blob: 3007b3327fb182ecda624ff98a92b448d49ee104 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property
// Copyright 2019 Nokia
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)
// platform project (RICP).
package reader
import (
func initSdlSyncStorageMock() (w RNibReader, sdlStorageMock *MockSdlSyncStorage) {
sdlStorageMock = new(MockSdlSyncStorage)
w = GetNewRNibReader(sdlStorageMock)
func TestGetRNibNamespace(t *testing.T) {
ns := common.GetRNibNamespace()
assert.Equal(t, "e2Manager", ns)
func TestGetNodeB(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
enb := entities.Enb{}
cell := entities.ServedCellInfo{Tac: "tac"}
enb.ServedCells = []*entities.ServedCellInfo{&cell}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Enb{Enb: &enb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNb - Failed to marshal ENB instance. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeB - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetNodeb(name)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.Ip, nb.Ip)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.Port, nb.Port)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.ConnectionStatus, nb.ConnectionStatus)
assert.Len(t, getNb.GetEnb().GetServedCells(), 1)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.GetEnb().GetServedCells()[0].Tac, nb.GetEnb().GetServedCells()[0].Tac)
func TestGetNodeBNotFoundFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
var ret map[string]interface{}
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetNodeb(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.NodebInfo not found. Key: RAN:name", er.Error())
func TestGetNodeBUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
ret := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBUnmarshalFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
ret[redisKey] = "data"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetNodeb(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetNodeBSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var ret map[string]interface{}
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBSdlgoFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetNodeb(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetNodeBCellsListEnb(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
enb := entities.Enb{}
cell := entities.ServedCellInfo{Tac: "tac"}
enb.ServedCells = []*entities.ServedCellInfo{&cell}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Enb{Enb: &enb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.GetNodeBCellsList - Failed to marshal ENB instance. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListEnb - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
cells, er := w.GetCellList(name)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.NotNil(t, cells)
assert.Len(t, cells.GetServedCellInfos().GetServedCells(), 1)
retCell := cells.GetServedCellInfos().GetServedCells()[0]
assert.Equal(t, retCell.Tac, "tac")
func TestGetNodeBCellsListGnb(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
nb.NodeType = entities.Node_GNB
gnb := entities.Gnb{}
cell := entities.ServedNRCell{ServedNrCellInformation: &entities.ServedNRCellInformation{NrPci: 10}}
gnb.ServedNrCells = []*entities.ServedNRCell{&cell}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Gnb{Gnb: &gnb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.GetNodeBCellsList - Failed to marshal GNB instance. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListGnb - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
cells, er := w.GetCellList(name)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.NotNil(t, cells)
assert.Len(t, cells.GetServedNrCells().GetServedCells(), 1)
retCell := cells.GetServedNrCells().GetServedCells()[0]
assert.Equal(t, retCell.GetServedNrCellInformation().GetNrPci(), uint32(10))
func TestGetNodeBCellsListNodeUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
ret := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListNodeUnmarshalFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
ret[redisKey] = "data"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
cells, er := w.GetCellList(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cells)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetNodeBCellsListNodeNotFoundFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
var ret map[string]interface{}
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListNodeNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
cells, er := w.GetCellList(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cells)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.NodebInfo not found. Key: RAN:name", er.Error())
func TestGetNodeBCellsListNotFoundFailureEnb(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
enb := entities.Enb{}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Enb{Enb: &enb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNbCellsListNotFoundFailure - Failed to marshal ENB instance. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListNotFoundFailureEnb - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
_, er := w.GetCellList(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.GetCellList - served cells not found. Responding node RAN name: name.", er.Error())
func TestGetNodeBCellsListNotFoundFailureGnb(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
gnb := entities.Gnb{}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Gnb{Gnb: &gnb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListNotFoundFailureGnb - Failed to marshal ENB instance. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodeBCellsListNotFoundFailureGnb - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
_, er := w.GetCellList(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.GetCellList - served cells not found. Responding node RAN name: name.", er.Error())
func TestGetListGnbIdsUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return([]string{"data"}, e)
ids, er := w.GetListGnbIds()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, ids)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetListGnbIdsSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var data []string
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return(data, e)
ids, er := w.GetListGnbIds()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, ids)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetListNodesIdsGnbSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
name := "name"
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{InventoryName: name, GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}}
var nilError error
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListNodesIdsGnbSdlgoFailure - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return([]string{string(data)}, nilError)
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
expectedError := errors.New(errMsg)
var nilData []string
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return(nilData, expectedError)
ids, er := w.GetListNodebIds()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, ids)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetListNodesIdsEnbSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
name := "name"
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{InventoryName: name, GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}}
var nilError error
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListNodesIdsEnbSdlgoFailure - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return([]string{string(data)}, nilError)
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
expectedError := errors.New(errMsg)
var nilData []string
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return(nilData, expectedError)
ids, er := w.GetListNodebIds()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, ids)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetListNodesIdsSuccess(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var nilError error
name := "name"
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{InventoryName: name, GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}}
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListNodesIdsSuccess - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
name1 := "name1"
plmnId1 := "02f845"
nbId1 := "4a952a75"
nbIdentity1 := &entities.NbIdentity{InventoryName: name1, GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId1, NbId: nbId1}}
data1, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity1)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListNodesIdsSuccess - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return([]string{string(data)}, nilError)
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return([]string{string(data1)}, nilError)
ids, er := w.GetListNodebIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.NotNil(t, ids)
assert.Len(t, ids, 2)
func TestGetListEnbIdsUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return([]string{"data"}, e)
ids, er := w.GetListEnbIds()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, ids)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetListEnbIdsOneId(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{InventoryName: name, GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListEnbIds - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return([]string{string(data)}, e)
ids, er := w.GetListEnbIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Len(t, ids, 1)
assert.Equal(t, (ids)[0].GetInventoryName(), name)
assert.Equal(t, (ids)[0].GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId(), nbIdentity.GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId())
assert.Equal(t, (ids)[0].GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId(), nbIdentity.GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId())
func TestGetListEnbIdsNoIds(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return([]string{}, e)
ids, er := w.GetListEnbIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Len(t, ids, 0)
func TestGetListEnbIds(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
plmnId := 0x02f829
nbId := 0x4a952a0a
listSize := 3
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
idsData := make([]string, listSize)
idsEntities := make([]*entities.NbIdentity, listSize)
for i := 0; i < listSize; i++ {
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{
InventoryName: name,
GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{
PlmnId: strconv.FormatInt(int64(plmnId+i), 16),
NbId: strconv.FormatInt(int64(nbId+i), 16),
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListEnbIds - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
idsData[i] = string(data)
idsEntities[i] = nbIdentity
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return(idsData, e)
ids, er := w.GetListEnbIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Len(t, ids, listSize)
for i, id := range ids {
assert.Equal(t, id.GetInventoryName(), name)
assert.Equal(t, id.GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId(), idsEntities[i].GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId())
assert.Equal(t, id.GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId(), idsEntities[i].GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId())
func TestGetListGnbIdsOneId(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{InventoryName: name, GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListGnbIds - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return([]string{string(data)}, e)
ids, er := w.GetListGnbIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Len(t, ids, 1)
assert.Equal(t, (ids)[0].GetInventoryName(), name)
assert.Equal(t, (ids)[0].GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId(), nbIdentity.GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId())
assert.Equal(t, (ids)[0].GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId(), nbIdentity.GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId())
func TestGetListGnbIdsNoIds(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return([]string{}, e)
ids, er := w.GetListGnbIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Len(t, ids, 0)
func TestGetListGnbIds(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
plmnId := 0x02f829
nbId := 0x4a952a0a
listSize := 3
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
idsData := make([]string, listSize)
idsEntities := make([]*entities.NbIdentity, listSize)
for i := 0; i < listSize; i++ {
nbIdentity := &entities.NbIdentity{
InventoryName: name,
GlobalNbId: &entities.GlobalNbId{
PlmnId: strconv.FormatInt(int64(plmnId+i), 16),
NbId: strconv.FormatInt(int64(nbId+i), 16),
data, err := proto.Marshal(nbIdentity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetListGnbIds - Failed to marshal nodeb identity entity. Error: %v", err)
idsData[i] = string(data)
idsEntities[i] = nbIdentity
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return(idsData, e)
ids, er := w.GetListGnbIds()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Len(t, ids, listSize)
for i, id := range ids {
assert.Equal(t, id.GetInventoryName(), name)
assert.Equal(t, id.GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId(), idsEntities[i].GetGlobalNbId().GetPlmnId())
assert.Equal(t, id.GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId(), idsEntities[i].GetGlobalNbId().GetNbId())
func TestGetListEnbIdsSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var data []string
sdlInstanceMock.On("GetMembers", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_ENB.String()).Return(data, e)
ids, er := w.GetListEnbIds()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, ids)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetCountGnbListOneId(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GroupSize", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return(1, e)
count, er := w.GetCountGnbList()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Equal(t, count, 1)
func TestGetCountGnbList(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
sdlInstanceMock.On("GroupSize", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return(3, e)
count, er := w.GetCountGnbList()
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Equal(t, count, 3)
func TestGetCountGnbListSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var count int
sdlInstanceMock.On("GroupSize", common.GetRNibNamespace(), entities.Node_GNB.String()).Return(count, e)
count, er := w.GetCountGnbList()
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Equal(t, 0, count)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetCell(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
var pci uint32 = 10
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
cellEntity := entities.Cell{Type: entities.Cell_LTE_CELL, Cell: &entities.Cell_ServedCellInfo{ServedCellInfo: &entities.ServedCellInfo{Pci: pci}}}
cellData, err := proto.Marshal(&cellEntity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCell - Failed to marshal Cell entity. Error: %v", err)
var e error
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildCellNamePciKey(name, pci)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCell - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{key: string(cellData)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCell(name, pci)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.NotNil(t, cell)
assert.Equal(t, cell.Type, entities.Cell_LTE_CELL)
assert.NotNil(t, cell.GetServedCellInfo())
assert.Equal(t, cell.GetServedCellInfo().GetPci(), pci)
func TestGetCellNotFoundFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
var pci uint32
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
var ret map[string]interface{}
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildCellNamePciKey(name, pci)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCell(name, pci)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.Cell not found. Key: PCI:name:00", er.Error())
func TestGetCellUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
var pci uint32
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
ret := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildCellNamePciKey(name, pci)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellUnmarshalFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
ret[key] = "data"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCell(name, pci)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetCellSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
var pci uint32
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var ret map[string]interface{}
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildCellNamePciKey(name, pci)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellSdlgoFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCell(name, pci)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetNodebById(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{NodeType: entities.Node_ENB}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
enb := entities.Enb{}
cell := entities.ServedCellInfo{Tac: "tac"}
enb.ServedCells = []*entities.ServedCellInfo{&cell}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Enb{Enb: &enb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetNodebById - Failed to marshal ENB instance. Error: %v", err)
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBIdKey(entities.Node_ENB.String(), plmnId, nbId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to validate nodeb identity, plmnId: %s, nbId: %s", plmnId, nbId)
ret := map[string]interface{}{key: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
globalNbId := &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}
getNb, er := w.GetNodebByGlobalNbId(entities.Node_ENB, globalNbId)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.Ip, nb.Ip)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.Port, nb.Port)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.ConnectionStatus, nb.ConnectionStatus)
assert.Len(t, getNb.GetEnb().GetServedCells(), 1)
assert.Equal(t, getNb.GetEnb().GetServedCells()[0].Tac, nb.GetEnb().GetServedCells()[0].Tac)
func TestGetNodebByIdNotFoundFailureEnb(t *testing.T) {
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBIdKey(entities.Node_ENB.String(), plmnId, nbId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to validate nodeb identity, plmnId: %s, nbId: %s", plmnId, nbId)
var ret map[string]interface{}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
globalNbId := &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}
getNb, er := w.GetNodebByGlobalNbId(entities.Node_ENB, globalNbId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.NodebInfo not found. Key: ENB:02f829:4a952a0a", er.Error())
func TestGetNodebByIdNotFoundFailureGnb(t *testing.T) {
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBIdKey(entities.Node_GNB.String(), plmnId, nbId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to validate nodeb identity, plmnId: %s, nbId: %s", plmnId, nbId)
var ret map[string]interface{}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
globalNbId := &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}
getNb, er := w.GetNodebByGlobalNbId(entities.Node_GNB, globalNbId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.NodebInfo not found. Key: GNB:02f829:4a952a0a", er.Error())
func TestGetNodeByIdUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBIdKey(entities.Node_ENB.String(), plmnId, nbId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to validate nodeb identity, plmnId: %s, nbId: %s", plmnId, nbId)
var e error
ret := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
ret[key] = "data"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
globalNbId := &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}
getNb, er := w.GetNodebByGlobalNbId(entities.Node_ENB, globalNbId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetNodeByIdSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
plmnId := "02f829"
nbId := "4a952a0a"
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBIdKey(entities.Node_GNB.String(), plmnId, nbId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to validate nodeb identity, plmnId: %s, nbId: %s", plmnId, nbId)
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var ret map[string]interface{}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
globalNbId := &entities.GlobalNbId{PlmnId: plmnId, NbId: nbId}
getNb, er := w.GetNodebByGlobalNbId(entities.Node_GNB, globalNbId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func TestGetCellById(t *testing.T) {
cellId := "aaaa"
var pci uint32 = 10
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
cellEntity := entities.Cell{Type: entities.Cell_LTE_CELL, Cell: &entities.Cell_ServedCellInfo{ServedCellInfo: &entities.ServedCellInfo{Pci: pci}}}
cellData, err := proto.Marshal(&cellEntity)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellById - Failed to marshal Cell entity. Error: %v", err)
var e error
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildCellIdKey(cellId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellById - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{key: string(cellData)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCellById(entities.Cell_LTE_CELL, cellId)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.NotNil(t, cell)
assert.Equal(t, cell.Type, entities.Cell_LTE_CELL)
assert.NotNil(t, cell.GetServedCellInfo())
assert.Equal(t, cell.GetServedCellInfo().GetPci(), pci)
func TestGetCellByIdNotFoundFailureEnb(t *testing.T) {
cellId := "bbbb"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
var ret map[string]interface{}
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildCellIdKey(cellId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellByIdNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCellById(entities.Cell_LTE_CELL, cellId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.Cell not found. Key: CELL:bbbb", er.Error())
func TestGetCellByIdNotFoundFailureGnb(t *testing.T) {
cellId := "bbbb"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
var ret map[string]interface{}
key, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNrCellIdKey(cellId)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetCellByIdNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(ret, e)
cell, er := w.GetCellById(entities.Cell_NR_CELL, cellId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.Cell not found. Key: NRCELL:bbbb", er.Error())
func TestGetCellByIdTypeValidationFailure(t *testing.T) {
cellId := "dddd"
w, _ := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
cell, er := w.GetCellById(5, cellId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ValidationError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.GetCellById - invalid cell type: 5", er.Error())
func TestGetCellByIdValidationFailureGnb(t *testing.T) {
cellId := ""
w, _ := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
cell, er := w.GetCellById(entities.Cell_NR_CELL, cellId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ValidationError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#utils.ValidateAndBuildNrCellIdKey - an empty cell id received", er.Error())
func TestGetCellByIdValidationFailureEnb(t *testing.T) {
cellId := ""
w, _ := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
cell, er := w.GetCellById(entities.Cell_LTE_CELL, cellId)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, cell)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ValidationError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#utils.ValidateAndBuildCellIdKey - an empty cell id received", er.Error())
func TestGetRanLoadInformation(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
loadInfo := generateRanLoadInformation()
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(loadInfo)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformation - Failed to marshal RanLoadInformation entity. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildRanLoadInformationKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformationNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getLoadInfo, er := w.GetRanLoadInformation(name)
assert.Nil(t, er)
assert.NotNil(t, getLoadInfo)
expected, err := json.Marshal(loadInfo)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformation - Failed to marshal RanLoadInformation entity. Error: %v", err)
actual, err := json.Marshal(getLoadInfo)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformation - Failed to marshal RanLoadInformation entity. Error: %v", err)
assert.EqualValues(t, expected, actual)
func TestGetRanLoadInformationValidationFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := ""
w, _ := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
getNb, er := w.GetRanLoadInformation(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ValidationError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#utils.ValidateAndBuildRanLoadInformationKey - an empty inventory name received", er.Error())
func TestGetRanLoadInformationNotFoundFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
var ret map[string]interface{}
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildRanLoadInformationKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformationNotFoundFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetRanLoadInformation(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshal - entity of type *entities.RanLoadInformation not found. Key: LOAD:name", er.Error())
func TestGetRanLoadInformationUnmarshalFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
var e error
ret := make(map[string]interface{}, 1)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildRanLoadInformationKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformationUnmarshalFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
ret[redisKey] = "data"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetRanLoadInformation(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.Contains(t, er.Error(), "proto:")
func TestGetRanLoadInformationSdlgoFailure(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
errMsg := "expected Sdlgo error"
errMsgExpected := "expected Sdlgo error"
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e := errors.New(errMsg)
var ret map[string]interface{}
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildRanLoadInformationKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformationSdlgoFailure - failed to validate key parameter")
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
getNb, er := w.GetRanLoadInformation(name)
assert.NotNil(t, er)
assert.Nil(t, getNb)
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, er)
assert.EqualValues(t, errMsgExpected, er.Error())
func generateCellLoadInformation() *entities.CellLoadInformation {
cellLoadInformation := entities.CellLoadInformation{}
cellLoadInformation.CellId = "123"
ulInterferenceOverloadIndication := entities.UlInterferenceOverloadIndication_HIGH_INTERFERENCE
cellLoadInformation.UlInterferenceOverloadIndications = []entities.UlInterferenceOverloadIndication{ulInterferenceOverloadIndication}
ulHighInterferenceInformation := entities.UlHighInterferenceInformation{
TargetCellId: "456",
UlHighInterferenceIndication: "xxx",
cellLoadInformation.UlHighInterferenceInfos = []*entities.UlHighInterferenceInformation{&ulHighInterferenceInformation}
cellLoadInformation.RelativeNarrowbandTxPower = &entities.RelativeNarrowbandTxPower{
RntpPerPrb: "xxx",
RntpThreshold: entities.RntpThreshold_NEG_4,
NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts: entities.NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts_V1_ANT_PRT,
PB: 1,
PdcchInterferenceImpact: 2,
EnhancedRntp: &entities.EnhancedRntp{
EnhancedRntpBitmap: "xxx",
RntpHighPowerThreshold: entities.RntpThreshold_NEG_2,
EnhancedRntpStartTime: &entities.StartTime{StartSfn: 500, StartSubframeNumber: 5},
cellLoadInformation.AbsInformation = &entities.AbsInformation{
Mode: entities.AbsInformationMode_ABS_INFO_FDD,
AbsPatternInfo: "xxx",
NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts: entities.NumberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts_V2_ANT_PRT,
MeasurementSubset: "xxx",
cellLoadInformation.InvokeIndication = entities.InvokeIndication_ABS_INFORMATION
cellLoadInformation.ExtendedUlInterferenceOverloadInfo = &entities.ExtendedUlInterferenceOverloadInfo{
AssociatedSubframes: "xxx",
ExtendedUlInterferenceOverloadIndications: cellLoadInformation.UlInterferenceOverloadIndications,
compInformationItem := &entities.CompInformationItem{
CompHypothesisSets: []*entities.CompHypothesisSet{{CellId: "789", CompHypothesis: "xxx"}},
BenefitMetric: 50,
cellLoadInformation.CompInformation = &entities.CompInformation{
CompInformationItems: []*entities.CompInformationItem{compInformationItem},
CompInformationStartTime: &entities.StartTime{StartSfn: 123, StartSubframeNumber: 456},
cellLoadInformation.DynamicDlTransmissionInformation = &entities.DynamicDlTransmissionInformation{
State: entities.NaicsState_NAICS_ACTIVE,
TransmissionModes: "xxx",
PB: 2,
PAList: []entities.PA{entities.PA_DB_NEG_3},
return &cellLoadInformation
func generateRanLoadInformation() *entities.RanLoadInformation {
ranLoadInformation := entities.RanLoadInformation{}
ranLoadInformation.LoadTimestamp = uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())
cellLoadInformation := generateCellLoadInformation()
ranLoadInformation.CellLoadInfos = []*entities.CellLoadInformation{cellLoadInformation}
return &ranLoadInformation
func TestGetE2TInstanceSuccess(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
redisKey, validationErr := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address)
if validationErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetE2TInstanceSuccess - Failed to build E2T Instance key. Error: %v", validationErr)
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e2tInstance := generateE2tInstance(address)
data, err := json.Marshal(e2tInstance)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetE2TInstanceSuccess - Failed to marshal E2tInstance entity. Error: %v", err)
var e error
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
res, rNibErr := w.GetE2TInstance(address)
assert.Nil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Equal(t, e2tInstance, res)
func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
e2tInstance := generateE2tInstance("")
marshaled, _ := json.Marshal(e2tInstance)
m := map[string]interface{}{
"whatever": string(marshaled),
var entity entities.E2TInstance
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(m["whatever"].(string)), &entity)
assert.Nil(t, err)
func TestGetE2TInstanceEmptyAddressFailure(t *testing.T) {
w, _ := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
res, err := w.GetE2TInstance("")
assert.NotNil(t, err)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ValidationError{}, err)
assert.Nil(t, res)
func TestGetE2TInstanceSdlError(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
redisKey, validationErr := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address)
if validationErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetE2TInstanceSuccess - Failed to build E2T Instance key. Error: %v", validationErr)
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
expectedErr := errors.New("expected error")
var ret map[string]interface{}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, expectedErr)
res, rNibErr := w.GetE2TInstance(address)
assert.NotNil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Nil(t, res)
func generateE2tInstance(address string) *entities.E2TInstance {
e2tInstance := entities.NewE2TInstance(address,"")
e2tInstance.AssociatedRanList = []string{"test1", "test2"}
e2tInstance.DeletionTimestamp = time.Now().UnixNano()
return e2tInstance
func TestGetE2TAddressesSdlError(t *testing.T) {
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
expectedErr := errors.New("expected error")
var ret map[string]interface{}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{E2TAddressesKey}).Return(ret, expectedErr)
res, rNibErr := w.GetE2TAddresses()
assert.NotNil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Nil(t, res)
func TestGetE2TAddressesSuccess(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e2tAddresses := []string{address}
data, err := json.Marshal(e2tAddresses)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetE2TInfoListSuccess - Failed to marshal E2TInfoList. Error: %v", err)
var e error
ret := map[string]interface{}{E2TAddressesKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{E2TAddressesKey}).Return(ret, e)
res, rNibErr := w.GetE2TAddresses()
assert.Nil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Equal(t, e2tAddresses, res)
func TestGetE2TInstancesSuccess(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
address2 := ""
redisKey, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address)
redisKey2, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address2)
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e2tInstance1 := generateE2tInstance(address)
e2tInstance2 := generateE2tInstance(address2)
data1, _ := json.Marshal(e2tInstance1)
data2, _ := json.Marshal(e2tInstance2)
var e error
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data1), redisKey2: string(data2)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey, redisKey2}).Return(ret, e)
res, err := w.GetE2TInstances([]string{address, address2})
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []*entities.E2TInstance{e2tInstance1, e2tInstance2}, res)
func TestGetE2TInstancesUnmarhalPartialSuccess(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
address2 := ""
redisKey, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address)
redisKey2, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address2)
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
e2tInstance1 := generateE2tInstance(address)
data1, _ := json.Marshal(e2tInstance1)
var e error
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data1), redisKey2: "abc"}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey, redisKey2}).Return(ret, e)
res, err := w.GetE2TInstances([]string{address, address2})
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, []*entities.E2TInstance{e2tInstance1}, res)
func TestGetE2TInstancesSdlFailure(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
address2 := ""
redisKey, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address)
redisKey2, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address2)
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey, redisKey2}).Return(map[string]interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf(""))
_, err := w.GetE2TInstances([]string{address, address2})
assert.IsType(t, &common.InternalError{}, err)
func TestGetE2TInstancesEmptyData(t *testing.T) {
address := ""
address2 := ""
redisKey, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address)
redisKey2, _ := common.ValidateAndBuildE2TInstanceKey(address2)
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey, redisKey2}).Return(map[string]interface{}{}, nil)
_, err := w.GetE2TInstances([]string{address, address2})
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, err)
func TestGetGeneralConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
key := common.BuildGeneralConfigurationKey()
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
configurationData := "{\"enableRic\":true}"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(map[string]interface{}{key: configurationData}, nil)
res, rNibErr := w.GetGeneralConfiguration()
assert.Nil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Equal(t, true, res.EnableRic)
func TestGetGeneralConfigurationNotFound(t *testing.T) {
key := common.BuildGeneralConfigurationKey()
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(map[string]interface{}{}, nil)
_, rNibErr := w.GetGeneralConfiguration()
assert.NotNil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Equal(t, "#rNibReader.getByKeyAndUnmarshalJson - entity of type *entities.GeneralConfiguration not found. Key: GENERAL", rNibErr.Error())
func TestGetGeneralConfigurationSdlFailure(t *testing.T) {
key := common.BuildGeneralConfigurationKey()
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(map[string]interface{}{}, fmt.Errorf("sdl error"))
_, rNibErr := w.GetGeneralConfiguration()
assert.NotNil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Equal(t, "sdl error", rNibErr.Error())
func TestGetGeneralConfigurationUnmarshalError(t *testing.T) {
key := common.BuildGeneralConfigurationKey()
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
configurationData := "{\"enableRic :true}"
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{key}).Return(map[string]interface{}{key: configurationData}, nil)
_, rNibErr := w.GetGeneralConfiguration()
assert.NotNil(t, rNibErr)
assert.Equal(t, rNibErr.Error(), "unexpected end of JSON input")
func TestGetRanFunctionDefinition(t *testing.T) {
name := "name"
oid := ""
w, sdlInstanceMock := initSdlSyncStorageMock()
nb := entities.NodebInfo{}
nb.ConnectionStatus = 1
nb.Ip = "localhost"
nb.Port = 5656
enb := entities.Enb{}
cell := entities.ServedCellInfo{Tac: "tac"}
enb.ServedCells = []*entities.ServedCellInfo{&cell}
nb.Configuration = &entities.NodebInfo_Enb{Enb: &enb}
var e error
data, err := proto.Marshal(&nb)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.GetRanFunctionDefinition - Failed to marshal ENB instance. Error: %v", err)
redisKey, rNibErr := common.ValidateAndBuildNodeBNameKey(name)
if rNibErr != nil {
t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestRanFunctionDefinition - failed to validate key parameter")
ret := map[string]interface{}{redisKey: string(data)}
sdlInstanceMock.On("Get", common.GetRNibNamespace(), []string{redisKey}).Return(ret, e)
ranFuncs, er := w.GetRanFunctionDefinition(name, oid)
assert.IsType(t, &common.ResourceNotFoundError{}, er)
assert.Nil(t, ranFuncs)
//integration tests
//func TestGetEnbInteg(t *testing.T){
// name := "nameEnb1"
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// nb, err := w.GetNodeb(name)
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else {
// fmt.Printf("#TestGetEnbInteg - responding node type: %v\n", nb)
// }
//func TestGetEnbCellsInteg(t *testing.T){
// name := "nameEnb1"
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// cells, err := w.GetCellList(name)
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else if cells != nil{
// for _, cell := range cells.GetServedCellInfos().ServedCells{
// fmt.Printf("responding node type Cell: %v\n", *cell)
// }
// }
//func TestGetGnbInteg(t *testing.T){
// name := "nameGnb1"
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// nb, err := w.GetNodeb(name)
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else {
// fmt.Printf("#TestGetGnbInteg - responding node type: %v\n", nb)
// }
//func TestGetGnbCellsInteg(t *testing.T){
// name := "nameGnb1"
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// cells, err := w.GetCellList(name)
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else if cells != nil{
// for _, cell := range cells.GetServedNrCells().ServedCells{
// fmt.Printf("responding node type NR Cell: %v\n", *cell)
// }
// }
//func TestGetListEnbIdsInteg(t *testing.T) {
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// ids, err := w.GetListEnbIds()
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else {
// for _, id := range ids{
// fmt.Printf("#TestGetListEnbIdsInteg - ENB ID: %s\n", id)
// }
// }
//func TestGetListGnbIdsInteg(t *testing.T) {
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// ids, err := w.GetListGnbIds()
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else {
// for _, id := range ids{
// fmt.Printf("#TestGetListGnbIdsInteg - GNB ID: %s\n", id)
// }
// }
//func TestGetCountGnbListInteg(t *testing.T) {
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// count, err := w.GetCountGnbList()
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else {
// fmt.Printf("#TestGetCountGnbListInteg - count Gnb list: %d\n", count)
// }
//func TestGetGnbCellInteg(t *testing.T){
// name := "nameGnb7"
// pci := 0x0a
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// cell, err := w.GetCell(name, uint32(pci))
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else if cell != nil{
// fmt.Printf("responding node type NR Cell: %v\n", cell.GetServedNrCell())
// }
//func TestGetEnbCellInteg(t *testing.T) {
// name := "nameEnb1"
// pci := 0x22
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// cell, err := w.GetCell(name, uint32(pci))
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else if cell != nil {
// fmt.Printf("responding node type LTE Cell: %v\n", cell.GetServedCellInfo())
// }
//func TestGetEnbCellByIdInteg(t *testing.T){
// Init("namespace", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// cell, err := w.GetCellById(entities.Cell_NR_CELL, "45d")
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else if cell != nil{
// fmt.Printf("responding node type NR Cell: %v\n", cell.GetServedNrCell())
// }
//func TestGetListNbIdsInteg(t *testing.T) {
// Init("e2Manager", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// ids, err := w.GetListNodebIds()
// if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(err)
// } else {
// for _, id := range ids{
// fmt.Printf("#TestGetListGnbIdsInteg - NB ID: %s\n", id)
// }
// }
//func TestGetRanLoadInformationInteg(t *testing.T){
// Init("e2Manager", 1)
// w := GetRNibReader()
// ranLoadInformation, err := w.GetRanLoadInformation("ran_integ")
// if err != nil{
// t.Errorf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformationInteg - Failed to get RanLoadInformation entity. Error: %v", err)
// }
// assert.NotNil(t, ranLoadInformation)
// fmt.Printf("#rNibReader_test.TestGetRanLoadInformationInteg - GNB ID: %s\n", ranLoadInformation)
//func TestGetE2TInstancesInteg(t *testing.T) {
// db := sdlgo.NewDatabase()
// sdl := sdlgo.NewSdlInstance("e2Manager", db)
// rnibReader := GetRNibReader(sdl)
// e2tInstances, _ := rnibReader.GetE2TInstances([]string{"","whatever"})
// assert.Len(t, e2tInstances, 1)