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Copyright (c) 2020 Nokia
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Mnemonic: metrics.hpp
Abstract: Headers for the metrics class.
This class provides a simple interface for an xAPP to compose and
send metrics. The class allows the xAPP to name the metric and to
provide one or more key/value pairs which are sent to the metrics
gateway (munchkin) when Send() is invoked. The class hides the
true message structure that the munchkin desires from the xAPP.
The munchkin endpoint is assumed to be a routable target and thus
normal RMR messages (with appropriate type) are sent.
Date: 20 July 2020
Author: E. Scott Daniels
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "msg_component.hpp"
namespace xapp {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This class is loosely tied to the json expected by the munchkin. See the munchkin
documentation for explicit information, but this will help to understand a bit:
"reporter": "<string>",
"generator" "<string>",
"timestamp": double,
"data": [
"id": "<string>",
"type": "<string>",
"value": double
class Metrics {
std::shared_ptr<Message> msg; // message to send
// data for the payload
std::string reporter; // this application as it's reporting the metrics
std::string source; // source of the measurement if not the reporter
std::string data; // key/value/type tuples "pushed" waiting for send
int build_payload( xapp::Msg_component payload, int payload_len );
Metrics( std::shared_ptr<Message> msg ); // builders
Metrics( std::shared_ptr<Message> msg, std::string msource ); // allow xapp to supply metric source
Metrics( std::shared_ptr<Message> msg, std::string reporter, std::string msource ); // allow xapp to supply all
Metrics( const Metrics& soi ); // copy to newly created instance
Metrics& operator=( const Metrics& soi ); // copy operator
Metrics( Metrics&& soi ); // mover
Metrics& operator=( Metrics&& soi ); // move operator
~Metrics(); // destroyer
void Set_source( std::string new_source );
void Set_reporter( std::string new_reporter );
void Push_data( std::string key, double value );
bool Send( );
} // namespace