| # |
| ## Copyright (C) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_ceph = "13.2.2" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_dnsmasq = "2.76" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_keyutils = "1.6" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-voluptuous = "0.8.9" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python3-cherrypy = "18.2.0" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-cheroot = "7.0.0" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python3-cheroot = "7.0.0" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-cherrypy = "git" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_pythonkeystoneauth1 = "3.17.1" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_drbd-utils = "8.4.3rc1" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-pyyaml = "3.13" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-cmd2 = "0.6.8" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-expect = "4.6.0" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-pika = "0.10.0%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-keyring = "5.3" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-barbican = "8.0.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-keystone = "15.0.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-flask = "1.0.2" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-keystonemiddleware = "5.1.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.cache= "1.26.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.concurrency= "3.26.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.log= "3.38.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.middleware = "3.31.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.serialization = "2.23.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.policy = "1.43.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-pysaml2 = "4.5.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-sqlalchemy = "1.1.17" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-werkzeug = "0.14.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-neutronclient = "6.12.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-oslo.i18n = "3.20.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-iso8601 = "0.1.12" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-six = "1.11.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-docker = "3.3.0" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-pyudev = "0.16.1" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-django = "1.11.20+%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-django-babel = "0.6.2+%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-pysnmp = "4.2.5" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-dateutil = "2.8.1" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-adal = "1.0.2" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-osprofiler = "2.3.0+%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-amqp = "2.5.2" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_python-ryu = "4.24+%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_docker-distribution = "v2.6.2" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_kuberenetes = "1.16.%" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_ruby = "2.0.0-p648" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_ruby-native = "2.0.0-p648" |
| PREFERRED_VERSION_puppet = "4.8.2" |