blob: 49e76c7a00cda5df6dde33cb66d7e72bb507f78e [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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&h1(Appendix &gloss_appendix -- Glossary)
Many terms in networking can be interpreted with multiple meanings,
and several terms used in this document are RMR specific. The
following definitions are the meanings of terms used within this
document and should help the reader to understand the intent of
&beg_dlist( &1.0i Helvetica-bold )
&term(application) A programme which uses RMR to send and/or receive
messages to/from another RMR based application.
&term(Critical error) An error that RMR has encountered which will
prevent further successful processing by
RMR. Critical errors usually indicate that the
application should abort.
&term(Endpoint) An RMR based application that is defined as being
capable of receiving one or more types of
messages (as defined by a &ital(message key.)
.sm )
&term(Environment variable) A key/value pair which is set externally
to the application, but which is available to
the application (and referenced libraries)
through the &cw(getenv) system
call. Environment variables are the main
method of communicating information such as
port numbers to RMR.
&term(Error) An abnormal condition that RMR has encountered, but will
not affect the overall processing by RMR, but
may impact certain aspects such as the ability
to communicate with a specific endpoint.
Errors generally indicate that something,
usually external to RMR, must be addressed.
&term(Host name) The name of the host as returned by the
&cw(gethostbyname) system call. In a
containerised environment this might be the
container or service name depending on how the
container is started. From RMR's point of
view, a host name can be used to resolve an
&ital(endpoint) definition in a &ital(route
&term(IP) Internet protocol. A low level transmission protocol
which governs the transmission of datagrams
across network boundaries.
&term(Listen socket) A &ital(TCP) socket used to await incoming
connection requests. Listen sockets are
defined by an interface and port number
combination where the port number is unique
for the interface.
&term(Message) A series of bytes transmitted from the application to
another RMR based application. A message is
comprised of RMR specific data (a header), and
application data (a payload).
&term(Message buffer) A data structure used to describe a message
which is to be sent or has been received. The
message buffer includes the payload length,
message type, message source, and other
&term(Messgae type) A signed integer (0-32000) which identifies the
type of message being transmitted, and is one
of the two components of a &ital(routing key.)
See &ital(Subscription ID.)
&term(Payload) The portion of a message which holds the user data to
be transmitted to the remote &ital(endpoint.)
The payload contents are completely
application defined.
&term(RMR context) A set of information which defines the current
state of the underlying transport connections
that RMR is managing. The application will be
give a context reference (pointer) that is
supplied to most RMR functions as the first
&term(Round robin) The method of selecting an &ital(endpoint) from a
list such that all &ital(endpoints) are
selected before starting at the head of the list.
&term(Route table) A series of "rules" which define the possible
&ital(endpoints) for each &ital(message key.)
&term(Route table manager) An application responsible for building a
&ital(route table) and then distributing it to
all applicable RMR based applications.
&term(Routing) The process of selecting an &ital(endpoint) which will
be the recipient of a message.
&term(Routing key) A combination of &ital(message type) and
&ital(subscription ID) which RMR uses to
select the destination &ital(endpoint) when
sending a message.
&term(Source) The sender of a message.
&term(Subscription ID) A signed integer value (0-32000) which
identifies the subscription characteristic of
a message. It is used in conjunction with the
&ital(message type) to determine the
&ital(routing key.)
&term(Target) The &ital(endpoint) selected to receive a message.
&term(TCP) Transmission Control Protocol. A connection based
internet protocol which provides for lossless
packet transportation, usually over IP.
&term(Thread) Also called a &ital(process thread, or pthread.) This
is a lightweight process which executes in
concurrently with the application and shares
the same address space. RMR uses threads to
manage asynchronous functions such as route
table updates.
&Term(Trace information) An optional portion of the message buffer
that the application may populate with data
that allows for tracing the progress of the
transaction or application activity across
components. RMR makes no use of this data.
&term(Transaction ID) A fixed number of bytes in the &ital(message
buffer) which the application may populate
with information related to the
transaction. RMR makes use of the transaction
ID for matching response messages with the
&c(rmr_call) function is used to send a
&term(Transient failure) An error state that is believed to be short
lived and that the operation, if retried by
the application, might be successful. C
programmers will recognise this as
&term(Warning) A warning occurs when RMR has encountered something
that it believes isn't correct, but has a
defined work round.
&term(Wormhole) A direct connection managed by RMR between the user
application and a remote, RMR based, application.
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