blob: 872f5cb53eac3c6e89dcefa909213a05805daabc [file] [log] [blame]
.if false
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia
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.if false
Abstract: This is a setup for a very basic generation of markdown from the few
macros which are designed for the RMR doc. It is very scaled down from
the markdown imbed file supplied with {X}fm.
Author: E. Scott Danils
Date: 26 October 2016
.dh 1 m=.5i e=no s=21 i=0 p=16 f=Helvetica-bold
.dh 2 m=.5i s=21 i=0 p=14 f=Helvetica-bold
.dh 3 m=.5i s=10 i=0 p=12 f=Helvetica-bold
.ju on
.hn off
.dv esc : .** rst needs an escape for some things
.** these macros are common for prfm/tfm, markdown will override some
.dv indent .ll -.5i .in +.25i
.dv uindent .in -.25i .ll +.5i
.dv smindent .ll -.2i .in +.1i
.dv smuindent .in -.1i .ll +.2i
.dv def_list .bd $1
.dv end_dlist .ed
.dv bd .bd $1
.dv ed .ed
.dv ex_start .sp .5 .ll -.25i .in +.25i .sf Courier .st ^&extextsize .fo off
.** ex_end macro calls _must_ be placed in col 0 to cause an exit from no-format mode.
.dv ex_end .fo on .sf ^&textfont .st ^&textsize .in -.25i .ll +.25i .sp .1
.dv proto_start .sp 1 .cc .5i .st 9 .sf Courier-bold .nf
.dv proto_end .fo on .sf ^&text_font .st ^&text_size .sp .3
.dv h1 .sp .1 .h1 $1
.dv h2 .sp .1 .h2 $1
.dv h3 .sp .1 .h3 $1
.dv di .di $1 ^:
.** superscript number for start_note macro
.dv ss_num 1
.dv super .sm ^[ .sm ^&{ss_num}]
.dv note .dv ss_num ^[ ^&ss_num 1 + ] ^: .sm ^[ .sm ^&{ss_num}]
.dv atbot atclose
.dv start_note .cn start atclose Times-roman 8p .5i
.dv end_note .cn end
.dv bold $1
.dv cw $1
.dv set_font_prop
.dv ital $1
.dv lic1 *
.dv lic2 +
.dv line_len .ll $1
.dv space .sp 1
.dv half_space .sp 1
.dv mult_space .sp $1
.** -----------------------------------------------
.** not used, but might be needed if doc expanded
.** .dv ta .br ^.ta .br |
.** .dv et .br ^.et .br
.** .dv cl |
.** .dv tr | .br ^.tr .br |
.** .dv table_head $1
.** .dv empty_cell  
.** -----------------------------------------------
.dv break .sm ^` ^` .br
.dv br .sm ^` ^` .br
.ju off
.dv image .ep ^[ .sm $2] ($3)
.** no concept of a definition list in markdown; no start/end and just make the text bold to emulate
.dv beg_dlist .sp 1
.dv bd .sp 1
.dv end_dlist .sp 1
.dv ed .sp 1
.dv ditem ^&break **$1:**
.dv ditem_nosp ^&break **$1:**
.dv beg_list .bl *
.dv item .li
.dv li .li
.dv end_list .el
.dv center_start
.dv center_end
.dv line .sp 1 ------
.** leading indention is significant to markdown, so turn it off
.in 0
.dv indent
.dv uindent .sp 2
.dv smindent
.dv smuindent .sp 2
.dv bold **${1}**
.dv ital _${1}_
.dv h1 .sp 2 # $1 .br
.dv h2 .sp 1 ## $1 .br
.dv h3 .sp 1 ### $1 .br
.dv ex_start .sp .5 .ll -4 .in .5i .sp 2 .fo off
.dv ex_end .fo on .in 0i .ll +4 .sp 2