blob: 4cac99ecf39733ec33e50176d9cd7697aa42f8f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// vi: ts=4 sw=4 noet:
Copyright (c) 2020 AT&T Intellectual Property.
Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia
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Mnemonic: tools_test.c
Abstract: Unit test for tools
Date: 19 June 2020
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "tools.h"
#include "ut_support.cpp"
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
char* p; // buffer pointer
char msg[2048];
int i = 41;
int j = 86;
char* t = (char *) "munchkin is a buttmunch!";
int errors = 0;
long long now_ms;
long long now_s;
set_test_name( "tools_test" );
mt_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "i=%d j=%d %q", i, j, t );
fprintf( stderr, "got: (%s)\n", msg );
errors += fail_if( strcmp( "i=41 j=86 \"munchkin is a buttmunch!\"", msg ) != 0, "quoted string was bad" );
mt_snprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "i=%d j=%d %%q", i, j );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> got: (%s)\n", msg );
errors += fail_if( strcmp( "i=41 j=86 %q", msg ) != 0, "string with %%q wasn't handled correctly" );
// ---------- time tests -------------------------
now_s = time( NULL );
now_ms = mt_now();
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> now_s=%lld now_ms=%lld\n", now_s, now_ms );
errors += fail_if( now_s != now_ms/1000000, "time values don't match up" );
// ---------- logging tests ----------------------
fprintf( stderr, "log messages expected to follow on stderr\n" );
mt_log_set_level( MT_LOG_INFO );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_set_hr( 1 ); // readable log messages
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_set_level( MT_LOG_DEBUG );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_set_level( MT_LOG_CRIT );
mt_log( MT_LOG_CRIT, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_set_level( MT_LOG_ERR );
mt_log( MT_LOG_ERR, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_set_level( MT_LOG_WARN );
mt_log( MT_LOG_WARN, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_target( (char *) "/dev/null" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> test message\n" );
mt_log_target( (char *) "stderr" );
// ------------ string based log level setting ----------------
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> testing debug level\n" );
mt_log_str2level( "debug" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> test message (debug)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> test message (info)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_WARN, (char *) "<UT> test message (warn)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_ERR, (char *) "<UT> test message (err)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_CRIT, (char *) "<UT> test message (crit)\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> testing crit level\n" );
mt_log_str2level( "crit" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_CRIT, (char *) "<UT> test message (crit)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_ERR, (char *) "<UT> might see this test message (err)\n" ); // crit/err same in ric log lib
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (debug)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (info)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_WARN, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (warn)\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> testing error level\n" );
mt_log_str2level( "error" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_ERR, (char *) "<UT> test message (err)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_CRIT, (char *) "<UT> test message (crit)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (debug)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (info)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_WARN, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (warn)\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> testing warning level\n" );
mt_log_str2level( "warn" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_WARN, (char *) "<UT> test message (warn)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (debug)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (info)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_ERR, (char *) "<UT> test message (err)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_CRIT, (char *) "<UT> test message (crit)\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> testing default level\n" );
mt_log_str2level( "default" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_WARN, (char *) "<UT> test message (warn)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_DEBUG, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (debug)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_INFO, (char *) "<UT> should not see this test message (info)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_ERR, (char *) "<UT> test message (err)\n" );
mt_log( MT_LOG_CRIT, (char *) "<UT> test message (crit)\n" );
// ---- json building stuff ---------------------------------
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_start_obj( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "temp_measurement" );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_string( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "units", (char *) "celsius", MT_FL_OPEN );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_int( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "current", 20, 0 );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of int to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_ll( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "current", 20, 0 );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of ll to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_double( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "factor", (double) 1.8, 0 );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of double to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_bool( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "stp", 0, 0 );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of bool (false) to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_bool( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "label", 1, MT_NO_FLAGS );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of bool (true) to json did not return pointer" );
p = json_add_nil( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "label", MT_FL_CLOSE | MT_FL_LAST );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of bool (true) to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
json_add_bool( msg, 1, (char *) "label", 1, MT_FL_CLOSE ); // should force error checking to run
// these drive for coverage of open/close which all arn't hit in the above test
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_add_string( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "units", (char *) "celsius", MT_FL_OPEN | MT_FL_CLOSE );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_add_int( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "current", 20, MT_FL_ARRAY | MT_FL_OPEN | MT_FL_CLOSE );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_add_double( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "factor", (double) 1.8, MT_FL_OPEN | MT_FL_CLOSE );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_add_double( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "offset", (double) 32.0, MT_FL_OPEN | MT_FL_CLOSE );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_add_bool( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "stp", 0, MT_FL_OPEN | MT_FL_CLOSE );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
msg[0] = 0;
p = json_add_bool( msg, sizeof( msg ), (char *) "label", 1, MT_FL_OPEN | MT_FL_CLOSE );
errors += fail_if( p == NULL, "addition of string to json did not return pointer" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> %s\n", p );
// ------ debugging funcitons -------------------------------
dump( p, strlen( p ) );
// ---- test usage/ensure thes must be LAST -----------------
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> tools_test: usage message expected to follow this message\n" );
usage( argv[0] );
ensure_nxt_arg( 10, 1, 1 ); // drive for coverage; it returns on success
// this test MUST be last because it should not return and will exit with the correct good/bad exit
// code based on current errors.
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> tools_test: argument error expected to follow this message\n" );
ensure_nxt_arg( argc, 1, !!errors );
return 1; // if next arg returned that is an error!