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// :vi sw=4 ts=4 noet:
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Mmemonic: si95_test.c
Abstract: This is the main driver to test the si95 core functions
(within rmr/src/si/src/si95).
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 6 March 2018
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <netdb.h> // these four needed for si address tests
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#define DEBUG 1
// specific test tools in this directory
#undef NNG_UNDER_TEST // NNG is NOT under test so undefine if set
#define NO_EMULATION 1 // no emulation of transport functions
#define NO_PRIVATE_HEADERS 1 // no rmr_si or rmr_nng headers
#define NO_DUMMY_RMR 1 // no msg things
#include "test_support.c" // things like fail_if()
#include "test_transport_em.c" // system/transport emulation (open, close, connect, etc)
#include <rmr_logging.h>
#include <logging.c>
// ------------- dummy functions to force edge cases when we can ---------------------------------------
#define SYSTEM_UNDER_TEST 1 // for conditional code
These are global so they can be reset for individual tests.
static int good_mallocs = 0; // number of initial good malocs before failurs
static int bad_mallocs = 1; // number of failed mallocs (consecutive)
static void* test_malloc( size_t n ) {
fprintf( stderr, ">>>> test malloc: %d %d\n", good_mallocs, bad_mallocs );
if( good_mallocs ) {
return malloc( n );
if( bad_mallocs ) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
return malloc( n );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <si95/siaddress.c>
//#include <si95/sialloc.c>
#include <si95/sibldpoll.c>
#include <si95/sicbreg.c>
#include <si95/sicbstat.c>
#include <si95/siclose.c>
#include <si95/siconnect.c>
#include <si95/siestablish.c>
#include <si95/sigetadd.c>
#include <si95/sigetname.c>
#include <si95/siinit.c>
#include <si95/silisten.c>
#include <si95/sinew.c>
#include <si95/sinewses.c>
#include <si95/sipoll.c>
//#include <si95/sircv.c>
#include <si95/sisend.c>
#include <si95/sisendt.c>
#include <si95/sishutdown.c>
#include <si95/siterm.c>
#include <si95/sitrash.c>
#define malloc test_malloc
#include <si95/siwait.c>
#undef malloc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void* si_ctx = NULL; // a global context might be useful
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Fake callback to register.
static int test_cb( void* data ) {
return 0;
Returns error for coverage testing of CB calls
static int test_cb_err( void* data ) {
return -1;
Memory allocation/free related tests
static int memory( ) {
int errors = 0;
void* ptr;
void* iptr;
// ---- SInew ----------------
ptr = SInew( 100 ); // invalid block type should return nil
errors += fail_not_nil( ptr, "memory: sinew did not return nil when given a valid struct type" );
SItrash( 100, NULL ); // drive trash for coverage
iptr = SInew( IOQ_BLK );
errors += fail_if_nil( iptr, "memory: sinew returned nil when given ioq request" );
SItrash( IOQ_BLK, iptr );
ptr = SInew( TP_BLK );
errors += fail_if_nil( ptr, "memory: sinew returned nil when given tpblk request" );
if( ptr ) {
iptr = SInew( IOQ_BLK );
((struct tp_blk *)ptr)->squeue = iptr;
SItrash( TP_BLK, ptr );
ptr = SInew( GI_BLK );
errors += fail_if_nil( ptr, "memory: sinew returned nil when given giblk request" );
SItrash( GI_BLK, ptr ); // GI block cannot be trashed, ensure this (valgind will complain about a leak)
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> memory module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
Test initialisation related things
static int init() {
int errors = 0;
si_ctx = SIinitialise( 0 );
errors += fail_if_nil( si_ctx, "init: siinit returned a nil pointer" );
SIclr_tflags( si_ctx, 0x00 ); // drive for coverage; no return value from these
SIset_tflags( si_ctx, 0x03 );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> init module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
static int cleanup() {
int errors = 0;
if( ! si_ctx ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> cleanup has no context to use\n" );
return 0;
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> cleanup running\n" );
SIcbstat( si_ctx, SI_RET_UNREG, SI_CB_SECURITY );
SIcbstat( si_ctx, SI_RET_QUIT, SI_CB_SECURITY );
SItp_stats( si_ctx ); // drive for coverage only
SItp_stats( NULL );
SIconnect( si_ctx, "" ); // ensure context has a tp block to free on shutdown
SIshutdown( NULL );
SIabort( si_ctx );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> cleanup module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
Address related tests.
static int addr() {
int errors = 0;
int l;
struct sockaddr* addr;
char buf1[4096]; // space to build buffers for xlation
char* hr_addr; // human readable address returned
void* net_addr; // a network address block of some type
addr = (struct sockaddr *) malloc( sizeof( struct sockaddr ) );
l = SIgenaddr( " [ff02::4]:4567", PF_INET6, IPPROTO_TCP, SOCK_STREAM, &addr );
SIgenaddr( " [ff02::4]:4567", PF_INET6, IPPROTO_TCP, SOCK_STREAM, &addr );
l = SIaddress( NULL, NULL, 0 );
errors += fail_if_true( l != 0, "SIaddress given two null pointers didn't return 0 len" );
l = SIaddress( buf1, NULL, 0 );
errors += fail_if_true( l != 0, "SIaddress given null dest pointer didn't return 0 len" );
l = SIaddress( NULL, (void *) &buf1, 0 );
errors += fail_if_true( l != 0, "SIaddress given null src pointer didn't return 0 len" );
net_addr = NULL;
snprintf( buf1, sizeof( buf1 ), " [ff02::5:4001" ); // invalid address, drive leading space eater too
l = SIaddress( buf1, (void **) &net_addr, AC_TOADDR6 );
errors += fail_if_true( l > 0, "to addr6 with bad addr convdersion returned valid len" );
free( net_addr );
snprintf( buf1, sizeof( buf1 ), "[ff02::5]:4002" ); // v6 might not be supported so failure is OK here; driving for coverage
l = SIaddress( buf1, &net_addr, AC_TOADDR6 );
if( l > 0 ) {
l = SIaddress( net_addr, (void *) &hr_addr, AC_TODOT ); // convert the address back to hr string
errors += fail_if_true( l < 1, "v6 to dot conversion failed" );
errors += fail_if_nil( hr_addr, "v6 to dot conversion yields a nil pointer" );
free( net_addr );
snprintf( buf1, sizeof( buf1 ), "localhost:43086" );
l = SIaddress( buf1, (void **) &net_addr, AC_TOADDR );
errors += fail_if_true( l < 1, "v4 to addr conversion failed" );
l = SIaddress( net_addr, (void *) &hr_addr, AC_TODOT ); // convert the address back to hr string
errors += fail_if_true( l < 1, "to dot convdersion failed" );
errors += fail_if_nil( hr_addr, "v4 to dot conversion yields a nil pointer" );
free( net_addr );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> addr module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
Prep related tests. These mostly drive cases that aren't driven by "normal"
connect, send, receive tests (e.g. UDP branches).
static int prep() {
int errors = 0;
void* thing; // the thing that should be returned
thing = SIlisten_prep( UDP_DEVICE, "localhost:1234", AF_INET );
errors += fail_if_nil( thing, "listen prep udp returned nil block" );
thing = SIlisten_prep( UDP_DEVICE, "localhost:1234", 84306 ); // this should fail
errors += fail_not_nil( thing, "listen prep udp returned valid block ptr for bogus family" );
thing = SIconn_prep( si_ctx, UDP_DEVICE, "localhost:1234", 84306 ); // again, expect to fail; bogus family
errors += fail_not_nil( thing, "conn prep udp returned valid block ptr for bogus family" );
return errors;
Polling/waiting tests. These are difficult at best because of the blocking
nature of things, not to mention needing to have real ports open etc.
static int poll() {
int errors = 0;
int status;
struct ginfo_blk* dummy;
dummy = SIinitialise( 0 ); // get one to fiddle to drive edge cases
dummy->flags |= GIF_SHUTDOWN; // shutdown edge condition
SIpoll( dummy, 1 );
memset( dummy, 0, sizeof( *dummy ) ); // force bad cookie check code to drive
SIpoll( dummy, 1 );
status = SIpoll( si_ctx, 1 );
errors += fail_if_true( status != 0, "poll failed" );
return errors;
Connection oriented tests.
static int conn( ) {
int errors = 0;
int state;
int cfd = 3; // fd for close
char* buf;
state = SIconnect( si_ctx, "localhost:4567" ); // driver regular connect
errors += fail_if_true( state < 0, "connect to low port failed" );
state = SIconnect( si_ctx, "localhost:43086" ); // drive save connect with good return code
errors += fail_if_true( state < 0, "connect to high port failed" );
tpem_set_addr_dup_state( 1 ); // force get sockket name emulation to return a duplicate address
state = SIconnect( si_ctx, "localhost:43086" ); // drive save connect with good return code
errors += fail_if_true( state >= 0, "forced dup connect did not return error" );
tpem_set_addr_dup_state( 0 ); // back to normal
tpem_set_conn_state( -1 );
state = SIconnect( si_ctx, "localhost:4567" ); // driver regular connect
errors += fail_if_true( state >= 0, "connect to low port successful when failure expected" );
tpem_set_conn_state( 3 );
tpem_set_sock_state( 1 ); // make scoket calls fail
state = SIconnect( si_ctx, "localhost:4567" ); // driver regular connect
errors += fail_if_true( state >= 0, "connect to low port successful when socket based failure expected" );
tpem_set_sock_state( 0 );
state = SIlistener( si_ctx, TCP_DEVICE, "" );
errors += fail_if_true( state < 0, "listen failed" );
tpem_set_bind_state( 1 );
state = SIlistener( si_ctx, TCP_DEVICE, "" );
errors += fail_if_true( state >= 0, "listen successful when bind error set" );
tpem_set_bind_state( 0 );
SIbldpoll( si_ctx ); // for coverage. no return value and nothing we can check
state = SIclose( NULL, 0 ); //coverage
errors += fail_if_true( state != SI_ERROR, "close given nil context returned success" );
state = SIclose( si_ctx, cfd );
errors += fail_if_true( state == SI_ERROR, "close given good context and good fd returned error" );
state = SIclose( si_ctx, 5000 ); // out of range fd
errors += fail_if_true( state != SI_ERROR, "close given good context and bad fd returned success" );
state = SIclose( si_ctx, TCP_LISTEN_PORT ); // close listener
errors += fail_if_true( state == SI_ERROR, "close given good context and listener fd returned error" );
state = SIclose( si_ctx, UDP_PORT ); // close first open udp port (should not be there)
errors += fail_if_true( state != SI_ERROR, "close given good context and udp generic fd returned error" );
buf = SIgetname( 3 );
if( fail_if_true( buf == NULL, "get name failed to return a buffer" ) ) {
} else {
errors += fail_if_true( buf[0] == 0, "get name returned buf with emtpy string" );
free( buf );
buf = SIgetname( -1 ); // invalid fd
errors += fail_not_nil( buf, "get name returned buf with non-emtpy string when given bad fd" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> conn module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
Misc tests that just don't fit in another bucket.
static int misc( ) {
int errors = 0;
char buf[1024];
SIcbreg( NULL, SI_CB_SECURITY, test_cb, NULL ); // coverage only, no return value no verification
SIcbreg( si_ctx, SI_CB_SECURITY, test_cb, NULL );
buf[0] = 0;
SIgetaddr( si_ctx, buf );
errors += fail_if_true( buf[0] == 0, "get address failed" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> get address returns (%s)\n", buf );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> misc module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
New session (accept) testing.
static int new_sess( ) {
int errors = 0;
char buf[1024];
struct tp_blk *tpptr;
int status;
tpptr = SInew( TP_BLK );
tpptr->fd = 3;
tpptr->flags |= TPF_LISTENFD;
tpem_set_accept_fd( -1 ); // accept will "fail" for coverage
status = SInewsession( si_ctx, tpptr );
errors += fail_if_true( status != SI_ERROR, "newsession did not fail when accept fails" );
tpem_set_accept_fd( 5 ); // accept will return a good fd
SIcbreg( si_ctx, SI_CB_SECURITY, test_cb_err, NULL ); // register error and drive new session for error coverage
status = SInewsession( si_ctx, tpptr );
errors += fail_if_true( status >= 0, "newsession did failed when accept was good" );
tpem_set_accept_fd( 6 ); // accept will return a good fd
SIset_tflags( si_ctx, SI_TF_NODELAY | SI_TF_FASTACK ); // flip options for coverage in new sess
SIcbreg( si_ctx, SI_CB_CONN, test_cb, NULL ); // drive connection for coverage
SIcbreg( si_ctx, SI_CB_SECURITY, test_cb, NULL );
status = SInewsession( si_ctx, tpptr );
errors += fail_if_true( status < 0, "newsession did failed when accept was good" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> new_sess module finished with %d errors\n", errors );
return errors;
Send tests
static int send_tests( ) {
int errors = 0;
char buf[1024];
int len;
int state;
len = snprintf( buf, 100, "Heaven knows I'm miserable now!" );
state = SIsendt( si_ctx, 9999, buf, len );
errors += fail_if_true( state >= 0, "send given fd out of range did not fail" );
state = SIsendt( si_ctx, -1, buf, len );
errors += fail_if_true( state >= 0, "send given neg fd did not fail" );
SIsendt( si_ctx, 6, buf, len );
tpem_set_send_err( 99 );
SIsendt( si_ctx, 6, buf, len );
tpem_set_send_err( 0 );
tpem_set_sel_blk( 1 );
SIsendt( si_ctx, 6, buf, len );
tpem_set_sel_blk( 0 );
tpem_set_selef_fd( 6 ); // will cause send to fail and fd6 to close
SIsendt( si_ctx, 6, buf, len );
return errors;
Wait testing. This is tricky because we don't have any sessions and thus it's difficult
to drive much of SIwait().
static int wait_tests() {
int errors = 0;
struct ginfo_blk* dummy;
dummy = SIinitialise( 0 ); // get one to fiddle to drive edge cases
SIwait( dummy ); // malloc should "fail"
dummy->flags |= GIF_SHUTDOWN;
SIwait( dummy );
memset( dummy, 0, sizeof( *dummy ) ); // force bad cookie check code to drive
SIwait( dummy );
SIwait( si_ctx ); // should drive once through the loop
return errors;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Drive tests...
int main() {
int errors = 0;
rmr_set_vlevel( 5 ); // enable all debugging
fprintf( stderr, "\n<INFO> starting SI95 tests\n" );
errors += init();
errors += memory();
errors += addr();
errors += prep();
errors += conn();
errors += misc();
errors += new_sess(); // should leave a "connected" session at fd == 6
errors += send_tests();
errors += poll();
errors += wait_tests();
errors += cleanup();
test_summary( errors, "SI95 tests" );
if( errors == 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<PASS> all tests were OK\n\n" );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> %d errors in SI95 core code\n\n", errors );
return !!errors;