blob: 97ea6d31d7626e80428a354ab4054ae83c02bfda [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property.
Copyright (c) 2019 Nokia
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
This source code is part of the near-RT RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller)
platform project (RICP).
Mnemonic: stub.go
Date: 27 April 2019
package stub
import (
var ValidXApps = &[]rtmgr.XApp{
{Name: "app2", Status: "", Version: "", Instances: []rtmgr.XAppInstance{{Name: "SUBMAN", Status: "unknown", Ip: "", Port: 4560, TxMessages: []string{"HandoverCancel", "HandoverPreparation"}, RxMessages: []string{"HandoverPreparation", "HandoverCancel"}}}},
{Name: "app1", Status: "", Version: "", Instances: []rtmgr.XAppInstance{{Name: "E2TERM", Status: "unknown", Ip: "", Port: 4562, TxMessages: []string{"HandoverCancel", "HandoverPreparation"}, RxMessages: []string{"HandoverPreparation", "HandoverCancel"}}}},
var ValidPlatformComponents = &rtmgr.PlatformComponents{
{Name: "SUBMAN", Fqdn: "localhost", Port: 4560},
{Name: "E2TERM", Fqdn: "localhost1", Port: 4562},
var ValidEndpoints = []rtmgr.Endpoint{
{Uuid: "localhost", Name: "SUBMAN", XAppType: "app2", Ip: "", Port: 4560, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Socket: nil, IsReady: false, Keepalive: false},
{Uuid: "localhost1", Name: "E2TERM", XAppType: "app1", Ip: "", Port: 4562, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Socket: nil, IsReady: false, Keepalive: false},
var ValidE2TInstance = rtmgr.E2TInstance{
Name: "E2Tinstance1",
Fqdn: "",
Ranlist: []string{"1", "2"},
var E2map = make(map[string]rtmgr.E2TInstance)
var ValidEndPointsEmpty = rtmgr.Endpoints{}
var ValidRicComponents = rtmgr.RicComponents{
XApps: *ValidXApps, Pcs: *ValidPlatformComponents, E2Ts: E2map, MeidMap: []string{"mme_ar||gnbID1"},
var ValidPolicies = &[]string{"", ""}
var ValidEndpoints1 = []rtmgr.Endpoint{
{Uuid: "", Name: "E2TERM", XAppType: "app1", Ip: "", Port: 0, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Socket: nil, IsReady: true, Keepalive: true},
{Uuid: "", Name: "E2TERMINST", XAppType: "app2", Ip: "", Port: 0, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Socket: nil, IsReady: true, Keepalive: true},
{Uuid: "", Name: "SUBMAN", XAppType: "app2", Ip: "", Port: 0, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Socket: nil, IsReady: false, Keepalive: false},
{Uuid: "", Name: "E2MAN", XAppType: "app3", Ip: "", Port: 0, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Socket: nil, IsReady: true, Keepalive: false},
{Uuid: "", Name: "UEMAN", XAppType: "app4", Ip: "", Port: 0, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Policies: []int32{1, 2}, Socket: nil, IsReady: false, Keepalive: true},
{Uuid: "", Name: "UEMAN1", XAppType: "app4", Ip: "", Port: 0, TxMessages: []string{"", ""}, RxMessages: []string{"", ""}, Policies: []int32{1, 2}, Socket: nil, IsReady: false, Keepalive: true},
var ValidSubscriptions = &[]rtmgr.Subscription{
{SubID: 1234, Fqdn: "", Port: 0},
{SubID: 1235, Fqdn: "", Port: 0},
{SubID: 1236, Fqdn: "", Port: 0},
{SubID: 1237, Fqdn: "", Port: 0},
var DummyRoutes = &rtmgr.PlatformRoutes{
{MessageType: "12000", SenderEndPoint: "SUBMAN", SubscriptionId: 123, EndPoint: "UEMAN", Meid: ""},
{MessageType: "12001", SenderEndPoint: "RSM", SubscriptionId: 123, EndPoint: "A1MEDIATOR", Meid: ""},
{MessageType: "12002", SenderEndPoint: "E2MAN", SubscriptionId: 123, EndPoint: "E2TERMINST", Meid: ""},
{MessageType: "12003", SenderEndPoint: "E2TERMINST", SubscriptionId: 123, EndPoint: "E2MAN", Meid: ""},
{MessageType: "12004", SenderEndPoint: "A1MEDIATOR", SubscriptionId: 123, EndPoint: "RSM", Meid: ""},
{MessageType: "12005", SenderEndPoint: "UEMAN", SubscriptionId: 123, EndPoint: "SUBMAN", Meid: ""},
var Rane2tmap = models.RanE2tMap{
{E2TAddress: swag.String(""), RanNamelist: []string{"1", "2"}},
{E2TAddress: swag.String(""), RanNamelist: []string{"3", "4"}},
{E2TAddress: swag.String(""), RanNamelist: []string{}},
var Rane2tmaponlyE2t = models.RanE2tMap{
{E2TAddress: swag.String(""), RanNamelist: []string{}},
var XappSubscriptionData_port = uint16(0)
var XappSubscriptionData_subid = int32(1)
var XappSubData = models.XappSubscriptionData{
Address: swag.String(""), Port: &XappSubscriptionData_port, SubscriptionID: &XappSubscriptionData_subid,