blob: be375a9ccec8ac041241168b0c1951bc7b9ce0b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// : vim ts=4 sw=4 noet :
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Mnemonic: logging_test.c
Abstract: This test drives logging related tests.
Date: 1 April 2019
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#define NO_DUMMY_RMR 1 // no dummy rmr functions; we don't pull in rmr.h or agnostic.h
#include "rmr_logging.h"
#include "logging.c"
#include "test_support.c"
Logging can be difficult to verify as stderr needs to be captured and examined.
We will verify internally what we can, and drive logging functions for coverage.
int main( ) {
int llevel = 99;
int errors = 0;
setenv( "RMR_HR_LOG", "1", 1 ); // drive for coverage in init
setenv( "RMR_LOG_VLEVEL", "90", 1 ); // force test for out of range during init
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "debug message should not be written\n" ); // force coverage with init call
llevel = rmr_vlog_init( );
errors += fail_if_equal( llevel, 99, "llevel was not reset by vlog init" );
errors += fail_if_equal( llevel, 90, "vlog init did not catch out of range vlog" );
llevel = 99;
setenv( "RMR_LOG_VLEVEL", "-10", 1 ); // force test for out of range during init
llevel = rmr_vlog_init( );
errors += fail_if_equal( llevel, 99, "neg llevel was not reset by vlog init" );
errors += fail_if_equal( llevel, -10, "vlog init did not catch out of range (neg) vlog" );
rmr_set_vlevel( 2 );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, "debug message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_INFO, "info message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "warn message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_ERR, "error message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "crit message should be written\n" );
rmr_set_vlevel( 5 );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, "debug message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_INFO, "info message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "warn message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_ERR, "error message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "crit message should be written\n" );
rmr_set_vlevel( 0 );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_DEBUG, "debug message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_INFO, "info message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_WARN, "warn message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_ERR, "error message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( RMR_VL_CRIT, "crit message should not be written\n" );
rmr_set_vlevel( 1 );
rmr_vlog_force( RMR_VL_DEBUG, "debug forced message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog_force( RMR_VL_INFO, "info forced message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog_force( RMR_VL_WARN, "warn forced message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog_force( RMR_VL_ERR, "error forced message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog_force( RMR_VL_CRIT, "crit forced message should be written\n" );
rmr_vlog( -1, "out of range message might be written\n" ); // drive range checks
rmr_vlog( 10, "out of range message should not be written\n" );
rmr_vlog_force( -1, "out of range message might be written\n" ); // drive range checks
rmr_vlog_force( 10, "out of range message should not be written\n" );
return errors > 0;