blob: b8ea612ed635cc7fbc67795e874f916267290221 [file] [log] [blame]
// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
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Mnemonic: tools_static_test.c
Abstract: Unit tests for the RMr tools module. This file is a static include
that is pulle in at compile time by the test driver. The driver is
expected to include necessary rmr*.h and test_support files before
including this file. In addition, a context struct, or dummy, must
be provided based on the type of testing being done.
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 3 April 2019
static int tools_test( ) {
int i;
int j;
int errors = 0;
char* tokens[127];
char* buf = "2,Fred,Wilma,Barney,Betty,Dino,Pebbles,Bambam,Mr. Slate,Gazoo";
char* dbuf; // duplicated buf since C marks a const string is unumtable
char* hname;
uta_ctx_t ctx; // context for uta_lookup test
void* if_list;
// ------------------ tokenise tests -----------------------------------------------------------
dbuf = strdup( buf );
i = uta_tokenise( dbuf, tokens, 127, ',' );
errors += fail_not_equal( i, 10, "unexpected number of tokens returned (comma sep)" );
for( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
//fprintf( stderr, ">>>> [%d] (%s)\n", j, tokens[j] );
errors += fail_if_nil( tokens[j], "token from buffer" );
errors += fail_not_equal( strcmp( tokens[4], "Betty" ), 0, "4th token wasn't 'Betty'" );
free( dbuf );
dbuf = strdup( buf );
i = uta_tokenise( dbuf, tokens, 127, '|' );
errors += fail_not_equal( i, 1, "unexpected number of tokens returned (bar sep)" );
free( dbuf );
// ------------ has str tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mr. Slate", ',', 1 ); // should fail (-1) because user should use strcmp in this situation
errors += fail_if_true( j >= 0, "test to ensure has str rejects small max" );
j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mr. Slate", ',', 27 );
errors += fail_if_true( j < 0, "has string did not find Mr. Slate" );
j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mrs. Slate", ',', 27 );
errors += fail_if_true( j >= 0, "has string not found Mrs. Slate" );
// ------------ host name 2 ip tests ---------------------------------------------------------
hname = uta_h2ip( "" );
errors += fail_not_equal( strcmp( hname, "" ), 0, "h2ip did not return IP address when given address" );
errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
hname = uta_h2ip( "" );
errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
hname = uta_h2ip( "" ); // should ignore the port
errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
// ------------ rtg lookup test -------------------------------------------------------------
ctx.rtg_port = 0;
ctx.rtg_addr = NULL;
i = uta_lookup_rtg( NULL ); // ensure it handles a nil context
errors += fail_if_true( i, "rtg lookup returned that it found something when not expected to (nil context)" );
setenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC", "localhost:1234", 1);
i = uta_lookup_rtg( &ctx );
errors += fail_if_false( i, "rtg lookup returned that it did not find something when expected to" );
errors += fail_if_nil( ctx.rtg_addr, "rtg lookup did not return a pointer (with port)" );
errors += fail_not_equal( ctx.rtg_port, 1234, "rtg lookup did not capture the port" );
setenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC", "localhost", 1); // test ability to generate default port
uta_lookup_rtg( &ctx );
errors += fail_if_nil( ctx.rtg_addr, "rtg lookup did not return a pointer (no port)" );
errors += fail_not_equal( ctx.rtg_port, 5656, "rtg lookup did not return default port" );
unsetenv( "RMR_RTG_SVC" ); // this should fail as the default name (rtg) will be unknown during testing
i = uta_lookup_rtg( &ctx );
errors += fail_if_true( i, "rtg lookup returned that it found something when not expected to" );
//==== moved out of generic tools ==========
// -------------- test link2 stuff ----------------------------------------------------------
i = uta_link2( "bad" ); // should fail
errors += fail_if_true( i >= 0, "uta_link2 didn't fail when given bad address" );
i = uta_link2( "nohost:-1234" );
errors += fail_if_true( i >= 0, "uta_link2 did not failed when given a bad (negative) port " );
i = uta_link2( "nohost:1234" ); // nn should go off and set things up, but it will never successd, but uta_ call should
errors += fail_if_true( i < 0, "uta_link2 failed when not expected to" );
// ------------ my ip stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------
if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list returned nil pointer" );
i = has_myip( NULL, NULL, ',', 128 ); // should be false if pointers are nil
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given nil buffer" );
i = has_myip( "buffer contents not valid", NULL, ',', 128 ); // should be false if pointers are nil
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given nil list" );
i = has_myip( "buffer contents not valid", NULL, ',', 1 ); // should be false if max < 2
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given small max value" );
i = has_myip( "buffer.contents.not.valid", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should be false as there is nothing valid in the list
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given a buffer with no valid info" );
setenv( "RMR_BIND_IF", "", 1 ); // drive the case where we have a hard set interface; and set known interface in list
if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list with env set returned nil pointer" );
i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip in middle
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP in middle of list" );
i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip at head
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP at head of list" );
i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip at end
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP at tail of list" );
i = has_myip( "", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip when only in list
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP when only one in list" );
return !!errors; // 1 or 0 regardless of count