blob: 28a9cb68f0b30afe33015299af62de6047b9b7f6 [file] [log] [blame]
### v0.7.8
* Refactoring rtmgr code
### v0.7.7
* go.mod updated from 1.12 go version to 1.13
### v0.7.6
* Upgraded to RMR 4.7.4 and some improvements
### v0.7.5
* Open RMR connection in a a new thread
### v0.7.4
* Overwrite duplicate E2T address instead of sending error to E2Manager
### v0.7.3
* Upgraded to RMR v4.5.2
### v0.7.1
* Upgraded to RMR v4.4.4
### v0.6.10
* Code violations fixed in pkg/nbi/httprestful.go
### v0.6.9
* Code violations fixed in pkg/nbi/httprestful.go and pkg/nbi/control.go
### v0.6.8
* Appending Receiver endpoint in routes if RX message type is same
### v0.6.7
* Publish Route only once to the endpoint that requests it. Periodic/Event based distribution will be done only for the process with RMR Control Port 4561.
### v0.6.5
* Removed Book Keeping of RMR CTL ports. Route Distribution on demand.
### v0.6.4
* Creating dymanic endpoints(Eps) and distributing routes to those endpoints on upgrade route table request from xApp (this is fixed part MCxapp distribution issue for multiple route ports)
### v0.6.3
* [RIC-369] Routing manager needs to support for xApps that terminate other protocols than E2
### v0.6.2
* Distribution of routes is synchronous.
### v0.6.1
* Updating xapp_fwk to v0.4.15, that contains RIC_HEALTH_CHECK message types
### v0.6.0
* Updating RMR version to 4.0.5
### v0.5.9
* Updating to xapp frw v0.4.10, for dcap to adxapp new message type
### v0.5.8
* Updating to RMR version 4.0.2
### v0.5.7-3
* Updating to RMR version 3.8.2
### v0.5.7-2
* Supporting of reading subscriptions from subscription manager while restarting rtmgr
### v0.5.7-1
* Increased http client timeout to 15sec
### v0.5.7
* Commented subscription list retrieval during rtmgr startUp
### v0.5.6-2
* RT records are sent in a group rather than individually. Group is configurabl
### v0.5.6-1
* Moving to ubuntu 18 and fixing UT's
### v0.5.6
* Fix to convert service name to IP during Route update Request
### v0.5.5
* Supporting xApp to xApp Routes handling
### v0.5.3
* RMR updated to v3.6.0 with support for E2 Setup message types
### v0.5.2
* Switch to RMR Si95 mode
### v0.5.1
* Removal of go mangoes and using RMR nng
### v0.4.16
* getAllSubscriptions API (RM -> SM) during restart of routing manager handled
### v0.4.15
* Retained (E2M->E2T issue) - retrying when is_Ready flag in socket handle is false
### v0.4.14
* Restart/Start of RM, fetch E2T data from E2manager - implementation in RM for v1/e2t/list API handling
### v0.4.13
* Corrected route table syntax in case of broadcast message
### v0.4.12
* Added debug API to request route and configuration details in routing manager
### v0.4.11
* Added code for subscription merge and added RMR from xapp-framework
### v0.4.10
* Temporary Fix for R3 (E2M->E2T issue) - retrying when is_Ready flag in socket handle is false
### v0.4.8
* Entry in meid map will only contain the delta change
### v0.4.7
* Check DNS lookup for E2T address, RED Button and KEEP alive message routes added for new E2T Address
### v0.4.6
* Static platform routes can be configured via configuration file
### v0.4.5
* Multiple E2T instance Feature: Introduced APIs Delete E2T Instance, associate RANs to E2T and disassociate RANs from E2T Instance.
### v0.4.4
* Create E2T Instance API introduced for Multiple E2T Feature
### v0.4.3
* Included RMR changes that has MEID implementation
### v0.4.2
* Added Routes when AC-xApp is deployed
* included xapp-framework. Using only config and Logger module for now.
### v0.4.1
* Fixed integration and subscription routes related issues for R3
### v0.3.9
* xApp manager interface changes for Subscription Request API
### v0.3.8
* Adding docs and updating release notes for routing manager
### v0.3.7
### v0.3.6
* Routing Manager is more resilient to missing components
* Put in order the message types
### v0.3.5
* Added platform route to send RIC_SCTP_CLEAR_ALL message to implement big red button.
* Added E2_TERM_INIT and RIC_SCTP_CONNECTION_FAILURE message type routes.
### v0.3.4
* The following tools made available in the final docker image: iputils-ping, net-tools, curl and tcpdump
### v0.3.3
* Introduced delete API over REST interface for subscriptions.
### v0.3.2
* Minor code changes due to appmgr/rtmgr api differences
* Doc update
* UT fixes
### v0.3.1
* Removed "rte" route types and made all routes to construct of "mse" literal.
### v0.3.0
* Introduced platform-specific routes: basic components (e2term, ueman, subman, e2man) are stored in a json file (example in manifests/rtmgr/rtmgr-cfg.yaml)
* Introduced subscription add functionality: /ric/v1/xapp-subscriptions endpoint is active, on a POST method it generates endpoint specific mse routing table entries
### v0.2.0
* Introduced http rest functionality
* A way to get intial xapp data from xapp manager while booting the routing manager
* A way to create a sinple webhook registration in the xapp-manager to listen on updates abpout changes in xapps
### v0.1.1
* Changes in swagger API definition
* UTs for SBI, SDL and RPE modules
* New message types according to RMR
### v0.1.0
* Introduces NNGPush SBI module
* Bugfixes in argument handling
* different RMR policy generator for Push and Pub communication
### v0.0.3
* RMR Policy Engine has been refactored to handle receiving groups properly
* Debugging feature has been added
* Multi level logging
* A complex JSON file has been added to xApp Manager to test new behavior
### v0.0.2
* RTMGR (Routing Manager) implementation in Golang
* Updated project folder structure
* Integration manifests
### v0.0.1
* Initial version of Routing Manager for CI/CD pipeline
* Dummy solution: still has no real routing capability
* Container is based on the _**tx**_ version of [admin xApp] which already implements [RMR library]