blob: c560dbc7d19aa0e56855f0b6353fa24235c284c5 [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia
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Mnemonic: jwrapper.h
Abstract: Header file for jwrapper; mostly prototypes.
Date: 26 June 2020
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef _JWRAPPER_H
#define _JWRAPPER_H
//---------------- jwrapper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern void jw_nuke( void* st );
extern void* jw_new( const char* json );
extern int jw_bool_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern void jw_dump( void* st );
extern int jw_missing( void* st, const char* name );
extern int jw_exists( void* st, const char* name );
extern char* jw_string( void* st, const char* name );
extern double jw_value( void* st, const char* name );
extern void* jw_blob( void* st, const char* name );
extern char* jw_string_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern double jw_value_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern void* jw_obj_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern int jw_array_len( void* st, const char* name );
extern int jw_is_string( void* st, const char* name );
extern int jw_is_value( void* st, const char* name );
extern int jw_is_bool( void* st, const char* name );
extern int jw_is_null( void* st, const char* name );
extern int jw_is_string_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern int jw_is_value_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern int jw_is_bool_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
extern int jw_is_null_ele( void* st, const char* name, int idx );
// ---------------- jw_xapi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern int jwx_get_bool( void* jblob, char const* field_name, int def_value );
extern double jwx_get_value( void* jblob, char const* field_name, double def_value );
extern int jwx_get_ivalue( void* jblob, char const* field_name, int def_value );
extern char* jwx_get_value_as_str( void* jblob, char const* field_name, char const* def_value, int fmt );
extern char* jwx_get_str( void* jblob, char const* field_name, char const* def_value );
#ifdef __cplusplus