blob: 13a216b0ea735c4d8bd3d5fa1a2e40aca145fd54 [file] [log] [blame]
// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
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Mmemonic: rt_static_test.c
Abstract: Test the route table funcitons. These are meant to be included at compile
time by the test driver.
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 3 April 2019
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include "rmr.h"
#include "rmr_agnostic.h"
typedef struct entry_info {
int group;
char* ep_name;
} ei_t;
Driven by symtab foreach element of one space.
We count using the data as a counter.
static void count_things( void* st, void* entry, char const* name, void* thing, void* vdata ) {
int* counter;
if( thing ) {
if( (counter = (int *) vdata) != NULL ) {
Returns the number of entries in the table for the given class.
static int count_entries( route_table_t* rt, int class ) {
int counter = 0;
if( ! rt ) {
return 0;
if( !rt->hash ) {
return 0;
rmr_sym_foreach_class( rt->hash, class, count_things, &counter ); // run each and update counter
return counter;
This is the main route table test. It sets up a very specific table
for testing (not via the generic setup function for other test
static int rt_test( ) {
uta_ctx_t* ctx; // context needed to test load static rt
route_table_t* rt; // route table
route_table_t* crt; // cloned route table
rtable_ent_t* rte; // entry in the table
endpoint_t* ep; // endpoint added
int more = 0; // more flag from round robin
int errors = 0; // number errors found
int i;
int k;
int c1; // general counters
int c2;
int mtype;
int value;
int alt_value;
ei_t entries[50]; // end point information
int gcounts[5]; // number of groups in this set
int ecounts[5]; // number of elements per group
int mtypes[5]; // msg type for each group set
char* tok;
char* nxt_tok;
int enu = 0;
int state;
char *buf;
char* seed_fname; // seed file
nng_socket nn_sock; // this is a struct in nng, so difficult to validate
setenv( "ENV_VERBOSE_FILE", ".ut_rmr_verbose", 1 ); // allow for verbose code in rtc to be driven
i = open( ".ut_rmr_verbose", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644 );
if( i >= 0 ) {
write( 1, "2\n", 2 );
close( i );
gcounts[0] = 1; // build entry info -- this is hackish, but saves writing another parser
ecounts[0] = 2;
mtypes[0] = 0;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = ""; enu++; // use a dns resolvable name to test that
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4562"; enu++; // rest can default to some dummy ip
gcounts[1] = 2;
ecounts[1] = 3;
mtypes[1] = 1;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4561"; enu++;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4568"; enu++;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4569"; enu++;
gcounts[2] = 0; // 0 groups means use same rte, this is the next gropup
ecounts[2] = 2;
mtypes[2] = 1;
entries[enu].group = 1; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4561"; enu++;
entries[enu].group = 1; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4562"; enu++;
gcounts[3] = 1; // 0 groups means use same rte, this is the next gropup
ecounts[3] = 2;
mtypes[3] = 2;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4563"; enu++;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4564"; enu++;
gcounts[4] = 1; // 0 groups means use same rte, this is the next gropup
ecounts[4] = 1;
mtypes[4] = 3;
entries[enu].group = 0; entries[enu].ep_name = "localhost:4565"; enu++;
rt = uta_rt_init( ); // get us a route table
if( (errors += fail_if_nil( rt, "pointer to route table" )) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> abort: cannot continue without a route table\n" );
exit( 1 );
enu = 0;
rte = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < sizeof( gcounts )/sizeof( int ); i++ ) { // add entries defined above
if( gcounts[i] ) {
rte = uta_add_rte( rt, mtypes[i], gcounts[i] ); // get/create entry for message type
if( (errors += fail_if_nil( rte, "route table entry" )) ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> abort: cannot continue without a route table entry\n" );
exit( 1 );
} else {
if( rte == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<SNAFU> internal testing error -- rte was nil for gcount == 0\n" );
exit( 1 );
for( k = 0; k < ecounts[i]; k++ ) {
ep = uta_add_ep( rt, rte, entries[enu].ep_name, entries[enu].group );
errors += fail_if_nil( ep, "endpoint" );
crt = uta_rt_clone( rt ); // clone only the endpoint entries
errors += fail_if_nil( crt, "cloned route table" );
if( crt ) {
c1 = count_entries( rt, 1 );
c2 = count_entries( crt, 1 );
errors += fail_not_equal( c1, c2, "cloned (endpoints) table entries space 1 count (b) did not match original table count (a)" );
c2 = count_entries( crt, 0 );
errors += fail_not_equal( c2, 0, "cloned (endpoints) table entries space 0 count (a) was not zero as expected" );
uta_rt_drop( crt );
crt = uta_rt_clone_all( rt ); // clone all entries
errors += fail_if_nil( crt, "cloned all route table" );
if( crt ) {
c1 = count_entries( rt, 0 );
c2 = count_entries( crt, 0 );
errors += fail_not_equal( c1, c2, "cloned (all) table entries space 0 count (b) did not match original table count (a)" );
c1 = count_entries( rt, 1 );
c2 = count_entries( crt, 1 );
errors += fail_not_equal( c1, c2, "cloned (all) table entries space 1 count (b) did not match original table count (a)" );
uta_rt_drop( crt );
ep = uta_get_ep( rt, "localhost:4561" );
errors += fail_if_nil( ep, "end point (fetch by name)" );
ep = uta_get_ep( rt, "bad_name:4560" );
errors += fail_not_nil( ep, "end point (fetch by name with bad name)" );
state = uta_epsock_byname( rt, "localhost:4561", &nn_sock ); // this should be found
errors += fail_if_equal( state, 0, "socket (by name)" );
//alt_value = uta_epsock_byname( rt, "localhost:4562" ); // we might do a memcmp on the two structs, but for now nothing
//errors += fail_if_equal( value, alt_value, "app1/app2 sockets" );
alt_value = -1;
for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { // round robin return value should be different each time
value = uta_epsock_rr( rt, 1, 0, &more, &nn_sock ); // msg type 1, group 1
errors += fail_if_equal( value, alt_value, "round robiin sockets with multiple end points" );
errors += fail_if_false( more, "more for mtype==1" );
alt_value = value;
more = -1;
for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { // this mtype has only one endpoint, so rr should be same each time
value = uta_epsock_rr( rt, 3, 0, NULL, &nn_sock ); // also test ability to deal properly with nil more pointer
if( i ) {
errors += fail_not_equal( value, alt_value, "round robin sockets with one endpoint" );
errors += fail_not_equal( more, -1, "more value changed in single group instance" );
alt_value = value;
value = uta_epsock_rr( rt, 9, 0, &more, &nn_sock ); // non-existant message type; should return false (0)
errors += fail_not_equal( value, 0, "socket for bad mtype was valid" );
uta_rt_clone( NULL ); // verify null parms don't crash things
uta_rt_drop( NULL );
uta_epsock_rr( NULL, 1, 0, &more, &nn_sock ); // drive null case for coverage
uta_add_rte( NULL, 99, 1 );
fprintf( stderr, "[INFO] test: adding end points with nil data; warnings expected\n" );
uta_add_ep( NULL, NULL, "foo", 1 );
uta_add_ep( rt, NULL, "foo", 1 );
buf = uta_fib( ".gitignore" );
errors += fail_if_nil( buf, "buffer from read file into buffer" );
if( buf ) {
free( buf );
buf = uta_fib( "no-file" );
errors += fail_if_nil( buf, "buffer from read file into buffer (no file)" );
if( buf ) {
free( buf );
uta_rt_drop( rt );
if( (ctx = (uta_ctx_t *) malloc( sizeof( uta_ctx_t ) )) != NULL ) {
memset( ctx, 0, sizeof( *ctx ) );
if( (seed_fname = getenv( "RMR_SEED_RT" )) != NULL ) {
if( ! (fail_if_nil( rt, "pointer to rt for load test" )) ) {
read_static_rt( ctx, 0 );
unsetenv( "RMR_SEED_RT" ); // unset to test the does not exist condition
read_static_rt( ctx, 0 );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> cannot gen rt for load test\n" );
} else {
read_static_rt( ctx, 0 ); // not defined, just drive for that one case
uta_fib( "no-suhch-file" ); // drive some error checking for coverage
ep = (endpoint_t *) malloc( sizeof( *ep ) );
pthread_mutex_init( &ep->gate, NULL );
ep->name = strdup( "worm" );
ep->addr = NULL;
state = uta_link2( ep );
errors += fail_if_true( state, "link2 did not return false when given nil pointers" );
state = uta_epsock_rr( rt, 122, 0, NULL, NULL );
errors += fail_if_true( state, "uta_epsock_rr returned bad state when given nil socket pointer" );
rt = uta_rt_init( ); // get us a route table
state = uta_epsock_rr( rt, 0, -1, NULL, &nn_sock );
errors += fail_if_true( state, "uta_epsock_rr returned bad state (true) when given negative group number" );
return !!errors; // 1 or 0 regardless of count