blob: 95e445c62e7875dcc0cb5fb9e7498a7f4fe9fbfb [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia
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Mnemonic: msg_component.hpp
Abstract: Defines a message component type which is needed in order
to use smart pointers (unique) to point at bytes in the
RMR message (which are not directly allocated and cannot
be freed/deleted outside of RMR (require a special destruction
call in the smart pointer).
Date: 17 March 2020
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#include <memory>
namespace xapp {
// -------------- smart pointer support --------------------------------
Pointers to a lot of things in the RMR message aren't directly
allocated and thus cannot be directly freed. To return a smart
pointer to these we have to ensure that no attempt to free/delete
the reference is made. This struct defines a type with a function
pointer (operator) that is 'registered' as the delete function for
such a smart pointer, and does _nothing_ when called.
typedef struct {
void operator()( unsigned char * p ) const { /* empty to prevent free */ }
} unfreeable;
A 'generic' smart pointer to a component in the message which cannot
be directly freed (e.g. the payload, meid, etc).
using Msg_component = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char, unfreeable>;
} // namespace