blob: fcbf3619bdda8d9fe1094a027bd97eb73f7c5aee [file] [log] [blame]
coverage_opts = -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
binaries = unit_test
# RMR emulation
rmr_em.o:: rmr_em.c
cc -g rmr_em.c -c
unit_test:: unit_test.cpp rmr_em.o
# do NOT link the xapp lib; we include all modules in the test programme
g++ -g $(coverage_opts) -I ../src/messaging unit_test.cpp -o unit_test rmr_em.o -lpthread
# prune gcov files generated by system include files
rm -f *.h.gcov *.c.gcov
# ditch anything that can be rebuilt
rm -f *.a *.o *.gcov *.gcda *.gcno core a.out $(binaries)