blob: 654225fea7c847e49084cb922d95f314121a27e8 [file] [log] [blame]
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.if false
Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
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.if false
Mnemonic: config-deploy.xfm
Abstract: Source to generate a configuration delployment guide.
Date: 6 November 2019
Author: E. Scott Daniels
&h1(RMR Configuration and Delpoyment)
The RIC Message Router (RMR) is a library which applications use to send and receive
messages where the message routing, endpoint selection, is based on the message type
rather than on traditional DNS names or IP addresses.
This document contains information regarding the configuration of RMR when it is
embedded by a &ital(user application).
RMR itself is not a deployable entity.
Several aspects of RMR behaviour is controlled via environment variables which are
set at the time that a user application invokes the RMR initialisation function.
This allows these variables to be set before the application is started as a
function of the true environment, or set by the application as a means for the
application to influence RMR's behaviour.
The following is a list of RMR variables which RMR recognises (see the main
RMR manual page in the development package for more details).
.** use the same list which is used in the manual pages
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