blob: 58d283f87644ef21182d9cbd8c73bba4b8055581 [file] [log] [blame]
// vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet :
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Mnemonic: json_test.cpp
Abstract: Unit test for the json module. This expects that a static json
file exist in the current directory with a known set of fields,
arrays and objects that can be sussed out after parsing. The
expected file is test.json.
Date: 26 June 2020
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
Very simple file reader. Reads up to 8k into a single buffer and
returns the buffer as char*. Easier to put json test things in
a file than strings.
static char* read_jstring( char* fname ) {
char* rbuf;
int fd;
int len;
rbuf = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char ) * 8192 );
fd = open( fname, O_RDONLY, 0 );
if( fd < 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<ABORT> can't open test file: %s: %s\n", fname, strerror( errno ) );
exit( 1 );
len = read( fd, rbuf, 8190 );
if( len < 0 ) {
close( fd );
fprintf( stderr, "<ABORT> read from file failed: %s: %s\n", fname, strerror( errno ) );
exit( 1 );
rbuf[len] = 0;
close( fd );
return rbuf;
// this also tests jwrapper.c but that is built as a special object to link in
// rather than including here.
#include "../src/json/jhash.hpp"
#include "../src/json/jhash.cpp"
#include "ut_support.cpp"
int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
int errors = 0;
Jhash* jh;
char* jstr;
std::string sval;
double val;
bool state;
int i;
int len;
int true_count = 0;
set_test_name( "jhash_test" );
jstr = read_jstring( (char *) "test.json" ); // read and parse the json
fprintf( stderr, "read: (%s)\n", jstr );
jh = new Jhash( jstr );
free( jstr );
if( jh == NULL ) {
fprintf( stderr, "<FAIL> could not parse json string from: test.json\n" );
exit( 1 );
sval = jh->String( (char *) "meeting_day" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> sval=(%s)\n", sval.c_str() );
errors += fail_if( "" ) == 0, "did not get meeting day string" );
errors += fail_if( "Tuesday" ) != 0, "meeting day was not expected string" );
sval = jh->String( (char *) "meeting_place" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> sval=(%s)\n", sval.c_str() );
errors += fail_if( "" ) == 0, "did not get meeting place" );
errors += fail_if( "16801 East Green Drive" ) != 0, "meeting place stirng was not correct" );
state = jh->Exists( (char *) "meeting_place" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "test for meeting place exists did not return true" );
state = jh->Exists( (char *) "no-name" );
errors += fail_if( state, "test for non-existant thing returned true" );
state = jh->Is_missing( (char *) "no-name" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "missing test for non-existant thing returned false" );
state = jh->Is_missing( (char *) "meeting_place" );
errors += fail_if( state, "missing test for existing thing returned true" );
val = jh->Value( (char *) "lodge_number" );
errors += fail_if( val != 41.0, "lodge number value was not correct" );
val = jh->Value( (char *) "monthly_dues" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> got dues: %.2f\n", val );
errors += fail_if( val != (double) 43.5, "lodge dues value was not correct" );
len = jh->Array_len( (char *) "members" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> got %d members\n", len );
errors += fail_if( len != 4, "array length was not correct" );
if( len > 0 ) {
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
if( ! jh->Set_blob_ele( (char *) "members", i ) ) {
fprintf( stderr, (char *) "couldn't set blob for element %d\n", i );
} else {
fprintf( stderr, (char *) "<INFO> testing element %d of %d\n", i, len );
state = jh->Is_value( (char *) "age" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "is value test for age returned false" );
state = jh->Is_value( (char *) "married" );
errors += fail_if( state, "is value test for married returned true" );
state = jh->Is_string( (char *) "occupation" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "is string test for spouse returned false" );
state = jh->Is_string( (char *) "married" );
errors += fail_if( state, "is string test for married returned true" );
state = jh->Is_bool( (char *) "married" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "is bool test for married returned false" );
state = jh->Is_bool( (char *) "occupation" );
errors += fail_if( state, "is bool test for spouse returned true" );
val = jh->Value( (char *) "age" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> got age: %.2f\n", (double) val );
errors += fail_if( val < 0, "age value wasn't positive" );
sval = jh->String( (char *) "name" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> sval=(%s)\n", sval.c_str() );
errors += fail_if( "" ) == 0, "no name found in element" );
if( jh->Bool( (char *) "married" ) ) {
jh->Unset_blob(); // must return to root
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> true count = %d\n", true_count );
errors += fail_if( true_count != 3, "married == true count was not right" );
state = jh->Set_blob( (char *) "no-such-thing" );
errors += fail_if( state, "setting blob to non-existant blob returned true" );
state = jh->Set_blob( (char *) "grand_poobah" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "setting blob to existing blob failed" );
if( state ) {
sval = jh->String( (char *) "elected" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> sval=(%s)\n", sval.c_str() );
errors += fail_if( sval != "February 2019", "blob 'elected' didn't return the expected string" );
state = jh->Exists( (char *) "monthly_dues" );
errors += fail_if( state, "blob that shouldn't have a field reports it does" );
jh->Unset_blob( ); // ensure that this is found once we unset to root
state = jh->Exists( (char *) "monthly_dues" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "after rest, root blob, that should have a field, reports it does not" );
// ---- test array element value type checks -------------------------------------------------
state = jh->Is_string_ele( (char *) "sponser", 1 );
errors += fail_if( !state, "string element check on sponser failed" );
state = jh->Is_string_ele( (char *) "current_on_dues", 1 );
errors += fail_if( state, "string element check on non-stirng element returned true" );
state = jh->Is_value_ele( (char *) "dues_assistance", 1 );
errors += fail_if( !state, "string element check on sponser failed" );
state = jh->Is_value_ele( (char *) "current_on_dues", 1 );
errors += fail_if( state, "string element check on non-stirng element returned true" );
state = jh->Is_bool_ele( (char *) "current_on_dues", 1 );
errors += fail_if( !state, "string element check on sponser failed" );
state = jh->Is_bool_ele( (char *) "sponser", 1 );
errors += fail_if( state, "string element check on non-stirng element returned true" );
state = jh->Is_null( (char *) "nvt" );
errors += fail_if( !state, "test for nil value returned false" );
state = jh->Is_null( (char *) "lodge_number" );
errors += fail_if( state, "nil test for non-nil value returned true" );
state = jh->Is_null_ele( (char *) "nvat", 0 );
errors += fail_if( !state, "test for nil array element value returned false" );
// ---- test sussing of elements from arrays -------------------------------------------------
sval = jh->String_ele( (char *) "sponser", 1 );
errors += fail_if( "" ) == 0, "get string element failed for sponser" );
val = jh->Value_ele( (char *) "dues_assistance", 1 );
errors += fail_if( val == 0.0, "get value element for dues_assistance was zero" );
state = jh->Bool_ele( (char *) "current_on_dues", 1 );
errors += fail_if( state, "bool ele test returned true for a false value" );
state = jh->Bool_ele( (char *) "current_on_dues", 0 );
errors += fail_if( !state, "bool ele test returned false for a true value" );
val = jh->Value( (char *) "timestamp" );
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> timestamp: %.10f\n", val );
delete jh;
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> testing for failures; jwrapper error and warning messages expected\n" );
// ---- these shouild all fail to parse, generate warnings to stderr, and drive error handling coverage ----
jh = new Jhash( (char *) "{ \"bad\": [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 4, 5]] }" ); // drive the exception process for bad json
delete jh;
jh = new Jhash( (char *) " \"bad\": 5 }" ); // no opening brace
state = jh->Parse_errors();
errors += fail_if( !state, "parse errors check returned false when known errors exist" );
delete jh;
jh = new Jhash( (char *) "{ \"bad\": fred }" ); // no quotes
delete jh;
jh = new Jhash( (char *) "{ \"bad: 456, \"good\": 100 }" ); // missing quote; impossible to detect error
jh->Dump(); // but dump should provide details
fprintf( stderr, "<INFO> good value=%d\n", (int) val );
delete jh;
// ---------------------------- end housekeeping ---------------------------
announce_results( errors );
return !!errors;