blob: c6e4e8b743bbbffa0fc282ff7a18488ae6166307 [file] [log] [blame]
if_addrs_t* ifl; // interface lis2
// : vi ts=4 sw=4 noet :
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Mnemonic: tools_static_test.c
Abstract: Unit tests for the RMr tools module. This file is a static include
that is pulle in at compile time by the test driver. The driver is
expected to include necessary rmr*.h and test_support files before
including this file. In addition, a context struct, or dummy, must
be provided based on the type of testing being done.
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 3 April 2019
#define MAX_TOKENS 127
// -------------------- testing support internal functions ------------------------------
Returns an interface name that is valid in this environment (keeps us from
having to know/guess a name to test with.
static char* get_ifname( ) {
struct ifaddrs *ifs; // pointer to head
struct ifaddrs *ele; // pointer into the list
char* rstr = NULL; // return string
char octs[NI_MAXHOST+1];
getifaddrs( &ifs );
for( ele = ifs; ele; ele = ele->ifa_next ) {
if( ele && strcmp( ele->ifa_name, "lo" ) ) {
memset( octs, 0, sizeof( octs ) );
getnameinfo( ele->ifa_addr, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 ), octs, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST );
if( *octs ) {
rstr = strdup( ele->ifa_name );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> found interface with address: %s\n", rstr );
if( rstr == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<ERROR> no interface with an address was found!\n" );
return rstr;
Build an if-addr list from what we "see" on the current system. Keeps us from
having to guess about what we _might_ find in some random test setup.
If the inc_lo0 boolean is true, then the loop back address(es) will be
static if_addrs_t* get_iflist( int inc_lo0 ) {
if_addrs_t* l;
struct ifaddrs *ifs; // pointer to head
struct ifaddrs *ele; // pointer into the list
char octs[NI_MAXHOST+1];
int max_addrs = 128;
if( (l = (if_addrs_t *) malloc( sizeof( if_addrs_t ) )) == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> malloc of if_addrs failed\n" );
return NULL;
memset( l, 0, sizeof( if_addrs_t ) );
l->addrs = (char **) malloc( sizeof( char* ) * max_addrs );
if( l->addrs == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> malloc of if_addrs array failed\n" );
free( l );
return NULL;
getifaddrs( &ifs );
for( ele = ifs; ele; ele = ele->ifa_next ) {
if( ele && (inc_lo0 || strcmp( ele->ifa_name, "lo" )) ) {
memset( octs, 0, sizeof( octs ) );
getnameinfo( ele->ifa_addr, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 ), octs, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST );
if( *octs && l->naddrs < max_addrs ) {
l->addrs[l->naddrs] = strdup( ele->ifa_name );
return l;
// ------------ internal functions to drive various categories of tests --------------------------------------
static int ztbf_test() {
int errors = 0;
char buf[128];
char* sshort = "Stand up and cheer! Cheer long and loud for old Ohio.";
char* slong = "Now is the time for the bobcat in the forest to make its way back to Court St for a round of pints at the Pub.";
int l1;
l1 = zt_buf_fill( NULL, sshort, 64 ); // drive for coverage
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, -1, "nil check (buf) on zt_buf_fill did not return expected value" );
l1 = zt_buf_fill( buf, NULL, 64 );
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, -1, "nil check (str) on zt_buf_fill did not return expected value" );
l1 = zt_buf_fill( buf, sshort, 64 );
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, strlen( sshort ), "zt_buf_fill of short buf returned unexpected len" );
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, strlen( buf ), "zt_buf_fill of short buf returned len did not match strlen" );
l1 = zt_buf_fill( buf, slong, 64 );
errors += fail_if_equal( l1, strlen( slong ), "zt_buf_fill of long buf returned unexpected len" );
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, strlen( buf ), "zt_buf_fill of long buf returned len did not match strlen" );
l1 = zt_buf_fill( buf, sshort, strlen( sshort ) ); // edge case of exact size
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, strlen( sshort )-1, "zt_buf_fill exact length edge case failed" );
l1 = zt_buf_fill( buf, sshort, 1 ); // unrealistic edge case
errors += fail_not_equal( l1, 0, "zt_buf_fill dest len == 1 test failed" );
return errors;
various tokenising tests.
static int tok_tests( ) {
int i;
int j;
char* dbuf; // duplicated buf since C marks a const string is unumtable
char* buf = "2,Fred,Wilma,Barney,Betty,Dino,Pebbles,Bambam,Mr. Slate,Gazoo";
char* tokens[MAX_TOKENS];
int errors = 0;
if_addrs_t* ifl; // interface list
int ntokens;
i = uta_tokenise( NULL, tokens, MAX_TOKENS, ',' ); // nil check coverage
errors += fail_not_equal( i, 0, "uta_tokenise did not fail when given nil pointer" );
dbuf = strdup( buf );
i = uta_tokenise( dbuf, tokens, MAX_TOKENS, ',' );
errors += fail_not_equal( i, 10, "unexpected number of tokens returned (comma sep)" );
for( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
//fprintf( stderr, ">>>> [%d] (%s)\n", j, tokens[j] );
errors += fail_if_nil( tokens[j], "token from buffer" );
errors += fail_not_equal( strcmp( tokens[4], "Betty" ), 0, "4th token wasn't 'Betty'" );
free( dbuf );
dbuf = strdup( buf );
i = uta_tokenise( dbuf, tokens, MAX_TOKENS, '|' );
errors += fail_not_equal( i, 1, "unexpected number of tokens returned (bar sep)" );
free( dbuf );
if( (ifl = get_iflist( 1 )) == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> unable to generate an interface list for tokenising tests\n" );
return errors;
dbuf = strdup( "lo0,en0,en1,wlan0,wlan1" ); // must have a mutable string for call
ntokens = uta_rmip_tokenise( dbuf, ifl, tokens, MAX_TOKENS, ',' ); // should find at least lo0
errors += fail_if_true( ntokens < 1, "rmip tokenise didn't find an interface in the list" );
return errors;
Tests related to finding and validating my ip address.
static int my_ip() {
int i;
int errors = 0;
char* ip; // ip address string
void* if_list;
if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list returned nil pointer" );
i = has_myip( NULL, NULL, ',', 128 ); // should be false if pointers are nil
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given nil buffer" );
i = has_myip( "buffer contents not valid", NULL, ',', 128 ); // should be false if pointers are nil
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given nil list" );
i = has_myip( "buffer contents not valid", NULL, ',', 1 ); // should be false if max < 2
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given small max value" );
i = has_myip( "buffer.contents.not.valid", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should be false as there is nothing valid in the list
errors += fail_if_true( i, "has_myip returned true when given a buffer with no valid info" );
setenv( "RMR_BIND_IF", "", 1 ); // drive the case where we have a hard set interface; and set known interface in list
if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list with env set returned nil pointer" );
i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip in middle
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP in middle of list" );
i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip at head
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP at head of list" );
i = has_myip( ",,", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip at end
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP at tail of list" );
i = has_myip( "", if_list, ',', 128 ); // should find our ip when only in list
errors += fail_if_false( i, "has_myip did not find IP when only one in list" );
ip = get_default_ip( NULL );
errors += fail_not_nil( ip, "get_default_ip returned non-nil pointer when given nil information" );
ip = get_default_ip( if_list );
if( ip ) {
free( ip );
} else {
errors += fail_if_nil( ip, "get_defaul_ip returned nil pointer when valid pointer expected" );
ip = get_ifname(); // suss out a valid interface name (not lo)
if( ip ) {
setenv( "RMR_BIND_IF", ip, 1 ); // drive the case where we have a hard set interface; and set known interface in list
free( ip );
if_list = mk_ip_list( "1235" );
if( if_list ) {
ip = get_default_ip( if_list );
errors += fail_if_nil( ip, "get_default_ip did not return valid pointer when list created from interface name" );
} else {
errors += fail_if_nil( if_list, "mk_ip_list with a specific interface name returned a nil list" );
free( ip );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "<SKIP> test skipped because no interface with address could be found on system" );
return errors;
String tools related tests.
static int str_tests() {
int j;
char* buf = "2,Fred,Wilma,Barney,Betty,Dino,Pebbles,Bambam,Mr. Slate,Gazoo";
int errors = 0;
j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mr. Slate", ',', 1 ); // should fail (-1) because user should use strcmp in this situation
errors += fail_if_true( j >= 0, "test to ensure has str rejects small max" );
j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mr. Slate", ',', 27 );
errors += fail_if_true( j < 0, "has string did not find Mr. Slate" );
j = uta_has_str( buf, "Mrs. Slate", ',', 27 );
errors += fail_if_true( j >= 0, "has string not found Mrs. Slate" );
return errors;
Tests related to host name tools.
static int hostname_tests() {
int errors = 0;
char* hname;
hname = uta_h2ip( "" );
errors += fail_not_equal( strcmp( hname, "" ), 0, "h2ip did not return IP address when given address" );
errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
free( hname );
hname = uta_h2ip( "" );
errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
free( hname );
hname = uta_h2ip( "" ); // should ignore the port
errors += fail_if_nil( hname, "h2ip did not return a pointer" );
free( hname );
hname = uta_h2ip( "" ); // should not be there
errors += fail_not_nil( hname, "h2ip lookup returned non-nil when given bogus name" );
return errors;
Misc coverage mostly.
static int misc_tests() {
int errors = 0;
int v;
if_addrs_t* ifl; // interface list
if( (ifl = get_iflist( 1 )) != NULL ) {
v = is_this_myip( ifl, NULL );
errors += fail_if_false( v == 0, "is this my ip didn't fail when given nil address" );
return errors;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Primary test function driven by the testing main().
static int tools_test( ) {
int errors = 0;
errors += tok_tests();
errors += my_ip();
errors += str_tests();
errors += hostname_tests();
errors += ztbf_test();
test_summary( errors, "tools" );
return !!errors; // 1 or 0 regardless of count