blob: f4b7b8e1ec3462e5f446c3b38ff60e03fc7cd62d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)
* platform project (RICP).
package main
import (
clientruntime ""
app ""
func (a *AlarmManager) StartAlertTimer() {
tick := time.Tick(time.Duration(a.alertInterval) * time.Millisecond)
for range tick {
for _, m := range a.activeAlarms {
app.Logger.Info("Re-raising alarm: %v", m)
a.PostAlert(a.GenerateAlertLabels(m.Alarm, AlertStatusActive))
func (a *AlarmManager) Consume(rp *app.RMRParams) (err error) {
app.Logger.Info("Message received!")
defer app.Rmr.Free(rp.Mbuf)
switch rp.Mtype {
case alarm.RIC_ALARM_UPDATE:
app.Logger.Info("Unknown Message Type '%d', discarding", rp.Mtype)
return nil
func (a *AlarmManager) HandleAlarms(rp *app.RMRParams) (*alert.PostAlertsOK, error) {
var m alarm.AlarmMessage
app.Logger.Info("Received JSON: %s", rp.Payload)
if err := json.Unmarshal(rp.Payload, &m); err != nil {
app.Logger.Error("json.Unmarshal failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
app.Logger.Info("newAlarm: %v", m)
return a.ProcessAlarm(&m)
func (a *AlarmManager) ProcessAlarm(m *alarm.AlarmMessage) (*alert.PostAlertsOK, error) {
if _, ok := alarm.RICAlarmDefinitions[m.Alarm.SpecificProblem]; !ok {
app.Logger.Warn("Alarm (SP='%d') not recognized, suppressing ...", m.Alarm.SpecificProblem)
return nil, nil
// Suppress duplicate alarms
idx, found := a.IsMatchFound(m.Alarm)
if found && m.AlarmAction != alarm.AlarmActionClear {
app.Logger.Info("Duplicate alarm found, suppressing ...")
return nil, nil
// Clear alarm if found from active alarm list
if m.AlarmAction == alarm.AlarmActionClear {
if found {
a.alarmHistory = append(a.alarmHistory, *m)
a.activeAlarms = a.RemoveAlarm(a.activeAlarms, idx, "active")
if a.postClear {
return a.PostAlert(a.GenerateAlertLabels(m.Alarm, AlertStatusResolved))
app.Logger.Info("No matching active alarm found, suppressing ...")
return nil, nil
// New alarm -> update active alarms and post to Alert Manager
if m.AlarmAction == alarm.AlarmActionRaise {
return a.PostAlert(a.GenerateAlertLabels(m.Alarm, AlertStatusActive))
return nil, nil
func (a *AlarmManager) IsMatchFound(newAlarm alarm.Alarm) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range a.activeAlarms {
if m.ManagedObjectId == newAlarm.ManagedObjectId && m.ApplicationId == newAlarm.ApplicationId &&
m.SpecificProblem == newAlarm.SpecificProblem && m.IdentifyingInfo == newAlarm.IdentifyingInfo {
return i, true
return -1, false
func (a *AlarmManager) RemoveAlarm(alarms []alarm.AlarmMessage, i int, listName string) []alarm.AlarmMessage {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
app.Logger.Info("Alarm '%+v' deleted from the '%s' list", alarms[i], listName)
copy(alarms[i:], alarms[i+1:])
return alarms[:len(alarms)-1]
func (a *AlarmManager) UpdateAlarmLists(newAlarm *alarm.AlarmMessage) {
defer a.mutex.Unlock()
// If maximum number of active alarms is reached, purge the oldest alarm
if len(a.activeAlarms) >= viper.GetInt("controls.maxActiveAlarms") {
a.activeAlarms = a.RemoveAlarm(a.activeAlarms, 0, "active")
if len(a.alarmHistory) >= viper.GetInt("controls.maxAlarmHistory") {
a.alarmHistory = a.RemoveAlarm(a.alarmHistory, 0, "history")
// @todo: For now just keep the alarms (both active and history) in-memory. Use SDL later for persistence
a.activeAlarms = append(a.activeAlarms, *newAlarm)
a.alarmHistory = append(a.alarmHistory, *newAlarm)
func (a *AlarmManager) GenerateAlertLabels(newAlarm alarm.Alarm, status AlertStatus) (models.LabelSet, models.LabelSet) {
alarmDef := alarm.RICAlarmDefinitions[newAlarm.SpecificProblem]
amLabels := models.LabelSet{
"status": string(status),
"alertname": alarmDef.AlarmText,
"severity": string(newAlarm.PerceivedSeverity),
"service": fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", newAlarm.ManagedObjectId, newAlarm.ApplicationId),
"system_name": fmt.Sprintf("RIC:%s:%s", newAlarm.ManagedObjectId, newAlarm.ApplicationId),
amAnnotations := models.LabelSet{
"alarm_id": fmt.Sprintf("%d", alarmDef.AlarmId),
"description": fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s:%s", newAlarm.SpecificProblem, newAlarm.IdentifyingInfo, newAlarm.AdditionalInfo),
"additional_info": newAlarm.AdditionalInfo,
"summary": alarmDef.EventType,
"instructions": alarmDef.OperationInstructions,
return amLabels, amAnnotations
func (a *AlarmManager) NewAlertmanagerClient() *client.Alertmanager {
cr := clientruntime.New(a.amHost, a.amBaseUrl, a.amSchemes)
return client.New(cr, strfmt.Default)
func (a *AlarmManager) PostAlert(amLabels, amAnnotations models.LabelSet) (*alert.PostAlertsOK, error) {
pa := &models.PostableAlert{
Alert: models.Alert{
GeneratorURL: strfmt.URI(""),
Labels: amLabels,
Annotations: amAnnotations,
alertParams := alert.NewPostAlertsParams().WithAlerts(models.PostableAlerts{pa})
app.Logger.Info("Posting alerts: labels: %+v, annotations: %+v", amLabels, amAnnotations)
ok, err := a.NewAlertmanagerClient().Alert.PostAlerts(alertParams)
if err != nil {
app.Logger.Error("Posting alerts to '%s/%s' failed with error: %v", a.amHost, a.amBaseUrl, err)
return ok, err
func (a *AlarmManager) StatusCB() bool {
if !a.rmrReady {
app.Logger.Info("RMR not ready yet!")
return a.rmrReady
func (a *AlarmManager) Run(sdlcheck bool) {
app.Logger.SetMdc("alarmManager", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", Version, Hash))
app.SetReadyCB(func(d interface{}) { a.rmrReady = true }, true)
app.Resource.InjectRoute("/ric/v1/alarms", a.RaiseAlarm, "POST")
app.Resource.InjectRoute("/ric/v1/alarms", a.ClearAlarm, "DELETE")
app.Resource.InjectRoute("/ric/v1/alarms/active", a.GetActiveAlarms, "GET")
app.Resource.InjectRoute("/ric/v1/alarms/history", a.GetAlarmHistory, "GET")
// Start background timer for re-raising alerts
a.postClear = sdlcheck
go a.StartAlertTimer()
app.RunWithParams(a, sdlcheck)
func NewAlarmManager(amHost string, alertInterval int) *AlarmManager {
if alertInterval == 0 {
alertInterval = viper.GetInt("controls.promAlertManager.alertInterval")
if amHost == "" {
amHost = viper.GetString("controls.promAlertManager.address")
return &AlarmManager{
rmrReady: false,
amHost: amHost,
amBaseUrl: viper.GetString("controls.promAlertManager.baseUrl"),
amSchemes: []string{viper.GetString("controls.promAlertManager.schemes")},
alertInterval: alertInterval,
activeAlarms: make([]alarm.AlarmMessage, 0),
alarmHistory: make([]alarm.AlarmMessage, 0),
// Main function
func main() {
NewAlarmManager("", 0).Run(true)