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// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
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Mnemonic: test_gen_rt.c
Abstract: This provides the means to generate a route table to disk.
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 6 January 2019
#ifndef _test_gen_rt_c
#define _test_gen_rt_c
Generate a simple route table (for all but direct route table testing).
This gets tricky inasmuch as we generate two in one; first a whole table
and then two update tables. The first is a table with a bad counter in the
last record to test that we don't load that table and error. The second
is a good update. The same applies to the meid map; first has a bad counter
and some bad records to drive coverage testing. The end should leave a good
meid map in the table.
static void gen_rt( uta_ctx_t* ctx ) {
int fd;
char* rt_stuff; // strings for the route table
fd = open( "utesting.rt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600 );
if( fd < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<BUGGERED> unable to open file for testing route table gen\n" );
rt_stuff =
"newrt|end\n" // end of table check before start of table found
"# comment to drive full comment test\n"
"\n" // handle blank lines
" \n" // handle blank lines
"mse|4|10|localhost:4561\n" // entry before start message
"rte|4|localhost:4561\n" // entry before start message
"newrt|start\n" // false start to drive detection
"xxx|badentry to drive default case"
"rte|0|localhost:4560,localhost:4562\n" // these are legitimate entries for our testing
"rte|2|localhost:4562| 10\n" // new subid at end
"mse|4|10|localhost:4561\n" // new msg/subid specifier rec
"mse|4|localhost:4561\n" // new mse entry with less than needed fields
" rte| 5 |localhost:4563 #garbage comment\n" // tests white space cleanup
setenv( "RMR_SEED_RT", "utesting.rt", 1 );
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( rt_stuff ) ); // write in the whole table
rt_stuff = // add an meid map which will fail
"meid_map | start\n"
"mme_ar | e2t-1 | one two three four\n"
"mme_del | one two\n"
"mme_del \n" // short entries drive various checks for coverage
"mme_ar \n"
"mme_ar | e2t-0 \n"
"meid_map | end | 5\n"; // this will fail as the short recs don't "count"
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( rt_stuff ) );
rt_stuff =
"updatert|start\n" // this is an update to the table
"mse|4|99|fooapp:9999,barapp:9999;logger:9999\n" // update just one entry
"updatert|end | 3\n"; // bad count; this update should be rejected
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( rt_stuff ) );
rt_stuff =
"updatert|start\n" // this is an update to the table
"mse|4|10|fooapp:4561,barapp:4561;logger:9999\n" // update just one entry
"mse | 99 | -1 | %meid\n" // type 99 will route based on meid and not mtype
"del|2|-1\n" // delete an entry; not there so no action
"del|2|10\n" // delete an entry
"updatert|end | 4\n"; // end table; updates have a count as last field
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( rt_stuff ) );
rt_stuff = // this leaves an meid map in place too
"meid_map | start\n"
"mme_ar | localhost:4567 | meid1 meid2 meid3 meid4\n"
"mme_ar | localhost:4067 | meid11 meid12\n"
"meid_map | end | 2\n";
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( rt_stuff ) );
rt_stuff = // verify that we can del entries in the current table
"meid_map | start\n"
"mme_del | meid11 meid12 meid13\n" // includes a non-existant meid
"meid_map | end | 1\n";
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( rt_stuff ) );
close( fd );
read_static_rt( ctx, 1 ); // force in verbose mode to see stats on tty if failure
unlink( "utesting.rt" );
Generate a custom route table file using the buffer passed in.
static void gen_custom_rt( uta_ctx_t* ctx, char* buf ) {
int fd;
char* rt_stuff; // strings for the route table
fd = open( "utesting.rt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600 );
if( fd < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<BUGGERED> unable to open file for testing route table gen\n" );
setenv( "RMR_SEED_RT", "utesting.rt", 1 );
write( fd, rt_stuff, strlen( buf ) );
close( fd );
read_static_rt( ctx, 1 ); // force in verbose mode to see stats on tty if failure
unlink( "utesting.rt" );