blob: d5bcc3a9da1aba1f91e59180f2f31f7e27145b11 [file] [log] [blame]
// :vi sw=4 ts=4 noet:
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Mmemonic: si95_test.c
Abstract: This is the main driver to test the si95 core functions
(within rmr/src/si/src/si95).
Author: E. Scott Daniels
Date: 6 March 2018
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define DEBUG 1
// specific test tools in this directory
#undef NNG_UNDER_TEST // NNG is NOT under test so undefine if set
#define NO_EMULATION 1 // no emulation of transport functions
#define NO_PRIVATE_HEADERS 1 // no rmr_si or rmr_nng headers
#define NO_DUMMY_RMR 1 // no msg things
#include "test_support.c" // things like fail_if()
#include "rmr.h" // things the users see
#include "rmr_symtab.h"
#include "rmr_agnostic.h" // transport agnostic header
#include <rmr_logging.h>
#include <logging.c>
//#include <si95/siaddress.c>
//#include <si95/sialloc.c>
//#include <si95/sibldpoll.c>
//#include <si95/sicbreg.c>
//#include <si95/sicbstat.c>
//#include <si95/siclose.c>
//#include <si95/siconnect.c>
//#include <si95/siestablish.c>
//#include <si95/sigetadd.c>
//#include <si95/sigetname.c>
#include <si95/siinit.c>
//#include <si95/silisten.c>
#include <si95/sinew.c>
//#include <si95/sinewses.c>
//#include <si95/sipoll.c>
//#include <si95/sircv.c>
//#include <si95/sisend.c>
//#include <si95/sisendt.c>
#include <si95/sishutdown.c>
#include <si95/siterm.c>
#include <si95/sitrash.c>
//#include <si95/siwait.c>
Memory allocation/free related tests
static int memory( ) {
int errors = 0;
void* ptr;
void* iptr;
// ---- SInew ----------------
ptr = SInew( 100 ); // invalid block type should return nil
errors += fail_not_nil( ptr, "memory: sinew did not return nil when given a valid struct type" );
SItrash( 100, NULL ); // drive trash for coverage
iptr = SInew( IOQ_BLK );
errors += fail_if_nil( iptr, "memory: sinew returned nil when given ioq request" );
SItrash( IOQ_BLK, iptr );
ptr = SInew( TP_BLK );
errors += fail_if_nil( ptr, "memory: sinew returned nil when given tpblk request" );
if( ptr ) {
iptr = SInew( IOQ_BLK );
((struct tp_blk *)ptr)->squeue = iptr;
SItrash( TP_BLK, ptr );
ptr = SInew( GI_BLK );
errors += fail_if_nil( ptr, "memory: sinew returned nil when given giblk request" );
SItrash( GI_BLK, ptr ); // GI block cannot be trashed, ensure this (valgind will complain about a leak)
return errors;
void* si_ctx = NULL; // a global context might be useful
Test initialisation related things
static int init() {
int errors = 0;
si_ctx = SIinitialise( 0 );
errors += fail_if_nil( si_ctx, "init: siinit returned a nil pointer" );
SIclr_tflags( si_ctx, 0x00 ); // drive for coverage; no return value from these
SIset_tflags( si_ctx, 0x03 );
return errors;
Drive tests...
int main() {
int errors = 0;
rmr_set_vlevel( 5 ); // enable all debugging
fprintf( stderr, "\n<INFO> starting SI95 tests\n" );
errors += init();
errors += memory();
if( errors == 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<PASS> all tests were OK\n\n" );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> %d errors in SI95 core code\n\n", errors );
return !!errors;