| Name: sdl |
| Version: 1.1.1 |
| Release: 1%{?dist} |
| Summary: C++ API library for Shared Data Layer clients |
| |
| License: Apache-2 |
| URL: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/ric-plt/sdl |
| |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig |
| BuildRequires: gcc |
| BuildRequires: autoconf |
| BuildRequires: autoconf-archive |
| BuildRequires: automake |
| BuildRequires: make |
| BuildRequires: gawk |
| BuildRequires: libtool |
| BuildRequires: boost-devel |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(hiredis) |
| |
| %description |
| %{name} provices a C++ API library for Shared Data Layer clients |
| |
| %package devel |
| Summary: Development files for %{name} |
| Requires: %{name}%{?isa} = %{version}-%{release} |
| |
| %description devel |
| The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for |
| developing applications that use %{name}. |
| |
| %build |
| ./autogen.sh |
| %configure |
| %make_build |
| |
| %install |
| %make_install |
| rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib*.*a |
| |
| %post -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %files |
| %{_libdir}/*.so.* |
| %{_bindir}/sdltool |
| |
| %files devel |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libsdl.pc |
| %{_libdir}/*.so |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc |
| %{_includedir}/sdl |
| |
| %changelog |
| * Mon May 11 2020 Timo Tietavainen <timo.tietavainen@nokia.com> - 1.1.1-1 |
| - Add unit test code coverage (gcov) make target. |
| |
| * Thu Jan 09 2020 Timo Tietavainen <timo.tietavainen@nokia.com> - 1.1.0-1 |
| - Add public helper classes for UT mocking. |
| |
| * Tue Nov 12 2019 Rolf Badorek <rolf.badorek@nokia.com> - 1.0.4-1 |
| - first version |