blob: f70984200c7523a6eb13a39e28bcec472100d253 [file] [log] [blame]
display splash.cfg
timeout 0
F1 help.txt
F2 devices.txt
F3 splash.cfg
serial 0 115200
# Pull in the menu User Interface
ui vesamenu.c32
menu title Select kernel options and boot kernel
menu tabmsg Press [Tab] to edit, [Return] to select, [ESC] to return to previous menu
# Dark grey
menu background #ff555555
# ----------------- NOTE -----------------
# If you are updating label numbers, make sure that controllerconfig/
# is in sync with your changes (only serial console entries).
# ----------------------------------------
# AIO Controller - Serial Console menu
label 2
menu label All-in-one Controller Configuration - Serial Console
kernel /bzImage
append initrd=/initrd rootwait console=ttyS0,115200 inst.text serial inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=oe_iso_boot boot_device=sda rootfs_device=sda biosdevname=0 usbcore.autosuspend=-1 inst.gpt security_profile=standard user_namespace.enable=1 ks=/installer-config/smallsystem_lowlatency_ks.cfg
# AIO Controller - Graphical Console menu
label 3
menu label All-in-one Controller Configuration - Graphical Console
kernel /bzImage
append initrd=/initrd rootwait console=tty0 inst.text inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=oe_iso_boot boot_device=sda rootfs_device=sda biosdevname=0 usbcore.autosuspend=-1 inst.gpt security_profile=standard user_namespace.enable=1 ks=/installer-config/smallsystem_lowlatency_ks.cfg