blob: d8f0a8bd58d3d85be6afc7a8ee9938e7131fed2a [file] [log] [blame]
Documentation for RMR.
Most (all?) documentation for RMR is built from source ({X)fm, or other text
formatter source, not the RMR code) rather than hand editing the output
(markdown/rst) files. This allows for more control over the output, a wider
variety of output types, and (most importantly) the generation of multiple
output from the same source (e.g. man pages can be rendered in troff which
the man command required, and also rendered as .rst or .md files which some
wikis prefer, and as PDF which can be easily distributed).
Thus, there is a source file below this directory which has the document
source. Directories are as follows:
man Manual pages included with the development package
rtd Source to generate the .rst files for the "read the docs"
repo scraper.