blob: 5892ad375574e1b3c5a5c15c14d8da267f1f4cc0 [file] [log] [blame]
.if false
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nokia
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.if false
Abstract: This file provides macros allowing {X}fm source to generate
rts input from {X}fm source when the doc is passed through
tfm, and to generate postscirpt output when passed through
pfm. Simalar to the macro set that allows the generation
of troff input for man pages.
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 7 February 2019
Maybe useful (but doesn't explain why real formatters aren't being used)
.** convert {X}fm input into rts.
.** post processing is needed to strip the leading space that tfm insists on adding.
.** character offsets needed to provide bloody indention significant crap.
.** tfm converts points to characters using 7p/ch so these guarentee correct
.** spacing.
.dv _ch2 14p
.dv _ch4 28p
.dv _ch6 42p
.dv _ch8 56p
.dv _ch10 70p
.** Long strings of equals and dashes needed to make title/subtitle easier to generate. Multi
.** line annotations for headers could be used, but the code is messy for what results in
.** 4 lines in the setup files. CAUTION: tildas must be quoted with back-ticks.
.dv many_equals ============================================================================================
.dv many_dashes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.dv many_tildas `^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`
.gv semver
.if &_major 1 >
.** tfm version 2.0.0+ supports header annotation for rst
.dh 1 a==after s=2,1 i=0 m=0
.dh 2 a=-after s=2,1 i=0 m=0
.dh 3 a=~after s=2,0 i=0 m=0
.dv h1 .h1 $1
.dv h2 .h2 $1
.dv h3 .h2 $1
.dv __alert ### WARNING ### detects an old(er) version of tfm some formatting might not be right (&_major)
.sv __alert
.dh 1 s=2,1 i=0 m=0
.dh 2 s=1.1 i=0 m=0
.dh 3 s=1,0 i=0 m=0
.dv h1 .sp 1 $1 .br &many_equals .sp 1
.dv h2 .sp 1 $1 .br &many_dashes .sp 1
.dv h3 .sp 1 $1 .br &many_tildas .sp 1
.dv cd 1 &{col_width!8.0i} m=0i
.dv h4 **$1**
.dv fig .fg $1
.dv fig_cen .fg $1
.dv set_font_cw
.dv nf .sp 1 ^:^: .br .ll -2 .in +2
.dv fo .in -2 .ll +2 .sp 1
.dv indent
.dv uindent
.** list item characters
.dv lic1 *
.dv lic2 -
.dv lic3 +
.in 0i .** bloody rst is indention sensitive like markdown; sheesh
.dv esc \$1 : .** bloody need to escape _ and * at the end of a word
.dv line_len .ll $1
.dv space .sp 1
.dv half_space .sp 1
.dv break .br |
.dv mult_space .sp $1
.** ------- bullet lists -------------------------
.dv beg_list .sp 1 .bl ${1!*} ^: .br
.dv end_list .el .sp 1
.dv li .br .li
.dv item .br .li
.dv ex_start .sp 1 ^:^: .sp 1 .ll -2 .in +2 .nf
.dv ex_end .fo on .in -2 .ll +2 .sp 1
.dv ex_end_fig .fo on .in -2 .ll +2 .fg $1 ^: .sp 1
.dv ex_end_cfig .fo on .in -2 .ll +2 .fg $1 ^: .sp 1
.dv proto_start .sp 1 .cc .5i .st 9 .sf Courier-bold .nf
.dv proto_end .fo on .sf ^&text_font .st ^&text_size .sp .3
.dv center .br $1 .br
.dv center_start ^.. class:: center .br
.dv center_end .sp 1
.** fonts and font macros
.dv ital *$1*
.dv bold **$1**
.dv cw ^^^`^^^`$1^^^`^^^`
.** global font changes seem impossible in RST
.dv set_font_prop
.dv super .sm ^[ .sm ^&{ss_num}]
.dv ss_num 1
.dv note .dv ss_num ^[ ?%.0f ^&ss_num 1 + ] ^: .sm ^^[^&{ss_num}]
.** rst has no concept of a page, so all notes go to the close of the doc
.dv atbot atclose
.** ----------- definition lists and tables ------------------------------------
.if false
A list table without borders should build a reasonable def list in
RST. What RST touts as a def list turns out looking like crap, so we
jump some hoops to generate a two column table.
The usual pratcice of adding half space between items is ignored
by rst, and we add addtional "logic" to insert a blank line betwen
rows in order to visually separate the entries. Better than the default
but certainly not great. The output of these macros is extreamely space
sensitive (leading spaces because python programmers believe these
kinds of "everythign must align" parsers are good).
It seems that not all HTML generated from RST is done consistently. As an example
the HTML generated for read the docs does NOT respect the no boarder option
on tables, and adds additional space at the bottom of each table. Thus there
are two sets of definition list macros; by default the RTD style of ignoring
directives is assumed. The alternate set can be enabled by setting the variable
'sane_dlist' before imbedding this definition file.
When sane_dlist is set to 1, definition list items will be separated with a row
separater applied at the start of rows 2-n.
RST requires a blank line prior to the start of the list, so we force one.
.** beg_dlist parms 1 and 2 are for PFM, $3 is for rst and is optionally the term,def widths (e.g. 15,80)
.** mind the tildas (end of line escapes in {X}fm
.if &{sane_dlist!0} 1 =
.dv beg_dlist .dv di_term 1 ^: ~
.dv row_sep .sp 1 ^: ~
.sp 1 ~
.in +&_ch4 ~
^.. list-table^:^: .in +&_ch2 ^:widths^: ${3!auto} .br ^:header-rows^: 0 .br ^:class^: borderless ~
.in +&ch_6
.dv ditem ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .sp 1 | .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv ditem_nosp .in -&{_ch4} * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .sp 1 | .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv di ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .sp 1 | .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv diitem ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .sp 1 | .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv beg_dlist .dv di_term 1 ^: ~
.dv row_sep .sp 1 ^: ~
.sp 1 ~
.in +&_ch4 ~
^.. list-table^:^: .in +&_ch2 ^:widths^: ${3!auto} .br ^:header-rows^: 0 .br ^:class^: borderless ~
.in +&ch_6
.dv ditem ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv ditem_nosp ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv di ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.dv diitem ^&row_sep * - **$1** .in +&_ch2 - .in +&_ch2 .dv row_sep .in -&{_ch4} .sp 1 ^:
.** auto numbering ditem has to be hacked in since we're completely unable to use {X}fm's list gen for RST
.dv aditem ^&row_sep .in &_ch6 * - **^&{di_term}** .in &_ch8 - .in &_ch10 .dv row_sep .sp 1 | .sp 1 ^: .dv di_term ^[ %.0f ^&di_term 1 + ]
.dv end_dlist .sp 1 .in -&{_ch10} .sp 1
.** generate a table with borders
.dv beg_table ^.. list-table^:^: .br ^` ^` ^:widths^: $1 .br ^` ^` ^:header-rows^: 0 .sp 1
.** generate a table without borders
.dv beg_table_nb ^.. list-table^:^: .br ^` ^` ^:widths^: $1 .br ^` ^` ^:header-rows^: 0 .br ^` ^` ^:class^: borderless .sp 1
.** remainder of table support commands not dependent on borders/borderless
.dv col .in 0i .br ^` ` -` ^` .in 56p
.dv row .in 0i .sp 1 ^` ` * -` ^` .in 56p
.dv end_table .sp 1 .in 0i
.dv tab_cell ^&col
.dv tab_row ^&row
.ju off