blob: c2c1e801675c415821fc5948b11296fec61976f2 [file] [log] [blame]
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Mnemonic: test_nng_em.c
Abstract: A nano/NNG message emulator for testing without needing to
actually have nanomsg, nng, or external processes.
We also emulate the epoll_wait() function for controlled
poll related testing.
This module must be directly included to be used.
Date: 11 February 2019
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#include "rmr.h" // we use some of rmr defs in building dummy messages, so we need these
#include "rmr_agnostic.h"
// ---------------------- emulated nng functions ---------------------------
#ifndef _em_nn
#define _em_nn
#include <pthread.h>
#include "test_common_em.c" // things common to all emulation code
struct nn_msghdr {
int boo;
#define SOCKET_TYPE nng_socket // socket representation is different in each transport
Receive message must allocate a new buffer and return the pointer into *m.
Every 9 messages or so we'll simulate an old version message
If em_mtc_msgs is set, then we add a non-zero d1 field with
the call-id set to 2, and alternate the call flag
static int em_nng_recvmsg( nng_socket s, nng_msg ** m, int i ) {
static int call_flag = 0;
void* b;
struct em_msg* msg;
int trace_size = 0;
int d1_size = 0;
unsigned char* d1;
if( rcv_delay > 0 ) {
sleep( rcv_delay );
if( em_mtc_msgs ) {
d1_size = 4;
if( m != NULL ) {
b = (void *) malloc( 2048 );
memset( b, 0, 2048 );
*m = (nng_msg *) b;
msg = (struct em_msg *) b;
if( ! em_mtc_msgs && (rcv_count % 10) == 9 ) {
msg->rmr_ver = ALT_MSG_VER; // allow emulation the bug in RMr v1
} else {
msg->rmr_ver = htonl( MSG_VER );
msg->mtype = htonl( 1 );
msg->plen = htonl( 220 );
msg->len0 = htonl( sizeof( struct em_msg ) );
msg->len1 = htonl( trace_size );
msg->len2 = htonl( d1_size );
msg->len3 = htonl( 0 );
pthread_mutex_lock( &rcv_gate ); // hold lock to update counter/flag
if( em_mtc_msgs ) {
d1 = DATA1_ADDR( msg );
d1[0] = 2; // simulated msgs always on chute 2
if( call_flag ) {
msg->flags |= HFL_CALL_MSG;
if( rcv_delay > 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<EM> count=%d flag=%d %02x \n", rcv_count, call_flag, msg->flags );
call_flag = !call_flag;
} else {
pthread_mutex_unlock( &rcv_gate );
snprintf( msg->xid, 32, "%015d", rcv_count ); // simple transaction id so we can test receive specific and ring stuff
snprintf( msg->src, 64, "localhost:4562" ); // set src id (unrealistic) so that rts() can be tested
snprintf( msg->srcip, 64, "" ); // set src ip for rts testing
//fprintf( stderr, ">>> simulated received message: %s %s p=%p len0=%d\n", msg->src, msg->srcip, msg, (int) ntohl( msg->len0 ) );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "<WARN> em: simulated receive no msg pointer provided\n" );
return return_value;
static void* em_msg_body( nng_msg* msg ) {
return (void *) msg; // we don't manage a real msg, so body is just the buffer we allocated
static size_t em_msg_len( const nng_msg* msg ) {
if( msg ) {
return 2048;
return 0;
static int em_nng_pull_open(nng_socket * s ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_pull0_open(nng_socket * s ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_listen(nng_socket s, const char * c, nng_listener * l, int i ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_close(nng_socket s ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_push0_open(nng_socket * s ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_dial(nng_socket s, const char * c, nng_dialer * d, int i ) {
//fprintf( stderr, "<info> === simulated dialing: %s\n", c );
return return_value;
static int em_nng_setopt(nng_socket s, const char * c, const void * p, size_t t ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_sub_open(nng_socket * s ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_sub0_open(nng_socket * s ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_recv(nng_socket s, void * v, size_t * t, int i ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_send( nng_socket s, void* m, int l, int f ) {
free( m ); // we must ditch the message as nng does (or reuses)
return return_value;
Emulate sending a message. If the global em_send_failures is set,
then every so often we fail with an EAGAIN to drive that part
of the code in RMr.
static int em_sendmsg( nng_socket s, nng_msg* m, int i ) {
static int count = 0;
if( em_send_failures && (count++ % 15 == 14) ) {
//fprintf( stderr, ">>>> failing send\n\n" );
return NNG_EAGAIN;
return return_value;
static void* em_nng_alloc( size_t len ) {
return malloc( len );
static int em_nng_msg_alloc( nng_msg** mp, size_t l ) {
void* p;
if( !mp || return_value != 0 ) {
return -1;
p = (void *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * l );
*mp = (nng_msg *) p;
return return_value;
We just free the buffer here as it was a simple malloc.
static void em_nng_free( void* p, size_t l ) {
if( p ) {
free( p );
static void em_nng_msg_free( void* p ) {
if( p ) {
free( p );
static int em_dialer_create( void* d, nng_socket s, char* stuff ) {
//fprintf( stderr, ">>>> emulated dialer create\n\n" );
return 0;
static int em_dialer_start( nng_dialer d, int i ) {
//fprintf( stderr, ">>>> emulated dialer start\n\n" );
return return_value;
static int em_dialer_setopt_ms( nng_dialer dialer, void* option, int ms ) {
return return_value;
static int em_nng_getopt_int( nng_socket s, void* con, int* target ) {
if( target ) {
*target = 0;
return return_value;
// nng redefines some of these to point directly to various 'versions' of the function (ugg, function versions, really?)
#undef nng_recvmsg
#undef nng_free
#undef nng_pull_open
#undef nng_pull0_open
#undef nng_listen
#undef nng_close
#undef nng_getopt_int
#undef nng_push0_open
#undef nng_dial
#undef nng_setopt
#undef nng_sub_open
#undef nng_sub0_open
#undef nng_recv
#undef nng_alloc
#define nng_msg_alloc em_nng_msg_alloc
#define nng_recvmsg em_nng_recvmsg
#define nng_free em_nng_free
#define nng_free em_nng_free
#define nng_msg_free em_nng_msg_free
#define nng_pull_open em_nng_pull_open
#define nng_pull0_open em_nng_pull0_open
#define nng_listen em_nng_listen
#define nng_close em_nng_close
#define nng_getopt_int em_nng_getopt_int
#define nng_push0_open em_nng_push0_open
#define nng_dial em_nng_dial
#define nng_setopt em_nng_setopt
#define nng_sub_open em_nng_sub_open
#define nng_sub0_open em_nng_sub0_open
#define nng_recv em_nng_recv
#define nng_send em_nng_send
#define nng_sendmsg em_sendmsg
#define nng_alloc em_nng_alloc
#define nng_free em_nng_free
#define nng_dialer_setopt_ms em_dialer_setopt_ms
#define nng_dialer_start em_dialer_start
#define nng_dialer_create em_dialer_create
#define nng_msg_body em_msg_body
#define nng_msg_len em_msg_len
#define SOCKET_TYPE int // socket representation is different in each transport
// ----------------------- emulated nano functions --------------------------
struct em_nn_msghdr {
int dummy;
static int em_nn_socket (int domain, int protocol ) {
static int s = 1;
return ++s;
static int em_nn_close (int s ) {
return 1;
//static int em_nn_setsockopt (int s, int level, int option, const void *optval, size_t optvallen ) {
//return 1;
static int em_nn_getsockopt (int s, int level, int option, void *optval, size_t *optvallen ) {
return 1;
static int em_nn_bind (int s, const char *addr ) {
// fprintf( stderr, ">>> ===== emulated bind called ====\n" );
return 1;
static int em_nn_connect (int s, const char *addr ) {
return 1;
static int em_nn_shutdown (int s, int how ) {
return 1;
static int em_nn_send (int s, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags ) {
return 1;
static int em_nn_recv (int s, void *m, size_t len, int flags ) {
void* b;
struct em_msg* msg;
static int count = 0; // we'll simulate a message going in by dropping an rmr-ish msg with transaction id only
int trace_size = 0;
static int counter = 0; // if timeout value is set; we return timeout (eagain) every 3 calls
int d1_size = 0;
if( em_timeout > 0 ) {
if( counter % 3 == 0 ) {
return EAGAIN;
if( em_mtc_msgs ) {
d1_size = 4;
b = (void *) malloc( 2048 );
if( m != NULL ) { // blindly we assume this is 2k or bigger
memset( m, 0, 2048 );
msg = (struct em_msg *) m;
if( count % 10 == 9 ) {
//msg->rmr_ver = htonl( MSG_VER );
msg->rmr_ver = ALT_MSG_VER; // emulate the bug in RMr v1
} else {
msg->rmr_ver = htonl( MSG_VER );
msg->mtype = htonl( 1 );
msg->plen = htonl( 220 );
msg->len0 = htonl( sizeof( struct em_msg ) );
msg->len1 = htonl( trace_size );
msg->len2 = htonl( d1_size );
msg->len3 = htonl( 0 );
snprintf( msg->xid, 32, "%015d", count++ ); // simple transaction id so we can test receive specific and ring stuff
snprintf( msg->src, 64, "localhost:4562" ); // set src id (unrealistic) so that rts() can be tested
snprintf( msg->srcip, 64, "" ); // set src ip for rts testing
//fprintf( stderr, "<EM> returning message len=%d\n\n", ntohl( msg->plen ) );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "<EM> message was nil\n\n" );
//fprintf( stderr, ">>> simulated received message: %s %s len=%d p=%p\n", msg->src, msg->srcip, ntohl( msg->plen ), m );
return 2048;
static int em_sendmsg (int s, const struct em_nn_msghdr *msghdr, int flags ) {
return 1;
static int em_nn_recvmsg (int s, struct nn_msghdr *msghdr, int flags ) {
return 1;
static void em_nn_freemsg( void* ptr ) {
free( ptr );
Hacky implementation of set sock opt. We assume value is a pointer to int and ignore size.
static int em_setsockopt( int sock, int foo, int action, int* value, int size ) {
if( action == NN_RCVTIMEO ) {
em_timeout = *value;
// nanomsg
#define nn_socket em_nn_socket
#define nn_close em_nn_close
//#define nn_setsockopt em_nn_setsockopt
#define nn_getsockopt em_nn_getsockopt
#define nn_bind em_nn_bind
#define nn_connect em_nn_connect
#define nn_shutdown em_nn_shutdown
#define nn_send em_nn_send
#define nn_recv em_nn_recv
#define nn_sendmsg em_nn_sendmsg
#define nn_recvmsg em_nn_recvmsg
#define nn_setsockopt em_setsockopt
#define nn_freemsg em_nn_freemsg