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tests for controller
# ==================================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020 AT&T Intellectual Property.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
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import time
import json
from ricxappframe.rmr.rmr_mocks import rmr_mocks
from ricxappframe.xapp_sdl import SDLWrapper
from ricsdl.exceptions import RejectedByBackend, NotConnected, BackendError
from a1 import a1rmr, data
RCV_ID = "test_receiver"
ADM_CRTL_TID = 6660666
ADM_CTRL_IID = "admission_control_policy"
ADM_CTRL_POLICIES = "/a1-p/policytypes/{0}/policies".format(ADM_CRTL_TID)
ADM_CTRL_TYPE = "/a1-p/policytypes/{0}".format(ADM_CRTL_TID)
ACK_MT = 20011
def _fake_dequeue():
"""for monkeypatching with a good status"""
pay = json.dumps(
{"policy_type_id": ADM_CRTL_TID, "policy_instance_id": ADM_CTRL_IID, "handler_id": RCV_ID, "status": "OK"}
fake_msg = {"payload": pay, "message type": ACK_MT}
return [(fake_msg, None)]
def _fake_dequeue_none():
"""for monkeypatching with no waiting messages"""
return []
def _fake_dequeue_deleted():
"""for monkeypatching with a DELETED status"""
new_msgs = []
good_pay = json.dumps(
{"policy_type_id": ADM_CRTL_TID, "policy_instance_id": ADM_CTRL_IID, "handler_id": RCV_ID, "status": "DELETED"}
# non existent type id
pay = json.dumps(
{"policy_type_id": 911, "policy_instance_id": ADM_CTRL_IID, "handler_id": RCV_ID, "status": "DELETED"}
fake_msg = {"payload": pay, "message type": ACK_MT}
new_msgs.append((fake_msg, None))
# bad instance id
pay = json.dumps(
{"policy_type_id": ADM_CRTL_TID, "policy_instance_id": "darkness", "handler_id": RCV_ID, "status": "DELETED"}
fake_msg = {"payload": pay, "message type": ACK_MT}
new_msgs.append((fake_msg, None))
# good body but bad message type
fake_msg = {"payload": good_pay, "message type": ACK_MT * 3}
new_msgs.append((fake_msg, None))
# insert a bad one with a malformed body to make sure we keep going
new_msgs.append(({"payload": "asdf", "message type": ACK_MT}, None))
# not even a json
new_msgs.append(("asdf", None))
# good
fake_msg = {"payload": good_pay, "message type": ACK_MT}
new_msgs.append((fake_msg, None))
return new_msgs
def _test_put_patch(monkeypatch):
# assert that rmr bad states don't cause problems
monkeypatch.setattr("ricxappframe.rmr.rmr.rmr_send_msg", rmr_mocks.send_mock_generator(10))
def _no_ac(client):
# no type there yet
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 404
# no types at all
res = client.get("/a1-p/policytypes")
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == []
# instance 404 because type not there yet
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_POLICIES)
assert res.status_code == 404
def _put_ac_type(client, typedef):
# put the type
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_TYPE, json=typedef)
assert res.status_code == 201
# cant replace types
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_TYPE, json=typedef)
assert res.status_code == 400
# type there now
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == typedef
# type in type list
res = client.get("/a1-p/policytypes")
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == [ADM_CRTL_TID]
# instance 200 but empty list
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_POLICIES)
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == []
def _delete_ac_type(client):
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 204
# cant get
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 404
# cant invoke delete on it again
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 404
def _put_ac_instance(client, monkeypatch, instancedef):
# no instance there yet
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE)
assert res.status_code == 404
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE_STATUS)
assert res.status_code == 404
# create a good instance
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE, json=instancedef)
assert res.status_code == 202
# replace is allowed on instances
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE, json=instancedef)
assert res.status_code == 202
# instance 200 and in list
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_POLICIES)
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == [ADM_CTRL_IID]
def _delete_instance(client):
# cant delete type until there are no instances
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 400
# delete it
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE)
assert res.status_code == 202
# should be able to do multiple deletes until it's actually gone
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE)
assert res.status_code == 202
def _instance_is_gone(client, seconds_to_try=10):
for _ in range(seconds_to_try):
# idea here is that we have to wait for the seperate thread to process the event
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE_STATUS)
assert res.status_code == 404
except AssertionError:
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE_STATUS)
assert res.status_code == 404
# list still 200 but no instance
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_POLICIES)
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == []
# cant get instance
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE)
assert res.status_code == 404
def _verify_instance_and_status(client, expected_instance, expected_status, expected_deleted, seconds_to_try=5):
# get the instance
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE)
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json == expected_instance
for _ in range(seconds_to_try):
# idea here is that we have to wait for the seperate thread to process the event
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE_STATUS)
assert res.status_code == 200
assert res.json["has_been_deleted"] == expected_deleted
assert res.json["instance_status"] == expected_status
except AssertionError:
assert res.json["instance_status"] == expected_status
# Module level Hack
def setup_module():
"""module level setup"""
# swap sdl for the fake backend
data.SDL = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)
def noop():
# launch the thread with a fake init func and a patched rcv func; we will "repatch" later
a1rmr.start_rmr_thread(init_func_override=noop, rcv_func_override=_fake_dequeue_none)
# Actual Tests
def test_workflow(client, monkeypatch, adm_type_good, adm_instance_good):
test a full A1 workflow
# put type and instance
_put_ac_type(client, adm_type_good)
_put_ac_instance(client, monkeypatch, adm_instance_good)
we test the state transition diagram of all 5 states here;
1. not in effect, not deleted
2. in effect, not deleted
3. in effect, deleted
4. not in effect, deleted
5. gone (timeout expires)
# try a status get but we didn't get any ACKs yet to test NOT IN EFFECT
_verify_instance_and_status(client, adm_instance_good, "NOT IN EFFECT", False)
# now pretend we did get a good ACK
_verify_instance_and_status(client, adm_instance_good, "IN EFFECT", False)
# delete the instance
# status after a delete, but there are no messages yet, should still return
_verify_instance_and_status(client, adm_instance_good, "IN EFFECT", True)
# now pretend we deleted successfully
# status should be reflected first (before delete triggers)
_verify_instance_and_status(client, adm_instance_good, "NOT IN EFFECT", True)
# instance should be totally gone after a few seconds
# delete the type
def test_cleanup_via_t1(client, monkeypatch, adm_type_good, adm_instance_good):
create a type, create an instance, but no acks ever come in, delete instance
_put_ac_type(client, adm_type_good)
_put_ac_instance(client, monkeypatch, adm_instance_good)
here we test the state transition diagram when it never goes into effect:
1. not in effect, not deleted
2. not in effect, deleted
3. gone (timeout expires)
_verify_instance_and_status(client, adm_instance_good, "NOT IN EFFECT", False)
# delete the instance
_verify_instance_and_status(client, adm_instance_good, "NOT IN EFFECT", True)
# instance should be totally gone after a few seconds
# delete the type
def test_bad_instances(client, monkeypatch, adm_type_good):
test various failure modes
# put the type (needed for some of the tests below)
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_TYPE, json=adm_type_good)
assert res.status_code == 201
# bad body
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE, json={"not": "expected"})
assert res.status_code == 400
# bad media type
res = client.put(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE, data="notajson")
assert res.status_code == 415
# delete a non existent instance
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE + "DARKNESS")
assert res.status_code == 404
# get a non existent instance
res = client.get(ADM_CTRL_INSTANCE + "DARKNESS")
assert res.status_code == 404
# delete the type (as cleanup)
res = client.delete(ADM_CTRL_TYPE)
assert res.status_code == 204
# test 503 handlers
def monkey_set(ns, key, value):
# set a key override function that throws sdl errors on certain keys
if key == "a1.policy_type.111":
raise RejectedByBackend()
if key == "a1.policy_type.112":
raise NotConnected()
if key == "a1.policy_type.113":
raise BackendError()
monkeypatch.setattr("", monkey_set)
res = client.put("/a1-p/policytypes/111", json=adm_type_good)
assert res.status_code == 503
res = client.put("/a1-p/policytypes/112", json=adm_type_good)
assert res.status_code == 503
res = client.put("/a1-p/policytypes/113", json=adm_type_good)
assert res.status_code == 503
def test_illegal_types(client, adm_type_good):
Test illegal types
res = client.put("/a1-p/policytypes/0", json=adm_type_good)
assert res.status_code == 400
res = client.put("/a1-p/policytypes/2147483648", json=adm_type_good)
assert res.status_code == 400
def test_healthcheck(client):
test healthcheck
res = client.get("/a1-p/healthcheck")
assert res.status_code == 200
def teardown_module():
"""module teardown"""