| *** Settings *** |
| Suite Setup Suite Setup |
| Suite Teardown Suite Teardown |
| Test Timeout 6 minutes |
| Library SSHLibrary |
| Library String |
| Library Collections |
| |
| *** Variables *** |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_VM_USERNAME} root # User name of Near-RT RIC Platform VM |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_VM_PASSWORD} root # Password of Near-RT RIC Platform VM |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_VM_IP} # IP Address of the Near-RT RIC Platform VM |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} deployment-ricplt-rtmgr-994cd9b46-x4bf2 |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} deployment-ricplt-e2mgr-7596586d98-vpxbp |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_SERVICE_NAME} service-ricplt-rtmgr-http |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_SERVICE_NAME} service-ricplt-e2mgr-http |
| |
| *** Test Cases *** |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario1 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 1 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create a standalone E2T instance and verify whether its added in datastore(SDL file) |
| ... Check also routes for 1090 and 1101 are mapped |
| ... |
| ... Step2 : \ Associate R1,R2 and R3 to newly created E2T instance one and verify whether its updated in RanList. |
| ... |
| ... Step3 : \ Disassociate R1 and R3 only from E2T instance and verify R2 exists & R1 and R3 removed from RanList |
| ... |
| ... Step4 : \ Delete E2T instance once and verify the instance and R2 is removed from datastore(SDL file) |
| ... Check also routes are demapped for message types 1090 and 1101 |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instnace |
| Log "1. Create one E2T instance " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##2: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details. |
| Log "2. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json | json_pp |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name" : "E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist" : [] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn" : "" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|0 |
| |
| ##3: Associate R1,R2,R3 to E2T1 |
| Log "3. Associate R1,R2,R3 to E2T1" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/associate-ran-to-e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R1\\", \\"R2\\", \\"R3\\" ] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##4: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether RANs are associated succsessfully. |
| Log "4. Verify the file /db/rt.json whether RANs are associated succsessfully. " |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R1","R2","R3"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R1 R2 R3 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##5: Disassociate R1, R3 from E2T1 |
| Log "5. Disassociate R1 and R3 from E2T1" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/dissociate-ran" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R1\\", \\"R3\\" ] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##6: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether R1 and R3 are removed & R2 exists in Ran List. |
| Log "6: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether R1 and R3 are removed & R2 exists in Ran List." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R2"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R1 R3 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##7: Delete E2T Instance |
| Log "7. Delete E2T instance " |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ##8: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed. |
| Log "8. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json | json_pp |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist" : [] |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn" : "" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R2 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario2 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 2 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create an E2T instance along with RANList R1,R2 and verify whether its added in datastore(SDL file) |
| ... |
| ... Step2 : \ Associate R3 and R4 to newly created E2T instance one and verify whether its updated in RanList. |
| ... |
| ... Step3 : \ Disassociate all the RAN's from E2T instance and verify the same |
| ... |
| ... Step4 : \ Delete E2T instance once and verify the instance removed from datastore(SDL file) |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instnace |
| Log "1. Create one E2T instance " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R1\\", \\"R2\\" ]}" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##2: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details. |
| Log "2. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R1","R2"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R1 R2 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##3.Associate new RAN's R3,R4 to E2T1" |
| Log "3. Associate R3,R4 to E2T1" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/associate-ran-to-e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R3\\", \\"R4\\" ] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##4: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether RANs are associated succsessfully. |
| Log "4. Verify the file /db/rt.json whether RANs are associated succsessfully. " |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R1","R2","R3","R4"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R3 R4 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##5: Disassociate all RAN's from E2T1 |
| Log "5. Disassociate all RAN's from E2T1" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/dissociate-ran" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\" }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##6: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether R1,R2,R3 and R4 are removed. |
| Log "6: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether R1 R2 R3 and R4 are removed in Ran List." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":[] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R1 R2 R3 R4 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##7: Delete E2T Instance |
| Log "7. Delete E2T instance " |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ##8: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed. |
| Log "8. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json | json_pp |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist" : [] |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn" : "" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|0 |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario3 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 3 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create an E2T instance along with RANList R1,R2 and verify whether its added in datastore(SDL file) |
| ... |
| ... Step2 : \ Delete E2T instance by providing the RAN list and verify the instance removed from datastore(SDL file) |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instnace |
| Log "1. Create one E2T instance " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\":\\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R1\\", \\"R2\\" ]}" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##2: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details. |
| Log "2. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R1","R2"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R1 R2 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##3: Delete E2T Instance |
| Log "7. Delete E2T instance " |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelistTobeDissociated\\": [ \\"R1\\", \\"R2\\" ]}" |
| ##8: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed. |
| Log "8. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json | json_pp |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist" : [] |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn" : "" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R1 R2 |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario4 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 4 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create two E2T instances E2T1 and E2T2 along with RANList R11 and R21 respectively, verify whether its added in datastore(SDL file) |
| ... |
| ... Step2 : \ Associate R12 and R22 to newly created E2T1 and E2T2 instance respectively and verify whether its updated in RanList. |
| ... |
| ... Step3 : \ Disassociate all the RAN's from E2T1 instance and R23 R21 from E2T2 instance and verify the same |
| ... |
| ... Step4 : \ Delete E2T2 instance and associate R22 to E2T1 instance and verify the from datastore(SDL file) |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instnace |
| Log "1. Create E2T instances " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R11\\" ]}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R21\\" ]}" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##2: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details. |
| Log "2. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=35 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R11"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R21"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| #Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1|, |
| #Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1|, |
| Run Keyword Should Contain X Times ${cmd_output1} 4 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain X Times ${cmd_output1} 6 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R21 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ##3.Associate RAN's R12 to E2T1 and R22 to E2T2" |
| Log "3. Associate R12 to E2T1 and R22 to E2T2" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/associate-ran-to-e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R12\\" ] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/associate-ran-to-e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R22\\" ] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##4: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether RANs are associated succsessfully. |
| Log "4. Verify the file /db/rt.json whether RANs are associated succsessfully. " |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##5. Associate R13 and R23 in a single curl command to E2T1 and E2T2 respectively |
| Log "5. Associate R13 and R23 in a single curl command to E2T1 and E2T2 respectively" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/associate-ran-to-e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R13\\"] }, { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\",\\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R23\\"] }]" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=25 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R11","R12","R13"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R21","R22","R23"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R13 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R23 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|2 |
| ##6: Disassociate all RAN's from E2T1 R21 and R23 from E2T2 |
| Log "6: Disassociate all RAN's from E2T1 R21 and R23 from E2T2" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/dissociate-ran" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\" } ,{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R21\\", \\"R23\\" ] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##7: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether R1,R2,R3 and R4 are removed. |
| Log "7: Verify the file /db/rt.json whether R1 R2 R3 and R4 are removed in Ran List." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=20 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "name":"E2TERMINST" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":[] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R22"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R11 R12 R13 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R21 R23 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|2 |
| ##8: Delete E2T2 Instance and Associate R22 to E2T1 |
| Log "8. Delete E2T2 instance and Associate R22 to E2T1" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranAssocList\\": [ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R22\\" ] } ]}" |
| sleep 1 |
| ##9: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed. |
| Log "9. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist" : [] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn":"" |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output} "fqdn" : "" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} "ranlist":["R22"] |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R22 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R22 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|2 |
| |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario5 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 5 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create two E2T instance and verify whether its added in datastore(SDL file) |
| ... Check also routes for 1090 and 1101 are mapped |
| ... |
| ... Step2 : \ Remove one E2T instance and check that message types 1090 and 1101 still present. |
| ... |
| ... Step3 : \ Remove second E2T and verify message types 1090 and 1101 are also removed |
| ... |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instnace |
| Log "1. Create E2T instances " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\" }" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\" }" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ##2: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details. |
| Log "2. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is updated with proper details." |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=35 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain X Times ${cmd_output1} 4 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain X Times ${cmd_output1} 4 |
| ##3: Delete E2T1 Instance |
| Log "3. Delete E2T1 instance" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ##4: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed. |
| Log "3. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101,service-ricplt-e2mgr-rmr.ricplt:3801|-1| |
| ##4: Delete E2T2 Instance |
| Log "4. Delete E2T2 instance" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ##4: Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed. |
| Log "4. Verify the file /db/rt.json file whether E2T instance is removed" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} cat /db/rt.json |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1090 |
| Run Keyword Should Not Contain ${cmd_output1} mse|1101 |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario6 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 6 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create of E2T instance with invalid fqdn fails |
| ... |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instnace |
| Log "1. Create E2T instances " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -i -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"dummy.e2t.com:12345\\" }" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} 400 Bad Request |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario7 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 7 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create of 10 E2T instance |
| ... |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instance |
| Log "1. Create E2T instances " |
| ##Delete If it exists already |
| :FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 1 11 |
| \ ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -i -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"10.20.30.${INDEX}:12345\\" }" |
| \ log ${cmd_output} |
| \ Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} 201 |
| ##2: Delete the created E2T instances |
| :FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 1 11 |
| \ ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -i -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"10.20.30.${INDEX}:12345\\" }" |
| \ log ${cmd_output} |
| \ Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} 201 |
| |
| |
| r3_multiple_e2t_instances_support_scenario8 |
| [Documentation] This Test case covers the checks of Multiple E2T instance support feature |
| ... |
| ... Scenario 8 [ Positive Case] : |
| ... |
| ... Step1 : \ Create of 10 E2T instance |
| ... |
| [Tags] RICPLT_MultipleE2T |
| ##Scenario1 execution |
| ##1: Create one E2T Instance |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\"}" |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\" }" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} -- curl -X POST "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/associate-ran-to-e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[ { \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\", \\"ranNamelist\\": [ \\"R1\\", \\"R2\\", \\"R3\\", \\"R4\\", \\"R5\\", \\"R6\\", \\"R7\\", \\"R8\\", \\"R9\\", \\"R10\\"] }]" |
| log ${cmd_output} |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_ar||R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} meid_map|end|1 |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl exec -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} \ -- curl -i -X DELETE "http://service-ricplt-rtmgr-http:3800/ric/v1/handles/e2t" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \\"E2TAddress\\": \\"\\" }" |
| ${cmd_output1} Execute command kubectl logs -n ricplt ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} --tail=12 | grep meid |
| log ${cmd_output1} |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} 201 |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output1} mme_del|R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 |
| |
| |
| *** Keywords *** |
| Login_RIC_Platform_VM |
| [Arguments] ${alias_name}=ricplt |
| SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_VM_IP} 22 |
| |
| Suite Setup |
| ##Added place holder now |
| Login_RIC_Platform_VM |
| check_ric_platform_services |
| |
| Suite Teardown |
| Close Connection |
| |
| Wait For routing manager service |
| [Arguments] ${maxcount}=10 ${count}=1 |
| FOR ${count} IN RANGE 1 ${maxcount} |
| ${cmd_output} Execute command kubectl get pod -n ricplt | grep -i deployment-ricplt-rtmgr |
| ${status}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${cmd_output} Running |
| ${ready}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${cmd_output} 1/1 |
| Log ${status} |
| Log ${ready} |
| Run Keyword If ("${status[0]}" == "PASS") and ("${ready[0]}" == "PASS") Exit For Loop |
| ##Run Keyword And Ignore Error Execute command |
| Sleep 2 |
| END |
| Log "Max retry count reached, seems routing manager is not running successfully" |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} Running |
| Run Keyword Should Contain ${cmd_output} 1/1 |
| |
| check_ric_platform_services |
| ##check whether required servcies are up and running. |
| Log "Checking the status of Routing manager POD" |
| Wait For routing manager service 10 1 |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} Execute command kubectl get pod -n ricplt | grep -i deployment-ricplt-rtmgr | awk '{ print $1}' |
| ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} Execute command kubectl get pod -n ricplt | grep -i deployment-ricplt-e2mgr | awk '{ print $1}' |
| Set Suite Variable ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_RTMGR_POD_NAME} |
| Set Suite Variable ${NEAR_RT_RIC_PLT_E2MGR_POD_NAME} |
| |