blob: 8410f3e6a3ab987a44e0bd001101ed695cc7f83d [file] [log] [blame]
package control
import (
// RCControlServer represents the grpc server
type RCControlServer struct {
//Start gRPC Server For receiving Control Messages from dataingestion
func StartgRPCRCControlCommServerRoutine() error {
//log.Println("Starting Go Routine for Handling gRPC Server for handling gRPC RCControl Handling")
xapp.Logger.Info("Starting Go Routine for Handling gRPC Server for handling gRPC RCControl Handling ")
port := xapp.Config.GetString("controls.ricHOControlgRpcServerPort")
xapp.Logger.Info("GrpcServer started listening on Port port = %v", port)
lConnStr := ":" + port
// create a listener on TCP port Configured
lLis, lErr := net.Listen("tcp", lConnStr)
if lErr != nil {
//log.Printf("GrpcServer Listen failed with error", lErr)
xapp.Logger.Info("GrpcServer Listen failed with error = %v", lErr)
return lErr
xapp.Logger.Info("GrpcServer started listening on Connection: %v", lConnStr)
// create a server instance
lRCControlSrv := RCControlServer{}
// create a grpc server object
lgRPCServer := grpc.NewServer()
// attach the Ping service to the server
rc.RegisterMsgCommServer(lgRPCServer, &lRCControlSrv)
//Register to health service
grpc_health_v1.RegisterHealthServer(lgRPCServer, health.NewServer())
xapp.Logger.Debug("GrpcServer Serve start with port = %v and lConnStr = %v and lgRPCServer = %v ", lLis, lConnStr, lgRPCServer)
// start the server
if lErr := lgRPCServer.Serve(lLis); lErr != nil {
xapp.Logger.Info("GrpcServer Serve failed with error", lErr)
return lErr
return nil