 | /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { |
| 10843 | |
| 10844 | /* |
| 10845 | MIT License |
| 10846 | Author Tobias Koppers @sokra |
| 10847 | */ |
| 10848 | var stylesInDom = {}, |
| 10849 | memoize = function(fn) { |
| 10850 | var memo; |
| 10851 | return function () { |
| 10852 | if (typeof memo === "undefined") memo = fn.apply(this, arguments); |
| 10853 | return memo; |
| 10854 | }; |
| 10855 | }, |
| 10856 | isOldIE = memoize(function() { |
| 10857 | return /msie [6-9]\b/.test(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); |
| 10858 | }), |
| 10859 | getHeadElement = memoize(function () { |
| 10860 | return document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; |
| 10861 | }), |
| 10862 | singletonElement = null, |
| 10863 | singletonCounter = 0, |
| 10864 | styleElementsInsertedAtTop = []; |
| 10865 | |
| 10866 | module.exports = function(list, options) { |
| 10867 | if(false) { |
| 10868 | if(typeof document !== "object") throw new Error("The style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment"); |
| 10869 | } |
| 10870 | |
| 10871 | options = options || {}; |
| 10872 | // Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of <style> |
| 10873 | // tags it will allow on a page |
| 10874 | if (typeof options.singleton === "undefined") options.singleton = isOldIE(); |
| 10875 | |
| 10876 | // By default, add <style> tags to the bottom of <head>. |
| 10877 | if (typeof options.insertAt === "undefined") options.insertAt = "bottom"; |
| 10878 | |
| 10879 | var styles = listToStyles(list); |
| 10880 | addStylesToDom(styles, options); |
| 10881 | |
| 10882 | return function update(newList) { |
| 10883 | var mayRemove = []; |
| 10884 | for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { |
| 10885 | var item = styles[i]; |
| 10886 | var domStyle = stylesInDom[]; |
| 10887 | domStyle.refs--; |
| 10888 | mayRemove.push(domStyle); |
| 10889 | } |
| 10890 | if(newList) { |
| 10891 | var newStyles = listToStyles(newList); |
| 10892 | addStylesToDom(newStyles, options); |
| 10893 | } |
| 10894 | for(var i = 0; i < mayRemove.length; i++) { |
| 10895 | var domStyle = mayRemove[i]; |
| 10896 | if(domStyle.refs === 0) { |
| 10897 | for(var j = 0; j <; j++) |
| 10898 |[j](); |
| 10899 | delete stylesInDom[]; |
| 10900 | } |
| 10901 | } |
| 10902 | }; |
| 10903 | } |
| 10904 | |
| 10905 | function addStylesToDom(styles, options) { |
| 10906 | for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { |
| 10907 | var item = styles[i]; |
| 10908 | var domStyle = stylesInDom[]; |
| 10909 | if(domStyle) { |
| 10910 | domStyle.refs++; |
| 10911 | for(var j = 0; j <; j++) { |
| 10912 |[j]([j]); |
| 10913 | } |
| 10914 | for(; j <; j++) { |
| 10915 |[j], options)); |
| 10916 | } |
| 10917 | } else { |
| 10918 | var parts = []; |
| 10919 | for(var j = 0; j <; j++) { |
| 10920 | parts.push(addStyle([j], options)); |
| 10921 | } |
| 10922 | stylesInDom[] = {id:, refs: 1, parts: parts}; |
| 10923 | } |
| 10924 | } |
| 10925 | } |
| 10926 | |
| 10927 | function listToStyles(list) { |
| 10928 | var styles = []; |
| 10929 | var newStyles = {}; |
| 10930 | for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { |
| 10931 | var item = list[i]; |
| 10932 | var id = item[0]; |
| 10933 | var css = item[1]; |
| 10934 | var media = item[2]; |
| 10935 | var sourceMap = item[3]; |
| 10936 | var part = {css: css, media: media, sourceMap: sourceMap}; |
| 10937 | if(!newStyles[id]) |
| 10938 | styles.push(newStyles[id] = {id: id, parts: [part]}); |
| 10939 | else |
| 10940 | newStyles[id].parts.push(part); |
| 10941 | } |
| 10942 | return styles; |
| 10943 | } |
| 10944 | |
| 10945 | function insertStyleElement(options, styleElement) { |
| 10946 | var head = getHeadElement(); |
| 10947 | var lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop = styleElementsInsertedAtTop[styleElementsInsertedAtTop.length - 1]; |
| 10948 | if (options.insertAt === "top") { |
| 10949 | if(!lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop) { |
| 10950 | head.insertBefore(styleElement, head.firstChild); |
| 10951 | } else if(lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop.nextSibling) { |
| 10952 | head.insertBefore(styleElement, lastStyleElementInsertedAtTop.nextSibling); |
| 10953 | } else { |
| 10954 | head.appendChild(styleElement); |
| 10955 | } |
| 10956 | styleElementsInsertedAtTop.push(styleElement); |
| 10957 | } else if (options.insertAt === "bottom") { |
| 10958 | head.appendChild(styleElement); |
| 10959 | } else { |
| 10960 | throw new Error("Invalid value for parameter 'insertAt'. Must be 'top' or 'bottom'."); |
| 10961 | } |
| 10962 | } |
| 10963 | |
| 10964 | function removeStyleElement(styleElement) { |
| 10965 | styleElement.parentNode.removeChild(styleElement); |
| 10966 | var idx = styleElementsInsertedAtTop.indexOf(styleElement); |
| 10967 | if(idx >= 0) { |
| 10968 | styleElementsInsertedAtTop.splice(idx, 1); |
| 10969 | } |
| 10970 | } |
| 10971 | |
| 10972 | function createStyleElement(options) { |
| 10973 | var styleElement = document.createElement("style"); |
| 10974 | styleElement.type = "text/css"; |
| 10975 | insertStyleElement(options, styleElement); |
| 10976 | return styleElement; |
| 10977 | } |
| 10978 | |
| 10979 | function createLinkElement(options) { |
| 10980 | var linkElement = document.createElement("link"); |
| 10981 | linkElement.rel = "stylesheet"; |
| 10982 | insertStyleElement(options, linkElement); |
| 10983 | return linkElement; |
| 10984 | } |
| 10985 | |
| 10986 | function addStyle(obj, options) { |
| 10987 | var styleElement, update, remove; |
| 10988 | |
| 10989 | if (options.singleton) { |
| 10990 | var styleIndex = singletonCounter++; |
| 10991 | styleElement = singletonElement || (singletonElement = createStyleElement(options)); |
| 10992 | update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, styleElement, styleIndex, false); |
| 10993 | remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, styleElement, styleIndex, true); |
| 10994 | } else if(obj.sourceMap && |
| 10995 | typeof URL === "function" && |
| 10996 | typeof URL.createObjectURL === "function" && |
| 10997 | typeof URL.revokeObjectURL === "function" && |
| 10998 | typeof Blob === "function" && |
| 10999 | typeof btoa === "function") { |
| 11000 | styleElement = createLinkElement(options); |
| 11001 | update = updateLink.bind(null, styleElement); |
| 11002 | remove = function() { |
| 11003 | removeStyleElement(styleElement); |
| 11004 | if(styleElement.href) |
| 11005 | URL.revokeObjectURL(styleElement.href); |
| 11006 | }; |
| 11007 | } else { |
| 11008 | styleElement = createStyleElement(options); |
| 11009 | update = applyToTag.bind(null, styleElement); |
| 11010 | remove = function() { |
| 11011 | removeStyleElement(styleElement); |
| 11012 | }; |
| 11013 | } |
| 11014 | |
| 11015 | update(obj); |
| 11016 | |
| 11017 | return function updateStyle(newObj) { |
| 11018 | if(newObj) { |
| 11019 | if(newObj.css === obj.css && === && newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) |
| 11020 | return; |
| 11021 | update(obj = newObj); |
| 11022 | } else { |
| 11023 | remove(); |
| 11024 | } |
| 11025 | }; |
| 11026 | } |
| 11027 | |
| 11028 | var replaceText = (function () { |
| 11029 | var textStore = []; |
| 11030 | |
| 11031 | return function (index, replacement) { |
| 11032 | textStore[index] = replacement; |
| 11033 | return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\n'); |
| 11034 | }; |
| 11035 | })(); |
| 11036 | |
| 11037 | function applyToSingletonTag(styleElement, index, remove, obj) { |
| 11038 | var css = remove ? "" : obj.css; |
| 11039 | |
| 11040 | if (styleElement.styleSheet) { |
| 11041 | styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css); |
| 11042 | } else { |
| 11043 | var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css); |
| 11044 | var childNodes = styleElement.childNodes; |
| 11045 | if (childNodes[index]) styleElement.removeChild(childNodes[index]); |
| 11046 | if (childNodes.length) { |
| 11047 | styleElement.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index]); |
| 11048 | } else { |
| 11049 | styleElement.appendChild(cssNode); |
| 11050 | } |
| 11051 | } |
| 11052 | } |
| 11053 | |
| 11054 | function applyToTag(styleElement, obj) { |
| 11055 | var css = obj.css; |
| 11056 | var media =; |
| 11057 | |
| 11058 | if(media) { |
| 11059 | styleElement.setAttribute("media", media) |
| 11060 | } |
| 11061 | |
| 11062 | if(styleElement.styleSheet) { |
| 11063 | styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css; |
| 11064 | } else { |
| 11065 | while(styleElement.firstChild) { |
| 11066 | styleElement.removeChild(styleElement.firstChild); |
| 11067 | } |
| 11068 | styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); |
| 11069 | } |
| 11070 | } |
| 11071 | |
| 11072 | function updateLink(linkElement, obj) { |
| 11073 | var css = obj.css; |
| 11074 | var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap; |
| 11075 | |
| 11076 | if(sourceMap) { |
| 11077 | // |
| 11078 | css += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))) + " */"; |
| 11079 | } |
| 11080 | |
| 11081 | var blob = new Blob([css], { type: "text/css" }); |
| 11082 | |
| 11083 | var oldSrc = linkElement.href; |
| 11084 | |
| 11085 | linkElement.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); |
| 11086 | |
| 11087 | if(oldSrc) |
| 11088 | URL.revokeObjectURL(oldSrc); |
| 11089 | } |
| 11090 | |
| 11091 | |
| 11092 | /***/ }, |
| 11093 | /* 6 */ |
| 11094 | /***/ function(module, exports) { |
| 11095 | |
| 11096 | "use strict"; |
| 11097 | /* |
| 11098 | * Escapes `"` characters from string |
| 11099 | */ |
| 11100 | function escapeString(str) { |
| 11101 | return str.replace('"', '\"'); |
| 11102 | } |
| 11103 | /* |
| 11104 | * Determines if a value is an object |
| 11105 | */ |
| 11106 | function isObject(value) { |
| 11107 | var type = typeof value; |
| 11108 | return !!value && (type == 'object'); |
| 11109 | } |
| 11110 | exports.isObject = isObject; |
| 11111 | /* |
| 11112 | * Gets constructor name of an object. |
| 11113 | * |
| 11114 | */ |
| 11115 | function getObjectName(object) { |
| 11116 | if (object === undefined) { |
| 11117 | return ''; |
| 11118 | } |
| 11119 | if (object === null || (typeof object === 'object' && !object.constructor)) { |
| 11120 | return 'Object'; |
| 11121 | } |
| 11122 | var funcNameRegex = /function ([^(]*)/; |
| 11123 | var results = (funcNameRegex).exec((object).constructor.toString()); |
| 11124 | if (results && results.length > 1) { |
| 11125 | return results[1]; |
| 11126 | } else { |
| 11127 | return ''; |
| 11128 | } |
| 11129 | } |
| 11130 | exports.getObjectName = getObjectName; |
| 11131 | /* |
| 11132 | * Gets type of an object. Returns "null" for null objects |
| 11133 | */ |
| 11134 | function getType(object) { |
| 11135 | if (object === null) { |
| 11136 | return 'null'; |
| 11137 | } |
| 11138 | return typeof object; |
| 11139 | } |
| 11140 | exports.getType = getType; |
| 11141 | /* |
| 11142 | * Generates inline preview for a JavaScript object based on a value |
| 11143 | */ |
| 11144 | function getValuePreview(object, value) { |
| 11145 | var type = getType(object); |
| 11146 | if (type === 'null' || type === 'undefined') { |
| 11147 | return type; |
| 11148 | } |
| 11149 | if (type === 'string') { |
| 11150 | value = '"' + escapeString(value) + '"'; |
| 11151 | } |
| 11152 | if (type === 'function') { |
| 11153 | // Remove content of the function |
| 11154 | return object.toString() |
| 11155 | .replace(/[\r\n]/g, '') |
| 11156 | .replace(/\{.*\}/, '') + '{…}'; |
| 11157 | } |
| 11158 | return value; |
| 11159 | } |
| 11160 | exports.getValuePreview = getValuePreview; |
| 11161 | /* |
| 11162 | * Generates inline preview for a JavaScript object |
| 11163 | */ |
| 11164 | function getPreview(object) { |
| 11165 | var value = ''; |
| 11166 | if (isObject(object)) { |
| 11167 | value = getObjectName(object); |
| 11168 | if (Array.isArray(object)) |
| 11169 | value += '[' + object.length + ']'; |
| 11170 | } |
| 11171 | else { |
| 11172 | value = getValuePreview(object, object); |
| 11173 | } |
| 11174 | return value; |
| 11175 | } |
| 11176 | exports.getPreview = getPreview; |
| 11177 | /* |
| 11178 | * Generates a prefixed CSS class name |
| 11179 | */ |
| 11180 | function cssClass(className) { |
| 11181 | return "json-formatter-" + className; |
| 11182 | } |
| 11183 | exports.cssClass = cssClass; |
| 11184 | /* |
| 11185 | * Creates a new DOM element with given type and class |
| 11186 | * TODO: move me to helpers |
| 11187 | */ |
| 11188 | function createElement(type, className, content) { |
| 11189 | var el = document.createElement(type); |
| 11190 | if (className) { |
| 11191 | el.classList.add(cssClass(className)); |
| 11192 | } |
| 11193 | if (content !== undefined) { |
| 11194 | if (content instanceof Node) { |
| 11195 | el.appendChild(content); |
| 11196 | } |
| 11197 | else { |
| 11198 | el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String(content))); |
| 11199 | } |
| 11200 | } |
| 11201 | return el; |
| 11202 | } |
| 11203 | exports.createElement = createElement; |
| 11204 | |
| 11205 | |
| 11206 | /***/ } |
| 11207 | /******/ ]) |
| 11208 | }); |
| 11209 | ; |
| 11210 | //# |
| 11211 | |
| 11212 | </script> |
| 11213 | |
| 11214 | <script> |
| 11215 | |
| 11216 | (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.JSONSchemaView = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11217 | 'use strict'; |
| 11218 | /* |
| 11219 | * Converts anyOf, allOf and oneOf to human readable string |
| 11220 | */ |
| 11221 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { |
| 11222 | value: true |
| 11223 | }); |
| 11224 | exports.convertXOf = convertXOf; |
| 11225 | exports._if = _if; |
| 11226 | |
| 11227 | function convertXOf(type) { |
| 11228 | return type.substring(0, 3) + ' of'; |
| 11229 | } |
| 11230 | |
| 11231 | /* |
| 11232 | * if condition for ES6 template strings |
| 11233 | * to be used only in template string |
| 11234 | * |
| 11235 | * @example mystr = `Random is ${_if(Math.random() > 0.5)`greater than 0.5`` |
| 11236 | * |
| 11237 | * @param {boolean} condition |
| 11238 | * |
| 11239 | * @returns {function} the template function |
| 11240 | */ |
| 11241 | |
| 11242 | function _if(condition) { |
| 11243 | return condition ? normal : empty; |
| 11244 | } |
| 11245 | |
| 11246 | function empty() { |
| 11247 | return ''; |
| 11248 | } |
| 11249 | function normal(template) { |
| 11250 | for (var _len = arguments.length, expressions = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) { |
| 11251 | expressions[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; |
| 11252 | } |
| 11253 | |
| 11254 | return template.slice(1).reduce(function (accumulator, part, i) { |
| 11255 | return accumulator + expressions[i] + part; |
| 11256 | }, template[0]); |
| 11257 | } |
| 11258 | |
| 11259 | },{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11260 | 'use strict'; |
| 11261 | |
| 11262 | /* globals JSONSchemaView */ |
| 11263 | |
| 11264 | Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { |
| 11265 | value: true |
| 11266 | }); |
| 11267 | |
| 11268 | var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); |
| 11269 | |
| 11270 | var _templateObject = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="any">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type type-any"><any></span>\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="any">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type type-any"><any></span>\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 11271 | _templateObject2 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' </a>\n '], ['\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' </a>\n ']), |
| 11272 | _templateObject3 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner description marked">', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner description marked">', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11273 | _templateObject4 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner required">Required: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner required">Required: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11274 | _templateObject5 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner default">Default: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner default">Default: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11275 | _templateObject6 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11276 | _templateObject7 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="primitive">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type">', '</span>\n\n \n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="primitive">\n ', '\n\n <span class="type">', '</span>\n\n \n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 11277 | _templateObject8 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="format">(', ')</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="format">(', ')</span>\n ']), |
| 11278 | _templateObject9 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range minimum">minimum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range minimum">minimum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 11279 | _templateObject10 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range exclusiveMinimum">(ex)minimum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range exclusiveMinimum">(ex)minimum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 11280 | _templateObject11 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range maximum">maximum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range maximum">maximum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 11281 | _templateObject12 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range exclusiveMaximum">(ex)maximum:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range exclusiveMaximum">(ex)maximum:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 11282 | _templateObject13 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range minLength">minLength:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range minLength">minLength:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 11283 | _templateObject14 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="range maxLength">maxLength:', '</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="range maxLength">maxLength:', '</span>\n ']), |
| 11284 | _templateObject15 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner required">Required</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner required">Required</div>\n ']), |
| 11285 | _templateObject16 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n ', '\n '], ['\n ', '\n ']), |
| 11286 | _templateObject17 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['', ''], ['', '']), |
| 11287 | _templateObject18 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="array">\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', '<span class="opening bracket">[</span>', '</a>\n ', '\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="array">\n <a class="title"><span class="toggle-handle"></span>', '<span class="opening bracket">[</span>', '</a>\n ', '\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 11288 | _templateObject19 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['<span class="closing bracket">]</span>'], ['<span class="closing bracket">]</span>']), |
| 11289 | _templateObject20 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span>\n <span title="items range">(', '..', ')</span>\n ', '\n </span>\n '], ['\n <span>\n <span title="items range">(', '..', ')</span>\n ', '\n </span>\n ']), |
| 11290 | _templateObject21 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['<span title="unique" class="uniqueItems">♦</span>'], ['<span title="unique" class="uniqueItems">♦</span>']), |
| 11291 | _templateObject22 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="description">', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="description">', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11292 | _templateObject23 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="closing bracket">]</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="closing bracket">]</span>\n ']), |
| 11293 | _templateObject24 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="object">\n <a class="title"><span\n class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' <span\n class="opening brace">{</span>', '</a>\n\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n <!-- children go here -->\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t\t', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="object">\n <a class="title"><span\n class="toggle-handle"></span>', ' <span\n class="opening brace">{</span>', '</a>\n\n <div class="inner">\n ', '\n <!-- children go here -->\n\t\t \n\t\t ', '\n\t\t ', '\n\t\t \n\t\t\t', '\n </div>\n\n ', '\n\n ', '\n ', '\n ', '\n\n ', '\n </div>\n ']), |
| 11294 | _templateObject25 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="closing brace" ng-if="isCollapsed">}</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="closing brace" ng-if="isCollapsed">}</span>\n ']), |
| 11295 | _templateObject26 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11296 | _templateObject266 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="required">Required: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11297 | _templateObject27 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="default">Default: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="default">Default: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11298 | _templateObject28 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="pattern">Pattern: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11299 | _templateObject29 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <span class="closing brace">}</span>\n '], ['\n <span class="closing brace">}</span>\n ']), |
| 11300 | _templateObject30 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner enums">\n <b>Enum:</b>\n </div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner enums">\n <b>Enum:</b>\n </div>\n ']), |
| 11301 | _templateObject31 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner example">Example: ', '</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner example">Example: ', '</div>\n ']), |
| 11302 | _templateObject32 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner readOnly">Read Only</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner readOnly">Read Only</div>\n ']), |
| 11303 | _templateObject33 = _taggedTemplateLiteral(['\n <div class="inner nullable">Nullable</div>\n '], ['\n <div class="inner nullable">Nullable</div>\n ']); |
| 11304 | |
| 11305 | function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } } |
| 11306 | |
| 11307 | function _taggedTemplateLiteral(strings, raw) { return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperties(strings, { raw: { value: Object.freeze(raw) } })); } |
| 11308 | |
| 11309 | var _helpersJs = require('./helpers.js'); |
| 11310 | |
| 11311 | /** |
| 11312 | * @class JSONSchemaView |
| 11313 | * |
| 11314 | * A pure JavaScript component for rendering JSON Schema in HTML. |
| 11315 | */ |
| 11316 | |
| 11317 | var JSONSchemaView = (function () { |
| 11318 | |
| 11319 | /** |
| 11320 | * @param {object} schema The JSON Schema object |
| 11321 | * |
| 11322 | * @param {number} [open=1] his number indicates up to how many levels the |
| 11323 | * rendered tree should expand. Set it to `0` to make the whole tree collapsed |
| 11324 | * or set it to `Infinity` to expand the tree deeply |
| 11325 | * @param {object} options. |
| 11326 | * theme {string}: one of the following options: ['dark'] |
| 11327 | */ |
| 11328 | |
| 11329 | function JSONSchemaView(schema, open) { |
| 11330 | var _this = this; |
| 11331 | |
| 11332 | var options = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? { theme: null } : arguments[2]; |
| 11333 | |
| 11334 | _classCallCheck(this, JSONSchemaView); |
| 11335 | |
| 11336 | this.schema = schema; //console.log(schema); |
| 11337 | = open; |
| 11338 | this.options = options; |
| 11339 | this.isCollapsed = open <= 0; |
| 11340 | |
| 11341 | // if schema is an empty object which means any JSON |
| 11342 | this.isAny = typeof schema === 'object' && !Array.isArray(schema) && !Object.keys(schema).filter(function (k) { |
| 11343 | return ['title', 'description'].indexOf(k) === -1; |
| 11344 | }).length; |
| 11345 | |
| 11346 | // Determine if a schema is an array |
| 11347 | this.isArray = !this.isAny && this.schema && this.schema.type === 'array'; |
| 11348 | |
DenisGNoonan | 36718ab | 2024-06-13 09:59:12 +0100 | [diff] [blame^] | 11349 | this.isObject = this.schema && (this.schema.type === 'object' || || this.schema.anyOf || this.schema.oneOf || this.schema.allOf); |
DenisGNoonan | 578dc42 | 2024-05-08 18:56:01 +0100 | [diff] [blame] | 11350 | |
| 11351 | // Determine if a schema is a primitive |
| 11352 | this.isPrimitive = !this.isAny && !this.isArray && !this.isObject; |
| 11353 | |
| 11354 | // |
| 11355 | this.showToggle = this.schema.description || this.schema.title || this.isPrimitive && (this.schema.minimum || this.schema.maximum || this.schema.exclusiveMinimum || this.schema.exclusiveMaximum); |
| 11356 | |
| 11357 | // populate isRequired property down to properties |
| 11358 | if (this.schema && Array.isArray(this.schema.required)) { |
| 11359 | this.schema.required.forEach(function (requiredProperty) { |
| 11360 | if (typeof[requiredProperty] === 'object') { |
| 11361 |[requiredProperty].isRequired = true; |
| 11362 | } |
| 11363 | }); |
| 11364 | } |
| 11365 | |
| 11366 | // Determine if a schema is a read-only |
| 11367 | this.isReadOnly = this.schema && this.schema.readOnly === true; |
| 11368 | |
| 11369 | // Determine if a schema is nullable |
| 11370 | this.isNullable = this.schema && this.schema["x-nullable"] === true; |
| 11371 | } |
| 11372 | |
| 11373 | /* |
| 11374 | * Returns the template with populated properties. |
| 11375 | * This template does not have the children |
| 11376 | */ |
| 11377 | |
| 11378 | _createClass(JSONSchemaView, [{ |
| 11379 | key: 'template', |
| 11380 | value: function template() { |
| 11381 | if (!this.schema) { |
| 11382 | return ''; |
| 11383 | } |
| 11384 | |
| 11385 | return ('\n <!-- Any -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isAny)(_templateObject, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.showToggle)(_templateObject2, this.schema.title || ''), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.description && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject3, marked(this.schema.description || "")), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject4, this.schema.required), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema['default'] && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject5, this.schema['default']), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.pattern && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject6, this.schema.pattern), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.example && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject31, this.schema.example)) + '\n\n <!-- Primitive -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isPrimitive)(_templateObject7, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.showToggle)(_templateObject2, this.schema.title || ''), this.schema.type, (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.format)(_templateObject8, this.schema.format), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.minimum)(_templateObject9, this.schema.minimum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.exclusiveMinimum)(_templateObject10, this.schema.exclusiveMinimum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.maximum)(_templateObject11, this.schema.maximum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.exclusiveMaximum)(_templateObject12, this.schema.exclusiveMaximum), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.minLength)(_templateObject13, this.schema.minLength), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.maxLength)(_templateObject14, this.schema.maxLength), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.description && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject3, marked(this.schema.description || "")), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject15), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.readOnly && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject32), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema["x-nullable"] === true && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject33), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema['default'] && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject5, this.schema['default']), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.pattern && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject6, this.schema.pattern), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.example && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject31, this.schema.example), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema['enum'])(_templateObject16, this['enum'](this.schema, this.isCollapsed,, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.allOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'allOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.oneOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'oneOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.anyOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'anyOf'))) + '\n\n\n <!-- Array -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isArray)(_templateObject18, this.schema.title || '', (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject19), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && (this.schema.uniqueItems || this.schema.minItems || this.schema.maxItems))(_templateObject20, this.schema.minItems || 0, this.schema.maxItems || '∞', (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.uniqueItems)(_templateObject21)), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.description)(_templateObject22, marked(this.schema.description || "")), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema['enum'])(_templateObject16, this['enum'](this.schema, this.isCollapsed,, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.allOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'allOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.oneOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'oneOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.anyOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'anyOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject23)) + '\n\n <!-- Object -->\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isPrimitive && !this.isArray && !this.isAny)(_templateObject24, this.schema.title || '', (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject25), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.description)(_templateObject22, marked(this.schema.description || "")), |
| 11386 | |
| 11387 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed && this.options.isBodyParam != true)(_templateObject26, this.schema.required), |
| 11388 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.required && !this.isCollapsed && this.options.isBodyParam == true)(_templateObject266, this.schema.required), |
| 11389 | |
| 11390 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema['default'] && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject27, this.schema['default']), |
| 11391 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.pattern)(_templateObject28, this.schema.pattern), |
| 11392 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema.example)(_templateObject31, "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(this.schema.example, null, 4) + "</pre>"), |
| 11393 | (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed && this.schema['enum'])(_templateObject16, this['enum'](this.schema, this.isCollapsed,, (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.allOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'allOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.oneOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'oneOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(this.schema.anyOf && !this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject17, this.xOf(this.schema, 'anyOf')), (0, _helpersJs._if)(!this.isCollapsed)(_templateObject29)) + '\n').replace(/\s*\n/g, '\n').replace(/(\<\!\-\-).+/g, '').trim(); |
| 11394 | } |
| 11395 | |
| 11396 | /* |
| 11397 | * Template for oneOf, anyOf and allOf |
| 11398 | */ |
| 11399 | }, { |
| 11400 | key: 'xOf', |
| 11401 | value: function xOf(schema, type) { |
| 11402 | return '\n <div class="inner ' + type + '">\n <b>' + (0, _helpersJs.convertXOf)(type) + ':</b>\n </div>\n '; |
| 11403 | } |
| 11404 | |
| 11405 | /* |
| 11406 | * Template for enums |
| 11407 | */ |
| 11408 | }, { |
| 11409 | key: 'enum', |
| 11410 | value: function _enum(schema, isCollapsed, open) { |
| 11411 | return '\n ' + (0, _helpersJs._if)(!isCollapsed && schema['enum'])(_templateObject30) + '\n '; |
| 11412 | } |
| 11413 | |
| 11414 | /* |
| 11415 | * Toggles the 'collapsed' state |
| 11416 | */ |
| 11417 | }, { |
| 11418 | key: 'toggle', |
| 11419 | value: function toggle() { |
| 11420 | this.isCollapsed = !this.isCollapsed; |
| 11421 | this.render(); |
| 11422 | } |
| 11423 | |
| 11424 | /* |
| 11425 | * Renders the element and returns it |
| 11426 | */ |
| 11427 | }, { |
| 11428 | key: 'render', |
| 11429 | value: function render() { |
| 11430 | if (!this.element) { |
| 11431 | this.element = document.createElement('div'); |
| 11432 | this.element.classList.add('json-schema-view'); |
| 11433 | } |
| 11434 | |
| 11435 | if (this.isCollapsed) { |
| 11436 | this.element.classList.add('collapsed'); |
| 11437 | } else { |
| 11438 | this.element.classList.remove('collapsed'); |
| 11439 | } |
| 11440 | |
| 11441 | if (this.options.theme) { |
| 11442 | this.element.classList.add('json-schema-view-' + this.options.theme); |
| 11443 | } |
| 11444 | |
| 11445 | this.element.innerHTML = this.template(); |
| 11446 | |
| 11447 | if (!this.schema) { |
| 11448 | return this.element; |
| 11449 | } |
| 11450 | |
| 11451 | if (!this.isCollapsed) { |
| 11452 | this.appendChildren(this.element); |
| 11453 | } |
| 11454 | |
| 11455 | // add event listener for toggling |
| 11456 | if (this.element.querySelector('a.title')) { |
| 11457 | this.element.querySelector('a.title').addEventListener('click', this.toggle.bind(this)); |
| 11458 | } |
| 11459 | return this.element; |
| 11460 | } |
| 11461 | |
| 11462 | /* |
| 11463 | * Appends children to given element based on current schema |
| 11464 | */ |
| 11465 | }, { |
| 11466 | key: 'appendChildren', |
| 11467 | value: function appendChildren(element) { |
| 11468 | var _this2 = this; |
| 11469 | |
| 11470 | var inner = element.querySelector('.inner'); |
| 11471 | |
| 11472 | if (!inner) { |
| 11473 | return; |
| 11474 | } |
| 11475 | |
| 11476 | if (this.schema['enum']) { |
| 11477 | var tempDiv = document.createElement('span');; |
| 11478 | tempDiv.classList.add('inner'); |
| 11479 | tempDiv.innerHTML = '<code>' + this.schema['enum'].join('</code>, <code>') + '</code>'; |
| 11480 | element.querySelector('.enums.inner').appendChild(tempDiv); |
| 11481 | } |
| 11482 | |
| 11483 | if (this.isArray) { |
| 11484 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(this.schema.items, Infinity); |
| 11485 | inner.appendChild(view.render()); |
| 11486 | } |
| 11487 | |
| 11488 | if (typeof === 'object') { |
| 11489 | Object.keys( (propertyName) { |
| 11490 | var property =[propertyName]; |
| 11491 | var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');; |
| 11492 | tempDiv.innerHTML = '<div class="property">\n <span class="name">' + propertyName + ':</span>\n </div>'; |
| 11493 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(property, - 1); |
| 11494 | tempDiv.querySelector('.property').appendChild(view.render()); |
| 11495 | |
| 11496 | inner.appendChild(tempDiv.querySelector('.property')); |
| 11497 | }); |
| 11498 | } |
| 11499 | |
| 11500 | if (this.schema.allOf) { |
| 11501 |, 'allOf'); |
| 11502 | } |
| 11503 | if (this.schema.oneOf) { |
| 11504 |, 'oneOf'); |
| 11505 | } |
| 11506 | if (this.schema.anyOf) { |
| 11507 |, 'anyOf'); |
| 11508 | } |
| 11509 | |
| 11510 | function appendXOf(type) { |
| 11511 | var _this3 = this; |
| 11512 | |
| 11513 | var innerAllOf = element.querySelector('.inner.' + type); |
| 11514 | |
| 11515 | this.schema[type].forEach(function (schema) { |
| 11516 | var inner = document.createElement('div'); |
| 11517 | inner.classList.add('inner'); |
| 11518 | var view = new JSONSchemaView(schema, - 1); |
| 11519 | inner.appendChild(view.render()); |
| 11520 | innerAllOf.appendChild(inner); |
| 11521 | }); |
| 11522 | } |
| 11523 | } |
| 11524 | }]); |
| 11525 | |
| 11526 | return JSONSchemaView; |
| 11527 | })(); |
| 11528 | |
| 11529 | exports['default'] = JSONSchemaView; |
| 11530 | module.exports = exports['default']; |
| 11531 | |
| 11532 | },{"./helpers.js":1}]},{},[2])(2) |
| 11533 | }); |
| 11535 | |
| 11536 | </script> |
| 11537 | |
| 11538 | <script> |
| 11539 | (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.$RefParser = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11540 | /** ! |
| 11541 | * JSON Schema $Ref Parser v3.1.2 |
| 11542 | * |
| 11543 | * @link |
| 11544 | * @license MIT |
| 11545 | */ |
| 11546 | "use strict";function bundle(e,r){debug("Bundling $ref pointers in %s",e.$refs._root$Ref.path);var t=[];crawl(e,"schema",e.$refs._root$Ref.path+"#","#",t,e.$refs,r),remap(t)}function crawl(e,r,t,f,n,i,a){var o=null===r?e:e[r];if(o&&"object"==typeof o)if($$Ref(o))inventory$Ref(e,r,t,f,n,i,a);else{var l=Object.keys(o),u=l.indexOf("definitions");u>0&&l.splice(0,0,l.splice(u,1)[0]),l.forEach(function(e){var r=Pointer.join(t,e),l=Pointer.join(f,e),u=o[e];$$Ref(u)?inventory$Ref(o,e,t,l,n,i,a):crawl(o,e,r,l,n,i,a)})}}function inventory$Ref(e,r,t,f,n,i,a){if(!n.some(function(t){return t.parent===e&&t.key===r})){var o=null===r?e:e[r],l=url.resolve(t,o.$ref),u=i._resolve(l,a),h=Pointer.parse(f).length,s=url.stripHash(u.path),$=url.getHash(u.path),c=s!==i._root$Ref.path,p=$Ref.isExtended$Ref(o);n.push({$ref:o,parent:e,key:r,pathFromRoot:f,depth:h,file:s,hash:$,value:u.value,circular:u.circular,extended:p,external:c}),crawl(u.value,null,u.path,f,n,i,a)}}function remap(e){e.sort(function(e,r){return e.file!==r.file?e.file<r.file?-1:1:e.hash!==r.hash?e.hash<r.hash?-1:1:e.circular!==r.circular?e.circular?-1:1:e.extended!==r.extended?e.extended?1:-1:e.depth!==r.depth?e.depth-r.depth:r.pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf("/definitions")-e.pathFromRoot.lastIndexOf("/definitions")});var r,t,f;e.forEach(function(e){debug('Re-mapping $ref pointer "%s" at %s',e.$ref.$ref,e.pathFromRoot),e.external?e.file===r&&e.hash===t?e.$ref.$ref=f:e.file===r&&0===e.hash.indexOf(t+"/")?e.$ref.$ref=Pointer.join(f,Pointer.parse(e.hash)):(r=e.file,t=e.hash,f=e.pathFromRoot,e.$ref=e.parent[e.key]=$Ref.dereference(e.$ref,e.value),e.circular&&(e.$ref.$ref=e.pathFromRoot)):e.$ref.$ref=e.hash,debug(" new value: %s",e.$ref&&e.$ref.$ref?e.$ref.$ref:"[object Object]")})}var $Ref=require("./ref"),Pointer=require("./pointer"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=bundle; |
| 11547 | |
| 11548 | },{"./pointer":10,"./ref":11,"./util/debug":16,"./util/url":19}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11549 | "use strict";function dereference(e,r){debug("Dereferencing $ref pointers in %s",e.$refs._root$Ref.path);var c=crawl(e.schema,e.$refs._root$Ref.path,"#",[],e.$refs,r);e.$refs.circular=c.circular,e.schema=c.value}function crawl(e,r,c,u,f,i){var n,a={value:e,circular:!1};return e&&"object"==typeof e&&(u.push(e),$Ref.isAllowed$Ref(e,i)?(n=dereference$Ref(e,r,c,u,f,i),a.circular=n.circular,a.value=n.value):Object.keys(e).forEach(function(l){var o=Pointer.join(r,l),t=Pointer.join(c,l),d=e[l],$=!1;$Ref.isAllowed$Ref(d,i)?(n=dereference$Ref(d,o,t,u,f,i),$=n.circular,e[l]=n.value):-1===u.indexOf(d)?(n=crawl(d,o,t,u,f,i),$=n.circular,e[l]=n.value):$=foundCircularReference(o,f,i),a.circular=a.circular||$}),u.pop()),a}function dereference$Ref(e,r,c,u,f,i){debug('Dereferencing $ref pointer "%s" at %s',e.$ref,r);var n=url.resolve(r,e.$ref),a=f._resolve(n,i),l=a.circular,o=l||-1!==u.indexOf(a.value);o&&foundCircularReference(r,f,i);var t=$Ref.dereference(e,a.value);if(!o){var d=crawl(t,a.path,c,u,f,i);o=d.circular,t=d.value}return o&&!l&&"ignore"===i.dereference.circular&&(t=e),l&&(t.$ref=c),{circular:o,value:t}}function foundCircularReference(e,r,c){if(r.circular=!0,!c.dereference.circular)throw ono.reference("Circular $ref pointer found at %s",e);return!0}var $Ref=require("./ref"),Pointer=require("./pointer"),ono=require("ono"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=dereference; |
| 11550 | |
| 11551 | },{"./pointer":10,"./ref":11,"./util/debug":16,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11552 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11553 | "use strict";function $RefParser(){this.schema=null,this.$refs=new $Refs}function normalizeArgs(e){var r,t,a,s;return,"function"==typeof e[e.length-1]&&(s=e.pop()),"string"==typeof e[0]?(r=e[0],"object"==typeof e[2]?(t=e[1],a=e[2]):(t=void 0,a=e[1])):(r="",t=e[0],a=e[1]),a instanceof Options||(a=new Options(a)),{path:r,schema:t,options:a,callback:s}}var Promise=require("./util/promise"),Options=require("./options"),$Refs=require("./refs"),parse=require("./parse"),resolveExternal=require("./resolve-external"),bundle=require("./bundle"),dereference=require("./dereference"),url=require("./util/url"),maybe=require("call-me-maybe"),ono=require("ono");module.exports=$RefParser,module.exports.YAML=require("./util/yaml"),$RefParser.parse=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.parse.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.parse=function(e,r,t){var a,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);if(!s.path&&!s.schema){var n=ono("Expected a file path, URL, or object. Got %s",s.path||s.schema);return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(n))}this.schema=null,this.$refs=new $Refs,url.isFileSystemPath(s.path)&&(s.path=url.fromFileSystemPath(s.path)),s.path=url.resolve(url.cwd(),s.path),s.schema&&"object"==typeof s.schema?(this.$refs._add(s.path,s.schema),a=Promise.resolve(s.schema)):a=parse(s.path,this.$refs,s.options);var o=this;return a.then(function(e){if(!e||"object"!=typeof e||Buffer.isBuffer(e))throw ono.syntax('"%s" is not a valid JSON Schema',o.$refs._root$Ref.path||e);return o.schema=e,maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(o.schema))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})},$RefParser.resolve=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.resolve.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.resolve=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);return this.parse(s.path,s.schema,s.options).then(function(){return resolveExternal(a,s.options)}).then(function(){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(a.$refs))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})},$RefParser.bundle=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.bundle.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.bundle=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);return this.resolve(s.path,s.schema,s.options).then(function(){return bundle(a,s.options),maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(a.schema))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})},$RefParser.dereference=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=new a;return s.dereference.apply(s,arguments)},$RefParser.prototype.dereference=function(e,r,t){var a=this,s=normalizeArgs(arguments);return this.resolve(s.path,s.schema,s.options).then(function(){return dereference(a,s.options),maybe(s.callback,Promise.resolve(a.schema))})["catch"](function(e){return maybe(s.callback,Promise.reject(e))})}; |
| 11554 | |
| 11555 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 11556 | |
| 11557 | },{"../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"./bundle":1,"./dereference":2,"./options":4,"./parse":5,"./refs":12,"./resolve-external":13,"./util/promise":18,"./util/url":19,"./util/yaml":20,"call-me-maybe":27,"ono":69}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11558 | "use strict";function $RefParserOptions(e){merge(this,$RefParserOptions.defaults),merge(this,e)}function merge(e,r){if(isMergeable(r))for(var s=Object.keys(r),a=0;a<s.length;a++){var t=s[a],i=r[t],o=e[t];isMergeable(i)?e[t]=merge(o||{},i):void 0!==i&&(e[t]=i)}return e}function isMergeable(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&!Array.isArray(e)&&!(e instanceof RegExp)&&!(e instanceof Date)}var jsonParser=require("./parsers/json"),yamlParser=require("./parsers/yaml"),textParser=require("./parsers/text"),binaryParser=require("./parsers/binary"),fileResolver=require("./resolvers/file"),httpResolver=require("./resolvers/http"),zschemaValidator=require("./validators/z-schema");module.exports=$RefParserOptions,$RefParserOptions.defaults={parse:{json:jsonParser,yaml:yamlParser,text:textParser,binary:binaryParser},resolve:{file:fileResolver,http:httpResolver,external:!0},dereference:{circular:!0},validate:{zschema:zschemaValidator}}; |
| 11559 | |
| 11560 | },{"./parsers/binary":6,"./parsers/json":7,"./parsers/text":8,"./parsers/yaml":9,"./resolvers/file":14,"./resolvers/http":15,"./validators/z-schema":21}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11561 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11562 | "use strict";function parse(r,e,n){try{r=url.stripHash(r);var t=e._add(r),u={url:r,extension:url.getExtension(r)};return readFile(u,n).then(function(r){return,,parseFile(u,n)}).then(function(r){return t.value=r.result,r.result})}catch(i){return Promise.reject(i)}}function readFile(r,e){return new Promise(function(n,t){function u(e){t(!e||e instanceof SyntaxError?ono.syntax('Unable to resolve $ref pointer "%s"',r.url):e)}debug("Reading %s",r.url);var i=plugins.all(e.resolve);i=plugins.filter(i,"canRead",r),plugins.sort(i),,"read",r).then(n,u)})}function parseFile(r,e){return new Promise(function(n,t){function u(e){!e.plugin.allowEmpty&&isEmpty(e.result)?t(ono.syntax('Error parsing "%s" as %s. \nParsed value is empty',r.url,}function i(e){e?(e=e instanceof Error?e:new Error(e),t(ono.syntax(e,"Error parsing %s",r.url))):t(ono.syntax("Unable to parse %s",r.url))}debug("Parsing %s",r.url);var s=plugins.all(e.parse),l=plugins.filter(s,"canParse",r),o=l.length>0?l:s;plugins.sort(o),,"parse",r).then(u,i)})}function isEmpty(r){return void 0===r||"object"==typeof r&&0===Object.keys(r).length||"string"==typeof r&&0===r.trim().length||Buffer.isBuffer(r)&&0===r.length}var ono=require("ono"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url"),plugins=require("./util/plugins"),Promise=require("./util/promise");module.exports=parse; |
| 11563 | |
| 11564 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 11565 | |
| 11566 | },{"../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"./util/debug":16,"./util/plugins":17,"./util/promise":18,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11567 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11568 | "use strict";var BINARY_REGEXP=/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|bmp|ico)$/i;module.exports={order:400,allowEmpty:!0,canParse:function(r){return Buffer.isBuffer(},parse:function(r){return Buffer.isBuffer( Buffer(}}; |
| 11569 | |
| 11570 | }).call(this,require("buffer").Buffer) |
| 11571 | |
| 11572 | },{"buffer":25}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11573 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11574 | "use strict";var Promise=require("../util/promise");module.exports={order:100,allowEmpty:!0,canParse:".json",parse:function(r){return new Promise(function(e,t){var;Buffer.isBuffer(i)&&(i=i.toString()),e("string"==typeof i?0===i.trim().length?void 0:JSON.parse(i):i)})}}; |
| 11575 | |
| 11576 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 11577 | |
| 11578 | },{"../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"../util/promise":18}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11579 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11580 | "use strict";var TEXT_REGEXP=/\.(txt|htm|html|md|xml|js|min|map|css|scss|less|svg)$/i;module.exports={order:300,allowEmpty:!0,encoding:"utf8",canParse:function(t){return("string"==typeof||Buffer.isBuffer(},parse:function(t){if("string"==typeof;if(Buffer.isBuffer(;throw new Error("data is not text")}}; |
| 11581 | |
| 11582 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 11583 | |
| 11584 | },{"../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11585 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11586 | "use strict";var Promise=require("../util/promise"),YAML=require("../util/yaml");module.exports={order:200,allowEmpty:!0,canParse:[".yaml",".yml",".json"],parse:function(r){return new Promise(function(e,t){var;Buffer.isBuffer(i)&&(i=i.toString()),e("string"==typeof i?YAML.parse(i):i)})}}; |
| 11587 | |
| 11588 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 11589 | |
| 11590 | },{"../../node_modules/is-buffer/index.js":36,"../util/promise":18,"../util/yaml":20}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11591 | "use strict";function Pointer(e,r){this.$ref=e,this.path=r,this.value=void 0,this.circular=!1}function resolveIf$Ref(e,r){if($Ref.isAllowed$Ref(e.value,r)){var t=url.resolve(e.path,e.value.$ref);if(t!==e.path){var s=e.$ref.$refs._resolve(t,r);return $Ref.isExtended$Ref(e.value)?e.value=$Ref.dereference(e.value,s.value):(e.$ref=s.$ref,e.path=s.path,e.value=s.value),!0}e.circular=!0}}function setValue(e,r,t){if(!e.value||"object"!=typeof e.value)throw ono.syntax('Error assigning $ref pointer "%s". \nCannot set "%s" of a non-object.',e.path,r);return"-"===r&&Array.isArray(e.value)?e.value.push(t):e.value[r]=t,t}module.exports=Pointer;var $Ref=require("./ref"),url=require("./util/url"),ono=require("ono"),slashes=/\//g,tildes=/~/g,escapedSlash=/~1/g,escapedTilde=/~0/g;Pointer.prototype.resolve=function(e,r){var t=Pointer.parse(this.path);this.value=e;for(var s=0;s<t.length;s++){resolveIf$Ref(this,r)&&(this.path=Pointer.join(this.path,t.slice(s)));var i=t[s];if(void 0===this.value[i])throw ono.syntax('Error resolving $ref pointer "%s". \nToken "%s" does not exist.',this.path,i);this.value=this.value[i]}return resolveIf$Ref(this,r),this},Pointer.prototype.set=function(e,r,t){var s,i=Pointer.parse(this.path);if(0===i.length)return this.value=r,r;this.value=e;for(var a=0;a<i.length-1;a++)resolveIf$Ref(this,t),s=i[a],this.value&&void 0!==this.value[s]?this.value=this.value[s]:this.value=setValue(this,s,{});return resolveIf$Ref(this,t),s=i[i.length-1],setValue(this,s,r),e},Pointer.parse=function(e){var r=url.getHash(e).substr(1);if(!r)return[];r=r.split("/");for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++)r[t]=decodeURI(r[t].replace(escapedSlash,"/").replace(escapedTilde,"~"));if(""!==r[0])throw ono.syntax('Invalid $ref pointer "%s". Pointers must begin with "#/"',r);return r.slice(1)},Pointer.join=function(e,r){-1===e.indexOf("#")&&(e+="#"),r=Array.isArray(r)?r:[r];for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++){var s=r[t];e+="/"+encodeURI(s.replace(tildes,"~0").replace(slashes,"~1"))}return e}; |
| 11592 | |
| 11593 | },{"./ref":11,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11594 | "use strict";function $Ref(){this.path=void 0,this.value=void 0,this.$refs=void 0,this.pathType=void 0}module.exports=$Ref;var Pointer=require("./pointer");$Ref.prototype.exists=function(e,t){try{return this.resolve(e,t),!0}catch(r){return!1}},$Ref.prototype.get=function(e,t){return this.resolve(e,t).value},$Ref.prototype.resolve=function(e,t){var r=new Pointer(this,e);return r.resolve(this.value,t)},$Ref.prototype.set=function(e,t){var r=new Pointer(this,e);this.value=r.set(this.value,t)},$$Ref=function(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&"string"==typeof e.$ref&&e.$ref.length>0},$Ref.isExternal$Ref=function(e){return $$Ref(e)&&"#"!==e.$ref[0]},$Ref.isAllowed$Ref=function(e,t){return!$$Ref(e)||"#"!==e.$ref[0]&&t&&!t.resolve.external?void 0:!0},$Ref.isExtended$Ref=function(e){return $$Ref(e)&&Object.keys(e).length>1},$Ref.dereference=function(e,t){if(t&&"object"==typeof t&&$Ref.isExtended$Ref(e)){var r={};return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(t){"$ref"!==t&&(r[t]=e[t])}),Object.keys(t).forEach(function(e){e in r||(r[e]=t[e])}),r}return t}; |
| 11595 | |
| 11596 | },{"./pointer":10}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11597 | "use strict";function $Refs(){this.circular=!1,this._$refs={},this._root$Ref=null}function getPaths(e,r){var t=Object.keys(e);return r=Array.isArray(r[0])?r[0],r.length>0&&r[0]&&(t=t.filter(function(t){return-1!==r.indexOf(e[t].pathType)})),{return{encoded:r,decoded:"file"===e[r].pathType?url.toFileSystemPath(r,!0):r}})}var ono=require("ono"),$Ref=require("./ref"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=$Refs,$Refs.prototype.paths=function(e){var r=getPaths(this._$refs,arguments);return{return e.decoded})},$Refs.prototype.values=function(e){var r=this._$refs,t=getPaths(r,arguments);return t.reduce(function(e,t){return e[t.decoded]=r[t.encoded].value,e},{})},$Refs.prototype.toJSON=$Refs.prototype.values,$Refs.prototype.exists=function(e,r){try{return this._resolve(e,r),!0}catch(t){return!1}},$Refs.prototype.get=function(e,r){return this._resolve(e,r).value},$Refs.prototype.set=function(e,r){e=url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path,e);var t=url.stripHash(e),o=this._$refs[t];if(!o)throw ono('Error resolving $ref pointer "%s". \n"%s" not found.',e,t);o.set(e,r)},$Refs.prototype._add=function(e,r){var t=url.stripHash(e),o=new $Ref;return o.path=t,o.value=r,o.$refs=this,this._$refs[t]=o,this._root$Ref=this._root$Ref||o,o},$Refs.prototype._resolve=function(e,r){e=url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path,e);var t=url.stripHash(e),o=this._$refs[t];if(!o)throw ono('Error resolving $ref pointer "%s". \n"%s" not found.',e,t);return o.resolve(e,r)},$Refs.prototype._get$Ref=function(e){e=url.resolve(this._root$Ref.path,e);var r=url.stripHash(e);return this._$refs[r]}; |
| 11598 | |
| 11599 | },{"./ref":11,"./util/url":19,"ono":69}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11600 | "use strict";function resolveExternal(e,r){if(!r.resolve.external)return Promise.resolve();try{debug("Resolving $ref pointers in %s",e.$refs._root$Ref.path);var s=crawl(e.schema,e.$refs._root$Ref.path+"#",e.$refs,r);return Promise.all(s)}catch(t){return Promise.reject(t)}}function crawl(e,r,s,t){var o=[];return e&&"object"==typeof e&&($Ref.isExternal$Ref(e)?o.push(resolve$Ref(e,r,s,t)):Object.keys(e).forEach(function(i){var n=Pointer.join(r,i),l=e[i];$Ref.isExternal$Ref(l)?o.push(resolve$Ref(l,n,s,t)):o=o.concat(crawl(l,n,s,t))})),o}function resolve$Ref(e,r,s,t){debug('Resolving $ref pointer "%s" at %s',e.$ref,r);var o=url.resolve(r,e.$ref),i=url.stripHash(o);return e=s._$refs[i],e?Promise.resolve(e.value):parse(o,s,t).then(function(e){debug("Resolving $ref pointers in %s",i);var r=crawl(e,i+"#",s,t);return Promise.all(r)})}var Promise=require("./util/promise"),$Ref=require("./ref"),Pointer=require("./pointer"),parse=require("./parse"),debug=require("./util/debug"),url=require("./util/url");module.exports=resolveExternal; |
| 11601 | |
| 11602 | },{"./parse":5,"./pointer":10,"./ref":11,"./util/debug":16,"./util/promise":18,"./util/url":19}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11603 | "use strict";var fs=require("fs"),ono=require("ono"),Promise=require("../util/promise"),url=require("../util/url"),debug=require("../util/debug");module.exports={order:100,canRead:function(r){return url.isFileSystemPath(r.url)},read:function(r){return new Promise(function(e,i){var u;try{u=url.toFileSystemPath(r.url)}catch(o){i(ono.uri(o,"Malformed URI: %s",r.url))}debug("Opening file: %s",u);try{fs.readFile(u,function(r,o){r?i(ono(r,'Error opening file "%s"',u)):e(o)})}catch(o){i(ono(o,'Error opening file "%s"',u))}})}}; |
| 11604 | |
| 11605 | },{"../util/debug":16,"../util/promise":18,"../util/url":19,"fs":24,"ono":69}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11606 | (function (process,Buffer){ |
| 11607 | "use strict";function download(e,t,o){return new Promise(function(r,n){e=url.parse(e),o=o||[],o.push(e.href),get(e,t).then(function(s){if(s.statusCode>=400)throw ono({status:s.statusCode},"HTTP ERROR %d",s.statusCode);if(s.statusCode>=300)if(o.length>t.redirects)n(ono({status:s.statusCode},"Error downloading %s. \nToo many redirects: \n %s",o[0],o.join(" \n ")));else{if(!s.headers.location)throw ono({status:s.statusCode},"HTTP %d redirect with no location header",s.statusCode);debug("HTTP %d redirect %s -> %s",s.statusCode,e.href,s.headers.location);var u=url.resolve(e,s.headers.location);download(u,t,o).then(r,n)}else r(s.body||new Buffer(0))})["catch"](function(t){n(ono(t,"Error downloading",e.href))})})}function get(e,t){return new Promise(function(o,r){debug("GET",e.href);var n="https:"===e.protocol?https:http,s=n.get({hostname:e.hostname,port:e.port,path:e.path,auth:e.auth,headers:t.headers||{},withCredentials:t.withCredentials});"function"==typeof s.setTimeout&&s.setTimeout(t.timeout),s.on("timeout",function(){s.abort()}),s.on("error",r),s.once("response",function(e){e.body=new Buffer(0),e.on("data",function(t){e.body=Buffer.concat([e.body,new Buffer(t)])}),e.on("error",r),e.on("end",function(){o(e)})})})}var http=require("http"),https=require("https"),ono=require("ono"),url=require("../util/url"),debug=require("../util/debug"),Promise=require("../util/promise");module.exports={order:200,headers:null,timeout:5e3,redirects:5,withCredentials:!1,canRead:function(e){return url.isHttp(e.url)},read:function(e){var t=url.parse(e.url);return process.browser&&!t.protocol&&(t.protocol=url.parse(location.href).protocol),download(t,this)}}; |
| 11608 | |
| 11609 | }).call(this,require('_process'),require("buffer").Buffer) |
| 11610 | |
| 11611 | },{"../util/debug":16,"../util/promise":18,"../util/url":19,"_process":71,"buffer":25,"http":87,"https":33,"ono":69}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11612 | "use strict";var debug=require("debug");module.exports=debug("json-schema-ref-parser"); |
| 11613 | |
| 11614 | },{"debug":29}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11615 | "use strict";function getResult(e,r,t,n){var u=e[r];if("function"==typeof u)return u.apply(e,[t,n]);if(!n){if(u instanceof RegExp)return u.test(t.url);if("string"==typeof u)return u===t.extension;if(Array.isArray(u))return-1!==u.indexOf(t.extension)}return u}var Promise=require("./promise"),debug=require("./debug");exports.all=function(e){return Object.keys(e).filter(function(r){return"object"==typeof e[r]}).map(function(r){return e[r].name=r,e[r]})},exports.filter=function(e,r,t){return e.filter(function(e){return!!getResult(e,r,t)})},exports.sort=function(e){return e.forEach(function(e){e.order=e.order||Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}),e.sort(function(e,r){return e.order-r.order})},,r,t){var n,u,i=0;return new Promise(function(o,f){function s(){if(n=e[i++],!n)return f(u);try{debug(" %s",;var o=getResult(n,r,t,c);o&&"function"==typeof o.then?o.then(a,p):void 0!==o&&a(o)}catch(s){p(s)}}function c(e,r){e?p(e):a(r)}function a(e){debug(" success"),o({plugin:n,result:e})}function p(e){debug(" %s",e.message||e),u=e,s()}s()})}; |
| 11616 | |
| 11617 | },{"./debug":16,"./promise":18}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11618 | "use strict";module.exports="function"==typeof Promise?Promise:require("es6-promise").Promise; |
| 11619 | |
| 11620 | },{"es6-promise":31}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11621 | (function (process){ |
| 11622 | "use strict";var isWindows=/^win/.test(process.platform),forwardSlashPattern=/\//g,protocolPattern=/^([a-z0-9.+-]+):\/\//i,url=module.exports,urlEncodePatterns=[/\?/g,"%3F",/\#/g,"%23",isWindows?/\\/g:/\//,"/"],urlDecodePatterns=[/\%23/g,"#",/\%24/g,"$",/\%26/g,"&",/\%2C/g,",",/\%40/g,"@"];exports.parse=require("url").parse,exports.resolve=require("url").resolve,exports.cwd=function(){return process.browser?location.href:process.cwd()+"/"},exports.getProtocol=function(r){var e=protocolPattern.exec(r);return e?e[1].toLowerCase():void 0},exports.getExtension=function(r){var e=r.lastIndexOf(".");return e>=0?r.substr(e).toLowerCase():""},exports.getHash=function(r){var e=r.indexOf("#");return e>=0?r.substr(e):"#"},exports.stripHash=function(r){var e=r.indexOf("#");return e>=0&&(r=r.substr(0,e)),r},exports.isHttp=function(r){var e=url.getProtocol(r);return"http"===e||"https"===e?!0:void 0===e?process.browser:!1},exports.isFileSystemPath=function(r){if(process.browser)return!1;var e=url.getProtocol(r);return void 0===e||"file"===e},exports.fromFileSystemPath=function(r){for(var e=0;e<urlEncodePatterns.length;e+=2)r=r.replace(urlEncodePatterns[e],urlEncodePatterns[e+1]);return encodeURI(r)},exports.toFileSystemPath=function(r,e){r=decodeURI(r);for(var t=0;t<urlDecodePatterns.length;t+=2)r=r.replace(urlDecodePatterns[t],urlDecodePatterns[t+1]);var o="file://"===r.substr(0,7).toLowerCase();return o&&(r="/"===r[7]?r.substr(8):r.substr(7),isWindows&&"/"===r[1]&&(r=r[0]+":"+r.substr(1)),e?r="file:///"+r:(o=!1,r=isWindows?r:"/"+r)),isWindows&&!o&&(r=r.replace(forwardSlashPattern,"\\")),r}; |
| 11623 | |
| 11624 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 11625 | |
| 11626 | },{"_process":71,"url":93}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11627 | "use strict";var yaml=require("js-yaml"),ono=require("ono");module.exports={parse:function(r,e){try{return yaml.safeLoad(r)}catch(o){throw o instanceof Error?o:ono(o,o.message)}},stringify:function(r,e,o){try{var t=("string"==typeof o?o.length:o)||2;return yaml.safeDump(r,{indent:t})}catch(n){throw n instanceof Error?n:ono(n,n.message)}}}; |
| 11628 | |
| 11629 | },{"js-yaml":38,"ono":69}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11630 | "use strict";module.exports={order:100,canValidate:function(e){return!!e.resolved},validate:function(e){}}; |
| 11631 | |
| 11632 | },{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11633 | var lookup="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";!function(t){"use strict";function r(t){var r=t.charCodeAt(0);return r===h||r===u?62:r===c||r===f?63:o>r?-1:o+10>r?r-o+26+26:i+26>r?r-i:A+26>r?r-A+26:void 0}function e(t){function e(t){i[f++]=t}var n,h,c,o,A,i;if(t.length%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");var u=t.length;A="="===t.charAt(u-2)?2:"="===t.charAt(u-1)?1:0,i=new a(3*t.length/4-A),c=A>0?t.length-4:t.length;var f=0;for(n=0,h=0;c>n;n+=4,h+=3)o=r(t.charAt(n))<<18|r(t.charAt(n+1))<<12|r(t.charAt(n+2))<<6|r(t.charAt(n+3)),e((16711680&o)>>16),e((65280&o)>>8),e(255&o);return 2===A?(o=r(t.charAt(n))<<2|r(t.charAt(n+1))>>4,e(255&o)):1===A&&(o=r(t.charAt(n))<<10|r(t.charAt(n+1))<<4|r(t.charAt(n+2))>>2,e(o>>8&255),e(255&o)),i}function n(t){function r(t){return lookup.charAt(t)}function e(t){return r(t>>18&63)+r(t>>12&63)+r(t>>6&63)+r(63&t)}var n,a,h,c=t.length%3,o="";for(n=0,h=t.length-c;h>n;n+=3)a=(t[n]<<16)+(t[n+1]<<8)+t[n+2],o+=e(a);switch(c){case 1:a=t[t.length-1],o+=r(a>>2),o+=r(a<<4&63),o+="==";break;case 2:a=(t[t.length-2]<<8)+t[t.length-1],o+=r(a>>10),o+=r(a>>4&63),o+=r(a<<2&63),o+="="}return o}var a="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array?Uint8Array:Array,h="+".charCodeAt(0),c="/".charCodeAt(0),o="0".charCodeAt(0),A="a".charCodeAt(0),i="A".charCodeAt(0),u="-".charCodeAt(0),f="_".charCodeAt(0);t.toByteArray=e,t.fromByteArray=n}("undefined"==typeof exports?this.base64js={}:exports); |
| 11634 | |
| 11635 | },{}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11636 | |
| 11637 | },{}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11638 | |
| 11639 | },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11640 | (function (global){ |
| 11641 | /*! |
| 11642 | * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. |
| 11643 | * |
| 11644 | * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <> <> |
| 11645 | * @license MIT |
| 11646 | */ |
| 11647 | "use strict";function typedArraySupport(){function t(){}try{var e=new Uint8Array(1);return{return 42},e.constructor=t,"function"==typeof e.subarray&&0===e.subarray(1,1).byteLength}catch(r){return!1}}function kMaxLength(){return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?2147483647:1073741823}function Buffer(t){return this instanceof Buffer?(Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(this.length=0,this.parent=void 0),"number"==typeof t?fromNumber(this,t):"string"==typeof t?fromString(this,t,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:"utf8"):fromObject(this,t)):arguments.length>1?new Buffer(t,arguments[1]):new Buffer(t)}function fromNumber(t,e){if(t=allocate(t,0>e?0:0|checked(e)),!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(var r=0;e>r;r++)t[r]=0;return t}function fromString(t,e,r){"string"==typeof r&&""!==r||(r="utf8");var n=0|byteLength(e,r);return t=allocate(t,n),t.write(e,r),t}function fromObject(t,e){if(Buffer.isBuffer(e))return fromBuffer(t,e);if(isArray(e))return fromArray(t,e);if(null==e)throw new TypeError("must start with number, buffer, array or string");if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer){if(e.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)return fromTypedArray(t,e);if(e instanceof ArrayBuffer)return fromArrayBuffer(t,e)}return e.length?fromArrayLike(t,e):fromJsonObject(t,e)}function fromBuffer(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);return t=allocate(t,r),e.copy(t,0,0,r),t}function fromArray(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);t=allocate(t,r);for(var n=0;r>n;n+=1)t[n]=255&e[n];return t}function fromTypedArray(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);t=allocate(t,r);for(var n=0;r>n;n+=1)t[n]=255&e[n];return t}function fromArrayBuffer(t,e){return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(e.byteLength,t=Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(e))):t=fromTypedArray(t,new Uint8Array(e)),t}function fromArrayLike(t,e){var r=0|checked(e.length);t=allocate(t,r);for(var n=0;r>n;n+=1)t[n]=255&e[n];return t}function fromJsonObject(t,e){var r,n=0;"Buffer"===e.type&&isArray(,n=0|checked(r.length)),t=allocate(t,n);for(var f=0;n>f;f+=1)t[f]=255&r[f];return t}function allocate(t,e){Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(t=Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(e)),t.__proto__=Buffer.prototype):(t.length=e,t._isBuffer=!0);var r=0!==e&&e<=Buffer.poolSize>>>1;return r&&(t.parent=rootParent),t}function checked(t){if(t>=kMaxLength())throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+kMaxLength().toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|t}function SlowBuffer(t,e){if(!(this instanceof SlowBuffer))return new SlowBuffer(t,e);var r=new Buffer(t,e);return delete r.parent,r}function byteLength(t,e){"string"!=typeof t&&(t=""+t);var r=t.length;if(0===r)return 0;for(var n=!1;;)switch(e){case"ascii":case"binary":case"raw":case"raws":return r;case"utf8":case"utf-8":return utf8ToBytes(t).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*r;case"hex":return r>>>1;case"base64":return base64ToBytes(t).length;default:if(n)return utf8ToBytes(t).length;e=(""+e).toLowerCase(),n=!0}}function slowToString(t,e,r){var n=!1;if(e=0|e,r=void 0===r||r===1/0?this.length:0|r,t||(t="utf8"),0>e&&(e=0),r>this.length&&(r=this.length),e>=r)return"";for(;;)switch(t){case"hex":return hexSlice(this,e,r);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return utf8Slice(this,e,r);case"ascii":return asciiSlice(this,e,r);case"binary":return binarySlice(this,e,r);case"base64":return base64Slice(this,e,r);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return utf16leSlice(this,e,r);default:if(n)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+t);t=(t+"").toLowerCase(),n=!0}}function hexWrite(t,e,r,n){r=Number(r)||0;var f=t.length-r;n?(n=Number(n),n>f&&(n=f)):n=f;var i=e.length;if(i%2!==0)throw new Error("Invalid hex string");n>i/2&&(n=i/2);for(var o=0;n>o;o++){var u=parseInt(e.substr(2*o,2),16);if(isNaN(u))throw new Error("Invalid hex string");t[r+o]=u}return o}function utf8Write(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(e,t.length-r),t,r,n)}function asciiWrite(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(e),t,r,n)}function binaryWrite(t,e,r,n){return asciiWrite(t,e,r,n)}function base64Write(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(e),t,r,n)}function ucs2Write(t,e,r,n){return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(e,t.length-r),t,r,n)}function base64Slice(t,e,r){return 0===e&&r===t.length?base64.fromByteArray(t):base64.fromByteArray(t.slice(e,r))}function utf8Slice(t,e,r){r=Math.min(t.length,r);for(var n=[],f=e;r>f;){var i=t[f],o=null,u=i>239?4:i>223?3:i>191?2:1;if(r>=f+u){var s,a,h,c;switch(u){case 1:128>i&&(o=i);break;case 2:s=t[f+1],128===(192&s)&&(c=(31&i)<<6|63&s,c>127&&(o=c));break;case 3:s=t[f+1],a=t[f+2],128===(192&s)&&128===(192&a)&&(c=(15&i)<<12|(63&s)<<6|63&a,c>2047&&(55296>c||c>57343)&&(o=c));break;case 4:s=t[f+1],a=t[f+2],h=t[f+3],128===(192&s)&&128===(192&a)&&128===(192&h)&&(c=(15&i)<<18|(63&s)<<12|(63&a)<<6|63&h,c>65535&&1114112>c&&(o=c))}}null===o?(o=65533,u=1):o>65535&&(o-=65536,n.push(o>>>10&1023|55296),o=56320|1023&o),n.push(o),f+=u}return decodeCodePointsArray(n)}function decodeCodePointsArray(t){var e=t.length;if(MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH>=e)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t);for(var r="",n=0;e>n;)r+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(n,n+=MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH));return r}function asciiSlice(t,e,r){var n="";r=Math.min(t.length,r);for(var f=e;r>f;f++)n+=String.fromCharCode(127&t[f]);return n}function binarySlice(t,e,r){var n="";r=Math.min(t.length,r);for(var f=e;r>f;f++)n+=String.fromCharCode(t[f]);return n}function hexSlice(t,e,r){var n=t.length;(!e||0>e)&&(e=0),(!r||0>r||r>n)&&(r=n);for(var f="",i=e;r>i;i++)f+=toHex(t[i]);return f}function utf16leSlice(t,e,r){for(var n=t.slice(e,r),f="",i=0;i<n.length;i+=2)f+=String.fromCharCode(n[i]+256*n[i+1]);return f}function checkOffset(t,e,r){if(t%1!==0||0>t)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(t+e>r)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function checkInt(t,e,r,n,f,i){if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("buffer must be a Buffer instance");if(e>f||i>e)throw new RangeError("value is out of bounds");if(r+n>t.length)throw new RangeError("index out of range")}function objectWriteUInt16(t,e,r,n){0>e&&(e=65535+e+1);for(var f=0,i=Math.min(t.length-r,2);i>f;f++)t[r+f]=(e&255<<8*(n?f:1-f))>>>8*(n?f:1-f)}function objectWriteUInt32(t,e,r,n){0>e&&(e=4294967295+e+1);for(var f=0,i=Math.min(t.length-r,4);i>f;f++)t[r+f]=e>>>8*(n?f:3-f)&255}function checkIEEE754(t,e,r,n,f,i){if(e>f||i>e)throw new RangeError("value is out of bounds");if(r+n>t.length)throw new RangeError("index out of range");if(0>r)throw new RangeError("index out of range")}function writeFloat(t,e,r,n,f){return f||checkIEEE754(t,e,r,4,3.4028234663852886e38,-3.4028234663852886e38),ieee754.write(t,e,r,n,23,4),r+4}function writeDouble(t,e,r,n,f){return f||checkIEEE754(t,e,r,8,1.7976931348623157e308,-1.7976931348623157e308),ieee754.write(t,e,r,n,52,8),r+8}function base64clean(t){if(t=stringtrim(t).replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE,""),t.length<2)return"";for(;t.length%4!==0;)t+="=";return t}function stringtrim(t){return t.trim?t.trim():t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}function toHex(t){return 16>t?"0"+t.toString(16):t.toString(16)}function utf8ToBytes(t,e){e=e||1/0;for(var r,n=t.length,f=null,i=[],o=0;n>o;o++){if(r=t.charCodeAt(o),r>55295&&57344>r){if(!f){if(r>56319){(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189);continue}if(o+1===n){(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189);continue}f=r;continue}if(56320>r){(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189),f=r;continue}r=(f-55296<<10|r-56320)+65536}else f&&(e-=3)>-1&&i.push(239,191,189);if(f=null,128>r){if((e-=1)<0)break;i.push(r)}else if(2048>r){if((e-=2)<0)break;i.push(r>>6|192,63&r|128)}else if(65536>r){if((e-=3)<0)break;i.push(r>>12|224,r>>6&63|128,63&r|128)}else{if(!(1114112>r))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((e-=4)<0)break;i.push(r>>18|240,r>>12&63|128,r>>6&63|128,63&r|128)}}return i}function asciiToBytes(t){for(var e=[],r=0;r<t.length;r++)e.push(255&t.charCodeAt(r));return e}function utf16leToBytes(t,e){for(var r,n,f,i=[],o=0;o<t.length&&!((e-=2)<0);o++)r=t.charCodeAt(o),n=r>>8,f=r%256,i.push(f),i.push(n);return i}function base64ToBytes(t){return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(t))}function blitBuffer(t,e,r,n){for(var f=0;n>f&&!(f+r>=e.length||f>=t.length);f++)e[f+r]=t[f];return f}var base64=require("base64-js"),ieee754=require("ieee754"),isArray=require("isarray");exports.Buffer=Buffer,exports.SlowBuffer=SlowBuffer,exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50,Buffer.poolSize=8192;var rootParent={};Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=void 0!==global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT:typedArraySupport(),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(Buffer.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,Buffer.__proto__=Uint8Array):(Buffer.prototype.length=void 0,Buffer.prototype.parent=void 0),Buffer.isBuffer=function(t){return!(null==t||!t._isBuffer)},,e){if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t)||!Buffer.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");if(t===e)return 0;for(var r=t.length,n=e.length,f=0,i=Math.min(r,n);i>f&&t[f]===e[f];)++f;return f!==i&&(r=t[f],n=e[f]),n>r?-1:r>n?1:0},Buffer.isEncoding=function(t){switch(String(t).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"binary":case"base64":case"raw":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1}},Buffer.concat=function(t,e){if(!isArray(t))throw new TypeError("list argument must be an Array of Buffers.");if(0===t.length)return new Buffer(0);var r;if(void 0===e)for(e=0,r=0;r<t.length;r++)e+=t[r].length;var n=new Buffer(e),f=0;for(r=0;r<t.length;r++){var i=t[r];i.copy(n,f),f+=i.length}return n},Buffer.byteLength=byteLength,Buffer.prototype.toString=function(){var t=0|this.length;return 0===t?"":0===arguments.length?utf8Slice(this,0,t):slowToString.apply(this,arguments)},Buffer.prototype.equals=function(t){if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t?!,t)},Buffer.prototype.inspect=function(){var t="",e=exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return this.length>0&&(t=this.toString("hex",0,e).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "),this.length>e&&(t+=" ... ")),"<Buffer "+t+">"},{if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t?,t)},Buffer.prototype.indexOf=function(t,e){function r(t,e,r){for(var n=-1,f=0;r+f<t.length;f++)if(t[r+f]===e[-1===n?0:f-n]){if(-1===n&&(n=f),f-n+1===e.length)return r+n}else n=-1;return-1}if(e>2147483647?e=2147483647:-2147483648>e&&(e=-2147483648),e>>=0,0===this.length)return-1;if(e>=this.length)return-1;if(0>e&&(e=Math.max(this.length+e,0)),"string"==typeof t)return 0===t.length?,t,e);if(Buffer.isBuffer(t))return r(this,t,e);if("number"==typeof t)return Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&"function"===Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?,t,e):r(this,[t],e);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")},Buffer.prototype.get=function(t){return console.log(".get() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead."),this.readUInt8(t)},Buffer.prototype.set=function(t,e){return console.log(".set() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead."),this.writeUInt8(t,e)},Buffer.prototype.write=function(t,e,r,n){if(void 0===e)n="utf8",r=this.length,e=0;else if(void 0===r&&"string"==typeof e)n=e,r=this.length,e=0;else if(isFinite(e))e=0|e,isFinite(r)?(r=0|r,void 0===n&&(n="utf8")):(n=r,r=void 0);else{var f=n;n=e,e=0|r,r=f}var i=this.length-e;if((void 0===r||r>i)&&(r=i),t.length>0&&(0>r||0>e)||e>this.length)throw new RangeError("attempt to write outside buffer bounds");n||(n="utf8");for(var o=!1;;)switch(n){case"hex":return hexWrite(this,t,e,r);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return utf8Write(this,t,e,r);case"ascii":return asciiWrite(this,t,e,r);case"binary":return binaryWrite(this,t,e,r);case"base64":return base64Write(this,t,e,r);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return ucs2Write(this,t,e,r);default:if(o)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+n);n=(""+n).toLowerCase(),o=!0}},Buffer.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",||this,0)}};var MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH=4096;Buffer.prototype.slice=function(t,e){var r=this.length;t=~~t,e=void 0===e?r:~~e,0>t?(t+=r,0>t&&(t=0)):t>r&&(t=r),0>e?(e+=r,0>e&&(e=0)):e>r&&(e=r),t>e&&(e=t);var n;if(Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)n=Buffer._augment(this.subarray(t,e));else{var f=e-t;n=new Buffer(f,void 0);for(var i=0;f>i;i++)n[i]=this[i+t]}return n.length&&(n.parent=this.parent||this),n},Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=this[t],f=1,i=0;++i<e&&(f*=256);)n+=this[t+i]*f;return n},Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=this[t+--e],f=1;e>0&&(f*=256);)n+=this[t+--e]*f;return n},Buffer.prototype.readUInt8=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,1,this.length),this[t]},Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8},Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length),this[t]<<8|this[t+1]},Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),(this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16)+16777216*this[t+3]},Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),16777216*this[t]+(this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3])},Buffer.prototype.readIntLE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=this[t],f=1,i=0;++i<e&&(f*=256);)n+=this[t+i]*f;return f*=128,n>=f&&(n-=Math.pow(2,8*e)),n},Buffer.prototype.readIntBE=function(t,e,r){t=0|t,e=0|e,r||checkOffset(t,e,this.length);for(var n=e,f=1,i=this[t+--n];n>0&&(f*=256);)i+=this[t+--n]*f;return f*=128,i>=f&&(i-=Math.pow(2,8*e)),i},Buffer.prototype.readInt8=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,1,this.length),128&this[t]?-1*(255-this[t]+1):this[t]},Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE=function(t,e){e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length);var r=this[t]|this[t+1]<<8;return 32768&r?4294901760|r:r},Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE=function(t,e){e||checkOffset(t,2,this.length);var r=this[t+1]|this[t]<<8;return 32768&r?4294901760|r:r},Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),this[t]|this[t+1]<<8|this[t+2]<<16|this[t+3]<<24},Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),this[t]<<24|this[t+1]<<16|this[t+2]<<8|this[t+3]},Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),,t,!0,23,4)},Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,4,this.length),,t,!1,23,4)},Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,8,this.length),,t,!0,52,8)},Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(t,e){return e||checkOffset(t,8,this.length),,t,!1,52,8)},Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(t,e,r,n){t=+t,e=0|e,r=0|r,n||checkInt(this,t,e,r,Math.pow(2,8*r),0);var f=1,i=0;for(this[e]=255&t;++i<r&&(f*=256);)this[e+i]=t/f&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(t,e,r,n){t=+t,e=0|e,r=0|r,n||checkInt(this,t,e,r,Math.pow(2,8*r),0);var f=r-1,i=1;for(this[e+f]=255&t;--f>=0&&(i*=256);)this[e+f]=t/i&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,1,255,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),this[e]=255&t,e+1},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,65535,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!0),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,65535,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>8,this[e+1]=255&t):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!1),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,4294967295,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e+3]=t>>>24,this[e+2]=t>>>16,this[e+1]=t>>>8,this[e]=255&t):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!0),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,4294967295,0),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>24,this[e+1]=t>>>16,this[e+2]=t>>>8,this[e+3]=255&t):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!1),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE=function(t,e,r,n){if(t=+t,e=0|e,!n){var f=Math.pow(2,8*r-1);checkInt(this,t,e,r,f-1,-f)}var i=0,o=1,u=0>t?1:0;for(this[e]=255&t;++i<r&&(o*=256);)this[e+i]=(t/o>>0)-u&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE=function(t,e,r,n){if(t=+t,e=0|e,!n){var f=Math.pow(2,8*r-1);checkInt(this,t,e,r,f-1,-f)}var i=r-1,o=1,u=0>t?1:0;for(this[e+i]=255&t;--i>=0&&(o*=256);)this[e+i]=(t/o>>0)-u&255;return e+r},Buffer.prototype.writeInt8=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,1,127,-128),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),0>t&&(t=255+t+1),this[e]=255&t,e+1},Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,32767,-32768),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!0),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,2,32767,-32768),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>8,this[e+1]=255&t):objectWriteUInt16(this,t,e,!1),e+2},Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,2147483647,-2147483648),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=255&t,this[e+1]=t>>>8,this[e+2]=t>>>16,this[e+3]=t>>>24):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!0),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(t,e,r){return t=+t,e=0|e,r||checkInt(this,t,e,4,2147483647,-2147483648),0>t&&(t=4294967295+t+1),Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[e]=t>>>24,this[e+1]=t>>>16,this[e+2]=t>>>8,this[e+3]=255&t):objectWriteUInt32(this,t,e,!1),e+4},Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(t,e,r){return writeFloat(this,t,e,!0,r)},Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(t,e,r){return writeFloat(this,t,e,!1,r)},Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(t,e,r){return writeDouble(this,t,e,!0,r)},Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(t,e,r){return writeDouble(this,t,e,!1,r)},Buffer.prototype.copy=function(t,e,r,n){if(r||(r=0),n||0===n||(n=this.length),e>=t.length&&(e=t.length),e||(e=0),n>0&&r>n&&(n=r),n===r)return 0;if(0===t.length||0===this.length)return 0;if(0>e)throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");if(0>r||r>=this.length)throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds");if(0>n)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");n>this.length&&(n=this.length),t.length-e<n-r&&(n=t.length-e+r);var 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| 11648 | |
| 11649 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 11650 | |
| 11651 | },{"base64-js":22,"ieee754":34,"isarray":37}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11652 | module.exports={100:"Continue",101:"Switching Protocols",102:"Processing",200:"OK",201:"Created",202:"Accepted",203:"Non-Authoritative Information",204:"No Content",205:"Reset Content",206:"Partial Content",207:"Multi-Status",208:"Already Reported",226:"IM Used",300:"Multiple Choices",301:"Moved Permanently",302:"Found",303:"See Other",304:"Not Modified",305:"Use Proxy",307:"Temporary Redirect",308:"Permanent Redirect",400:"Bad Request",401:"Unauthorized",402:"Payment Required",403:"Forbidden",404:"Not Found",405:"Method Not Allowed",406:"Not Acceptable",407:"Proxy Authentication Required",408:"Request Timeout",409:"Conflict",410:"Gone",411:"Length Required",412:"Precondition Failed",413:"Payload Too Large",414:"URI Too Long",415:"Unsupported Media Type",416:"Range Not Satisfiable",417:"Expectation Failed",418:"I'm a teapot",421:"Misdirected Request",422:"Unprocessable Entity",423:"Locked",424:"Failed Dependency",425:"Unordered Collection",426:"Upgrade Required",428:"Precondition Required",429:"Too Many Requests",431:"Request Header Fields Too Large",500:"Internal Server Error",501:"Not Implemented",502:"Bad Gateway",503:"Service Unavailable",504:"Gateway Timeout",505:"HTTP Version Not Supported",506:"Variant Also Negotiates",507:"Insufficient Storage",508:"Loop Detected",509:"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",510:"Not Extended",511:"Network Authentication Required"}; |
| 11653 | |
| 11654 | },{}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11655 | (function (process,global){ |
| 11656 | "use strict";var next=global.process&&process.nextTick||global.setImmediate||function(n){setTimeout(n,0)};module.exports=function(n,t){return n?void t.then(function(t){next(function(){n(null,t)})},function(t){next(function(){n(t)})}):t}; |
| 11657 | |
| 11658 | }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 11659 | |
| 11660 | },{"_process":71}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11661 | (function (Buffer){ |
| 11662 | function isArray(r){return Array.isArray?Array.isArray(r):"[object Array]"===objectToString(r)}function isBoolean(r){return"boolean"==typeof r}function isNull(r){return null===r}function isNullOrUndefined(r){return null==r}function isNumber(r){return"number"==typeof r}function isString(r){return"string"==typeof r}function isSymbol(r){return"symbol"==typeof r}function isUndefined(r){return void 0===r}function isRegExp(r){return"[object RegExp]"===objectToString(r)}function isObject(r){return"object"==typeof r&&null!==r}function isDate(r){return"[object Date]"===objectToString(r)}function isError(r){return"[object Error]"===objectToString(r)||r instanceof Error}function isFunction(r){return"function"==typeof r}function isPrimitive(r){return null===r||"boolean"==typeof r||"number"==typeof r||"string"==typeof r||"symbol"==typeof r||"undefined"==typeof r}function objectToString(r){return}exports.isArray=isArray,exports.isBoolean=isBoolean,exports.isNull=isNull,exports.isNullOrUndefined=isNullOrUndefined,exports.isNumber=isNumber,exports.isString=isString,exports.isSymbol=isSymbol,exports.isUndefined=isUndefined,exports.isRegExp=isRegExp,exports.isObject=isObject,exports.isDate=isDate,exports.isError=isError,exports.isFunction=isFunction,exports.isPrimitive=isPrimitive,exports.isBuffer=Buffer.isBuffer; |
| 11663 | |
| 11664 | }).call(this,{"isBuffer":require("../../is-buffer/index.js")}) |
| 11665 | |
| 11666 | },{"../../is-buffer/index.js":36}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11667 | function useColors(){return"WebkitAppearance"in||window.console&&(console.firebug||console.exception&&console.table)||navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/)&&parseInt(RegExp.$1,10)>=31}function formatArgs(){var o=arguments,e=this.useColors;if(o[0]=(e?"%c":"")+this.namespace+(e?" %c":" ")+o[0]+(e?"%c ":" ")+"+"+exports.humanize(this.diff),!e)return o;var r="color: "+this.color;o=[o[0],r,"color: inherit"].concat(,1));var t=0,s=0;return o[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g,function(o){"%%"!==o&&(t++,"%c"===o&&(s=t))}),o.splice(s,0,r),o}function log(){return"object"==typeof console&&console.log&&,console,arguments)}function save(o){try{null==o?"debug")}catch(e){}}function load(){var o;try{}catch(e){}return o}function localstorage(){try{return window.localStorage}catch(o){}}exports=module.exports=require("./debug"),exports.log=log,exports.formatArgs=formatArgs,,exports.load=load,exports.useColors=useColors,"undefined"!=typeof chrome&&"undefined"!=typeof,exports.colors=["lightseagreen","forestgreen","goldenrod","dodgerblue","darkorchid","crimson"],exports.formatters.j=function(o){return JSON.stringify(o)},exports.enable(load()); |
| 11668 | |
| 11669 | },{"./debug":30}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11670 | function selectColor(){return exports.colors[prevColor++%exports.colors.length]}function debug(e){function r(){}function o(){var e=o,r=+new Date,s=r-(prevTime||r);e.diff=s,e.prev=prevTime,e.curr=r,prevTime=r,null==e.useColors&&(e.useColors=exports.useColors()),null==e.color&&e.useColors&&(e.color=selectColor());var;t[0]=exports.coerce(t[0]),"string"!=typeof t[0]&&(t=["%o"].concat(t));var n=0;t[0]=t[0].replace(/%([a-z%])/g,function(r,o){if("%%"===r)return r;n++;var s=exports.formatters[o];if("function"==typeof s){var p=t[n];,p),t.splice(n,1),n--}return r}),"function"==typeof exports.formatArgs&&(t=exports.formatArgs.apply(e,t));var p=o.log||exports.log||console.log.bind(console);p.apply(e,t)}r.enabled=!1,o.enabled=!0;var s=exports.enabled(e)?o:r;return s.namespace=e,s}function enable(e){;for(var r=(e||"").split(/[\s,]+/),o=r.length,s=0;o>s;s++)r[s]&&(e=r[s].replace(/\*/g,".*?"),"-"===e[0]?exports.skips.push(new RegExp("^"+e.substr(1)+"$")):exports.names.push(new RegExp("^"+e+"$")))}function disable(){exports.enable("")}function enabled(e){var r,o;for(r=0,o=exports.skips.length;o>r;r++)if(exports.skips[r].test(e))return!1;for(r=0,o=exports.names.length;o>r;r++)if(exports.names[r].test(e))return!0;return!1}function coerce(e){return e instanceof Error?e.stack||e.message:e}exports=module.exports=debug,exports.coerce=coerce,exports.disable=disable,exports.enable=enable,exports.enabled=enabled,exports.humanize=require("ms"),exports.names=[],exports.skips=[],exports.formatters={};var prevColor=0,prevTime; |
| 11671 | |
| 11672 | },{"ms":68}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11673 | (function (process,global){ |
| 11674 | /*! |
| 11675 | * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+. |
| 11676 | * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald) |
| 11677 | * @license Licensed under MIT license |
| 11678 | * See |
| 11679 | * @version 3.1.2 |
| 11680 | */ |
| 11681 | (function(){"use strict";function t(t){return"function"==typeof t||"object"==typeof t&&null!==t}function e(t){return"function"==typeof t}function n(t){W=t}function r(t){H=t}function o(){return function(){process.nextTick(a)}}function i(){return function(){U(a)}}function s(){var t=0,e=new Q(a),n=document.createTextNode("");return e.observe(n,{characterData:!0}),function(){}}function u(){var t=new MessageChannel;return t.port1.onmessage=a,function(){t.port2.postMessage(0)}}function c(){return function(){setTimeout(a,1)}}function a(){for(var t=0;G>t;t+=2){var e=X[t],n=X[t+1];e(n),X[t]=void 0,X[t+1]=void 0}G=0}function f(){try{var t=require,e=t("vertx");return U=e.runOnLoop||e.runOnContext,i()}catch(n){return c()}}function l(t,e){var n=this,r=n._state;if(r===et&&!t||r===nt&&!e)return this;var o=new this.constructor(p),i=n._result;if(r){var s=arguments[r-1];H(function(){C(r,o,s,i)})}else j(n,o,t,e);return o}function h(t){var e=this;if(t&&"object"==typeof t&&t.constructor===e)return t;var n=new e(p);return g(n,t),n}function p(){}function _(){return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself")}function v(){return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.")}function d(t){try{return t.then}catch(e){return rt.error=e,rt}}function y(t,e,n,r){try{,n,r)}catch(o){return o}}function m(t,e,n){H(function(t){var r=!1,o=y(n,e,function(n){r||(r=!0,e!==n?g(t,n):E(t,n))},function(e){r||(r=!0,S(t,e))},"Settle: "+(t._label||" unknown promise"));!r&&o&&(r=!0,S(t,o))},t)}function w(t,e){e._state===et?E(t,e._result):e._state===nt?S(t,e._result):j(e,void 0,function(e){g(t,e)},function(e){S(t,e)})}function b(t,n,r){n.constructor===t.constructor&&r===Z&&constructor.resolve===$?w(t,n):r===rt?S(t,rt.error):void 0===r?E(t,n):e(r)?m(t,n,r):E(t,n)}function g(e,n){e===n?S(e,_()):t(n)?b(e,n,d(n)):E(e,n)}function A(t){t._onerror&&t._onerror(t._result),T(t)}function E(t,e){t._state===tt&&(t._result=e,t._state=et,0!==t._subscribers.length&&H(T,t))}function S(t,e){t._state===tt&&(t._state=nt,t._result=e,H(A,t))}function j(t,e,n,r){var o=t._subscribers,i=o.length;t._onerror=null,o[i]=e,o[i+et]=n,o[i+nt]=r,0===i&&t._state&&H(T,t)}function T(t){var e=t._subscribers,n=t._state;if(0!==e.length){for(var r,o,i=t._result,s=0;s<e.length;s+=3)r=e[s],o=e[s+n],r?C(n,r,o,i):o(i);t._subscribers.length=0}}function P(){this.error=null}function x(t,e){try{return t(e)}catch(n){return ot.error=n,ot}}function C(t,n,r,o){var i,s,u,c,a=e(r);if(a){if(i=x(r,o),i===ot?(c=!0,s=i.error,i=null):u=!0,n===i)return void S(n,v())}else i=o,u=!0;n._state!==tt||(a&&u?g(n,i):c?S(n,s):t===et?E(n,i):t===nt&&S(n,i))}function M(t,e){try{e(function(e){g(t,e)},function(e){S(t,e)})}catch(n){S(t,n)}}function O(t){return new ft(this,t).promise}function k(t){function e(t){g(o,t)}function n(t){S(o,t)}var r=this,o=new r(p);if(!B(t))return S(o,new TypeError("You must pass an array to race.")),o;for(var i=t.length,s=0;o._state===tt&&i>s;s++)j(r.resolve(t[s]),void 0,e,n);return o}function Y(t){var e=this,n=new e(p);return S(n,t),n}function q(){throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor")}function F(){throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.")}function D(t){this._id=ct++,this._state=void 0,this._result=void 0,this._subscribers=[],p!==t&&("function"!=typeof t&&q(),this instanceof D?M(this,t):F())}function K(t,e){this._instanceConstructor=t,this.promise=new t(p),Array.isArray(e)?(this._input=e,this.length=e.length,this._remaining=e.length,this._result=new Array(this.length),0===this.length?E(this.promise,this._result):(this.length=this.length||0,this._enumerate(),0===this._remaining&&E(this.promise,this._result))):S(this.promise,this._validationError())}function L(){var t;if("undefined"!=typeof global)t=global;else if("undefined"!=typeof self)t=self;else try{t=Function("return this")()}catch(e){throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment")}var n=t.Promise;n&&"[object Promise]"!n.cast||(t.Promise=at)}var N;N=Array.isArray?Array.isArray:function(t){return"[object Array]"};var U,W,z,B=N,G=0,H=function(t,e){X[G]=t,X[G+1]=e,G+=2,2===G&&(W?W(a):z())},I="undefined"!=typeof window?window:void 0,J=I||{},Q=J.MutationObserver||J.WebKitMutationObserver,R="undefined"!=typeof process&&"[object process]"==={},V="undefined"!=typeof Uint8ClampedArray&&"undefined"!=typeof importScripts&&"undefined"!=typeof MessageChannel,X=new Array(1e3);z=R?o():Q?s():V?u():void 0===I&&"function"==typeof require?f():c();var Z=l,$=h,tt=void 0,et=1,nt=2,rt=new P,ot=new P,it=O,st=k,ut=Y,ct=0,at=D;D.all=it,D.race=st,D.resolve=$,D.reject=ut,D._setScheduler=n,D._setAsap=r,D._asap=H,D.prototype={constructor:D,then:Z,"catch":function(t){return this.then(null,t)}};var ft=K;K.prototype._validationError=function(){return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array")},K.prototype._enumerate=function(){for(var t=this.length,e=this._input,n=0;this._state===tt&&t>n;n++)this._eachEntry(e[n],n)},K.prototype._eachEntry=function(t,e){var n=this._instanceConstructor,r=n.resolve;if(r===$){var o=d(t);if(o===Z&&t._state!==tt)this._settledAt(t._state,e,t._result);else if("function"!=typeof o)this._remaining--,this._result[e]=t;else if(n===at){var i=new n(p);b(i,t,o),this._willSettleAt(i,e)}else this._willSettleAt(new n(function(e){e(t)}),e)}else this._willSettleAt(r(t),e)},K.prototype._settledAt=function(t,e,n){var r=this.promise;r._state===tt&&(this._remaining--,t===nt?S(r,n):this._result[e]=n),0===this._remaining&&E(r,this._result)},K.prototype._willSettleAt=function(t,e){var n=this;j(t,void 0,function(t){n._settledAt(et,e,t)},function(t){n._settledAt(nt,e,t)})};var lt=L,ht={Promise:at,polyfill:lt};"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return ht}):"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=ht:"undefined"!=typeof this&&(this.ES6Promise=ht),lt()}).call(this); |
| 11682 | |
| 11683 | }).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 11684 | |
| 11685 | },{"_process":71}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11686 | function EventEmitter(){this._events=this._events||{},this._maxListeners=this._maxListeners||void 0}function isFunction(e){return"function"==typeof e}function isNumber(e){return"number"==typeof e}function isObject(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e}function isUndefined(e){return void 0===e}module.exports=EventEmitter,EventEmitter.EventEmitter=EventEmitter,EventEmitter.prototype._events=void 0,EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners=void 0,EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners=10,EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners=function(e){if(!isNumber(e)||0>e||isNaN(e))throw TypeError("n must be a positive number");return this._maxListeners=e,this},EventEmitter.prototype.emit=function(e){var t,i,n,s,r,o;if(this._events||(this._events={}),"error"===e&&(!this._events.error||isObject(this._events.error)&&!this._events.error.length)){if(t=arguments[1],t instanceof Error)throw t;throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.')}if(i=this._events[e],isUndefined(i))return!1;if(isFunction(i))switch(arguments.length){case;break;case,arguments[1]);break;case,arguments[1],arguments[2]);break;,1),i.apply(this,s)}else if(isObject(i))for(,1),o=i.slice(),n=o.length,r=0;n>r;r++)o[r].apply(this,s);return!0},EventEmitter.prototype.addListener=function(e,t){var i;if(!isFunction(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");return this._events||(this._events={}),this._events.newListener&&this.emit("newListener",e,isFunction(t.listener)?t.listener:t),this._events[e]?isObject(this._events[e])?this._events[e].push(t):this._events[e]=[this._events[e],t]:this._events[e]=t,isObject(this._events[e])&&!this._events[e].warned&&(i=isUndefined(this._maxListeners)?EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners:this._maxListeners,i&&i>0&&this._events[e].length>i&&(this._events[e].warned=!0,console.error("(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. %d listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.",this._events[e].length),"function"==typeof console.trace&&console.trace())),this},EventEmitter.prototype.on=EventEmitter.prototype.addListener,EventEmitter.prototype.once=function(e,t){function i(){this.removeListener(e,i),n||(n=!0,t.apply(this,arguments))}if(!isFunction(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");var n=!1;return i.listener=t,this.on(e,i),this},EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener=function(e,t){var i,n,s,r;if(!isFunction(t))throw TypeError("listener must be a function");if(!this._events||!this._events[e])return this;if(i=this._events[e],s=i.length,n=-1,i===t||isFunction(i.listener)&&i.listener===t)delete this._events[e],this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,t);else if(isObject(i)){for(r=s;r-- >0;)if(i[r]===t||i[r].listener&&i[r].listener===t){n=r;break}if(0>n)return this;1===i.length?(i.length=0,delete this._events[e]):i.splice(n,1),this._events.removeListener&&this.emit("removeListener",e,t)}return this},EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){var t,i;if(!this._events)return this;if(!this._events.removeListener)return 0===arguments.length?this._events={}:this._events[e]&&delete this._events[e],this;if(0===arguments.length){for(t in this._events)"removeListener"!==t&&this.removeAllListeners(t);return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"),this._events={},this}if(i=this._events[e],isFunction(i))this.removeListener(e,i);else if(i)for(;i.length;)this.removeListener(e,i[i.length-1]);return delete this._events[e],this},EventEmitter.prototype.listeners=function(e){var t;return t=this._events&&this._events[e]?isFunction(this._events[e])?[this._events[e]]:this._events[e].slice():[]},EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount=function(e){if(this._events){var t=this._events[e];if(isFunction(t))return 1;if(t)return t.length}return 0},EventEmitter.listenerCount=function(e,t){return e.listenerCount(t)}; |
| 11687 | |
| 11688 | },{}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11689 | var http=require("http"),https=module.exports;for(var key in http)http.hasOwnProperty(key)&&(https[key]=http[key]);https.request=function(t,e){return t||(t={}),t.scheme="https",t.protocol="https:",,t,e)}; |
| 11690 | |
| 11691 | },{"http":87}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11692 |,o,t,r,h){var M,p,w=8*h-r-1,f=(1<<w)-1,e=f>>1,i=-7,N=t?h-1:0,n=t?-1:1,s=a[o+N];for(N+=n,M=s&(1<<-i)-1,s>>=-i,i+=w;i>0;M=256*M+a[o+N],N+=n,i-=8);for(p=M&(1<<-i)-1,M>>=-i,i+=r;i>0;p=256*p+a[o+N],N+=n,i-=8);if(0===M)M=1-e;else{if(M===f)return p?NaN:(s?-1:1)*(1/0);p+=Math.pow(2,r),M-=e}return(s?-1:1)*p*Math.pow(2,M-r)},exports.write=function(a,o,t,r,h,M){var p,w,f,e=8*M-h-1,i=(1<<e)-1,N=i>>1,n=23===h?Math.pow(2,-24)-Math.pow(2,-77):0,s=r?0:M-1,u=r?1:-1,l=0>o||0===o&&0>1/o?1:0;for(o=Math.abs(o),isNaN(o)||o===1/0?(w=isNaN(o)?1:0,p=i):(p=Math.floor(Math.log(o)/Math.LN2),o*(f=Math.pow(2,-p))<1&&(p--,f*=2),o+=p+N>=1?n/f:n*Math.pow(2,1-N),o*f>=2&&(p++,f/=2),p+N>=i?(w=0,p=i):p+N>=1?(w=(o*f-1)*Math.pow(2,h),p+=N):(w=o*Math.pow(2,N-1)*Math.pow(2,h),p=0));h>=8;a[t+s]=255&w,s+=u,w/=256,h-=8);for(p=p<<h|w,e+=h;e>0;a[t+s]=255&p,s+=u,p/=256,e-=8);a[t+s-u]|=128*l}; |
| 11693 | |
| 11694 | },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11695 | "function"==typeof Object.create?module.exports=function(t,e){t.super_=e,t.prototype=Object.create(e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}})}:module.exports=function(t,e){t.super_=e;var o=function(){};o.prototype=e.prototype,t.prototype=new o,t.prototype.constructor=t}; |
| 11696 | |
| 11697 | },{}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11698 | module.exports=function(r){return!(null==r||!(r._isBuffer||r.constructor&&"function"==typeof r.constructor.isBuffer&&r.constructor.isBuffer(r)))}; |
| 11699 | |
| 11700 | },{}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11701 | var toString={}.toString;module.exports=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"}; |
| 11702 | |
| 11703 | },{}],38:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11704 | "use strict";var yaml=require("./lib/js-yaml.js");module.exports=yaml; |
| 11705 | |
| 11706 | },{"./lib/js-yaml.js":39}],39:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11707 | "use strict";function deprecated(e){return function(){throw new Error("Function "+e+" is deprecated and cannot be used.")}}var loader=require("./js-yaml/loader"),dumper=require("./js-yaml/dumper");module.exports.Type=require("./js-yaml/type"),module.exports.Schema=require("./js-yaml/schema"),module.exports.FAILSAFE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"),module.exports.JSON_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/json"),module.exports.CORE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/core"),module.exports.DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"),module.exports.DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"),module.exports.load=loader.load,module.exports.loadAll=loader.loadAll,module.exports.safeLoad=loader.safeLoad,module.exports.safeLoadAll=loader.safeLoadAll,module.exports.dump=dumper.dump,module.exports.safeDump=dumper.safeDump,module.exports.YAMLException=require("./js-yaml/exception"),module.exports.MINIMAL_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/failsafe"),module.exports.SAFE_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_safe"),module.exports.DEFAULT_SCHEMA=require("./js-yaml/schema/default_full"),module.exports.scan=deprecated("scan"),module.exports.parse=deprecated("parse"),module.exports.compose=deprecated("compose"),module.exports.addConstructor=deprecated("addConstructor"); |
| 11708 | |
| 11709 | },{"./js-yaml/dumper":41,"./js-yaml/exception":42,"./js-yaml/loader":43,"./js-yaml/schema":45,"./js-yaml/schema/core":46,"./js-yaml/schema/default_full":47,"./js-yaml/schema/default_safe":48,"./js-yaml/schema/failsafe":49,"./js-yaml/schema/json":50,"./js-yaml/type":51}],40:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11710 | "use strict";function isNothing(e){return"undefined"==typeof e||null===e}function isObject(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e}function toArray(e){return Array.isArray(e)?e:isNothing(e)?[]:[e]}function extend(e,t){var r,o,n,i;if(t)for(i=Object.keys(t),r=0,o=i.length;o>r;r+=1)n=i[r],e[n]=t[n];return e}function repeat(e,t){var r,o="";for(r=0;t>r;r+=1)o+=e;return o}function isNegativeZero(e){return 0===e&&Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY===1/e}module.exports.isNothing=isNothing,module.exports.isObject=isObject,module.exports.toArray=toArray,module.exports.repeat=repeat,module.exports.isNegativeZero=isNegativeZero,module.exports.extend=extend; |
| 11711 | |
| 11712 | },{}],41:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11713 | "use strict";function compileStyleMap(e,t){var n,i,r,E,o,l,a;if(null===t)return{};for(n={},i=Object.keys(t),r=0,E=i.length;E>r;r+=1)o=i[r],l=String(t[o]),"!!"===o.slice(0,2)&&(o=",2002:"+o.slice(2)),a=e.compiledTypeMap[o],a&&,l)&&(l=a.styleAliases[l]),n[o]=l;return n}function encodeHex(e){var t,n,i;if(t=e.toString(16).toUpperCase(),255>=e)n="x",i=2;else if(65535>=e)n="u",i=4;else{if(!(4294967295>=e))throw new YAMLException("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");n="U",i=8}return"\\"+n+common.repeat("0",i-t.length)+t}function State(e){this.schema=e.schema||DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA,this.indent=Math.max(1,e.indent||2),this.skipInvalid=e.skipInvalid||!1,this.flowLevel=common.isNothing(e.flowLevel)?-1:e.flowLevel,this.styleMap=compileStyleMap(this.schema,e.styles||null),this.sortKeys=e.sortKeys||!1,this.lineWidth=e.lineWidth||80,this.noRefs=e.noRefs||!1,this.noCompatMode=e.noCompatMode||!1,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.explicitTypes=this.schema.compiledExplicit,this.tag=null,this.result="",this.duplicates=[],this.usedDuplicates=null}function indentString(e,t){for(var n,i=common.repeat(" ",t),r=0,E=-1,o="",l=e.length;l>r;)E=e.indexOf("\n",r),-1===E?(n=e.slice(r),r=l):(n=e.slice(r,E+1),r=E+1),n.length&&"\n"!==n&&(o+=i),o+=n;return o}function generateNextLine(e,t){return"\n"+common.repeat(" ",e.indent*t)}function testImplicitResolving(e,t){var n,i,r;for(n=0,i=e.implicitTypes.length;i>n;n+=1)if(r=e.implicitTypes[n],r.resolve(t))return!0;return!1}function isWhitespace(e){return e===CHAR_SPACE||e===CHAR_TAB}function isPrintable(e){return e>=32&&126>=e||e>=161&&55295>=e&&8232!==e&&8233!==e||e>=57344&&65533>=e&&65279!==e||e>=65536&&1114111>=e}function isPlainSafe(e){return isPrintable(e)&&65279!==e&&e!==CHAR_COMMA&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_COLON&&e!==CHAR_SHARP}function isPlainSafeFirst(e){return isPrintable(e)&&65279!==e&&!isWhitespace(e)&&e!==CHAR_MINUS&&e!==CHAR_QUESTION&&e!==CHAR_COLON&&e!==CHAR_COMMA&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET&&e!==CHAR_SHARP&&e!==CHAR_AMPERSAND&&e!==CHAR_ASTERISK&&e!==CHAR_EXCLAMATION&&e!==CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE&&e!==CHAR_GREATER_THAN&&e!==CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE&&e!==CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE&&e!==CHAR_PERCENT&&e!==CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT&&e!==CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT}function chooseScalarStyle(e,t,n,i,r){var E,o,l=!1,a=!1,s=-1!==i,c=-1,A=isPlainSafeFirst(e.charCodeAt(0))&&!isWhitespace(e.charCodeAt(e.length-1));if(t)for(E=0;E<e.length;E++){if(o=e.charCodeAt(E),!isPrintable(o))return STYLE_DOUBLE;A=A&&isPlainSafe(o)}else{for(E=0;E<e.length;E++){if(o=e.charCodeAt(E),o===CHAR_LINE_FEED)l=!0,s&&(a=a||E-c-1>i&&" "!==e[c+1],c=E);else if(!isPrintable(o))return STYLE_DOUBLE;A=A&&isPlainSafe(o)}a=a||s&&E-c-1>i&&" "!==e[c+1]}return l||a?" "===e[0]&&n>9?STYLE_DOUBLE:a?STYLE_FOLDED:STYLE_LITERAL:A&&!r(e)?STYLE_PLAIN:STYLE_SINGLE}function writeScalar(e,t,n,i){e.dump=function(){function r(t){return testImplicitResolving(e,t)}if(0===t.length)return"''";if(!e.noCompatMode&&-1!==DEPRECATED_BOOLEANS_SYNTAX.indexOf(t))return"'"+t+"'";var E=e.indent*Math.max(1,n),o=-1===e.lineWidth?-1:Math.max(Math.min(e.lineWidth,40),e.lineWidth-E),l=i||e.flowLevel>-1&&n>=e.flowLevel;switch(chooseScalarStyle(t,l,e.indent,o,r)){case STYLE_PLAIN:return t;case STYLE_SINGLE:return"'"+t.replace(/'/g,"''")+"'";case STYLE_LITERAL:return"|"+blockHeader(t,e.indent)+dropEndingNewline(indentString(t,E));case STYLE_FOLDED:return">"+blockHeader(t,e.indent)+dropEndingNewline(indentString(foldString(t,o),E));case STYLE_DOUBLE:return'"'+escapeString(t,o)+'"';default:throw new YAMLException("impossible error: invalid scalar style")}}()}function blockHeader(e,t){var n=" "===e[0]?String(t):"",i="\n"===e[e.length-1],r=i&&("\n"===e[e.length-2]||"\n"===e),E=r?"+":i?"":"-";return n+E+"\n"}function dropEndingNewline(e){return"\n"===e[e.length-1]?e.slice(0,-1):e}function foldString(e,t){for(var n,i,r=/(\n+)([^\n]*)/g,E=function(){var n=e.indexOf("\n");return n=-1!==n?n:e.length,r.lastIndex=n,foldLine(e.slice(0,n),t)}(),o="\n"===e[0]||" "===e[0];i=r.exec(e);){var l=i[1],a=i[2];n=" "===a[0],E+=l+(o||n||""===a?"":"\n")+foldLine(a,t),o=n}return E}function foldLine(e,t){if(""===e||" "===e[0])return e;for(var n,i,r=/ [^ ]/g,E=0,o=0,l=0,a="";n=r.exec(e);)l=n.index,l-E>t&&(i=o>E?o:l,a+="\n"+e.slice(E,i),E=i+1),o=l;return a+="\n",a+=e.length-E>t&&o>E?e.slice(E,o)+"\n"+e.slice(o+1):e.slice(E),a.slice(1)}function escapeString(e){for(var t,n,i="",r=0;r<e.length;r++)t=e.charCodeAt(r),n=ESCAPE_SEQUENCES[t],i+=!n&&isPrintable(t)?e[r]:n||encodeHex(t);return i}function writeFlowSequence(e,t,n){var i,r,E="",o=e.tag;for(i=0,r=n.length;r>i;i+=1)writeNode(e,t,n[i],!1,!1)&&(0!==i&&(E+=", "),E+=e.dump);e.tag=o,e.dump="["+E+"]"}function writeBlockSequence(e,t,n,i){var r,E,o="",l=e.tag;for(r=0,E=n.length;E>r;r+=1)writeNode(e,t+1,n[r],!0,!0)&&(i&&0===r||(o+=generateNextLine(e,t)),o+="- "+e.dump);e.tag=l,e.dump=o||"[]"}function writeFlowMapping(e,t,n){var i,r,E,o,l,a="",s=e.tag,c=Object.keys(n);for(i=0,r=c.length;r>i;i+=1)l="",0!==i&&(l+=", "),E=c[i],o=n[E],writeNode(e,t,E,!1,!1)&&(e.dump.length>1024&&(l+="? 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| 11714 | |
| 11715 | },{"./common":40,"./exception":42,"./schema/default_full":47,"./schema/default_safe":48}],42:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11716 | "use strict";function YAMLException(t,r){,Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(this,this.constructor):this.stack=(new Error).stack||"","YAMLException",this.reason=t,this.mark=r,this.message=(this.reason||"(unknown reason)")+(this.mark?" "+this.mark.toString():"")}YAMLException.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),YAMLException.prototype.constructor=YAMLException,YAMLException.prototype.toString=function(t){var": ";return r+=this.reason||"(unknown reason)",!t&&this.mark&&(r+=" "+this.mark.toString()),r},module.exports=YAMLException; |
| 11717 | |
| 11718 | },{}],43:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11719 | "use strict";function is_EOL(e){return 10===e||13===e}function is_WHITE_SPACE(e){return 9===e||32===e}function is_WS_OR_EOL(e){return 9===e||32===e||10===e||13===e}function is_FLOW_INDICATOR(e){return 44===e||91===e||93===e||123===e||125===e}function fromHexCode(e){var t;return e>=48&&57>=e?e-48:(t=32|e,t>=97&&102>=t?t-97+10:-1)}function escapedHexLen(e){return 120===e?2:117===e?4:85===e?8:0}function fromDecimalCode(e){return e>=48&&57>=e?e-48:-1}function simpleEscapeSequence(e){return 48===e?"\x00":97===e?"":98===e?"\b":116===e?" ":9===e?" ":110===e?"\n":118===e?"\x0B":102===e?"\f":114===e?"\r":101===e?"":32===e?" ":34===e?'"':47===e?"/":92===e?"\\":78===e?"
":95===e?" ":76===e?"\u2028":80===e?"\u2029":""}function charFromCodepoint(e){return 65535>=e?String.fromCharCode(e):String.fromCharCode((e-65536>>10)+55296,(e-65536&1023)+56320)}function State(e,t){this.input=e,this.filename=t.filename||null,this.schema=t.schema||DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA,this.onWarning=t.onWarning||null,this.legacy=t.legacy||!1,this.json=t.json||!1,this.listener=t.listener||null,this.implicitTypes=this.schema.compiledImplicit,this.typeMap=this.schema.compiledTypeMap,this.length=e.length,this.position=0,this.line=0,this.lineStart=0,this.lineIndent=0,this.documents=[]}function generateError(e,t){return new YAMLException(t,new Mark(e.filename,e.input,e.position,e.line,e.position-e.lineStart))}function throwError(e,t){throw generateError(e,t)}function throwWarning(e,t){e.onWarning&&,generateError(e,t))}function captureSegment(e,t,n,i){var o,r,a,s;if(n>t){if(s=e.input.slice(t,n),i)for(o=0,r=s.length;r>o;o+=1)a=s.charCodeAt(o),9===a||a>=32&&1114111>=a||throwError(e,"expected valid JSON character");else PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE.test(s)&&throwError(e,"the stream contains non-printable characters");e.result+=s}}function mergeMappings(e,t,n,i){var o,r,a,s;for(common.isObject(n)||throwError(e,"cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"),o=Object.keys(n),a=0,s=o.length;s>a;a+=1)r=o[a],,r)||(t[r]=n[r],i[r]=!0)}function storeMappingPair(e,t,n,i,o,r){var a,s;if(o=String(o),null===t&&(t={}),",2002:merge"===i)if(Array.isArray(r))for(a=0,s=r.length;s>a;a+=1)mergeMappings(e,t,r[a],n);else mergeMappings(e,t,r,n);else e.json||,o)||!,o)||throwError(e,"duplicated mapping key"),t[o]=r,delete n[o];return t}function readLineBreak(e){var t;t=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),10===t?e.position++:13===t?(e.position++,10===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)&&e.position++):throwError(e,"a line break is expected"),e.line+=1,e.lineStart=e.position}function skipSeparationSpace(e,t,n){for(var i=0,o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);0!==o;){for(;is_WHITE_SPACE(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(t&&35===o)do o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(10!==o&&13!==o&&0!==o);if(!is_EOL(o))break;for(readLineBreak(e),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),i++,e.lineIndent=0;32===o;)e.lineIndent++,o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)}return-1!==n&&0!==i&&e.lineIndent<n&&throwWarning(e,"deficient indentation"),i}function testDocumentSeparator(e){var t,n=e.position;return t=e.input.charCodeAt(n),(45===t||46===t)&&t===e.input.charCodeAt(n+1)&&t===e.input.charCodeAt(n+2)&&(n+=3,t=e.input.charCodeAt(n),0===t||is_WS_OR_EOL(t))}function writeFoldedLines(e,t){1===t?e.result+=" ":t>1&&(e.result+=common.repeat("\n",t-1))}function readPlainScalar(e,t,n){var i,o,r,a,s,p,c,l,u,d=e.kind,h=e.result;if(u=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),is_WS_OR_EOL(u)||is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u)||35===u||38===u||42===u||33===u||124===u||62===u||39===u||34===u||37===u||64===u||96===u)return!1;if((63===u||45===u)&&(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(o)||n&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(o)))return!1;for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="",r=a=e.position,s=!1;0!==u;){if(58===u){if(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(o)||n&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(o))break}else if(35===u){if(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position-1),is_WS_OR_EOL(i))break}else{if(e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)||n&&is_FLOW_INDICATOR(u))break;if(is_EOL(u)){if(p=e.line,c=e.lineStart,l=e.lineIndent,skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,-1),e.lineIndent>=t){s=!0,u=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);continue}e.position=a,e.line=p,e.lineStart=c,e.lineIndent=l;break}}s&&(captureSegment(e,r,a,!1),writeFoldedLines(e,e.line-p),r=a=e.position,s=!1),is_WHITE_SPACE(u)||(a=e.position+1),u=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)}return captureSegment(e,r,a,!1),e.result?!0:(e.kind=d,e.result=h,!1)}function readSingleQuotedScalar(e,t){var n,i,o;if(n=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),39!==n)return!1;for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="",e.position++,i=o=e.position;0!==(n=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position));)if(39===n){if(captureSegment(e,i,e.position,!0),n=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),39!==n)return!0;i=o=e.position,e.position++}else is_EOL(n)?(captureSegment(e,i,o,!0),writeFoldedLines(e,skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,t)),i=o=e.position):e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)?throwError(e,"unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar"):(e.position++,o=e.position);throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar")}function readDoubleQuotedScalar(e,t){var n,i,o,r,a,s;if(s=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),34!==s)return!1;for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="",e.position++,n=i=e.position;0!==(s=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position));){if(34===s)return captureSegment(e,n,e.position,!0),e.position++,!0;if(92===s){if(captureSegment(e,n,e.position,!0),s=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),is_EOL(s))skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,t);else if(256>s&&simpleEscapeCheck[s])e.result+=simpleEscapeMap[s],e.position++;else if((a=escapedHexLen(s))>0){for(o=a,r=0;o>0;o--)s=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),(a=fromHexCode(s))>=0?r=(r<<4)+a:throwError(e,"expected hexadecimal character");e.result+=charFromCodepoint(r),e.position++}else throwError(e,"unknown escape sequence");n=i=e.position}else is_EOL(s)?(captureSegment(e,n,i,!0),writeFoldedLines(e,skipSeparationSpace(e,!1,t)),n=i=e.position):e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)?throwError(e,"unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar"):(e.position++,i=e.position)}throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar")}function readFlowCollection(e,t){var n,i,o,r,a,s,p,c,l,u,d,h=!0,f=e.tag,_=e.anchor,A={};if(d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),91===d)r=93,p=!1,i=[];else{if(123!==d)return!1;r=125,p=!0,i={}}for(null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=i),d=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);0!==d;){if(skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),d===r)return e.position++,e.tag=f,e.anchor=_,e.kind=p?"mapping":"sequence",e.result=i,!0;h||throwError(e,"missed comma between flow collection entries"),l=c=u=null,a=s=!1,63===d&&(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(o)&&(a=s=!0,e.position++,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t))),n=e.line,composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN,!1,!0),l=e.tag,c=e.result,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),!s&&e.line!==n||58!==d||(a=!0,d=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN,!1,!0),u=e.result),p?storeMappingPair(e,i,A,l,c,u):a?i.push(storeMappingPair(e,null,A,l,c,u)):i.push(c),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,t),d=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),44===d?(h=!0,d=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):h=!1}throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection")}function readBlockScalar(e,t){var n,i,o,r,a=CHOMPING_CLIP,s=!1,p=!1,c=t,l=0,u=!1;if(r=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),124===r)i=!1;else{if(62!==r)return!1;i=!0}for(e.kind="scalar",e.result="";0!==r;)if(r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),43===r||45===r)CHOMPING_CLIP===a?a=43===r?CHOMPING_KEEP:CHOMPING_STRIP:throwError(e,"repeat of a chomping mode identifier");else{if(!((o=fromDecimalCode(r))>=0))break;0===o?throwError(e,"bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one"):p?throwError(e,"repeat of an indentation width identifier"):(c=t+o-1,p=!0)}if(is_WHITE_SPACE(r)){do r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(is_WHITE_SPACE(r));if(35===r)do r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(!is_EOL(r)&&0!==r)}for(;0!==r;){for(readLineBreak(e),e.lineIndent=0,r=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);(!p||e.lineIndent<c)&&32===r;)e.lineIndent++,r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(!p&&e.lineIndent>c&&(c=e.lineIndent),is_EOL(r))l++;else{if(e.lineIndent<c){a===CHOMPING_KEEP?e.result+=common.repeat("\n",s?1+l:l):a===CHOMPING_CLIP&&s&&(e.result+="\n");break}for(i?is_WHITE_SPACE(r)?(u=!0,e.result+=common.repeat("\n",s?1+l:l)):u?(u=!1,e.result+=common.repeat("\n",l+1)):0===l?s&&(e.result+=" "):e.result+=common.repeat("\n",l):e.result+=common.repeat("\n",s?1+l:l),s=!0,p=!0,l=0,n=e.position;!is_EOL(r)&&0!==r;)r=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);captureSegment(e,n,e.position,!1)}}return!0}function readBlockSequence(e,t){var n,i,o,r=e.tag,a=e.anchor,s=[],p=!1;for(null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=s),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);0!==o&&45===o&&(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),is_WS_OR_EOL(i));)if(p=!0,e.position++,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)&&e.lineIndent<=t)s.push(null),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);else if(n=e.line,composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN,!1,!0),s.push(e.result),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),(e.line===n||e.lineIndent>t)&&0!==o)throwError(e,"bad indentation of a sequence entry");else if(e.lineIndent<t)break;return p?(e.tag=r,e.anchor=a,e.kind="sequence",e.result=s,!0):!1}function readBlockMapping(e,t,n){var i,o,r,a,s=e.tag,p=e.anchor,c={},l={},u=null,d=null,h=null,f=!1,_=!1;for(null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=c),a=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);0!==a;){if(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1),r=e.line,63!==a&&58!==a||!is_WS_OR_EOL(i)){if(!composeNode(e,n,CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT,!1,!0))break;if(e.line===r){for(a=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position);is_WHITE_SPACE(a);)a=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(58===a)a=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),is_WS_OR_EOL(a)||throwError(e,"a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"),f&&(storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,null),u=d=h=null),_=!0,f=!1,o=!1,u=e.tag,d=e.result;else{if(!_)return e.tag=s,e.anchor=p,!0;throwError(e,"can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed")}}else{if(!_)return e.tag=s,e.anchor=p,!0;throwError(e,"can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key")}}else 63===a?(f&&(storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,null),u=d=h=null),_=!0,f=!0,o=!0):f?(f=!1,o=!0):throwError(e,"incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed"),e.position+=1,a=i;if((e.line===r||e.lineIndent>t)&&(composeNode(e,t,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT,!0,o)&&(f?d=e.result:h=e.result),f||(storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,h),u=d=h=null),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),a=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)),e.lineIndent>t&&0!==a)throwError(e,"bad indentation of a mapping entry");else if(e.lineIndent<t)break}return f&&storeMappingPair(e,c,l,u,d,null),_&&(e.tag=s,e.anchor=p,e.kind="mapping",e.result=c),_}function readTagProperty(e){var t,n,i,o,r=!1,a=!1;if(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),33!==o)return!1;if(null!==e.tag&&throwError(e,"duplication of a tag property"),o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),60===o?(r=!0,o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):33===o?(a=!0,n="!!",o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):n="!",t=e.position,r){do o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(0!==o&&62!==o);e.position<e.length?(i=e.input.slice(t,e.position),o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position)):throwError(e,"unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag")}else{for(;0!==o&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(o);)33===o&&(a?throwError(e,"tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks"):(n=e.input.slice(t-1,e.position+1),PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(n)||throwError(e,"named tag handle cannot contain such characters"),a=!0,t=e.position+1)),o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);i=e.input.slice(t,e.position),PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS.test(i)&&throwError(e,"tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters")}return i&&!PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(i)&&throwError(e,"tag name cannot contain such characters: "+i),r?,n)?e.tag=e.tagMap[n]+i:"!"===n?e.tag="!"+i:"!!"===n?e.tag=",2002:"+i:throwError(e,'undeclared tag handle "'+n+'"'),!0}function readAnchorProperty(e){var t,n;if(n=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),38!==n)return!1;for(null!==e.anchor&&throwError(e,"duplication of an anchor property"),n=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),t=e.position;0!==n&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(n)&&!is_FLOW_INDICATOR(n);)n=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);return e.position===t&&throwError(e,"name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"),e.anchor=e.input.slice(t,e.position),!0}function readAlias(e){var t,n,i;if(i=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),42!==i)return!1;for(i=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),t=e.position;0!==i&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(i)&&!is_FLOW_INDICATOR(i);)i=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);return e.position===t&&throwError(e,"name of an alias node must contain at least one character"),n=e.input.slice(t,e.position),e.anchorMap.hasOwnProperty(n)||throwError(e,'unidentified alias "'+n+'"'),e.result=e.anchorMap[n],skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),!0}function composeNode(e,t,n,i,o){var r,a,s,p,c,l,u,d,h=1,f=!1,_=!1;if(null!==e.listener&&e.listener("open",e),e.tag=null,e.anchor=null,e.kind=null,e.result=null,r=a=s=CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT===n||CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN===n,i&&skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)&&(f=!0,e.lineIndent>t?h=1:e.lineIndent===t?h=0:e.lineIndent<t&&(h=-1)),1===h)for(;readTagProperty(e)||readAnchorProperty(e);)skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)?(f=!0,s=r,e.lineIndent>t?h=1:e.lineIndent===t?h=0:e.lineIndent<t&&(h=-1)):s=!1;if(s&&(s=f||o),1!==h&&CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT!==n||(u=CONTEXT_FLOW_IN===n||CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT===n?t:t+1,d=e.position-e.lineStart,1===h?s&&(readBlockSequence(e,d)||readBlockMapping(e,d,u))||readFlowCollection(e,u)?_=!0:(a&&readBlockScalar(e,u)||readSingleQuotedScalar(e,u)||readDoubleQuotedScalar(e,u)?_=!0:readAlias(e)?(_=!0,null===e.tag&&null===e.anchor||throwError(e,"alias node should not have any properties")):readPlainScalar(e,u,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN===n)&&(_=!0,null===e.tag&&(e.tag="?")),null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=e.result)):0===h&&(_=s&&readBlockSequence(e,d))),null!==e.tag&&"!"!==e.tag)if("?"===e.tag){for(p=0,c=e.implicitTypes.length;c>p;p+=1)if(l=e.implicitTypes[p],l.resolve(e.result)){e.result=l.construct(e.result),e.tag=l.tag,null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=e.result);break}}else,e.tag)?(l=e.typeMap[e.tag],null!==e.result&&l.kind!==e.kind&&throwError(e,"unacceptable node kind for !<"+e.tag+'> tag; it should be "'+l.kind+'", not "'+e.kind+'"'),l.resolve(e.result)?(e.result=l.construct(e.result),null!==e.anchor&&(e.anchorMap[e.anchor]=e.result)):throwError(e,"cannot resolve a node with !<"+e.tag+"> explicit tag")):throwError(e,"unknown tag !<"+e.tag+">");return null!==e.listener&&e.listener("close",e),null!==e.tag||null!==e.anchor||_}function readDocument(e){var t,n,i,o,r=e.position,a=!1;for(e.version=null,e.checkLineBreaks=e.legacy,e.tagMap={},e.anchorMap={};0!==(o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position))&&(skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),o=e.input.charCodeAt(e.position),!(e.lineIndent>0||37!==o));){for(a=!0,o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position),t=e.position;0!==o&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);for(n=e.input.slice(t,e.position),i=[],n.length<1&&throwError(e,"directive name must not be less than one character in length");0!==o;){for(;is_WHITE_SPACE(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);if(35===o){do o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);while(0!==o&&!is_EOL(o));break}if(is_EOL(o))break;for(t=e.position;0!==o&&!is_WS_OR_EOL(o);)o=e.input.charCodeAt(++e.position);i.push(e.input.slice(t,e.position))}0!==o&&readLineBreak(e),,n)?directiveHandlers[n](e,n,i):throwWarning(e,'unknown document directive "'+n+'"')}return skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),0===e.lineIndent&&45===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)&&45===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+1)&&45===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position+2)?(e.position+=3,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1)):a&&throwError(e,"directives end mark is expected"),composeNode(e,e.lineIndent-1,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT,!1,!0),skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1),e.checkLineBreaks&&PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS.test(e.input.slice(r,e.position))&&throwWarning(e,"non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"),e.documents.push(e.result),e.position===e.lineStart&&testDocumentSeparator(e)?void(46===e.input.charCodeAt(e.position)&&(e.position+=3,skipSeparationSpace(e,!0,-1))):void(e.position<e.length-1&&throwError(e,"end of the stream or a document separator is expected"))}function loadDocuments(e,t){e=String(e),t=t||{},0!==e.length&&(10!==e.charCodeAt(e.length-1)&&13!==e.charCodeAt(e.length-1)&&(e+="\n"),65279===e.charCodeAt(0)&&(e=e.slice(1)));var n=new State(e,t);for(n.input+="\x00";32===n.input.charCodeAt(n.position);)n.lineIndent+=1,n.position+=1;for(;n.position<n.length-1;)readDocument(n);return n.documents}function loadAll(e,t,n){var i,o,r=loadDocuments(e,n);for(i=0,o=r.length;o>i;i+=1)t(r[i])}function load(e,t){var n=loadDocuments(e,t);if(0!==n.length){if(1===n.length)return n[0];throw new YAMLException("expected a single document in the stream, but found more")}}function safeLoadAll(e,t,n){loadAll(e,t,common.extend({schema:DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA},n))}function safeLoad(e,t){return load(e,common.extend({schema:DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA},t))}for(var common=require("./common"),YAMLException=require("./exception"),Mark=require("./mark"),DEFAULT_SAFE_SCHEMA=require("./schema/default_safe"),DEFAULT_FULL_SCHEMA=require("./schema/default_full"),_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,CONTEXT_FLOW_IN=1,CONTEXT_FLOW_OUT=2,CONTEXT_BLOCK_IN=3,CONTEXT_BLOCK_OUT=4,CHOMPING_CLIP=1,CHOMPING_STRIP=2,CHOMPING_KEEP=3,PATTERN_NON_PRINTABLE=/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,PATTERN_NON_ASCII_LINE_BREAKS=/[\x85\u2028\u2029]/,PATTERN_FLOW_INDICATORS=/[,\[\]\{\}]/,PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE=/^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i,PATTERN_TAG_URI=/^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i,simpleEscapeCheck=new Array(256),simpleEscapeMap=new Array(256),i=0;256>i;i++)simpleEscapeCheck[i]=simpleEscapeSequence(i)?1:0,simpleEscapeMap[i]=simpleEscapeSequence(i);var directiveHandlers={YAML:function(e,t,n){var i,o,r;null!==e.version&&throwError(e,"duplication of %YAML directive"),1!==n.length&&throwError(e,"YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"),i=/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(n[0]),null===i&&throwError(e,"ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"),o=parseInt(i[1],10),r=parseInt(i[2],10),1!==o&&throwError(e,"unacceptable YAML version of the document"),e.version=n[0],e.checkLineBreaks=2>r,1!==r&&2!==r&&throwWarning(e,"unsupported YAML version of the document")},TAG:function(e,t,n){var i,o;2!==n.length&&throwError(e,"TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"),i=n[0],o=n[1],PATTERN_TAG_HANDLE.test(i)||throwError(e,"ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"),,i)&&throwError(e,'there is a previously declared suffix for "'+i+'" tag handle'),PATTERN_TAG_URI.test(o)||throwError(e,"ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive"),e.tagMap[i]=o}};module.exports.loadAll=loadAll,module.exports.load=load,module.exports.safeLoadAll=safeLoadAll,module.exports.safeLoad=safeLoad; |
| 11720 | |
| 11721 | },{"./common":40,"./exception":42,"./mark":44,"./schema/default_full":47,"./schema/default_safe":48}],44:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11722 | "use strict";function Mark(t,i,n,e,r){,this.buffer=i,this.position=n,this.line=e,this.column=r}var common=require("./common");Mark.prototype.getSnippet=function(t,i){var n,e,r,o,s;if(!this.buffer)return null;for(t=t||4,i=i||75,n="",e=this.position;e>0&&-1==="\x00\r\n
\u2028\u2029".indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(e-1));)if(e-=1,this.position-e>i/2-1){n=" ... ",e+=5;break}for(r="",o=this.position;o<this.buffer.length&&-1==="\x00\r\n
\u2028\u2029".indexOf(this.buffer.charAt(o));)if(o+=1,o-this.position>i/2-1){r=" ... ",o-=5;break}return s=this.buffer.slice(e,o),common.repeat(" ",t)+n+s+r+"\n"+common.repeat(" ",t+this.position-e+n.length)+"^"},Mark.prototype.toString=function(t){var i,n="";return'in "''" '),n+="at line "+(this.line+1)+", column "+(this.column+1),t||(i=this.getSnippet(),i&&(n+=":\n"+i)),n},module.exports=Mark; |
| 11723 | |
| 11724 | },{"./common":40}],45:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11725 | "use strict";function compileList(i,e,t){var c=[];return i.include.forEach(function(i){t=compileList(i,e,t)}),i[e].forEach(function(i){t.forEach(function(e,t){e.tag===i.tag&&c.push(t)}),t.push(i)}),t.filter(function(i,e){return-1===c.indexOf(e)})}function compileMap(){function i(i){c[i.tag]=i}var e,t,c={};for(e=0,t=arguments.length;t>e;e+=1)arguments[e].forEach(i);return c}function Schema(i){this.include=i.include||[],this.implicit=i.implicit||[],this.explicit=i.explicit||[],this.implicit.forEach(function(i){if(i.loadKind&&"scalar"!==i.loadKind)throw new YAMLException("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.")}),this.compiledImplicit=compileList(this,"implicit",[]),this.compiledExplicit=compileList(this,"explicit",[]),this.compiledTypeMap=compileMap(this.compiledImplicit,this.compiledExplicit)}var common=require("./common"),YAMLException=require("./exception"),Type=require("./type");Schema.DEFAULT=null,Schema.create=function(){var i,e;switch(arguments.length){case 1:i=Schema.DEFAULT,e=arguments[0];break;case 2:i=arguments[0],e=arguments[1];break;default:throw new YAMLException("Wrong number of arguments for Schema.create function")}if(i=common.toArray(i),e=common.toArray(e),!i.every(function(i){return i instanceof Schema}))throw new YAMLException("Specified list of super schemas (or a single Schema object) contains a non-Schema object.");if(!e.every(function(i){return i instanceof Type}))throw new YAMLException("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");return new Schema({include:i,explicit:e})},module.exports=Schema; |
| 11726 | |
| 11727 | },{"./common":40,"./exception":42,"./type":51}],46:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11728 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({include:[require("./json")]}); |
| 11729 | |
| 11730 | },{"../schema":45,"./json":50}],47:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11731 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=Schema.DEFAULT=new Schema({include:[require("./default_safe")],explicit:[require("../type/js/undefined"),require("../type/js/regexp"),require("../type/js/function")]}); |
| 11732 | |
| 11733 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/js/function":56,"../type/js/regexp":57,"../type/js/undefined":58,"./default_safe":48}],48:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11734 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({include:[require("./core")],implicit:[require("../type/timestamp"),require("../type/merge")],explicit:[require("../type/binary"),require("../type/omap"),require("../type/pairs"),require("../type/set")]}); |
| 11735 | |
| 11736 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/binary":52,"../type/merge":60,"../type/omap":62,"../type/pairs":63,"../type/set":65,"../type/timestamp":67,"./core":46}],49:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11737 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({explicit:[require("../type/str"),require("../type/seq"),require("../type/map")]}); |
| 11738 | |
| 11739 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/map":59,"../type/seq":64,"../type/str":66}],50:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11740 | "use strict";var Schema=require("../schema");module.exports=new Schema({include:[require("./failsafe")],implicit:[require("../type/null"),require("../type/bool"),require("../type/int"),require("../type/float")]}); |
| 11741 | |
| 11742 | },{"../schema":45,"../type/bool":53,"../type/float":54,"../type/int":55,"../type/null":61,"./failsafe":49}],51:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11743 | "use strict";function compileStyleAliases(e){var t={};return null!==e&&Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){e[n].forEach(function(e){t[String(e)]=n})}),t}function Type(e,t){if(t=t||{},Object.keys(t).forEach(function(t){if(-1===TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS.indexOf(t))throw new YAMLException('Unknown option "'+t+'" is met in definition of "'+e+'" YAML type.')}),this.tag=e,this.kind=t.kind||null,this.resolve=t.resolve||function(){return!0},this.construct=t.construct||function(e){return e},this.instanceOf=t.instanceOf||null,this.predicate=t.predicate||null,this.represent=t.represent||null,this.defaultStyle=t.defaultStyle||null,this.styleAliases=compileStyleAliases(t.styleAliases||null),-1===YAML_NODE_KINDS.indexOf(this.kind))throw new YAMLException('Unknown kind "'+this.kind+'" is specified for "'+e+'" YAML type.')}var YAMLException=require("./exception"),TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS=["kind","resolve","construct","instanceOf","predicate","represent","defaultStyle","styleAliases"],YAML_NODE_KINDS=["scalar","sequence","mapping"];module.exports=Type; |
| 11744 | |
| 11745 | },{"./exception":42}],52:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11746 | "use strict";function resolveYamlBinary(r){if(null===r)return!1;var e,n,u=0,t=r.length,a=BASE64_MAP;for(n=0;t>n;n++)if(e=a.indexOf(r.charAt(n)),!(e>64)){if(0>e)return!1;u+=6}return u%8===0}function constructYamlBinary(r){var e,n,u=r.replace(/[\r\n=]/g,""),t=u.length,a=BASE64_MAP,f=0,i=[];for(e=0;t>e;e++)e%4===0&&e&&(i.push(f>>16&255),i.push(f>>8&255),i.push(255&f)),f=f<<6|a.indexOf(u.charAt(e));return n=t%4*6,0===n?(i.push(f>>16&255),i.push(f>>8&255),i.push(255&f)):18===n?(i.push(f>>10&255),i.push(f>>2&255)):12===n&&i.push(f>>4&255),NodeBuffer?new NodeBuffer(i):i}function representYamlBinary(r){var e,n,u="",t=0,a=r.length,f=BASE64_MAP;for(e=0;a>e;e++)e%3===0&&e&&(u+=f[t>>18&63],u+=f[t>>12&63],u+=f[t>>6&63],u+=f[63&t]),t=(t<<8)+r[e];return n=a%3,0===n?(u+=f[t>>18&63],u+=f[t>>12&63],u+=f[t>>6&63],u+=f[63&t]):2===n?(u+=f[t>>10&63],u+=f[t>>4&63],u+=f[t<<2&63],u+=f[64]):1===n&&(u+=f[t>>2&63],u+=f[t<<4&63],u+=f[64],u+=f[64]),u}function isBinary(r){return NodeBuffer&&NodeBuffer.isBuffer(r)}var NodeBuffer;try{var _require=require;NodeBuffer=_require("buffer").Buffer}catch(__){}var Type=require("../type"),BASE64_MAP="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r";module.exports=new Type(",2002:binary",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlBinary,construct:constructYamlBinary,predicate:isBinary,represent:representYamlBinary}); |
| 11747 | |
| 11748 | },{"../type":51}],53:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11749 | "use strict";function resolveYamlBoolean(e){if(null===e)return!1;var r=e.length;return 4===r&&("true"===e||"True"===e||"TRUE"===e)||5===r&&("false"===e||"False"===e||"FALSE"===e)}function constructYamlBoolean(e){return"true"===e||"True"===e||"TRUE"===e}function isBoolean(e){return"[object Boolean]"}var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:bool",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlBoolean,construct:constructYamlBoolean,predicate:isBoolean,represent:{lowercase:function(e){return e?"true":"false"},uppercase:function(e){return e?"TRUE":"FALSE"},camelcase:function(e){return e?"True":"False"}},defaultStyle:"lowercase"}); |
| 11750 | |
| 11751 | },{"../type":51}],54:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11752 | "use strict";function resolveYamlFloat(e){return null===e?!1:!!YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN.test(e)}function constructYamlFloat(e){var r,t,a,n;return r=e.replace(/_/g,"").toLowerCase(),t="-"===r[0]?-1:1,n=[],"+-".indexOf(r[0])>=0&&(r=r.slice(1)),".inf"===r?1===t?Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY:Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY:".nan"===r?NaN:r.indexOf(":")>=0?(r.split(":").forEach(function(e){n.unshift(parseFloat(e,10))}),r=0,a=1,n.forEach(function(e){r+=e*a,a*=60}),t*r):t*parseFloat(r,10)}function representYamlFloat(e,r){var t;if(isNaN(e))switch(r){case"lowercase":return".nan";case"uppercase":return".NAN";case"camelcase":return".NaN"}else if(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY===e)switch(r){case"lowercase":return".inf";case"uppercase":return".INF";case"camelcase":return".Inf"}else if(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY===e)switch(r){case"lowercase":return"-.inf";case"uppercase":return"-.INF";case"camelcase":return"-.Inf"}else if(common.isNegativeZero(e))return"-0.0";return t=e.toString(10),SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT.test(t)?t.replace("e",".e"):t}function isFloat(e){return"[object Number]"!==0||common.isNegativeZero(e))}var common=require("../common"),Type=require("../type"),YAML_FLOAT_PATTERN=new RegExp("^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)\\.[0-9_]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)?|[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\\.[0-9_]*|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$"),SCIENTIFIC_WITHOUT_DOT=/^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;module.exports=new Type(",2002:float",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlFloat,construct:constructYamlFloat,predicate:isFloat,represent:representYamlFloat,defaultStyle:"lowercase"}); |
| 11753 | |
| 11754 | },{"../common":40,"../type":51}],55:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11755 | "use strict";function isHexCode(e){return e>=48&&57>=e||e>=65&&70>=e||e>=97&&102>=e}function isOctCode(e){return e>=48&&55>=e}function isDecCode(e){return e>=48&&57>=e}function resolveYamlInteger(e){if(null===e)return!1;var r,t=e.length,n=0,i=!1;if(!t)return!1;if(r=e[n],"-"!==r&&"+"!==r||(r=e[++n]),"0"===r){if(n+1===t)return!0;if(r=e[++n],"b"===r){for(n++;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if("0"!==r&&"1"!==r)return!1;i=!0}return i}if("x"===r){for(n++;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if(!isHexCode(e.charCodeAt(n)))return!1;i=!0}return i}for(;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if(!isOctCode(e.charCodeAt(n)))return!1;i=!0}return i}for(;t>n;n++)if(r=e[n],"_"!==r){if(":"===r)break;if(!isDecCode(e.charCodeAt(n)))return!1;i=!0}return i?":"!==r?!0:/^(:[0-5]?[0-9])+$/.test(e.slice(n)):!1}function constructYamlInteger(e){var r,t,n=e,i=1,o=[];return-1!==n.indexOf("_")&&(n=n.replace(/_/g,"")),r=n[0],"-"!==r&&"+"!==r||("-"===r&&(i=-1),n=n.slice(1),r=n[0]),"0"===n?0:"0"===r?"b"===n[1]?i*parseInt(n.slice(2),2):"x"===n[1]?i*parseInt(n,16):i*parseInt(n,8):-1!==n.indexOf(":")?(n.split(":").forEach(function(e){o.unshift(parseInt(e,10))}),n=0,t=1,o.forEach(function(e){n+=e*t,t*=60}),i*n):i*parseInt(n,10)}function isInteger(e){return"[object Number]"!common.isNegativeZero(e)}var common=require("../common"),Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:int",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlInteger,construct:constructYamlInteger,predicate:isInteger,represent:{binary:function(e){return"0b"+e.toString(2)},octal:function(e){return"0"+e.toString(8)},decimal:function(e){return e.toString(10)},hexadecimal:function(e){return"0x"+e.toString(16).toUpperCase()}},defaultStyle:"decimal",styleAliases:{binary:[2,"bin"],octal:[8,"oct"],decimal:[10,"dec"],hexadecimal:[16,"hex"]}}); |
| 11756 | |
| 11757 | },{"../common":40,"../type":51}],56:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11758 | "use strict";function resolveJavascriptFunction(e){if(null===e)return!1;try{var r="("+e+")",n=esprima.parse(r,{range:!0});return"Program"===n.type&&1===n.body.length&&"ExpressionStatement"===n.body[0].type&&"FunctionExpression"===n.body[0].expression.type}catch(t){return!1}}function constructJavascriptFunction(e){var r,n="("+e+")",t=esprima.parse(n,{range:!0}),o=[];if("Program"!==t.type||1!==t.body.length||"ExpressionStatement"!==t.body[0].type||"FunctionExpression"!==t.body[0].expression.type)throw new Error("Failed to resolve function");return t.body[0].expression.params.forEach(function(e){o.push(}),r=t.body[0].expression.body.range,new Function(o,n.slice(r[0]+1,r[1]-1))}function representJavascriptFunction(e){return e.toString()}function isFunction(e){return"[object Function]"}var esprima;try{var _require=require;esprima=_require("esprima")}catch(_){"undefined"!=typeof window&&(esprima=window.esprima)}var Type=require("../../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:js/function",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveJavascriptFunction,construct:constructJavascriptFunction,predicate:isFunction,represent:representJavascriptFunction}); |
| 11759 | |
| 11760 | },{"../../type":51}],57:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11761 | "use strict";function resolveJavascriptRegExp(e){if(null===e)return!1;if(0===e.length)return!1;var r=e,t=/\/([gim]*)$/.exec(e),n="";if("/"===r[0]){if(t&&(n=t[1]),n.length>3)return!1;if("/"!==r[r.length-n.length-1])return!1}return!0}function constructJavascriptRegExp(e){var r=e,t=/\/([gim]*)$/.exec(e),n="";return"/"===r[0]&&(t&&(n=t[1]),r=r.slice(1,r.length-n.length-1)),new RegExp(r,n)}function representJavascriptRegExp(e){var r="/"+e.source+"/";return"g"),e.multiline&&(r+="m"),e.ignoreCase&&(r+="i"),r}function isRegExp(e){return"[object RegExp]"}var Type=require("../../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:js/regexp",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveJavascriptRegExp,construct:constructJavascriptRegExp,predicate:isRegExp,represent:representJavascriptRegExp}); |
| 11762 | |
| 11763 | },{"../../type":51}],58:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11764 | "use strict";function resolveJavascriptUndefined(){return!0}function constructJavascriptUndefined(){}function representJavascriptUndefined(){return""}function isUndefined(e){return"undefined"==typeof e}var Type=require("../../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:js/undefined",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveJavascriptUndefined,construct:constructJavascriptUndefined,predicate:isUndefined,represent:representJavascriptUndefined}); |
| 11765 | |
| 11766 | },{"../../type":51}],59:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11767 | "use strict";var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:map",{kind:"mapping",construct:function(e){return null!==e?e:{}}}); |
| 11768 | |
| 11769 | },{"../type":51}],60:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11770 | "use strict";function resolveYamlMerge(e){return"<<"===e||null===e}var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:merge",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlMerge}); |
| 11771 | |
| 11772 | },{"../type":51}],61:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11773 | "use strict";function resolveYamlNull(l){if(null===l)return!0;var e=l.length;return 1===e&&"~"===l||4===e&&("null"===l||"Null"===l||"NULL"===l)}function constructYamlNull(){return null}function isNull(l){return null===l}var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:null",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlNull,construct:constructYamlNull,predicate:isNull,represent:{canonical:function(){return"~"},lowercase:function(){return"null"},uppercase:function(){return"NULL"},camelcase:function(){return"Null"}},defaultStyle:"lowercase"}); |
| 11774 | |
| 11775 | },{"../type":51}],62:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11776 | "use strict";function resolveYamlOmap(r){if(null===r)return!0;var t,e,n,o,u,a=[],l=r;for(t=0,e=l.length;e>t;t+=1){if(n=l[t],u=!1,"[object Object]"!!1;for(o in n)if(,o)){if(u)return!1;u=!0}if(!u)return!1;if(-1!==a.indexOf(o))return!1;a.push(o)}return!0}function constructYamlOmap(r){return null!==r?r:[]}var Type=require("../type"),_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,_toString=Object.prototype.toString;module.exports=new Type(",2002:omap",{kind:"sequence",resolve:resolveYamlOmap,construct:constructYamlOmap}); |
| 11777 | |
| 11778 | },{"../type":51}],63:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11779 | "use strict";function resolveYamlPairs(r){if(null===r)return!0;var e,t,n,l,o,a=r;for(o=new Array(a.length),e=0,t=a.length;t>e;e+=1){if(n=a[e],"[object Object]"!!1;if(l=Object.keys(n),1!==l.length)return!1;o[e]=[l[0],n[l[0]]]}return!0}function constructYamlPairs(r){if(null===r)return[];var e,t,n,l,o,a=r;for(o=new Array(a.length),e=0,t=a.length;t>e;e+=1)n=a[e],l=Object.keys(n),o[e]=[l[0],n[l[0]]];return o}var Type=require("../type"),_toString=Object.prototype.toString;module.exports=new Type(",2002:pairs",{kind:"sequence",resolve:resolveYamlPairs,construct:constructYamlPairs}); |
| 11780 | |
| 11781 | },{"../type":51}],64:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11782 | "use strict";var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:seq",{kind:"sequence",construct:function(e){return null!==e?e:[]}}); |
| 11783 | |
| 11784 | },{"../type":51}],65:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11785 | "use strict";function resolveYamlSet(e){if(null===e)return!0;var r,t=e;for(r in t)if(,r)&&null!==t[r])return!1;return!0}function constructYamlSet(e){return null!==e?e:{}}var Type=require("../type"),_hasOwnProperty=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;module.exports=new Type(",2002:set",{kind:"mapping",resolve:resolveYamlSet,construct:constructYamlSet}); |
| 11786 | |
| 11787 | },{"../type":51}],66:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11788 | "use strict";var Type=require("../type");module.exports=new Type(",2002:str",{kind:"scalar",construct:function(r){return null!==r?r:""}}); |
| 11789 | |
| 11790 | },{"../type":51}],67:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11791 | "use strict";function resolveYamlTimestamp(e){return null===e?!1:null!==YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(e)?!0:null!==YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(e)}function constructYamlTimestamp(e){var t,r,n,l,a,m,s,T,i,E,u=0,o=null;if(t=YAML_DATE_REGEXP.exec(e),null===t&&(t=YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP.exec(e)),null===t)throw new Error("Date resolve error");if(r=+t[1],n=+t[2]-1,l=+t[3],!t[4])return new Date(Date.UTC(r,n,l));if(a=+t[4],m=+t[5],s=+t[6],t[7]){for(u=t[7].slice(0,3);u.length<3;)u+="0";u=+u}return t[9]&&(T=+t[10],i=+(t[11]||0),o=6e4*(60*T+i),"-"===t[9]&&(o=-o)),E=new Date(Date.UTC(r,n,l,a,m,s,u)),o&&E.setTime(E.getTime()-o),E}function representYamlTimestamp(e){return e.toISOString()}var Type=require("../type"),YAML_DATE_REGEXP=new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$"),YAML_TIMESTAMP_REGEXP=new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$");module.exports=new Type(",2002:timestamp",{kind:"scalar",resolve:resolveYamlTimestamp,construct:constructYamlTimestamp,instanceOf:Date,represent:representYamlTimestamp}); |
| 11792 | |
| 11793 | },{"../type":51}],68:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11794 | function parse(e){if(e=""+e,!(e.length>1e4)){var a=/^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(e);if(a){var r=parseFloat(a[1]),c=(a[2]||"ms").toLowerCase();switch(c){case"years":case"year":case"yrs":case"yr":case"y":return r*y;case"days":case"day":case"d":return r*d;case"hours":case"hour":case"hrs":case"hr":case"h":return r*h;case"minutes":case"minute":case"mins":case"min":case"m":return r*m;case"seconds":case"second":case"secs":case"sec":case"s":return r*s;case"milliseconds":case"millisecond":case"msecs":case"msec":case"ms":return r}}}}function short(e){return e>=d?Math.round(e/d)+"d":e>=h?Math.round(e/h)+"h":e>=m?Math.round(e/m)+"m":e>=s?Math.round(e/s)+"s":e+"ms"}function long(e){return plural(e,d,"day")||plural(e,h,"hour")||plural(e,m,"minute")||plural(e,s,"second")||e+" ms"}function plural(s,e,a){return e>s?void 0:1.5*e>s?Math.floor(s/e)+" "+a:Math.ceil(s/e)+" "+a+"s"}var s=1e3,m=60*s,h=60*m,d=24*h,y=365.25*d;module.exports=function(s,e){return e=e||{},"string"==typeof s?parse(s):e["long"]?long(s):short(s)}; |
| 11795 | |
| 11796 | },{}],69:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11797 | /**! |
| 11798 | * Ono v2.2.1 |
| 11799 | * |
| 11800 | * @link |
| 11801 | * @license MIT |
| 11802 | */ |
| 11803 | "use strict";function create(e){return function(r,t,o,n){var c,a=module.exports.formatter;"string"==typeof r?(c=a.apply(null,arguments),r=t=void 0):c="string"==typeof t?a.apply(null,,1)):a.apply(null,,2)),r instanceof Error||(t=r,r=void 0),r&&(c+=(c?" \n":"")+r.message);var i=new e(c);return extendError(i,r),extendToJSON(i),extend(i,t),i}}function extendError(e,r){r&&(extendStack(e,r),extend(e,r,!0))}function extendToJSON(e){e.toJSON=errorToJSON,e.inspect=errorToString}function extend(e,r,t){if(r&&"object"==typeof r)for(var o=Object.keys(r),n=0;n<o.length;n++){var c=o[n];if(!(t&&vendorSpecificErrorProperties.indexOf(c)>=0))try{e[c]=r[c]}catch(a){}}}function errorToJSON(){var e={},r=Object.keys(this);r=r.concat(vendorSpecificErrorProperties);for(var t=0;t<r.length;t++){var o=r[t],n=this[o],c=typeof n;"undefined"!==c&&"function"!==c&&(e[o]=n)}return e}function errorToString(){return JSON.stringify(this,null,2).replace(/\\n/g,"\n")}function extendStack(e,r){if(hasLazyStack(r))extendStackProperty(e,r);else{var t=r.stack;t&&(e.stack+=" \n\n"+r.stack)}}function hasLazyStack(e){if(!supportsLazyStack)return!1;var r=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,"stack");return r?"function"==typeof r.get:!1}function extendStackProperty(e,r){var t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,"stack");if(t){var o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,"stack");Object.defineProperty(e,"stack",{get:function(){return o.get.apply(e)+" \n\n"+r.stack},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0})}}var util=require("util"),slice=Array.prototype.slice,vendorSpecificErrorProperties=["name","message","description","number","fileName","lineNumber","columnNumber","sourceURL","line","column","stack"];module.exports=create(Error),module.exports.error=create(Error),module.exports.eval=create(EvalError),module.exports.range=create(RangeError),module.exports.reference=create(ReferenceError),module.exports.syntax=create(SyntaxError),module.exports.type=create(TypeError),module.exports.uri=create(URIError),module.exports.formatter=util.format;var supportsLazyStack=function(){return!(!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor||!Object.defineProperty||"undefined"!=typeof navigator&&/Android/.test(navigator.userAgent))}(); |
| 11804 | |
| 11805 | },{"util":97}],70:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11806 | (function (process){ |
| 11807 | "use strict";function nextTick(e){for(var s=new Array(arguments.length-1),n=0;n<s.length;)s[n++]=arguments[n];process.nextTick(function(){e.apply(null,s)})}!process.version||0===process.version.indexOf("v0.")||0===process.version.indexOf("v1.")&&0!==process.version.indexOf("v1.8.")?module.exports=nextTick:module.exports=process.nextTick; |
| 11808 | |
| 11809 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 11810 | |
| 11811 | },{"_process":71}],71:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11812 | function cleanUpNextTick(){draining=!1,currentQueue.length?queue=currentQueue.concat(queue):queueIndex=-1,queue.length&&drainQueue()}function drainQueue(){if(!draining){var e=setTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);draining=!0;for(var n=queue.length;n;){for(currentQueue=queue,queue=[];++queueIndex<n;)currentQueue&¤tQueue[queueIndex].run();queueIndex=-1,n=queue.length}currentQueue=null,draining=!1,clearTimeout(e)}}function Item(e,n){,this.array=n}function noop(){}var process=module.exports={},queue=[],draining=!1,currentQueue,queueIndex=-1;process.nextTick=function(e){var n=new Array(arguments.length-1);if(arguments.length>1)for(var r=1;r<arguments.length;r++)n[r-1]=arguments[r];queue.push(new Item(e,n)),1!==queue.length||draining||setTimeout(drainQueue,0)},{,this.array)},process.title="browser",process.browser=!0,process.env={},process.argv=[],process.version="",process.versions={},process.on=noop,process.addListener=noop,process.once=noop,,process.removeListener=noop,process.removeAllListeners=noop,process.emit=noop,process.binding=function(e){throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")},process.cwd=function(){return"/"},process.chdir=function(e){throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")},process.umask=function(){return 0}; |
| 11813 | |
| 11814 | },{}],72:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11815 | (function (global){ |
| 11816 | /*! v1.4.1 by @mathias */ |
| 11817 | !function(e){function o(e){throw new RangeError(T[e])}function n(e,o){for(var n=e.length,r=[];n--;)r[n]=o(e[n]);return r}function r(e,o){var r=e.split("@"),t="";r.length>1&&(t=r[0]+"@",e=r[1]),e=e.replace(S,".");var u=e.split("."),i=n(u,o).join(".");return t+i}function t(e){for(var o,n,r=[],t=0,u=e.length;u>t;)o=e.charCodeAt(t++),o>=55296&&56319>=o&&u>t?(n=e.charCodeAt(t++),56320==(64512&n)?r.push(((1023&o)<<10)+(1023&n)+65536):(r.push(o),t--)):r.push(o);return r}function u(e){return n(e,function(e){var o="";return e>65535&&(e-=65536,o+=P(e>>>10&1023|55296),e=56320|1023&e),o+=P(e)}).join("")}function i(e){return 10>e-48?e-22:26>e-65?e-65:26>e-97?e-97:b}function f(e,o){return e+22+75*(26>e)-((0!=o)<<5)}function c(e,o,n){var r=0;for(e=n?M(e/j):e>>1,e+=M(e/o);e>L*C>>1;r+=b)e=M(e/L);return M(r+(L+1)*e/(e+m))}function l(e){var n,r,t,f,l,s,d,a,p,h,v=[],g=e.length,w=0,m=I,j=A;for(r=e.lastIndexOf(E),0>r&&(r=0),t=0;r>t;++t)e.charCodeAt(t)>=128&&o("not-basic"),v.push(e.charCodeAt(t));for(f=r>0?r+1:0;g>f;){for(l=w,s=1,d=b;f>=g&&o("invalid-input"),a=i(e.charCodeAt(f++)),(a>=b||a>M((x-w)/s))&&o("overflow"),w+=a*s,p=j>=d?y:d>=j+C?C:d-j,!(p>a);d+=b)h=b-p,s>M(x/h)&&o("overflow"),s*=h;n=v.length+1,j=c(w-l,n,0==l),M(w/n)>x-m&&o("overflow"),m+=M(w/n),w%=n,v.splice(w++,0,m)}return u(v)}function s(e){var n,r,u,i,l,s,d,a,p,h,v,g,w,m,j,F=[];for(e=t(e),g=e.length,n=I,r=0,l=A,s=0;g>s;++s)v=e[s],128>v&&F.push(P(v));for(u=i=F.length,i&&F.push(E);g>u;){for(d=x,s=0;g>s;++s)v=e[s],v>=n&&d>v&&(d=v);for(w=u+1,d-n>M((x-r)/w)&&o("overflow"),r+=(d-n)*w,n=d,s=0;g>s;++s)if(v=e[s],n>v&&++r>x&&o("overflow"),v==n){for(a=r,p=b;h=l>=p?y:p>=l+C?C:p-l,!(h>a);p+=b)j=a-h,m=b-h,F.push(P(f(h+j%m,0))),a=M(j/m);F.push(P(f(a,0))),l=c(r,w,u==i),r=0,++u}++r,++n}return F.join("")}function d(e){return r(e,function(e){return F.test(e)?l(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()):e})}function a(e){return r(e,function(e){return O.test(e)?"xn--"+s(e):e})}var p="object"==typeof exports&&exports&&!exports.nodeType&&exports,h="object"==typeof module&&module&&!module.nodeType&&module,v="object"==typeof global&&global;!==v&&v.window!==v&&v.self!==v||(e=v);var g,w,x=2147483647,b=36,y=1,C=26,m=38,j=700,A=72,I=128,E="-",F=/^xn--/,O=/[^\x20-\x7E]/,S=/[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g,T={overflow:"Overflow: input needs wider integers to process","not-basic":"Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)","invalid-input":"Invalid input"},L=b-y,M=Math.floor,P=String.fromCharCode;if(g={version:"1.4.1",ucs2:{decode:t,encode:u},decode:l,encode:s,toASCII:a,toUnicode:d},"function"==typeof define&&"object"==typeof define.amd&&define.amd)define("punycode",function(){return g});else if(p&&h)if(module.exports==p)h.exports=g;else for(w in g)g.hasOwnProperty(w)&&(p[w]=g[w]);else e.punycode=g}(this); |
| 11818 | |
| 11819 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 11820 | |
| 11821 | },{}],73:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11822 | "use strict";function hasOwnProperty(r,e){return,e)}module.exports=function(r,e,t,n){e=e||"&",t=t||"=";var o={};if("string"!=typeof r||0===r.length)return o;var a=/\+/g;r=r.split(e);var s=1e3;n&&"number"==typeof n.maxKeys&&(s=n.maxKeys);var p=r.length;s>0&&p>s&&(p=s);for(var y=0;p>y;++y){var u,c,i,l,f=r[y].replace(a,"%20"),v=f.indexOf(t);v>=0?(u=f.substr(0,v),c=f.substr(v+1)):(u=f,c=""),i=decodeURIComponent(u),l=decodeURIComponent(c),hasOwnProperty(o,i)?isArray(o[i])?o[i].push(l):o[i]=[o[i],l]:o[i]=l}return o};var isArray=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"}; |
| 11823 | |
| 11824 | },{}],74:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11825 | "use strict";function map(r,e){if(;for(var t=[],n=0;n<r.length;n++)t.push(e(r[n],n));return t}var stringifyPrimitive=function(r){switch(typeof r){case"string":return r;case"boolean":return r?"true":"false";case"number":return isFinite(r)?r:"";default:return""}};module.exports=function(r,e,t,n){return e=e||"&",t=t||"=",null===r&&(r=void 0),"object"==typeof r?map(objectKeys(r),function(n){var i=encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(n))+t;return isArray(r[n])?map(r[n],function(r){return i+encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r))}).join(e):i+encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r[n]))}).join(e):n?encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(n))+t+encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r)):""};var isArray=Array.isArray||function(r){return"[object Array]"},objectKeys=Object.keys||function(r){var e=[];for(var t in r),t)&&e.push(t);return e}; |
| 11826 | |
| 11827 | },{}],75:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11828 | "use strict";exports.decode=exports.parse=require("./decode"),exports.encode=exports.stringify=require("./encode"); |
| 11829 | |
| 11830 | },{"./decode":73,"./encode":74}],76:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11831 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"); |
| 11832 | |
| 11833 | },{"./lib/_stream_duplex.js":77}],77:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11834 | "use strict";function Duplex(e){return this instanceof Duplex?(,e),,e),e&&e.readable===!1&&(this.readable=!1),e&&e.writable===!1&&(this.writable=!1),this.allowHalfOpen=!0,e&&e.allowHalfOpen===!1&&(this.allowHalfOpen=!1),void this.once("end",onend)):new Duplex(e)}function onend(){this.allowHalfOpen||this._writableState.ended||processNextTick(onEndNT,this)}function onEndNT(e){e.end()}function forEach(e,t){for(var r=0,i=e.length;i>r;r++)t(e[r],r)}var objectKeys=Object.keys||function(e){var t=[];for(var r in e)t.push(r);return t};module.exports=Duplex;var processNextTick=require("process-nextick-args"),util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits");var Readable=require("./_stream_readable"),Writable=require("./_stream_writable");util.inherits(Duplex,Readable);for(var keys=objectKeys(Writable.prototype),v=0;v<keys.length;v++){var method=keys[v];Duplex.prototype[method]||(Duplex.prototype[method]=Writable.prototype[method])} |
| 11835 | |
| 11836 | },{"./_stream_readable":79,"./_stream_writable":81,"core-util-is":28,"inherits":35,"process-nextick-args":70}],78:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11837 | "use strict";function PassThrough(r){return this instanceof PassThrough?void,r):new PassThrough(r)}module.exports=PassThrough;var Transform=require("./_stream_transform"),util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits"),util.inherits(PassThrough,Transform),PassThrough.prototype._transform=function(r,s,i){i(null,r)}; |
| 11838 | |
| 11839 | },{"./_stream_transform":80,"core-util-is":28,"inherits":35}],79:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11840 | (function (process){ |
| 11841 | "use strict";function ReadableState(e,t){Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),e=e||{},this.objectMode=!!e.objectMode,t instanceof Duplex&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!e.readableObjectMode);var r=e.highWaterMark,n=this.objectMode?16:16384;this.highWaterMark=r||0===r?r:n,this.highWaterMark=~~this.highWaterMark,this.buffer=[],this.length=0,this.pipes=null,this.pipesCount=0,this.flowing=null,this.ended=!1,this.endEmitted=!1,this.reading=!1,this.sync=!0,this.needReadable=!1,this.emittedReadable=!1,this.readableListening=!1,this.resumeScheduled=!1,this.defaultEncoding=e.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.ranOut=!1,this.awaitDrain=0,this.readingMore=!1,this.decoder=null,this.encoding=null,e.encoding&&(StringDecoder||(StringDecoder=require("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this.decoder=new StringDecoder(e.encoding),this.encoding=e.encoding)}function Readable(e){return Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),this instanceof Readable?(this._readableState=new ReadableState(e,this),this.readable=!0,e&&"function"==typeof,void Readable(e)}function readableAddChunk(e,t,r,n,a){var i=chunkInvalid(t,r);if(i)e.emit("error",i);else if(null===r)t.reading=!1,onEofChunk(e,t);else if(t.objectMode||r&&r.length>0)if(t.ended&&!a){var d=new Error("stream.push() after EOF");e.emit("error",d)}else if(t.endEmitted&&a){var d=new Error("stream.unshift() after end event");e.emit("error",d)}else{var o;!t.decoder||a||n||(r=t.decoder.write(r),o=!t.objectMode&&0===r.length),a||(t.reading=!1),o||(t.flowing&&0===t.length&&!t.sync?(e.emit("data",r),,a?t.buffer.unshift(r):t.buffer.push(r),t.needReadable&&emitReadable(e))),maybeReadMore(e,t)}else a||(t.reading=!1);return needMoreData(t)}function needMoreData(e){return!e.ended&&(e.needReadable||e.length<e.highWaterMark||0===e.length)}function computeNewHighWaterMark(e){return e>=MAX_HWM?e=MAX_HWM:(e--,e|=e>>>1,e|=e>>>2,e|=e>>>4,e|=e>>>8,e|=e>>>16,e++),e}function howMuchToRead(e,t){return 0===t.length&&t.ended?0:t.objectMode?0===e?0:1:null===e||isNaN(e)?t.flowing&&t.buffer.length?t.buffer[0].length:t.length:0>=e?0:(e>t.highWaterMark&&(t.highWaterMark=computeNewHighWaterMark(e)),e>t.length?t.ended?t.length:(t.needReadable=!0,0):e)}function chunkInvalid(e,t){var r=null;return Buffer.isBuffer(t)||"string"==typeof t||null===t||void 0===t||e.objectMode||(r=new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk")),r}function onEofChunk(e,t){if(!t.ended){if(t.decoder){var r=t.decoder.end();r&&r.length&&(t.buffer.push(r),t.length+=t.objectMode?1:r.length)}t.ended=!0,emitReadable(e)}}function emitReadable(e){var t=e._readableState;t.needReadable=!1,t.emittedReadable||(debug("emitReadable",t.flowing),t.emittedReadable=!0,t.sync?processNextTick(emitReadable_,e):emitReadable_(e))}function emitReadable_(e){debug("emit readable"),e.emit("readable"),flow(e)}function maybeReadMore(e,t){t.readingMore||(t.readingMore=!0,processNextTick(maybeReadMore_,e,t))}function maybeReadMore_(e,t){for(var r=t.length;!t.reading&&!t.flowing&&!t.ended&&t.length<t.highWaterMark&&(debug("maybeReadMore read 0"),,r!==t.length);)r=t.length;t.readingMore=!1}function pipeOnDrain(e){return function(){var t=e._readableState;debug("pipeOnDrain",t.awaitDrain),t.awaitDrain&&t.awaitDrain--,0===t.awaitDrain&&EElistenerCount(e,"data")&&(t.flowing=!0,flow(e))}}function nReadingNextTick(e){debug("readable nexttick read 0"),}function resume(e,t){t.resumeScheduled||(t.resumeScheduled=!0,processNextTick(resume_,e,t))}function resume_(e,t){t.reading||(debug("resume read 0"),,t.resumeScheduled=!1,e.emit("resume"),flow(e),t.flowing&&!t.reading&&}function flow(e){var t=e._readableState;if(debug("flow",t.flowing),t.flowing)do var;while(null!==r&&t.flowing)}function fromList(e,t){var r,n=t.buffer,a=t.length,i=!!t.decoder,d=!!t.objectMode;if(0===n.length)return null;if(0===a)r=null;else if(d)r=n.shift();else if(!e||e>=a)r=i?n.join(""):1===n.length?n[0]:Buffer.concat(n,a),n.length=0;else if(e<n[0].length){var o=n[0];r=o.slice(0,e),n[0]=o.slice(e)}else if(e===n[0].length)r=n.shift();else{r=i?"":new Buffer(e);for(var l=0,u=0,s=n.length;s>u&&e>l;u++){var o=n[0],h=Math.min(e-l,o.length);i?r+=o.slice(0,h):o.copy(r,l,0,h),h<o.length?n[0]=o.slice(h):n.shift(),l+=h}}return r}function endReadable(e){var t=e._readableState;if(t.length>0)throw new Error("endReadable called on non-empty stream");t.endEmitted||(t.ended=!0,processNextTick(endReadableNT,t,e))}function endReadableNT(e,t){e.endEmitted||0!==e.length||(e.endEmitted=!0,t.readable=!1,t.emit("end"))}function forEach(e,t){for(var r=0,n=e.length;n>r;r++)t(e[r],r)}function indexOf(e,t){for(var r=0,n=e.length;n>r;r++)if(e[r]===t)return r;return-1}module.exports=Readable;var processNextTick=require("process-nextick-args"),isArray=require("isarray"),Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;Readable.ReadableState=ReadableState;var EE=require("events"),EElistenerCount=function(e,t){return e.listeners(t).length},Stream;!function(){try{Stream=require("stream")}catch(e){}finally{Stream||(Stream=require("events").EventEmitter)}}();var Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer,util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits");var debugUtil=require("util"),debug=void 0;debug=debugUtil&&debugUtil.debuglog?debugUtil.debuglog("stream"):function(){};var StringDecoder;util.inherits(Readable,Stream);var Duplex,Duplex;Readable.prototype.push=function(e,t){var r=this._readableState;return r.objectMode||"string"!=typeof e||(t=t||r.defaultEncoding,t!==r.encoding&&(e=new Buffer(e,t),t="")),readableAddChunk(this,r,e,t,!1)},Readable.prototype.unshift=function(e){var t=this._readableState;return readableAddChunk(this,t,e,"",!0)},Readable.prototype.isPaused=function(){return this._readableState.flowing===!1},Readable.prototype.setEncoding=function(e){return StringDecoder||(StringDecoder=require("string_decoder/").StringDecoder),this._readableState.decoder=new StringDecoder(e),this._readableState.encoding=e,this};var MAX_HWM=8388608;{debug("read",e);var t=this._readableState,r=e;if(("number"!=typeof e||e>0)&&(t.emittedReadable=!1),0===e&&t.needReadable&&(t.length>=t.highWaterMark||t.ended))return debug("read: emitReadable",t.length,t.ended),0===t.length&&t.ended?endReadable(this):emitReadable(this),null;if(e=howMuchToRead(e,t),0===e&&t.ended)return 0===t.length&&endReadable(this),null;var n=t.needReadable;debug("need readable",n),(0===t.length||t.length-e<t.highWaterMark)&&(n=!0,debug("length less than watermark",n)),(t.ended||t.reading)&&(n=!1,debug("reading or ended",n)),n&&(debug("do read"),t.reading=!0,t.sync=!0,0===t.length&&(t.needReadable=!0),this._read(t.highWaterMark),t.sync=!1),n&&!t.reading&&(e=howMuchToRead(r,t));var a;return a=e>0?fromList(e,t):null,null===a&&(t.needReadable=!0,e=0),t.length-=e,0!==t.length||t.ended||(t.needReadable=!0),r!==e&&t.ended&&0===t.length&&endReadable(this),null!==a&&this.emit("data",a),a},Readable.prototype._read=function(e){this.emit("error",new Error("not implemented"))},Readable.prototype.pipe=function(e,t){function r(e){debug("onunpipe"),e===s&&a()}function n(){debug("onend"),e.end()}function a(){debug("cleanup"),e.removeListener("close",o),e.removeListener("finish",l),e.removeListener("drain",c),e.removeListener("error",d),e.removeListener("unpipe",r),s.removeListener("end",n),s.removeListener("end",a),s.removeListener("data",i),b=!0,!h.awaitDrain||e._writableState&&!e._writableState.needDrain||c()}function i(t){debug("ondata");var r=e.write(t);!1===r&&(1!==h.pipesCount||h.pipes[0]!==e||1!==s.listenerCount("data")||b||(debug("false write response, pause",s._readableState.awaitDrain),s._readableState.awaitDrain++),s.pause())}function d(t){debug("onerror",t),u(),e.removeListener("error",d),0===EElistenerCount(e,"error")&&e.emit("error",t)}function o(){e.removeListener("finish",l),u()}function l(){debug("onfinish"),e.removeListener("close",o),u()}function u(){debug("unpipe"),s.unpipe(e)}var s=this,h=this._readableState;switch(h.pipesCount){case 0:h.pipes=e;break;case 1:h.pipes=[h.pipes,e];break;default:h.pipes.push(e)}h.pipesCount+=1,debug("pipe count=%d opts=%j",h.pipesCount,t);var f=(!t||t.end!==!1)&&e!==process.stdout&&e!==process.stderr,p=f?n:a;h.endEmitted?processNextTick(p):s.once("end",p),e.on("unpipe",r);var c=pipeOnDrain(s);e.on("drain",c);var b=!1;return s.on("data",i),e._events&&e._events.error?isArray(e._events.error)?e._events.error.unshift(d):e._events.error=[d,e._events.error]:e.on("error",d),e.once("close",o),e.once("finish",l),e.emit("pipe",s),h.flowing||(debug("pipe resume"),s.resume()),e},Readable.prototype.unpipe=function(e){var t=this._readableState;if(0===t.pipesCount)return this;if(1===t.pipesCount)return e&&e!==t.pipes?this:(e||(e=t.pipes),t.pipes=null,t.pipesCount=0,t.flowing=!1,e&&e.emit("unpipe",this),this);if(!e){var r=t.pipes,n=t.pipesCount;t.pipes=null,t.pipesCount=0,t.flowing=!1;for(var a=0;n>a;a++)r[a].emit("unpipe",this);return this}var i=indexOf(t.pipes,e);return-1===i?this:(t.pipes.splice(i,1),t.pipesCount-=1,1===t.pipesCount&&(t.pipes=t.pipes[0]),e.emit("unpipe",this),this)},Readable.prototype.on=function(e,t){var,e,t);if("data"===e&&!1!==this._readableState.flowing&&this.resume(),"readable"===e&&!this._readableState.endEmitted){var n=this._readableState;n.readableListening||(n.readableListening=!0,n.emittedReadable=!1,n.needReadable=!0,n.reading?n.length&&emitReadable(this,n):processNextTick(nReadingNextTick,this))}return r},Readable.prototype.addListener=Readable.prototype.on,Readable.prototype.resume=function(){var e=this._readableState;return e.flowing||(debug("resume"),e.flowing=!0,resume(this,e)),this},Readable.prototype.pause=function(){return debug("call pause flowing=%j",this._readableState.flowing),!1!==this._readableState.flowing&&(debug("pause"),this._readableState.flowing=!1,this.emit("pause")),this},Readable.prototype.wrap=function(e){var t=this._readableState,r=!1,n=this;e.on("end",function(){if(debug("wrapped end"),t.decoder&&!t.ended){var e=t.decoder.end();e&&e.length&&n.push(e)}n.push(null)}),e.on("data",function(a){if(debug("wrapped data"),t.decoder&&(a=t.decoder.write(a)),(!t.objectMode||null!==a&&void 0!==a)&&(t.objectMode||a&&a.length)){var i=n.push(a);i||(r=!0,e.pause())}});for(var a in e)void 0===this[a]&&"function"==typeof e[a]&&(this[a]=function(t){return function(){return e[t].apply(e,arguments)}}(a));var i=["error","close","destroy","pause","resume"];return forEach(i,function(t){e.on(t,n.emit.bind(n,t))}),n._read=function(t){debug("wrapped _read",t),r&&(r=!1,e.resume())},n},Readable._fromList=fromList; |
| 11842 | |
| 11843 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 11844 | |
| 11845 | },{"./_stream_duplex":77,"_process":71,"buffer":25,"core-util-is":28,"events":32,"inherits":35,"isarray":37,"process-nextick-args":70,"stream":86,"string_decoder/":91,"util":23}],80:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11846 | "use strict";function TransformState(r){this.afterTransform=function(t,n){return afterTransform(r,t,n)},this.needTransform=!1,this.transforming=!1,this.writecb=null,this.writechunk=null,this.writeencoding=null}function afterTransform(r,t,n){var e=r._transformState;e.transforming=!1;var i=e.writecb;if(!i)return r.emit("error",new Error("no writecb in Transform class"));e.writechunk=null,e.writecb=null,null!==n&&void 0!==n&&r.push(n),i(t);var a=r._readableState;a.reading=!1,(a.needReadable||a.length<a.highWaterMark)&&r._read(a.highWaterMark)}function Transform(r){if(!(this instanceof Transform))return new Transform(r);,r),this._transformState=new TransformState(this);var t=this;this._readableState.needReadable=!0,this._readableState.sync=!1,r&&("function"==typeof r.transform&&(this._transform=r.transform),"function"==typeof r.flush&&(this._flush=r.flush)),this.once("prefinish",function(){"function"==typeof this._flush?this._flush(function(r){done(t,r)}):done(t)})}function done(r,t){if(t)return r.emit("error",t);var n=r._writableState,e=r._transformState;if(n.length)throw new Error("calling transform done when ws.length != 0");if(e.transforming)throw new Error("calling transform done when still transforming");return r.push(null)}module.exports=Transform;var Duplex=require("./_stream_duplex"),util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits"),util.inherits(Transform,Duplex),Transform.prototype.push=function(r,t){return this._transformState.needTransform=!1,,r,t)},Transform.prototype._transform=function(r,t,n){throw new Error("not implemented")},Transform.prototype._write=function(r,t,n){var e=this._transformState;if(e.writecb=n,e.writechunk=r,e.writeencoding=t,!e.transforming){var i=this._readableState;(e.needTransform||i.needReadable||i.length<i.highWaterMark)&&this._read(i.highWaterMark)}},Transform.prototype._read=function(r){var t=this._transformState;null!==t.writechunk&&t.writecb&&!t.transforming?(t.transforming=!0,this._transform(t.writechunk,t.writeencoding,t.afterTransform)):t.needTransform=!0}; |
| 11847 | |
| 11848 | },{"./_stream_duplex":77,"core-util-is":28,"inherits":35}],81:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11849 | (function (process){ |
| 11850 | "use strict";function nop(){}function WriteReq(e,t,r){this.chunk=e,this.encoding=t,this.callback=r,}function WritableState(e,t){Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),e=e||{},this.objectMode=!!e.objectMode,t instanceof Duplex&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!e.writableObjectMode);var r=e.highWaterMark,i=this.objectMode?16:16384;this.highWaterMark=r||0===r?r:i,this.highWaterMark=~~this.highWaterMark,this.needDrain=!1,this.ending=!1,this.ended=!1,this.finished=!1;var n=e.decodeStrings===!1;this.decodeStrings=!n,this.defaultEncoding=e.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.length=0,this.writing=!1,this.corked=0,this.sync=!0,this.bufferProcessing=!1,this.onwrite=function(e){onwrite(t,e)},this.writecb=null,this.writelen=0,this.bufferedRequest=null,this.lastBufferedRequest=null,this.pendingcb=0,this.prefinished=!1,this.errorEmitted=!1,this.bufferedRequestCount=0,this.corkedRequestsFree=new CorkedRequest(this), CorkedRequest(this)}function Writable(e){return Duplex=Duplex||require("./_stream_duplex"),this instanceof Writable||this instanceof Duplex?(this._writableState=new WritableState(e,this),this.writable=!0,e&&("function"==typeof e.write&&(this._write=e.write),"function"==typeof e.writev&&(this._writev=e.writev)),void Writable(e)}function writeAfterEnd(e,t){var r=new Error("write after end");e.emit("error",r),processNextTick(t,r)}function validChunk(e,t,r,i){var n=!0;if(!Buffer.isBuffer(r)&&"string"!=typeof r&&null!==r&&void 0!==r&&!t.objectMode){var s=new TypeError("Invalid non-string/buffer chunk");e.emit("error",s),processNextTick(i,s),n=!1}return n}function decodeChunk(e,t,r){return e.objectMode||e.decodeStrings===!1||"string"!=typeof t||(t=new Buffer(t,r)),t}function writeOrBuffer(e,t,r,i,n){r=decodeChunk(t,r,i),Buffer.isBuffer(r)&&(i="buffer");var s=t.objectMode?1:r.length;t.length+=s;var f=t.length<t.highWaterMark;if(f||(t.needDrain=!0),t.writing||t.corked){var u=t.lastBufferedRequest;t.lastBufferedRequest=new WriteReq(r,i,n),u?,t.bufferedRequestCount+=1}else doWrite(e,t,!1,s,r,i,n);return f}function doWrite(e,t,r,i,n,s,f){t.writelen=i,t.writecb=f,t.writing=!0,t.sync=!0,r?e._writev(n,t.onwrite):e._write(n,s,t.onwrite),t.sync=!1}function onwriteError(e,t,r,i,n){--t.pendingcb,r?processNextTick(n,i):n(i),e._writableState.errorEmitted=!0,e.emit("error",i)}function onwriteStateUpdate(e){e.writing=!1,e.writecb=null,e.length-=e.writelen,e.writelen=0}function onwrite(e,t){var r=e._writableState,i=r.sync,n=r.writecb;if(onwriteStateUpdate(r),t)onwriteError(e,r,i,t,n);else{var s=needFinish(r);s||r.corked||r.bufferProcessing||!r.bufferedRequest||clearBuffer(e,r),i?asyncWrite(afterWrite,e,r,s,n):afterWrite(e,r,s,n)}}function afterWrite(e,t,r,i){r||onwriteDrain(e,t),t.pendingcb--,i(),finishMaybe(e,t)}function onwriteDrain(e,t){0===t.length&&t.needDrain&&(t.needDrain=!1,e.emit("drain"))}function clearBuffer(e,t){t.bufferProcessing=!0;var r=t.bufferedRequest;if(e._writev&&r&&{var i=t.bufferedRequestCount,n=new Array(i),s=t.corkedRequestsFree;s.entry=r;for(var f=0;r;)n[f]=r,,f+=1;doWrite(e,t,!0,t.length,n,"",s.finish),t.pendingcb++,t.lastBufferedRequest=null,,}else{for(;r;){var u=r.chunk,o=r.encoding,a=r.callback,c=t.objectMode?1:u.length;if(doWrite(e,t,!1,c,u,o,a),,t.writing)break}null===r&&(t.lastBufferedRequest=null)}t.bufferedRequestCount=0,t.bufferedRequest=r,t.bufferProcessing=!1}function needFinish(e){return e.ending&&0===e.length&&null===e.bufferedRequest&&!e.finished&&!e.writing}function prefinish(e,t){t.prefinished||(t.prefinished=!0,e.emit("prefinish"))}function finishMaybe(e,t){var r=needFinish(t);return r&&(0===t.pendingcb?(prefinish(e,t),t.finished=!0,e.emit("finish")):prefinish(e,t)),r}function endWritable(e,t,r){t.ending=!0,finishMaybe(e,t),r&&(t.finished?processNextTick(r):e.once("finish",r)),t.ended=!0,e.writable=!1}function CorkedRequest(e){var t=this;,this.entry=null,this.finish=function(r){var i=t.entry;for(t.entry=null;i;){var n=i.callback;e.pendingcb--,n(r),}e.corkedRequestsFree?}}module.exports=Writable;var processNextTick=require("process-nextick-args"),asyncWrite=!process.browser&&["v0.10","v0.9."].indexOf(process.version.slice(0,5))>-1?setImmediate:processNextTick,Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;Writable.WritableState=WritableState;var util=require("core-util-is");util.inherits=require("inherits");var internalUtil={deprecate:require("util-deprecate")},Stream;!function(){try{Stream=require("stream")}catch(e){}finally{Stream||(Stream=require("events").EventEmitter)}}();var Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;util.inherits(Writable,Stream);var Duplex;WritableState.prototype.getBuffer=function(){for(var e=this.bufferedRequest,t=[];e;)t.push(e),;return t},function(){try{Object.defineProperty(WritableState.prototype,"buffer",{get:internalUtil.deprecate(function(){return this.getBuffer()},"_writableState.buffer is deprecated. 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| 11851 | |
| 11852 | }).call(this,require('_process')) |
| 11853 | |
| 11854 | },{"./_stream_duplex":77,"_process":71,"buffer":25,"core-util-is":28,"events":32,"inherits":35,"process-nextick-args":70,"stream":86,"util-deprecate":95}],82:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11855 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js"); |
| 11856 | |
| 11857 | },{"./lib/_stream_passthrough.js":78}],83:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11858 | var Stream=function(){try{return require("stream")}catch(r){}}();exports=module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_readable.js"),exports.Stream=Stream||exports,exports.Readable=exports,exports.Writable=require("./lib/_stream_writable.js"),exports.Duplex=require("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"),exports.Transform=require("./lib/_stream_transform.js"),exports.PassThrough=require("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js"); |
| 11859 | |
| 11860 | },{"./lib/_stream_duplex.js":77,"./lib/_stream_passthrough.js":78,"./lib/_stream_readable.js":79,"./lib/_stream_transform.js":80,"./lib/_stream_writable.js":81,"stream":86}],84:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11861 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_transform.js"); |
| 11862 | |
| 11863 | },{"./lib/_stream_transform.js":80}],85:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11864 | module.exports=require("./lib/_stream_writable.js"); |
| 11865 | |
| 11866 | },{"./lib/_stream_writable.js":81}],86:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11867 | function Stream(){}module.exports=Stream;var EE=require("events").EventEmitter,inherits=require("inherits");inherits(Stream,EE),Stream.Readable=require("readable-stream/readable.js"),Stream.Writable=require("readable-stream/writable.js"),Stream.Duplex=require("readable-stream/duplex.js"),Stream.Transform=require("readable-stream/transform.js"),Stream.PassThrough=require("readable-stream/passthrough.js"),Stream.Stream=Stream,Stream.prototype.pipe=function(e,r){function t(r){e.writable&&!1===e.write(r)&&m.pause&&m.pause()}function n(){m.readable&&m.resume&&m.resume()}function a(){u||(u=!0,e.end())}function o(){u||(u=!0,"function"==typeof e.destroy&&e.destroy())}function i(e){if(s(),0===EE.listenerCount(this,"error"))throw e}function s(){m.removeListener("data",t),e.removeListener("drain",n),m.removeListener("end",a),m.removeListener("close",o),m.removeListener("error",i),e.removeListener("error",i),m.removeListener("end",s),m.removeListener("close",s),e.removeListener("close",s)}var m=this;m.on("data",t),e.on("drain",n),e._isStdio||r&&r.end===!1||(m.on("end",a),m.on("close",o));var u=!1;return m.on("error",i),e.on("error",i),m.on("end",s),m.on("close",s),e.on("close",s),e.emit("pipe",m),e}; |
| 11868 | |
| 11869 | },{"events":32,"inherits":35,"readable-stream/duplex.js":76,"readable-stream/passthrough.js":82,"readable-stream/readable.js":83,"readable-stream/transform.js":84,"readable-stream/writable.js":85}],87:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11870 | (function (global){ |
| 11871 | var ClientRequest=require("./lib/request"),extend=require("xtend"),statusCodes=require("builtin-status-codes"),url=require("url"),http=exports;http.request=function(t,e){t="string"==typeof t?url.parse(t):extend(t);var^https?:$/)?"http:":"",s=t.protocol||r,o=t.hostname||,n=t.port,u=t.path||"/";o&&-1!==o.indexOf(":")&&(o="["+o+"]"),t.url=(o?s+"//"+o:"")+(n?":"+n:"")+u,t.method=(t.method||"GET").toUpperCase(),t.headers=t.headers||{};var C=new ClientRequest(t);return e&&C.on("response",e),C},http.get=function(t,e){var r=http.request(t,e);return r.end(),r},http.Agent=function(){},http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets=4,http.STATUS_CODES=statusCodes,http.METHODS=["CHECKOUT","CONNECT","COPY","DELETE","GET","HEAD","LOCK","M-SEARCH","MERGE","MKACTIVITY","MKCOL","MOVE","NOTIFY","OPTIONS","PATCH","POST","PROPFIND","PROPPATCH","PURGE","PUT","REPORT","SEARCH","SUBSCRIBE","TRACE","UNLOCK","UNSUBSCRIBE"]; |
| 11872 | |
| 11873 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 11874 | |
| 11875 | },{"./lib/request":89,"builtin-status-codes":26,"url":93,"xtend":98}],88:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11876 | (function (global){ |
| 11877 | function checkTypeSupport(e){try{return xhr.responseType=e,xhr.responseType===e}catch(r){}return!1}function isFunction(e){return"function"==typeof e}exports.fetch=isFunction(global.fetch)&&isFunction(global.ReadableByteStream),exports.blobConstructor=!1;try{new Blob([new ArrayBuffer(1)]),exports.blobConstructor=!0}catch(e){}var xhr=new global.XMLHttpRequest;"GET","/":"");var haveArrayBuffer="undefined"!=typeof global.ArrayBuffer,haveSlice=haveArrayBuffer&&isFunction(global.ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice);exports.arraybuffer=haveArrayBuffer&&checkTypeSupport("arraybuffer"),exports.msstream=!exports.fetch&&haveSlice&&checkTypeSupport("ms-stream"),exports.mozchunkedarraybuffer=!exports.fetch&&haveArrayBuffer&&checkTypeSupport("moz-chunked-arraybuffer"),exports.overrideMimeType=isFunction(xhr.overrideMimeType),exports.vbArray=isFunction(global.VBArray),xhr=null; |
| 11878 | |
| 11879 | }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) |
| 11880 | |
| 11881 | },{}],89:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11882 | (function (process,global,Buffer){ |
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| 11884 | |
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| 11886 | |
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| 11890 | |
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| 11892 | |
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| 11895 | |
| 11896 | },{"buffer":25}],92:[function(require,module,exports){ |
| 11897 | var Buffer=require("buffer").Buffer;module.exports=function(e){if(e instanceof Uint8Array){if(0===e.byteOffset&&e.byteLength===e.buffer.byteLength)return e.buffer;if("function"==typeof e.buffer.slice)return e.buffer.slice(e.byteOffset,e.byteOffset+e.byteLength)}if(Buffer.isBuffer(e)){for(var f=new Uint8Array(e.length),r=e.length,t=0;r>t;t++)f[t]=e[t];return f.buffer}throw new Error("Argument must be a Buffer")}; |
| 11898 | |
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| 11901 | |
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| 11904 | |
| 11905 | },{}],95:[function(require,module,exports){ |
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| 11908 | |
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| 11913 | |
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