blob: b276bfc5bb52085dca69491ff24746964017df04 [file] [log] [blame]
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2019 AT&T
Release Notes
This document provides the release notes for the Amber Release of the Measurement Campaign xAPP.
.. contents::
:depth: 3
Version history
| **Date** | **Ver.** | **Author** | **Comment** |
| | | | |
| 2019-11-25 | 1.0.0 | Vlad Shkapenyuk | First draft |
| | | | |
The Amber release of the MC xAPP supports calculation of a number of metrics and KPIs
based on X2 messages received from UEEC.
Release Data
| **Project** | RAN Intelligent Controller |
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| **Repo/commit-ID** | ric-app/mc |
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| **Release designation** | Amber |
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| **Release date** | 2019-11-14 |
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| **Purpose of the delivery** | open-source measurement campaign xApp|
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- mc-core/* contains the source of core MC xApp container.
+ *mc-core/mc/queries/* contains a set of queries computing the output metrics and KPIs.
+ *mc-core/mc/data_gen/* contains a generator of X2 messages to run MC in standalone simulation mode without UEEC.
- *sidecars/* contains the source code the RMR listener container responsible for listeting to UEEC messages and forwarding them to mc-core.
- *docs/* contains the documentation.
- MC xApp relies the GS-lite stream processing engine (com/gs-lite).